path: root/docs/mcc-help/zh_CN/draknetcenter.xml
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diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/zh_CN/draknetcenter.xml b/docs/mcc-help/zh_CN/draknetcenter.xml
index ae401f60..dd8e5b6f 100644
--- a/docs/mcc-help/zh_CN/draknetcenter.xml
+++ b/docs/mcc-help/zh_CN/draknetcenter.xml
@@ -20,58 +20,40 @@ What must we say about networks out of wired (Ethernet) and wireless (WI fi) lik
- <para>This tool<footnote>
- <para>You can start this tool from the command line, by typing <emphasis
-role="bold">draknetcenter</emphasis> as root.</para>
- </footnote> is found under the Network
-&amp; Internet tab in the Mageia Control Center labelled "Network Center"</para>
+ <para>此工具<footnote>
+ <para>你可以从命令行启动该工具,以 root 用户输入<emphasis role="bold">draknetcenter</emphasis> 。</para>
+ </footnote>可以在 Mageia
- <para>When this tool is launched, a window opens listing all the networks
-configured on the computer, whatever their type (wired, wireless, satellite,
-etc.). When clicking on one of them, three or four buttons appear, depending
-on the network type, to allow you to look after the network, change its
-settings or connect/disconnect. This tool isn't intended to create a
-network, for this see <guilabel>Set up a new network interface (LAN, ISDN,
-ADSL, ...)</guilabel> in the same MCC tab.</para>
+ <para>启动该工具后,您可以在窗口中看到此计算机上所有类型(有线、无线、卫星等)的连接。点击任意一项后,将会出现三或四个按钮用于连接/断开连接,或者更改连接配置。此工具无法用于创建网络,如果需要创建网络,请转到
+Mageia 控制中心的 <guilabel>设置网络接口(LAN、ISDN、ADSL……)</guilabel></para>
- <para>In the screenshot below, given as example, we can see two networks, the
-first one is wired and connected, recognizable by this icon <inlinemediaobject>
+ <para>在下面的截图示例中,您可以看到两个网络连接,第一个是已连接的有线网络,由<inlinemediaobject>
<imagedata fileref="../draknetcenterEthernet-on.png"/>
- </inlinemediaobject> (this one is not connected<inlinemediaobject>
+ </inlinemediaobject>图标标注(未连接的连接由<inlinemediaobject>
<imagedata fileref="../draknetcenterEthernet-off.png"/>
- </inlinemediaobject> ) and the second section shows wireless
-networks, not connected recognizable by this icon <inlinemediaobject>
+ </inlinemediaobject>标注);第二个是未连接的无线网络,由<inlinemediaobject>
<imagedata fileref="../draknetcenterWireless-off.png"/>
- </inlinemediaobject> and this one <inlinemediaobject>
+ </inlinemediaobject>(已连接的连接由<inlinemediaobject>
<imagedata fileref="../draknetcenterWireless-on.png"/>
- </inlinemediaobject>if connected. For the other network types,
-the colour code is always the same, green if connected and red if not
- <para>In the wireless part of the screen, you can also see all the detected
-networks, with the <guilabel>SSID</guilabel>, the <guilabel>Signal
-strengh</guilabel>, if they are encrypted (in red) or not (in green), and
-the <guilabel>Operating mode</guilabel>. Click on the chosen one and then
-either on <guibutton>Monitor</guibutton>, <guibutton>Configure</guibutton>
-or <guibutton>Connect</guibutton>. It is possible here to go from a network
-to another one. If a private network is selected, the Network Settings
-window (see below) will open and ask you for extra settings ( an encryption
-key in particular).</para>
- <para>Click on <guibutton>Refresh</guibutton> to update the screen.</para>
+ </inlinemediaobject>标注)。对于其他类型的网络,绿色表示已连接,红色表示未连接。</para>
+ <para>在无线连接的窗口中,您还可以看到所有检测到的网络,包括<guilabel>SSID</guilabel>、<guilabel>信号强度</guilabel>、加密方式(红色表示已加密,绿色表示未加密)和<guilabel>工作模式</guilabel>等信息。请选择一个网络,然后点击<guibutton>监视</guibutton>、<guibutton>配置</guibutton>或<guibutton>连接</guibutton>。您可以在不同网络之间切换。若选择了私有网络,将会弹出网络设置窗口(见下),您需要进行一些额外设置(如加密密钥)。</para>
+ <para>点击<guibutton>刷新</guibutton>可以更新窗口内容。</para>
@@ -83,7 +65,7 @@ key in particular).</para>
- <title>The Monitor button</title>
+ <title>监视按钮</title>
@@ -91,25 +73,20 @@ key in particular).</para>
- <para>This button allows you to watch the network activity, downloads (toward the
-PC, in red) and uploads (toward the Internet, in green). The same screen is
-available by right clicking on the <guimenu>Internet icon in the system tray
--> Monitor Network</guimenu>.</para>
+ <para>此按钮用于监视网络活动,包括下载(从外部至本机,以红色表示)和上传(从本机至外部,以绿色表示)。也可以右键单击<guimenu>系统托盘中的互联网图标
+-> 监视网络</guimenu>来显示本窗口。</para>
- <para>There is a tab for each network (here eth0 is the wired network, lo the
-local loopback and wlan0 the wireless network) and a tab connection which
-gives details about connection status.</para>
