path: root/docs/mcc-help/eu/drakclock.xml
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authorYuri Chornoivan <yurchor@ukr.net>2014-10-12 14:17:11 +0300
committerYuri Chornoivan <yurchor@ukr.net>2014-10-12 14:17:11 +0300
commit086b93b96125cebc1b7048fdd48c017df207707b (patch)
treeae007d9f22a489a9a16525e72c59000f259070fa /docs/mcc-help/eu/drakclock.xml
parentf8c70a89004db11bddfcbebf85795891daa1a717 (diff)
Updates from Tx
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/mcc-help/eu/drakclock.xml')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/docs/mcc-help/eu/drakclock.xml b/docs/mcc-help/eu/drakclock.xml
index 7ba8fff5..05d57653 100644
--- a/docs/mcc-help/eu/drakclock.xml
+++ b/docs/mcc-help/eu/drakclock.xml
@@ -11,40 +11,43 @@
- <para>This tool<footnote>
+ <para>Tresna hau<footnote>
<para>Komando-lerrotik tresna hau abiaraz dezakezu, <emphasis
role="bold">drakclock</emphasis> root bezala idatziz.</para>
- </footnote> is found under the tab System
-in the Mageia Control Center labelled <guilabel>"Manage date and
-time"</guilabel>. In some desktop environments it is also available by a
-right click / Adjust date and Time ... on the clock in the system tray.</para>
+ </footnote> Sistema hegalean aurkitzen
+da Mageiaren Kontrol Gunean <guilabel>"Kudeatu data eta ordua"</guilabel>
+etiketaturik. Mahaigaineko ingurune batzuetan eskuragarri ere dago, / data
+eta ordua Ezarri ... sistemaren barraren erlojuaren gainean eskuineko botoia
+sakatuz eskuragarri.</para>
<para>Oso tresna sinplea da.</para>
- <para>On the upper left part, is the <emphasis role="bold">calendar</emphasis>. On
-the screenshot above, the date is September (on the upper left), 2012 (on
-the upper right), the 2nd (in blue) and it is a Sunday. Select the month
-(or year) by clicking on the little arrows on each side of September (or
-2012). Select the day by clicking on its number.</para>
- <para>On the bottom left is the <emphasis role="bold">Network Time
-Protocol</emphasis> synchronising, it is possible to have a clock always on
-time by synchronising it with a server. Check <guilabel>Enable Network Time
-Protocol</guilabel> and choose the closest server.</para>
- <para>On the right part is the <emphasis role="bold">clock</emphasis>. It's
-useless to set the clock if NTP is enabled. Three boxes display hours,
-minutes and seconds (15, 28 and 22 on the screenshot). Use the little arrows
-to set the clock to the correct time. The format can't be changed here, see
-your desktop environment settings for that.</para>
- <para>At least, on the bottom right, select your time zone by clicking on the
-<guibutton>Change Time Zone</guibutton> button and choosing in the list the
-nearest town.</para>
+ <para>Goiko ezker aldean <emphasis role="bold">Egutegia</emphasis>
+dago. Pantaila-kapturako data Iraila (ezkerrean goian) da, 2012 (eskuinera
+goian), 2a (urdinean) eta Igandea da. Hilabetea (edo urte) aukera ezazu
+Irailaren (edo 2012) alde bakoitzerako gezi txikietan klik eginez. Eguna
+aukera ezazu zenbakian klik eginez.</para>
+ <para>En la esquina inferior izquierda se encuentra la opción de sincronización
+<emphasis role="bold">Network Time Protocol</emphasis> es posible tener el
+reloj siempre en hora al sincronizarlo con un servidor. Marque
+<guilabel>Enable Network Time Protocol</guilabel>y elija el servidor más
+cercano.Beheko ezkerreko izkinan sinkronizatu aukera dago <emphasis
+role="bold">Network Time Protocol</emphasis> posible da erlojua beti orduan
+izatea zerbitzari batekin sinkronizatuta. Egiaztatu <guilabel>Gaitu Network
+Time Protocol</guilabel> eta aukeratu gertuen dagoen zerbitzaria.</para>
+ <para>Eskuinaldean erlojuak dago. Ezin duzu erlojua ezarri NTP gaituta izanez
+gero. Hiru kutxak ordu, minutu eta segundo (15, 28 eta 22 irudian) erakusten
+dute. Erabili geziak erlojua ordu egokiarekin ezartzeko. Formatua ezin da
+hemen aldatu, ikus mahaigain inguruneko konfigurazioa horretarako.</para>
+ <para>Gutxienez, behean eskuinean, hautatu zure ordu eremua <guibutton>Aldatu Ordu
+Eremua</guibutton> sakatuz eta zerrendako hurbilen dagoen herria
- <para>Even if it isn't possible to choose a date or time format in this tool, they
-will be displayed on your desktop in accordance with the localisation
+ <para>Data edo ordu formatua tresna honetan aukeratzea posible ez izan arren,
+mahaigainean erakutsiko dira, eskualde ezarpenen arabera.</para>
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