path: root/perl-install/
blob: 29aeea8c499707fb841876ac5c7f066da09f9291 (plain)
package any; # $Id$

use diagnostics;
use strict;

#- misc imports
use common;
use detect_devices;
use partition_table;
use fs::type;
use lang;
use run_program;
use keyboard;
use devices;
use modules;
use log;
use fs;
use c;

sub drakx_version() { 
    $::move ? sprintf "DrakX-move v%s", cat_('/usr/bin/stage2/') =~ /move\.pm,v (\S+ \S+ \S+)/
            : sprintf "DrakX v%s built %s", $::testing ? ('TEST', scalar gmtime()) : (split('/', cat_("$ENV{SHARE_PATH}/VERSION")))[2,3];

sub facesdir() {
sub face2png {
    my ($face) = @_;
    facesdir() . $face . ".png";
sub facesnames() {
    my $dir = facesdir();
    my @l = grep { /^[A-Z]/ } all($dir);
    map { if_(/(.*)\.png/, $1) } (@l ? @l : all($dir));

sub addKdmIcon {
    my ($user, $icon) = @_;
    my $dest = "$::prefix/usr/share/faces/$user.png";
    eval { cp_af(facesdir() . $icon . ".png", $dest) } if $icon;

sub alloc_user_faces {
    my ($users) = @_;
    my @m = my @l = facesnames();
    foreach (grep { !$_->{icon} || $_->{icon} eq "automagic" } @$users) {
	$_->{auto_icon} = splice(@m, rand(@m), 1); #- known biased (see cookbook for better)
	log::l("auto_icon is $_->{auto_icon}");
	@m = @l unless @m;

sub create_user {
    my ($u, $isMD5) = @_;

    my @existing = stat("$::prefix/home/$u->{name}");

    if (!getpwnam($u->{name})) {
	my $uid = $u->{uid} || $existing[4];
	if ($uid && getpwuid($uid)) {
	    undef $uid; #- suggested uid already in use
	my $gid = $u->{gid} || $existing[5] || int getgrnam($u->{name});
	if ($gid) {
	    if (getgrgid($gid)) {
		undef $gid if getgrgid($gid) ne $u->{name};
	    } else {
		run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'groupadd', '-g', $gid, $u->{name});
	require authentication;
			    '-p', authentication::user_crypted_passwd($u, $isMD5),
			    if_($uid, '-u', $uid), if_($gid, '-g', $gid), 

    my (undef, undef, $uid, $gid, undef, undef, undef, $home) = getpwnam($u->{name});

    if (@existing && $::isInstall && ($uid != $existing[4] || $gid != $existing[5])) {
	log::l("chown'ing $home from $existing[4].$existing[5] to $uid.$gid");
	require commands;
	eval { commands::chown_("-r", "$uid.$gid", "$::prefix$home") };

sub add_users {
    my ($users, $authentication) = @_;


    foreach (@$users) {
	create_user($_, $authentication->{md5});
	run_program::rooted($::prefix, "usermod", "-G", join(",", @{$_->{groups}}), $_->{name}) if !is_empty_array_ref($_->{groups});
	addKdmIcon($_->{name}, delete $_->{auto_icon} || $_->{icon});

sub hdInstallPath() {
    my $tail = first(readlink("/tmp/image") =~ m|^(?:/tmp/)?hdimage/*(.*)|);
    my $head = first(readlink("/tmp/hdimage") =~ m|$::prefix(.*)|);
    log::l("search HD install path, tail=$tail, head=$head, tail defined=" . to_bool(defined $tail));
    defined $tail && ($head ? "$head/$tail" : "/mnt/hd/$tail");

sub install_acpi_pkgs {
    my ($do_pkgs, $b) = @_;

    my $acpi = bootloader::get_append_with_key($b, 'acpi') or return;
    if (!member($acpi, 'off', 'ht')) {
	$do_pkgs->install('acpi', 'acpid') if !(-x "$::prefix/usr/bin/acpi" && -x "$::prefix/usr/sbin/acpid");

sub setupBootloader {
    my ($in, $b, $all_hds, $fstab, $security) = @_;

    require bootloader;
	local $::Wizard_no_previous = 1 if $::isStandalone;
	setupBootloader__general($in, $b, $all_hds, $fstab, $security) or return 0;
    setupBootloader__boot_bios_drive($in, $b, $all_hds->{hds}) or goto general;
	local $::Wizard_finished = 1 if $::isStandalone;
	setupBootloader__entries($in, $b, $all_hds, $fstab) or goto general;

sub installBootloader {
    my ($in, $b, $all_hds) = @_;

    install_acpi_pkgs($in->do_pkgs, $b);

    eval { run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'echo | lilo -u') } if $::isInstall && !$::o->{isUpgrade} && -e "$::prefix/etc/lilo.conf" && glob("$::prefix/boot/boot.*");

    eval { 
	my $_w = $in->wait_message(N("Please wait"), N("Bootloader installation in progress"));
	bootloader::install($b, $all_hds);

    if (my $err = $@) {
	$err =~ /wizcancel/ and return;
	$err =~ s/^\w+ failed// or die;
	$err = formatError($err);
	while ($err =~ s/^Warning:.*//m) {}
	if (my ($dev) = $err =~ /^Reference:\s+disk\s+"(.*?)".*^Is the above disk an NT boot disk?/ms) {
	    if ($in->ask_yesorno('',
formatAlaTeX(N("LILO wants to assign a new Volume ID to drive %s.  However, changing
the Volume ID of a Windows NT, 2000, or XP boot disk is a fatal Windows error.
This caution does not apply to Windows 95 or 98, or to NT data disks.

Assign a new Volume ID?", $dev)))) {
		$b->{force_lilo_answer} = 'n';
	    } else {
		$b->{'static-bios-codes'} = 1;
	    goto retry;
	} else {
	    $in->ask_warn('', [ N("Installation of bootloader failed. The following error occurred:"), $err ]);
    } elsif (arch() =~ /ppc/) {
	if (detect_devices::get_mac_model() !~ /IBM/) {
            my $of_boot = bootloader::dev2yaboot($b->{boot});
	    $in->ask_warn('', N("You may need to change your Open Firmware boot-device to\n enable the bootloader.  If you don't see the bootloader prompt at\n reboot, hold down Command-Option-O-F at reboot and enter:\n setenv boot-device %s,\\\\:tbxi\n Then type: shut-down\nAt your next boot you should see the bootloader prompt.", $of_boot));

sub setupBootloader_simple {
    my ($in, $b, $all_hds, $fstab, $security) = @_;
    my $hds = $all_hds->{hds};

    require bootloader;
    my $mixed_kind_of_disks = bootloader::mixed_kind_of_disks($hds);
    #- full expert questions when there is 2 kind of disks
    #- it would need a semi_auto asking on which drive the bios boots...

    $mixed_kind_of_disks || $b->{bootUnsafe} || arch() =~ /ppc/ or return 1; #- default is good enough
    if (!$mixed_kind_of_disks && arch() !~ /ia64/) {
	setupBootloader__mbr_or_not($in, $b, $hds, $fstab) or return 0;
    } else {
	setupBootloader__general($in, $b, $all_hds, $fstab, $security) or return 0;
    setupBootloader__boot_bios_drive($in, $b, $hds) or goto general;

sub setupBootloader__boot_bios_drive {
    my ($in, $b, $hds) = @_;

    bootloader::mixed_kind_of_disks($hds) && 
      $b->{boot} =~ /\d$/ && #- on a partition
	is_empty_hash_ref($b->{bios}) && #- some bios mapping already there
	  arch() !~ /ppc/ or return 1;

    my $hd = $in->ask_from_listf('', N("You decided to install the bootloader on a partition.
This implies you already have a bootloader on the hard drive you boot (eg: System Commander).

On which drive are you booting?"), \&partition_table::description, $hds) or return 0;
    log::l("mixed_kind_of_disks chosen $hd->{device}");
    $b->{first_hd_device} = "/dev/$hd->{device}";

sub setupBootloader__mbr_or_not {
    my ($in, $b, $hds, $fstab) = @_;

    if (arch() =~ /ppc/) {
	if (defined $partition_table::mac::bootstrap_part) {
	    $b->{boot} = $partition_table::mac::bootstrap_part;
	    log::l("set bootstrap to $b->{boot}"); 
	} else {
	    die "no bootstrap partition - yaboot.conf creation failed";
    } else {
	my $floppy = detect_devices::floppy();

	my @l = (
		 [ N("First sector of drive (MBR)") => '/dev/' . $hds->[0]{device} ],
		 [ N("First sector of the root partition") => '/dev/' . fs::get::root($fstab, 'boot')->{device} ],
                 [ N("On Floppy") => "/dev/$floppy" ],
		 [ N("Skip") => '' ],

	my $default = find { $_->[1] eq $b->{boot} } @l;
	$in->ask_from_({ title => N("LILO/grub Installation"),
			 messages => N("Where do you want to install the bootloader?"),
			 interactive_help_id => 'setupBootloaderBeginner',
		      [ { val => \$default, list => \@l, format => sub { $_[0][0] }, type => 'list' } ]);
	my $new_boot = $default->[1] or return;

	#- remove bios mapping if the user changed the boot device
	delete $b->{bios} if $new_boot ne $b->{boot};
	$b->{boot} = $new_boot;

sub setupBootloader__general {
    my ($in, $b, $all_hds, $fstab, $security) = @_;

    my @method_choices = bootloader::method_choices($fstab);
    my $prev_force_acpi = my $force_acpi = bootloader::get_append_with_key($b, 'acpi') !~ /off|ht/;
    my $prev_force_noapic = my $force_noapic = bootloader::get_append_simple($b, 'noapic');
    my $prev_force_nolapic = my $force_nolapic = bootloader::get_append_simple($b, 'nolapic');
    my $memsize = bootloader::get_append_memsize($b);
    my $prev_clean_tmp = my $clean_tmp = any { $_->{mntpoint} eq '/tmp' } @{$all_hds->{special} ||= []};
    my $prev_boot = $b->{boot};

    $b->{password2} ||= $b->{password} ||= '';
    $::Wizard_title = N("Boot Style Configuration");
    if (arch() !~ /ppc/) {
	$in->ask_from_({ messages => N("Bootloader main options"),
			 interactive_help_id => 'setupBootloader',
			 callbacks => {
			     complete => sub {
				 !$memsize || $memsize =~ /^\d+K$/ || $memsize =~ s/^(\d+)M?$/$1M/i or $in->ask_warn('', N("Give the ram size in MB")), return 1;
				 #- $security > 4 && length($b->{password}) < 6 and $in->ask_warn('', N("At this level of security, a password (and a good one) in lilo is requested")), return 1;
				 $b->{restricted} && !$b->{password} and $in->ask_warn('', N("Option ``Restrict command line options'' is of no use without a password")), return 1;
				 $b->{password} eq $b->{password2} or !$b->{restricted} or $in->ask_warn('', [ N("The passwords do not match"), N("Please try again") ]), return 1;
		       }, [
            { label => N("Bootloader to use"), val => \$b->{method}, list => \@method_choices, format => \&bootloader::method2text },
                if_(arch() !~ /ia64/,
            { label => N("Boot device"), val => \$b->{boot}, list => [ map { "/dev/$_->{device}" } bootloader::allowed_boot_parts($b, $all_hds) ], not_edit => !$::expert },
            { label => N("Delay before booting default image"), val => \$b->{timeout} },
            { text => N("Enable ACPI"), val => \$force_acpi, type => 'bool' },
            { text => N("Force no APIC"), val => \$force_noapic, type => 'bool' }, 
            { text => N("Force No Local APIC"), val => \$force_nolapic, type => 'bool' },
		if_($security >= 4 || $b->{password} || $b->{restricted},
            { label => N("Password"), val => \$b->{password}, hidden => 1 },
            { label => N("Password (again)"), val => \$b->{password2}, hidden => 1 },
            { text => N("Restrict command line options"), val => \$b->{restricted}, type => "bool", text => N("restrict") },
            { text => N("Clean /tmp at each boot"), val => \$clean_tmp, type => 'bool', advanced => 1 },
            { label => N("Precise RAM size if needed (found %d MB)", availableRamMB()), val => \$memsize, advanced => 1 },
        ]) or return 0;
    } else {
	$b->{boot} = $partition_table::mac::bootstrap_part;	
	$in->ask_from_({ messages => N("Bootloader main options"),
			 interactive_help_id => 'setupYabootGeneral',
		       }, [
            { label => N("Bootloader to use"), val => \$b->{method}, list => \@method_choices, format => \&bootloader::method2text },
            { label => N("Init Message"), val => \$b->{'init-message'} },
            { label => N("Boot device"), val => \$b->{boot}, list => [ map { "/dev/$_" } (map { $_->{device} } (grep { isAppleBootstrap($_) } @$fstab)) ], not_edit => !$::expert },
            { label => N("Open Firmware Delay"), val => \$b->{delay} },
            { label => N("Kernel Boot Timeout"), val => \$b->{timeout} },
            { label => N("Enable CD Boot?"), val => \$b->{enablecdboot}, type => "bool" },
            { label => N("Enable OF Boot?"), val => \$b->{enableofboot}, type => "bool" },
            { label => N("Default OS?"), val => \$b->{defaultos}, list => [ 'linux', 'macos', 'macosx', 'darwin' ] },
        ]) or return 0;				

    #- remove bios mapping if the user changed the boot device
    delete $b->{bios} if $b->{boot} ne $prev_boot;

    if ($b->{boot} =~ m!/dev/md\d+$!) {
	$b->{'raid-extra-boot'} = 'mbr';
    } else {
	delete $b->{'raid-extra-boot'} if $b->{'raid-extra-boot'} eq 'mbr';

    if ($b->{method} eq 'grub') {
	$in->do_pkgs->ensure_binary_is_installed('grub', "grub", 1) or return 0;

    bootloader::set_append_memsize($b, $memsize);
    if ($prev_force_acpi != $force_acpi) {
	bootloader::set_append_with_key($b, acpi => ($force_acpi ? '' : 'ht'));
    if ($prev_force_noapic != $force_noapic) {
	($force_noapic ? \&bootloader::set_append_simple : \&bootloader::remove_append_simple)->($b, 'noapic');
    if ($prev_force_nolapic != $force_nolapic) {
	($force_nolapic ? \&bootloader::set_append_simple : \&bootloader::remove_append_simple)->($b, 'nolapic');

    if ($prev_clean_tmp != $clean_tmp) {
	if ($clean_tmp && !fs::get::has_mntpoint('/tmp', $all_hds)) {
	    push @{$all_hds->{special}}, { device => 'none', mntpoint => '/tmp', fs_type => 'tmpfs' };
	} else {
	    @{$all_hds->{special}} = grep { $_->{mntpoint} ne '/tmp' } @{$all_hds->{special}};

sub setupBootloader__entries {
    my ($in, $b, $_all_hds, $fstab) = @_;

    require Xconfig::resolution_and_depth;

    my $Modify = sub {
	require network::netconnect; #- to list network profiles
	my ($e) = @_;
	my $default = my $old_default = $e->{label} eq $b->{default};
	my $vga = Xconfig::resolution_and_depth::from_bios($e->{vga});
	my ($append, $netprofile) = bootloader::get_append_netprofile($e);

	my @l;
	if ($e->{type} eq "image") { 
	    @l = (
{ label => N("Image"), val => \$e->{kernel_or_dev}, list => [ map { "/boot/$_" } bootloader::installed_vmlinuz() ], not_edit => 0 },
{ label => N("Root"), val => \$e->{root}, list => [ map { "/dev/$_->{device}" } @$fstab ], not_edit => !$::expert },
{ label => N("Append"), val => \$append },
  if_(arch() !~ /ppc|ia64/,
{ label => N("Video mode"), val => \$vga, list => [ '', Xconfig::resolution_and_depth::bios_vga_modes() ], format => \&Xconfig::resolution_and_depth::to_string, advanced => 1 },
{ label => N("Initrd"), val => \$e->{initrd}, list => [ map { if_(/^initrd/, "/boot/$_") } all("$::prefix/boot") ], not_edit => 0, advanced => 1 },
{ label => N("Network profile"), val => \$netprofile, list => [ sort(uniq('', $netprofile, network::netconnect::get_profiles())) ], advanced => 1 },
	} else {
	    @l = ( 
{ label => N("Root"), val => \$e->{kernel_or_dev}, list => [ map { "/dev/$_->{device}" } @$fstab, detect_devices::floppies() ], not_edit => !$::expert },
	if (arch() !~ /ppc/) {
	    @l = (
		  { label => N("Label"), val => \$e->{label} },
		  { text => N("Default"), val => \$default, type => 'bool' },
	} else {
	    unshift @l, { label => N("Label"), val => \$e->{label}, list => ['macos', 'macosx', 'darwin'] };
	    if ($e->{type} eq "image") {
		@l = ({ label => N("Label"), val => \$e->{label} },
		$::expert ? @l[1..4] : (@l[1..2], { label => N("Append"), val => \$append }),
		if_($::expert, { label => N("Initrd-size"), val => \$e->{initrdsize}, list => [ '', '4096', '8192', '16384', '24576' ] }),
		if_($::expert, $l[5]),
		{ label => N("NoVideo"), val => \$e->{novideo}, type => 'bool' },
		{ text => N("Default"), val => \$default, type => 'bool' }

	     interactive_help_id => arch() =~ /ppc/ ? 'setupYabootAddEntry' : 'setupBootloaderAddEntry',
	     callbacks => {
	       complete => sub {
		   $e->{label} or $in->ask_warn('', N("Empty label not allowed")), return 1;
		   $e->{kernel_or_dev} or $in->ask_warn('', $e->{type} eq 'image' ? N("You must specify a kernel image") : N("You must specify a root partition")), return 1;
		   member(lc $e->{label}, map { lc $_->{label} } grep { $_ != $e } @{$b->{entries}}) and $in->ask_warn('', N("This label is already used")), return 1;
	       } } }, \@l) or return;

	$b->{default} = $old_default || $default ? $default && $e->{label} : $b->{default};
	$e->{vga} = ref($vga) ? $vga->{bios} : $vga;
	bootloader::set_append_netprofile($e, $append, $netprofile);
	bootloader::configure_entry($e); #- hack to make sure initrd file are built.

    my $Add = sub {
	my @labels = map { $_->{label} } @{$b->{entries}};
	my ($e, $prefix);
	if ($in->ask_from_list_('', N("Which type of entry do you want to add?"),
				[ N_("Linux"), arch() =~ /sparc/ ? N_("Other OS (SunOS...)") : arch() =~ /ppc/ ? 
				  N_("Other OS (MacOS...)") : N_("Other OS (Windows...)") ]
			       ) eq "Linux") {
	    $e = { type => 'image',
		   root => '/dev/' . fs::get::root($fstab)->{device}, #- assume a good default.
	    $prefix = "linux";
	} else {
	    $e = { type => 'other' };
	    $prefix = arch() =~ /sparc/ ? "sunos" : arch() =~ /ppc/ ? "macos" : "windows";
	$e->{label} = $prefix;
	for (my $nb = 0; member($e->{label}, @labels); $nb++) {
	    $e->{label} = "$prefix-$nb";
	$Modify->($e) or return;
	bootloader::add_entry($b, $e);

    my $Remove = sub {
	my ($e) = @_;
	delete $b->{default} if $b->{default} eq $e->{label};
	@{$b->{entries}} = grep { $_ != $e } @{$b->{entries}};

    my @prev_entries = @{$b->{entries}};
    if ($in->ask_from__add_modify_remove('',
N("Here are the entries on your boot menu so far.
You can create additional entries or change the existing ones."), [ { 
        format => sub {
	    my ($e) = @_;
	    ref($e) ? 
	      "$e->{label} ($e->{kernel_or_dev})" . ($b->{default} eq $e->{label} && "  *") : 
	}, list => $b->{entries},
    } ], Add => $Add, Modify => $Modify, Remove => $Remove)) {
    } else {
	@{$b->{entries}} = @prev_entries;

sub get_autologin() {
    my %desktop = getVarsFromSh("$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/desktop");
    my $desktop = $desktop{DESKTOP} || 'KDE';
    my $autologin = do {
	if (($desktop{DISPLAYMANAGER} || $desktop) eq 'GNOME') {
	    my %conf = read_gnomekderc("$::prefix/etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf", 'daemon');
	    text2bool($conf{AutomaticLoginEnable}) && $conf{AutomaticLogin};
	} else { # KDM / MdkKDM
	    my %conf = read_gnomekderc("$::prefix/usr/share/config/kdm/kdmrc", 'X-:0-Core');
	    text2bool($conf{AutoLoginEnable}) && $conf{AutoLoginUser};
    { autologin => $autologin, desktop => $desktop };

sub set_autologin {
    my ($o_user, $o_wm) = @_;
    log::l("set_autologin $o_user $o_wm");
    my $autologin = bool2text($o_user);

    #- Configure KDM / MDKKDM
    eval { update_gnomekderc("$::prefix/usr/share/config/kdm/kdmrc", 'X-:0-Core' => (
	AutoLoginEnable => $autologin,
	AutoLoginUser => $o_user,
    )) };

    #- Configure GDM
    eval { update_gnomekderc("$::prefix/etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf", daemon => (
	AutomaticLoginEnable => $autologin,
	AutomaticLogin => $o_user,
    )) };
    my $xdm_autologin_cfg = "$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/autologin";
    if (member($o_wm, 'KDE', 'GNOME')) {
	unlink $xdm_autologin_cfg;
    } else {
	setVarsInShMode($xdm_autologin_cfg, 0644,
			{ USER => $o_user, AUTOLOGIN => bool2yesno($o_user), EXEC => '/usr/X11R6/bin/startx.autologin' });

    if ($o_user) {
	my $home = (getpwnam($o_user))[7];
	set_window_manager($home, $o_wm);
sub set_window_manager {
    my ($home, $wm) = @_;
    log::l("set_window_manager $home $wm");
    my $p_home = "$::prefix$home";

    #- for KDM/GDM
    my $wm_number = sessions_with_order()->{$wm} || '';
    update_gnomekderc("$p_home/.dmrc", 'Desktop', Session => "$wm_number$wm");
    my $user = find { $p_home eq $_->[7] } list_passwd();
    chown($user->[2], $user->[3], "$p_home/.dmrc");

