path: root/find-lang.sh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'find-lang.sh')
1 files changed, 134 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/find-lang.sh b/find-lang.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ec1fe42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/find-lang.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+#findlang - automagically generate list of language specific files
+#for inclusion in an rpm spec file.
+#This does assume that the *.mo files are under .../share/locale/...
+#Run with no arguments gets a usage message.
+#findlang is copyright (c) 1998 by W. L. Estes <wlestes@uncg.edu>
+#Redistribution and use of this software are hereby permitted for any
+#purpose as long as this notice and the above copyright notice remain
+#in tact and are included with any redistribution of this file or any
+#work based on this file.
+# $Id$
+# 2001-01-08 Micha? Kochanowicz <mkochano@pld.org.pl>
+# * --all-name support for KDE.
+# 2000-11-28 Rafa? Cygnarowski <pascalek@pld.org.pl>
+# * next simple rule for KDE
+# 2000-11-12 Rafa? Cygnarowski <pascalek@pld.org.pl>
+# * simple rules for KDE help files
+# 2000-06-05 Micha? Kochanowicz <mkochano@pld.org.pl>
+# * exact, not substring matching $NAME, i.e. find-lang top_dir NAME will
+# no longer find /usr/share/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/<anything>NAME.mo.
+# 2000-04-17 Arkadiusz Mi?kiewicz <misiek@pld.org.pl>
+# * exit 1 when no files found
+# 1999-10-19 Artur Frysiak <wiget@pld.org.pl>
+# * added support for GNOME help files
+# * start support for KDE help files
+usage () {
+cat <<EOF
+Usage: $0 TOP_DIR PACKAGE_NAME [prefix]
+where TOP_DIR is
+the top of the tree containing the files to be processed--should be
+\$RPM_BUILD_ROOT usually. TOP_DIR gets sed'd out of the output list.
+PACKAGE_NAME is the %{name} of the package. This should also be
+the basename of the .mo files. the output is written to
+PACKAGE_NAME.lang unless \$3 is given in which case output is written
+to \$3.
+Additional options:
+ --with-gnome find GNOME help files
+ --with-kde find KDE help files (not implemented yet)
+ --without-mo not find locales files
+ --all-name find all localized files
+exit 1
+if [ -z "$1" ] ; then usage
+elif [ $1 = / ] ; then echo $0: expects non-/ argument for '$1' 1>&2
+elif [ ! -d $1 ] ; then
+ echo $0: $1: no such directory
+ exit 1
+else TOP_DIR="`echo $1|sed -e 's:/$::'`"
+if [ -z "$1" ] ; then usage
+else NAME=$1
+while test $# -gt 0 ; do
+ case "${1}" in
+ --with-gnome )
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --with-kde )
+ KDE=
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --without-mo )
+ MO=#
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --all-name )
+ shift
+ ;;
+ * )
+ MO_NAME=${1}
+ shift
+ ;;
+ esac
+find $TOP_DIR -type f|sed '
+%defattr (644, root, root, 755)
+'"$ALL_NAME$MO"'s:\(.*/share/locale/\)\([^/_]\+\)\(.*\.mo$\):%lang(\2) \1\2\3:
+'"$NO_ALL_NAME$MO"'s:\(.*/share/locale/\)\([^/]\+\)\(.*/'"$NAME"'\.mo$\):%lang(\2) \1\2\3:
+s:%lang(C) ::
+s:^\$::' > $MO_NAME
+find $TOP_DIR -type d|sed '
+'"$NO_ALL_NAME$GNOME"'s:\(.*/gnome/help/'"$NAME"'$\):%dir \1:
+'"$NO_ALL_NAME$GNOME"'s:\(.*/gnome/help/'"$NAME"'\/\)\([^/]\+\):%lang(\2) \1\2:
+'"$ALL_NAME$GNOME"'s:\(.*/gnome/help/[a-zA-Z0-9\_\-]\+$\):%dir \1:
+'"$ALL_NAME$GNOME"'s:\(.*/gnome/help/[a-zA-Z0-9\_\-]\+\/\)\([^/]\+\):%lang(\2) \1\2:
+s:%lang(.*) .*/gnome/help/[a-zA-Z0-9\_\-]\+/[a-zA-Z0-9\_\-]\+/.*::
+'#'s:\(.*/gnome/help/'"$NAME"'$\):%dir \1:
+'#'s:\(.*/gnome/help/'"$NAME"'/\)\([^/]\+\):%dir %lang(\2) \1\2:
+s:%lang(C) ::' >> $MO_NAME
+find $TOP_DIR -type d|sed '
+'"$NO_ALL_NAME$KDE"'s:\(.*/doc/kde/HTML/\)\([^/_]\+\)\(.*/'"$NAME"'\):%lang(\2) \1\2\3:
+'"$ALL_NAME$KDE"'s:\(.*/doc/kde/HTML/\)\([^/_]\+\)\(.*/[a-zA-Z0-9\_\-]\+$\):%lang(\2) \1\2\3:
+s:%lang(C) ::' >> $MO_NAME
+if [ "$(cat $MO_NAME | egrep -v '(^%defattr|^$)' | wc -l)" -le 0 ]; then
+ echo 'Error: international files not found !' 1>&2
+exit 0