path: root/docs/mcc-help/eu/rpmdrake.xml
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authorYuri Chornoivan <yurchor@ukr.net>2014-10-12 14:17:11 +0300
committerYuri Chornoivan <yurchor@ukr.net>2014-10-12 14:17:11 +0300
commit086b93b96125cebc1b7048fdd48c017df207707b (patch)
treeae007d9f22a489a9a16525e72c59000f259070fa /docs/mcc-help/eu/rpmdrake.xml
parentf8c70a89004db11bddfcbebf85795891daa1a717 (diff)
Updates from Tx
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/mcc-help/eu/rpmdrake.xml')
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/eu/rpmdrake.xml b/docs/mcc-help/eu/rpmdrake.xml
index 8c260a9e..2f51acbe 100644
--- a/docs/mcc-help/eu/rpmdrake.xml
+++ b/docs/mcc-help/eu/rpmdrake.xml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:ns5="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:ns4="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:ns3="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:ns2="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:ns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xml:id="rpmdrake" version="5.0" xml:lang="eu">
<!--2012-09-03 marja expanded xml:id's of section and title below, because they conflicted with identical xml:id's in another page of MCC help, also replaced first para in some sections with title tags, removed figure tags-->
<info annotations="simonnzg 6jan2013">
- <title xml:id="rpmdrake-ti1">Software Management (Install and Remove Software)</title>
+ <title xml:id="rpmdrake-ti1">Software Kudeaketa (Softwarea instalatu eta kendu)</title>
@@ -17,23 +17,24 @@
<section xml:id="rpmdrake-introduction">
<title xml:id="rpmdrake-introduction-ti1">Rpmdrake-ra sarrera</title>
- <para>This tool<footnote>
+ <para>Tresna hau<footnote>
<para>Komando-lerrotik tresna hau abiaraz dezakezu, <emphasis
role="bold">rpmdrake</emphasis> root bezala idatziz.</para>
- </footnote>, also known as drakrpm, is a
-program for installing, uninstalling and updating packages. It is the
-graphical user interface of URPMI. At each start up, it will check online
-package lists (called 'media') downloaded straight from Mageia's official
-servers, and will show you each time the latest applications and packages
-available for your computer. A filter system allows you to display only
-certain types of packages: you may display only installed applications (by
-default), or only available updates. You can also view only not installed
-packages. You can also search by the name of a package, or in the summaries
-of descriptions or in the full descriptions of packages or in the file names
-included in the packages.</para>
- <para>To work, rpmdrake needs the repositories to be configured with <xref
-linkend="drakrpm-edit-media"/> .</para>
+ </footnote>, drakrpm bezala ezaguna,
+paketeak instalatu, ezabatu eta eguneratzeko programa bat da. URPMI-ren
+erabiltzaile interfaze grafiko bat da. Abiarazte bakoitzean, egiaztatuko
+ditu ('baliabide' deituetakoak) zuzenean Mageia-ko zerbitzari
+ofizialengandik jaitsitako lerroko paketeen zerrendak, eta aldi bakoitzean
+erakutsiko dizkizu zure ordenagailuarentzako azken aplikazio eta
+paketeak. Iragazki-sistema batek soilik pakete mota batzuk erakustea
+baimentzen du: instalatutako paketeak erakutsi ditzake soilik (lehenetsita),
+edo eguneaketa eskuragarriak soilik. Instalatu gabeko paketeak ere ikus
+ditzakezu soilik. Paketeak izenagatik ere ikusi ditzakezu, edo
+deskribapeneeko laburpenetan edo paketeen deskribapen osoetan edo paketeetan
+barneratutako fitxategi-izenetan.</para>
+ <para>rpmdrake lan egin dezan biltegiak ezarri behar dira <xref
+linkend="drakrpm-edit-media"/>-rekin .</para>
<para>During the installation, the configured repository is the medium used for
@@ -48,13 +49,13 @@ and you have a good internet connection without too strict download limit,
it is wise to remove that medium and replace it by online repositories
thanks to <xref linkend="drakrpm-edit-media"/> .</para>
- <para>Moreover, the online repositories are always up to date, contains much more
-packages, and allow to update your installed packages.</para>
+ <para>Gainera, online biltegiak beti eguneratuta daude, pakete askoz gehiago
+dauka, eta zure instalatutako paketeak eguneratzeko aukera ematen dute.</para>
- <title>The main parts of the screen</title>
+ <title>Pantailaren zati nagusia</title>
@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ packages, and allow to update your installed packages.</para>
- <para><emphasis role="bold">Package type filter:</emphasis></para>
