path: root/docs/mcc-help/eu/drak3d.xml
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1 files changed, 29 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/eu/drak3d.xml b/docs/mcc-help/eu/drak3d.xml
index ac7ee9b4..bf2b6ce3 100644
--- a/docs/mcc-help/eu/drak3d.xml
+++ b/docs/mcc-help/eu/drak3d.xml
@@ -14,32 +14,32 @@
- <para>This tool<footnote>
+ <para>Tresna honek <footnote>
<para>Komando-lerrotik tresna hau abiaraz dezakezu, <emphasis
role="bold">drak3d</emphasis> root bezala idatziz.</para>
- </footnote> lets you manage the 3D
-desktop effects on your operating system. 3D effects are turned off by
+ </footnote> aukera ematen dizu zure
+sistema eragilearen 3D mahaigain efektuak kudeatzeko aukera. Hauek
+lehenespenez desgaituta aurkitzen dira.</para>
<section annotations="center">
- <para>To use this tool, you need to have the glxinfo package installed. If the
-package is not installed, you will be prompted to do so before drak3d can
+ <para>Tresna hau erabili ahal izateko glxinfo paketea instalatuta izan behar
+duzu. Paketea instalatuta ez badago, instalatzea eskatuko zaizu drak3d hasi
- <para>After starting drak3d, you will be presented with a menu window. Here you
-can choose either <guilabel>No 3D Desktop Effects</guilabel> or
-<guilabel>Compiz Fusion</guilabel>. Compiz Fusion is part of a
-composite/window manager, which includes hardware-accelerated special
-effects for your desktop. Choose <guilabel>Compiz Fusion</guilabel> to turn
-it on.</para>
+ <para>Drak3d hasi aurretik menu bat agertuko da. Bertatik aukeratu ahal izango
+duzu <guilabel>Ez dago 3D efekturik</guilabel> edo <guilabel>Compiz
+Fusion</guilabel>. Compiz Fusion leiho konposaketa
+administratzaile/kudeatzaile baten parte da, zein hardware-azeleratuta
+efektu bereziak barneratzen dituen mahaigainerako. Compiz Fusion aukeratu
+ezazu hura pizteko.</para>
- <para>If this is your first time using this program after a clean installation of
-Mageia, you will get a warning message telling you which packages need to be
-installed in order to use Compiz Fusion. Click on the
-<guibutton>Ok</guibutton> button to continue.</para>
+ <para>Programa hau mageia garbi bat instalatu ondoren lehen aldiz erabili baduzu,
+ohar-mezu bat jasoko duzu ze pakete instalatu behar den Compiz Fusion
+erabiltzeko adieraziz. Klikatu <guibutton>Ados</guibutton> botoia
@@ -47,12 +47,13 @@ installed in order to use Compiz Fusion. Click on the
- <para>Once the appropriate packages are installed, you will notice that Compiz
-Fusion is selected in the drak3d menu, but you must log out and log back in
-for the changes to take effect.</para>
+ <para>Beharrezko paketeak instalatu ondoren, Compiz Fusion drak3d menuan
+hautatutako agertzen dela ikusiko duzu. Aldaketak eragina izateko saioa
+amaitu eta berriro saioa hasi beharko duzu.</para>
- <para>After logging back in, Compiz Fusion will be activated. To configure Compiz
-Fusion, see the page for the ccsm (CompizConfig Settings Manager) tool.</para>
+ <para>Saioa berriro hasi ondoren, Compiz Fusion aktibatuta egongo da. Compiz
+Fusion ezartzeko ikusi CCSM Laguntza orrialdea (Compiz Konfigurazio Ezarpen
@@ -61,9 +62,9 @@ Fusion, see the page for the ccsm (CompizConfig Settings Manager) tool.</para>
<title>Ezin da ikusi Mahaigaina saioa hasi ondoren</title>
- <para>If after turning on Compiz Fusion you attempt to log back into your desktop
-but can't see anything, restart your computer to get back to the log in
-screen. Once there, click on the Desktop icon and select drak3d.</para>
+ <para>Compiz Fusion ahalbidetu ondoren ezin baduzu ikusi mahaigaina berriz
+hasten, berrabiarazi ordenagailua saio hasiera pantailara itzultzeko. Han
+Mahaigain ikonoaren gainean klik egin eta aukeratu drak3d.</para>
@@ -71,10 +72,9 @@ screen. Once there, click on the Desktop icon and select drak3d.</para>
- <para>When you log in, if your account is listed as an administrator, you will be
-prompted for your password again. Otherwise, use the administrator login
-with his/her account. Then you can undo any changes that may have caused the
-log in problem.</para>
+ <para>Berriro saioa hasterakoan, berriro, zure kontua administratzaile eskubideak
+badauzka, eskatuko zaizu zure pasahitza berriro sartzea. Bestela, erabili
+administratzaile-kontu bat arazoa eragindako edozein aldaketa desegiteko.</para>
</section> \ No newline at end of file