path: root/docs/mcc-help
diff options
authorMarja van Waes <marja@mageia.org>2013-10-10 17:35:12 +0200
committerMarja van Waes <marja@mageia.org>2013-10-10 17:35:12 +0200
commit056627182f4ee837ba14c6e808d79631d2360685 (patch)
treedc9660c47fff5036d92eb2484b1348cc991c50dd /docs/mcc-help
parent49e9315186cf9e38b239b040574162055f8fc0b6 (diff)
removed unneeded files (uk)
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/mcc-help')
33 files changed, 0 insertions, 2701 deletions
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakfloppy-sect1.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakfloppy-sect1.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a20702cb..00000000
--- a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakfloppy-sect1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!-- Converted by db4-upgrade version 1.0 -->
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:ns6="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:ns5="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:ns4="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:ns3="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:ns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk" xml:id="drakfloppy">
- <info>
- <title revision="1" xml:id="BId-drakfloppy-ti1">DrakFloppy: Creating a Boot Disk</title>
- <abstract>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakfloppy-pa1"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakfloppy-it1">
- <primary>завантажувальний диск</primary>
- <secondary>створення</secondary>
- </indexterm><indexterm xml:id="BIdNEW-drakfloppy-it2">
- <primary>applications</primary>
- <secondary>DrakFloppy</secondary>
- </indexterm><inlinemediaobject>
-<imageobject> <imagedata revision="1" fileref="../drakfloppy-icon.png"
-width="2cm" format="PNG"></imagedata> </imageobject></inlinemediaobject>If you did not create
-a boot disk when you installed your system, this tool allows you to do
-so. This is also a rescue disk which allows you to perform maintenance tasks
-on your system in case of failure.</para>
- </abstract>
- </info>
- <section condition="basic">
- <info>
- <title revision="1" xml:id="BId-drakfloppy-ti3">Using DrakFloppy</title>
- </info>
- <para revision="3" xml:id="BId-drakfloppy-pa6">If you want to create a <quote>default</quote> boot disk, that is, one that
-is based on your current kernel, all you have to do is insert a floppy disk
-in the appropriate floppy drive, select that drive from the
-<guilabel>Device</guilabel> pull-down list and press the
-<guibutton>OK</guibutton> button. A dialog will pop up and remind you that a
-diskette must be inserted in the drive. Accept it to create the disk.</para>
- <para revision="2" xml:id="BId-drakfloppy-pa7">If you want to customize your boot disk, you will have to hit the
-<guibutton>Preferences</guibutton> button and a window will pop up (see
-<xref linkend="drakfloppy-custom-disk"></xref>).</para>
- <figure floatstyle="normal" xml:id="drakfloppy-custom-disk">
- <title xml:id="BId-drakfloppy-ti4">Making a Custom Boot Disk</title>
- </info> <mediaobject>
-<imageobject> <imagedata revision="2" fileref="drakfloppy-custom-disk.png"
-align="center" width="11.5cm" format="PNG"
-xml:id="BId-drakfloppy-im1"></imagedata> </imageobject></mediaobject></figure>
- <para revision="3" xml:id="BId-drakfloppy-pa8">The window has two sections: one containing check boxes with options for
-<command>mkinitrd</command>, and another one with the modules
-<quote>tree</quote>. Select the modules you need to be added to the
-floppy. In this example, we want to use the <acronym>IDE</acronym> tape
-module and pre-load it. Use the <guibutton>Remove a module</guibutton>
-button to remove the currently selected module. When you are done
-customizing the boot disk press the <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button, return
-to <application>drakfloppy</application>'s window and then proceed as
-indicated above to create the disk.</para>
- </section>
-</section> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-MNF-chapter.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-MNF-chapter.xml
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--- a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-MNF-chapter.xml
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-<!-- Converted by db4-upgrade version 1.0 -->
-<chapter xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk" xml:id="drakx-MNF" ><info><title xml:id="drakx-title">Встановлення за допомогою DrakX</title></info>
- <section><info><title xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-ti1">Deprecated - Introduction to the MandrakeSecurity Installer</title></info>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa1"> <indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-it31">
- <primary>DrakX</primary> </indexterm> <application>DrakX</application> is
-<application>Mandrakesecurity</application>'s installation program. Its
-ease of use has been enhanced with a graphical user interface, allowing you
-to move forward and backward through the installation and prompting you when
-required. With <application>DrakX</application>, it doesn't matter whether
-you're a new user to <application>Mandrakesecurity</application> or an old
-pro – <application>DrakX</application>'s job is to give you a smooth
-installation and an easy transition into
- <figure xml:id="dx-welcome"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-ti2">Very First Installation Welcome Screen</title></info> <mediaobject>
- <imageobject> <imagedata align="center" fileref="../dx-MNF-welcome.png"
-format="PNG" xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-im1" revision="1" width="11.5cm"/>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa2" revision="2">When you begin, the first screen that comes up will present some information
-and give you installation options. (<xref linkend="dx-welcome"/>). Doing
-nothing will simply begin the installation in normal or <quote>linux</quote>
-mode. The next few paragraphs will go over some options and parameters that
-you can pass to the install program if you run into problems.</para>
- <para condition="expert" xml:id="drakx-pa3a" revision="2">Pressing <keycap>F1</keycap> will open a help screen. Here are some useful
-options to choose from:</para>
- <itemizedlist condition="expert" xml:id="dx-help-options" revision="1">
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa3" revision="2"><literal>vgalo</literal>: <indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-it32"> <primary>installation options</primary><secondary>vgalo</secondary> </indexterm>if you tried
-a default installation and did not see the graphical interface as shown
-below in <xref linkend="drakxid-selectLanguage"/>, you can try to run the
-installation in low resolution mode. This happens with certain types of
-graphics cards, so with <application>Mandrakesecurity</application> we give
-you a number of options to work around problems with older hardware. To try
-the installation in low resolution mode, type <userinput>vgalo</userinput>
-at the prompt.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa4"><literal>text</literal>: <indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-it33"> <primary>installation options</primary><secondary>text</secondary> </indexterm>if your video
-card is very old and graphical installation does not work at all, you can
-always choose the text mode installation. Because all video cards can
-display text, this is the <quote>installation of last resort</quote>. Don't
-worry though – it's not likely that you'll need to use the text install.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa5" revision="1"><literal>expert</literal>: <indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-it34"> <primary>installation options</primary><secondary>expert</secondary>
- </indexterm><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-it35"><primary>installation options </primary><secondary>linux</secondary></indexterm>in some rare cases, your PC
-may appear to freeze or lock-up during the hardware detection phase. If
-that happens, then adding the word <literal>expert</literal> as a parameter
-will tell the install program to bypass hardware detection. Because
-<application>DrakX</application> will not scan for hardware, you will need
-to manually specify hardware parameters later in the installation. The
-<literal>expert</literal> parameter can be added to the previous modes, so
-you may end up specifying <screen xml:id="drakx-scRK">boot: vgalo expert</screen> to perform a
-low resolution graphical install without <application>DrakX</application>
-performing a hardware scan.</para>
- <note>
- <para xml:id="drakx-pa5a">Selecting the <literal>expert</literal> mode will ask you for more details
-about the installation process, letting you perform a more customized
- </note>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa6"><literal>kernel options</literal>: <indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-it36"><primary>installation options</primary><secondary>kernel options</secondary></indexterm>Kernel options usually aren't required for most machines. There are
-a few cases of motherboards incorrectly reporting the amount of memory
-installed due to bugs in the design or in the BIOS. If you need to manually
-specify the amount of DRAM installed in your PC, use the <indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-it37">
- <primary>commands</primary> <secondary>mem= xxxM</secondary>
- </indexterm> <command>mem= xxxM</command> parameter. For
-example, to start the installation in normal mode with a computer having 256
-<acronym>MB</acronym> of memory, your command line would look like this:
-<screen xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-sc1">boot: linux mem=256M</screen></para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa7" revision="1">Now that we've gone over what <emphasis>might</emphasis> go wrong, let's
-move on to the actual installation process. When the installer starts,
-you'll see a nice graphical interface ( <xref linkend="selectLanguage-fig"/>
-). On the left will be the various installation steps. Depending on the
-installation's progress level, some stages may or may not be available. If
-a particular stage is available it will be highlighted when you move the
-mouse pointer over it.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa8">The colors of the buttons on the left side of the screen let you quickly see
-what's going on with the installation:</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa9">red: this installation phase has not yet been carried out</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa10">orange: the installation stage that is currently being processed</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa11">green: this installation stage has already been configured. However, nothing
-stops you from going back to a stage that has already been completed if you
-need to reconfigure something.</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa12" revision="1">This guide assumes that you are performing a standard, step-by-step
-installation, as described below.</para>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="drakxid-selectLanguage"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-ti3">Choosing Your Language</title></info>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa13">The first step is to choose your preferred language.</para>
- <figure xml:id="selectLanguage-fig" revision="2"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-ti4">Choosing the Default Language</title></info> <mediaobject>
- <imageobject> <imagedata align="center"
-fileref="dx-MNF-selectLanguage.png" format="PNG" xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-im2"
-revision="1" width="11.5cm"/> </imageobject></mediaobject></figure>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa14"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-it38"><primary>language</primary></indexterm> Your choice of preferred language
-will affect the language of the documentation, the installer and the system
-in general.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa15">Clicking on the <guibutton>Advanced</guibutton> button will allow you to
-select other languages to be installed on your workstation, thereby
-installing the language-specific files for system documentation and
-applications. For example, if you will host users from Spain on your
-machine, select English as the default language in the tree view and
-<guilabel>Spanish|Spain</guilabel> in the Advanced section.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa16">Note that you're not limited to choosing a single additional language. Once
-you have selected additional locales, click the <guibutton>OK</guibutton>
-button to continue.</para>
- <note>
- <para xml:id="drakx-pa18a" revision="2"><indexterm xml:id="drakx-it8a">
- <primary>language</primary> <secondary>setting</secondary>
- </indexterm>Not all languages listed here are
-supported in the <application>Mandrakesecurity</application> Web interface.</para>
- </note>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="drakxid-acceptLicense"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-ti5">License Terms of the Distribution</title></info>
- <mediaobject condition="expert">
-<imageobject> <imagedata align="center" fileref="dx-MNF-license.png"
-format="PNG" xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-im3" revision="1" width="11.5cm"/>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa17"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-it39"><primary>ліцензія</primary></indexterm>Before continuing, you should
-carefully read the terms of the license. It covers the entire
-<application>Mandrakesecurity</application> distribution, and if you do not
-agree with all the terms in it you should click on the <guibutton>Refuse
-</guibutton> button. This will immediately terminate the installation.
