path: root/tools/ddcprobe/vesamode.c
blob: 9d4c3797a85ee0e4fca48d56fc7c872c4e167746 (plain)
#include "vesamode.h"
#ident "$Id$"

/* Known standard VESA modes. */
struct vesa_mode_t known_vesa_modes[] = {
	/* VESA 1.0/1.1 ? */
	{0x100,	640, 400, 256,	"640x400x256"},
	{0x101,	640, 480, 256,	"640x480x256"},
	{0x102,	800, 600, 16,	"800x600x16"},
	{0x103,	800, 600, 256,	"800x600x256"},
	{0x104,	1024, 768, 16,	"1024x768x16"},
	{0x105,	1024, 768, 256,	"1024x768x256"},
	{0x106,	1280, 1024, 16,	"1280x1024x16"},
	{0x107,	1280, 1024, 256,"1280x1024x256"},
	{0x108,	80, 60, 16,	"80x60 (text)"},
	{0x109,	132, 25, 16,	"132x25 (text)"},
	{0x10a,	132, 43, 16,	"132x43 (text)"},
	{0x10b,	132, 50, 16,	"132x50 (text)"},
	{0x10c,	132, 60, 16,	"132x60 (text)"},
	/* VESA 1.2+ */
	{0x10d,	320, 200, 32768,	"320x200x32k"},
	{0x10e,	320, 200, 65536,	"320x200x64k"},
	{0x10f,	320, 200, 16777216,	"320x200x16m"},
	{0x110,	640, 480, 32768,	"640x480x32k"},
	{0x111,	640, 480, 65536,	"640x480x64k"},
	{0x112,	640, 480, 16777216,	"640x480x16m"},
	{0x113,	800, 600, 32768,	"800x600x32k"},
	{0x114,	800, 600, 65536,	"800x600x64k"},
	{0x115,	800, 600, 16777216,	"800x600x16m"},
	{0x116,	1024, 768, 32768,	"1024x768x32k"},
	{0x117,	1024, 768, 65536,	"1024x768x64k"},
	{0x118,	1024, 768, 16777216,	"1024x768x16m"},
	{0x119,	1280, 1024, 32768,	"1280x1024x32k"},
	{0x11a,	1280, 1024, 65536,	"1280x1024x64k"},
	{0x11b,	1280, 1024, 16777216,	"1280x1024x16m"},
	/* VESA 2.0+ */
	{0x120,	1600, 1200, 256,	"1600x1200x256"},
	{0x121,	1600, 1200, 32768,	"1600x1200x32k"},
	{0x122,	1600, 1200, 65536,	"1600x1200x64k"},
	{    0,    0,    0, 0,		""},

struct vesa_timing_t known_vesa_timings[] = {
	/* Source: VESA Monitor Timing Specifications 1.0 rev 0.8 */
	{ 640,  350, 85,  31.500, { 640, 32,  64,  96,  350,32, 3, 60},
	  hsync_pos, vsync_neg, 37.861,  85.080},

	{ 640,  400, 85,  31.500, { 640, 32,  64,  96,  400, 1, 3, 41},
	  hsync_neg, vsync_pos, 37.861,  85.080},

	{ 720,  400, 85,  35.500, { 720, 36, 72,  108,  400, 1, 3, 42},
	  hsync_neg, vsync_pos, 37.861,  85.080},

	{ 640,  480, 60,  25.175, { 640,  8,  96,  40,  480, 2, 2, 25},
	 hsync_neg, vsync_neg,  31.469,  59.940},
	{ 640,  480, 72,  31.500, { 640, 16,  40, 120,  480, 1, 3, 20},
	 hsync_neg, vsync_neg,  37.861,  72.809},
	{ 640,  480, 75,  31.500, { 640, 16,  64, 120,  480, 1, 3, 16},
	 hsync_neg, vsync_neg,  37.500,  75.000},
	{ 640,  480, 85,  36.000, { 640, 56,  56,  80,  480, 1, 3, 25},
	 hsync_neg, vsync_neg,  43.269,  85.008},

	{ 800,  600, 56,  36.000, { 800, 24,  72, 128,  600, 1, 2, 22},
	 hsync_pos, vsync_pos,  35.156,  56.250},
	{ 800,  600, 60,  40.000, { 800, 40, 128,  88,  600, 1, 4, 23},
	 hsync_pos, vsync_pos,  37.879,  60.317},
	{ 800,  600, 72,  50.000, { 800, 56, 120,  64,  600,37, 6, 23},
	 hsync_pos, vsync_pos,  48.077,  72.188},
	{ 800,  600, 75,  49.500, { 800, 16,  80, 160,  600, 1, 3, 21},
	 hsync_pos, vsync_pos,  46.875,  75.000},
	{ 800,  600, 85,  56.250, { 800, 32,  64, 152,  600, 1, 3, 27},
	 hsync_pos, vsync_pos,  53.674,  85.061},

	{1024,  768, 43,  44.900, {1024,  8, 176,  56,  768, 0, 4, 20},
	 hsync_pos, vsync_pos,  35.522,  86.957},
	{1024,  768, 60,  65.000, {1024, 24, 136, 160,  768, 3, 6, 29},
	 hsync_neg, vsync_neg,  48.363,  60.004},
	{1024,  768, 70,  75.000, {1024, 24, 136, 144,  768, 3, 6, 29},
	 hsync_neg, vsync_neg,  56.476,  70.069},
	{1024,  768, 75,  78.750, {1024, 16,  96, 176,  768, 1, 3, 28},
	 hsync_pos, vsync_pos,  60.023,  75.029},
	{1024,  768, 85,  94.500, {1024, 48,  96, 208,  768, 1, 3, 36},
	 hsync_pos, vsync_pos,  68.677,  84.997},

	{1152,  864, 70,  94.200, {1152, 32,  96, 192,  864, 1, 3, 46},
	 hsync_pos, vsync_pos,   0.000,   0.000},
	{1152,  864, 75, 108.000, {1152, 64, 128, 256,  864, 1, 3, 32},
	 hsync_pos, vsync_pos,  67.500,  75.000},
	{1152,  864, 85, 121.500, {1152, 64, 128, 224,  864, 1, 3, 43},
	 hsync_pos, vsync_pos,   0.000,   0.000},

	{1280,  960, 60, 108.000, {1280, 96, 112, 312,  960, 1, 3, 36},
	 hsync_pos, vsync_pos,  60.000,  60.000},
	{1280,  960, 85, 148.500, {1280, 64, 160, 224,  960, 1, 3, 47},
	 hsync_pos, vsync_pos,  85.398,  85.002},

	{1280, 1024, 60, 108.000, {1280, 48, 112, 248, 1024, 1, 3, 38},
	 hsync_pos, vsync_pos,  63.981,  60.020},
	{1280, 1024, 75, 135.000, {1280, 16, 144, 248, 1024, 1, 3, 38},
	 hsync_pos, vsync_pos,  79.976,  75.025},
	{1280, 1024, 85, 157.500, {1280, 64, 160, 224, 1024, 1, 3, 44},
	 hsync_pos, vsync_pos,  91.146,  85.024},

	{1600, 1200, 60, 162.000, {1600, 64, 192, 304, 1200, 1, 3, 46},
	 hsync_pos, vsync_pos,  75.000,  60.000},
	{1600, 1200, 65, 175.500, {1600, 64, 192, 304, 1200, 1, 3, 46},
	 hsync_pos, vsync_pos,  81.250,  65.000},
	{1600, 1200, 70, 189.000, {1600, 64, 192, 304, 1200, 1, 3, 46},
	 hsync_pos, vsync_pos,  87.500,  70.000},
	{1600, 1200, 75, 202.500, {1600, 64, 192, 304, 1200, 1, 3, 46},
	 hsync_pos, vsync_pos,  93.750,  75.000},
	{1600, 1200, 85, 229.500, {1600, 64, 192, 304, 1200, 1, 3, 46},
	 hsync_pos, vsync_pos, 106.250,  85.000},