+ <para><emphasis role="bold">Pakete mota iragazkia:</emphasis></para>
<para>This filter allows you to display only certain types of packages. The first
time you start the manager, it only displays applications with a graphical
@@ -82,46 +83,45 @@ of Mageia, so it is best to set this filter to "All".</para>
- <para><firstterm> <emphasis role="bold">Package state filter:</emphasis>
+ <para><firstterm> <emphasis role="bold">Package egoera iragazkia:</emphasis>
- <para>This filter allows you to view only the installed packages, only the
-packages that are not installed or all of the packages, both installed and
-not installed.</para>
+ <para>Iragazki honek instalatutako paketeak, instalatu gabeko edo pakete guztiak,
+bai instalatutako eta ez instalatutako paketeak soilik ikusteko aukera
+ematen du.</para>
- <para><emphasis role="bold">Search mode:</emphasis></para>
+ <para><emphasis role="bold">Bilaketa modua:</emphasis></para>
- <para>Click on this icon to search through the package names, through their
-summaries, through their complete description or through the files included
-in the packages.</para>
+ <para>Ikonoan klikatu paketeen izenak bilatzeko, haien laburpenen bidez, haien
+deskribapen osoaren bidez edo paketean sartutako fitxategien bidez.</para>
- <para><emphasis role="bold">"Find" box:</emphasis></para>
+ <para><emphasis role="bold">"Aurkitu" kutxa:</emphasis></para>
- <para>Enter here one or more key words. If you want to use more than one keyword
-for searching use '|' between keywords, e.g. To search for "mplayer" and
-"xine" at the same time type 'mplayer | xine'.</para>
+ <para>Sartu hemen hitz gako bat edo gehiago. Hitz gako bat baino gehiago erabili
+nahi baduzu '|' erabili hitz gakoen artean, adibidez "mplayer" eta "xine"
+bilatzeko denbora berean idatzi: 'mplayer | xine'.</para>
- <para><emphasis role="bold">Erase all:</emphasis></para>
+ <para><emphasis role="bold">Guztia ezabatu:</emphasis></para>
- <para>This icon can erase in one click all the key words entered in the "Find" box
+ <para>Ikur honek klik bakarrarekin "Bilatu" kutxan sartutako hitza guztiak ezaba
+ditzake .</para>
- <para><emphasis role="bold">Categories list:</emphasis></para>
+ <para><emphasis role="bold">Kategorien zerrenda:</emphasis></para>
- <para>This side bar groups all applications and packages into clear categories and
-sub categories.</para>
+ <para>Alde honetako barra argi sailkatzen ditu aplikazio eta pakete guztiak
+kategorietan eta azpi kategorietan.</para>
- <para><emphasis role="bold">Description panel:</emphasis></para>
+ <para><emphasis role="bold">Deskribapen panela:</emphasis></para>
<para>This panel displays the package's name, its summary and complete
description. It displays many useful elements about the selected package. It
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ package as well as a list of the last changes made by the maintainer.</para>
- <title>The status column</title>
+ <title>Egoera zutabeak</title>
<para>Once you correctly set the filters, you can find your software either by
category (in area 6 above) or by name/summary/description using area 4. A
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ uncheck the box before the package name and click on
- <entry valign="middle">This package is already installed</entry>
+ <entry valign="middle">Pakete hau jada instalatuta dago</entry>
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ uncheck the box before the package name and click on
- <entry valign="middle">This package will be installed</entry>
+ <entry valign="middle">Pakete hau instalatuko da</entry>
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ uncheck the box before the package name and click on
- <entry valign="middle">This package cannot be modified</entry>
+ <entry valign="middle">Pakete hau ezin da aldatu</entry>
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ uncheck the box before the package name and click on
- <entry valign="middle">This package is an update</entry>
+ <entry valign="middle">Pakete hau eguneratuko da</entry>
@@ -204,13 +204,13 @@ uncheck the box before the package name and click on
- <entry valign="middle">This package will be uninstalled</entry>
+ <entry valign="middle">Pakete hau desinstalatuko da</entry>
- <para>Examples in the screenshot above:</para>
+ <para>Goiko Screenshot adibideak:</para>
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ clicking on <guibutton>Apply</guibutton>.</para>
- <title>The dependencies</title>
+ <title>Mendekotasunak</title>