-Clicking on the <guibutton>Accept</guibutton> button will continue the
- </section>
- <section condition="expert" xml:id="drakxid-setupSCSI"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-ti6">Disk Detection and Configuration</title></info>
- <mediaobject>
-<imageobject> <imagedata align="center" fileref="dx-MNF-setupSCSI.png"
-format="PNG" xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-im4" revision="1" width="11.5cm"/>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa18"><application>DrakX</application> will first detect any <indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-it40"><primary>IDE</primary><secondary>detection
- </secondary> </indexterm> IDE devices present in your computer. It will also
-scan for one or more <indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-it41"><primary>PCI SCSI</primary>
- </indexterm><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-it42"><primary>SCSI</primary></indexterm> PCI SCSI cards on your system. If a SCSI card is
-found, <application>DrakX</application> will automatically install the
-appropriate driver.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa19">Because hardware detection is not foolproof,
-<application>DrakX</application> will ask you if you have a PCI SCSI
-installed. Clicking <guibutton>Yes</guibutton> will display a list of SCSI
-cards to choose from. Click <guibutton>No</guibutton> if you know that you
-have no SCSI hardware in your machine. If you're not sure, you can check the
-list of hardware detected in your machine by selecting <guilabel>See
-hardware info </guilabel> and clicking the
-<guibutton>OK</guibutton>. Examine the list of hardware and then click on
-the <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button to return to the SCSI interface
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa20">If you had to manually specify your PCI SCSI adapter,
-<application>DrakX</application> will ask if you want to configure options
-for it. You should allow <application>DrakX</application> to probe the
-hardware for the card-specific options which are needed to initialize the
-adapter. Most of the time, <application>DrakX</application> will get through
-this step without any issues.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa21" revision="1">If <application>DrakX</application> is not able to probe for the options to
-automatically determine which parameters need to be passed to the hardware,
-you'll need to manually configure the driver.</para>
- <indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-it43">
- <primary>hard disk</primary>
- <secondary>detection</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- </section>
- <section condition="expert" xml:id="drakxid-selectMouse"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-ti7">Configuring your Mouse</title></info>
- <mediaobject condition="expert">
-<imageobject> <imagedata align="center" fileref="dx-MNF-selectMouse.png"
-format="PNG" xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-im5" revision="1" width="11.5cm"/>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa22" revision="11"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-it44"><primary>mouse</primary> </indexterm> Usually,
-<application>DrakX</application> has no problems detecting the number of
-buttons on your mouse. If it does, it assumes you have a two-button mouse
-and will configure it for third-button emulation. The third-button mouse
-button of a two-button mouse can be <quote>pressed </quote> by
-simultaneously clicking the left and right mouse
-buttons. <application>DrakX</application> will automatically know whether
-your mouse uses a <acronym>PS/2</acronym>, serial or <acronym>USB</acronym>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa23">If for some reason you wish to specify a different type of mouse, select it
-from the provided list.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa24" revision="10">If you choose a mouse other than the default, a test screen will be
-displayed. Use the buttons and wheel to verify that the settings are correct
-and that the mouse is working correctly. If the mouse is not working well,
-press the space bar or <keycap> Return</keycap> key to
-<guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> the test and to go back to the list of
- <note>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa25" revision="1"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-it45"><primary>mouse</primary>
- <secondary>wheel</secondary> </indexterm>Wheel mice are occasionally not
-detected automatically, so you will need to select your mouse from a
-list. Be sure to select the one corresponding to the port that your mouse is
-attached to. After selecting a mouse and pressing the
-<guibutton>OK</guibutton> button, a mouse image is displayed
-on-screen. Scroll the mouse wheel to ensure that it is activated
-correctly. Once you see the on-screen scroll wheel moving as you scroll your
-mouse wheel, test the buttons and check that the mouse pointer moves
-on-screen as you move your mouse.</para>
- </note>
- </section>
- <section condition="expert" xml:id="drakxid-selectKeyboard"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-ti8">Configuring the Keyboard</title></info>
- <mediaobject condition="expert">
-<imageobject> <imagedata align="center" fileref="dx-MNF-selectKeyboard.png"
-format="PNG" xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-im6" revision="1" width="11.5cm"/>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa26" revision="1"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-it46">
- <primary>keyboard</primary></indexterm>Depending on the default language you
-chose in <xref linkend="drakxid-selectLanguage"/>,
-<application>DrakX</application> will automatically select a particular type
-of keyboard configuration. However, you might not have a keyboard that
-corresponds exactly to your language: for example, if you are an English
-speaking Swiss person, you may have a Swiss keyboard. Or if you speak
-English but are located in Québec, you may find yourself in the same
-situation where your native language and keyboard do not match. In either
-case, this installation step will allow you to select an appropriate
-keyboard from a list.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa27">Click on the <guibutton revision="1">More</guibutton> button to be presented
-with the complete list of supported keyboards.</para>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="drakxid-doPartitionDisks"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-ti9">Selecting the Mount Points</title></info>
- <mediaobject condition="expert">
-<imageobject> <imagedata align="center"
-fileref="dx-MNF-doPartitionDisks.png" format="PNG"
-xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-im7" revision="1" width="11.5cm"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa28"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-it47"><primary>mount points</primary></indexterm>At this point, you need to decide
-where you want to install the <application>Mandrakesecurity</application>
-operating system on your hard drive. If your hard drive is empty or if an
-existing operating system is using all the available space you will have to
-partition the drive. Basically, partitioning a hard drive consists of
-logically dividing it to create the space needed to install your new
-<application>Mandrakesecurity</application> system.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa29" revision="2">Because the process of partitioning a hard drive is usually irreversible and
-can lead to lost data if there is an existing operating system already
-installed on the drive, partitioning can be intimidating and stressful if
-you are an inexperienced user. Fortunately, <application>DrakX</application>
-includes a wizard which simplifies this process. Before continuing with this
-step, read through the rest of this section and above all, take your time.</para>
- <para condition="expert" xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa30" revision="5"/>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa31">If your hard drive has already been partitioned, either from a previous
-installation of <application>GNU/Linux</application> or by another
-partitioning tool, select the appropriate partitions that you want to
-install your Linux system into.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa32">If partitions haven't been configured, you will need to create them using
-the wizard. Depending on your hard drive configuration, several options are
-available:<itemizedlist revision="2">
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa33"><guibutton>Use free space</guibutton>: this option will perform an automatic
-partitioning of your blank drive(s). If you use this option there will be
-no further prompts. </para></listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa34" revision="1"><guibutton>Use existing partition</guibutton>: the wizard has detected one
-or more existing Linux partitions on your hard drive. If you want to use
-them, choose this option. You will then be asked to choose the mount points
-associated with each of the partitions. The legacy mount points are selected
-by default, and for the most part it's a good idea to keep them.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa35" revision="12"><guibutton>Use the free space on the Windows partition</guibutton>: if
-is installed on your hard drive and takes all the space available on it, you
-have to create free space for Linux data. To do so, you can delete your
-<application>Windows<superscript>®</superscript></application> partition and
-data (see <quote> Erase entire disk</quote> or <quote>Expert mode</quote>
-solutions) or resize your <application>Microsoft</application>
-<application>Windows<superscript>®</superscript></application> FAT
-partition. Resizing can be performed without the loss of any data,
-<emphasis>provided you previously defragment the
-<application>Windows<superscript>®</superscript></application> partition and
-that it uses the FAT format. Backing up your data is strongly
-recommended.</emphasis>. Using this option is recommended if you want to use
-both <application>Mandrakesecurity</application> and
-<application>Windows<superscript>®</superscript></application> on the same
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa36">Before choosing this option, please understand that after this procedure,
-the size of your <application>Microsoft</application>
-<application>Windows<superscript>®</superscript></application> partition
-will be smaller then when you started. You will have less free space under
-<application>Windows<superscript>®</superscript></application> to store your
-data or to install new software.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa37"><guibutton>Erase entire disk</guibutton>: if you want to delete all data and
-all partitions present on your hard drive and replace them with your new
-<application>Mandrakesecurity</application> system, choose this option. Be
-careful, because you will not be able to undo your choice after you confirm.</para>
- <warning>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa38">If you choose this option, <emphasis>all</emphasis> data on your disk will
-be deleted.
- </para></warning>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa39"><guibutton>Remove Windows</guibutton>: this will simply erase everything on
-the drive and begin fresh, partitioning everything from
-scratch. <emphasis>All</emphasis> data on your disk will be lost.</para>
- <warning>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa40">If you choose this option, <emphasis>all</emphasis> data on your disk will
-be lost.</para>
- </warning>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa41" revision="3"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-it48"><primary>partitions</primary>
- <secondary>manual formatting</secondary></indexterm> <indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-it49">
- <primary>partitioning</primary> </indexterm> <indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-it50"><primary>DiskDrake</primary></indexterm> <guibutton>Custom disk
-partitioning</guibutton>: choose this option if you want to manually
-partition your hard drive. Be careful –– it is a powerful but dangerous
-choice and you can very easily lose all your data. That's why this option is
-really only recommended if you have done something like this before and have
-some experience. For more instructions on how to use the
-<application>DiskDrake</application> utility, refer to the <link
-documentation for <application>DiskDrake</application></link>.</para></listitem>
- </itemizedlist></para>
- </section>
- <section condition="expert" xml:id="drakxid-formatPartitions"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-ti10">Choose Partitions to Be Formatted</title></info>
- <mediaobject condition="expert">
-<imageobject> <imagedata align="center"
-fileref="dx-MNF-formatPartitions.png" format="PNG"
-xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-im8" revision="1" width="11.5cm"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa42"> <indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-it51"><primary>partitions</primary>
- <secondary>formatting</secondary></indexterm>Any partitions that have been newly
-defined must be formatted for use (formatting means creating a file system).</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa43">At this time, you may wish to reformat some already existing partitions to
-erase any data they contain. If you wish to do that, please select those
-partitions as well.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa44">Please note that it is not necessary to reformat all <indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-it52"><primary>partitions</primary>
- <secondary>pre-existing</secondary></indexterm>pre-existing partitions. You must reformat the
-partitions containing the operating system (such as <literal>/</literal>,
-<literal>/usr</literal> or <literal>/var</literal>) but you do not have to
-reformat partitions containing data that you wish to keep (typically
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa45">Please be careful when selecting partitions. After formatting, all data on
-the selected partitions will be deleted and you will not be able to recover
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa46">Click on <guibutton>OK</guibutton> when you are ready to format partitions.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa47">Click on <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> if you want to choose another
-partition for your new <application>Mandrakesecurity</application> operating
-system installation.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa48">Click on <guibutton>Advanced</guibutton> if you wish to select partitions
-that will be checked for <indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-it53"><primary>partitions</primary><secondary>bad blocks</secondary></indexterm>bad blocks on
-the disk.</para>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="drakxid-installPackages"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-ti11">Actual Packages Installation</title></info>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa49" revision="2">Then comes the actual system installation. The packages list is predefined
-and cannot be changed at this time. The time required to complete the
-installation depends on the speed of your hardware. An estimate of the
-remaining time-to-go will be displayed on-screen to help gauge if there is
-sufficient time to enjoy a cup of coffee.</para>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="drakxid-setRootPassword"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-ti12">Root Password</title></info>
- <mediaobject condition="expert">
-<imageobject> <imagedata align="center" fileref="dx-MNF-setRootPassword.png"
-format="PNG" xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-im9" revision="1" width="11.5cm"/>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa50">This is the most crucial decision point for the security of your
-<application>GNU/Linux</application> system: you have to enter the
-<indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-it54"><primary>root</primary>
- <secondary>password</secondary></indexterm> <indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-it55"><primary>password</primary>
- <secondary>root</secondary></indexterm> <literal>root</literal> password. <literal>Root</literal> is the
-system administrator and is the only one authorized to make updates, add
-users, change the overall system configuration, and so on. In short,
-<literal>root</literal> can do everything! That is why you must choose a
-password that is difficult to guess – <application>DrakX</application> will
-tell you if the password that you chose is too easy. As you can see, you are
-not forced to enter a password, but we strongly advise you against.
-<application>GNU/Linux</application> is as prone to operator error as any
-other operating system. Since <literal>root</literal> can overcome all
-limitations and unintentionally erase all data on partitions by carelessly
-accessing the partitions themselves, it is important that it be difficult to
-become <literal>root</literal>.</para>
- <note>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa51" revision="1">The <application>msec</application> security level is set to
-<literal>4</literal> (<quote>high</quote>) by default. The password should
-be a mixture of alphanumeric characters and must be at least 8 characters
-long. Never write down the <literal>root</literal> password –– it makes it
-too easy to compromise a system.</para>
- </note>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa52">One caveat –– do not make the password too long or complicated because you
-must be able to remember it!</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa53">The password will not be displayed on screen as you type it in. To reduce
-the chance of a blind typing error you will need to enter the password
-twice. If you do happen to make the same typing error twice, this
-<quote>incorrect</quote> password will have to be used the first time you
- </section>
- <section xml:id="drakxid-setAdminPassword"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-ti13">Administrator Password</title></info>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa54">You are then asked to enter the password for the system administrator
-(login: <literal>admin</literal>). It is differentiated from the
-<literal>root</literal> user, for security reasons, and also because it may
-not be the same person. It is that <literal>admin</literal> account that
-will be required to access the <application>Mandrakesecurity</application>
-Web interface. The criterion for choosing this password are the same as for
-the <literal>root</literal> password.</para>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="drakxid-addUser"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-ti14">Adding a User</title></info>
- <mediaobject condition="expert">
-<imageobject> <imagedata align="center" fileref="dx-MNF-addUser.png"
-format="PNG" xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-im10" revision="1" width="11.5cm"/>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa55" revision="2">All necessary users have already been added, and you shouldn't need adding
-more users for normal <application>Mandrakesecurity</application>
-operations. However, if you plan to use the <application>squid</application>
-<acronym>PAM</acronym> authentication feature, you can add here the users
-that will be authorized.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa56">The first field asks you for a real name. Of course, this is not
-mandatory –– you can actually enter whatever you
-like. <application>DrakX</application> will use the first word you typed in
-and copy it to the <guimenu>User name</guimenu> field, which is the name
-this user will enter to log onto the system. If you like, you may override
-the default and change the username. The next step is to enter a
-password. From a security point of view, a non-privileged (regular) user
-password is not as crucial as the <literal>root</literal> password, but that
-is no reason to neglect it by making it blank or too simple: after all,
-<emphasis>your</emphasis> files could be the ones at risk.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa57" revision="2">You can then choose to make that user member of one or more special groups
-that will give him special priviledges. Check the button for the priviledges
-you want for that user.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa58" revision="1">Once you click on <guimenu>Accept user</guimenu>, you can add additional
-users. Select <guimenu>Done</guimenu> when you have finished adding users.</para>
- <tip>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa59">Clicking the <guibutton>Advanced</guibutton> button allows you to change the
-default <literal>shell</literal> for that user
-(<application>bash</application> by default).</para>
- </tip>
- </section>
- <section condition="expert" xml:id="drakxid-configureNetwork"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-ti15">Configure your Local Network</title></info>
- <mediaobject condition="expert">
-<imageobject> <imagedata align="center"
-fileref="dx-MNF-configureNetwork.png" format="PNG"
-xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-im11" revision="1" width="11.5cm"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa60" revision="1">You will now set up your local network connection (<acronym>LAN</acronym>).