	{1792, 1344, 60, 204.750, {1792,128, 200, 328, 1344, 1, 3, 46},
	 hsync_neg, vsync_pos,  83.640,  60.000},
	{1792, 1344, 75, 261.000, {1792, 96, 216, 352, 1344, 1, 3, 69},
	 hsync_neg, vsync_pos, 106.270,  74.997},

	{1856, 1392, 60, 218.250, {1856, 96, 224, 352, 1392, 1, 3, 43},
	 hsync_neg, vsync_pos,  86.333,  59.995},
	{1856, 1392, 75, 288.000, {1856,128, 224, 352, 1392, 1, 3,104},
	 hsync_neg, vsync_pos, 112.500,  75.000},

	{1920, 1440, 60, 234.000, {1920,128, 208, 344, 1440, 1, 3, 56},
	 hsync_neg, vsync_pos,  90.000,  60.000},
	{1920, 1440, 75, 297.000, {1920,144, 224, 352, 1440, 1, 3, 56},
	 hsync_neg, vsync_pos, 112.500,  75.000},

	{   0,    0,  0,   0.000, {   0,  0,   0,   0,    0, 0, 0,  0},
	 000000000, 000000000,   0.000,   0.000},
ss="hl opt">), #- every install in the corresponding lang have these packages -20 => __("i18n (very nice)"), #- every beginner/custom install in the corresponding lang have theses packages -30 => __("i18n (nice)"), ); #- HACK: rating += 50 for some packages (like kapm, cf install_any::setPackages) %by_lang = ( 'ar' => [ 'acon' ], #'be_BE.CP1251' => [ 'fonts-ttf-cyrillic' ], #'bg_BG' => [ 'fonts-ttf-cyrillic' ], 'cs' => [ 'XFree86-ISO8859-2', 'XFree86-ISO8859-2-75dpi-fonts' ], # 'cy' => iso8859-14 fonts # 'el' => greek fonts # 'eo' => iso8859-3 fonts 'fa' => [ 'acon' ], 'he' => [ 'acon' ], 'hr' => [ 'XFree86-ISO8859-2', 'XFree86-ISO8859-2-75dpi-fonts' ], 'hu' => [ 'XFree86-ISO8859-2', 'XFree86-ISO8859-2-75dpi-fonts' ], 'hy' => [ 'fonts-ttf-armenian' ], 'ja' => [ 'rxvt-CLE', 'fonts-ttf-japanese', 'kterm' ], # 'ka' => georgian fonts 'ko' => [ 'rxvt-CLE', 'fonts-ttf-korean' ], 'lt' => [ 'fonts-type1-baltic' ], 'lv' => [ 'fonts-type1-baltic' ], 'mi' => [ 'fonts-type1-baltic' ], # 'mk' => [ 'fonts-ttf-cyrillic' ], 'pl' => [ 'XFree86-ISO8859-2', 'XFree86-ISO8859-2-75dpi-fonts' ], 'ro' => [ 'XFree86-ISO8859-2', 'XFree86-ISO8859-2-75dpi-fonts' ], # 'ru' => [ 'XFree86-cyrillic-fonts', 'fonts-ttf-cyrillic' ], 'ru' => [ 'XFree86-cyrillic-fonts' ], 'ru_RU.KOI8-R' => [ 'XFree86-cyrillic-fonts' ], 'sk' => [ 'XFree86-ISO8859-2', 'XFree86-ISO8859-2-75dpi-fonts' ], 'sl' => [ 'XFree86-ISO8859-2', 'XFree86-ISO8859-2-75dpi-fonts' ], # 'sp' => [ 'fonts-ttf-cyrillic' ], 'sr' => [ 'XFree86-ISO8859-2', 'XFree86-ISO8859-2-75dpi-fonts' ], # 'th' => thai fonts 'tr' => [ 'XFree86-ISO8859-9', 'XFree86-ISO8859-9-75dpi-fonts' ], #'uk_UA' => [ 'fonts-ttf-cyrillic' ], # 'vi' => vietnamese fonts 'yi' => [ 'acon' ], 'zh' => [ 'rxvt-CLE', 'taipeifonts', 'fonts-ttf-big5', 'fonts-ttf-gb2312' ], 'zh_CN.GB2312' => [ 'rxvt-CLE', 'fonts-ttf-gb2312' ], 'zh_TW.Big5' => [ 'rxvt-CLE', 'taipeifonts', 'fonts-ttf-big5' ], ); @skip_list = qw( XFree86-8514 XFree86-AGX XFree86-Mach32 XFree86-Mach64 XFree86-Mach8 XFree86-Mono XFree86-P9000 XFree86-S3 XFree86-S3V XFree86-SVGA XFree86-W32 XFree86-I128 XFree86-Sun XFree86-SunMono XFree86-Sun24 XFree86-3DLabs MySQL MySQL_GPL mod_php3 midgard postfix metroess metrotmpl kernel-linus kernel-secure kernel-BOOT hackkernel hackkernel-BOOT hackkernel-headers hackkernel-pcmcia-cs hackkernel-smp hackkernel-smp-fb autoirpm autoirpm-icons numlock ); @preferred = qw(perl-GTK postfix wu-ftpd ghostscript-X vim-minimal kernel ispell-en); #- constant for small transaction. $limitMinTrans = 8; #- constant for package accessor (via table). my $FILE = 0; my $FLAGS = 1; my $SIZE_DEPS = 2; my $MEDIUM = 3; my $PROVIDES = 4; my $VALUES = 5; my $HEADER = 6; my $INSTALLED_CUMUL_SIZE = 7; #- constant for packing flags, see below. my $PKGS_SELECTED = 0x00ffffff; my $PKGS_FORCE = 0x01000000; my $PKGS_INSTALLED = 0x02000000; my $PKGS_BASE = 0x04000000; my $PKGS_SKIP = 0x08000000; my $PKGS_UPGRADE = 0x20000000; #- package to ignore, typically in Application CD. my %ignoreBadPkg = ( 'civctp-demo' => 1, 'eus-demo' => 1, 'myth2-demo' => 1, 'heretic2-demo' => 1, 'heroes3-demo' => 1, 'rt2-demo' => 1, ); #- basic methods for extracting informations about packages. #- to save memory, (name, version, release) are no more stored, they #- are directly generated from (file). #- all flags are grouped together into (flags), these includes the #- following flags : selected, force, installed, base, skip. #- size and deps are grouped to save memory too and make a much #- simpler and faster depslist reader, this gets (sizeDeps). sub packageHeaderFile { $_[0]->[$FILE] } sub packageName { $_[0]->[$FILE] =~ /([^\(]*)(?:\([^\)]*\))?-[^-]+-[^-]+/ ? $1 : die "invalid file `$_[0]->[$FILE]'" } sub packageSpecificArch { $_[0]->[$FILE] =~ /[^\(]*(?:\(([^\)]*)\))?-[^-]+-[^-]+/ ? $1 : die "invalid file `$_[0]->[$FILE]'" } sub packageVersion { $_[0]->[$FILE] =~ /.*-([^-]+)-[^-]+/ ? $1 : die "invalid file `$_[0]->[$FILE]'" } sub packageRelease { $_[0]->[$FILE] =~ /.*-[^-]+-([^-]+)/ ? $1 : die "invalid file `$_[0]->[$FILE]'" } sub packageSize { to_int($_[0]->[$SIZE_DEPS]) } sub packageDepsId { split ' ', ($_[0]->[$SIZE_DEPS] =~ /^\d*\s*(.*)/)[0] } sub packageFlagSelected { $_[0]->[$FLAGS] & $PKGS_SELECTED } sub packageFlagForce { $_[0]->[$FLAGS] & $PKGS_FORCE } sub packageFlagInstalled { $_[0]->[$FLAGS] & $PKGS_INSTALLED } sub packageFlagBase { $_[0]->[$FLAGS] & $PKGS_BASE } sub packageFlagSkip { $_[0]->[$FLAGS] & $PKGS_SKIP } sub packageFlagUpgrade { $_[0]->[$FLAGS] & $PKGS_UPGRADE } sub packageSetFlagSelected { $_[0]->[$FLAGS] &= ~$PKGS_SELECTED; $_[0]->[$FLAGS] |= $_[1] & $PKGS_SELECTED; } sub packageSetFlagForce { $_[1] ? ($_[0]->[$FLAGS] |= $PKGS_FORCE) : ($_[0]->[$FLAGS] &= ~$PKGS_FORCE); } sub packageSetFlagInstalled { $_[1] ? ($_[0]->[$FLAGS] |= $PKGS_INSTALLED) : ($_[0]->[$FLAGS] &= ~$PKGS_INSTALLED); } sub packageSetFlagBase { $_[1] ? ($_[0]->[$FLAGS] |= $PKGS_BASE) : ($_[0]->[$FLAGS] &= ~$PKGS_BASE); } sub packageSetFlagSkip { $_[1] ? ($_[0]->[$FLAGS] |= $PKGS_SKIP) : ($_[0]->[$FLAGS] &= ~$PKGS_SKIP); } sub packageSetFlagUpgrade { $_[1] ? ($_[0]->[$FLAGS] |= $PKGS_UPGRADE) : ($_[0]->[$FLAGS] &= ~$PKGS_UPGRADE); } sub packageMedium { $_[0]->[$MEDIUM] } sub packageProvides { map { $_[0]->{depslist}[$_] || die "unkown package id $_" } unpack "s*", $_[1]->[$PROVIDES] } sub packageValues { [ unpack "s*", $_[0]->[$VALUES] ] } sub packageSetValues { $_[0]->[$VALUES] = pack "s*", @{$_[1]} } sub packageHeader { $_[0]->[$HEADER] } sub packageFreeHeader { c::headerFree(delete $_[0]->[$HEADER]) } sub packageFile { $_[0]->[$HEADER] or die "packageFile: missing header"; $_[0]->[$FILE] =~ /([^\(]*)(?:\([^\)]*\))?