+ <para>每个选项卡对应一个网络连接(此处 eth0 是有线网络,lo 是本地环回,wlan0 是无线网络),以及一个用于显示连接详情的连接选项卡。</para>
- <para>At the bottom of the window is a title <guilabel>Traffic
-accounting</guilabel>, we will look at that in the next section.</para>
+ <para>窗口的底部为<guilabel>流量统计</guilabel>区域,我们在下一章中对此有详细解释。</para>
- <title>The Configure button</title>
+ <title>配置按钮</title>
- <para><emphasis role="bold">A - For a wired network</emphasis></para>
+ <para><emphasis role="bold">A - 有线网络</emphasis></para>
@@ -117,31 +94,24 @@ accounting</guilabel>, we will look at that in the next section.</para>
- <para>It is possible to change all the settings given during network
-creation. Most of the time, checking <guibutton>Automatic IP</guibutton>
-<guibutton>(BOOTP/DHCP)</guibutton> will do, but in case of problems, manual
-configuration may give better results.</para>
+ <para>您可以在创建网络连接时更改各个设置。大多数情况下,可以直接选择<guibutton>自动 IP</guibutton>
+<guibutton>(BOOTP/DHCP)</guibutton>;如果不管用,您也可以手动配置 IP。</para>
- <para>For a residential network, the <guilabel>IP address</guilabel> always looks
-like 192.168.0.x, <guilabel>Netmask</guilabel> is, and the
-<guilabel>Gateway</guilabel> and <guilabel>DNS servers</guilabel> are
-available from your providers website.</para>
+ <para>对于家用网络环境,IP
+DNS 服务器可以从网络运营商的网站上获得。</para>
- <para><guibutton>Enable traffic accounting</guibutton> if checked this will count
-the traffic on a hourly, daily or monthly basis. The results are visible in
-the Network monitor detailed in the previous section. Once enabled, you may
-have to reconnect to the network.</para>
+ <para>如果勾选了<guibutton>启用流量统计</guibutton>,将会对每小时、每天或每月的网络流量进行统计。统计结果将在前一章中提到的网络监视器中展示。如果启用该功能,您需要重新连接到网络。</para>
- <para><emphasis role="bold">Allow interface to be controlled by Network
+ <para><emphasis>允许 Network Manager 管理接口</emphasis>:</para>
- <para><guibutton>The button Advanced:</guibutton></para>
+ <para><guibutton>高级</guibutton>按钮:</para>
@@ -149,9 +119,9 @@ ns2:href="https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Documentation_team">文档团度</link>。
- <para><emphasis role="bold">B - For a wireless network</emphasis></para>
+ <para><emphasis role="bold">B - 无线网络</emphasis></para>
- <para>Only the items not already seen above are explained.</para>
+ <para>这里仅对以上没有出现的选项进行解释。</para>
@@ -159,34 +129,28 @@ ns2:href="https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Documentation_team">文档团度</link>。
- <para><emphasis role="bold">Operating mode:</emphasis></para>
+ <para><emphasis role="bold">工作模式</emphasis>:</para>
- <para>Select <guilabel>Managed</guilabel> if the connection is via an access
-point, there is an <emphasis role="bold">ESSID</emphasis> detected. Select
-<guilabel>Ad-hoc</guilabel> if it is a peer to peer network. Select
-<emphasis role="bold">Master</emphasis> if your network card is used as the
-access point, your network card needs to support this mode.</para>
+ <para>如果连接到某个接入点,请选择<guilabel>管理</guilabel>,系统将显示检测到的 <emphasis
- <para><emphasis role="bold">Encryption mode and Encryption key:</emphasis></para>
+ <para><emphasis role="bold">加密模式和密钥</emphasis>:</para>
- <para>If it is a private network, you need to know these settings.</para>
+ <para>如果使用私有网络,您需要知道相关配置。</para>
- <para><guilabel>WEP</guilabel> uses a password and is weaker than WPA which uses a
-passphrase. <guilabel>WPA Pre-Shared Key</guilabel> is also called WPA
-personal or WPA home. <guilabel>WPA Enterprise</guilabel> is not often used
-in private networks.</para>
+ <para><guilabel>WEP</guilabel>使用密码加密,且强度弱于使用密码短语的 WPA。 <guilabel>WPA
+预共享密钥</guilabel>模式也被称为 WPA 个人模式 or WPA 家庭模式;<guilabel>WPA
- <para><emphasis role="bold">Allow access point roaming</emphasis>:</para>
+ <para><emphasis role="bold">允许接入点漫游</emphasis>:</para>
- <para>Roaming is a technology which enables allows computer to change its access
-point while remaining connected to the network.</para>
+ <para>漫游是一项用于在不同接入点间切换、同时保持网络连接的技术。</para>
- <para><guibutton>The button Advanced:</guibutton></para>
+ <para><guibutton>高级</guibutton>按钮:</para>
- <para>This page hasn't been written yet for lack of resources. If you think you
-can write this help, please contact <link
-ns2:href="https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Documentation_team"> the Doc
-team.</link> Thanking you in advance.</para>
+ <para>由于缺少资源,此部分内容尚未编写。如果您希望编写此帮助,请联系<link
@@ -198,10 +162,10 @@ team.</link> Thanking you in advance.</para>
- <title>The Advanced Settings button</title>
+ <title>高级设置按钮</title>