    #- for startx/autologin
	my %l = getVarsFromSh("$p_home/.desktop");
	$l{DESKTOP} = $wm;
	setVarsInSh("$p_home/.desktop", \%l);

sub rotate_log {
    my ($f) = @_;
    if (-e $f) {
	my $i = 1;
	for (; -e "$f$i" || -e "$f$i.gz"; $i++) {}
	rename $f, "$f$i";
sub rotate_logs {
    my ($prefix) = @_;
    rotate_log("$prefix/root/drakx/$_") foreach qw(ddebug.log install.log);

sub writeandclean_ldsoconf {
    my ($prefix) = @_;
    my $file = "$prefix/etc/";
    my @l = chomp_(cat_($file));

    my @default = ('/lib', '/usr/lib'); #- no need to have /lib and /usr/lib in
    my @suggest = ('/usr/X11R6/lib', '/usr/lib/qt3/lib'); #- needed for upgrade where package renaming can cause this to disappear

    if (arch() =~ /x86_64/) {
	push @default, map { $_, $_ . '64' } @default;
	push @suggest, map { $_, $_ . '64' } @suggest;
    push @l, grep { -d "$::prefix$_" } @suggest;
    @l = difference2(\@l, \@default);

    output($file, map { "$_\n" } uniq(@l));

sub shells() {
    grep { -x "$::prefix$_" } chomp_(cat_("$::prefix/etc/shells"));

sub inspect {
    my ($part, $o_prefix, $b_rw) = @_;

    isMountableRW($part) or return;

    my $dir = $::isInstall ? "/tmp/inspect_tmp_dir" : "/root/.inspect_tmp_dir";

    if ($part->{isMounted}) {
	$dir = ($o_prefix || '') . $part->{mntpoint};
    } elsif ($part->{notFormatted} && !$part->{isFormatted}) {
	$dir = '';
    } else {
	mkdir $dir, 0700;
	eval { fs::mount($part->{device}, $dir, $part->{fs_type}, !$b_rw) };
	$@ and return;
    my $h = before_leaving {
	if (!$part->{isMounted} && $dir) {
    $h->{dir} = $dir;

sub ask_user_one {
    my ($in, $users, $security, $u, %options) = @_;

    my @icons = facesnames();

    my %high_security_groups = (
        xgrp => N("access to X programs"),
	rpm => N("access to rpm tools"),
	wheel => N("allow \"su\""),
	adm => N("access to administrative files"),
	ntools => N("access to network tools"),
	ctools => N("access to compilation tools"),

    $u->{password2} ||= $u->{password} ||= '';
    $u->{shell} ||= '/bin/bash';
    my $names = @$users ? N("(already added %s)", join(", ", map { $_->{realname} || $_->{name} } @$users)) : '';
    my %groups;
    my $verif = sub {
        $u->{password} eq $u->{password2} or $in->ask_warn('', [ N("The passwords do not match"), N("Please try again") ]), return 1,2;
        $security > 3 && length($u->{password}) < 6 and $in->ask_warn('', N("This password is too simple")), return 1,2;
	    $u->{name} or $in->ask_warn('', N("Please give a user name")), return 1,0;
        $u->{name} =~ /^[a-z]+?[a-z0-9_-]*?$/ or $in->ask_warn('', N("The user name must contain only lower cased letters, numbers, `-' and `_'")), return 1,0;
        length($u->{name}) <= 32 or $in->ask_warn('', N("The user name is too long")), return 1,0;
        member($u->{name}, 'root', map { $_->{name} } @$users) and $in->ask_warn('', N("This user name has already been added")), return 1,0;
        return 0;
    my $ret = $in->ask_from_(
        { title => N("Add user"),
          messages => N("Enter a user\n%s", $options{additional_msg} || $names),
          interactive_help_id => 'addUser',
          focus_first => 1,
          if_(!$::isInstall, ok => N("Done")),
          cancel => $options{noaccept} ? '' : N("Accept user"),
          callbacks => {
	          focus_out => sub {
		      if ($_[0] eq '0') {
			  $u->{name} ||= lc first($u->{realname} =~ /([\w-]+)/);
	          complete => sub { $u->{name} ? &$verif : 0 },
                  canceled => $verif,
                  ok_disabled => sub { $security >= 4 && !@$users || $options{needauser} && !$u->{name} },
	  } }, [ 
	  { label => N("Real name"), val => \$u->{realname} },
          { label => N("Login name"), val => \$u->{name} },
          { label => N("Password"),val => \$u->{password}, hidden => 1 },
          { label => N("Password (again)"), val => \$u->{password2}, hidden => 1 },
          { label => N("Shell"), val => \$u->{shell}, list => [ shells() ], not_edit => !$::expert, advanced => 1 },
	    if_($security <= 3 && !$options{noicons} && @icons,
	  { label => N("Icon"), val => \ ($u->{icon} ||= 'default'), list => \@icons, icon2f => \&face2png, format => \&translate },
	    if_($security > 3,
                map {
                    { label => $_, val => \$groups{$_}, text => $high_security_groups{$_}, type => 'bool' };
                } keys %high_security_groups,
    $u->{groups} = [ grep { $groups{$_} } keys %groups ];

    push @$users, $u if $u->{name};

    return $ret;

sub ask_users {
    my ($in, $users, $security, $suggested_names) = @_;

    while (1) {
	my $u = {};
	$u->{name} = shift @$suggested_names;
        ask_user_one($in, $users, $security, $u) and return;

sub sessions() {
    split(' ', run_program::rooted_get_stdout($::prefix, '/usr/sbin/chksession', '-l'));
sub sessions_with_order() {
    my %h = map { /(.*)=(.*)/ } split(' ', run_program::rooted_get_stdout($::prefix, '/usr/sbin/chksession', '-L'));

sub autologin {
    my ($o, $in) = @_;

    my @wm = sessions();
    my @users = map { $_->{name} } @{$o->{users} || []};

    if (member('KDE', @wm) && @users == 1 && $o->{meta_class} eq 'desktop') {
	$o->{desktop} = 'KDE';
	$o->{autologin} = $users[0];
    } elsif (@wm > 1 && @users && !$o->{authentication}{NIS} && $o->{security} <= 2) {
	my $use_autologin = @users == 1;

		       { title => N("Autologin"),
			 messages => N("I can set up your computer to automatically log on one user.") },
		       [ { label => N("Do you want to use this feature?"), val => \$use_autologin, type => 'bool' },
			 { label => N("Choose the default user:"), val => \$o->{autologin}, list => \@users, disabled => sub { !$use_autologin } },
			 { label => N("Choose the window manager to run:"), val => \$o->{desktop}, list => \@wm, disabled => sub { !$use_autologin } } ]
	delete $o->{autologin} if !$use_autologin;
    } else {
	delete $o->{autologin};

sub selectLanguage {
    my ($in, $lang, $o_langs_) = @_;

    my $common = { messages => N("Please choose a language to use."),
		   title => N("Language choice"),
		   interactive_help_id => 'selectLanguage' };

    if ($::isInstall) {
	my $langs = $o_langs_ || {};
	my $using_images = $in->isa('interactive::gtk') && !$in->{vga16};
	my %name2l = map { lang::l2name($_) => $_ } lang::list_langs();
	my $listval2val = sub { $_[0] =~ /\|(.*)/ ? $1 : $_[0] };

	#- since gtk version will use images (function image2f) we need to sort differently
	my $sort_func = $using_images ? \&lang::l2transliterated : \&lang::l2name;
	my @langs = sort { $sort_func->($a) cmp $sort_func->($b) } lang::list_langs();
	if (@langs > 15) {
	    my $add_location = sub {
		my ($l) = @_;
		map { "$_|$l" } lang::l2location($l);
	    @langs = map { $add_location->($_) } @langs;

	    #- to create the default value, use the first location for that value :/
	    $lang = first($add_location->($lang));

        my $last_utf8 = $in->{locale}{utf8};
	add2hash($common, { cancel => '',
			    advanced_messages => formatAlaTeX(N("Mandrakelinux can support multiple languages. Select
the languages you would like to install. They will be available
when your installation is complete and you restart your system.")),
			    callbacks => { advanced => sub { $langs->{$listval2val->($lang)} = 1 },
                                           changed => sub {
                                               if ($last_utf8 == $in->{locale}{utf8}) {
                                                   $last_utf8 = $in->{locale}{utf8} = lang::utf8_should_be_needed({ lang => $listval2val->($lang), langs => $langs });
                                               } else {
                                                   $last_utf8 = -1;  #- disable auto utf8 once touched
                                           } } });
	[ { val => \$lang, separator => '|', 
	    if_($using_images, image2f => sub { $name2l{$_[0]} =~ /^[a-z]/ ? ('', "langs/lang-$name2l{$_[0]}") : $_[0] }),
	    format => sub { $_[0] =~ /(.*\|)(.*)/ ? $1 . lang::l2name($2) : lang::l2name($_[0]) },
	    list => \@langs, sort => 0 },
	    if_($o_langs_ && !$::move,
                { val => \$in->{locale}{utf8}, type => 'bool', text => N("Use Unicode by default"), advanced => 1 },
		{ val => \$langs->{all}, type => 'bool', text => N("All languages"), advanced => 1 },
	        map {
		  { val => \$langs->{$_->[0]}, type => 'bool', disabled => sub { $langs->{all} },
		    text => $_->[1], advanced => 1,
		    image => "langs/lang-$_->[0]",
	      } sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } map { [ $_, $sort_func->($_) ] } lang::list_langs())
	]) or return;
	$langs->{$listval2val->($lang)} = 1;
	$langs->{$_} or delete $langs->{$_} foreach keys %$langs;  #- clean hash
	#- convert to the default locale for asked language

    } else {
	my @langs = sort { lang::l2name($a) cmp lang::l2name($b) } lang::list_langs(exclude_non_installed => 1);
	die 'one lang only' if @langs == 1;
		       [ { val => \$lang, type => 'list',
			   format => sub { lang::l2name($_[0]) }, list => \@langs } ]) or return;

sub selectCountry {
    my ($in, $locale) = @_;

    my $country = $locale->{country};
    my @countries = lang::list_countries(exclude_non_installed => !$::isInstall);
    my @best = uniq map {
	my $h = lang::analyse_locale_name($_);
	if_($h->{main} eq lang::locale_to_main_locale($locale->{lang}) && $h->{country},
    } @lang::locales;
    @best == 1 and @best = ();

    my ($other, $ext_country);
    member($country, @best) or ($ext_country, $country) = ($country, $ext_country);
		  { title => N("Country / Region"), 
		    messages => N("Please choose your country."),
		    interactive_help_id => 'selectCountry',
		    advanced_messages => N("Here is the full list of available countries"),
		    advanced_label => N("Other Countries"),
		    advanced_state => $ext_country && scalar(@best),
		    callbacks => { changed => sub { $_[0] != 2 and $other = $_[0] == 1 } },
		  [ if_(@best, { val => \$country, type => 'list', format => \&lang::c2name,
				 list => \@best, sort => 1 }),
		    { val => \$ext_country, type => 'list', format => \&lang::c2name,
		      list => [ @countries ], advanced => scalar(@best) },
		    { val => \$locale->{IM}, type => 'combo', label => N("Input method:"), sort => 0, 
		      list => [ N_("None"), sort(lang::get_ims()) ], format => sub { uc(translate($_[0])) },
                advanced => !$locale->{IM} || $locale->{IM} eq 'None',
		  ]) or return;

    $locale->{country} = $other || !@best ? $ext_country : $country;

sub set_login_serial_console {
    my ($port, $speed) = @_;

    my $line = "s$port:12345:respawn:/sbin/getty ttyS$port DT$speed ansi\n";
    substInFile { s/^s$port:.*//; $_ = $line if eof } "$::prefix/etc/inittab";

sub report_bug {
    my ($prefix, @other) = @_;

    sub header { "
* $_[0]

    join '', map { chomp; "$_\n" }
      header("lspci"), detect_devices::stringlist(),
      header("pci_devices"), cat_("/proc/bus/pci/devices"),
      header("dmidecode"), `$ENV{LD_LOADER} dmidecode`,
      header("fdisk"), arch() =~ /ppc/ ? `$ENV{LD_LOADER} pdisk -l` : `$ENV{LD_LOADER} fdisk -l`,
      header("scsi"), cat_("/proc/scsi/scsi"),
      header("/sys/bus/scsi/devices"), `ls -l /sys/bus/scsi/devices`,
      header("lsmod"), cat_("/proc/modules"),
      header("cmdline"), cat_("/proc/cmdline"),
      header("pcmcia: stab"), cat_("$prefix/var/lib/pcmcia/stab") || cat_("$prefix/var/run/stab"),
      header("usb"), cat_("/proc/bus/usb/devices"),
      header("partitions"), cat_("/proc/partitions"),
      header("cpuinfo"), cat_("/proc/cpuinfo"),
      header("syslog"), cat_("/tmp/syslog") || cat_("$prefix/var/log/syslog"),
      header("ddcxinfos"), ddcxinfos(),
      header("stage1.log"), cat_("/tmp/stage1.log") || cat_("$prefix/root/drakx/stage1.log"),
      header("ddebug.log"), cat_("/tmp/ddebug.log") || cat_("$prefix/root/drakx/ddebug.log"),
      header("install.log"), cat_("$prefix/root/drakx/install.log"),
      header("fstab"), cat_("$prefix/etc/fstab"),
      header("modules.conf"), cat_("$prefix/etc/modules.conf"),
      header("lilo.conf"), cat_("$prefix/etc/lilo.conf"),
      header("menu.lst"), cat_("$prefix/boot/grub/menu.lst"),
      header("XF86Config"), cat_("$prefix/etc/X11/XF86Config"),
      header("XF86Config-4"), cat_("$prefix/etc/X11/XF86Config-4"),
      header("/etc/modules"), cat_("$prefix/etc/modules"),
      header("sysconfig/i18n"), cat_("$prefix/etc/sysconfig/i18n"),
      map_index { even($::i) ? header($_) : $_ } @other;

sub devfssymlinkf {
    my ($if_struct, $of) = @_;
    my $if = $if_struct->{device};

    my $devfs_if = $if_struct->{devfs_device};
    $devfs_if ||= devices::to_devfs($if);
    $devfs_if ||= $if;

    #- example: $of is mouse, $if is usbmouse, $devfs_if is input/mouse0

"REGISTER	^$devfs_if\$	CFUNCTION GLOBAL mksymlink $devfs_if $of
UNREGISTER	^$devfs_if\$	CFUNCTION GLOBAL unlink $of

"REGISTER	^$devfs_if\$	CFUNCTION GLOBAL mksymlink $devfs_if $if
UNREGISTER	^$devfs_if\$	CFUNCTION GLOBAL unlink $if
") if $devfs_if ne $if && $if !~ /^hd[a-z]/ && $if !~ /^sr/ && $if !~ /^sd[a-z]/;

    output_p("$::prefix/etc/udev/rules.d/$of.rules", qq(KERNEL="$if", SYMLINK="$of"\n));

    #- when creating a symlink on the system, use devfs name if devfs is mounted
    symlinkf($devfs_if, "$::prefix/dev/$if") if $devfs_if ne $if && detect_devices::dev_is_devfs();
    symlinkf($if, "$::prefix/dev/$of");
sub devfs_rawdevice {
    my ($if_struct, $of) = @_;

    my $devfs_if = $if_struct->{devfs_device};
    $devfs_if ||= devices::to_devfs($if_struct->{device});
    $devfs_if ||= $if_struct->{device};

"REGISTER	^$devfs_if\$	EXECUTE /etc/dynamic/scripts/rawdevice.script add /dev/$devfs_if /dev/$of
UNREGISTER	^$devfs_if\$	EXECUTE /etc/dynamic/scripts/rawdevice.script del /dev/$of

sub fix_broken_alternatives {
    my ($force_default) = @_;
    #- fix bad update-alternatives that may occurs after upgrade (and sometimes for install too).
    -d "$::prefix/etc/alternatives" or return;

    foreach (all("$::prefix/etc/alternatives")) {
	if ($force_default) {
	    log::l("setting alternative $_");
	} else {
	    next if run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'test', '-e', "/etc/alternatives/$_");
	    log::l("fixing broken alternative $_");
	run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'update-alternatives', '--auto', $_);

sub fileshare_config {
    my ($in, $type) = @_; #- $type is 'nfs', 'smb' or ''

    my $file = '/etc/security/fileshare.conf';
    my %conf = getVarsFromSh($file);

    my @l = (N_("No sharing"), N_("Allow all users"), N_("Custom"));
    my $restrict = exists $conf{RESTRICT} ? text2bool($conf{RESTRICT}) : 1;

    my $r = $in->ask_from_list_('fileshare',
N("Would you like to allow users to share some of their directories?
Allowing this will permit users to simply click on \"Share\" in konqueror and nautilus.

\"Custom\" permit a per-user granularity.
				\@l, $l[$restrict ? 0 : 1]) or return;
    $restrict = $r ne $l[1];
    my $custom = $r eq $l[2];
    if ($r ne $l[0]) {
	require services;
	my %types = (
	    nfs => [ 'nfs-utils', 'nfs',
		     N("NFS: the traditional Unix file sharing system, with less support on Mac and Windows.")
	    smb => [ 'samba-server', 'smb',
		     N("SMB: a file sharing system used by Windows, Mac OS X and many modern Linux systems.")
	my %l;
	if ($type) {
	    %l = ($type => 1);
	} else {
	    %l = map_each { $::a => services::starts_on_boot($::b->[1]) } %types;
	    $in->ask_from_({ messages => N("You can export using NFS or SMB. Please select which you would like to use."),
			     callbacks => { ok_disabled => sub { !any { $_ } values %l } },
			   [ map { { text => $types{$_}[2], val => \$l{$_}, type => 'bool' } } keys %l ]) or return;
	foreach (keys %types) {
	    my ($pkg, $service, $_descr) = @{$types{$_}};
	    my $file = "/etc/init.d/$service";
	    if ($l{$_}) {
		$in->do_pkgs->ensure_is_installed($pkg, $file) or return;
	    } elsif (-e $file) {
    $conf{RESTRICT} = bool2yesno($restrict);
    setVarsInSh($file, \%conf);

    if ($custom) {
	run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'groupadd', '-r', 'fileshare');
	if ($in->ask_from_no_check(
	 -e '/usr/sbin/userdrake' ? (ok => N("Launch userdrake"), cancel => N("Close")) : (cancel => ''),
	 messages =>
N("The per-user sharing uses the group \"fileshare\". 
You can use userdrake to add a user to this group.")
	}, [])) {

sub ddcxinfos() {
    return if $::noauto;

    my @l;
    run_program::raw({ timeout => 20 }, 'ddcxinfos', '>', \@l);
    if ($::isInstall && -e "/tmp/ddcxinfos") {
	my @l_old = cat_("/tmp/ddcxinfos");
	if (@l < @l_old) {
	    log::l("new ddcxinfos is worse, keeping the previous one");
	    @l = @l_old;
	} elsif (@l > @l_old) {
	    log::l("new ddcxinfos is better, dropping the previous one");
    output("/tmp/ddcxinfos", @l) if $::isInstall;

sub running_window_manager() {
    my @window_managers = qw(kwin gnome-session icewm wmaker afterstep fvwm fvwm2 fvwm95 mwm twm enlightenment xfce blackbox sawfish olvwm fluxbox);

    foreach (@window_managers) {
	my @pids = fuzzy_pidofs(qr/\b$_\b/) or next;
	return wantarray() ? ($_, @pids) : $_;

sub ask_window_manager_to_logout {
    my ($wm) = @_;
    my %h = (
	'kwin' => "dcop kdesktop default logout",
	'gnome-session' => "gnome-session-save --kill",
	'icewm' => "killall -QUIT icewm",
	'wmaker' => "killall -USR1 wmaker",
    my $cmd = $h{$wm} or return;
    if ($wm eq 'gnome-session') {
	#- NB: consolehelper doesn't destroy $HOME whereas kdesu does
	#- for gnome, we use consolehelper, so below works
	$ENV{ICEAUTHORITY} ||= "$ENV{HOME}/.ICEauthority";
    } elsif ($wm eq 'kwin' && $> == 0) {
	#- we can't use dcop when we are root
	$cmd = "su $ENV{USER} -c '$cmd'";

sub alloc_raw_device {
    my ($prefix, $device) = @_;
    my $used = 0;
    my $raw_dev;
    substInFile {
	$used = max($used, $1) if m|^\s*/dev/raw/raw(\d+)|;
	if (eof) {
	    $raw_dev = "raw/raw" . ($used + 1);
	    $_ .= "/dev/$raw_dev /dev/$device\n";
    } "$prefix/etc/sysconfig/rawdevices";

sub config_dvd {
    my ($prefix, $have_devfsd) = @_;

    #- can't have both a devfs and a non-devfs config
    #- the /etc/sysconfig/rawdevices solution gives errors with devfs

    my @dvds = grep { detect_devices::isDvdDrive($_) } detect_devices::cdroms() or return;

    log::l("configuring DVD: " . join(" ", map { $_->{device} } @dvds));
    #- create /dev/dvd symlink
    each_index {
	devfssymlinkf($_, 'dvd' . ($::i ? $::i + 1 : ''));
	devfs_rawdevice($_, 'rdvd' . ($::i ? $::i + 1 : '')) if $have_devfsd;
    } @dvds;

    if (!$have_devfsd) {
	my $raw_dev = alloc_raw_device($prefix, 'dvd');
	symlink($raw_dev, "$prefix/dev/rdvd");

sub config_mtools {
    my ($prefix) = @_;
    my $file = "$prefix/etc/mtools.conf";
    -e $file or return;

    my ($f1, $f2) = detect_devices::floppies_dev();
    substInFile {
	s|drive a: file="(.*?)"|drive a: file="/dev/$f1"|;
	s|drive b: file="(.*?)"|drive b: file="/dev/$f2"| if $f2;
    } $file;