(-[^-]+-[^-]+)/; "$1$2." . c::headerGetEntry($_[0]->[$HEADER], 'arch') . ".rpm"; } sub packageSelectedOrInstalled { packageFlagSelected($_[0]) || packageFlagInstalled($_[0]) } sub packageId { my ($packages, $pkg) = @_; my $i = 0; foreach (@{$packages->{depslist}}) { return $i if $pkg == $packages->{depslist}[$i]; $i++ } return; } sub cleanHeaders { my ($prefix) = @_; commands::rm("-rf", "$prefix/tmp/headers") if -e "$prefix/tmp/headers"; } #- get all headers from an hdlist file. sub extractHeaders($$$) { my ($prefix, $pkgs, $medium) = @_; cleanHeaders($prefix); run_program::run("packdrake", "-x", "/tmp/$medium->{hdlist}", "$prefix/tmp/headers", map { packageHeaderFile($_) } @$pkgs); foreach (@$pkgs) { my $f = "$prefix/tmp/headers/". packageHeaderFile($_); local *H; open H, $f or log::l("unable to open header file $f: $!"), next; $_->[$HEADER] = c::headerRead(fileno H, 1) or log::l("unable to read header of package ". packageHeaderFile($_)); } @$pkgs = grep { $_->[$HEADER] } @$pkgs; } #- size and correction size functions for packages. #- invCorrectSize corrects size in the range 0 to 3Gb approximately, so #- it should not be used outside these levels. #- but since it is an inverted parabolic curve starting above 0, we can #- get a solution where X=Y at approximately 9.3Gb. we use this point as #- a limit to change the approximation to use a linear one. #- for information above this point, we have the corrected size below the #- original size wich is absurd, this point is named D below. my $A = -121568/100000000000; # -1.21568e-05; #- because perl does like that on some language (TO BE FIXED QUICKLY) my $B = 121561/100000; # 1.21561 my $C = -239889/10000; # -23.9889 #- doesn't take hdlist's into account as getAvailableSpace will do it. my $D = (-sqrt(sqr($B - 1) - 4 * $A * $C) - ($B - 1)) / 2 / $A; #- $A is negative so a positive solution is with - sqrt ... sub correctSize { my $csz = ($A * $_[0] + $B) * $_[0] + $C; $csz > $_[0] ? $csz : $_[0]; #- size correction (in MB) should be above input argument (as $A is negative). } sub invCorrectSize { my $sz = $_[0] < $D ? (sqrt(sqr($B) + 4 * $A * ($_[0] - $C)) - $B) / 2 / $A : $_[0]; $sz < $_[0] ? $sz : $_[0]; } sub selectedSize { my ($packages) = @_; my $size = 0; foreach (values %{$packages->{names}}) { packageFlagSelected($_) && !packageFlagInstalled($_) and $size += packageSize($_) - ($_->[$INSTALLED_CUMUL_SIZE] || 0); } $size; } sub correctedSelectedSize { correctSize(selectedSize($_[0]) / sqr(1024)) } #- searching and grouping methods. #- package is a reference to list that contains #- a hash to search by name and #- a list to search by id. sub packageByName { my ($packages, $name) = @_; $packages->{names}{$name} or log::l("unknown package `$name'") && undef; } sub packageById { my ($packages, $id) = @_; $packages->{depslist}[$id] or log::l("unknown package id $id") && undef; } sub allPackages { my ($packages) = @_; my %skip_list; @skip_list{@skip_list} = (); grep { !exists $skip_list{packageName($_)} } values %{$packages->{names}}; } sub packagesOfMedium { my ($packages, $mediumName) = @_; my $medium = $packages->{mediums}{$mediumName}; grep { $_->[$MEDIUM] == $medium } @{$packages->{depslist}}; } sub packagesToInstall { my ($packages) = @_; grep { $_->[$MEDIUM]{selected} && packageFlagSelected($_) && !packageFlagInstalled($_) } values %{$packages->{names}}; } sub allMediums { my ($packages) = @_; keys %{$packages->{mediums}}; } sub mediumDescr { my ($packages, $medium) = @_; $packages->{mediums}{$medium}{descr}; } #- selection, unselection of package. sub selectPackage { #($$;$$$) my ($packages, $pkg, $base, $otherOnly, $check_recursion) = @_; #- check if the same or better version is installed, #- do not select in such case. packageFlagInstalled($pkg) and return; #- check for medium selection, if the medium has not been #- selected, the package cannot be selected. $pkg->[$MEDIUM]{selected} or return; #- avoid infinite recursion (mainly against badly generated depslist.ordered). $check_recursion ||= {}; exists $check_recursion->{$pkg->[$FILE]} and return; $check_recursion->{$pkg->[$FILE]} = undef; #- make sure base package are set even if already selected. $base and packageSetFlagBase($pkg, 1); #- select package and dependancies, otherOnly may be a reference #- to a hash to indicate package that will strictly be selected #- when value is true, may be selected when value is false (this #- is only used for unselection, not selection) unless (packageFlagSelected($pkg)) { foreach (packageDepsId($pkg)) { my $preferred; if (/\|/) { #- choice deps should be reselected recursively as no #- closure on them is computed, this code is exactly the #- same as pixel's one. my %preferred; @preferred{@preferred} = (); foreach (split '\|') { my $dep = packageById($packages, $_) or next; $preferred ||= $dep; packageFlagSelected($dep) and $preferred = $dep, last; exists $preferred{packageName($dep)} and $preferred = $dep; } selectPackage($packages, $preferred, $base, $otherOnly, $check_recursion) if $preferred; } else { #- deps have been closed except for choices, so no need to #- recursively apply selection, expand base on it. my $dep = packageById($packages, $_); $base and packageSetFlagBase($dep, 1); $otherOnly and !packageFlagSelected($dep) and $otherOnly->{packageName($dep)} = 1; $otherOnly or packageSetFlagSelected($dep, 1+packageFlagSelected($dep)); } } } $otherOnly and !packageFlagSelected($pkg) and $otherOnly->{packageName($pkg)} = 1; $otherOnly or packageSetFlagSelected($pkg, 1+packageFlagSelected($pkg)); 1; } sub unselectPackage($$;$) { my ($packages, $pkg, $otherOnly) = @_; #- base package are not unselectable, #- and already unselected package are no more unselectable. packageFlagBase($pkg) and return; packageFlagSelected($pkg) or return; #- dependancies may be used to propose package that may be not #- usefull for the user, since their counter is just one and #- they are not used any more by other packages. #- provides are closed and are taken into account to get possible #- unselection of package (value false on otherOnly) or strict #- unselection (value true on otherOnly). foreach my $provided ($pkg, packageProvides($packages, $pkg)) { packageFlagBase($provided) and die "a provided package cannot be a base package"; if (packageFlagSelected($provided)) { my $unselect_alone = 0; foreach (packageDepsId($provided)) { if (/\|/) { #- this package use a choice of other package, so we have to check #- if our package is not included in the choice, if this is the #- case, if must be checked one of the other package are selected. foreach (split '\|') { my $dep = packageById($packages, $_); $dep == $pkg and $unselect_alone |= 1; packageFlagBase($dep) || packageFlagSelected($dep) and $unselect_alone |= 2; } } } #- provided will not be unselect here if the two conditions are met. $unselect_alone == 3 and next; #- on the other hand, provided package have to be unselected. $otherOnly or packageSetFlagSelected($provided, 0); $otherOnly and $otherOnly->{packageName($provided)} = 1; } foreach (map { split '\|' } packageDepsId($provided)) { my $dep = packageById($packages, $_); packageFlagBase($dep) and next; packageFlagSelected($dep) or next; for (packageFlagSelected($dep)) { $_ == 1 and do { $otherOnly and $otherOnly->{packageName($dep)} ||= 0; }; $_ > 1 and do { $otherOnly or packageSetFlagSelected($dep, $_-1); }; last; } } } 1; } sub togglePackageSelection($$;$) { my ($packages, $pkg, $otherOnly) = @_; packageFlagSelected($pkg) ? unselectPackage($packages, $pkg, $otherOnly) : selectPackage($packages, $pkg, 0, $otherOnly); } sub setPackageSelection($$$) { my ($packages, $pkg, $value) = @_; $value ? selectPackage($packages, $pkg) : unselectPackage($packages, $pkg); } sub unselectAllPackages($) { my ($packages) = @_; foreach (values %{$packages->{names}}) { unless (packageFlagBase($_) || packageFlagUpgrade($_)) { packageSetFlagSelected($_, 0); } } } sub unselectAllPackagesIncludingUpgradable($) { my ($packages, $removeUpgradeFlag) = @_; foreach (values %{$packages->{names}}) { unless (packageFlagBase($_)) { packageSetFlagSelected($_, 0); packageSetFlagUpgrade($_, 0); } } } sub skipSetWithProvides { my ($packages, @l) = @_; packageSetFlagSkip($_, 1) foreach grep { $_ } map { $_, packageProvides($packages, $_) } @l; } sub psUpdateHdlistsDeps { my ($prefix, $method) = @_; my $listf = install_any::getFile('Mandrake/base/hdlists') or die "no hdlists found"; #- WARNING: this function should be kept in sync with functions #- psUsingHdlists and psUsingHdlist. #- it purpose it to update hdlist files on system to install. #- parse hdlist.list file. my $medium = 1; local $_; while (<$listf>) { chomp; s/\s*#.*$//; /^\s*$/ and next; m/^\s*(hdlist\S*\.cz2?)\s+(\S+)\s*(.*)$/ or die "invalid hdlist description \"$_\" in hdlists file"; my ($hdlist, $rpmsdir, $descr) = ($1, $2, $3); #- copy hdlist file directly to $prefix/var/lib/urpmi, this will be used #- for getting header of package during installation or after by urpmi. my $fakemedium = $method . $medium; my $newf = "$prefix/var/lib/urpmi/hdlist.$" . ($hdlist =~ /\.cz2/ && "2"); -e $newf and do { unlink $newf or die "cannot remove $newf: $!"; }; install_any::getAndSaveFile("Mandrake/base/$hdlist", $newf) or die "no $hdlist found"; symlinkf $newf, "/tmp/$hdlist"; ++$medium; } #- this is necessary for urpmi. install_any::getAndSaveFile('Mandrake/base/depslist.ordered', "$prefix/var/lib/urpmi/depslist.ordered"); install_any::getAndSaveFile('Mandrake/base/provides', "$prefix/var/lib/urpmi/provides"); install_any::getAndSaveFile('Mandrake/base/compss', "$prefix/var/lib/urpmi/compss"); } sub psUsingHdlists { my ($prefix, $method) = @_; my $listf = install_any::getFile('Mandrake/base/hdlists') or die "no hdlists found"; my %packages = ( names => {}, depslist => [], mediums => {}); #- parse hdlists file. my $medium = 1; foreach (<$listf>) { chomp; s/\s*#.*$//; /^\s*$/ and next; m/^\s*(hdlist\S*\.cz2?)\s+(\S+)\s*(.*)$/ or die "invalid hdlist description \"$_\" in hdlists file"; #- make sure the first medium is always selected! #- by default select all image. psUsingHdlist($prefix, $method, \%packages, $1, $medium, $2, $3, 1); ++$medium; } log::l("psUsingHdlists read " . scalar keys(%{$packages{names}}) . " headers on " . scalar keys(%{$packages{mediums}}) . " hdlists"); \%packages; } sub psUsingHdlist { my ($prefix, $method, $packages, $hdlist, $medium, $rpmsdir, $descr, $selected, $fhdlist) = @_; my $fakemedium = $method . $medium; log::l("trying to read $hdlist for medium $medium"); #- if the medium already exist, use it. $packages->{mediums}{$medium} and return; my $m = $packages->{mediums}{$medium} = { hdlist => $hdlist, medium => $medium, rpmsdir => $rpmsdir, #- where is RPMS directory. descr => $descr, fakemedium => $fakemedium, min => scalar keys %{$packages->{names}}, max => -1, #- will be updated after reading current hdlist. selected => $selected, #- default value is only CD1, it is really the minimal. }; #- copy hdlist file directly to $prefix/var/lib/urpmi, this will be used #- for getting header of package during installation or after by urpmi. my $newf = "$prefix/var/lib/urpmi/hdlist.$" . ($hdlist =~ /\.cz2/ && "2"); -e $newf and do { unlink $newf or die "cannot remove $newf: $!"; }; install_any::getAndSaveFile($fhdlist || "Mandrake/base/$hdlist", $newf) or die "no $hdlist found"; symlinkf $newf, "/tmp/$hdlist"; #- extract filename from archive, this take advantage of verifying #- the archive too. local *F; open F, "packdrake $newf |"; local $_; while (<F>) { chomp; /^[dlf]\s+/ or next; if (/^f\s+\d+\s+(.*)/) { my $pkg = [ (undef) x 8 ]; $pkg->[$FILE] = $1; $pkg->[$MEDIUM] = $m; my $specific_arch = packageSpecificArch($pkg); if (!$specific_arch || compat_arch($specific_arch)) { my $old_pkg = $packages->{names}{packageName($pkg)}; if ($old_pkg) { if (packageVersion($pkg) eq packageVersion($old_pkg) && packageRelease($pkg) eq packageRelease($old_pkg)) { if (better_arch($specific_arch, packageSpecificArch($old_pkg))) { log::l("replacing old package with package $1 with better arch: $specific_arch"); $packages->{names}{packageName($pkg)} = $pkg; } else { log::l("keeping old package against package $1 with worse arch"); } } else { log::l("ignoring package $1 already present in distribution with different version or release"); } } else { $packages->{names}{packageName($pkg)} = $pkg; } } else { log::l("ignoring package $1 with incompatible arch: $specific_arch"); } } else { die "bad hdlist file: $newf"; } } close F or die "unable to parse $newf"; #- update maximal index. $m->{max} = scalar(keys %{$packages->{names}}) - 1; $m->{max} >= $m->{min} or die "nothing found while parsing $newf"; log::l("read " . ($m->{max} - $m->{min} + 1) . " headers in $hdlist"); 1; } sub getOtherDeps($$) { my ($packages, $f) = @_; #- this version of getDeps is customized for handling errors more easily and #- convert reference by name to deps id including closure computation. local $_; while (<$f>) { my ($name, $version, $release, $size, $deps) = /^(\S*)-([^-\s]+)-([^-\s]+)\s+(\d+)\s+(.