-<application>Mandrakesecurity</application> will attempt to autodetect
-network devices and modems. If this detection fails, uncheck the
-<guilabel>Use auto detection</guilabel> box.</para>
- <warning>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa61" revision="1">Even though many connection types are offered here, do not configure your
-Internet connection now. You should now limit yourself to configuring the
-<literal>Ethernet</literal> <acronym>LAN</acronym> access, so that you can
-later connect to the administration interface and configure other
-connections easily through it.</para>
- </warning>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa62">We will not detail each configuration option –  just make sure that you have
-all the parameters, such as IP address, default gateway, DNS servers,
-etc. from your Internet Service Provider or system administrator.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa63" revision="1">You will be able to configure all your other network interfaces (Internet,
-<acronym>DMZ</acronym>, etc.) later on through
-<application>Mandrakesecurity</application> interface.</para>
- </section>
- <section condition="extended" xml:id="drakxid-setupBootloaderBeginner"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-ti16">Where Should You Place the Bootloader</title></info>
- <mediaobject>
-<imageobject> <imagedata align="center"
-fileref="dx-MNF-setupBootloaderBeginner.png" format="PNG"
-xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-im12" width="11.5cm"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa64">You must indicate where you wish to place the information the bootloader
-requires to boot to <application>GNU/Linux</application>.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa65">Unless you know exactly what you are doing, choose <guibutton>First sector
-of drive (MBR)</guibutton>.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa66" revision="1">You are then presented the different boot entries that will be proposed at
-system boot. You can modify them here.</para>
- </section>
- <section condition="expert" xml:id="drakxid-createBootdisk"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-ti17">Boot Disk</title></info>
- <mediaobject condition="expert">
-<imageobject> <imagedata align="center" fileref="dx-MNF-createBootdisk.png"
-format="PNG" xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-im13" revision="1" width="11.5cm"/>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa67">The <application>Mandrakesecurity</application> <acronym>CD-ROM</acronym>
-has a built-in rescue mode. You can access it by booting the
-<acronym>CD-ROM</acronym>, pressing the <userinput>F1</userinput> key at
-boot and typing <userinput>rescue</userinput> at the prompt. If your
-computer cannot boot from the <acronym>CD-ROM</acronym>, there are at least
-two situations where having a boot floppy is critical:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa68" revision="1">when installing the <indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-it56"><primary>bootloader</primary>
- </indexterm>bootloader,
-<application>DrakX</application> will rewrite the boot sector (<indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-it57">
- <primary>MBR</primary></indexterm><acronym>MBR</acronym>) of your main disk (unless
-you are using another boot manager), to allow you to start up with either
-<application>Windows<superscript>®</superscript></application> or
-<application>GNU/Linux</application> (assuming you have
-<application>Windows<superscript>®</superscript></application> on your
-system). If at some point you need to reinstall
-<application>Windows<superscript>®</superscript></application>, the
-<application>Microsoft</application> install process will rewrite the boot
-sector and remove your ability to start
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa69">if a problem arises and you cannot start
-<application>GNU/Linux</application> from the hard disk, this <indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-it58"> <primary>завантажувальний диск</primary></indexterm>floppy will be the only means of starting up
-<application>GNU/Linux</application>. It contains a fair number of system
-tools for restoring a system that has crashed due to a power failure, an
-unfortunate typing error, a forgotten root password, or any other reason.</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>If you say <guibutton>Yes</guibutton>, you will be asked to insert a disk in
-the drive. The floppy disk must be blank or have non-critical data on it –
-<application>DrakX</application> will format the floppy and will rewrite the
-whole disk.</para>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="drakxid-installUpdates"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-ti18" revision="1">Installing Updates from the Internet</title></info>
- <mediaobject condition="expert">
-<imageobject> <imagedata align="center" fileref="dx-MNF-installUpdates.png"
-format="PNG" xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-im14" revision="1" width="11.5cm"/>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa70" revision="1">At the time you are installing <application>Mandrakesecurity</application>,
-it is likely that some packages have been updated since the initial
-release. Bugs may have been fixed, security issues resolved. To allow you
-to benefit from these updates, you are now able to download them from the
-Internet. Choose <guibutton>Yes</guibutton> if you have a working Internet
-connection, or <guibutton>No</guibutton> if you prefer to install updated
-packages later.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa71">Choosing <guibutton>Yes</guibutton> displays a list of places from which
-updates can be retrieved. Choose the one nearest you. A package-selection
-tree will appear: review the selection, and press
-<guibutton>Install</guibutton> to retrieve and install the selected
-package(s), or <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to abort.</para>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="drakxid-exitInstall"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-ti19">It's Finished!</title></info>
- <mediaobject condition="expert">
-<imageobject> <imagedata align="center" fileref="dx-MNF-exitInstall.png"
-format="PNG" xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-im15" revision="1" width="11.5cm"/>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa72" revision="1"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-it59"><primary>boot</primary>
- <secondary>dual-boot</secondary></indexterm>There you are. Installation is now
-complete and your <application>GNU/Linux</application> system is ready to
-use. Carefully write down the <acronym>URL</acronym> given in that dialog,
-it's the address you'll have to use in your Web browser to access the
-<application>Mandrakesecurity</application> Web interface with
-<literal>admin</literal> account. Now, just click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>
-twice to reboot the system.</para>
- </section>
- <section><info><title xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-ti20">How to Uninstall Linux</title></info>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa73">The uninstallation process consists of two steps:</para>
- <orderedlist inheritnum="ignore" continuation="restarts">
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa74">Delete all partitions on your hard drive and replace them by a single
-<acronym>FAT</acronym> partition with <application>DiskDrake</application>.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa75">Uninstall the <indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-it30"><primary>bootloader</primary>
-<secondary>uninstall</secondary> </indexterm> bootloader (generally
-<application>GRUB</application>) from the Master Boot Record
-(<acronym>MBR</acronym>). To do so, boot under
-<application>DOS</application> and run the <command>fdisk /mbr</command>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa76">If you have another <acronym>OS</acronym>, please consult its documentation
-to determine how to perform the same step.</para>
- </listitem>
- </orderedlist>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-MNF-pa77" revision="1">Goodbye, and thank you for using
- </section>
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-acceptLicense-sect1.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-acceptLicense-sect1.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 15db214e..00000000
--- a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-acceptLicense-sect1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Converted by db4-upgrade version 1.0 -->
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk" xml:id="drakxid-acceptLicense"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakxid-acceptLicense-ti1">Застаріле — ліцензійна угода щодо дистрибутива</title></info>
- <mediaobject condition="expert">
-<imageobject> <imagedata align="center" fileref="dx-license.png"
-format="PNG" xml:id="BId-drakxid-acceptLicense-im1" revision="3"
-width="11.5cm"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-acceptLicense-pa1" revision="5"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakxid-acceptLicense-it1">
- <primary>ліцензія</primary>
- </indexterm>Before continuing, you should
-carefully read the terms of the license. It covers the entire
-<application>Mageia</application> distribution. If you agree with all the
-terms it contains, select <guilabel>Accept</guilabel> and click on
-<guibutton>Next</guibutton>. If not, clicking on <guibutton>Quit</guibutton>
-will reboot your computer.</para>
- <tip>
- <para xml:id="BIdNEW-drakxid-acceptLicense-pa2">If you are curious about any technical changes which have occurred in the
-distribution since the last release, you can click on the <guibutton>Release
-Notes</guibutton> button to display them.</para>
- </tip>
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-addUser-sect1.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-addUser-sect1.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index cdcb5dfd..00000000
--- a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-addUser-sect1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!-- Converted by db4-upgrade version 1.0 -->
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:ns6="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:ns5="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:ns4="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:ns3="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:ns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xml:id="drakxid-addUser" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk">
- <info>
- <title xml:id="BId-drakxid-addUser-ti1">Застаріле — додавання користувача</title>
- </info>
- <mediaobject condition="expert">
-<imageobject> <imagedata revision="1" fileref="dx-addUser.png"
-width="11.5cm" align="center" format="PNG"
-xml:id="BId-drakxid-addUser-im1"></imagedata> </imageobject></mediaobject>
- <para revision="3" xml:id="BId-drakxid-addUser-pa1"><application>GNU/Linux</application> is a multi-user system which means each
-user can have his or her own preferences, own files and so on. But unlike
-<literal>root</literal>, who is the system administrator, the <indexterm xml:id="BId-drakxid-addUser-it1">
- <primary>users</primary>
- <secondary>adding</secondary>
- </indexterm>users you add at this point won't be authorized to
-change anything except their own files and their own configurations,
-protecting the system from unintentional or malicious changes which could
-have a serious impact on it.</para>
- <para xml:id="BIdNEW-drakxid-addUser-pa5">You will have to create at least one regular user for yourself — this is the
-account which you should use for routine, day-to-day usage. Although it's
-very easy to log in as <literal>root</literal> to do anything and
-everything, it may also be very dangerous! A very simple mistake could mean
-that your system won't work any more. If you make a serious mistake as a
-regular user, the worst that can happen is that you'll lose some
-information, but you won't affect the entire system.</para>
- <para revision="3" xml:id="BId-drakxid-addUser-pa2">The first field asks you for a real name. <application>DrakX</application>
-will use the first word you type in this field and copy it, all in
-lowercase, to the <guimenu>Login name</guimenu> field, which is the name
-this user will enter to log on to the system. You can override it and change
-the <guimenu>Login Name</guimenu>. The next step is to enter a
-password. From a security point of view, a non-privileged (regular) user's
-password is not as crucial as the <literal>root</literal> password, but
-that's no reason to neglect it by making it blank or too simple: after all,
-<emphasis>your</emphasis> files could be the ones at risk.</para>
- <para revision="3" xml:id="BId-drakxid-addUser-pa3">Once you click on <guimenu>Accept user</guimenu> you can add other
-users. Add a user for each one of your friends, your father, your sister,
-etc. Click <guimenu>Next</guimenu> when you're finished adding users.</para>
- <para revision="3"></para>
- <para revision="3"></para>
- <tip condition="expert">
- <para revision="1" xml:id="BId-drakxid-addUser-pa4">Clicking the <guibutton>Advanced</guibutton> button allows you to change the
-default <literal>shell</literal> for that user
-(<application>bash</application> by default).</para>
- </tip>
-<!-- We don't give the option to autologin anymore - Marja 20120317 - <mediaobject condition="expert">
- <imageobject>
- <imagedata align="center" fileref="dx-autologin.png" format="PNG" xml:id="drakx-im17a" revision="1" width="11.5cm"/>
- </imageobject>
- </mediaobject>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-pa142a" revision="6">When you're finished adding
- users, you'll be asked to choose a user who will be automatically
- logged into the system when the computer boots up. If you're
- interested in that feature (and don't care much about security),
- choose the desired user (if more than one regular user is defined)
- and select a window manager, then click on
- <guibutton>
-Next</guibutton>. If you're not interested in this
- feature, uncheck the <guilabel>Do you want to use this
- feature?</guilabel> box.</para> -->
-</section> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-ask_mntpoint_s-sect1.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-ask_mntpoint_s-sect1.xml
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index 20c2422e..00000000
--- a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-ask_mntpoint_s-sect1.xml
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@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Converted by db4-upgrade version 1.0 -->
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk" condition="extended" xml:id="drakxid-ask_mntpoint_s" revision="1" userlevel="expert"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakxid-ask_mntpoint_s-ti1">Deprecated - Choosing Mount Points</title></info>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-ask_mntpoint_s-pa1">Listed here are the existing Linux partitions detected on your hard
-drive. You can keep the choices made by the wizard, since they are good for
-most common installations. If you make any changes, you must at least define
-a <indexterm xml:id="BId-drakxid-ask_mntpoint_s-it1"><primary>root</primary>
- <secondary>partition</secondary></indexterm><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakxid-ask_mntpoint_s-it2"><primary>partitions</primary>
- <secondary>root</secondary></indexterm>root partition (<literal revision="3">/</literal>). Do not choose
-too small a partition or you will not be able to install enough software. In
-most cases it is best to also create a <literal>/home</literal> partition,
-to store your data on (only possible if you have more than one Linux
-partition available).</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-ask_mntpoint_s-pa2">Each partition is listed as follows: "Device", "Capacity", "Mount
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-ask_mntpoint_s-pa3">"Device", is structured: "hard drive type", "hard drive number", "partition
-number" (for example, "sda5"). </para>
- <!-- This paragraph might not be true, I thought I was always able to do this at this point, but now in Mga2b2 my four Mga partitions aren't mounted yet, so impossible to see what is where with "df" - Marja, 20120317
- <note><para xml:id="BId-drakxid-ask_mntpoint_s-pa6">You can switch to tty 2 with ctrl+alt+F2 and type df to view the partitions if you're not sure installer's choice is correct and then switch back to the installer screen with ctrl+alt+F7</para>
-</note> -->
-<para xml:id="BId-drakxid-ask_mntpoint_s-pa7">When the mount points are correct, or corrected, click
-<guibutton>Next</guibutton>. You'll then be given the choice to format one
-or more of the partitions you just chose to install Mageia on. Usually,
-formatting <literal>/</literal> and saving <literal>/home</literal> (if the
-same partition was your <literal>/home</literal> before), is a good choice.</para>
- </section>
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-chooseCd-sect1.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-chooseCd-sect1.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ac6f3e12..00000000
--- a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-chooseCd-sect1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Converted by db4-upgrade version 1.0 -->
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk" xml:id="drakxid-chooseCd"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakxid-chooseCd-ti1">Deprecated - Multiple CD-ROM Installation</title></info>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-chooseCd-pa1" revision="4">The <application>Mandriva Linux</application> installation is distributed on
-several <acronym>CD-ROM</acronym>s. If a selected package is located on
-another <acronym>CD</acronym>, <application>DrakX</application> will eject
-the current <acronym>CD</acronym> and ask you to insert the required one. If
-you do not have the requested <acronym>CD-ROM</acronym> at hand, just click
-on <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton>, and the corresponding packages will not be
- </section>
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-choosePackages-sect1.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-choosePackages-sect1.xml
