diff options
1 files changed, 70 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/missing_screenshots.sh b/missing_screenshots.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..747c657f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/missing_screenshots.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# THISMIN=$(date +%F%a.T%H.%M) use only the part between () or define it and
+# use later as ${THISMIN}
+THISMIN=$(date +%F%a.%H:%M)
+echo "Be patient, this will take a while"
+echo "Installer for $1"
+mkdir -p en/installer/${THISMIN}
+chmod o-w en/installer/${THISMIN}
+cd en/installer/${THISMIN}
+wget --spider -r --no-parent http://docteam.mageia.nl/en/installer/content/images/ 2>&1 | grep "http.*content/images/.*png" | awk '{print $3}' | awk -F'/' '{print $8}' 2>&1 | tee en_installer_PNGs
+cd ../../..
+mkdir -p $1/installer/${THISMIN}
+chmod o-w $1/installer/${THISMIN}
+cd $1/installer/${THISMIN}
+wget --spider -r --no-parent http://docteam.mageia.nl/$1/installer/content/images/ 2>&1 | grep "http.*content/images/.*png" | awk '{print $3}' | awk -F'/' '{print $8}' 2>&1 | tee $1_installer_PNGs
+cd ../../..
+echo "Draklive for $1"
+mkdir -p en/draklive/${THISMIN}
+chmod o-w en/draklive/${THISMIN}
+cd en/draklive/${THISMIN}
+wget --spider -r --no-parent http://docteam.mageia.nl/en/draklive/content/images/ 2>&1 | grep "http.*content/images/.*png" | awk '{print $3}' | awk -F'/' '{print $8}' 2>&1 | tee en_draklive_PNGs
+cd ../../..
+mkdir -p $1/draklive/${THISMIN}
+chmod o-w $1/draklive/${THISMIN}
+cd $1/draklive/${THISMIN}
+wget --spider -r --no-parent http://docteam.mageia.nl/$1/draklive/content/images/ 2>&1 | grep "http.*content/images/.*png" | awk '{print $3}' | awk -F'/' '{print $8}' 2>&1 | tee $1_draklive_PNGs
+echo "Be patient, the MCC part that follows now takes longer than the installer part"
+cd ../../..
+mkdir -p en/MCC/${THISMIN}
+chmod o-w en/MCC/${THISMIN}
+cd en/MCC/${THISMIN}
+wget --spider -r --no-parent http://docteam.mageia.nl/en/MCC/content/images/ 2>&1 | grep "http.*content/images/.*png" | awk '{print $3}' | awk -F'/' '{print $8}' 2>&1 | tee en_MCC_PNGs
+cd ../../..
+mkdir -p $1/MCC/${THISMIN}
+chmod o-w $1/MCC/${THISMIN}
+cd $1/MCC/${THISMIN}
+wget --spider -r --no-parent http://docteam.mageia.nl/$1/MCC/content/images/ 2>&1 | grep "http.*content/images/.*png" | awk '{print $3}' | awk -F'/' '{print $8}' 2>&1 | tee $1_MCC_PNGs
+cd ../../..
+diff $1/installer/${THISMIN}/$1_installer_PNGs en/installer/${THISMIN}/en_installer_PNGs 2>&1 | tee Missing_$1_installer_sss_${THISMIN}
+sed -i 's/> /MISSING: http:\/\/docteam.mageia.nl\/en\/installer\/content\/images\//g' Missing_$1_installer_sss_${THISMIN}
+sed -i 's/< /NOT_IN_ENGLISH: http:\/\/docteam.mageia.nl\/$1\/installer\/content\/images\//g' Missing_$1_installer_sss_${THISMIN}
+diff $1/draklive/${THISMIN}/$1_draklive_PNGs en/draklive/${THISMIN}/en_draklive_PNGs 2>&1 | tee Missing_$1_draklive_sss_${THISMIN}
+sed -i 's/> /MISSING: http:\/\/docteam.mageia.nl\/en\/draklive\/content\/images\//g' Missing_$1_draklive_sss_${THISMIN}
+sed -i 's/< /NOT_IN_ENGLISH: http:\/\/docteam.mageia.nl\/$1\/draklive\/content\/images\//g' Missing_$1_draklive_sss_${THISMIN}
+diff $1/MCC/${THISMIN}/$1_MCC_PNGs en/MCC/${THISMIN}/en_MCC_PNGs 2>&1 | tee Missing_$1_MCC_sss_${THISMIN}
+sed -i 's/> /MISSING: http:\/\/docteam.mageia.nl\/en\/MCC\/content\/images\//g' Missing_$1_MCC_sss_${THISMIN}
+sed -i 's/< /NOT_IN_ENGLISH: http:\/\/docteam.mageia.nl\/$1\/MCC\/content\/images\//g' Missing_$1_MCC_sss_${THISMIN}
+echo -e "Done, you can find the results in\nMissing_$1_installer_sss_${THISMIN} and in\nMissing_$1_MCC_sss_${THISMIN}"