*)/; my $pkg = $packages->{names}{$name}; $pkg or log::l("ignoring package $name-$version-$release in depslist is not in hdlist"), next; $version eq packageVersion($pkg) and $release eq packageRelease($pkg) or log::l("warning package $name-$version-$release in depslist mismatch version or release in hdlist ($version ne ", packageVersion($pkg), " or $release ne ", packageRelease($pkg), ")"), next; my $index = scalar @{$packages->{depslist}}; $index >= $pkg->[$MEDIUM]{min} && $index <= $pkg->[$MEDIUM]{max} or log::l("ignoring package $name-$version-$release in depslist outside of hdlist indexation"); #- here we have to translate referenced deps by name to id. #- this include a closure on deps too. my %closuredeps; @closuredeps{map { packageId($packages, $_), packageDepsId($_) } grep { $_ } map { packageByName($packages, $_) or do { log::l("unknown package $_ in depslist for closure"); undef } } split /\s+/, $deps} = (); $pkg->[$SIZE_DEPS] = join " ", $size, keys %closuredeps; push @{$packages->{depslist}}, $pkg; } #- check for same number of package in depslist and hdlists, avoid being to hard. scalar(keys %{$packages->{names}}) == scalar(@{$packages->{depslist}}) or log::l("other depslist has not same package as hdlist file"); } sub getDeps($) { my ($prefix, $packages) = @_; #- this is necessary for urpmi. install_any::getAndSaveFile('Mandrake/base/depslist.ordered', "$prefix/var/lib/urpmi/depslist.ordered"); install_any::getAndSaveFile('Mandrake/base/provides', "$prefix/var/lib/urpmi/provides"); #- beware of heavily mismatching depslist.ordered file against hdlist files. my $mismatch = 0; #- update dependencies list, provides attributes are updated later #- cross reference to be resolved on id (think of loop requires) #- provides should be updated after base flag has been set to save #- memory. local *F; open F, "$prefix/var/lib/urpmi/depslist.ordered" or die "can't find dependancies list"; local $_; while (<F>) { my ($name, $version, $release, $sizeDeps) = /^(\S*)-([^-\s]+)-([^-\s]+)\s+(.*)/; my $pkg = $packages->{names}{$name}; $pkg or log::l("ignoring $name-$version-$release in depslist is not in hdlist"), $mismatch = 1, next; $version eq packageVersion($pkg) and $release eq packageRelease($pkg) or log::l("ignoring $name-$version-$release in depslist mismatch version or release in hdlist ($version ne ", packageVersion($pkg), " or $release ne ", packageRelease($pkg), ")"), $mismatch = 1, next; $pkg->[$SIZE_DEPS] = $sizeDeps; #- check position of package in depslist according to precomputed #- limit by hdlist, very strict :-) #- above warning have chance to raise an exception here, but may help #- for debugging. my $i = scalar @{$packages->{depslist}}; $i >= $pkg->[$MEDIUM]{min} && $i <= $pkg->[$MEDIUM]{max} or $mismatch = 1; #- package are already sorted in depslist to enable small transaction and multiple medium. push @{$packages->{depslist}}, $pkg; } #- check for mismatching package, it should breaj with above die unless depslist has too many errors! $mismatch and die "depslist.ordered mismatch against hdlist files"; #- check for same number of package in depslist and hdlists. scalar(keys %{$packages->{names}}) == scalar(@{$packages->{depslist}}) or die "depslist.ordered has not same package as hdlist files"; } sub getProvides($) { my ($packages) = @_; #- update provides according to dependencies, here are stored #- reference to package directly and choice are included, this #- assume only 1 of the choice is selected, else on unselection #- the provided package will be deleted where other package still #- need it. #- base package are not updated because they cannot be unselected, #- this save certainly a lot of memory since most of them may be #- needed by a large number of package. #- now using a packed of signed short, this means no more than 32768 #- packages can be managed by DrakX (currently about 2000). my $i = 0; foreach my $pkg (@{$packages->{depslist}}) { packageFlagBase($pkg) and next; foreach (map { split '\|' } grep { !/^NOTFOUND_/ } packageDepsId($pkg)) { my $provided = $packages->{depslist}[$_] or die "invalid package index $_"; packageFlagBase($provided) or $provided->[$PROVIDES] = pack "s*", (unpack "s*", $provided->[$PROVIDES]), $i; } ++$i; } } sub readCompss { my ($prefix, $packages) = @_; my ($p, @compss); #- this is necessary for urpmi. install_any::getAndSaveFile('Mandrake/base/compss', "$prefix/var/lib/urpmi/compss"); local *F; open F, "$prefix/var/lib/urpmi/compss" or die "can't find compss"; local $_; while (<F>) { /^\s*$/ || /^#/ and next; s/#.*//; if (/^(\S.*)/) { $p = $1; } else { /(\S+)/; $packages->{names}{$1} or log::l("unknown package $1 in compss"), next; push @compss, "$p/$1"; } } \@compss; } sub readCompssList { my ($packages, $langs) = @_; my $f = install_any::getFile('Mandrake/base/compssList') or die "can't find compssList"; my @levels = split ' ', <$f>; local $_; while (<$f>) { /^\s*$/ || /^#/ and next; my ($name, @values) = split; my $p = packageByName($packages, $name) or log::l("unknown entry $name (in compssList)"), next; $p->[$VALUES] = pack "s*", @values; } my %done; foreach (@$langs) { my $p = packageByName($packages, "locales-$_") or next; foreach ($p, packageProvides($packages, $p), map { packageByName($packages, $_) } @{$by_lang{$_} || []}) { next if !$_ || $done{$_}; $done{$_} = 1; $_->[$VALUES] = pack "s*", map { $_ + 90 } ($_->[$VALUES] ? (unpack "s*", $_->[$VALUES]) : ((0) x @levels)); } } my $l = { map_index { $_ => $::i } @levels }; } sub readCompssUsers { my ($packages, $compss, $meta_class) = @_; my (%compssUsers, %compssUsersIcons, , %compssUsersDescr, @sorted, $l); my (%compss); foreach (@$compss) { local ($_, $a) = m|(.*)/(.*)|; do { push @{$compss{$_}}, $a } while s|/[^/]+||; } my $map = sub { $l or return; $_ = $packages->{names}{$_} or log::l("unknown package $_ (in compssUsers)") foreach @$l; }; my $file = 'Mandrake/base/compssUsers'; my $f = $meta_class && install_any::getFile("$file.$meta_class") || install_any::getFile($file) or die "can't find $file"; local $_; while (<$f>) { /^\s*$/ || /^#/ and next; s/#.*//; if (/^(\S.*)/) { &$map; my ($icon, $descr); /^(.*?)\s*\[icon=(.*?)\](.*)/ and $_ = "$1$3", $icon = $2; /^(.*?)\s*\[descr=(.*?)\](.*)/ and $_ = "$1$3", $descr = $2; $compssUsersIcons{$_} = $icon; $compssUsersDescr{$_} = $descr; push @sorted, $_; $compssUsers{$_} = $l = []; } elsif (/\s+\+(\S+)/) { push @$l, $1; } elsif (/^\s+(.*?)\s*$/) { push @$l, @{$compss{$1} || log::l("unknown category $1 (in compssUsers)") && []}; } } &$map; \%compssUsers, \@sorted, \%compssUsersIcons, \%compssUsersDescr; } sub setSelectedFromCompssList { my ($compssListLevels, $packages, $min_level, $max_size, $install_class) = @_; my $ind = $compssListLevels->{$install_class}; defined $ind or log::l("unknown install class $install_class in compssList"), return; my $nb = selectedSize($packages); my @packages = allPackages($packages); my @places = do { #- special case for /^k/ aka kde stuff my @values = map { (unpack "s*", $_->[$VALUES])[$ind] } @packages; sort { $values[$b] <=> $values[$a] } 0 .. $#packages; }; foreach (@places) { my $p = $packages[$_]; next if packageFlagSkip($p); last if (unpack "s*", $p->[$VALUES])[$ind] < $min_level; #- determine the packages that will be selected when #- selecting $p. the packages are not selected. my %newSelection; selectPackage($packages, $p, 0, \%newSelection); #- this enable an incremental total size. my $old_nb = $nb; foreach (grep { $newSelection{$_} } keys %newSelection) { $nb += packageSize($packages->{names}{$_}); } if ($max_size && $nb > $max_size) { $nb = $old_nb; $min_level = (unpack "s*", $p->[$VALUES])[$ind]; last; } #- at this point the package can safely be selected. selectPackage($packages, $p); } log::l("setSelectedFromCompssList: reached size $nb, up to