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index 8e392a66..00000000
--- a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-choosePackages-sect1.xml
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@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Converted by db4-upgrade version 1.0 -->
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk" xml:id="drakx-choosePackages"><!-- <para xml:id="BIdNEW-drakx-choosePackages-pa20">
-Depending on the
- installation media you are currently using, you may be first asked
- to select the <acronym>CD</acronym>s you actually have at hand.</para> -->
-<info><title xml:id="BId-drakx-choosePackages-ti1">Deprecated - Choose Packages to Install</title></info>
- <section xml:id="drakxid-choose-graphical-env"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakx-choose-graphical-env-ti2" >Graphical Environment</title></info>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-choose-graphical-env-pa1"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-choose-graphical-env-it5"> <primary>packages</primary>
- <secondary>graphical environment</secondary></indexterm> <guilabel>Graphical
-Environment</guilabel>: this is where you will choose your preferred
-graphical environment. At least one must be selected if you want to have a
-graphical interface available.</para>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="drakxid-choosePackages"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakx-choosePackagesGroups-ti3" revision="1">Choose Package Groups to Install</title></info>
- <mediaobject condition="expert">
-<imageobject> <imagedata align="center" fileref="dx-choosePackages.png"
-format="PNG" xml:id="BId-drakx-choosePackages-im1" revision="3"
-width="11.5cm"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-choosePackages-pa1"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-choosePackages-it1"><primary>packages</primary>
- <secondary>installing</secondary></indexterm>It's now time to specify which
-programs you wish to install on your system. There are thousands of packages
-available for <application>Mageia</application>, and to make it simpler to
-manage, they have been placed into groups of similar applications.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-choosePackages-pa2" revision="3"><application>Mageia</application> sorts package groups into categories. You
-can mix and match applications from the various categories, so a
-<guilabel>Workstation</guilabel> installation can still have applications
-from the <guilabel>Server</guilabel> category installed.</para>
- <orderedlist revision="5" inheritnum="ignore" continuation="restarts">
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-choosePackages-pa3" revision="1"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-choosePackages-it2"> <primary>packages</primary>
- <secondary>workstation</secondary></indexterm><guilabel>Workstation</guilabel>: if
-you plan to use your machine as a workstation, select one or more of the
-groups in this category. The special <literal>LSB</literal> group will
-configure your system so that it complies as much as possible with the <link
-xlink:href="http://www.linuxbase.org/">Linux Standard Base Project</link>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-choosePackages-pa5"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-choosePackages-it4"> <primary>packages</primary>
- <secondary>server</secondary></indexterm><guilabel>Server</guilabel>: if your
-machine is intended to be a server, select which of the more common services
-you wish to install on your machine.</para>
- </listitem>
- </orderedlist>
- <tip>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-choosePackages-pa7" revision="11">Moving the mouse cursor over a group name will display a short explanatory
-text about that group.</para>
- </tip>
- <indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-choosePackages-it6">
- <primary>packages</primary>
- <secondary>individual selection</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-choosePackages-pa11" revision="4">You can check the <guilabel>Individual package selection</guilabel> box,
-which is useful if you're familiar with the packages being offered or if you
-want to have total control over what will be installed.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-choosePackages-pa12" revision="11">If you start the installation in <guilabel>Upgrade</guilabel> mode, you can
-deselect all groups and prevent the installation of any new packages. This
-is useful for repairing or updating an existing system.</para>
- <section condition="expert" xml:id="minimal-install"><info><title xml:id="BId-minimal-install-ti4" revision="1">Minimal Installation</title></info>
- <para xml:id="BIdNEW-minimal-install-pa19" revision="3">If you deselect all groups when performing a regular installation (as
-opposed to an upgrade), a new dialog shows after pressing the
-<guibutton>Next</guibutton> button, suggesting different options for a
-minimal installation:</para>
- <itemizedlist xml:id="BIdNEW-drakx-choosePackages-item1" revision="2">
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-choosePackages-pa8"><guilabel>With X</guilabel>: install the minimum number of packages possible
-to have a working graphical desktop.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-choosePackages-pa9"><guilabel>With basic documentation</guilabel>: installs the base system plus
-basic utilities and their documentation. This installation is suitable for
-setting up a server.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-choosePackages-pa10" revision="13"><guilabel>Truly minimal install</guilabel>: installs the absolute minimum
-number of packages necessary to get a working
-<application>Linux</application> system. With this installation you will
-only have a command-line interface.</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </section>
- <section condition="expert" xml:id="drakxid-choosePackagesTree"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakx-choosePackagesTree-ti5" revision="1">Choosing Individual Packages to Install</title></info>
- <mediaobject condition="expert">
-<imageobject> <imagedata align="center" fileref="dx-choosePackagesTree.png"
-format="PNG" xml:id="BId-drakx-choosePackages-im2" revision="1"
-width="11.5cm"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-choosePackages-pa13" revision="2">If you choose to install packages individually, the installer will present a
-tree structure containing all packages classified by groups and
-subgroups. While browsing the tree, you can select entire groups, subgroups,
-or individual packages.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-choosePackages-pa14">Whenever you select a package on the tree, a description will appear on the
-right to let you know the purpose of that package.</para>
- <warning>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-choosePackages-pa15" revision="2">If a server package has been selected, either because you specifically chose
-the individual package or because it was part of a group of packages, you
-will be asked to confirm that you really want those server packages to be
-installed. By default <application>Mageia</application> will automatically
-start any installed services (servers) at boot time. Even if they are safe
-and have no known issues at the time the distribution was shipped, it is
-entirely possible that security holes were discovered after this version of
-<application>Mageia</application> was finalized. If you don't know what a
-particular service is supposed to do or why it's being installed, then click
- </warning>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-choosePackages-pa16" revision="4"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-choosePackages-it7">
- <primary>залежності</primary>
- <secondary>automatic</secondary></indexterm> The <guilabel>Show automatically
-selected packages</guilabel> option is used to disable the warning
-dialog. Those appear whenever the installer automatically selects a package
-to resolve a dependency issue. Some packages depend on others and the
-installation of one particular package may require the installation of
-another one. The installer can determine which packages are required to
-satisfy a dependency and to successfully complete the installation.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-choosePackages-pa17" revision="4">The little floppy disk icon at the bottom of the list allows you to load or
-save the packages list. This is useful if you have a number of machines that
-you wish to configure identically. Click on this icon and select whether you
-wish to <guilabel>Load</guilabel> or <guilabel>Save</guilabel> the packages
-list, then select the medium in the following screen and click on the
-<guibutton>Ok</guibutton> button.</para>
- </section>
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-doPartitionDisks-sect1.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-doPartitionDisks-sect1.xml
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index c1379198..00000000
--- a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-doPartitionDisks-sect1.xml
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@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Converted by db4-upgrade version 1.0 -->
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk" xml:id="drakxid-doPartitionDisks"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakxid-doPartitionDisks-ti1" revision="1">Deprecated - Partitioning your Disk</title></info>
- <mediaobject condition="expert">
-<imageobject> <imagedata align="center" fileref="dx-doPartitionDisks.png"
-format="PNG" xml:id="BId-drakxid-doPartitionDisks-im1" revision="1"
-width="11.5cm"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-doPartitionDisks-pa1" revision="2">You now need to decide where you want to install
-<application>Mageia</application> on your hard drive. If your hard drive is
-empty or if an existing operating system is using all the available space
-you will have to re-partition the drive. Basically, partitioning a hard
-drive means to logically divide it in order to create the space required for
-your new <application>Mageia</application> system.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-doPartitionDisks-pa2" revision="3"><indexterm xml:id="BIdNEW-drakxid-doPartitionDisks-it3"><primary>partitions</primary><secondary>DrakX</secondary>
- </indexterm>Because the process of partitioning a
-hard drive is usually irreversible and can lead to data loss, partitioning
-can be intimidating and stressful for the inexperienced user. Fortunately,
-<application>DrakX</application> includes a wizard which simplifies this
-process. Before continuing with this step, read through the rest of this
-section and, above all, take your time.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-doPartitionDisks-pa3" revision="2">Depending on the configuration of your hard drive, several options are
- <itemizedlist revision="2">
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-doPartitionDisks-pa4"><guibutton>Use free space</guibutton>. This option will perform an automatic
-partitioning of your blank drive(s). If you use this option there will be no
-further prompts.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-doPartitionDisks-pa5" revision="4"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakxid-doPartitionDisks-it1"><primary>mount points</primary></indexterm><guibutton>Use existing
-partitions</guibutton>. The wizard has detected one or more existing
-<application>Linux</application> partitions on your hard drive. If you want
-to use them, choose this option. You will then be asked to choose the mount
-points associated with each of the partitions. The legacy mount points are
-selected by default, and for the most part it's a good idea to keep
-them. You will also be asked to choose the partitions to be formatted or
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-doPartitionDisks-pa6" revision="15"><guibutton>Use the free space on the Windows partition</guibutton>. If
-<application>Windows<superscript>®</superscript></application> is installed
-on your hard drive, you might have to create free space for
-<application>GNU/Linux</application>. To do so, you can delete your
-<application>Windows<superscript>®</superscript></application> partition and
-data (see the <quote>Erase entire disk</quote> solution below) or resize
-your <acronym>FAT</acronym> or <acronym>NTFS</acronym> partition. Resizing
-can be performed without the loss of any data, <emphasis>provided you've
-previously defragmented the
-partition. Backing up your data is strongly recommended</emphasis>. Using
-this option is recommended if you want to use both
-<application>Mageia</application> and
-<application>Windows<superscript>®</superscript></application> on the same
-computer in a <emphasis>dual boot</emphasis> configuration.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-doPartitionDisks-pa7" revision="1">Before choosing this option, please understand that after this procedure,
-the size of your
-<application>Windows<superscript>®</superscript></application> partition
-will be smaller than when you started, which means you will have less free
-space to store your data or to install new software.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-doPartitionDisks-pa8" revision="1"><guibutton>Erase entire disk</guibutton>. If you want to delete all data and
-all partitions present on your hard drive and replace them with
-<application>Mageia</application>, choose this option. Be warned that you
-won't be able to undo this operation after you confirm.</para>
- <warning>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-doPartitionDisks-pa9">If you choose this option, <emphasis>all</emphasis> data on your disk will
-be deleted.</para>
- </warning>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-doPartitionDisks-pa10" revision="4"><guibutton>Remove Windows(TM)</guibutton>. This option appears when the hard
-drive is entirely taken by
-<application>Windows<superscript>®</superscript></application>. Choosing
-this option will simply erase everything on the drive, partitioning
-everything from scratch.</para>
- <warning>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-doPartitionDisks-pa11">If you choose this option, <emphasis>all</emphasis> data on your disk will
-be lost.</para>
- </warning>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-doPartitionDisks-pa12" revision="5"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakxid-doPartitionDisks-it2">
- <primary>partitions</primary><secondary>custom</secondary>
- </indexterm><guibutton>Custom disk
-partitioning</guibutton>. Choose this option if you want to manually
-partition your hard drive. Be careful: it is a powerful but dangerous choice
-and you can very easily lose all your data. That's why this option is only
-recommended if you have performed custom disk partitioning before, and have
-enough <application>GNU/Linux</application> experience to know what you are
-doing. For more instructions on how to use the
-<application>DiskDrake</application> utility, refer to <phrase
-condition="Starter" xml:id="BIdNEW-drakxid-doPartitionDisks-ph1"><xref
-linkend="diskdrake"/></phrase><phrase condition="Discovery"
-xml:id="BIdNEW-drakxid-doPartitionDisks-ph3">the <citetitle
-xml:id="BId-drakxid-doPartitionDisks-ct1">Managing Your
-Partitions</citetitle> section in the <citetitle>Starter
-Guide</citetitle></phrase><phrase condition="QSP"
-xml:id="BIdNEW-drakxid-doPartitionDisks-ph4">the <citetitle
-xml:id="BId-drakxid-doPartitionDisks-ct2">Managing Your
-Partitions</citetitle> section in the <citetitle>Starter
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-exitInstal-sect1.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-exitInstal-sect1.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 15d2f21d..00000000
--- a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-exitInstal-sect1.xml
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@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Converted by db4-upgrade version 1.0 -->
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk" xml:id="drakxid-exitInstall" ><info><title xml:id="BId-drakxid-exitInstall-ti1">Deprecated - It's Done!</title></info>
- <mediaobject condition="expert">
-<imageobject> <imagedata align="center" fileref="dx-exitInstall.png"
-format="PNG" xml:id="BId-drakxid-exitInstall-im1" revision="1"
-width="11.5cm"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-exitInstall-pa1" revision="3"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakxid-exitInstall-it1"><primary>boot</primary>
- <secondary>dual-boot</secondary></indexterm>There you are. The installation is now
-complete and your <application>GNU/Linux</application> system is ready to be
-used. Just click on <guibutton>Reboot</guibutton> to restart the
-system. Don't forget to remove the installation media
-(<acronym>CD-ROM</acronym> or floppy). The first thing you should see after
-your computer has finished doing its hardware tests is the bootloader menu,
-which allows you to choose between the <acronym>OS</acronym>es your system
-can boot.</para>
- <section><info><title xml:id="BIdNEW-drakxid-exitInstall-ti2">Advanced Options</title></info>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-exitInstall-pa2" revision="5">The <guibutton>Advanced</guibutton> button shows more buttons to:</para>
- <orderedlist inheritnum="ignore" continuation="restarts">
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-exitInstall-pa3"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakxid-exitInstall-it2"><primary>floppy</primary>
- <secondary>auto-install</secondary>
- </indexterm><guibutton>Generate auto-install
-floppy</guibutton>: enables you to create an installation floppy disk which
-will automatically perform a whole installation, similar to the one just
-finished, without the help of an operator.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-exitInstall-pa4">Note that two different options are available after clicking on that button:</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-exitInstall-pa5"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakxid-exitInstall-it3">
- <primary>installation</primary><secondary>replay</secondary>
- </indexterm><guibutton>Replay</guibutton>. This is
-a partially automated installation. The partitioning step is the only