n6650'>6650 6651 6652 6653 6654 6655 6656 6657 6658 6659 6660 6661 6662 6663 6664 6665 6666 6667 6668 6669 6670 6671 6672 6673 6674 6675 6676 6677 6678 6679 6680 6681 6682 6683 6684 6685 6686 6687 6688 6689 6690 6691 6692 6693 6694 6695 6696 6697 6698 6699 6700 6701 6702 6703 6704 6705 6706 6707 6708 6709 6710 6711 6712 6713 6714 6715 6716 6717 6718 6719 6720 6721 6722 6723 6724 6725 6726 6727 6728 6729 6730 6731 6732 6733 6734 6735 6736 6737 6738 6739 6740 6741 6742 6743 6744 6745 6746 6747 6748 6749 6750 6751 6752 6753 6754 6755 6756 6757 6758 6759 6760 6761 6762 6763 6764 6765 6766 6767 6768 6769 6770 6771 6772 6773 6774 6775 6776 6777 6778 6779 6780 6781 6782 6783 6784 6785 6786 6787 6788 6789 6790 6791 6792 6793 6794 6795 6796 6797 6798 6799 6800 6801 6802 6803 6804 6805 6806 6807 6808 6809 6810 6811 6812 6813 6814 6815 6816 6817 6818 6819 6820 6821 6822 6823 6824 6825 6826 6827 6828 6829 6830 6831 6832 6833 6834 6835 6836 6837 6838 6839 6840 6841 6842 6843 6844 6845 6846 6847 6848 6849 6850 6851 6852 6853 6854 6855 6856 6857 6858 6859 6860 6861 6862 6863 6864 6865 6866 6867 6868 6869 6870 6871 6872 6873 6874 6875 6876 6877 6878 6879 6880 6881 6882 6883 6884 6885 6886 6887 6888 6889 6890 6891 6892 6893 6894 6895 6896 6897 6898 6899 6900 6901 6902 6903 6904 6905 6906 6907 6908 6909 6910 6911 6912 6913 6914 6915 6916 6917 6918 6919 6920 6921 6922 6923 6924 6925 6926 6927 6928 6929 6930 6931 6932 6933 6934 6935 6936 6937 6938 6939 6940 6941 6942 6943 6944 6945 6946 6947 6948 6949 6950 6951 6952 6953 6954 6955 6956 6957 6958 6959 6960 6961 6962 6963 6964 6965 6966 6967 6968 6969 6970 6971 6972 6973 6974 6975 6976 6977 6978 6979 6980 6981 6982 6983 6984 6985 6986 6987 6988 6989 6990 6991 6992 6993 6994 6995 6996 6997 6998 6999 7000 7001 7002 7003 7004 7005 7006 7007 7008 7009 7010 7011 7012 7013 7014 7015 7016 7017 7018 7019 7020 7021 7022 7023 7024 7025 7026 7027 7028 7029 7030 7031 7032 7033 7034 7035 7036 7037 7038 7039 7040 7041 7042 7043 7044 7045 7046 7047 7048 7049 7050 7051 7052 7053 7054 7055 7056 7057 7058 7059 7060 7061 7062 7063 7064 7065 7066 7067 7068 7069 7070 7071 7072 7073 7074 7075 7076 7077 7078 7079 7080 7081 7082 7083 7084 7085 7086 7087 7088 7089 7090 7091 7092 7093 7094 7095 7096 7097 7098 7099 7100 7101 7102 7103 7104 7105 7106 7107 7108 7109 7110 7111 7112 7113 7114 7115 7116 7117 7118 7119 7120 7121 7122 7123 7124 7125 7126 7127 7128 7129 7130 7131 7132 7133 7134 7135 7136 7137 7138 7139 7140 7141 7142 7143 7144 7145 7146 7147 7148 7149 7150 7151 7152 7153 7154 7155 7156 7157 7158 7159 7160 7161 7162 7163 7164 7165 7166 7167 7168 7169 7170 7171 7172 7173 7174 7175 7176 7177 7178 7179 7180 7181 7182 7183 7184 7185 7186 7187 7188 7189 7190 7191 7192 7193 7194 7195 7196 7197 7198 7199 7200 7201 7202 7203 7204 7205 7206 7207 7208 7209 7210 7211 7212 7213 7214 7215 7216 7217 7218 7219 7220 7221 7222 7223 7224 7225 7226 7227 7228 7229 7230 7231 7232 7233 7234 7235 7236 7237 7238 7239 7240 7241 7242 7243 7244 7245 7246 7247 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21494 21495 21496 21497 21498 21499 21500 21501 21502 21503 21504 21505 21506 21507 21508 21509 21510 21511 21512 21513 21514 21515 21516 21517 21518 21519 21520 21521 21522 21523 21524 21525 21526 21527 21528 21529 21530 21531 21532 21533 21534 21535 21536 21537 21538 21539 21540 21541 21542 21543 21544 21545 21546 21547 21548 21549 21550 21551 21552 21553 21554 21555 21556 21557 21558 21559 21560 21561 21562 21563 21564 21565 21566 21567 21568 21569 21570 21571 21572 21573 21574 21575 21576 21577 21578 21579 21580 21581 21582 21583 21584 21585 21586 21587 21588 21589 21590 21591 21592 21593 21594 21595 21596 21597 21598 21599 21600 21601 21602 21603 21604 21605 21606 21607 21608 21609 21610 21611 21612 21613 21614 21615 21616 21617 21618 21619 21620 21621 21622 21623 21624 21625 21626 21627 21628 21629 21630 21631 21632 21633 21634 21635 21636 21637 21638 21639 21640 21641 21642 21643 21644 21645 21646 21647 21648 21649 21650 21651 21652 21653 21654 21655 21656 21657 21658 21659 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21826 21827 21828 21829 21830 21831 21832 21833 21834 21835 21836 21837 21838 21839 21840 21841 21842 21843 21844 21845 21846 21847 21848 21849 21850 21851 21852 21853 21854 21855 21856 21857 21858 21859 21860 21861 21862 21863 21864 21865 21866 21867 21868 21869 21870 21871 21872 21873 21874 21875 21876 21877 21878 21879 21880 21881 21882 21883 21884 21885 21886 21887 21888 21889 21890 21891 21892 21893 21894 21895 21896 21897 21898 21899 21900 21901 21902 21903 21904 21905 21906 21907 21908 21909 21910 21911 21912 21913 21914 21915 21916 21917 21918 21919 21920 21921 21922 21923 21924 21925 21926 21927 21928 21929 21930 21931 21932 21933 21934 21935 21936 21937 21938 21939 21940 21941 21942 21943 21944 21945 21946 21947 21948 21949 21950 21951 21952 21953 21954 21955 21956 21957 21958 21959 21960 21961 21962 21963 21964 21965 21966 21967 21968 21969 21970 21971 21972 21973 21974 21975 21976 21977 21978 21979 21980 21981 21982 21983 21984 21985 21986 21987 21988 21989 21990 21991 21992 21993 21994 21995 21996 21997 21998 21999 22000 22001 22002 22003 22004 22005 22006 22007 22008 22009 22010 22011 22012 22013 22014 22015 22016 22017 22018 22019 22020 22021 22022 22023 22024 22025 22026 22027 22028 22029 22030 22031 22032 22033 22034 22035 22036 22037 22038 22039 22040 22041 22042 22043 22044 22045 22046 22047 22048 22049 22050 22051 22052 22053 22054 22055 22056 22057 22058 22059 22060 22061 22062 22063 22064 22065 22066 22067 22068 22069 22070 22071 22072 22073 22074 22075 22076 22077 22078 22079 22080 22081 22082 22083 22084 22085 22086 22087 22088 22089 22090 22091 22092 22093 22094 22095 22096 22097 22098 22099 22100 22101 22102 22103 22104 22105 22106 22107 22108 22109 22110 22111 22112 22113 22114 22115 22116 22117 22118 22119 22120 22121 22122 22123 22124 22125 22126 22127 22128 22129 22130 22131 22132 22133 22134 22135 22136 22137 22138 22139 22140 22141 22142 22143 22144 22145 22146 22147 22148 22149 22150 22151 22152 22153 22154 22155 22156 22157 22158 22159 22160 22161 22162 22163 22164 22165 22166 22167 22168 22169 22170 22171 22172 22173 22174 22175 22176 22177 22178 22179 22180 22181 22182 22183 22184 22185 22186 22187 22188 22189 22190 22191 22192 22193 22194 22195 22196 22197 22198 22199 22200 22201 22202 22203 22204 22205 22206 22207 22208 22209 22210 22211 22212 22213 22214 22215 22216 22217 22218 22219 22220 22221 22222 22223 22224 22225 22226 22227 22228 22229 22230 22231 22232 22233 22234 22235 22236 22237 22238 22239 22240 22241 22242 22243 22244 22245 22246 22247 22248 22249 22250 22251 22252 22253 22254 22255 22256 22257 22258 22259 22260 22261 22262 22263 22264 22265 22266 22267 22268 22269 22270 22271 22272 22273 22274 22275 22276 22277 22278 22279 22280 22281 22282 22283 22284 22285 22286 22287 22288 22289 22290 22291 22292 22293 22294 22295 22296 22297 22298 22299 22300 22301 22302 22303 22304 22305 22306 22307 22308 22309 22310 22311 22312 22313 22314 22315 22316 22317 22318 22319 22320 22321 22322 22323 22324 22325 22326 22327 22328 22329 22330 22331 22332 22333 22334 22335 22336 22337 22338 22339 22340 22341 22342 22343 22344 22345 22346 22347 22348 22349 22350 22351 22352 22353 22354 22355 22356 22357 22358 22359 22360 22361 22362 22363 22364 22365 22366 22367 22368 22369 22370 22371 22372 22373 22374 22375 22376 22377 22378 22379 22380 22381 22382 22383 22384 22385 22386 22387 22388 22389 22390 22391 22392 22393 22394 22395 22396 22397 22398 22399 22400 22401 22402 22403 22404 22405 22406 22407 22408 22409 22410 22411 22412 22413 22414 22415 22416 22417 22418 22419 22420 22421 22422 22423 22424 22425 22426 22427 22428 22429 22430 22431 22432 22433 22434 22435 22436 22437 22438 22439 22440 22441 22442 22443 22444 22445 22446 22447 22448 22449 22450 22451 22452 22453 22454 22455 22456 22457 22458 22459 22460 22461 22462 22463 22464 22465 22466 22467 22468 22469 22470 22471 22472 22473 22474 22475 22476 22477 22478 22479 22480 22481 22482 22483 22484 22485 22486 22487 22488 22489 22490 22491 22492 22493 22494 22495 22496 22497 22498 22499 22500 22501 22502 22503 22504 22505 22506 22507 22508 22509 22510 22511 22512 22513 22514 22515 22516 22517 22518 22519 22520 22521 22522 22523 22524 22525 22526 22527 22528 22529 22530 22531 22532 22533 22534 22535 22536 22537 22538 22539 22540 22541 22542 22543 22544 22545 22546 22547 22548 22549 22550 22551 22552 22553 22554 22555 22556 22557 22558 22559 22560 22561 22562 22563 22564 22565 22566 22567 22568 22569 22570 22571 22572 22573 22574 22575 22576 22577 22578 22579 22580 22581 22582 22583 22584 22585 22586 22587 22588 22589 22590 22591 22592 22593 22594 22595 22596 22597 22598 22599 22600 22601 22602 22603 22604 22605 22606 22607 22608 22609 22610 22611 22612 22613 22614 22615 22616 22617 22618 22619 22620 22621 22622 22623 22624 22625 22626 22627 22628 22629 22630 22631 22632 22633 22634 22635 22636 22637 22638 22639 22640 22641 22642 22643 22644 22645 22646 22647 22648 22649 22650 22651 22652 22653 22654 22655 22656 22657 22658 22659 22660 22661 22662 22663 22664 22665 22666 22667 22668 22669 22670 22671 22672 22673 22674 22675 22676 22677 22678 22679 22680 22681 22682 22683 22684 22685 22686 22687 22688 22689 22690 22691 22692 22693 22694 22695 22696 22697 22698 22699 22700 22701 22702 22703 22704 22705 22706 22707 22708 22709 22710 22711 22712 22713 22714 22715 22716 22717 22718 22719 22720 22721 22722 22723 22724 22725 22726 22727 22728 22729 22730 22731 22732 22733 22734 22735 22736 22737 22738 22739 22740 22741 22742 22743 22744 22745 22746 22747 22748 22749 22750 22751 22752 22753 22754 22755 22756 22757 22758 22759 22760 22761 22762 22763 22764 22765 22766 22767 22768 22769 22770 22771 22772 22773 22774 22775 22776 22777 22778 22779 22780 22781 22782 22783 22784 22785 22786 22787 22788 22789 22790 22791 22792 22793 22794 22795 22796 22797 22798 22799 22800 22801 22802 22803 22804 22805 22806 22807 22808 22809 22810 22811 22812 22813 22814 22815 22816 22817 22818 22819 22820 22821 22822 22823 22824 22825 22826 22827 22828 22829 22830 22831 22832 22833 22834 22835 22836 22837 22838 22839 22840 22841 22842 22843 22844 22845 22846 22847 22848 22849 22850 22851 22852 22853 22854 22855 22856 22857 22858 22859 22860 22861 22862 22863 22864 22865 22866 22867 22868 22869 22870 22871 22872 22873 22874 22875 22876 22877 22878 22879 22880 22881 22882 22883 22884 22885 22886 22887 22888 22889 22890 22891 22892 22893 22894 22895 22896 22897 22898 22899 22900 22901 22902 22903 22904 22905 22906 22907 22908 22909 22910 22911 22912 22913 22914 22915 22916 22917 22918 22919 22920 22921 22922 22923 22924 22925 22926 22927 22928 22929 22930 22931 22932 22933 22934 22935 22936 22937 22938 22939 22940 22941 22942 22943 22944 22945 22946 22947 22948 22949 22950 22951 22952 22953 22954 22955 22956 22957 22958 22959 22960 22961 22962 22963 22964 22965 22966 22967 22968 22969 22970 22971 22972 22973 22974 22975 22976 22977 22978 22979 22980 22981 22982 22983 22984 22985 22986 22987 22988 22989 22990 22991 22992 22993 22994 22995 22996 22997 22998 22999 23000 23001 23002 23003 23004 23005 23006 23007 23008 23009 23010 23011 23012 23013 23014 23015 23016 23017 23018 23019 23020 23021 23022 23023 23024 23025 23026 23027 23028 23029 23030 23031 23032 23033 23034 23035 23036 23037 23038 23039 23040 23041 23042 23043 23044 23045 23046 23047 23048 23049 23050 23051 23052 23053 23054 23055 23056 23057 23058 23059 23060 23061 23062 23063 23064 23065 23066 23067 23068 23069 23070 23071 23072 23073 23074 23075 23076 23077 23078 23079 23080 23081 23082 23083 23084 23085 23086 23087 23088 23089 23090 23091 23092 23093 23094 23095 23096 23097 23098 23099 23100 23101 23102 23103 23104 23105 23106 23107 23108 23109 23110 23111 23112 23113 23114 23115 23116 23117 23118 23119 23120 23121 23122 23123 23124 23125 23126 23127 23128
# translation of DrakX-tg.po to Tajik
# Copyright (C) 2001,2003,2000,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Roger Kovacs <>, 2002,2003.
# Dilshod Marupov <>, 2003,2000,2002
# Dilshod A. Marupov <>, 2003
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: DrakX-tg\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-02-19 18:02+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-07-21 18:49+0500\n"
"Last-Translator: Dilshod Marupov <>\n"
"Language-Team: Tajik <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.0.1\n"

#: ../move/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your USB key doesn't have any valid Windows (FAT) partitions.\n"
"We need one to continue (beside, it's more standard so that you\n"
"will be able to move and access your files from machines\n"
"running Windows). Please plug in an USB key containing a\n"
"Windows partition instead.\n"
"You may also proceed without an USB key - you'll still be\n"
"able to use Mandrake Move as a normal live Mandrake\n"
"Operating System."
msgstr ""

#: ../move/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"We didn't detect any USB key on your system. If you\n"
"plug in an USB key now, Mandrake Move will have the ability\n"
"to transparently save the data in your home directory and\n"
"system wide configuration, for next boot on this computer\n"
"or another one. Note: if you plug in a key now, wait several\n"
"seconds before detecting again.\n"
"You may also proceed without an USB key - you'll still be\n"
"able to use Mandrake Move as a normal live Mandrake\n"
"Operating System."
msgstr ""

#: ../move/
#, c-format
msgid "Need a key to save your data"
msgstr ""

#: ../move/
#, c-format
msgid "Detect USB key again"
msgstr ""

#: ../move/ ../move/
#, c-format
msgid "Continue without USB key"
msgstr ""

#: ../move/ ../move/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Key isn't writable"
msgstr "XawTV кор гузошта нашудааст!"

#: ../move/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The USB key seems to have write protection enabled, but we can't safely\n"
"unplug it now.\n"
"Click the button to reboot the machine, unplug it, remove write protection,\n"
"plug the key again, and launch Mandrake Move again."
msgstr ""

#: ../move/
#, c-format
msgid "Reboot"
msgstr "Бозхудборшавӣ"

#: ../move/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The USB key seems to have write protection enabled. Please\n"
"unplug it, remove write protection, and then plug it again."
msgstr ""

#: ../move/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Retry"
msgstr "Барқарор"

#: ../move/
#, c-format
msgid "Setting up USB key"
msgstr ""

#: ../move/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Please wait, setting up system configuration files on USB key..."
msgstr "Лутфан мунтазир шавед, дараҷаи бехатарӣ барпо мешавад..."

#: ../move/
#, c-format
msgid "Enter your user information, password will be used for screensaver"
msgstr ""

#: ../move/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Auto configuration"
msgstr "Танзимдарории интихобӣ"

#: ../move/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Please wait, detecting and configuring devices..."
msgstr "Лутфан мунтазир шавед, дараҷаи бехатарӣ барпо мешавад..."

#: ../move/ ../move/ ../move/
#: ../move/tree/mdk_totem:86 diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#: diskdrake/
#: interactive/
#: interactive/ network/ network/
#: network/ network/
#: network/ network/
#: network/ network/
#: network/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: standalone/drakTermServ:399 standalone/drakTermServ:730
#: standalone/drakTermServ:737 standalone/drakTermServ:931
#: standalone/drakTermServ:1330 standalone/drakTermServ:1335
#: standalone/drakTermServ:1342 standalone/drakTermServ:1353
#: standalone/drakTermServ:1372 standalone/drakauth:36
#: standalone/drakbackup:766 standalone/drakbackup:881
#: standalone/drakbackup:1455 standalone/drakbackup:1488
#: standalone/drakbackup:2004 standalone/drakbackup:2177
#: standalone/drakbackup:2738 standalone/drakbackup:2805
#: standalone/drakbackup:4826 standalone/drakboot:235 standalone/drakbug:267
#: standalone/drakbug:286 standalone/drakbug:292 standalone/drakconnect:569
#: standalone/drakconnect:571 standalone/drakconnect:587
#: standalone/drakfloppy:301 standalone/drakfloppy:305
#: standalone/drakfloppy:311 standalone/drakfont:208 standalone/drakfont:221
#: standalone/drakfont:257 standalone/drakfont:597 standalone/draksplash:21
#: standalone/logdrake:171 standalone/logdrake:415 standalone/logdrake:420
#: standalone/scannerdrake:52 standalone/scannerdrake:194
#: standalone/scannerdrake:253 standalone/scannerdrake:676
#: standalone/scannerdrake:687 standalone/scannerdrake:826
#: standalone/scannerdrake:837 standalone/scannerdrake:902
#, c-format
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Хатогӣ"

#: ../move/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"An error occurred, but I don't know how to handle it nicely.\n"
"Continue at your own risk."
msgstr ""
"Хатогие пайдо шуд, аммо ман намедонам, ки чӣ тавр онро дуруст кор карда "
"Мувофиқи таваккали худ давом диҳед."

#: ../move/
#, c-format
msgid "An error occurred"
msgstr ""

#: ../move/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"An error occurred:\n"
"This may come from corrupted system configuration files\n"
"on the USB key, in this case removing them and then\n"
"rebooting Mandrake Move would fix the problem. To do\n"
"so, click on the corresponding button.\n"
"You may also want to reboot and remove the USB key, or\n"
"examine its contents under another OS, or even have\n"
"a look at log files in console #3 and #4 to try to\n"
"guess what's happening."
msgstr ""

#: ../move/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Remove system config files"
msgstr "Файли loopback-ро хориҷ кунем?"

#: ../move/
#, c-format
msgid "Simply reboot"
msgstr ""

#: ../move/tree/mdk_totem:60
#, c-format
msgid "You can only run with no CDROM support"
msgstr ""

#: ../move/tree/mdk_totem:81
#, c-format
msgid "Kill those programs"
msgstr ""

#: ../move/tree/mdk_totem:82
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "No CDROM support"
msgstr "Дастгирии радио:"

#: ../move/tree/mdk_totem:87
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You can't use another CDROM when the following programs are running: \n"
msgstr ""

#: ../move/tree/mdk_totem:101
#, c-format
msgid "Copying to memory to allow removing the CDROM"
msgstr ""

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "256 kB"
msgstr "256 кБ"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "512 kB"
msgstr "512 кБ"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "1 MB"
msgstr "1 МБ"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "2 MB"
msgstr "2МБ"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "4 MB"
msgstr "4МБ"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "8 MB"
msgstr "8 МБ"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "16 MB"
msgstr "16 МБ"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "32 MB"
msgstr "32 МБ"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "64 MB or more"
msgstr "64 МБ ё зиёдтар"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "X server"
msgstr "X Хидматрасон"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Choose an X server"
msgstr "X хидматрасонро интихоб кунед"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Multi-head configuration"
msgstr "Шакли бисёр-сарлавҳа дор"

#: Xconfig/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Your system supports multiple head configuration.\n"
"What do you want to do?"
msgstr ""
"“Системи шумо пуштибони шакли бисёр сарлавҳа мебошад.\n"
"”“Шумо чӣ кор кардан мехоҳед”"

#: Xconfig/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Can't install XFree package: %s"
msgstr "Қутти %s коргузорӣ мешавад"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Select the memory size of your graphics card"
msgstr "Ҳаҷми ҳофизаи карти графикии худро интихоб кунед"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "XFree configuration"
msgstr "Шоакли XОзод"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Which configuration of XFree do you want to have?"
msgstr "Кадом шакли XОзодро Шумо доштан мехоҳед?"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Configure all heads independently"
msgstr "Танзимдарории мустақили ҳама сарлавҳаҳо"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Use Xinerama extension"
msgstr "Истифодаи пасванди Xinerama"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Configure only card \"%s\"%s"
msgstr "Танзимдарории танҳо карти \"%s\"%s"

#: Xconfig/ Xconfig/ Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "XFree %s"
msgstr "XОзод %s"

#: Xconfig/ Xconfig/ Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "XFree %s with 3D hardware acceleration"
msgstr " XОзод %s бо шитоби сахтафзори 3D"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your card can have 3D hardware acceleration support but only with XFree %s.\n"
"Your card is supported by XFree %s which may have a better support in 2D."
msgstr ""
"“Карти шумо метавонад пуштибони шитоби сахтафзори 3D-ро дорад вале танҳо бо "
"XОзод %s.\n"
"”“Карти шумо бо XОзод %s пуштибонӣ шудааст, ки пуштибони беҳтарро дар 2D "
"дошта метавонад.”"

#: Xconfig/ Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Your card can have 3D hardware acceleration support with XFree %s."
msgstr "Карти шумо бо XОзод %s пуштибони шитоби сахтафзори 3D дошта метавонад."

#: Xconfig/ Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "XFree %s with EXPERIMENTAL 3D hardware acceleration"
msgstr " XОзод %s бо шитоби сахтафзори 3D-и ТАҶРИБАВӢ"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your card can have 3D hardware acceleration support but only with XFree %s,\n"
"Your card is supported by XFree %s which may have a better support in 2D."
msgstr ""
"“Карти шумо метавонад пуштибони шитоби сахтафзори 3D-ро дорад вале танҳо бо "
"XОзод %s.\n"
"”“Карти шумо бо XОзод %s пуштибонӣ шудааст, ки пуштибони беҳтарро дар 2D "
"дошта метавонад.”"