indice $min_level (less than $max_size)"); $ind, $min_level; } #- usefull to know the size it would take for a given min_level/max_size #- just saves the selected packages, call setSelectedFromCompssList and restores the selected packages sub saveSelected { my ($packages) = @_; my @l = values %{$packages->{names}}; my @flags = map { pkgs::packageFlagSelected($_) } @l; [ $packages, \@l, \@flags ]; } sub restoreSelected { my ($packages, $l, $flags) = @{$_[0]}; mapn { pkgs::packageSetFlagSelected(@_) } $l, $flags; } sub init_db { my ($prefix) = @_; my $f = "$prefix/root/install.log"; open(LOG, "> $f") ? log::l("opened $f") : log::l("Failed to open $f. No install log will be kept."); *LOG or *LOG = log::F() or *LOG = *STDERR; CORE::select((CORE::select(LOG), $| = 1)[0]); c::rpmErrorSetCallback(fileno LOG); #- c::rpmSetVeryVerbose(); log::l("reading /usr/lib/rpm/rpmrc"); c::rpmReadConfigFiles() or die "can't read rpm config files"; log::l("\tdone"); } sub rebuild_db_open_for_traversal { my ($packages, $prefix) = @_; log::l("reading /usr/lib/rpm/rpmrc"); c::rpmReadConfigFiles() or die "can't read rpm config files"; log::l("\tdone"); unless (exists $packages->{rebuild_db}) { if (my $pid = fork()) { waitpid $pid, 0; ($? & 0xff00) and die "rebuilding of rpm database failed"; } else { log::l("rebuilding rpm database"); c::rpmdbRebuild($prefix) and c::_exit(0); log::l("rebuilding of rpm database failed: ". c::rpmErrorString()); c::_exit(2); } $packages->{rebuild_db} = undef; } my $db = c::rpmdbOpenForTraversal($prefix) or die "unable to open $prefix/var/lib/rpm/Packages"; log::l("opened rpm database for examining existing packages"); $db; } sub done_db { log::l("closing install.log file"); close LOG; } sub versionCompare($$) { my ($a, $b) = @_; local $_; while ($a || $b) { my ($sb, $sa) = map { $1 if ($a || 0) =~ /^\W*\d/ ? s/^\W*0*(\d+)// : s/^\W*(\D+)// } ($b, $a); $_ = length($sa) cmp length($sb) || $sa cmp $sb and return $_; } } sub selectPackagesAlreadyInstalled { my ($packages, $prefix) = @_; my $db = rebuild_db_open_for_traversal($packages, $prefix); #- this method has only one objectif, check the presence of packages #- already installed and avoid installing them again. this is to be used #- with oem installation, if the database exists, preselect the packages #- installed WHATEVER their version/release (log if a problem is perceived #- is enough). c::rpmdbTraverse($db, sub { my ($header) = @_; my $p = $packages->{names}{c::headerGetEntry($header, 'name')}; if ($p) { my $version_cmp = versionCompare(c::headerGetEntry($header, 'version'), packageVersion($p)); my $version_rel_test = $version_cmp > 0 || $version_cmp == 0 && versionCompare(c::headerGetEntry($header, 'release'), packageRelease($p)) >= 0; $version_rel_test or log::l("keeping an older package, avoiding selecting $p->{file}"); packageSetFlagInstalled($p, 1); } }); #- close db, job finished ! c::rpmdbClose($db); log::l("done selecting packages to upgrade"); } sub selectPackagesToUpgrade($$$;$$) { my ($packages, $prefix, $base, $toRemove, $toSave) = @_; local $_; #- else perl complains on the map { ... } grep { ... } @...; local (*UPGRADE_INPUT, *UPGRADE_OUTPUT); pipe UPGRADE_INPUT, UPGRADE_OUTPUT; if (my $pid = fork()) { @{$toRemove || []} = (); #- reset this one. close UPGRADE_OUTPUT; while (<UPGRADE_INPUT>) { chomp; my ($action, $name) = /^([\w\d]*):(.*)/; for ($action) { /remove/ and do { push @$toRemove, $name; next }; /keepfiles/ and do { push @$toSave, $name; next }; my $p = $packages->{names}{$name} or die "unable to find package ($name)"; /^\d*$/ and do { $p->[$INSTALLED_CUMUL_SIZE] = $action; next }; /installed/ and do { packageSetFlagInstalled($p, 1); next }; /select/ and do { selectPackage($packages, $p); next }; die "unknown action ($action)"; } } close UPGRADE_INPUT; waitpid $pid, 0; } else { close UPGRADE_INPUT; my $db = rebuild_db_open_for_traversal($packages, $prefix); #- used for package that are not correctly updated. #- should only be used when nothing else can be done correctly. my %upgradeNeedRemove = ( 'libstdc++' => 1, 'compat-glibc' => 1, 'compat-libs' => 1, ); #- these package are not named as ours, need to be translated before working. #- a version may follow to setup a constraint 'installed version greater than'. my %otherPackageToRename = ( 'qt' => [ 'qt2', '2.0' ], 'qt1x' => [ 'qt' ], ); #- generel purpose for forcing upgrade of package whatever version is. my %packageNeedUpgrade = ( 'lilo' => 1, #- this package has been misnamed in 7.0. ); #- help removing package which may have different release numbering my %toRemove; map { $toRemove{$_} = 1 } @{$toRemove || []}; #- help searching package to upgrade in regard to already installed files. my %installedFilesForUpgrade; #- help keeping memory by this set of package that have been obsoleted. my %obsoletedPackages; #- make a subprocess here for reading filelist, this is important #- not to waste a lot of memory for the main program which will fork #- latter for each transaction. local (*INPUT, *OUTPUT_CHILD); pipe INPUT, OUTPUT_CHILD; local (*INPUT_CHILD, *OUTPUT); pipe INPUT_CHILD, OUTPUT; if (my $pid = fork()) { close INPUT_CHILD; close OUTPUT_CHILD; select((select(OUTPUT), $| = 1)[0]); #- internal reading from interactive mode of parsehdlist. #- takes a code to call with the line read, this avoid allocating #- memory for that. my $ask_child = sub { my ($name, $tag, $code) = @_; $code or die "no callback code for parsehdlist output"; print OUTPUT "$name:$tag\n"; local $_; while (<INPUT>) { chomp; /^\s*$/ and last; $code->($_); } }; #- select packages which obseletes other package, obselete package are not removed, #- should we remove them ? this could be dangerous ! foreach (values %{$packages->{names}}) { my $p = $_; #- TODO take into account version number and flags (that's why regexp :-) $ask_child->(packageName($p), "obsoletes", sub { if ($_[0] =~ /^(\S*)/ && c::rpmdbNameTraverse($db, $1) > 0) { log::l("selecting " . packageName($p) . " by selection on obsoletes"); $obsoletedPackages{$1} = undef; selectPackage($packages, $p); } }); } #- mark all files which are not in /etc/rc.d/ for packages which are already installed but which #- are not in the packages list to upgrade. #- the 'installed' property will make a package unable to be selected, look at select. c::rpmdbTraverse($db, sub { my ($header) = @_; my $otherPackage = (c::headerGetEntry($header, 'release') !~ /mdk\w*$/ && (c::headerGetEntry($header, 'name'). '-' . c::headerGetEntry($header, 'version'). '-' . c::headerGetEntry($header, 'release'))); my $renaming = $otherPackage && $otherPackageToRename{c::headerGetEntry($header, 'name')}; my $name = $renaming && (!