-interactive procedure.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-exitInstall-pa6"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakxid-exitInstall-it4">
- <primary>installation</primary>
- <secondary>automated</secondary>
- </indexterm><guibutton>Automated</guibutton>. Fully automated installation:
-<emphasis>the hard disk is completely rewritten, all data is
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para xml:id="BIdNEW-drakxid-exitInstall-pa9">This feature is very handy when installing on a number of similar
-machines. See the <link xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
-install</link> section on our web site for more information.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-exitInstall-pa7" revision="1"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakxid-exitInstall-it5">
- <primary>installation</primary> <secondary>save package selection</secondary> </indexterm><guibutton>Save package
-selection</guibutton><footnote><para xml:id="BId-drakxid-exitInstall-pa8" revision="3">If you chose to save on a floppy, you will need a
-<acronym>FAT</acronym>-formatted floppy. To create one under
-<application>GNU/Linux</application>, type <command>mformat a:</command> or,
-as root, <command>fdformat /dev/fd0</command> followed by <command>mkfs.vfat
-/dev/fd0</command>.</para></footnote>: saves a list of
-the packages selected in this installation. The following screen shows you
-the possible media to use to save the package list onto: you might need to
-fill some parameters when you click on the <guilabel>Next</guilabel> button.</para>
- <para xml:id="BIdNEW-drakxid-exitInstall-pa10">To use this selection of packages with another installation, perform the
-installation as usual up to the point of the package selection, and choose
-to select individual packages, without worrying about the current package
-selection. Use the floppy icon and select the <guilabel>Load</guilabel>
-option. Then choose the medium which contains the package list. Finally
-click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>: the list of packages you loaded will be
-selected and be installed.</para>
- </listitem>
- </orderedlist>
- </section>
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-formatPartitions-sect1.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-formatPartitions-sect1.xml
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-<!-- Converted by db4-upgrade version 1.0 -->
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk" xml:id="drakxid-formatPartitions" revision="1" condition="extra"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakxid-formatPartitions-ti1">Deprecated - Choose Partitions to Be Formatted</title></info>
- <note>
- <para xml:id="BIdNEW-drakxid-formatPartitions-pa8" revision="2">This step is available only if you chose to reuse existing
-<application>Linux</application> partitions.</para>
- </note>
- <mediaobject condition="expert">
-<imageobject> <imagedata align="center" fileref="dx-formatPartitions.png"
-format="PNG" xml:id="BId-drakxid-formatPartitions-im1" revision="1"
-width="11.5cm"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-formatPartitions-pa2" revision="1"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakxid-formatPartitions-it1">
- <primary>partitions</primary><secondary>formatting</secondary></indexterm>If you chose to reuse some legacy
-<application>GNU/Linux</application> partitions, you may wish to reformat
-some of them and erase any data they contain. To do so, please select those
-partitions as well.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-formatPartitions-pa3">Please note that it's not necessary to reformat all <indexterm xml:id="BId-drakxid-formatPartitions-it2">
- <primary>partitions</primary><secondary>pre-existing</secondary>
- </indexterm>pre-existing partitions. You must reformat the
-partitions containing the operating system (such as <literal>/</literal>,
-<literal>/usr</literal> or <literal>/var</literal>) but not the partitions
-containing data you wish to keep (typically <literal>/home</literal>).</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-formatPartitions-pa4" revision="1">Please be careful when selecting partitions. After the formatting is
-completed, <emphasis>all data on the selected partitions will be
-deleted</emphasis> and you won't be able to recover it.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-formatPartitions-pa5" revision="1">Click on <guibutton>Next</guibutton> when you're ready to format the
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-formatPartitions-pa6" revision="1">Click on <guibutton>Previous</guibutton> if you want to choose other
-partitions for your new <application>Mageia</application> operating system
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-formatPartitions-pa7">Click on <guibutton>Advanced</guibutton> if you wish to select partitions
-which will be checked for <indexterm xml:id="BId-drakxid-formatPartitions-it3">
- <primary>partitions</primary><secondary>bad blocks</secondary></indexterm>bad blocks
-on the disk.</para>
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-installUpdates-sect1.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-installUpdates-sect1.xml
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@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Converted by db4-upgrade version 1.0 -->
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk" xml:id="drakxid-installUpdates"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakxid-installUpdates-ti1" revision="1">Deprecated - Installing Updates from the Internet</title></info>
- <mediaobject condition="expert">
-<imageobject> <imagedata align="center" fileref="dx-installUpdates.png"
-format="PNG" xml:id="BId-drakxid-installUpdates-im1" revision="1"
-width="11.5cm"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-installUpdates-pa1" revision="4"><indexterm xml:id="BIdNEW-drakxid-installUpdates-it1">
- <primary>installation</primary><secondary>updates</secondary></indexterm> <indexterm xml:id="BIdNEW-drakxid-installUpdates-it2"><primary>updates</primary></indexterm>By the time you install <application>Mageia</application>, it's
-likely that some packages will have been updated since the initial
-release. Bugs may have been fixed, security issues resolved, etc. To allow
-you to benefit from these updates, you're now able to download them from the
-Internet. Select <guilabel>Yes</guilabel> if you have a working Internet
-connection and you want to install any updated packages now, or
-<guilabel>No</guilabel> if you prefer to install updated packages later.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-installUpdates-pa2" revision="2">Choosing <guilabel>Yes</guilabel> will display a list of web locations from
-which updates can be retrieved. You should choose one near to you. A tree
-containing package selections will appear: review the selection, and press
-<guibutton>Install</guibutton> to retrieve and install the selected
-package(s), or <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to abort.</para>
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-misc-params-sect1.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-misc-params-sect1.xml
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index 68906cc9..00000000
--- a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-misc-params-sect1.xml
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-<!-- Converted by db4-upgrade version 1.0 -->
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk" xml:id="drakx-misc-params"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakx-misc-params-ti1">Deprecated - Checking Miscellaneous Parameters</title></info>
- <section xml:id="drakxid-summary"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakx-misc-params-ti2" revision="1">Summary</title></info>
- <mediaobject condition="expert" xml:id="dx-summary">
-<imageobject> <imagedata align="center" fileref="dx-summary.png"
-format="PNG" xml:id="BId-drakx-misc-params-im1" revision="1"
-width="11.5cm"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-misc-params-pa1" revision="4"><indexterm xml:id="BIdNEW-drakx-misc-params-it16">
- <primary>configuration</primary> </indexterm>As a review,
-<application>DrakX</application> will present a summary of information it
-has gathered about your system. Depending on the hardware installed on your
-machine, you may have some or all of the following entries. Each entry is
-made up of the hardware item to be configured, followed by a quick summary
-of the current configuration. Click on the corresponding
-<guibutton>Configure</guibutton> button to make any changes.</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-misc-params-pa3" revision="2"><guilabel>Timezone</guilabel>: <indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-misc-params-it2"><primary>time zone</primary><secondary>configuration</secondary></indexterm>by
-default, <application>DrakX</application> deduces your time zone based on
-the country you have chosen. You can click on the
-<guibutton>Configure</guibutton> button here if this is not correct.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="drakxidselectCountry" revision="5"><indexterm xml:id="drakx-it54a"> <primary>country</primary>
- <secondary>configuration</secondary>
- </indexterm><guilabel>Country / Region</guilabel>:
-check the current country selection. If you're not in the country selected
-by <application>DrakX</application>, click on the
-<guibutton>Configure</guibutton> button and choose another. If your country
-isn't in the list shown, click on the <guibutton>Other Countries</guibutton>
-button to get a complete country list.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="drakx-pa152a" revision="3"><guilabel>Bootloader</guilabel>: if you wish to change your bootloader
-configuration, click this button. This should be reserved to advanced
-users. Refer to the printed documentation or the in-line help about
-bootloader configuration in the <application>Mageia Control
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="drakx-pa155b"><indexterm xml:id="drakx-it57c">
- <primary>services</primary> <secondary>configuration</secondary>
- </indexterm><guilabel>Services</guilabel>: with
-this entry you can fine tune which services will be run on your machine. If
-you plan to use this machine as a server it's a good idea to review this
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-misc-params-pa2" revision="1"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-misc-params-it1"> <primary>keyboard</primary>
- <secondary>configuration</secondary>
- </indexterm><guilabel>Keyboard</guilabel>: check
-the current keyboard map configuration and change it if necessary.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-misc-params-pa4"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-misc-params-it3"> <primary>mouse</primary>
- <secondary>configuration</secondary></indexterm><guilabel>Mouse</guilabel>: verify the
-current mouse configuration and click on the button to change it if
- </listitem>
- <!-- Printers are no longer in Summary section or Installer - John
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="drakxid-configurePrinter" revision="3"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-misc-params-it4"> <primary>printer</primary>
- <secondary>configuration</secondary></indexterm><guilabel>Printer</guilabel>:
- clicking on the <guibutton>Configure</guibutton> button will
- open the printer configuration wizard. Consult <phrase xml:id="BIdNEW-drakx-misc-params-ph2" condition="Discovery">the
- corresponding chapter of the
- <citetitle>Starter Guide</citetitle></phrase><phrase condition="Startonly" xml:id="BIdNEW-drakx-misc-params-ph3" revision="1"><xref linkend="printerdrake"/></phrase><phrase condition="only-in-ML-Full-Manual" xml:id="BIdNEW-drakx-misc-params-ph4" revision="1"><xref linkend="printerdrake"/></phrase> for more information on how to
- set up a new printer. The interface presented in our manual is
- similar to the one used during installation.</para>
- </listitem>
- <para xml:id="drakxid-sound_config" revision="2"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-misc-params-it5"> <primary>sound card</primary>
- <secondary>configuration</secondary>
- </indexterm><guilabel>Sound card</guilabel>: if a
-sound card is detected on your system, it will be displayed here. If you
-notice the sound card isn't the one actually present on your system, you can
-click on the button and choose a different driver.</para>
- </listitem>
- <!-- TV cards are no longer in Summary section or Installer - Marja
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-misc-params-pa5" revision="2"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-misc-params-it6"> <primary>tv card</primary>
- <secondary>configuration</secondary> </indexterm><guilabel>TV
- card</guilabel>: if you have a TV card, this is where
- information about its configuration will be displayed. If you
- want to try a different driver for your TV card, or its
- detection wasn't accurate you can click on
- <guibutton>Configure</guibutton> to try to configure it
- manually.</para>
- </listitem>
- -->
- <para xml:id="drakx-pa152b" revision="3"><indexterm xml:id="drakx-it57b">
- <primary>graphical interface</primary>
- <secondary>configuration</secondary>
- </indexterm><guilabel>Graphical
-Interface</guilabel>: by default, <application>DrakX</application>
-configures your graphical interface with a resolution that best matches your
-video card and monitor combination. If that doesn't suit you, or
-<application>DrakX</application> could not automatically configure it
-(<guilabel>not configured</guilabel> is displayed), click on
-<guibutton>Configure</guibutton> to reconfigure your graphical
-interface. You can click on <guibutton>Help</guibutton> from within the
-configuration wizard to benefit from full in-line help.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="drakx-pa152c" revision="2"><indexterm xml:id="drakx-it57d">
- <primary>network</primary>
- <secondary>configuration</secondary></indexterm> <guilabel>Network</guilabel>: if you
-wish to configure your Internet or local network access, you can do so from
-here. Refer to the printed documentation or use the <application>Mageia
-Control Center</application> after the installation has finished to benefit
-from full in-line help.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BIdNEW-drakx-misc-params-pa62" revision="2"><indexterm xml:id="BIdNEW-drakx-misc-params-it17"> <primary>network</primary>
- <secondary>proxy</secondary>
- </indexterm><guilabel>Proxies</guilabel>: allows
-you to configure <acronym>HTTP</acronym> and <acronym>FTP</acronym> proxy
-addresses if the machine you're installing on is to be located behind a
-proxy server.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="drakx-pa155a"><indexterm xml:id="drakx-it58a">
- <primary>security</primary>
- <secondary>configuration</secondary></indexterm><guilabel>Security Level</guilabel>:
-this entry allows you to redefine the security level<phrase
-condition="Starter" xml:id="BId-drakx-misc-params-ph1"> as set in a previous
-step (see <xref linkend="drakxidmiscellaneous"/>)</phrase>.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="draxid-tinyfirewall" revision="1"><indexterm xml:id="drakx-it59a"> <primary>firewall</primary>
- <secondary>configuration</secondary>
- </indexterm><guilabel>Firewall</guilabel>: if you
-plan to connect your machine to the Internet, it's a good idea to protect
-yourself from intrusions by setting up a firewall. Consult <phrase
-condition="Discovery" xml:id="BIdNEW-drakx-misc-params-ph5">the
-corresponding chapter of the <citetitle>Starter
-Guide</citetitle></phrase><phrase condition="Startonly"
-xml:id="BIdNEW-drakx-misc-params-ph6" revision="2"><xref
-linkend="tinyfirewall"/></phrase><phrase condition="only-in-ML-Full-Manual"
-xml:id="BIdNEW-drakx-misc-params-ph7" revision="2"><xref
-linkend="tinyfirewall"/></phrase> for details about firewall settings.</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="drakxidconfigureTimezoneGMT" revision="11" role="manual"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakx-misc-params-ti3" revision="2">Time Zone Options</title></info>
- <mediaobject condition="expert" xml:id="dx-configureTimezoneGMT">
-<imageobject> <imagedata align="center"
-fileref="dx-configureTimezoneGMT.png" format="PNG"
-xml:id="BId-drakx-misc-params-im2" revision="2" width="11.5cm"/>
- <para condition="no-inline-help" xml:id="BId-drakx-misc-params-pa7" revision="3">This dialog appears after selecting a new time zone in the time zones
-list. After you've chosen the location nearest to your time zone, two more
-options are shown.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-misc-params-pa8" revision="1"><application>GNU/Linux</application> manages time in <acronym>GMT</acronym>
-(Greenwich Mean Time) and translates it to local time according to the time
-zone you selected. If the clock on your motherboard is set to local time,
-you may deactivate this by deselecting <guilabel>Hardware clock set to
-GMT</guilabel>, which will let <application>GNU/Linux</application> know
-that the system clock and the hardware clock are in the same time zone. This
-is useful when the machine also hosts another operating system.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-misc-params-pa9" revision="3">The <guilabel>Automatic time synchronization</guilabel> option will
-automatically regulate the system clock by connecting to a remote time
-server on the Internet. For this feature to work, you must have a working
-Internet connection. We recommend that you choose a time server located near
-you or the generic <guilabel>World Wide</guilabel> entry which will select
-the best server for you. This option actually installs a time server which
-can be used by other machines on your local network as well.</para>
- </section>
- <section condition="expert" xml:id="drakxidconfigureServices"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakx-misc-params-ti10">Selecting Available Services at Boot Time</title></info>
- <mediaobject condition="expert" xml:id="dx-configureServices">
-<imageobject> <imagedata align="center" fileref="dx-configureServices.png"
-format="PNG" xml:id="BId-drakx-misc-params-im5" revision="2"
-width="11.5cm"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-misc-params-pa57" revision="2"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-misc-params-it15"> <primary>services</primary>