#: Xconfig/ Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your card can have 3D hardware acceleration support with XFree %s,\n"
msgstr ""
"Карти шумо бо XОзод %s пуштибони шитоби сахтафзори 3D дошта метавонад.\n"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Xpmac (installation display driver)"
msgstr "Xpmac (коргузориши гардони намоишгар)"

#: Xconfig/ Xconfig/ Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Интихобӣ"

#: Xconfig/ diskdrake/
#: printer/
#: standalone/draksplash:114 standalone/harddrake2:187 standalone/logdrake:176
#: standalone/scannerdrake:438
#, c-format
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Баромадан"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Graphic Card"
msgstr "Карти Графикӣ"

#: Xconfig/ Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Monitor"
msgstr "Монитор"

#: Xconfig/ Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Resolution"
msgstr "Ҳалнокӣ"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Test"
msgstr "Озмун"

#: Xconfig/ diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#: standalone/drakconnect:254 standalone/drakconnect:263
#: standalone/drakconnect:277 standalone/drakconnect:283
#: standalone/drakconnect:381 standalone/drakconnect:382
#: standalone/drakconnect:540 standalone/drakfont:491 standalone/drakfont:551
#: standalone/harddrake2:184
#, c-format
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Хосиятҳо"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Keep the changes?\n"
"The current configuration is:\n"
msgstr ""
"Тағиротҳоро нигоҳ дорем?\n"
"Танзимдарории ҳозира чунин аст:\n"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Choose a monitor"
msgstr "Мониторро интихоб кунед"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Plug'n Play"
msgstr "Plug'n Play"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Generic"
msgstr ""

#: Xconfig/ standalone/drakconnect:520 standalone/harddrake2:68
#: standalone/harddrake2:69
#, c-format
msgid "Vendor"
msgstr "Баранда"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Plug'n Play probing failed. Please select the correct monitor"
msgstr ""

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The two critical parameters are the vertical refresh rate, which is the "
"at which the whole screen is refreshed, and most importantly the horizontal\n"
"sync rate, which is the rate at which scanlines are displayed.\n"
"It is VERY IMPORTANT that you do not specify a monitor type with a sync "
"that is beyond the capabilities of your monitor: you may damage your "
" If in doubt, choose a conservative setting."
msgstr ""
"“Ду параметрҳои асосӣ ин суръати навсозии амудӣ, ки суръатест,\n"
"”“дар кадоме тамоми экран нав карда мешавад, ва муҳимтаринаш суръати "
"ҳамгомкунии \n"
"”“уфуқист, ки суръатест дар кадоме хатҳои нуқтаснҷӣ намоиш дода мешаванд\n"
"”“ХЕЛЕ МУҲИМ аст, ки шумо навъи монитори худро бо ҳудуди ҳамгомкуние, ки "
"берун аз” “қобилиятҳои монитори шумо аст муайян накунед: шумо ба монитори "
"худ зарар расонида” “метавонед.\n"
"”“ Агар дар шубҳа бошед, гузориши кӯҳнаро интихоб кунед.”"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Horizontal refresh rate"
msgstr "Суръати навсозии уфуқӣ"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Vertical refresh rate"
msgstr "Суръати навсозии амудӣ"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "256 colors (8 bits)"
msgstr "256 ранг (8 бит)"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "32 thousand colors (15 bits)"
msgstr "32 ҳазор ранг (15 бит)"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "65 thousand colors (16 bits)"
msgstr "65 ҳазор ранг (16 бит)"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "16 million colors (24 bits)"
msgstr "16 миллион ранг (24 бит)"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "4 billion colors (32 bits)"
msgstr "4 миллиард ранг (32 бит)"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Resolutions"
msgstr "Ҳалнокиҳо"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Choose the resolution and the color depth"
msgstr "Ҳалнокӣ ва чуқурии рангро интихоб кунед"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Graphics card: %s"
msgstr "Карти графикӣ: %s"

#: Xconfig/
#: interactive/ interactive/ interactive/
#: interactive/ interactive/ interactive/
#: interactive/ interactive/ interactive/
#: standalone/drakbackup:4320 standalone/drakbackup:4352
#: standalone/drakbackup:4445 standalone/drakbackup:4462
#: standalone/drakbackup:4563 standalone/drakconnect:162
#: standalone/drakconnect:734 standalone/drakconnect:821
#: standalone/drakconnect:964 standalone/net_monitor:303
#, c-format
msgid "Ok"
msgstr "Ok"

#: Xconfig/ diskdrake/
#: interactive/
#: interactive/ interactive/ interactive/
#: interactive/ interactive/ interactive/
#: interactive/ printer/
#: standalone/drakautoinst:200 standalone/drakbackup:4284
#: standalone/drakbackup:4311 standalone/drakbackup:4336
#: standalone/drakbackup:4369 standalone/drakbackup:4395
#: standalone/drakbackup:4421 standalone/drakbackup:4478
#: standalone/drakbackup:4504 standalone/drakbackup:4534
#: standalone/drakbackup:4558 standalone/drakconnect:161
#: standalone/drakconnect:819 standalone/drakconnect:973
#: standalone/drakfont:657 standalone/drakfont:734 standalone/logdrake:176
#: standalone/net_monitor:299
#, c-format
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Бекор кардан"

#: Xconfig/ diskdrake/
#: interactive/ interactive/ standalone/drakTermServ:313
#: standalone/drakbackup:4281 standalone/drakbackup:4308
#: standalone/drakbackup:4333 standalone/drakbackup:4366
#: standalone/drakbackup:4392 standalone/drakbackup:4418
#: standalone/drakbackup:4459 standalone/drakbackup:4475
#: standalone/drakbackup:4501 standalone/drakbackup:4530
#: standalone/drakbackup:4555 standalone/drakbackup:4580
#: standalone/drakbug:157 standalone/drakconnect:157
#: standalone/drakconnect:227 standalone/drakfont:509 standalone/drakperm:134
#: standalone/draksec:285 standalone/harddrake2:183
#, c-format
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Ёрӣ"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Test of the configuration"
msgstr "Санҷиши танзимдарорӣ"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to test the configuration?"
msgstr "Шумо шаклро санҷидан мехоҳед"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Warning: testing this graphic card may freeze your computer"
msgstr "Огоҳӣ: санҷиши ин карто графикӣ компютери шуморо фалач карда метавонад"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"An error occurred:\n"
"Try to change some parameters"
msgstr ""
"Хатогие рух дод:\n"
"Баъзе параметрҳоро иваз кунед"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Leaving in %d seconds"
msgstr "Баромад дар %d сония"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Is this the correct setting?"
msgstr "Ин гузориши дуруст аст?"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Keyboard layout: %s\n"
msgstr "Ороиши забонак: %s\n"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Mouse type: %s\n"
msgstr "Навъи муш: %s\n"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Mouse device: %s\n"
msgstr "Дастгоҳи муш: %s\n"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Monitor: %s\n"
msgstr "Монитор: %s\n"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Monitor HorizSync: %s\n"
msgstr "Ҳамгомкунии Уфуқии Монитор: %s\n"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Monitor VertRefresh: %s\n"
msgstr "Навсозии Амудии Монитор: %s\n"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Graphics card: %s\n"
msgstr "Карти графикӣ: %s\n"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Graphics memory: %s kB\n"
msgstr "Ҳофизаи графикӣ: %s кБ\n"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Color depth: %s\n"
msgstr "Чуқурии ранг: %s\n"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Resolution: %s\n"
msgstr "Ҳалнокӣ: %s\n"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "XFree86 server: %s\n"
msgstr "Хидматрасони Хозод86: %s\n"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "XFree86 driver: %s\n"
msgstr "Гардони Хозод86: %s\n"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "Graphical interface at startup"
msgstr ""

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"I can setup your computer to automatically start the graphical interface "
"(XFree) upon booting.\n"
"Would you like XFree to start when you reboot?"
msgstr ""
"Ман метавонам компютери шуморо чунин гузорам, ки ҳангоми худборшавӣ, "
"интерфейси графикӣ (XFree) ба таври автоматикӣ сар шавад оғоз шавад.\n"
"Шумо мехоҳед ҳангоми бозхудборшавӣ бо XFree оғоз кунед?"

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your graphic card seems to have a TV-OUT connector.\n"
"It can be configured to work using frame-buffer.\n"
"For this you have to plug your graphic card to your TV before booting your "
"Then choose the \"TVout\" entry in the bootloader\n"
"Do you have this feature?"
msgstr ""

#: Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid "What norm is your TV using?"
msgstr "Кадом намудро телевизори шумо истифода мебарад?"

#: harddrake/ standalone/drakbug:259
#: standalone/drakconnect:164 standalone/drakxtv:90 standalone/harddrake2:133
#: standalone/service_harddrake:94
#, c-format
msgid "Please wait"
msgstr "Лутфан интизор шавед"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Bootloader installation in progress"
msgstr "Коргузориши корандози худборшав"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"You decided to install the bootloader on a partition.\n"
"This implies you already have a bootloader on the hard drive you boot (eg: "
"System Commander).\n"
"On which drive are you booting?"
msgstr ""
"Шумо ба қарор омадед, ки корандози худборшавро дар ин қисм коргузорӣ "
"Тахмин карда мешавад, ки дар диски сахте ки шумо дар он худборшавиро ба амал "
"меоред аллакай корандози худборшав мавҷуд аст (масалан, System Commander).\n"
"Аз кадом диск шумо худборшавиро амалӣ менамоед?"

#, c-format
msgid "First sector of drive (MBR)"
msgstr "Соҳаи аввали гардон (МБР)"

#, c-format
msgid "First sector of the root partition"
msgstr "Соҳаи аввали бахши root"

#, c-format
msgid "On Floppy"
msgstr "Дискет"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Skip"
msgstr "Гузарондан"

#, c-format
msgid "SILO Installation"
msgstr "Коргузориши SILO"

#, c-format
msgid "LILO/grub Installation"
msgstr "Коргузориши LILO/ҷустуҷӯ"

#, c-format
msgid "Where do you want to install the bootloader?"
msgstr "Шумо корандози худборшавро дар куҷо кор гузоштан мехоҳед?"

#, c-format
msgid "First sector of boot partition"
msgstr "Соҳаи аввал дар базшбандии худборшавӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Bootloader main options"
msgstr "Хосиятҳои асосии корандози худборшав"

#, c-format
msgid "Boot Style Configuration"
msgstr "Танзимдарории Навъи Худборшавӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Give the ram size in MB"
msgstr "Ҳаҷми ram-ро бо МБ диҳед"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Option ``Restrict command line options'' is of no use without a password"
msgstr "“Хосият ‘’Маҳдуди хосиятҳои сатри фармон‘’ бе гузарвожа суд надорад”"

#, c-format
msgid "The passwords do not match"
msgstr "Гузарвожаҳо мувофиқ нестанд"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Please try again"
msgstr "Боз кӯшиш кунед"

#, c-format
msgid "Bootloader to use"
msgstr "Корандози худборшав барои истифода"

#, c-format
msgid "Bootloader installation"
msgstr "Коргузориши корандози худборшав"

#, c-format
msgid "Boot device"
msgstr "Дастгоҳи худборшав"

#, c-format
msgid "Delay before booting default image"
msgstr "Пеш аз худборшавӣ андармони симои пешфарз"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Enable ACPI"
msgstr "CD Худборшавро дар гиронем?"

#, c-format
msgid "Force No APIC"
msgstr "APIC-ро манъ намудан"

#: diskdrake/
#: network/
#: printer/ printer/
#: standalone/drakbackup:1990 standalone/drakbackup:3875
#: standalone/drakconnect:916 standalone/drakconnect:944
#, c-format
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Гузарвожа"

#, c-format
msgid "Password (again)"
msgstr "Гузарвожа (боз)"

#, c-format
msgid "Restrict command line options"
msgstr "Маҳдуди хосиятҳои сатри фармон"

#, c-format
msgid "restrict"
msgstr "маҳдуд"

#, c-format
msgid "Clean /tmp at each boot"
msgstr "Дар ҳар худборшавӣ /tmp-ро тоза кунед"

#, c-format
msgid "Precise RAM size if needed (found %d MB)"
msgstr "Агар зарур бошад ҳаҷми RAM-ро муайян кунед (%d МБ ёфт шуд)"

#, c-format
msgid "Enable multiple profiles"
msgstr "Дар гиронидани тахассусҳои бисёр"

#, c-format
msgid "Init Message"
msgstr "Пайғоми Init"

#, c-format
msgid "Open Firmware Delay"
msgstr "Кушодани Андармони Миёнафзор"

#, c-format
msgid "Kernel Boot Timeout"
msgstr "Танаффуси Худборшави Асосӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Enable CD Boot?"
msgstr "CD Худборшавро дар гиронем?"

#, c-format
msgid "Enable OF Boot?"
msgstr "OF Худборшавро дар гиронем?"

#, c-format
msgid "Default OS?"
msgstr "Пешфарзи OS?"

#, c-format
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Cимо"

#, c-format
msgid "Root"
msgstr "Root"

#, c-format
msgid "Append"
msgstr "Пайваст"

#, c-format
msgid "Video mode"
msgstr "Усули видео"

#, c-format
msgid "Initrd"
msgstr "Initrd"

#, c-format
msgid "Label"
msgstr "Нишона"

#: harddrake/ standalone/drakfloppy:88
#: standalone/drakfloppy:94
#, c-format
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Пешфарз"

#, c-format
msgid "Initrd-size"
msgstr "Initrd-ҳаҷм"

#, c-format
msgid "NoVideo"
msgstr "БеВидео"

#, c-format
msgid "Empty label not allowed"
msgstr "Нишони холӣ иҷозат нест"

#, c-format
msgid "You must specify a kernel image"
msgstr "Шумо бояд симои асосро нишон диҳед"

#, c-format
msgid "You must specify a root partition"
msgstr "Шумо бояд қисми решагиро муайян кунед"

#, c-format
msgid "This label is already used"
msgstr "Ин нишона аллакай истифода шудааст"

#, c-format
msgid "Which type of entry do you want to add?"
msgstr "Кадом навъи элементро илова кардан мехоҳед?"

#: standalone/drakbackup:1904
#, c-format
msgid "Linux"
msgstr "Линукс"

#, c-format
msgid "Other OS (SunOS...)"
msgstr "Дигар СО (SunOS...)"

#, c-format
msgid "Other OS (MacOS...)"
msgstr "Дигар СО (MacOS...)"

#, c-format
msgid "Other OS (windows...)"
msgstr "Дигар СО (windows...)"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Here are the entries on your boot menu so far.\n"
"You can create additional entries or change the existing ones."
msgstr ""
"Дар ҳамин лаҳза дар менюи худборшав элементҳои зерин ҳастанд.\n"
"Шумо метавонед элементҳои иловагӣ офаред ё вуҷуд бударо иваз кунед."

#, c-format
msgid "access to X programs"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "access to rpm tools"
msgstr "роҳ ба воситаҳои rpm"

#, c-format
msgid "allow \"su\""
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "access to administrative files"
msgstr "роҳ ба файлҳои маъмурият"

#, c-format
msgid "access to network tools"
msgstr "роҳ ба асбобҳои шабака"

#, c-format
msgid "access to compilation tools"
msgstr "роҳ ба асбобҳои талфифа"

#, c-format
msgid "(already added %s)"
msgstr "(аллакай илова шуд %s)"

#, c-format
msgid "This password is too simple"
msgstr "Ин гузарвожа хел содда аст"

#, c-format
msgid "Please give a user name"
msgstr "Илтимос ноим корвандро диҳед"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"The user name must contain only lower cased letters, numbers, `-' and `_'"
msgstr ""
"“Номи корванд бояд фақат аз ҳарфҳои хурд, рақамҳо, `-' ва `_' иборат бошад”"

#, c-format
msgid "The user name is too long"
msgstr "Ин номи корванд хеле дароз"

#, c-format
msgid "This user name has already been added"
msgstr "Ин номи корванд аллакай илова шудааст"

#, c-format
msgid "Add user"
msgstr "Иловаи корванд"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Enter a user\n"
msgstr ""
"“Дохил кардани корванд\n"

#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#: interactive/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: standalone/drakbackup:3094 standalone/scannerdrake:629
#: standalone/scannerdrake:779
#, c-format
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Шуд"

#, c-format
msgid "Accept user"
msgstr "Қабули корванд"

#, c-format
msgid "Real name"
msgstr "Номи ҳақиқӣ"

#: printer/
#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "User name"
msgstr "Номи корванд"

#, c-format
msgid "Shell"
msgstr "Ҷилд"

#, c-format
msgid "Icon"
msgstr "Тасвир"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Autologin"
msgstr "Худдохилшавӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "I can set up your computer to automatically log on one user."
msgstr ""
"Ман метавонам компютери шуморо чунин гузорам, ки автоматиткӣ як корванд "
"дохил шавад."

#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to use this feature?"
msgstr "Шумо ин хислатро истифрда бурдан мехоҳед?"

#, c-format
msgid "Choose the default user:"
msgstr "Корванди пешфарзро интихоб кунед:"

#, c-format
msgid "Choose the window manager to run:"
msgstr "Барои корандохтан менеҷери оинаро интихоб кунед:"

#, c-format
msgid "Please choose a language to use."
msgstr "Илтимос, барои истифода забонро интихоб кунед."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrake Linux can support multiple languages. Select\n"
"the languages you would like to install. They will be available\n"
"when your installation is complete and you restart your system."
msgstr ""
"Mandrake Linux якчанд забонҳоро дастгирӣ менамояд. Забонҳоеро интихоб "
"намоед, ки\n"
"шумо онҳоро коргузорӣ кардан мехоҳед. Вақте ки коргузорӣ ба итмом мерасад "
"дастрас мегарданд ва системи худро бозоғозӣ намоед."

#, c-format
msgid "Use Unicode by default"
msgstr "Аз рӯ и пешфарз Unicode-ро истифода баред"

#, c-format
msgid "All languages"
msgstr "Ҳамаи забонҳо"

#, c-format
msgid "Country / Region"
msgstr "Мамлакат/ Минтақа"

#, c-format
msgid "Please choose your country."
msgstr "Лутфан мамлакати худро интихоб кунед."

#, c-format
msgid "Here is the full list of available countries"
msgstr ""

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "More"
msgstr "Зиёдтар"

#, c-format
msgid "No sharing"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Allow all users"
msgstr "Ба ҳамаи корвандон иҷозат додан"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Would you like to allow users to share some of their directories?\n"
"Allowing this will permit users to simply click on \"Share\" in konqueror "
"and nautilus.\n"
"\"Custom\" permit a per-user granularity.\n"
msgstr ""
"Оё шумо хоҳиши розигӣ доданро ба корвандон оиди якҷоя истифода намудани "
"феҳристҳои онҳоро доред? Ин ба корвандон имкон медиҳад, ки танҳо ба \"Тақсим "
"кардан\" дар konqueror ва nautilus ангушт зананд.\n"
"\"Интихобӣ\" ба корвандони алоҳида дастрасшавиро иҷозат медиҳад.\n"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"You can export using NFS or Samba. Please select which you'd like to use."
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "The package %s is going to be removed."
msgstr "Қуттиҳои навбатӣ бояд хориҷ гардад"

#, c-format
msgid "Launch userdrake"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"The per-user sharing uses the group \"fileshare\". \n"
"You can use userdrake to add a user to this group."
msgstr ""
"Дастрасии умумии ҳар як корванд гурӯҳи\"fileshare\"-ро истифода мебарад. \n"
"Шумо метавонед userdrake-ро барои илова намудани корвандон ба ин гурӯҳ "

#, c-format
msgid "Local files"
msgstr "Файлҳои маҳаллӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "LDAP"
msgstr "LDAP"

#, c-format
msgid "NIS"
msgstr "Давлатҳои Нави Мустақил"

#, c-format
msgid "Windows Domain"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Authentication LDAP"
msgstr "Аслшиносии LDAP"

#, c-format
msgid "LDAP Base dn"
msgstr "LDAP Base dn"

#, c-format
msgid "LDAP Server"
msgstr "Хидматрасони LDAP"

#, c-format
msgid "Authentication NIS"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "NIS Domain"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "NIS Server"
msgstr "Хидматрасони NIS"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"For this to work for a W2K PDC, you will probably need to have the admin "
"run: C:\\>net localgroup \"Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access\" everyone /"
"add and reboot the server.\n"
"You will also need the username/password of a Domain Admin to join the "
"machine to the Windows(TM) domain.\n"
"If networking is not yet enabled, Drakx will attempt to join the domain "
"after the network setup step.\n"
"Should this setup fail for some reason and domain authentication is not "
"working, run 'smbpasswd -j DOMAIN -U USER%%PASSWORD' using your Windows(tm) "
"Domain, and Admin Username/Password, after system boot.\n"
"The command 'wbinfo -t' will test whether your authentication secrets are "
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Authentication Windows Domain"
msgstr "Муаяйн намудани ҳақиқати Соҳибии Windows"

#, c-format
msgid "Domain Admin User Name"
msgstr "Номи Корванд - Идоракунандаи Соҳибӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Domain Admin Password"
msgstr "Гузарвожаи Мудири Соҳиб"

#, c-format
msgid "Can't use broadcast with no NIS domain"
msgstr "Бе азозили NIS радиошунавоиро ба роҳ монда намешавад"

#. -PO: these messages will be displayed at boot time in the BIOS, use only ASCII (7bit)
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Welcome to the operating system chooser!\n"
"Choose an operating system from the list above or\n"
"wait for default boot.\n"
msgstr ""
"Марҳамат ба %s интихобкунандаи системи омил!\n"
"Аз рӯйхати болоӣ системи омилро интихоб кунед ё\n"
"барои худборшавии пешфарз %d сония интизор шавед.\n"

#, c-format
msgid "SILO"
msgstr "SILO"

#, c-format
msgid "LILO with graphical menu"
msgstr "LILO бо менюи графикӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "LILO with text menu"
msgstr "LILO бо менюи матн"

#, c-format
msgid "Grub"
msgstr "Ҷустуҷӯ"

#, c-format
msgid "Yaboot"
msgstr "Yaхудборшав"

#, c-format
msgid "not enough room in /boot"
msgstr "дар /худборшавӣ ҷои кофӣ нест"

#, c-format
msgid "You can't install the bootloader on a %s partition\n"
msgstr "Шумо корандози худборшавро дар бахши %s корандохта наметавонед\n"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your bootloader configuration must be updated because partition has been "
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"The bootloader can't be installed correctly. You have to boot rescue and "
"choose \"%s\""
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Re-install Boot Loader"
msgstr "Корандози худборшавро коргузорӣ намудан"

#, c-format
msgid "KB"
msgstr "KB"

#, c-format
msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"

#, c-format
msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"

#, c-format
msgid "TB"
msgstr "TB"

#, c-format
msgid "%d minutes"
msgstr "%d дақиқа"

#, c-format
msgid "1 minute"
msgstr "1 дақиқа"

#, c-format
msgid "%d seconds"
msgstr "%d сония"

#, c-format
msgid "Can't make screenshots before partitioning"
msgstr "Сохтани экранаксҳо пеш аз тақсимкунӣ номумкин"

#, c-format
msgid "Screenshots will be available after install in %s"
msgstr "ЭкранАксҳо баъд аз коргузориш дар %s дастрас мешаванд"

#, c-format
msgid "kdesu missing"
msgstr "kdesu мавҷуд нест"

#, c-format
msgid "consolehelper missing"
msgstr "consolehelper мавҷуд нест"

#: network/
#: network/ network/
#: network/ network/
#: network/ network/
#: network/ network/
#, c-format
msgid "France"
msgstr "Фаронса"

#, c-format
msgid "Costa Rica"
msgstr "Косто Рико"

#: network/
#: network/ network/
#, c-format
msgid "Belgium"
msgstr "Белжик"

#, c-format
msgid "Czech Republic"
msgstr "Ҷумҳурии Чех"

#: network/
#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Germany"
msgstr "Олмон"

#, c-format
msgid "Greece"
msgstr "Юнон"

#, c-format
msgid "Norway"
msgstr "Норвеж"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Sweden"
msgstr "Суид"

#: network/
#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Netherlands"
msgstr "Ҳуланд"

#: network/
#: network/ network/ standalone/drakxtv:48
#, c-format
msgid "Italy"
msgstr "Итолиё"

#, c-format
msgid "Austria"
msgstr "Утришш"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "United States"
msgstr "Иолоти Муттаҳида"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"WebDAV is a protocol that allows you to mount a web server's directory\n"
"locally, and treat it like a local filesystem (provided the web server is\n"
"configured as a WebDAV server). If you would like to add WebDAV mount\n"
"points, select \"New\"."
msgstr ""
"WebDAV қарордоди наве мебошад имконияти ба таврӣ маҳаллӣ дастурамали "
"web-ро васл намуданро пешкаш менамояд ва онро ҳамчун системи файлии маҳаллӣ\n"
"ёдрас менамояд(бо шарте ки корванди web ҳамчун корванди WebDAV ба танзим\n"
"дароварда шудааст). Агар шумо хоҳиши илова намудани нуқтаҳои васлшавии\n"
"WebDAV -ро дошта бошед, онгоҳ \"Нав\"-ро интихоб намоед."