$renaming->[1] || versionCompare(c::headerGetEntry($header, 'version'), $renaming->[1]) >= 0) && $renaming->[0]; $name and $packageNeedUpgrade{$name} = 1; #- keep in mind to force upgrading this package. my $p = $packages->{names}{$name || c::headerGetEntry($header, 'name')}; if ($p) { my $version_cmp = versionCompare(c::headerGetEntry($header, 'version'), packageVersion($p)); my $version_rel_test = $version_cmp > 0 || $version_cmp == 0 && versionCompare(c::headerGetEntry($header, 'release'), packageRelease($p)) >= 0; if ($version_rel_test) { #- by default, package selecting are upgrade whatever version is ! if ($otherPackage && $version_cmp <= 0) { log::l("force upgrading $otherPackage since it will not be updated otherwise"); } else { #- let the parent known this installed package. print UPGRADE_OUTPUT "installed:" . packageName($p) . "\n"; packageSetFlagInstalled($p, 1); } } elsif ($upgradeNeedRemove{packageName($p)}) { my $otherPackage = (c::headerGetEntry($header, 'name'). '-' . c::headerGetEntry($header, 'version'). '-' . c::headerGetEntry($header, 'release')); log::l("removing $otherPackage since it will not upgrade correctly!"); $toRemove{$otherPackage} = 1; #- force removing for theses other packages, select our. } } else { if (! exists $obsoletedPackages{$name || c::headerGetEntry($header, 'name')}) { my @files = c::headerGetEntry($header, 'filenames'); @installedFilesForUpgrade{grep { ($_ !~ m|^/etc/rc.d/| && ! -d "$prefix/$_" && ! -l "$prefix/$_") } @files} = (); } } }); #- find new packages to upgrade. foreach (values %{$packages->{names}}) { my $p = $_; my $skipThis = 0; my $count = c::rpmdbNameTraverse($db, packageName($p), sub { my ($header) = @_; $skipThis ||= packageFlagInstalled($p); }); #- skip if not installed (package not found in current install). $skipThis ||= ($count == 0); #- make sure to upgrade package that have to be upgraded. $packageNeedUpgrade{packageName($p)} and $skipThis = 0; #- select the package if it is already installed with a lower version or simply not installed. unless ($skipThis) { my $cumulSize; selectPackage($packages, $p); #- keep in mind installed files which are not being updated. doing this costs in #- execution time but use less memory, else hash all installed files and unhash #- all file for package marked for upgrade. c::rpmdbNameTraverse($db, packageName($p), sub { my ($header) = @_; $cumulSize += c::headerGetEntry($header, 'size'); my @files = c::headerGetEntry($header, 'filenames'); @installedFilesForUpgrade{grep { ($_ !~ m|^/etc/rc.d/| && ! -d "$prefix/$_" && ! -l "$prefix/$_") } @files} = (); }); $ask_child->(packageName($p), "files", sub { delete $installedFilesForUpgrade{$_[0]}; }); #- keep in mind the cumul size of installed package since they will be deleted #- on upgrade, only for package that are allowed to be upgraded. if (allowedToUpgrade(packageName($p))) { print UPGRADE_OUTPUT "$cumulSize:" . packageName($p) . "\n"; } } } #- unmark all files for all packages marked for upgrade. it may not have been done above #- since some packages may have been selected by depsList. foreach (values %{$packages->{names}}) { my $p = $_; if (packageFlagSelected($p)) { $ask_child->(packageName($p), "files", sub { delete $installedFilesForUpgrade{$_[0]}; }); } } #- select packages which contains marked files, then unmark on selection. #- a special case can be made here, the selection is done only for packages #- requiring locales if the locales are selected. #- another special case are for devel packages where fixes over the time has #- made some files moving between the normal package and its devel couterpart. #- if only one file is affected, no devel package is selected. foreach (values %{$packages->{names}}) { my $p = $_; unless (packageFlagSelected($p)) { my $toSelect = 0; $ask_child->(packageName($p), "files", sub { if ($_[0] !~ m|^/etc/rc.d/| && exists $installedFilesForUpgrade{$_[0]}) { ++$toSelect if ! -d "$prefix/$_[0]" && ! -l "$prefix/$_[0]"; delete $installedFilesForUpgrade{$_[0]}; } }); if ($toSelect) { if ($toSelect <= 1 && packageName($p) =~ /-devel/) { log::l("avoid selecting " . packageName($p) . " as not enough files will be updated"); } else { #- default case is assumed to allow upgrade. my @deps = map { my $p = $packages->{depslist}[$_]; $p && packageName($p) =~ /locales-/ ? ($p) : () } packageDepsId($p); if (@deps == 0 || @deps > 0 && (grep { !packageFlagSelected($_) } @deps) == 0) { log::l("selecting " . packageName($p) . " by selection on files"); selectPackage($packages, $p); } else { log::l("avoid selecting " . packageName($p) . " as its locales language is not already selected"); } } } } } #- clean memory... %installedFilesForUpgrade = (); #- no need to still use the child as this point, we can let him to terminate. close OUTPUT; close INPUT; waitpid $pid, 0; } else { close INPUT; close OUTPUT; open STDIN, "<&INPUT_CHILD"; open STDOUT, ">&OUTPUT_CHILD"; exec "parsehdlist", "--interactive", map { "/tmp/$_->{hdlist}" } values %{$packages->{mediums}}; c::_exit(1); } #- let the parent known about what we found here! foreach (values %{$packages->{names}}) { my $p = $_; print UPGRADE_OUTPUT "select:" . packageName($p) . "\n" if packageFlagSelected($p); } #- clean false value on toRemove. delete $toRemove{''}; #- get filenames that should be saved for packages to remove. #- typically config files, but it may broke for packages that #- are very old when compabilty has been broken. #- but new version may saved to .rpmnew so it not so hard ! if ($toSave && keys %toRemove) { c::rpmdbTraverse($db, sub { my ($header) = @_; my $otherPackage = (c::headerGetEntry($header, 'name'). '-' . c::headerGetEntry($header, 'version'). '-' . c::headerGetEntry($header, 'release')); if ($toRemove{$otherPackage}) { print UPGRADE_OUTPUT "remove:$otherPackage\n"; if (packageFlagBase($packages->{names}{c::headerGetEntry($header, 'name')})) { delete $toRemove{$otherPackage}; #- keep it selected, but force upgrade. } else { my @files = c::headerGetEntry($header, 'filenames'); my @flags = c::headerGetEntry($header, 'fileflags'); for my $i (0..$#flags) { if ($flags[$i] & c::RPMFILE_CONFIG()) { print UPGRADE_OUTPUT "keepfiles:$files[$i]\n" unless $files[$i] =~ /kdelnk/; } } } } }); } #- close db, job finished ! c::rpmdbClose($db); log::l("done selecting packages to upgrade"); close UPGRADE_OUTPUT; c::_exit(0); } #- keep a track of packages that are been selected for being upgraded, #- these packages should not be unselected (unless expertise) foreach (values %{$packages->{names}}) { my $p = $_; packageSetFlagUpgrade($p, 1) if packageFlagSelected($p); } } sub allowedToUpgrade { $_[0] !