- </indexterm><indexterm xml:id="BIdNEW-drakx-misc-params-it18">
- <primary>boot</primary><secondary>services</secondary></indexterm>This dialog is used to select which services you wish to start at
-boot time.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-misc-params-pa58" revision="2"><application>DrakX</application> will list all services available on the
-current installation. Review each of them carefully and uncheck those which
-aren't needed at boot time.</para>
- <tip>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-misc-params-pa59" revision="1">A short explanatory text will be displayed about a service when it is
-selected. However, if you're not sure whether a service is useful or not, it
-is safer to leave the default behavior.</para>
- </tip>
- <warning>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-misc-params-pa60" revision="2">At this stage, be very careful if you intend to use your machine as a
-server: you probably don't want to start any services which you don't
-need. Please remember that some services can be dangerous if they're enabled
-on a server. In general, select only those services you
-<emphasis>really</emphasis> need.</para>
- </warning>
- </section>
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-miscellaneous-sect1.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-miscellaneous-sect1.xml
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-<!-- Converted by db4-upgrade version 1.0 -->
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk" xml:id="drakxid-miscellaneous"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakxid-miscellaneous-ti1">Deprecated - Security Level</title></info>
- <mediaobject condition="expert">
-<imageobject> <imagedata align="center" fileref="dx-miscellaneous.png"
-format="PNG" xml:id="BId-drakxid-miscellaneous-im1" revision="1"
-width="11.5cm"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-miscellaneous-pa1" revision="2"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakxid-miscellaneous-it1"><primary>security</primary>
- <secondary>level</secondary></indexterm>At this point,
-<application>DrakX</application> allows you to choose your machine's
-security level. As a rule of thumb, the security level should be set higher
-if the machine is to contain crucial data, or if it's to be directly exposed
-to the Internet. The trade-off is that a higher security level is generally
-obtained at the expense of ease of use.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-miscellaneous-pa2" revision="3">If you don't know what to choose, keep the default option. You'll be able to
-change it later with the <application>draksec</application> tool<phrase
-condition="not-in-QSPlus" xml:id="BIdNEW-drakxid-miscellaneous-ph1"> (see
-<xref linkend="draksec"/>)</phrase>.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-miscellaneous-pa3" revision="1">Fill the <guilabel>Security Administrator</guilabel> field with the e-mail
-address of the person responsible for security. Security-related messages
-will be sent to that address.</para>
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-partition_with_diskdrake-sect1.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-partition_with_diskdrake-sect1.xml
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-<!-- Converted by db4-upgrade version 1.0 -->
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk" condition="extended" xml:id="drakxid-partition_with_diskdrake" userlevel="expert"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakxid-partition_with_diskdrake-ti1">Deprecated - Format Disks with DiskDrake</title></info>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-partition_with_diskdrake-pa1">At this point, you need to choose which partition(s) will be used for the
-installation of your <application>Mandriva Linux</application> system. If
-partitions have already been defined, either from a previous installation of
-<application>GNU/Linux</application> or by another partitioning tool, you
-can use existing partitions. Otherwise, hard drive partitions must be
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-partition_with_diskdrake-pa2">To create partitions, you must first select a hard drive. You can select the
-disk for partitioning by clicking on <quote>hda</quote> for the first IDE
-drive, <quote>hdb</quote> for the second, <quote>sda</quote> for the first
-<acronym>SCSI</acronym> drive and so on.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-partition_with_diskdrake-pa3">To partition the selected hard drive, you can use these options:</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-partition_with_diskdrake-pa4"><guibutton>Clear all</guibutton>: this option deletes all partitions on the
-selected hard drive</para></listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-partition_with_diskdrake-pa5" revision="1"><guibutton>Auto allocate</guibutton>: this option enables you to
-automatically create <acronym>ext3</acronym> and swap partitions in the free
-space of your hard drive</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-partition_with_diskdrake-pa6" revision="1"><guibutton>More</guibutton>: gives access to additional features:</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-partition_with_diskdrake-pa7"><guibutton>Save partition table</guibutton>: saves the partition table to a
-floppy. Useful for later partition-table recovery if necessary. It is
-strongly recommended that you perform this step.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-partition_with_diskdrake-pa8"><guibutton>Restore partition table</guibutton>: allows you to restore a
-previously saved partition table from a floppy disk.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-partition_with_diskdrake-pa9"><guibutton>Rescue partition table</guibutton>: if your partition table is
-damaged, you can try to recover it using this option. Please be careful and
-remember that it doesn't always work.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-partition_with_diskdrake-pa10"><guibutton>Reload partition table</guibutton>: discards all changes and
-reloads the partition table that was originally on the hard drive.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-partition_with_diskdrake-pa11"><guilabel>Removable media auto-mounting</guilabel>: unchecking this option
-will force users to manually mount and unmount removable media such as
-floppies and <acronym>CD-ROM</acronym>s.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem><para xml:id="BId-drakxid-partition_with_diskdrake-pa12"><guibutton>Wizard</guibutton>: use this option if you wish to use a wizard
-to partition your hard drive. This is recommended if you do not have a good
-understanding of partitioning.</para></listitem>
- <listitem><para xml:id="BId-drakxid-partition_with_diskdrake-pa13"><guibutton>Undo</guibutton>: use this option to cancel your changes.</para></listitem>
- <listitem><para xml:id="BId-drakxid-partition_with_diskdrake-pa14"><guibutton>Toggle between normal/expert mode</guibutton>: allows additional
-actions on partitions (type, options, format) and gives more information
-about the hard drive.</para></listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-partition_with_diskdrake-pa15"><guibutton>Done</guibutton>: when you are finished partitioning your hard
-drive, this will save your changes back to disk.</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <tip>
- <para xml:id="drakx-pa71a">When defining the size of a partition, you can finely set the partition size
-by using the <keysym>Arrow</keysym> keys of your keyboard.</para>
- </tip>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-partition_with_diskdrake-pa16">Note: you can reach any option using the keyboard. Navigate through the
-partitions using <keycap>Tab</keycap> and the <keycap>Up/Down</keycap>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-partition_with_diskdrake-pa17">When a partition is selected, you can use:<itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-partition_with_diskdrake-pa18"><keycombo><keysym>Ctrl-</keysym><keysym>c</keysym></keycombo> to create a
-new partition (when an empty partition is selected)</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-partition_with_diskdrake-pa19"><keycombo><keysym>Ctrl-</keysym><keysym>d</keysym></keycombo> to delete a
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-partition_with_diskdrake-pa20"><keycombo><keysym>Ctrl-</keysym><keysym>m</keysym></keycombo> to set the
-mount point</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist></para>
- <note revision="10">
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-partition_with_diskdrake-pa21">To get information about the different file system types available, please
-read the <acronym>ext2FS</acronym> chapter from the <citetitle>Reference
- </note>
- <para condition="ppc" xml:id="BId-drakxid-partition_with_diskdrake-pa22" revision="1">If you are installing on a PPC machine, you will want to create a small HFS
-<quote>bootstrap</quote> partition of at least 1<acronym>MB</acronym> which
-will be used by the <application>yaboot</application> bootloader. If you opt
-to make the partition a bit larger, say 50<acronym>MB</acronym>, you may
-find it a useful place to store a spare kernel and ramdisk images for
-emergency boot situations.</para>
- </section>
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-resizeFATChoose-sect1.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-resizeFATChoose-sect1.xml
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!-- Converted by db4-upgrade version 1.0 -->
-<section condition="extended" userlevel="expert" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk"
- xml:id="drakxid-resizeFATChoose"
- xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
- xmlns:ns5="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"
- xmlns:ns4="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
- xmlns:ns3="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
- xmlns:ns2="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
- xmlns:ns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook">
- <info>
- <title xml:id="BId-drakxid-resizeFATChoose-ti1">Deprecated - Choose FAT Partition to Be Resized</title>
- </info>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-resizeFATChoose-pa1"><indexterm>
- <primary>partitions</primary>
- <secondary>resize</secondary>
- </indexterm> More than one
-<application>Microsoft</application> partition has been detected on your
-hard drive. Please choose the one which you want to resize in order to
-install your new <application>Mageia</application> operating system.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-resizeFATChoose-pa2">Each partition is listed as follows: "Linux name", "Windows name",
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-resizeFATChoose-pa3">"Linux name" is structured: "hard drive type", "hard drive number",
-"partition number" (for example, "sda1").</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-resizeFATChoose-pa4">"Hard drive type" is "sd"
- </para>
- <para><!-- (mentioning SCSI doesn't seem needed anymore - Marja) if it is a <acronym>SCSI</acronym> hard drive.
-I rewrote it and added it back - MrsB-->
-This is standard for hard drives now and has nothing to do with SD Memory
-Cards. Hard drives were previously prefixed "hd" for IDE drives or "sd" for
-SATA drives but they are all now prefixed with "sd". </para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-resizeFATChoose-pa5">"Hard drive number" is actually a letter and always follows "sd": <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-resizeFATChoose-pa6">"a" means "first hard drive";</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-resizeFATChoose-pa7">"b" means "second hard drive";</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-resizeFATChoose-pa8">and so on...</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist></para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-resizeFATChoose-pa11">"Windows name" is the letter of your hard drive under
-<application>Windows<superscript>®</superscript></application> (the first
-disk or partition is called "C:").</para>
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-selectInstallClass-sect1.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-selectInstallClass-sect1.xml
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index 7eb7d355..00000000
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-<!-- Converted by db4-upgrade version 1.0 -->
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk" condition="expert" xml:id="drakxid-selectInstallClass" ><info><title xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectInstallClass-ti1">Deprecated - Installation Class</title></info>
- <para xml:id="drakx-pa19a" revision="1">This step is shown only if an existing <application>GNU/Linux</application>
-partition is found on your machine.</para>
- <mediaobject condition="expert">
-<imageobject> <imagedata align="center" fileref="dx-selectInstallClass.png"
-format="PNG" xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectInstallClass-im1" revision="1"
-width="11.5cm"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectInstallClass-pa1" revision="1"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectInstallClass-it1"><primary>installation</primary>
- <secondary>class</secondary></indexterm><application>DrakX</application> now
-needs to know if you want to install from scratch or upgrade your existing
-<application>Mageia</application> system:</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectInstallClass-pa3" revision="2"><guilabel>Upgrade</guilabel>.<indexterm xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectInstallClass-it2" revision="2">
- <primary>upgrade</primary></indexterm>If you
-have an older <application>Mageia</application> operating system, this
-option allows you to upgrade it. Your existing partitioning scheme and user
-data won't be altered. Most of the other configuration steps remain
-available and are similar to a standard installation.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectInstallClass-pa2" revision="4"><!-- Removed - simon, grenoya and marja think it is not needed: - For the most part, this
- completely wipes out the old system. However, depending on your
- partitioning scheme, you can prevent some of your existing data
- (particularly <literal>
-/home</literal> directories) from being
- overwritten. If you wish to change how your hard drives are
- partitioned, or to change the file system, you should use this
- option.-->
-<guilabel>Install</guilabel>. Use this option for everything except
-upgrading an existing Mageia installation.</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
-<!-- This note is not needed, now. To be used again when we have older Mageia versions from which upgrading is no longer supported. -marja
- <note revision="12">
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectInstallClass-pa4" revision="1">Using the
- <quote>Upgrade</quote> option should work fine on <application>Mageia</application>
- systems running version <literal>1</literal> or later. Performing
- an upgrade on prior versions is not recommended.</para>
- </note> -->
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-selectKeyboard-sect1.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-selectKeyboard-sect1.xml
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@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Converted by db4-upgrade version 1.0 -->
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk" condition="expert" xml:id="drakxid-selectKeyboard"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectKeyboard-ti1">Deprecated - Configuring the Keyboard</title></info>
- <note>
- <para xml:id="BIdNEW-drakxid-selectKeyboard-pa5">DrakX shows one or more keyboards, depending on which language(s) you have
- </note>
- <mediaobject>
-<imageobject> <imagedata align="center" fileref="dx-selectKeyboard.png"
-format="PNG" xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectKeyboard-im1" revision="1"
-width="11.5cm"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectKeyboard-pa1" revision="3"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectKeyboard-it1"><primary>keyboard</primary>
- </indexterm><indexterm xml:id="BIdNEW-drakxid-selectKeyboard-it2">
- <primary>language</primary><secondary>keyboard</secondary></indexterm>Depending on the language you chose (see <xref
-linkend="drakxid-selectLanguage"/>), <application>DrakX</application>
-automatically selects a particular type of keyboard configuration. Verify
-that the selection suits you or choose another keyboard layout. If you don't
-know which layout your keyboard has, look in the specifications that came
-with your system, or ask the computer vendor. You can also look here: <link
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectKeyboard-pa2">If your keyboard isn't in the list shown, click on <guibutton
-revision="1">More</guibutton> to get a full list, and select your keyboard
-there. Note that after having chosen your keyboard, you will return to the
-first screen and it'll seem that a keyboard from this first screen was
-chosen. You can safely ignore this and go on, the keyboard you chose from
-the full list will now be configured! </para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectKeyboard-pa3">If you choose a keyboard layout based on a non-Latin alphabet, the next
-dialog will allow you to choose the key binding which will switch the
-keyboard between the Latin and non-Latin layouts.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectKeyboard-pa4" revision="1">Additional information: You may have a keyboard which does not correspond
-exactly to your language: for example, if you are an English-speaking Swiss
-native, you may have a Swiss keyboard. Or if you speak English and are
-located in Québec, you may find yourself in the same situation where your
-native language and country-set keyboard don't match. In either case, this
-installation step will allow you to select an appropriate keyboard. </para>
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-selectLanguage-sect1.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-selectLanguage-sect1.xml
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index bcbbfe80..00000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Converted by db4-upgrade version 1.0 -->