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "New"
msgstr "Нав"

#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Unmount"
msgstr "Ҷудо кунӣ"

#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Mount"
msgstr "Васл кунӣ"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Server"
msgstr "Хидматрасон"

#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Mount point"
msgstr "Нуқтаи васл"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Please enter the WebDAV server URL"
msgstr "Лутфан, URL-и хидматрасони WebDAV-ро дохил намоед"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "The URL must begin with http:// or https://"
msgstr "URL бояд бо http:// or https:// оғоз ёбад"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Server: "
msgstr "Хидматгор:"

#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Mount point: "
msgstr "Нуқтаи васлкунӣ: "

#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Options: %s"
msgstr "Хосиятҳо: %s "

#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Read carefully!"
msgstr "Оҳиста хонед!"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Please make a backup of your data first"
msgstr "Илтимос аввал кӯмакрасонӣ додаҳои худро созед"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If you plan to use aboot, be carefull to leave a free space (2048 sectors is "
"at the beginning of the disk"
msgstr ""
"“Агар шумо aboot-ро истифода бурдан хоҳед, албатта ҷои холӣ (2048 сектор "
"кофӣ ” “аст)\n"
"”“дар аввали диск монед”"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Wizard"
msgstr "Устод"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Choose action"
msgstr "Фаъолиятро интихоб кунед"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You have one big Microsoft Windows partition.\n"
"I suggest you first resize that partition\n"
"(click on it, then click on \"Resize\")"
msgstr ""
"Шумо як бахши калони Microsoft Windows доред.\n"
"Ман ба шумо авввал он бахшро бозандоза намуданро пешниҳод мекунам\n"
"(дар он ангушт занед, ва баъд дар \"Бозандоза\") ангушт занед."

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Please click on a partition"
msgstr "Лутфан дар бахш ангушт занед"

#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Тафсилот"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "No hard drives found"
msgstr "Ягон сахтгардон ёфт нашуд"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Ext2"
msgstr "Ext2"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Journalised FS"
msgstr "FS-и рӯзноманигорикунонида"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Swap"
msgstr "Мубодила"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "SunOS"
msgstr "SunOS"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "HFS"
msgstr "HFS"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Windows"
msgstr "Windows"

#: diskdrake/
#: standalone/drakbackup:1947 standalone/drakperm:250
#, c-format
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Дигар"

#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Empty"
msgstr "Холӣ"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Filesystem types:"
msgstr "Навъҳои файлсистем"

#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Use ``%s'' instead"
msgstr "Ба ҷояш ``%s''-ро истифода баред "

#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#: standalone/harddrake2:67
#, c-format
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Навъ"

#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Офаридан"

#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#: standalone/drakperm:124 standalone/printerdrake:231
#, c-format
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Нобуд кардан"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Use ``Unmount'' first"
msgstr "Аввал ``Ҷудо кардан''-ро истифода баред"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Choose another partition"
msgstr "Дигар бахшро интихоб кунед"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Choose a partition"
msgstr "Бахшро интихоб кунед"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Хуруҷ"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Баргардонидан"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Toggle to normal mode"
msgstr "Зомин ба усули мӯътадил"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Toggle to expert mode"
msgstr "Зомин ба усули мутахассис"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Continue anyway?"
msgstr "Ба ҳар ҳол давом диҳем?"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Quit without saving"
msgstr "Нигоҳ надошта баромадан"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Quit without writing the partition table?"
msgstr "Ҷадвали бахшро нанавишта бароем?"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to save /etc/fstab modifications"
msgstr "Шумо /etc/fstab таъғирёбиҳоро нигоҳ доштан"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "You need to reboot for the partition table modifications to take place"
msgstr ""
"Шумо бояд аз сари нав худборшавиро ба роҳ монед, то ки тағир додани қисмҳо "

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Clear all"
msgstr "Тоза кардани ҳамааш"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Auto allocate"
msgstr "Худ ғунҷонӣ"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Hard drive information"
msgstr "Маълумоти сахтгардон"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "All primary partitions are used"
msgstr "Ҳамаи бахшҳои аввала истифода шудааст"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "I can't add any more partition"
msgstr "Ман дигар бахшҳоро илова карда наметавонам"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"To have more partitions, please delete one to be able to create an extended "
msgstr ""
"Барои доштани бахшҳои зиёдтар, барои офаридани бахши васеъшуда яктояшро "
"нобуд кунед"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Save partition table"
msgstr "Нигоҳ доштани ҷадвали бахш"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Restore partition table"
msgstr "Барқарори ҷадвали бахш"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Rescue partition table"
msgstr "Наҷоти ҷадвали бахш"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Reload partition table"
msgstr "Бозкорандохтани ҷадвали бахш"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Removable media automounting"
msgstr "Худваслкунии хориҷшавандаи муҳит"

#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Интихоби файл"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The backup partition table has not the same size\n"
"Still continue?"
msgstr ""
"Ҷадвали бахши ёвар ҳаҷми якхела надорад\n"
"Ҳоло ҳам давом диҳем?"

#: diskdrake/ harddrake/
#: network/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ standalone/drakTermServ:1040
#: standalone/drakTermServ:1715 standalone/drakbackup:765
#: standalone/drakbackup:865 standalone/drakboot:137 standalone/drakclock:200
#: standalone/drakconnect:856 standalone/drakfloppy:295
#, c-format
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Огоҳӣ"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Insert a floppy in drive\n"
"All data on this floppy will be lost"
msgstr ""
"исето ба гардон дохил кунед\n"
"Ҳама додаҳо дар дискет гум хоҳад шуд"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Trying to rescue partition table"
msgstr "Кӯшиши наҷоти ҷадвали бахш"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Detailed information"
msgstr "Маълумоти муфассал"

#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Resize"
msgstr "Бозандозагирӣ"

#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Ҷунбондан"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Андозакунӣ"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Add to RAID"
msgstr "Илова ба RAID"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Add to LVM"
msgstr "Илова ба LVM"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Remove from RAID"
msgstr "Хориҷ аз RAID"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Remove from LVM"
msgstr "Хориҷ аз LVM"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Modify RAID"
msgstr "Ивази RAID"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Use for loopback"
msgstr "Истифода барои loopback "

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Create a new partition"
msgstr "Офаридани бахши нав"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Start sector: "
msgstr "Сектори оғоз: "

#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Size in MB: "
msgstr "Ҳаҷм дар МБ: "

#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Filesystem type: "
msgstr "Навъи файлсистемҳо: "

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Preference: "
msgstr "Имтиёз: "

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Logical volume name "
msgstr "Номи қисми мантиқӣ"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You can't create a new partition\n"
"(since you reached the maximal number of primary partitions).\n"
"First remove a primary partition and create an extended partition."
msgstr ""
"Шумо метавонед қисми навро тартиб диҳед\n"
"(шумо миқдори зиёдтарини қисмҳои авваларо ба даст даровардаед).\n"
"Сараввал қисми авваларо хориҷ намоед ва қисми васеъшударо тартиб диҳед."

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Remove the loopback file?"
msgstr "Файли loopback-ро хориҷ кунем?"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"After changing type of partition %s, all data on this partition will be lost"
msgstr "Баъд аз ивази навъи бахши %s ҳама додаҳо дар он бахш гум хоҳад шуд"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Change partition type"
msgstr "Ивази навъи бахш"

#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Which filesystem do you want?"
msgstr "Кадом файлсистемро шумо мехоҳед?"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Switching from ext2 to ext3"
msgstr "Гузариш аз ext2 ба ext3"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Where do you want to mount the loopback file %s?"
msgstr "Файли loopback %s-ро дар куҷо васл кардан мехоҳед?"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Where do you want to mount device %s?"
msgstr "Шумо дар куҷо дастгоҳи %s-ро васл кардан мехоҳед?"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't unset mount point as this partition is used for loop back.\n"
"Remove the loopback first"
msgstr ""
"Нуқтаи васлшавиро гирифта намешавад, чунки ин қисм барои loop back истифода\n"
"мегардад. Сараввал loopback-ро хориҷ намоед"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Where do you want to mount %s?"
msgstr "%s-ро дар куҷо васл кардан мехоҳед?"

#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Resizing"
msgstr "Бозандозагириӣ"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Computing FAT filesystem bounds"
msgstr "Ҳисоби ҳудуди файлсистеми FAT"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "This partition is not resizeable"
msgstr "Ин бахш бозандозагирифта нашаванда аст"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "All data on this partition should be backed-up"
msgstr "Ҳама додаҳо дар ин бахш бояд пуштибонӣ шуда бошад"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "After resizing partition %s, all data on this partition will be lost"
msgstr "Баъди бозандозагирии бахши %s, ҳамаи додаҳо дар ин бахш гум хоҳад шуд"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Choose the new size"
msgstr "Ҳаҷми навро интихоб кунед"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "New size in MB: "
msgstr "Ҳаҷми нав дар МБ: "

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"To ensure data integrity after resizing the partition(s), \n"
"filesystem checks will be run on your next boot into Windows(TM)"
msgstr ""
"Барои кафолат додани яклухтии додаҳо баъд аз тағироти андозаи қисм(ҳо), \n"
"санҷиши системи файлӣ ҳангоми худборшавии навбатӣ дар Windows(TM) корандозӣ "
"хоҳад гардид"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Which disk do you want to move it to?"
msgstr "Шумо инро ба кадом диск ғеҷонидан мехоҳед?"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Sector"
msgstr "Сектор"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Which sector do you want to move it to?"
msgstr "Шумо инро ба кадом сектор ғеҷонидан мехоҳед?"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Moving"
msgstr "Ғеҷонидан"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Moving partition..."
msgstr "Ғеҷонидани бахш ..."

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Choose an existing RAID to add to"
msgstr "Барои илова RAID-и вуҷуддоштаро интихоб кунед"

#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "new"
msgstr "нав"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Choose an existing LVM to add to"
msgstr "Барои илова LVM-и вуҷуддоштаро интихоб кунед"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "LVM name?"
msgstr "Номи LVM?"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "This partition can't be used for loopback"
msgstr "Ин бахш барои loopback истифода шуда наметавонад"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Loopback"
msgstr "Loopback"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Loopback file name: "
msgstr "Номи файли loopback"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Give a file name"
msgstr "Номи файлро диҳед"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "File is already used by another loopback, choose another one"
msgstr ""
"Файл аллакай бо дигар loopback истифода шудааст, дигарашро интихоб кунед"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "File already exists. Use it?"
msgstr "Файл аллакай вуҷуд дорад. Истифода барем?"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Mount options"
msgstr "Хосиятҳои васл"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Various"
msgstr "Ҳаргуна"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "device"
msgstr "дастгоҳ"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "level"
msgstr "савия"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "chunk size"
msgstr "ҳаҷми пора"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Be careful: this operation is dangerous."
msgstr "Оҳиста: ин омил хатарнок аст."

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "What type of partitioning?"
msgstr "Кадом навъи ҷузъбандӣ?"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "The package %s is needed. Install it?"
msgstr "Қуттии %s лозим аст. Онро коргузорӣ намудан лозим аст?"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "You'll need to reboot before the modification can take place"
msgstr "Пеш аз ҷой гирифтани таъғирёбиҳо шумо бояд боз худбор шавед"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Partition table of drive %s is going to be written to disk!"
msgstr "Ҷадвали бахши гардони %s дар диск навишта мешавад!"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "After formatting partition %s, all data on this partition will be lost"
msgstr "Баъди шаклбандии бахши  %s, ҳама додаҳо дар ин қисм гум хоҳад шуд"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Move files to the new partition"
msgstr "Ғеҷонидани файлҳо ба бахши нав"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Hide files"
msgstr "Руст кардани файлҳо"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Directory %s already contains data\n"
msgstr ""
"Феҳристи %s аллакай додаҳо дорад\n"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Moving files to the new partition"
msgstr "Ғеҷонидани файлҳо ба бахши нав"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Copying %s"
msgstr "Нусхабардории %s"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Removing %s"
msgstr "Хориҷи %s"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "partition %s is now known as %s"
msgstr "қисми %s ҳоло ҳамчун %s маълум аст"

#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Device: "
msgstr "Дастгоҳ: "

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "DOS drive letter: %s (just a guess)\n"
msgstr "Ҳарфи гардони DOS: %s ()\n"

#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Type: "
msgstr "Навъ:"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Name: "
msgstr "Ном: "

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Start: sector %s\n"
msgstr "Оғоз: сектор %s\n"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Size: %s"
msgstr "Ҳаҷм: %s"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid ", %s sectors"
msgstr ", %s сектор"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Cylinder %d to %d\n"
msgstr "Силиндри %d то %d\n"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Number of logical extents: %d"
msgstr ""

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Formatted\n"
msgstr "Шаклбаста\n"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Not formatted\n"
msgstr "Шаклбастанашуда\n"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Mounted\n"
msgstr "Васл шуда\n"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "RAID md%s\n"
msgstr "RAID md%s\n"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Loopback file(s):\n"
"   %s\n"
msgstr ""
"файл(ҳо)и loopback:\n"
"   %s\n"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Partition booted by default\n"
"    (for MS-DOS boot, not for lilo)\n"
msgstr ""
"Бахш ба таври пешфарз худбор шуд\n"
"    (барои MS-DOS худборшавӣ, на барои lilo)\n"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Level %s\n"
msgstr "Савияи %s\n"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Chunk size %s\n"
msgstr "Ҳаҷми пора %s\n"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "RAID-disks %s\n"
msgstr "RAID-дискҳои %s\n"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Loopback file name: %s"
msgstr "Номи файли loopback: %s"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Chances are, this partition is\n"
"a Driver partition. You should\n"
"probably leave it alone.\n"
msgstr ""
"Имкониятҳо, ин бахш\n"
"бахши Гардон аст, шумо бояд\n"
"инро ба ҳоли худ гузоред.\n"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This special Bootstrap\n"
"partition is for\n"
"dual-booting your system.\n"
msgstr ""
"Ин бахши махсусуи худроҳандоз\n"
"барои худборшавии дучанди\n"
"системи шумо\n"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Read-only"
msgstr "Танҳо барои хониш"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Size: %s\n"
msgstr "Ҳаҷм: %s\n"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Geometry: %s cylinders, %s heads, %s sectors\n"
msgstr "Ҳандаса: %s силиндр, %s сар, %s сектор\n"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Info: "
msgstr "Mаълумот: "

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "LVM-disks %s\n"
msgstr "LVM-дискҳо %s\n"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Partition table type: %s\n"
msgstr "Навъи ҷадвали бахшҳо: %s\n"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "on channel %d id %d\n"
msgstr "дар канали %d шиносномаи %d\n"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Filesystem encryption key"
msgstr "Калиди рамздоштаи Файлсистем"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Choose your filesystem encryption key"
msgstr "Калиди ба рамздарории системи файлии худро интихоб намоед"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "This encryption key is too simple (must be at least %d characters long)"
msgstr ""
"Ин калиди ба рамз дароварда шуда бениҳоят содда аст (бояд ақаллан бо "
"аломатҳои%d дароз бошад)"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "The encryption keys do not match"
msgstr "Калидҳои рамздошта мувофиқ нестанд"

#: diskdrake/ network/
#: standalone/drakconnect:370
#, c-format
msgid "Encryption key"
msgstr "Калиди Encryption"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Encryption key (again)"
msgstr "Калиди Encryption (боз)"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Change type"
msgstr "Ивази навъ"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Can't login using username %s (bad password?)"
msgstr ""

#: diskdrake/ diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Domain Authentication Required"
msgstr "Ҳақиқӣ будани соҳибият талаб карда мешавад"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Which username"
msgstr "Кадом номи корванд"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Another one"
msgstr "Дигараш"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Please enter your username, password and domain name to access this host."
msgstr ""

#: diskdrake/ standalone/drakbackup:3874
#, c-format
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Номи корванд"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Домен"

#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Search servers"
msgstr "Ҷустуҷӯи хидматгорҳо"

#: diskdrake/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Search new servers"
msgstr "Ҷустуҷӯи хидматгорҳо"

#, c-format
msgid "The package %s needs to be installed. Do you want to install it?"
msgstr ""
"Қуттии %s-ро бояд кор гузорӣ намуд. Оё шумо хоҳиши онро коргузорӣ намудан "

#, c-format
msgid "Mandatory package %s is missing"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Installing packages..."
msgstr "Қуттиҳо коргузорӣ мешавад..."

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Removing packages..."
msgstr "Хориҷкунии %s ..."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Do not update inode access times on this file system\n"
"(e.g, for faster access on the news spool to speed up news servers)."
msgstr ""
"Дар ин системи файлӣ вақти дастрасшавиро ба inode нав накунед\n"
"(яъне, барои ба даст даровардани роҳи тезтар ба дастгоҳи чархиши ахборот бо "
"мақсади тезонидани кори хидматрасонҳои ахборот)."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can only be mounted explicitly (i.e.,\n"
"the -a option will not cause the file system to be mounted)."
msgstr ""
"Танҳо бо роҳи саҳеҳ метавон насб намуд (яъне, интихоби а ба насби системи\n"
"файлӣ намеорад)."

#, c-format
msgid "Do not interpret character or block special devices on the file system."
msgstr ""
"Дар системи файлӣ дастгоҳҳои блокии рамзнок ё ин ки махсусро маънидод "

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Do not allow execution of any binaries on the mounted\n"
"file system. This option might be useful for a server that has file systems\n"
"containing binaries for architectures other than its own."
msgstr ""
"Иҷроиши дуиҳои дилхоҳро дар системи файлии васл шуда манъ намоед. Ин\n"
"интихоб шояд барои корванди системҳои файлӣ дошта муфид бошад, ки он\n"
"дуиҳои барои меъмории аз худаш фарқкунандаро дошта бошад."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Do not allow set-user-identifier or set-group-identifier\n"
"bits to take effect. (This seems safe, but is in fact rather unsafe if you\n"
"have suidperl(1) installed.)"
msgstr ""
"Ба битҳои set-user-identifier ё set-group-identifier иҷозат надиҳед, то ки "
"онҳо амалӣ\n"
"гарданд. (Аз афташ ин хатарнок нест, лекин дар амалия он бештар хатарнок "
"агар шумо suidperl (1)-ро ба танзим дароварда бошед.)"

#, c-format
msgid "Mount the file system read-only."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "All I/O to the file system should be done synchronously."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Allow an ordinary user to mount the file system. The\n"
"name of the mounting user is written to mtab so that he can unmount the "
"system again. This option implies the options noexec, nosuid, and nodev\n"
"(unless overridden by subsequent options, as in the option line\n"
"user,exec,dev,suid )."
msgstr ""
"Ба корванди муқаррарӣ иҷозат диҳед, то ки вай системи файлиро васл намояд. "
"корванди васлкунанда дар mtab навишта шудааст, то ки вай сониян системи\n"
"файлиро васл карда натавонад. Ин интихоб интихобҳои noexec, nosuid ва nodev\n"
"дар назар дорад (агар онҳо дар ҳамин сатр бо интихобҳои user,exec,dev,suid "
"шуда бошанд)."

#, c-format
msgid "Give write access to ordinary users"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "%s formatting of %s failed"
msgstr "%s шаклбандии %s нагузашт"

#, c-format
msgid "I don't know how to format %s in type %s"
msgstr "Ман намедонам чӣ хел %s-ро бо навъи %s шакл бандам"

#, c-format
msgid "Formatting partition %s"
msgstr "Шаклбандии бахши %s"

#, c-format
msgid "Creating and formatting file %s"
msgstr "Файли %s офарида мешавад ва шаклбандӣ мегардад"

#, c-format
msgid "Mounting partition %s"
msgstr "Васлкунии бахши %s"

#, c-format
msgid "mounting partition %s in directory %s failed"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Checking %s"
msgstr "Тафтиши %s"

#, c-format
msgid "error unmounting %s: %s"
msgstr "ҷудокунии хатои %s: %s"

#, c-format
msgid "Enabling swap partition %s"
msgstr "Даргиронидани бахши swap %s"

#, c-format
msgid "simple"
msgstr "содда"

#, c-format
msgid "with /usr"
msgstr "бо /usr"

#, c-format
msgid "server"
msgstr "хидматрасон"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"I can't read the partition table of device %s, it's too corrupted for me :(\n"
"I can try to go on, erasing over bad partitions (ALL DATA will be lost!).\n"
"The other solution is to not allow DrakX to modify the partition table.\n"
"(the error is %s)\n"
"Do you agree to lose all the partitions?\n"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "You can't use JFS for partitions smaller than 16MB"
msgstr "Шумо JFS-ро барои базшҳои аз 16МБ хурд истифода бурда наметавонед"

#, c-format
msgid "You can't use ReiserFS for partitions smaller than 32MB"
msgstr "Шумо ReiserFS-ро барои бахшҳои аз 32МБ хурд истифода бурда наметавонед"

#, c-format
msgid "Mount points must begin with a leading /"
msgstr "Нуқтаи васлшавӣ бояд сар шавад бо /"

#, c-format
msgid "Mount points should contain only alphanumerical characters"
msgstr "Нуқтаҳои васлшавӣ бояд танҳо рамзҳои ҳарфу рақамро дошта бошад"

#, c-format
msgid "There is already a partition with mount point %s\n"
msgstr "Аллакай бахш бо нуқтаи васли %s ҳаст \n"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"You've selected a software RAID partition as root (/).\n"
"No bootloader is able to handle this without a /boot partition.\n"
"Please be sure to add a /boot partition"
msgstr ""
"Шумо бахши нармафзори RAID-ро ҳамчун root (/) интихоб кардед.\n"
"Ягон корандози boot инро бе бахши /boot даста карда наметевонад.\n"
"Барои иловаи бахши /boot эҳтиёт бошед"

#, c-format
msgid "You can't use a LVM Logical Volume for mount point %s"
msgstr ""
"Шумо LVM Logical Volume-ро ари нуқтаи васли %s истифода бурда наметавонед"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"You may not be able to install lilo (since lilo doesn't handle a LV on "
"multiple PVs)"
msgstr ""
"Шумо lilo-ро коргузорӣ карда наметавонед (зеро lilo LV-ро дар маҷмӯи PV "
"дастгирӣ намекунад)"

#, c-format
msgid "This directory should remain within the root filesystem"
msgstr "Ин феҳрист бояд дар дохили файлсистеми root бошад"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"You need a true filesystem (ext2/ext3, reiserfs, xfs, or jfs) for this mount "
msgstr ""
"Ба Шумо файлсистеми ҳақиқии (ext2/ext3, reiserfs, xfs, or jfs) барои ин "
"нуқтаи васл лозим аст\n"

#, c-format
msgid "You can't use an encrypted file system for mount point %s"
msgstr ""
"Шумо файл системи рамздоштаро барои нуқтаи васли %s истифода бурда "

#, c-format
msgid "Not enough free space for auto-allocating"
msgstr "Барои худ-ғунҷонӣ ҷои холии кофӣ нест"

#, c-format
msgid "Nothing to do"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Error opening %s for writing: %s"
msgstr "Хатогии кушодани %s барои навиштан: %s"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Floppy"
msgstr "Дискет"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Zip"
msgstr ""

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Disk"
msgstr ""

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "CDROM"
msgstr "CDROM"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "CD/DVD burners"
msgstr "CD/DVD-и менавиштагӣ"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "DVD-ROM"
msgstr "DVD-ROM"

#: harddrake/ standalone/drakbackup:2409
#, c-format
msgid "Tape"
msgstr "Лента"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Videocard"
msgstr "Видеокарт"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Tvcard"
msgstr "Тв корт"