~ /^(kernel|kernel-secure|kernel-smp|kernel-linus|hackkernel)$/ } sub installCallback { # my $msg = shift; # log::l($msg .": ". join(',', @_)); } sub install($$$;$$) { my ($prefix, $isUpgrade, $toInstall, $depOrder, $media) = @_; my %packages; return if $::g_auto_install || !scalar(@$toInstall); #- for root loopback'ed /boot my $loop_boot = loopback::prepare_boot($prefix); #- first stage to extract some important informations #- about the packages selected. this is used to select #- one or many transaction. my ($total, $nb); foreach my $pkg (@$toInstall) { $packages{packageName($pkg)} = $pkg; $nb++; $total += packageSize($pkg); } log::l("pkgs::install $prefix"); log::l("pkgs::install the following: ", join(" ", keys %packages)); eval { fs::mount("/proc", "$prefix/proc", "proc", 0) } unless -e "$prefix/proc/cpuinfo"; log::l("reading /usr/lib/rpm/rpmrc"); c::rpmReadConfigFiles() or die "can't read rpm config files"; log::l("\tdone"); my $callbackOpen = sub { my $p = $packages{$_[0]}; my $f = packageFile($p); print LOG "$f $p->[$MEDIUM]{descr}\n"; my $fd = install_any::getFile($f, $p->[$MEDIUM]{descr}); $fd ? fileno $fd : -1; }; my $callbackClose = sub { packageSetFlagInstalled(delete $packages{$_[0]}, 1) }; #- do not modify/translate the message used with installCallback since #- these are keys during progressing installation, or change in other #- place (,...). installCallback("Starting installation", $nb, $total); my ($i, $min, $medium) = (0, 0, 1); do { my @transToInstall; if (!$depOrder || !$media) { @transToInstall = values %packages; $nb = 0; } else { do { #- change current media if needed. if ($i > $media->{$medium}{max}) { #- search for media that contains the desired package to install. foreach (keys %$media) { $i >= $media->{$_}{min} && $i <= $media->{$_}{max} and $medium = $_, last; } } $i >= $media->{$medium}{min} && $i <= $media->{$medium}{max} or die "unable to find right medium"; install_any::useMedium($medium); while ($i <= $media->{$medium}{max} && ($i < $min || scalar @transToInstall < $limitMinTrans)) { my $dep = $packages{packageName($depOrder->[$i++])} or next; if ($dep->[$MEDIUM]{selected}) { push @transToInstall, $dep; foreach (map { split '\|' } packageDepsId($dep)) { $min < $_ and $min = $_; } } else { log::l("ignoring package $dep->{file} as its medium is not selected"); } --$nb; #- make sure the package is not taken into account as its medium is not selected. } } while ($nb > 0 && scalar(@transToInstall) == 0); #- avoid null transaction, it a nop that cost a bit. } #- added to exit typically after last media unselected. if ($nb == 0 && scalar(@transToInstall) == 0) { cleanHeaders($prefix); loopback::save_boot($loop_boot); return; } #- extract headers for parent as they are used by callback. extractHeaders($prefix, \@transToInstall, $media->{$medium}); #- reset file descriptor open for main process but #- make sure error trying to change from hdlist are #- trown from main process too. install_any::getFile(packageFile($transToInstall[0]), $transToInstall[0][$MEDIUM]{descr}); #- and make sure there are no staling open file descriptor too! install_any::getFile('XXX'); #- reset ftp handlers before forking, otherwise well ;-( #require ftp; #ftp::rewindGetFile(); local (*INPUT, *OUTPUT); pipe INPUT, OUTPUT; if (my $pid = fork()) { close OUTPUT; my $error_msg = ''; local $_; while (<INPUT>) { if (/^die:(.*)/) { $error_msg = $1; last; } else { chomp; my @params = split ":"; if ($params[0] eq 'close') { &$callbackClose($params[1]); } else { installCallback(@params); } } } $error_msg and $error_msg .= join('', <INPUT>); waitpid $pid, 0; close INPUT; $error_msg and die $error_msg; } else { #- child process will run each transaction. $SIG{SEGV} = sub { log::l("segmentation fault on transactions"); c::_exit(0) }; my $db; eval { close INPUT; select((select(OUTPUT), $| = 1)[0]); $db = c::rpmdbOpen($prefix) or die "error opening RPM database: ", c::rpmErrorString(); my $trans = c::rpmtransCreateSet($db, $prefix); log::l("opened rpm database for transaction of ". scalar @transToInstall ." new packages, still $nb after that to do"); c::rpmtransAddPackage($trans, $_->[$HEADER], packageName($_), $isUpgrade && allowedToUpgrade(packageName($_))) foreach @transToInstall; c::rpmdepOrder($trans) or die "error ordering package list: " . c::rpmErrorString(), sub { c::rpmdbClose($db) }; c::rpmtransSetScriptFd($trans, fileno LOG); log::l("rpmRunTransactions start"); my @probs = c::rpmRunTransactions($trans, $callbackOpen, sub { #- callbackClose print OUTPUT "close:$_[0]\n"; }, sub { #- installCallback print OUTPUT join(":", @_), "\n"; }, 1); log::l("rpmRunTransactions done"); if (@probs) { my %parts; @probs = reverse grep { if (s/(installing package) .* (needs (?:.*) on the (.*) filesystem)/$1 $2/) { $parts{$3} ? 0 : ($parts{$3} = 1); } else { 1; } } reverse map { s|/mnt||; $_ } @probs; c::rpmdbClose($db); die "installation of rpms failed:\n ", join("\n ", @probs); } }; $@ and print OUTPUT "die:$@\n"; c::rpmdbClose($db); log::l("rpm database closed"); close OUTPUT; c::_exit(0); } packageFreeHeader($_) foreach @transToInstall; cleanHeaders($prefix); if (my @badpkgs = grep { !packageFlagInstalled($_) && $_->[$MEDIUM]{selected} && !exists($ignoreBadPkg{packageName($_)}) } @transToInstall) { foreach (@badpkgs) { log::l("bad package $_->[$FILE]"); packageSetFlagSelected($_, 0); } cdie ("error installing package list: " . join(", ", map { $_->[$FILE] } @badpkgs)); } } while ($nb > 0 && !$pkgs::cancel_install); cleanHeaders($prefix); loopback::save_boot($loop_boot); } sub remove($$) { my ($prefix, $toRemove) = @_; return if $::g_auto_install || !@{$toRemove || []}; log::l("reading /usr/lib/rpm/rpmrc"); c::rpmReadConfigFiles() or die "can't read rpm config files"; log::l("\tdone"); my $db = c::rpmdbOpen($prefix) or die "error opening RPM database: ", c::rpmErrorString(); log::l("opened rpm database for removing old packages"); my $trans = c::rpmtransCreateSet($db, $prefix); foreach my $p (@$toRemove) { #- stuff remove all packages that matches $p, not a problem since $p has name-version-release format. c::rpmtransRemovePackages($db, $trans, $p) if allowedToUpgrade($p); } eval { fs::mount("/proc", "$prefix/proc", "proc", 0) } unless -e "$prefix/proc/cpuinfo"; my $callbackOpen = sub { log::l("trying to open file from $_[0] which should not happen"); }; my $callbackClose = sub { log::l("trying to close file from $_[0] which should not happen"); }; #- we are not checking depends since it should come when #- upgrading a system. although we may remove some functionalities ? #- do not modify/translate the message used with installCallback since #- these are keys during progressing installation, or change in other #- place (,...). installCallback("Starting removing other packages", scalar @$toRemove); if (my @probs = c::rpmRunTransactions($trans, $callbackOpen, $callbackClose, \&installCallback, 1)) { die "removing of old rpms failed:\n ", join("\n ", @probs); } c::rpmtransFree($trans); c::rpmdbClose($db); log::l("rpm database closed"); #- keep in mind removing of these packages by cleaning $toRemove. @{$toRemove || []} = (); } 1;