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk" xml:id="drakxid-selectLanguage" ><info><title xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectLanguage-ti1">Deprecated - Choosing your Language</title></info>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectLanguage-pa1" revision="1">The first step is to choose your preferred language.</para>
- <figure xml:id="selectLanguage-fig" revision="2"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectLanguage-ti2">Choosing the Default Language</title></info> <mediaobject>
-<imageobject> <imagedata align="center" fileref="dx-selectLanguage.png"
-format="PNG" xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectLanguage-im1" revision="4"
-width="11.5cm"/> </imageobject></mediaobject></figure>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectLanguage-pa2" revision="5"><indexterm
- xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectLanguage-it1">
- <primary>language</primary>
- </indexterm>First open the tree relative to the
-continent you are located in, and then choose the language you speak. Your
-language choice will affect the installer, the documentation, and the system
-in general. </para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectLanguage-pa3" revision="3">Click the <guilabel>Multiple languages</guilabel> button near the botom of
-the list to go to the screen to select additional languages for your
-workstation, thereby installing the language-specific files for system
-documentation and applications. For example, if Spanish friends are to use
-your machine, select English as the default language in the first screen and
-<guilabel>Español</guilabel> in the <guilabel>Multiple languages</guilabel>
-<para xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectLanguage-pa4" revision="2">You are advised to install the language of your keyboard and the language of
-the country you live in as additional languages if they are not the same as
-your preferred language.</para>
- </note>
- <note>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectLanguage-pa5" revision="2">About <acronym>UTF-8</acronym> (unicode) support: Unicode is a character
-encoding intended to cover all existing languages. <application>Mageia
-Linux</application> uses <acronym>UTF-8</acronym> by default for all
- <orderedlist inheritnum="ignore" continuation="restarts">
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectLanguage-pa6" revision="1">If you know UTF-8 encoding doesn't work well for your language, tick the box
-<guilabel>Old compatibility (non-UTF) encoding</guilabel> at the top of the
-<guilabel>Multiple languages</guilabel> screen</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectLanguage-pa7" revision="1">Be aware that this will then apply to all languages on your system</para>
- </listitem>
- </orderedlist>
- </note>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectLanguage-pa4" revision="4">Note that you're not limited to choosing a single additional language. You
-may choose several, or even install them all by selecting the <guilabel>All
-languages</guilabel> box. Selecting support for a language means
-translations, fonts, spell checkers, etc. will also be installed for that
-language. Make sure you select all languages which are likely to be useful
-on the machine now, it may be difficult to configure support for languages
-not chosen at install time at a later date.</para>
- <tip>
- <para xml:id="drakx-pa18a" revision="2">To switch between the various languages installed on your system, you can
-launch the <command>localedrake</command> command as <literal>root</literal>
-to change the language used by the entire system. Running the command as a
-regular user will only change the language settings for that particular
- </tip>
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-selectMouse-sect1.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-selectMouse-sect1.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 22336cb3..00000000
--- a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-selectMouse-sect1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Converted by db4-upgrade version 1.0 -->
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk" condition="expert" xml:id="drakxid-selectMouse" ><info><title xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectMouse-ti1">Deprecated - Configuring your Mouse</title></info>
- <mediaobject condition="expert">
-<imageobject> <imagedata align="center" fileref="dx-selectMouse.png"
-format="PNG" xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectMouse-im1" revision="1"
-width="11.5cm"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectMouse-pa1" revision="12"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectMouse-it1"><primary>mouse</primary></indexterm>Usually,
-<application>DrakX</application> has no problems detecting the number of
-buttons on your mouse. If it fails to properly recognize it, it assumes you
-have a two-button mouse and will configure it for third-button
-emulation. The third-button mouse button of a two-button mouse can be
-obtained by simultaneously clicking the left and right mouse
-buttons. <application>DrakX</application> will automatically know whether
-your mouse uses a <acronym>PS/2</acronym>, serial or <acronym>USB</acronym>
- <note>
- <para xml:id="BIdNEW-drakxid-selectMouse-pa5" revision="2">If you have a 3-button mouse without a wheel, you can choose a
-<guilabel>with Wheel emulation</guilabel>
-mouse. <application>DrakX</application> will then configure your mouse so
-that you can simulate the wheel with it: to do so, press the middle button
-and move your mouse pointer up and down.</para>
- </note>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectMouse-pa2">If for some reason you wish to specify a different type of mouse, select it
-from the list provided.</para>
- <tip>
- <para xml:id="BIdNEW-drakxid-selectMouse-pa6">You can select the <guilabel>Universal | Any PS/2 &amp; USB mice</guilabel>
-entry to choose a <quote>generic</quote> mouse type which will work with
-nearly all mice.</para>
- </tip>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectMouse-pa3" revision="12">If you choose a mouse other than the default one, a test screen will be
-displayed. Use the buttons and wheel to verify that the settings are correct
-and that the mouse is working correctly. If the mouse isn't working well,
-press the <keycap>space</keycap> bar or <keycap>Enter</keycap> key to cancel
-the test and you will be returned to the mouse list.</para>
- <indexterm xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectMouse-it2">
- <primary>mouse</primary> <secondary>Wheel</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- <note>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectMouse-pa4" revision="3">Occasionally wheel mice are not detected automatically, so you will need to
-select your mouse from a list. Be sure to select the one corresponding to
-the port that your mouse is attached to. After selecting a mouse and
-pressing the <guibutton>Next</guibutton> button, a mouse image will be
-displayed on-screen. Scroll the mouse wheel to ensure that it is correctly
-activated. As you scroll your mouse wheel, you will see the on-screen scroll
-wheel moving. Test the buttons and check that the mouse pointer moves
-on-screen as you move your mouse about.</para>
- </note>
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-selectSerialPort-sect1.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-selectSerialPort-sect1.xml
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index 6f179ed1..00000000
--- a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-selectSerialPort-sect1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Converted by db4-upgrade version 1.0 -->
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk" condition="extended" xml:id="drakxid-selectSerialPort" userlevel="expert"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectSerialPort-ti1">Deprecated - Configuring your Mouse</title></info>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-selectSerialPort-pa1" revision="10">Please select the correct port. For example, the <literal>COM1</literal>
-port under <application>Windows<superscript>®</superscript></application> is
-named <literal>ttyS0</literal> under <application>GNU/Linux</application>.</para>
- </section>
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-setRootPassword-sect1.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-setRootPassword-sect1.xml
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index e2a43525..00000000
--- a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-setRootPassword-sect1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!-- Converted by db4-upgrade version 1.0 -->
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:ns6="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:ns5="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:ns4="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:ns3="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:ns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk" xml:id="drakxid-setRootPassword">
- <info>
- <title xml:id="BId-drakxid-setRootPassword-ti1">Deprecated - Root Password</title>
- </info>
- <mediaobject condition="expert">
-<imageobject> <imagedata revision="1" fileref="dx-setRootPassword.png"
-width="11.5cm" align="center" format="PNG"
-xml:id="BId-drakxid-setRootPassword-im1"></imagedata> </imageobject></mediaobject>
- <indexterm xml:id="BId-drakxid-setRootPassword-it1">
- <primary>root</primary>
- <secondary>password</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- <indexterm xml:id="BId-drakxid-setRootPassword-it2">
- <primary>password</primary>
- <secondary>root</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- <para revision="3" xml:id="BId-drakxid-setRootPassword-pa1">This is the most crucial decision point for the security of your
-<application>GNU/Linux</application> system: you must enter the
-<literal>root</literal> password. <literal>Root</literal> is the system
-administrator and is the only user authorized to make updates, add users,
-change the overall system configuration, and so on. In short,
-<literal>root</literal> can do everything! That's why you must choose a
-password which is difficult to guess: <application>DrakX</application> will
-tell you if the password you chose is too simple. You're not forced to enter
-a password, but we <emphasis>strongly</emphasis> encourage you to do so.
-<application>GNU/Linux</application> is just as prone to operator error as
-any other operating system. Since <literal>root</literal> can overcome all
-limitations and unintentionally erase all data on partitions by carelessly
-accessing the partitions themselves, it is important that it be difficult to
-become <literal>root</literal>.</para>
- <para revision="1" xml:id="BId-drakxid-setRootPassword-pa2">The password should be a mixture of alphanumeric characters and at least 8
-characters long. Never write down <literal>root</literal>'s password — it
-makes it far too easy to compromise your system.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-setRootPassword-pa3">One caveat: don't make the password too long or too complicated because you
-must be able to remember it!</para>
- <para revision="2" xml:id="BId-drakxid-setRootPassword-pa4">The password won't be displayed on screen as you type it. To reduce the
-chance of a blind typing error you will need to enter the password twice. If
-you do happen to make the same typing error twice, you will have to use this
-<quote>incorrect</quote> password when you try to connect as
-<literal>root</literal>, at least for the first time.</para>
- <para revision="4" xml:id="BId-drakxid-setRootPassword-pa5">You can change the way users are authenticated on your computer by clicking
-on the <guibutton>Authentication method</guibutton> button. The following
-authentication methods are available:</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BIdNEW-drakxid-setRootPassword-pa7"><guilabel>Local file</guilabel>. Use a local file for all authentication and
-user information. This is the default method.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BIdNEW-drakxid-setRootPassword-pa8"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakxid-setRootPassword-it3">
- <primary>LDAP</primary>
- </indexterm><indexterm revision="1" xml:id="BId-drakxid-setRootPassword-it4">
- <primary>authentication</primary>
- <secondary>LDAP</secondary>
- </indexterm><guilabel>LDAP</guilabel>. Use an <acronym>LDAP</acronym> server for
-some or all authentication needs. An <acronym>LDAP</acronym> directory
-consolidates certain types of information within your organization.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BIdNEW-drakxid-setRootPassword-pa9"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakxid-setRootPassword-it5">
- <primary>NIS</primary>
- </indexterm><indexterm revision="1" xml:id="BId-drakxid-setRootPassword-it6">
- <primary>authentication</primary>
- <secondary>NIS</secondary>
- </indexterm><guilabel>NIS</guilabel>. Authenticates users against a
-<acronym>NIS</acronym> domain. This allows you to run a group of computers
-in the same <acronym>NIS</acronym> domain using a common password and group
- </listitem>
- <listitem condition="ML-Full-Manual" xml:id="drakxid-setRootPassword-SmartCard">
- <para xml:id="BIdNEW-drakxid-setRootPassword-pa10"><guilabel>Smart Card</guilabel>. Uses <application>SmartCard</application>
-hardware for providing authentication services.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para revision="1" xml:id="BIdNEW-drakxid-setRootPassword-pa11"><indexterm revision="1" xml:id="BId-drakxid-setRootPassword-it7">
- <primary>authentication</primary>
- <secondary>PDC</secondary>
- </indexterm><indexterm xml:id="BIdNEW-drakxid-setRootPassword-it8">
- <primary>authentication</primary>
- <secondary>Active Directory</secondary>
- </indexterm><guilabel>Windows Domain</guilabel>. Uses a
-<application>Windows<superscript>®</superscript></application> domain
-controller to provide authentication services through <application>Active
-Directory</application>, <application>Microsoft</application>'s
-implementation of <acronym>LDAP</acronym>.</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para revision="3" xml:id="BId-drakx-pa6">If you select a method other than <guilabel>Local file</guilabel>, you will
-be asked to provide some parameters, which vary from one method to the
-other. If you don't know those parameters, you should ask your network
- <note>
- <para revision="2" xml:id="BId-drakx-pa137a">If you happen to have problems remembering passwords, or if your computer
-will never be connected to the Internet and you absolutely trust everybody
-who uses your computer, you can choose to have <guibutton>No
-password</guibutton>. Please bear in mind that this is an insecure option,
-and it is not recommended.</para>
- <para revision="2"></para>
- <para revision="2"></para>
- </note>
-</section> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-setupBootloaderBeginne-sect1.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-setupBootloaderBeginne-sect1.xml
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index 78858054..00000000
--- a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-setupBootloaderBeginne-sect1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Converted by db4-upgrade version 1.0 -->
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk" condition="expert" xml:id="drakxid-setupBootloaderBeginner" ><info><title xml:id="setupBootloaderBeginner-title">Deprecated - Installing a Bootloader</title></info>
- <mediaobject>
-<imageobject> <imagedata align="center" fileref="dx-setupBootloader.png"
-format="PNG" xml:id="BId-drakxid-setupBootloaderBeginner-im1" revision="1"
-width="11.5cm"/> </imageobject></mediaobject>
- <indexterm xml:id="BId-drakxid-setupBootloaderBeginner-it1">
- <primary>bootloader</primary>
- <secondary>LILO</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- <indexterm xml:id="BId-drakxid-setupBootloaderBeginner-it2">
- <primary>bootloader</primary>
- <secondary>GRUB</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- <indexterm xml:id="BId-drakxid-setupBootloaderBeginner-it3">
- <primary>LILO</primary>
- </indexterm>
- <indexterm xml:id="BId-drakxid-setupBootloaderBeginner-it4">
- <primary>GRUB</primary>
- </indexterm>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-setupBootloaderBeginner-pa1" revision="4">A bootloader is a small program which is started by the computer at boot
-time. It's responsible for starting up the whole system. Normally, the
-bootloader installation is totally
-automated. <application>DrakX</application> will analyze the disk boot
-sector and act according to what it finds there:</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-setupBootloaderBeginner-pa2" revision="1">If a <application>Windows<superscript>®</superscript></application> boot
-sector is found, it will replace it with a
-<application>GRUB</application>/<application>LILO</application> boot
-sector. This way you will be able to load either
-<application>GNU/Linux</application> or any other <acronym>OS</acronym>
-installed on your machine.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-setupBootloaderBeginner-pa3" revision="1">In any other case it will ask you where it should place the boot
-loader. Generally, the <guilabel>First sector of the drive (MBR)</guilabel>
-is the safest place.</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-setupBootloaderBeginner-pa4" revision="1">Choosing <guilabel>Skip</guilabel> won't install a bootloader. Use this
-option only if you know what you're doing.</para>
- </section>
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-setupSCSI.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-setupSCSI.xml
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index 3a0e6f23..00000000
--- a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-setupSCSI.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!-- Converted by db4-upgrade version 1.0 -->
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:ns52="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:ns5="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:ns4="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:ns3="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:ns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" condition="extended" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk" xml:id="drakxid-setupSCSI">
- <info>