#: harddrake/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Other MultiMedia devices"
msgstr "Муҳити Дигар"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Soundcard"
msgstr "Харитаи овоздор"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Webcam"
msgstr "Наворгири вебӣ"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Processors"
msgstr "Пардозанда"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "ISDN adapters"
msgstr "созгорҳои ISDN"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Ethernetcard"
msgstr "Харитаи ethernet"

#: harddrake/ network/ standalone/drakconnect:277
#: standalone/drakconnect:447 standalone/drakconnect:448
#: standalone/drakconnect:540
#, c-format
msgid "Modem"
msgstr "Модем"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "ADSL adapters"
msgstr "Созгорҳои ADSL"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Bridges and system controllers"
msgstr ""

#: harddrake/
#: printer/
#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Printer"
msgstr "Чопгар"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Mouse"
msgstr "Муш"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Joystick"
msgstr "Сукуни ҳидоят"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "(E)IDE/ATA controllers"
msgstr ""

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Firewire controllers"
msgstr "Назоратчиёни Firewire"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "SCSI controllers"
msgstr ""

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "USB controllers"
msgstr "Назоратчиёни USB"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "SMBus controllers"
msgstr "Нозирони SMBus"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Scanner"
msgstr "Пуйишгар"

#: harddrake/ standalone/harddrake2:315
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown/Others"
msgstr "Номаълум/Дигарон"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "cpu # "
msgstr "cpu # "

#: harddrake/ standalone/drakconnect:166
#, c-format
msgid "Please Wait... Applying the configuration"
msgstr ""

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "No alternative driver"
msgstr ""

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"There's no known OSS/ALSA alternative driver for your sound card (%s) which "
"currently uses \"%s\""
msgstr ""
"Барои корти овоздори шумо (%s) ронандаи алтернативии OSS/ALSA мавҷуд нест, "
"ки ҳоло \"%s\"-ро мавриди истифода қарор додааст"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Sound configuration"
msgstr "Танзимдарории Садо"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Here you can select an alternative driver (either OSS or ALSA) for your "
"sound card (%s)."
msgstr ""
"Дар ин ҷо шумо метавонед ронандаи алтернативиро интихоб намоед (ё OSS ё ин "
"ки ALSA) барои корти овоздори худ (%s)"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your card currently use the %s\"%s\" driver (default driver for your card is "
msgstr ""
"Ҳоло корти шумо гардони %s\"%s\"-ро истифода мебарад (гардони пешфарзӣ барои "
"корти шумо \"%s\" мебошад)"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"OSS (Open Sound System) was the first sound API. It's an OS independent "
"sound API (it's available on most UNIX(tm) systems) but it's a very basic "
"and limited API.\n"
"What's more, OSS drivers all reinvent the wheel.\n"
"ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) is a modularized architecture "
"supports quite a large range of ISA, USB and PCI cards.\n"
"It also provides a much higher API than OSS.\n"
"To use alsa, one can either use:\n"
"- the old compatibility OSS api\n"
"- the new ALSA api that provides many enhanced features but requires using "
"the ALSA library.\n"
msgstr ""

#: harddrake/ harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Driver:"
msgstr "Гардонанда:"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Trouble shooting"
msgstr "Ҷустуҷӯ ва барҳам додани камбудӣ"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The old \"%s\" driver is blacklisted.\n"
"It has been reported to oops the kernel on unloading.\n"
"The new \"%s\" driver'll only be used on next bootstrap."
msgstr ""
"Ронандаи кӯҳнаи \"%s\" ба рӯйхати сиёҳ дохил шуд.\n"
"Дар хусуси он ҳисобот тартиб дода шудааст, ки асосро ҳангоми ба кор "
"наандохтанпешакӣ огоҳ менамояд.\n"
"Ронандаи нави \"%s\" танҳо ҳангоми кор андохтани навбатӣ истифода хоҳад шуд."

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "No open source driver"
msgstr "Ронанда бо сарчашмаи аввалаи кушода мавҷуд нест"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"There's no free driver for your sound card (%s), but there's a proprietary "
"driver at \"%s\"."
msgstr ""

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "No known driver"
msgstr "Ронандаи номаълум"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "There's no known driver for your sound card (%s)"
msgstr "Барои корти овоздори шумо ронандаи маълум мавҷуд нест (%s)"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown driver"
msgstr ""

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Error: The \"%s\" driver for your sound card is unlisted"
msgstr "Хатогӣ: сахтафзори \"%s\" барои харитаи овозии шумо дар рӯйхат нест "

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Sound trouble shooting"
msgstr "Ҳалли муаммои ба овоз тааллуқ дошта"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The classic bug sound tester is to run the following commands:\n"
"- \"lspcidrake -v | fgrep AUDIO\" will tell you which driver your card uses\n"
"by default\n"
"- \"grep sound-slot /etc/modules.conf\" will tell you what driver it\n"
"currently uses\n"
"- \"/sbin/lsmod\" will enable you to check if its module (driver) is\n"
"loaded or not\n"
"- \"/sbin/chkconfig --list sound\" and \"/sbin/chkconfig --list alsa\" will\n"
"tell you if sound and alsa services're configured to be run on\n"
"initlevel 3\n"
"- \"aumix -q\" will tell you if the sound volume is muted or not\n"
"- \"/sbin/fuser -v /dev/dsp\" will tell which program uses the sound card.\n"
msgstr ""
"Санҷиши классикии хатогиҳои овоз ба воситаи сар додани фармонои зерин "
"- \"lspcidrake -v | fgrep AUDIO\" ба шумо хабар медиҳад, ки кадом ронанда "
"харитаишуморо аз рӯи пешфарз истифода мебарад\n"
"- \"grep sound-slot /etc/modules.conf\" ба шумо хабар медиҳад, ки кадом "
"ҳоло истифода мегардад\n"
"- \"/sbin/lsmod\" ба шумо имкон медиҳад санҷед, ки оё модул (ронанда) ба кор "
"- \"/sbin/chkconfig --list sound\" и \"/sbin/chkconfig --list alsa\"\n"
"ба шумо хабар медиҳад хидматрасонҳои sound мавҷуд буданд ва alsa барои оғоз\n"
"намудан дар initlevel 3 ба танзим дароварда шудааст ё ин ки не\n"
"- \"aumix -q\" ба шумо хабар медиҳад, ки баландии садо ба роҳ монда шудааст "
"ё не\n"
"- \"/sbin/fuser -v /dev/dsp\" ба шумо хабар медиҳад, ки кадом барнома "
"харитаиовоздорро мавриди истифода қарор додааст.\n"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Let me pick any driver"
msgstr "Дигар ронандаро интихоб намудан"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Choosing an arbitrary driver"
msgstr "Интихоби ронандаи ихтиёрӣ"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If you really think that you know which driver is the right one for your "
"you can pick one in the above list.\n"
"The current driver for your \"%s\" sound card is \"%s\" "
msgstr ""
"Агар шумо дар ҳақиқат фикр намоед, ки кадом ронанда барои корти шумо дуруст "
"аст шумо метавонед онро аз рӯйхати дар боло буда интихоб намоед.\n"
"Ронандаи ҷорӣ барои корти \"%s\" овоздори шумо \"%s\" мебошад."

#: harddrake/ harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Auto-detect"
msgstr "Автомуаяйнамоӣ"

#: harddrake/ harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown|Generic"
msgstr ""

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown|CPH05X (bt878) [many vendors]"
msgstr "|CPH05X (bt878) номаълум[аксарияти истеҳсолкунандагон]"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown|CPH06X (bt878) [many vendors]"
msgstr "Номаълум|CPH06X (bt878) [аксарияти истеҳсолкунандагон]"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"For most modern TV cards, the bttv module of the GNU/Linux kernel just auto-"
"detect the rights parameters.\n"
"If your card is misdetected, you can force the right tuner and card types "
"here. Just select your tv card parameters if needed."
msgstr ""
"Барои аксарияти харитаҳои муосири ТВ модули bttv-и асоси GNU/Linux ба "
"тавриавтоматӣ параметрҳои дурустро муаяйн менамояд.\n"
"Агар харитаи шумо муаяйн нашуда бошад, онгоҳ шумо метавонед ба таври "
"маҷбурӣистифодаи намудҳои дурусти тюнер ва харитаро ба роҳ мемонед.Агар "
"зарурият бошад, онгоҳ ба таври оддӣ параметрҳои харитаи ТВ-и худро "

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Card model:"
msgstr ""

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Tuner type:"
msgstr "Навъи мизонгар:"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Number of capture buffers:"
msgstr ""

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "number of capture buffers for mmap'ed capture"
msgstr "миқдори миёнгирҳои тасарруф барои забти mmap'шуда"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "PLL setting:"
msgstr "Танзимдарории PLL:"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "Radio support:"
msgstr "Дастгирии радио:"

#: harddrake/
#, c-format
msgid "enable radio support"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Before continuing, you should carefully read the terms of the license. It\n"
"covers the entire Mandrake Linux distribution. If you do agree with all the\n"
"terms in it, check the \"%s\" box. If not, clicking on the \"%s\" button\n"
"will reboot your computer."
msgstr ""
"Пеш аз давом додан шумо бояд шартҳои лисензияро бодиққат хонед. Он ҳамаи\n"
"паҳнкунии Mandrake Linux-ро дар бар мегирад ва агар шумо бо ягон шарт розӣ\n"
"нашавед дар дагмаи \"Рад кардан\", ки фавран коргузоришро нобуд мекунад,\n"
"ангушт занед. Барои бо коргузориш давом додан дагмаи \"Қабул\"-ро ангушт "

#: standalone/drakautoinst:199
#, c-format
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "Қабул намудан"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"GNU/Linux is a multi-user system, meaning each user may have their own\n"
"preferences, their own files and so on. You can read the ``Starter Guide''\n"
"to learn more about multi-user systems. But unlike \"root\", who is the\n"
"system administrator, the users you add at this point will not be\n"
"authorized to change anything except their own files and their own\n"
"configurations, protecting the system from unintentional or malicious\n"
"changes that impact on the system as a whole. You will have to create at\n"
"least one regular user for yourself -- this is the account which you should\n"
"use for routine, day-to-day use. Although it is very easy to log in as\n"
"\"root\" to do anything and everything, it may also be very dangerous! A\n"
"very simple mistake could mean that your system will not work any more. If\n"
"you make a serious mistake as a regular user, the worst that will happen is\n"
"that you will lose some information, but not affect the entire system.\n"
"The first field asks you for a real name. Of course, this is not mandatory\n"
"-- you can actually enter whatever you like. DrakX will use the first word\n"
"you typed in this field and copy it to the \"%s\" field, which is the name\n"
"this user will enter to log onto the system. If you like, you may override\n"
"the default and change the user name. The next step is to enter a password.\n"
"From a security point of view, a non-privileged (regular) user password is\n"
"not as crucial as the \"root\" password, but that is no reason to neglect\n"
"it by making it blank or too simple: after all, your files could be the\n"
"ones at risk.\n"
"Once you click on \"%s\", you can add other users. Add a user for each one\n"
"of your friends: your father or your sister, for example. Click \"%s\" when\n"
"you have finished adding users.\n"
"Clicking the \"%s\" button allows you to change the default \"shell\" for\n"
"that user (bash by default).\n"
"When you have finished adding users, you will be asked to choose a user who\n"
"can automatically log into the system when the computer boots up. If you\n"
"are interested in that feature (and do not care much about local security),\n"
"choose the desired user and window manager, then click \"%s\". If you are\n"
"not interested in this feature, uncheck the \"%s\" box."
msgstr ""
"GNU/Linux ин системи бисёркорванд мебошад, ин чунин маъно дорад,\n"
"ки ҳар як корванд метавонад имтиёзҳои худ, файлҳои худ ва ғайраро\n"
"дошта бошад. Барои бисёртар омӯхтан шумо метавонед \"Раҳнамои Корванд\"-ро\n"
"хонед. Ғайр аз \"root\"-и гуногун, ки идоракунанда аст, корвандҳое,\n"
"ки шумо инҷо илова мекунед ҳуқуқи иваз кардани ягон чиз ғайр аз файлҳо\n"
"ва шакли худ надоранд. Шумо бояд аққалан як корванди мунтазам барои худ\n"
"офаред. Ин қайд ҷоест, ки шумо бояд барои истифодаи ҳаррӯза дохил шавед.\n"
"Гарчанде, ки ҳамчун \"root\" дохил шудан хеле қулай аст, ин метавонад "
"ҳам бошад! Хатогии хурд метавонад системи шуморо аз кор барорад. Агар шумо\n"
"ҳамчун корванди мунтазам хатогии ҷиддӣ кунед, шумо баъзе маълумотро гум "
" кард, локин на ҳамаи системро\n"
"Аввал шумо бояд номи ҳақиқии худро дароред. Ин албатта ҳатмӣ нест - чунки\n"
"шумо метавонед чӣ мехоҳед дароред. DrakX калимаи аввалинеро, ки шумо\n"
"дохил кардед ба сандуқ гирифта онро ба \"Номи Корванд\" меорад. Ин номест,\n"
"ки ин корванди алоҳида барои ба систем дохил шудан истифода хоҳад бурд.\n"
"Шумо метавонед онро иваз кунед. Баъд шумо бояд инҷо гузарвожаро дароред.\n"
"Гузарвожаи корванди беимтиёз (мунтазам) мисли гузарвожаи \"root\",аз нуқтаи\n"
"назари бехатарӣ ҳалкунканда нест, локин ин асос нест барои рад кардани он - "
"ҳар ҳол, файлҳои шумо дар хатар мебошанд.\n"
"Агар шумо дар \"Қабули корванд\" ангушт занед шумо чанд-то хоҳед корванд\n"
"илова карда метавонед. Ба ҳар як дӯстатон корванд илова кунед: падаратон ё\n"
"хоҳаратон барои мисол. Вақте, ки шумо иловаи ҳамаи корвандҳои дилхоҳро\n"
"тамом мекунед \"Шуд\"-ро интихоб кунед.\n"
"Ангуштзанӣ ба дагмаи \"Пешрафта\" ба шумо иҷозат медиҳад, ки \"ҷилд\"\n"
"пешфарзро барои ин корванд  иваз кунед(кӯшиш бо пешфарз)."

#: interactive/
#: network/ network/ printer/
#: standalone/drakTermServ:392 standalone/drakbackup:4487
#: standalone/drakbackup:4513 standalone/drakbackup:4543
#: standalone/drakbackup:4567
#, c-format
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Навбатӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Listed here are the existing Linux partitions detected on your hard drive.\n"
"You can keep the choices made by the wizard, since they are good for most\n"
"common installations. If you make any changes, you must at least define a\n"
"root partition (\"/\"). Do not choose too small a partition or you will not\n"
"be able to install enough software. If you want to store your data on a\n"
"separate partition, you will also need to create a \"/home\" partition\n"
"(only possible if you have more than one Linux partition available).\n"
"Each partition is listed as follows: \"Name\", \"Capacity\".\n"
"\"Name\" is structured: \"hard drive type\", \"hard drive number\",\n"
"\"partition number\" (for example, \"hda1\").\n"
"\"Hard drive type\" is \"hd\" if your hard drive is an IDE hard drive and\n"
"\"sd\" if it is a SCSI hard drive.\n"
"\"Hard drive number\" is always a letter after \"hd\" or \"sd\". For IDE\n"
"hard drives:\n"
" * \"a\" means \"master hard drive on the primary IDE controller\";\n"
" * \"b\" means \"slave hard drive on the primary IDE controller\";\n"
" * \"c\" means \"master hard drive on the secondary IDE controller\";\n"
" * \"d\" means \"slave hard drive on the secondary IDE controller\".\n"
"With SCSI hard drives, an \"a\" means \"lowest SCSI ID\", a \"b\" means\n"
"\"second lowest SCSI ID\", etc."
msgstr ""
"Рӯйхати дар боло буда ин бахшҳои вуҷуддоштаи Linux мебошад ки дар\n"
"гардони шумо муайян шудааст. Шумо метавонед интихобҳои устодро нигоҳ\n"
"доред, онҳо барои коргузоришҳои оддӣ хуб ҳастанд. Агар шумо ягон иловаҳо\n"
"карда бошед, шумо аққалан бояд бахши root-ро муайян куед (\"/\"). Бахши\n"
"хурдро интихоб накунед вагарна шумо нармафзори кофиро интихоб карда\n"
"наметавонед. Агар шумо додаҳои худро дар бахши алоҳида нигоҳ доштан хоҳед,\n"
"шумо ҳамчун бояд бахшро барои \"/home\" офаред (танҳо агар шумо аз якто "
"бахши Linux дошта бошед, дастрас аст).\n"
"“Ҳар як бахш чунин ба рӯйхат гирифта шудааст: \"Ном\", \"Ғунҷоиш\".\n"
"\"Ном\" чунин сохт дорад: \"намуди сахтгардон\", \"рақами сахтгардон\",\n"
"\"рақами бахш\" (барои мисол, \"hdal\").\n"
"\"Навъи сахтгардон\" \"hd\" аст агар сахтгардони шумо IDE бошад ва \"sd\"\n"
"аст агар сахтгардон SCSI бошад.\n"
"\"Рақами сахтгардон\" ин ҳама вақт ҳарфест, баъд аз \"hd\" ё \"sd\". Барои\n"
"сахтгардонҳои IDE:\n"
" * \"a\" маънои \"сахтгардонb сохибӣ дар нозири IDE аввала\"-ро дорад,\n"
" * \"b\" маънои \"сахтгардони ғуломӣ дар нозири IDE аввала\"-ро дорад,\n"
" * \"c\" маънои \"сахтгардони соҳибӣ дар нозири IDE дувумдараҷа\"-ро дорад,\n"
"” * \"d\" маънои \"сахтгардони ғуломӣ дар нозири IDE дувумдараҷа\"-ро "
"Бо сахтгардони SCSI, \"a\" маънои \"Шиносномаи SCSI-и пасттарин\"-ро дорад,\n"
"\"b\" маънои \"Шиносномаи SCSI пасттарини дуввум\", ва ғ."

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The Mandrake Linux installation is distributed on several CD-ROMs. If a\n"
"selected package is located on another CD-ROM, DrakX will eject the current\n"
"CD and ask you to insert the correct CD as required."
msgstr ""
"Кор гузориши Mandrake Linux дар якчанд CD-ROMҳо таксим шудааст. DrakX\n"
"медонад агар қуттии интихобшуда дар CD-ROM-и дигар ҷойгир бошад ва CD-и\n"
"мазкурро берун карда аз шумо талаб мекунад, ки дигарашро дохил кунед."

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"It is now time to specify which programs you wish to install on your\n"
"system. There are thousands of packages available for Mandrake Linux, and\n"
"to make it simpler to manage the packages have been placed into groups of\n"
"similar applications.\n"
"Packages are sorted into groups corresponding to a particular use of your\n"
"machine. Mandrake Linux sorts packages groups in four categories. You can\n"
"mix and match applications from the various categories, so a\n"
"``Workstation'' installation can still have applications from the\n"
"``Development'' category installed.\n"
" * \"%s\": if you plan to use your machine as a workstation, select one or\n"
"more of the groups that are in the workstation category.\n"
" * \"%s\": if you plan on using your machine for programming, select the\n"
"appropriate groups from that category.\n"
" * \"%s\": if your machine is intended to be a server, select which of the\n"
"more common services you wish to install on your machine.\n"
" * \"%s\": this is where you will choose your preferred graphical\n"
"environment. At least one must be selected if you want to have a graphical\n"
"interface available.\n"
"Moving the mouse cursor over a group name will display a short explanatory\n"
"text about that group. If you unselect all groups when performing a regular\n"
"installation (as opposed to an upgrade), a dialog will pop up proposing\n"
"different options for a minimal installation:\n"
" * \"%s\": install the minimum number of packages possible to have a\n"
"working graphical desktop.\n"
" * \"%s\": installs the base system plus basic utilities and their\n"
"documentation. This installation is suitable for setting up a server.\n"
" * \"%s\": will install the absolute minimum number of packages necessary\n"
"to get a working Linux system. With this installation you will only have a\n"
"command line interface. The total size of this installation is about 65\n"
"You can check the \"%s\" box, which is useful if you are familiar with the\n"
"packages being offered or if you want to have total control over what will\n"
"be installed.\n"
"If you started the installation in \"%s\" mode, you can unselect all groups\n"
"to avoid installing any new package. This is useful for repairing or\n"
"updating an existing system."
msgstr ""
"Акнун вақте расид, ки барномаҳое, ки шумо ба системи худ кор гузоштан\n"
"мехоҳед, муайян кунед. Барои Mandrake Linux ҳазорҳо қуттиҳои дастрас\n"
"ҳастанд, ки шумо онҳоро аз афташ аз ёд дониста наметавонед.\n"
"Агар шумо коргузориши оддӣ аз CDROM карда исттода бошед, аз шумо\n"
"аввал хоҳиш карда мешавад, ки CD-ҳои доштаатонро муайян кунед(танҳо\n"
"дар усули Мутахассис). Нишонаи CD-ро санҷед ва сандуқҳои ба CD-ҳои шумо\n"
"мутобиқи барои коргузориш дастрасро рӯшан кунед. Вақте, ки шумо барои\n"
"давом додан тайёр мешавед ба \"OK\" ангушт занед.\n"
"Қуттиҳо аз рӯи истифодаи шахсии мошинаи шумо ба гурӯҳҳо мураттаб шудаанд.\n"
"Худи гурӯҳҳо ба чор бахш мураттаб шудаанд:\n"
" * \"Истгоҳи корӣ\": агар шумо мақсади мошинаи худро ҳамчун истгоҳи корӣ\n"
"истифода бурдан хоҳед, як ё якчанд гурӯҳҳои мутобиқро интихоб кунед.\n"
" * \"Тараққиёт\": агар мошина барои барномасозӣ бошад, гурӯҳ(ҳо)и дилхоҳро\n"
"интихоб кунед.\n"
" * \"Хидматрасон\":дар охир, агар мошина бо нияти хидмтрасон будан бошад,\n"
"шумо қодири интихоби хадамоти умумие, ки шумо дар мошина коргузаштан\n"
"мехоҳед хоҳед буд\n"
" * \"Вазъияти Графикӣ\": ин ҷоест, ки шумо вазъияти графикии барои шумо\n"
"афзалро интихоб хоҳед кард. Агар шумо хоҳед, ки истгоҳи кории графикӣ\n"
"дошта бошед, аққалан яктояш бояд интихоб шавад!\n"
"Ғеҷонидани нишоннамои муш аз болои номи гурӯҳ матни кӯтоҳе дар бораи ин\n"
"гурӯҳ нишин хоҳад дод.\n"
"Шумо метавонед сандуқи \"Интихоби шахсии қуттӣ\"-ро санҷед, ки агар шумо\n"
"бо қуттиҳои пешниҳод шуда шинос бошед ё агар шумо идораи умумӣ аз болои\n"
"ҳамаи чизҳои коргузошта шаванда доштан хоҳед фоиданок аст.\n"
"Агар шумо коргузоришро дар усули \"Навкунӣ\" оғоз карда бошед, барои аз\n"
"коргузориши ягон қуттии нав канора гирифтан, шумо метавонед ҳамаашро\n"
"ноинтихоб кунед. Ин барои таъмир ё нав кардани системи вуҷуддошта\n"
"фоиданок аст"

#, c-format
msgid "Workstation"
msgstr "Истгоҳи корӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Development"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Graphical Environment"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "With X"
msgstr "Бо X"

#, c-format
msgid "With basic documentation"
msgstr "Бо ҳуҷҷатҳои асосӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Truly minimal install"
msgstr "Коргузории аз ҳама пастарин"

#, c-format
msgid "Individual package selection"
msgstr "Интихоби қуттиҳои алоҳида"

#, c-format
msgid "Upgrade"
msgstr "Афзоиш"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"If you told the installer that you wanted to individually select packages,\n"
"it will present a tree containing all packages classified by groups and\n"
"subgroups. While browsing the tree, you can select entire groups,\n"
"subgroups, or individual packages.\n"
"Whenever you select a package on the tree, a description appears on the\n"
"right to let you know the purpose of the package.\n"
"!! If a server package has been selected, either because you specifically\n"
"chose the individual package or because it was part of a group of packages,\n"
"you will be asked to confirm that you really want those servers to be\n"
"installed. By default Mandrake Linux will automatically start any installed\n"
"services at boot time. Even if they are safe and have no known issues at\n"
"the time the distribution was shipped, it is entirely possible that that\n"
"security holes were discovered after this version of Mandrake Linux was\n"
"finalized. If you do not know what a particular service is supposed to do\n"
"or why it is being installed, then click \"%s\". Clicking \"%s\" will\n"
"install the listed services and they will be started automatically by\n"
"default during boot. !!\n"
"The \"%s\" option is used to disable the warning dialog which appears\n"
"whenever the installer automatically selects a package to resolve a\n"
"dependency issue. Some packages have relationships between each them such\n"
"that installation of one package requires that some other program is also\n"
"required to be installed. The installer can determine which packages are\n"
"required to satisfy a dependency to successfully complete the installation.\n"
"The tiny floppy disk icon at the bottom of the list allows you to load a\n"
"package list created during a previous installation. This is useful if you\n"
"have a number of machines that you wish to configure identically. Clicking\n"
"on this icon will ask you to insert a floppy disk previously created at the\n"
"end of another installation. See the second tip of last step on how to\n"
"create such a floppy."
msgstr ""
"Дар охир, вобаста ба интихоби шумо интихоб кардан ё накардани қуттиҳои\n"
"шахсӣ, ба шумо шохае бо ҳама қуттиҳо, ба гурӯҳҳо ва зергурӯҳҳо тақсим шуда,\n"
"намоиш дода мешавад. Ҳангоми нигоҳи шоха, шумо метавонед гурӯҳҳо, "
"ё қуттиҳои шахсиро интихоб кунед.\n"
"Вақте,ки шумо қуттиро дар шоха интихоб мекунед, тавсифи он дар тарафи рост\n"
"пайдо мешавад. Вақте ки, интихоби шумо тамом мешавад, \"Кор гузштан\"-ро "
"занед, кадоме ки равиши коргузориро сар мекунад. Вобаста ба суръати "
"сахтафзор ва\n"
"шумораи қуттиҳои кор гузошта шаванда, ин метавонад каме вақт барои тамом\n"
"кардани равиш гирад. Вақти анҷоми баҳодиҳӣ, дар экран нишон дода мешавад,\n"
"ки ба шумо ёрӣ расонад, ки оё баҳри ҳаловат бурдан аз як пиёла қаҳва вақти "
"мавҷуд аст ё не.\n"
"!! Агар қуттии хидматрасон қасдан ё аз сабаби як қисми гурӯҳи бутун буданаш\n"
"интихоб шуда бошад аз шумо пурсида мешавад, ки коргузориши онҳоро хостани\n"
"шумо тасдиқ карда шавад. Дар зери Mandrake Linux, ҳар як хидматрасони\n"
"коргузошта шуда ба таври пешфарз дар вақти худборшавӣ оғоз мешавад. Ҳатто\n"
"агар дар вақти паҳнкунӣ онҳо бехатар ва ягон натиҷае надошта бошанд ҳам,\n"
"мумкин аст, ки шикофҳои бехатарие, ки баъд аз тамом шудани ин нусхаи "
"Linux зоҳир шудаанд.Агар шумо барои чӣ лозим будани ё барои чӣ он "
"шудани хадамоти алоҳидаро надонед, \"Не\"-ро ангушт занед. Ангуштзании \"Ҳа"
"хадамотҳои рӯйхатшударо кор хоҳад гузашт ва онҳо ба таври автоматикӣ оғоз\n"
"хоҳанд шуд. !!\n"
"Хосияти \"Тобеиятҳои автоматикӣ\" ҳаиту муколамаи огоҳиро хомӯш мекунад,\n"
"ки ҳангоми интихоби автоматикии қуттӣ пайдо мешавад. Ин барои он рух\n"
"медиҳад, ки муайян шудааст, ки барои бомуваффақият тамом кардани "
"тобеият бояд бо қуттии дигар қонеъ карда шавад.\n"
"Тасвири хурди дискет дар поёни рӯйхат ба шумо иҷозат медиҳад, ки рӯйхати\n"
"қуттиҳои дар коргузориши пештара интихобшударо кор андозед. Бо ангуштзании\n"
"ин тасвир аз шумо хоҳиш карда мешавад, ки дискети дар коргузориши пештара\n"
"офаридашударо дохил кунед. Нӯги дуюми қадами охиринро, барои офаридани\n"
"ин хел дискет, бинед."

#: modules/ standalone/harddrake2:218
#, c-format
msgid "No"
msgstr "Не"

#: modules/ standalone/drakgw:280 standalone/drakgw:281
#: standalone/drakgw:289 standalone/drakgw:299 standalone/harddrake2:217
#, c-format
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ҳа"

#, c-format
msgid "Automatic dependencies"
msgstr "Вобастагиҳои автоматӣ"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"You will now set up your Internet/network connection. If you wish to\n"
"connect your computer to the Internet or to a local network, click \"%s\".\n"
"Mandrake Linux will attempt to auto-detect network devices and modems. If\n"
"this detection fails, uncheck the \"%s\" box. You may also choose not to\n"
"configure the network, or to do it later, in which case clicking the \"%s\"\n"
"button will take you to the next step.\n"
"When configuring your network, the available connections options are:\n"
"Normal modem connection, Winmodem connection, ISDN modem, ADSL connection,\n"
"cable modem, and finally a simple LAN connection (Ethernet).\n"
"We will not detail each configuration option - just make sure that you have\n"
"all the parameters, such as IP address, default gateway, DNS servers, etc.\n"
"from your Internet Service Provider or system administrator.\n"
"About Winmodem Connection. Winmodems are special integrated low-end modems\n"
"that require additional software to work compared to Normal modems. Some of\n"
"those modems actually work under Mandrake Linux, some others do not. You\n"
"can consult the list of supported modems at LinModems.\n"
"You can consult the ``Starter Guide'' chapter about Internet connections\n"
"for details about the configuration, or simply wait until your system is\n"
"installed and use the program described there to configure your connection."
msgstr ""
"Агар шумо хоҳед, ки компютери худро ба Интернет ё ба шабакаи маҳаллӣ\n"
"пайваст кардан хоҳед, хосияти дурустро интихоб кунед. Илтимос, пеш аз\n"
"интихоби хосияти дуруст, дастгоҳи худро дар гиронед,то ки DrakX онро ба\n"
"таври автоматикӣ муайян кунад.\n"
"Mandrake Linux танзимдарории пайвастшавии Интернетро дар вақти коргузориш\n"
"пешниҳод мекунад. Пайвастшавиҳои дастрас: модеми муқаррарӣ, модеми ISDN,\n"
"пайвастшавии ADSL, модеми ноқилӣ, ва дар охир пайвастшавии оддии LAN\n"
"Инҷо мо Ҳар як танзимдарориро муфассал намекунем. Танҳо мӯхтақид шавед, ки\n"
"шумо ҳамаи параметрҳоро аз Таъмингари Хадамоти Интернет ё идоракунандаи\n"
"систем доред.\n"
"Барои муфассалӣ шумо метавонед ба пораи раҳнамоӣ доир ба пайвастшавии\n"
"Интернет, др бораи шкл муроҷиат кунед, ё ҳамту то коргузошта шудани системи\n"
"шумо интизор шуда барномаи онҷо тавсиф шударо барои коргузориш истифода\n"
"карда метавонед.\n"
"Агар шумо хоҳед, ки шабакаро баъдтар баъди коргузтриш танзим додан хоҳед ё\n"
"агар шумо танзимдарории пайвасти шабакаи худро тамом карда бошед,\n"
"\"Бекор кардан\"-ро ангушт занед."

#, c-format
msgid "Use auto detection"
msgstr "Муаяйнкунии автоматиро истифода бурдан"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"\"%s\": clicking on the \"%s\" button will open the printer configuration\n"
"wizard. Consult the corresponding chapter of the ``Starter Guide'' for more\n"
"information on how to setup a new printer. The interface presented there is\n"
"similar to the one used during installation."
msgstr ""
"\"%s\": ҳангоми ангуштзанӣ ба дагмаи \"%s\" устози ба танзимдарории чопгар "
"мешавад. Боби мувофиқи ба ``Раҳнамои Ибтидоӣ' бахшидашударо барои гирифтани\n"
"маълумоти иловагӣ оиди барпосозии чопгари нав хонед. Интерфейси дар он ҷо\n"
"пешниҳод шуда ба оне ки ҳангоми истифодаи коргузорӣ истифода мешавад, "

#: standalone/drakbackup:2688 standalone/drakbackup:2696
#: standalone/drakbackup:2704 standalone/drakbackup:2712
#, c-format
msgid "Configure"
msgstr "Танзим додан"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"This dialog is used to choose which services you wish to start at boot\n"
"DrakX will list all the services available on the current installation.\n"
"Review each one carefully and uncheck those which are not needed at boot\n"
"A short explanatory text will be displayed about a service when it is\n"
"selected. However, if you are not sure whether a service is useful or not,\n"
"it is safer to leave the default behavior.\n"
"!! At this stage, be very careful if you intend to use your machine as a\n"
"server: you will probably not want to start any services that you do not\n"
"need. Please remember that several services can be dangerous if they are\n"
"enabled on a server. In general, select only the services you really need.\n"
msgstr ""
"Акнун шумо метавонед хадамотҳое, ки дар вақти худборшавӣ оғоз кардан\n"
"мехоҳед, интихлб кунед.\n"
"Инҷо ҳамаи хадамотҳои дастрас дар коргузориши ҷорӣ номиш шудаанд. Ҳамаи\n"
"онҳоро бодиққат дида баромада онҳое, ки на ҳама вақт дар вақти худборшавӣ\n"
"лозим мешаванд, тафтиш накунед.\n"
"Шумо бо интихоби хадамоти муайян, матни кӯтоҳи шарҳдиҳанда доир ба хадамот\n"
"гирифта метавонед. Ба ҳар ҳол, агар шумо дар бораи лозим будан ё набудани\n"
"хадамот мӯътақид набошед, беҳтараш рафтори пешфарзро гузоред.\n"
"Дар ин марҳила, агар шумо нияти мошинаи худро ҳамчун хидматрасон истифода\n"
"бурдан дошта бошед хеле эҳтиёт шавед: эҳтимол шумо мехоҳед, ки хадамотҳои\n"
"нолозимаро оғоз накунед. Илтимос дар назар доред, ки хадамотҳои гуногун, "
"онҳо дар хидматрасон фаъол бошанд хатрнок буда метавонанд. Умуман, танҳо\n"
"хадамотҳое, ки ба шумо ҳақиқатан заруранд интихоб кунед."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"GNU/Linux manages time in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) and translates it to\n"
"local time according to the time zone you selected. If the clock on your\n"
"motherboard is set to local time, you may deactivate this by unselecting\n"
"\"%s\", which will let GNU/Linux know that the system clock and the\n"
"hardware clock are in the same time zone. This is useful when the machine\n"
"also hosts another operating system like Windows.\n"
"The \"%s\" option will automatically regulate the clock by connecting to a\n"
"remote time server on the Internet. For this feature to work, you must have\n"
"a working Internet connection. It is best to choose a time server located\n"
"near you. This option actually installs a time server that can be used by\n"
"other machines on your local network as well."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Hardware clock set to GMT"
msgstr "Соати сахтафзорӣ ба GMT муқаррар гардидааст"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Automatic time synchronization"
msgstr "Бозтанзимдарории автоматикӣ"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Graphic Card\n"
"   The installer will normally automatically detect and configure the\n"
"graphic card installed on your machine. If it is not the case, you can\n"
"choose from this list the card you actually have installed.\n"
"   In the situation where different servers are available for your card,\n"
"with or without 3D acceleration, you are asked to choose the server that\n"
"best suits your needs."
msgstr ""
"Корти графикӣ\n"
"   Коргузор одатан ба таври автоматӣ корти графикиро муқаррар ва танзим "
"ки он ба системи шумо муаяйн гардида бошад. Агар он ин тавр набошад, онгоҳ "
"метавонед кортро дар систем интихоб намоед, ки дар ҳақиқат коргузорӣ "
"   Дар ҳолате ки барои корти шумо хидматрасонҳои гуногун бо шитоби 3D ё бе "
"дастрас аст ба шумо пешниҳод карда мешавад, то ки шумо интихоб намоед кадом\n"
"хидматрасон пеш аз ҳама ба эҳтиёҷи шумо мувофиқат мекунад."

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"X (for X Window System) is the heart of the GNU/Linux graphical interface\n"
"on which all the graphical environments (KDE, GNOME, AfterStep,\n"
"WindowMaker, etc.) bundled with Mandrake Linux rely upon.\n"
"You will be presented with a list of different parameters to change to get\n"
"an optimal graphical display: Graphic Card\n"
"   The installer will normally automatically detect and configure the\n"
"graphic card installed on your machine. If it is not the case, you can\n"
"choose from this list the card you actually have installed.\n"
"   In the situation where different servers are available for your card,\n"
"with or without 3D acceleration, you are asked to choose the server that\n"
"best suits your needs.\n"
"   The installer will normally automatically detect and configure the\n"
"monitor connected to your machine. If it is incorrect, you can choose from\n"
"this list the monitor you actually have connected to your computer.\n"
"   Here you can choose the resolutions and color depths available for your\n"
"hardware. Choose the one that best suits your needs (you will be able to\n"
"change that after installation though). A sample of the chosen\n"
"configuration is shown in the monitor picture.\n"
"   Depending on your hardware, this entry might not appear.\n"
"   the system will try to open a graphical screen at the desired\n"
"resolution. If you can see the message during the test and answer \"%s\",\n"
"then DrakX will proceed to the next step. If you cannot see the message, it\n"
"means that some part of the auto-detected configuration was incorrect and\n"
"the test will automatically end after 12 seconds, bringing you back to the\n"
"menu. Change settings until you get a correct graphical display.\n"
"   Here you can choose whether you want to have your machine automatically\n"
"switch to a graphical interface at boot. Obviously, you want to check\n"
"\"%s\" if your machine is to act as a server, or if you were not successful\n"
"in getting the display configured."
msgstr ""
"X (барои системи X Window) ин асоси интерфейси графикии GNU/Linux мебошад,\n"
"ки дар он ҳамаи муҳитҳои графикӣ асос ёфтааст (KDE, GNOME, AfterStep,\n"
"WindowMaker ва ғайра) ва ба ҳайати Mandrake Linux дохил аст.\n"
"Ба шумо рӯйхати параметрҳои гуногуне ки ба тағироти гирифтани тасвири\n"
"беҳтарини графикӣ пешбинӣ шудааст, дода мешавад: Корти графикӣ\n"
"   Коргузор одатан ба таври автоматӣ корти графикие ки ба мошини шумо\n"
"коргузорӣ шудааст, муаяйн ва ба танзим медарорад. Агар ин тавр набошад, "
"шумо метавонед аз ин рӯйхат корте ки шумо дар ҳақиқат коргузорӣ намудед,\n"
"интихоб намоед.\n"
"   Дар ҳолате ки хидматрасонҳои гуногун барои корти шумо мавҷуд аст ё бо\n"
"шитоби 3D ё ин ки бе он, аз шумо пурсида мешавад, ки хидматрасонро интихоб\n"
"намоед, ки бештар ба эҳтиёҷи шумо мувофиқат менамояд.\n"
"   Коргузор одатан ба таври автоматӣ монитори ба мошини шумо пайваст шударо\n"
"муаяйн ва ба танзим медарорад. Агар ин нодуруст бошад, онгоҳ шумо метавонед\n"
"аз рӯйхат монитореро, ки дар ҳақиқат ба компютери шумо пайваст шудааст, "
"   Дар ин ҷо шумо метавонед иҷозат ва баландии рангеро, ки барои сахтафзори "
"мавҷуд аст, интихоб намоед. Онеро интихоб намоед, ки бештар ба эҳтиёҷи шумо\n"
"мувофиқат менамояд (шумо метавонед онро баъд аз коргузорӣ тағир диҳед)\n"
"Намунаи танзимдарории интихобшуда дар монитор инъикос ёфтааст.\n"
"   систем кӯшиш менамояд, то ки экрани графикиро мувофиқи иҷозати қобили "
"кушояд. Агар шумо пайғомро дар вақти санҷиш дида тавонед, онгоҳ ба \"%s\" "
"диҳед. Дарин  ҳолат DrakX ба қадами оянда мегузарад. Агар шумо пайғомро "
" натавонед, онгоҳ ин маънои онро дорад, ки қисме аз ба танзимдарории ба "
"автоматӣ муаяйншаванда нодуруст буда санҷиш баъди 12 сония  ба таври "
"ба итмом расида шуморо ба меню меоварад. То лаҳзаи гирифтани тасвири "
"графикӣ гузоришро тағир диҳед.\n"
"    Дар ин ҷо шумо метавонед интихоб намоед оё шумо хоҳиши ба таври "
"гузариш намудани мошини худ ба интерфейси графикӣ ҳангоми худборшавӣ доред\n"
"Зоҳиран, шумо хоҳиши тафтиш намудани \"%s\"-ро доред, агар мошини шумо бояд\n"
"ҳамчун хидматрасон кор кунад ё ин ки шумо ҳангоми гирифтани тасвири ба\n"
"танзим даровардашуда ба муваффақият ноил нашудед."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"   The installer will normally automatically detect and configure the\n"
"monitor connected to your machine. If it is incorrect, you can choose from\n"
"this list the monitor you actually have connected to your computer."
msgstr ""
"   Коргузор одатан метавонад ба таври автоматӣ мониторро муаяйн ва ба танзим "
"ба мошини шумо пайваст аст. Агар ин нодуруст бошад, онгоҳ шумо метавонед "
"мустақилона мониторро\n"
"аз рӯйхат интихоб намоед."

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"   Here you can choose the resolutions and color depths available for your\n"
"hardware. Choose the one that best suits your needs (you will be able to\n"
"change that after installation though). A sample of the chosen\n"
"configuration is shown in the monitor picture."
msgstr ""
"   Дар ин ҷо шумо метавонед ҳал ва чуқурии ранге ки ба сахтафзори шумо "
"аст, интихоб намоед. Онеро интихоб намоед, ки аз ҳама беҳтар ба эҳтиёҷи "
"мувофиқат намояд (баъд аз кор гузоштан шумо метавонед онро тағир диҳед).\n"
"Намунаи ба танзимдарории интихобшуда дар монитор дода шудааст."

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"In the situation where different servers are available for your card, with\n"
"or without 3D acceleration, you are asked to choose the server that best\n"
"suits your needs."
msgstr ""
"Дар ҳолате ки барои корти шумо хидматрасонҳои гуногун дастрас аст, бо шитоби "
"ва бе он, ба шумо таклиф карда мешавад, то ки интихоб намоед кадом "
"хидматрасон бештар ба эҳтиёҷи\n"
"шумо мувофиқат мекунад."

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"   Here you can choose whether you want to have your machine automatically\n"
"switch to a graphical interface at boot. Obviously, you want to check\n"
"\"%s\" if your machine is to act as a server, or if you were not successful\n"
"in getting the display configured."
msgstr ""
"Охиран аз шумо пурсида мешавад, ки оё шумо ҳангоми худборшавӣ интерфейси\n"
"графикиро дидан мехоҳед. Дар назар доред, ки ҳатто агар шумо санҷиш кардани\n"
"танзимдарориро интихоб накарда бошед ҳам, ин суол ба шумо дода мешавад. "
"агар мошинаи шумо мисли хадматрасон фаъолият бурдани бошад, ё ин ки агар "
"дар танзимдарории намоиш нобарор шуда бошед, шумо \"Не\" ҷавоб додан мехоҳед."