- <title xml:id="BId-drakxid-setupSCSI-ti1">Hard Disk Detection and Configuration</title>
- </info>
- <para revision="2" xml:id="BId-drakxid-setupSCSI-pa1"><application>DrakX</application> will first attempt to detect any
-<acronym>IDE</acronym> and <acronym>SATA</acronym> devices present in your
-computer. It will also scan for one or more <acronym>PCI</acronym>
-<acronym>SCSI</acronym> cards. If a <acronym>SCSI</acronym> card is found,
-<application>DrakX</application> will attempt to install the correct driver.</para>
- <para revision="2" xml:id="BId-drakxid-setupSCSI-pa2">However, because hardware detection is not foolproof,
-<application>DrakX</application> may fail to detect your
-<acronym>SCSI</acronym> hard drives. If so, you mayl need to specify your
- <para revision="2" xml:id="BId-drakxid-setupSCSI-pa3">If you have had to specify your <acronym>PCI</acronym>
-<acronym>SCSI</acronym> adapter(s), <application>DrakX</application> will
-ask if you want to pass configuration options to it. Allow
-<application>DrakX</application> to probe the hardware to determine any
-card-specific options needed to initialize the adapter.</para>
- <para revision="2" xml:id="BId-drakxid-setupSCSI-pa4"><application>DrakX</application> will usually complete this step without
- <para revision="1" xml:id="BId-drakxid-setupSCSI-pa5">If <application>DrakX</application> cannot automatically determine the
-parameters to be passed to the hardware, you'll need to manually configure
-the driver.</para>
- <para revision="1" xml:id="BId-drakxid-setupSCSI-pa6">How you determine these parameters is beyond the scope of this help screen.</para>
-</section> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-setupX-sect1.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-setupX-sect1.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d13a472..00000000
--- a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-setupX-sect1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- <!-- Created by Marja Van Waes -->
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk" condition="extended" xml:id="drakx-setupX"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakx-setupX-ti1">Deprecated - Configuring X, the Graphical Server</title></info>
- <mediaobject condition="expert" xml:id="dx-setupX">
-<imageobject> <imagedata align="center" fileref="dx-configureX.png"
-format="PNG" xml:id="BId-drakx-setupX-im3" revision="2" width="11.5cm"/>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-setupX-pa1"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-setupX-it9"> <primary>X Window System</primary>
- </indexterm><application>X</application> (for X
-Window System) is the heart of the <application>GNU/Linux</application>
-graphical interface on which all the graphical environments
-(<application>KDE</application>, <application>GNOME</application>,
-<application>WindowMaker</application>, etc.) bundled with
-<application>Mageia</application> rely on.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-setupX-pa2">You will see a list of different parameters which you can change in order to
-optimize your graphical display.</para>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry xml:id="drakxid-configureX_card_list">
- <term xml:id="BId-drakx-setupX-te1">Graphic Card</term>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-setupX-pa3">If everything works fine, the installer should detect and configure the
-video card installed on your machine. If the detection or configuration is
-incorrect, you can choose the card installed on your system from a list.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry xml:id="drakxid-configureX_monitor">
- <term xml:id="BId-drakx-setupX-te2">Monitor</term>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-setupX-pa4">If the installer fails to detect or configure your monitor properly, you can
-choose from this list the monitor which is connected to your computer.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry xml:id="drakxid-configureX_resolution">
- <term xml:id="BId-drakx-setupX-te3">Роздільна здатність</term>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-setupX-pa5">Here you can choose the resolutions and color depths available for your
-graphics hardware. Choose the one which best suits your needs (you will be
-able to make changes after the installation). A sample of the chosen
-configuration will be shown in the monitor picture.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term xml:id="BId-drakx-setupX-te4">Перевірити</term>
- <listitem>
- <note>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-setupX-pa6">Depending on your hardware, this entry might not appear.</para>
- </note>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-setupX-pa7">The system will try to open a graphical screen at the desired resolution. If
-you see the test message during the test and answer <guimenu>Yes</guimenu>,
-then <application>DrakX</application> will proceed to the next step. If you
-don't see it, it means that some part of the auto-detected configuration was
-incorrect and the test will automatically end after a few seconds and return
-you to the menu. Change settings until you get a correct graphical display.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry xml:id="drakxid-configureXxdm">
- <term xml:id="BId-drakx-setupX-te5">Параметри</term>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-setupX-pa8">This step allows you to choose whether you want your machine to
-automatically switch to a graphical interface at boot. Obviously, you may
-want to select the <guilabel>No</guilabel> option if your machine is to act
-as a server, or if you were not successful in getting the display
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- </section>
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-takeOverHdChoose-sect1.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-takeOverHdChoose-sect1.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 872e219b..00000000
--- a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-takeOverHdChoose-sect1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Converted by db4-upgrade version 1.0 -->
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk" condition="extended" xml:id="drakxid-takeOverHdChoose" userlevel="expert"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakxid-takeOverHdChoose-ti1">Deprecated - Choose drive to install Linux on</title></info>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-takeOverHdChoose-pa1" revision="1">Choose the hard drive you want to erase in order to install your new
-<application>Mageia</application> partition. Be careful, all data on this
-drive will be lost and will not be recoverable!</para>
- </section>
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-takeOverHdConfirm-sect1.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-takeOverHdConfirm-sect1.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 55df583c..00000000
--- a/docs/mcc-help/uk/drakx-takeOverHdConfirm-sect1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Converted by db4-upgrade version 1.0 -->
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk" condition="extended" xml:id="drakxid-takeOverHdConfirm" userlevel="expert"><info><title xml:id="BId-drakxid-takeOverHdConfirm-ti1" revision="1">Deprecated - Confirm data deletion</title></info>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-takeOverHdConfirm-pa1"><!-- The arrows aren't on the button anymore -marja -&#x0003E; -->
-<!-- -&#x0003E;-->
-Click on <guibutton>Next</guibutton> if you want to delete all data and
-partitions present on this hard drive. Be careful, after clicking on
-<guibutton>Next</guibutton> you will not be able to recover any data and
-partitions present on this hard drive, including any
-<application>Windows<superscript>®</superscript></application> data.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakxid-takeOverHdConfirm-pa2"><!--&lt;- -->
-Click on <guibutton>Previous</guibutton> to quit this operation without
-losing data and partitions present on this hard drive.</para>
- </section>
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/mageia-doc-readme.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/mageia-doc-readme.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 12347209..00000000
--- a/docs/mcc-help/uk/mageia-doc-readme.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk" xml:id="mageia-test-document">
- <info>
- <title>Mageia Test Document</title>
- </info>
-<para>Testing testing</para>
-<para>This is a <application>Mageia</application> test document. This is an
-absolute minimal format XML document. As you can see: It's not very
- <para>I nicked the container from an old <application>Mandriva</application> XML
-document and have been using it to play with XML rather than alter any of
-the main documentation files. <note userlevel="beginner"><para>This is an interesting note with a revision tag..</para></note>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><para>This is the first item in a list</para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>This is the second item</para></listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </para>
-</section> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/sample-page-icons.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/sample-page-icons.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ab972ed8..00000000
--- a/docs/mcc-help/uk/sample-page-icons.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!-- Made by marja on 2012 03 26 -->
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:ns5="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:ns4="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:ns3="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:ns2="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:ns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk" xml:id="sample-page-icons">
- <info>
- <title xml:id="BId-sample-page-icons-ti1">Simple sample page</title>
- </info>
- <note>
- <para revision="1" xml:id="BId-sample-page-icons-pa1">Paragraph with <emphasis>note</emphasis> icon.</para>
- </note>
- <tip>
- <para revision="1" xml:id="BId-sample-page-icons-pa2">Paragraph with <emphasis>tip</emphasis> icon.</para>
- </tip>
- <warning>
- <para revision="1" xml:id="BId-sample-page-icons-pa3">Paragraph with <emphasis>warning</emphasis> icon.</para>
- </warning>
- <para revision="1" xml:id="BId-sample-page-icons-pa4"><emphasis>If you want to use other icons, make sure you import some cc-by-sa
-ones first.</emphasis></para>
-</section> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/sample-page-itemized-list.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/sample-page-itemized-list.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e015a56d..00000000
--- a/docs/mcc-help/uk/sample-page-itemized-list.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!-- Made by marja on 2012 03 18 -->
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk" xml:id="sample-page-itemized-list"><info><title xml:id="sample-page-itemized-list-ti1">Sample page with itemized list</title></info>
- <para xml:id="sample-page-itemized-list-pa1" revision="1">If you want to copy this list to your page, don't forget to adjust the page
-names and paragraph numbers in the code </para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="sample-page-itemized-list-pa2" revision="1">First item on the list</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="sample-page-itemized-list-pa3" revision="1">Second item on the list</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="sample-page-itemized-list-pa4" revision="1">Та інше</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </section>
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/sample-page-picture.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/sample-page-picture.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 65cdeed7..00000000
--- a/docs/mcc-help/uk/sample-page-picture.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk" xml:id="sample-page-picture"><!-- Made by marja on 2012 04 24 -->
-<!-- Same day, replaced <literal>
- tags with <code> tags -->
-<!-- Same day, replaced <literal>
- tags with <example> tags arond the code for the screenhot and around part of the text in a paragraph .-->
-<!-- Same day nested <code>
- inside <para> -->
-<!-- sams day, gave up on finding correct way of showing code -->
-<info><title xml:id="sample-page-picture-ti1">Sample page with picture</title></info>
- <para xml:id="sample-page-picture-pa1" revision="1">Look at the xml code of this page to see how the picture below was inserted</para>
- <mediaobject>
-<imageobject> <imagedata revision="1" fileref="dx2-license.png" format="PNG"
-align="center" xml:id="acceptLicense-im1"></imagedata> </imageobject></mediaobject>
- </section>
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/sample-page-sections.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/sample-page-sections.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b0d81212..00000000
--- a/docs/mcc-help/uk/sample-page-sections.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!-- Made by marja on 2012 03 18 -->
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk" xml:id="sample-page-sections"><info><title xml:id="sample-page-sections-ti1">Sample page with several sections</title></info>
-<section xml:id="first-section"><info><title xml:id="first-section-ti2" >This is the first section</title></info>
- <para xml:id="sample-page-sections-pa2" revision="1">This section is nested in a section that covers the whole page</para>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="second-section"><info><title xml:id="second-section-ti3" >This is the second section</title></info>
- <para xml:id="sample-page-sections-pa2" revision="1">In html you can link to it by adding #second-section to the link to this
- </section>
- <section xml:id="third-section"><info><title xml:id="third-section-ti3" >This is the third section</title></info>
- <para xml:id="sample-page-sections-pa3" revision="1">And this section will be shown when going to
-<code>/sample-page-sections#third-section</code> </para>
- </section>
- </section> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/sample-page-simple.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/sample-page-simple.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 878bb613..00000000
--- a/docs/mcc-help/uk/sample-page-simple.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
-<!-- Made by marja on 2012 03 18 -->
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk" xml:id="sample-page-simple"><info><title xml:id="sample-page-simple-ti1">Simple sample page</title></info>
- <para> TEST3: Again writing a line to test whether version number is increased on
-saving this file </para>
- <para xml:id="sample-page-simple-pa1" revision="1">You can use this page to make another simple page, but if you do so, don't
-forget to not only change the name of this file, but to change the page name
-in the code of this page, too </para>
- <para xml:id="sample-page-simple-pa2" revision="1">Everywhere where you see <code>sample-page-simple</code> in the code, you
-should change that into your page name</para>
- <para xml:id="sample-page-simple-pa3" revision="1">If you want to make more paragraphs, copy one and change its number in the
-code, for instance <code>pa3</code> to <code>pa4</code> and then change the
-content. It is possible to put a paragraph between existing ones by adding a
-letter to the number, e.g. <code>pa2a</code> </para>
- </section>
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/uk/uninstall-linux.xml b/docs/mcc-help/uk/uninstall-linux.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c947f0d..00000000
--- a/docs/mcc-help/uk/uninstall-linux.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Converted by db4-upgrade version 1.0 -->
-<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="uk" xml:id="uninstall-linux" ><info><title xml:id="BId-drakx-ti38">How to Uninstall Linux</title></info>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-pa200" revision="2"><indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-it134">
- <primary>uninstall</primary>
- </indexterm> <indexterm xml:id="BIdNEW-uninstall-linux-it139">
- <primary>Mandrakelinux</primary>
- <secondary>uninstall</secondary>
- </indexterm> If for any reason you want to uninstall
-<application>Mageia</application>, you can do so. The process of
-uninstalling <application>Mageia</application> is done in two steps:</para>
- <warning>
- <para xml:id="BId-uninstall-linux-pa206" revision="2">Removing partitions on your hard drive will inevitably result in the loss of
-all data stored on those partitions. Please make sure you've backed up all
-of the data you want to keep <emphasis>before</emphasis> proceeding.</para>
- </warning>
- <orderedlist inheritnum="ignore" continuation="restarts">
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-pa202" revision="4">Delete all partitions related to <application>Mageia</application> on your
-hard drive (usually partitions hosting <acronym>ext3</acronym> file systems
-and the <systemitem>Swap</systemitem> partition) and — optionally — replace
-them with a single partition using
-<application>DiskDrake</application><phrase condition="Starter"
-xml:id="BIdNEW-uninstall-linux-ph1" revision="1"> (see <xref
-linkend="diskdrake" />)</phrase>.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-pa203" revision="4">Remove<indexterm xml:id="BId-drakx-it135" revision="2">
- <primary>bootloader</primary>
- <secondary>uninstall</secondary>
- </indexterm><indexterm xml:id="BIdNEW-uninstall-linux-it136" revision="1">
- <primary>commands</primary>
- <secondary>lilo</secondary>
- </indexterm><indexterm xml:id="BIdNEW-uninstall-linux-it137">
- <primary>Головний завантажувальний запис (MBR)</primary>
- </indexterm><indexterm xml:id="BIdNEW-uninstall-linux-it138">
- <primary>MBR</primary>
- </indexterm> the bootloader, <application>LILO</application> in this example,
-from the Master Boot Record (<acronym>MBR</acronym>). To do so, execute
-<command>lilo -U</command> in a console, as <literal>root</literal>. Doing
-this will not only uninstall <application>LILO</application> but will also
-restore the previous master boot record, if any.</para>
- <para xml:id="BId-drakx-pa204" revision="2">If you have a different boot loader, please refer to its documentation to
-determine how to regenerate the master boot record.</para>
- </listitem>
- </orderedlist>