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"At this point, you need to decide where you want to install the Mandrake\n"
"Linux operating system on your hard drive. If your hard drive is empty or\n"
"if an existing operating system is using all the available space you will\n"
"have to partition the drive. Basically, partitioning a hard drive consists\n"
"of logically dividing it to create the space needed to install your new\n"
"Mandrake Linux system.\n"
"Because the process of partitioning a hard drive is usually irreversible\n"
"and can lead to lost data if there is an existing operating system already\n"
"installed on the drive, partitioning can be intimidating and stressful if\n"
"you are an inexperienced user. Fortunately, DrakX includes a wizard which\n"
"simplifies this process. Before continuing with this step, read through the\n"
"rest of this section and above all, take your time.\n"
"Depending on your hard drive configuration, several options are available:\n"
" * \"%s\": this option will perform an automatic partitioning of your blank\n"
"drive(s). If you use this option there will be no further prompts.\n"
" * \"%s\": the wizard has detected one or more existing Linux partitions on\n"
"your hard drive. If you want to use them, choose this option. You will then\n"
"be asked to choose the mount points associated with each of the partitions.\n"
"The legacy mount points are selected by default, and for the most part it's\n"
"a good idea to keep them.\n"
" * \"%s\": if Microsoft Windows is installed on your hard drive and takes\n"
"all the space available on it, you will have to create free space for\n"
"GNU/Linux. To do so, you can delete your Microsoft Windows partition and\n"
"data (see ``Erase entire disk'' solution) or resize your Microsoft Windows\n"
"FAT or NTFS partition. Resizing can be performed without the loss of any\n"
"data, provided you have previously defragmented the Windows partition.\n"
"Backing up your data is strongly recommended.. Using this option is\n"
"recommended if you want to use both Mandrake Linux and Microsoft Windows on\n"
"the same computer.\n"
"   Before choosing this option, please understand that after this\n"
"procedure, the size of your Microsoft Windows partition will be smaller\n"
"then when you started. You will have less free space under Microsoft\n"
"Windows to store your data or to install new software.\n"
" * \"%s\": if you want to delete all data and all partitions present on\n"
"your hard drive and replace them with your new Mandrake Linux system,\n"
"choose this option. Be careful, because you will not be able to undo your\n"
"choice after you confirm.\n"
"   !! If you choose this option, all data on your disk will be deleted. !!\n"
" * \"%s\": this will simply erase everything on the drive and begin fresh,\n"
"partitioning everything from scratch. All data on your disk will be lost.\n"
"   !! If you choose this option, all data on your disk will be lost. !!\n"
" * \"%s\": choose this option if you want to manually partition your hard\n"
"drive. Be careful -- it is a powerful but dangerous choice and you can very\n"
"easily lose all your data. That's why this option is really only\n"
"recommended if you have done something like this before and have some\n"
"experience. For more instructions on how to use the DiskDrake utility,\n"
"refer to the ``Managing Your Partitions'' section in the ``Starter Guide''."
msgstr ""
"Дар ин ҷо шумо бояд интихоб кунед, ки дар кадом ҷои сахтгардони худ шумо\n"
"мехоҳед системи омили Mandrake Linux-ро коргузоштан мехоҳед.Агар\n"
"сахтгардони шумо холӣ ё системи омили вуҷуддошта ҳамаи ҷои дастрасро\n"
"истифода бурда истода бошад шумо бояд онро тақсим кунед.Асосан тақсимкунии\n"
"сахтгардон аз ҷудокунии он, барои офаридани ҷой барои коргузориши ситеми\n"
"нави Mandrake Linux-и шумо иборат мебошад.\n"
"Аз барои он ки равиши тақсимкунӣ одатан бебозгашт аст, тақсимкунӣ барои\n"
"корванди  бетаҷриба метавонад пурҳарос ва даҳшатнок бошад.Хушбахтона, онҷо\n"
"устоде, ки равишро содда мекунад вуҷуд дорад.Пеш аз саркунӣ, бо раҳнамо\n"
"маслиҳат карда ввақти худро гиред.\n"
"Агар шумо коргузоришро дар усули Мутахассис кор андохта истода бошед, шумо "
"DiskDrake, асбоби бахшкунии Mandrake Linux, ки хуб мизонкунии бахшҳои "
"иҷозат медиҳад, хоҳед даромад. Порчаи DiskDrake-и раҳнаморо бинед. Аз "
"короандозӣ, шумо метавонед устодҳоро, чунонеки инҷо тавсиф шудааст, бо "
"зании дагмаи \"Устод\" дар муколама, истифода баред.\n"
"Агар бахшҳо аллакай муайян шудаанд, новобаста аз коргузориши пештара ё аз "
"бахшкунии дигар, танҳо онҳоеро ба системи Linux-и худ коргузоштан мехоҳед\n"
"интихоб кунед\n"
"Агар бахшҳо муайян нашуда бошанд, шумо бояд устодро истифода бурда онҳоро\n"
"офаред.  Вобаста ба шакли сахтгардони шумо, якчанд хосиятҳо дастрасанд:\n"
" * \"Истифодаи ҷои холӣ\": ин хосият танҳо ба бахшкунии гардон(ҳо)и холии "
"хоҳад бурд. Баъд ба шумо ёрӣ расонида намешавад.\n"
"” * \"Истифодаи бахши вуҷуддошта\": устод як ё якчанд бахшҳои Linux-и дар\n"
"сахтгардони шумо вуҷҷуддоштаро муайян кард. Агар шумо онҳоро истифода "
"хоҳед ин хосиятро интихоб кунед\n"
" * \"Истифодаи ҷои холӣ дар бахши Widows\": агар Microsoft Windows дар\n"
"сахтгарджони шумо коргузошта шуда ҳамаи ҷои холии дастрасро гирифта бошад,\n"
"шумо бояд ҷои холӣ барои додаҳои Linux офаред. Барои ин корро кардан шумо\n"
"метавонед додаҳо ва Micrisoft Windows-ро нобуд кунед (нигаред ба ҷавобҳои \n"
"\"Кӯр кардани тамоми диск\" ё \"Усули мутахассисӣ\") ё бахши\n"
"Micrisoft Windows-ро бозандоза кунед. Бозандоза кунӣ метавонад бе ягон\n"
"талафи додаҳо гузарад. Ин ҷавоб дар ҳолате тавсия мешавад, ки агар шумо ҳам\n"
"Mandrake Linux ва ҳам Microsoft Windows-ро дар як компютер истифода бурдани\n"
"   Пеш пз интихоби ин хосият, лутфан бифаҳмед, ки пас аз ин амалиёт,\n"
"ҳаҷми бахши Microsoft Windows-и шумо назар ба ҳозира хурдтар зоҳад буд.\n"
"Шумо ҷои холии кам таҳти Microsoft Windows, барои нигоҳ доштани додаҳои\n"
"худ ё коргузориши нармафзори нав, хоҳед дошт\n"
" * \"Кӯр кардани тамоми диск\": агар шумо хоҳед, ки ҳамаи додаҳо ва бахшҳои\n"
"дар сахтгардони худ вуҷуддоштаро нобуд карда онҳоро бо системи нави\n"
"Mandrake Linux-и худ иваз кунед, ин хосиятро интихоб кунед.Бо ин ҷавоб\n"
"эҳтиёт бошед, чунки баъд аз тасдиқ кардан шумо онро баргардонида "
"”   !! Агар шумо ин хосиятро интихоб кунед, ҳамаи додаҳо дар диски шумо гум\n"
"хоҳад шуд.\n"
" * \"Хориҷи Windows\": Ин ҳамту ҳамаашро дар гардони шумо кӯр карда аз нав "
"мекунад, ҳама чизро аз сиёҳнавис бахш хоҳад кард. Ҳама додаҳо дар диски шумо "
"хоҳад шуд.\n"
"  !! Агар шумо ин хосиятро интихоб кунед, ҳамаи додаҳо дар диски шумо гум\n"
"хоҳад шуд.\n"
" * \"Усули мутахассисӣ\": агар шумо хоҳед, ки сахтгардони худро дастӣ бахш\n"
"кунед ин хосиятро интихоб кунед. Оҳиста бошед - ин интихоби пурқувват вале\n"
"хатарнок мебошад. Шумо метавонед бо осонӣ ҳамаи додаҳои худро талаф\n"
"диҳед. Барои ҳамин инро то он даме, ки шумо чӣ кор карданатонро надонед,\n"
"онро интихоб накунед."

#, c-format
msgid "Use free space"
msgstr "Ҷои озодро истифод бурдан"

#, c-format
msgid "Use existing partition"
msgstr "Бахшбандии ҳозир бударо истифода баред"

#, c-format
msgid "Use the free space on the Windows partition"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Erase entire disk"
msgstr "Тамоми дискро тоза намоед"

#, c-format
msgid "Remove Windows"
msgstr "Хориҷи Windows"

#, c-format
msgid "Custom disk partitioning"
msgstr "Ҷузъбандии дастии диск"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"There you are. Installation is now complete and your GNU/Linux system is\n"
"ready to use. Just click \"%s\" to reboot the system. Don't forget to\n"
"remove the installation media (CD-ROM or floppy). The first thing you\n"
"should see after your computer has finished doing its hardware tests is the\n"
"bootloader menu, giving you the choice of which operating system to start.\n"
"The \"%s\" button shows two more buttons to:\n"
" * \"%s\": to create an installation floppy disk that will automatically\n"
"perform a whole installation without the help of an operator, similar to\n"
"the installation you just configured.\n"
"   Note that two different options are available after clicking the button:\n"
"    * \"%s\". This is a partially automated installation. The partitioning\n"
"step is the only interactive procedure.\n"
"    * \"%s\". Fully automated installation: the hard disk is completely\n"
"rewritten, all data is lost.\n"
"   This feature is very handy when installing a number of similar machines.\n"
"See the Auto install section on our web site for more information.\n"
" * \"%s\": saves a list of the packages selected in this installation. To\n"
"use this selection with another installation, insert the floppy and start\n"
"the installation. At the prompt, press the [F1] key and type >>linux\n"
"defcfg=\"floppy\" <<."
msgstr ""
"Ана шумо дар куҷо. Коргузориш акнун тамом шуд ва системи GNU/Linux-и шумо\n"
"ба истифода тайёр аст. Барои бозхудборшавии систем ҳамту \"OK\"-ро ангушт\n"
"занед. Шумо метавонед GNU/Linux ё Windows-ро, кадомашро ки мехоҳед (агар\n"
"шумо дучанд боршаванда бошед) он вақте ки компютер боз худбор шавад, оғоз "
"Дагмаи \"Пешрафта\" (танҳо дар усули Мутахассисӣ) боз ду дагмаи дигарро\n"
"нишон медиҳад, барои:\n"
" * \"эҷоди дискети худкоргузориш\": барои офаридани дискети коргузорише,\n"
"ки ба таври автоматикӣ ҳамаи коргузоришро бе ёрии амалдгар ба монанди\n"
"коргузорише, ки шумо ҳозир танзим даровардед иҷро хоҳад кард.\n"
"  Дар назар доред, ки ду хосиятҳои дигар пас аз ангуштзании дагма дастрас\n"
"хоҳад шуд:\n"
"   * \"Бознавохтан\". Ин бахшкунии қисман автоматикӣ чунки қадами бахшкунии\n"
"(ва танҳо ҳамин як) муҳовираӣ мемонад.\n"
"   * \"Автоматикӣ\". Коргузориши пурра автоматикӣ: диски сахт пурра аз нав\n"
"навишта шудааст, ҳама додаҳо гум шудаанд.\n"
" Ин хислат ҳангоми кор гузоштани мошинаҳои зиёди якхела хеле қулай аст.\n"
"Соҳаи Худкоргузоришро дар Web сайти мо бинед.\n"
" * \" Нигоҳдории интихоби қуттиҳо\"(*): интихоби қуттиҳоро чуноне, ки "
"шуда буд нигоҳ медорад. Баъд, ҳангоми кардани дигар коргузориш, дискетро\n"
"ба гардон дохил карда ва ба экрани ёрӣ рафта бо пахши дагмаи [F1] ва бо "
">>linux defcfg=\"floppy\"<< кор андозед.\n"
"(*) Шумо мӯҳтоҷи дискети FAT-шаклбандшуда мебошед (барои дар таҳти GNU/"
"офаридан, \"mformat a:\"-ро ҳуруфчинӣ кунед)"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Generate auto-install floppy"
msgstr "Дискети худкоргузориро эҷод кардан"

#, c-format
msgid "Replay"
msgstr "Такрор намудан"

#, c-format
msgid "Automated"
msgstr "Автоматикунонида"

#, c-format
msgid "Save packages selection"
msgstr "Интихоби қуттиҳоро нигоҳ доштан"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Any partitions that have been newly defined must be formatted for use\n"
"(formatting means creating a file system).\n"
"At this time, you may wish to reformat some already existing partitions to\n"
"erase any data they contain. If you wish to do that, please select those\n"
"partitions as well.\n"
"Please note that it is not necessary to reformat all pre-existing\n"
"partitions. You must reformat the partitions containing the operating\n"
"system (such as \"/\", \"/usr\" or \"/var\") but you do not have to\n"
"reformat partitions containing data that you wish to keep (typically\n"
"Please be careful when selecting partitions. After formatting, all data on\n"
"the selected partitions will be deleted and you will not be able to recover\n"
"Click on \"%s\" when you are ready to format the partitions.\n"
"Click on \"%s\" if you want to choose another partition for your new\n"
"Mandrake Linux operating system installation.\n"
"Click on \"%s\" if you wish to select partitions that will be checked for\n"
"bad blocks on the disk."
msgstr ""
"Ҳамаи бахшҳое, ки нав муайян шудаанд барои истифода бояд шаклбаста шаванд\n"
"(шаклбандӣ маънои офаридани системи файл дорад).\n"
"Дар ин вақт, шумо мумкин хоҳед, ки барои кӯр кардани ягон додаҳое, ки онҳо\n"
"соҳиб мебошанд баъзе бахшҳои аллакай мавҷуд бударо боз шакл бандед. Агар\n"
"шумо ин корро кардан хоҳед, он бахшҳоро ҳам интихоб кунед.\n"
"Ба назар гиред, ки боз шакл бастани ҳамаи бахшҳои пеш вуҷуддошта зарур "
"Шумо бояд бахшҳои соҳиби системи омилро (ба монанди\"/\", \"/usr\" ё \"/var"
"боз шакл диҳед вале шумо набояд бахшҳое, ки соҳиби додаҳое, ки шумо нигоҳ\n"
"доштан мехоҳед, шакл диҳед (одатан \"/home\").\n"
"Илтимос ҳангоми интихоби бахш оҳиста бошед. Баъди шаклдиҳӣ, ҳама додаҳо\n"
"дар бахши интихобшуда нобуд хоҳад шуд ва шумо ягонтои онро баргардонида\n"
"Вақте, ки шумо ба шаклдиҳии бахш тайёр мешавед дар \"OK\" ангушт занед.\n"
"Агар шумо барои корандозии системи омили Mandrake Linux -и худ дигар бахшро\n"
"интихоб кардан хоҳед дар \"Бекор кардан\" ангушт занед.\n"
"Агар шумо хоҳед, ки бахшҳоеро, ки барои блокҳои бад дар диск санҷида "
"интихоб кунед, дар \"Пешрафта\" ангушт занед."

#: interactive/ printer/
#: standalone/drakTermServ:371 standalone/drakbackup:4288
#: standalone/drakbackup:4316 standalone/drakbackup:4374
#: standalone/drakbackup:4400 standalone/drakbackup:4426
#: standalone/drakbackup:4483 standalone/drakbackup:4509
#: standalone/drakbackup:4539 standalone/drakbackup:4563
#, c-format
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Гузашта"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"At the time you are installing Mandrake Linux, it is likely that some\n"
"packages will have been updated since the initial release. Bugs may have\n"
"been fixed, security issues resolved. To allow you to benefit from these\n"
"updates, you are now able to download them from the Internet. Check \"%s\"\n"
"if you have a working Internet connection, or \"%s\" if you prefer to\n"
"install updated packages later.\n"
"Choosing \"%s\" will display a list of places from which updates can be\n"
"retrieved. You should choose one near to you. A package-selection tree will\n"
"appear: review the selection, and press \"%s\" to retrieve and install the\n"
"selected package(s), or \"%s\" to abort."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:4602
#, c-format
msgid "Install"
msgstr "Коргузоштан"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"At this point, DrakX will allow you to choose the security level desired\n"
"for the machine. As a rule of thumb, the security level should be set\n"
"higher if the machine will contain crucial data, or if it will be a machine\n"
"directly exposed to the Internet. The trade-off of a higher security level\n"
"is generally obtained at the expense of ease of use.\n"
"If you do not know what to choose, stay with the default option. You will\n"
"be able to change that security level later with tool draksec from the\n"
"Mandrake Control Center.\n"
"The \"%s\" field can inform the system of the user on this computer who\n"
"will be responsible for security. Security messages will be sent to that\n"
msgstr ""
"Дар ин ҷо, вақти он расид, ки савияи бехатарии дилхоҳро барои мошина\n"
"интихоб кунед. Аз рӯи қоида, чӣ қадаре, ки мошина бемуҳофизат аст ва чӣ "
"ки додаҳое, ки дар он нигоҳ дошта мешаванд, ҳалкунанда бошанд, савияи "
"ҳамон қадар бояд баланд бошад. Аммо, одатан чӣ қадаре, ки савияи бехатарӣ "
"бошад онро ҳамон қадар истифода бурдан душвор. Ба порчаи MSEC-и \"Муроҷиаи\n"
"раҳнамо\" барои маълумоти пурратар оид ба маънои ин савияҳо муроҷиат кунед."

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Security Administrator"
msgstr "Идоракунандаи Бехатарӣ:"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"At this point, you need to choose which partition(s) will be used for the\n"
"installation of your Mandrake Linux system. If partitions have already been\n"
"defined, either from a previous installation of GNU/Linux or by another\n"
"partitioning tool, you can use existing partitions. Otherwise, hard drive\n"
"partitions must be defined.\n"
"To create partitions, you must first select a hard drive. You can select\n"
"the disk for partitioning by clicking on ``hda'' for the first IDE drive,\n"
"``hdb'' for the second, ``sda'' for the first SCSI drive and so on.\n"
"To partition the selected hard drive, you can use these options:\n"
" * \"%s\": this option deletes all partitions on the selected hard drive\n"
" * \"%s\": this option enables you to automatically create ext3 and swap\n"
"partitions in the free space of your hard drive\n"
"\"%s\": gives access to additional features:\n"
" * \"%s\": saves the partition table to a floppy. Useful for later\n"
"partition-table recovery if necessary. It is strongly recommended that you\n"
"perform this step.\n"
" * \"%s\": allows you to restore a previously saved partition table from a\n"
"floppy disk.\n"
" * \"%s\": if your partition table is damaged, you can try to recover it\n"
"using this option. Please be careful and remember that it doesn't always\n"
" * \"%s\": discards all changes and reloads the partition table that was\n"
"originally on the hard drive.\n"
" * \"%s\": un-checking this option will force users to manually mount and\n"
"unmount removable media such as floppies and CD-ROMs.\n"
" * \"%s\": use this option if you wish to use a wizard to partition your\n"
"hard drive. This is recommended if you do not have a good understanding of\n"
" * \"%s\": use this option to cancel your changes.\n"
" * \"%s\": allows additional actions on partitions (type, options, format)\n"
"and gives more information about the hard drive.\n"
" * \"%s\": when you are finished partitioning your hard drive, this will\n"
"save your changes back to disk.\n"
"When defining the size of a partition, you can finely set the partition\n"
"size by using the Arrow keys of your keyboard.\n"
"Note: you can reach any option using the keyboard. Navigate through the\n"
"partitions using [Tab] and the [Up/Down] arrows.\n"
"When a partition is selected, you can use:\n"
" * Ctrl-c to create a new partition (when an empty partition is selected)\n"
" * Ctrl-d to delete a partition\n"
" * Ctrl-m to set the mount point\n"
"To get information about the different file system types available, please\n"
"read the ext2FS chapter from the ``Reference Manual''.\n"
"If you are installing on a PPC machine, you will want to create a small HFS\n"
"``bootstrap'' partition of at least 1MB which will be used by the yaboot\n"
"bootloader. If you opt to make the partition a bit larger, say 50MB, you\n"
"may find it a useful place to store a spare kernel and ramdisk images for\n"
"emergency boot situations."
msgstr ""
"Дар ин ҷо шумо бояд бахш(ҳо)е, ки барои коргузориши системи Mandrake Linux-"
"шумо иштирок хоҳанд кард, интихоб кунед. Агар бахшҳо аллакай муайян шуда\n"
"бошанд, ё аз коргузориши пештараи GNU/Linux ё аз асбоби бахшкунии дигар\n"
"шумо бахшҳои вуҷуддоштаро истифода бурда метавонед. Дар ҳолати дигар\n"
"бахшҳои сахтгардон бояд муайян шаванд.\n"
"Барои офаридани бахшҳо шумо аввал бояд сахтгардонро интихоб кунед. Шумо\n"
"метавонед дискро барои бахшкунӣ бо ангуштзании \"hda\" барои гардони\n"
"аввали IDE, \"hdb\" барои дуюм, \"sda\" барои гардони аввали SCSI ва "
"ҳамин интихоб кунед.\n"
"Барои бахшкунии сахтгардони интихобшуда шумо метавонед ин хосиятҳоро\n"
"истифода баред:\n"
" * \"Тоза кардани ҳамааш\": ин хосият тамоми бахшҳоро дар гардони "
"нобуд хоҳад кард.\n"
" * \"Худғунҷонӣ\": ин хосият ба шумо ёрӣ мерасонад, ки ба таври автоматикӣ "
"офарида тамоми бахшҳоро дар ҷои холии сахтгардони худ бударо мубодила\n"
" * \"Наҷотдиҳандаи ҷадвали бахшҳо\": Агар ҷадвали бахшҳои шумо зарар дида\n"
"бошад, шумо метавонед ин хосиятро истифода бурда дуруст кардани онро кӯшиш\n"
"кунед. Илтимос оҳиста бошед ва дар хотир доред, ки ин метавонад нагузарад.\n"
" * \"Баргардонидан\": агар шумо хоҳед, ки ҳамаи иловаҳоро бекор кунед ин\n"
"хосиятро интихоб кунед.\n"
" * \"Бозкорандохтан\": агар шумо хоҳед, ки ҳамаи ивазҳоро баргардонида "
"бахшҳои аввалинро кор андохтан хлҳед, шумо метавонед ин хосиятро истифода\n"
" * \"Устод\": агар шумо хоҳед, ки барои бахшкунии сахтгардони худ устодро\n"
"истифода баред, ин хосиятро истифода бурда метавонед. Агар шумо дониши нағз\n"
"дар бахшкунӣ надошта бошед, он ба шумо тавсия мешавад.\n"
" * \"Барқарор аз дискет\": ин хосият ба шумо имконият медиҳад, ки ҷадвали "
"пештара нигоҳ дошта шударо аз дискет барқарор кунед.\n"
" * \"Дар дискет нигоҳ доштан\": ҷадвали бахшкуниро ба дискет нигоҳ медорад.\n"
"Барои барқарори ҷадвали бахшҳо агар зарур шавад фоиданок аст. Он барои "
"ин қадам сахт тавсия мешавад.\n"
" * \"Шуд\": вақте, ки шумо бахшкунии сахтгардони худро тамом мекунед он\n"
"ивазҳои шуморо ба диск нигоҳ хоҳад дошт.\n"
"Дар назар доред: шумо ҳар як хосиятро бо забонак расида метавонед. Байни\n"
"бахшҳо бо истифодаи [Tab] ва [Up/Down] тирҳо гузашта метавонед.\n"
"Вақте ки бахш интихоб шуд, шумо метавонед истифода баред:\n"
" * Ctrl-c барои офаридани бахши нав (вақте, ки базши холӣ интихоб шудааст);\n"
" * Ctrl-d барои нобуд кардани бахш\n"
" * Ctrl-m барои гузориши нуқтаи васл.\n"
"Агар шумо дар мошинаи PPC коргузориш карда истода бошед, шумо мехоҳед, ки\n"
"бахши хурди HFS \"худраҳандоз\", ки ақалан 1МБ бошад, ки бо корандози\n"
"худборшави yaхудборшав истифода хоҳад бурд, офаред.Агар шумо бахшро\n"
"каме калонтар кардан хоҳед, 50МБ гӯед, шумо онро ҷои фоиданок барои нигоҳ\n"
"доштани асосҳои озод ва симоҳои ramdisk барои ҳолатҳои худборшавии\n"
"ғайричашмдошт, хоҳед ёфт."

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Removable media auto-mounting"
msgstr "Худваслкунии хориҷшавандаи муҳит"

#, c-format
msgid "Toggle between normal/expert mode"
msgstr "Зомин байни усули мӯътадил/мутахассисӣ"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"More than one Microsoft partition has been detected on your hard drive.\n"
"Please choose the one which you want to resize in order to install your new\n"
"Mandrake Linux operating system.\n"
"Each partition is listed as follows: \"Linux name\", \"Windows name\"\n"
"\"Linux name\" is structured: \"hard drive type\", \"hard drive number\",\n"
"\"partition number\" (for example, \"hda1\").\n"
"\"Hard drive type\" is \"hd\" if your hard dive is an IDE hard drive and\n"
"\"sd\" if it is a SCSI hard drive.\n"
"\"Hard drive number\" is always a letter after \"hd\" or \"sd\". With IDE\n"
"hard drives:\n"
" * \"a\" means \"master hard drive on the primary IDE controller\";\n"
" * \"b\" means \"slave hard drive on the primary IDE controller\";\n"
" * \"c\" means \"master hard drive on the secondary IDE controller\";\n"
" * \"d\" means \"slave hard drive on the secondary IDE controller\".\n"
"With SCSI hard drives, an \"a\" means \"lowest SCSI ID\", a \"b\" means\n"
"\"second lowest SCSI ID\", etc.\n"
"\"Windows name\" is the letter of your hard drive under Windows (the first\n"
"disk or partition is called \"C:\")."
msgstr ""
"Зиёда аз як бахши Microsoft Windows дар сахтгардони шумо муайян шуд. "
"ки шумо барои кор гузоштани системи омили нави Mandrake Linux-и худ бозҳаҷм\n"
"гирифтан мехоҳед, интхоб кунед.\n"
"Ҳар як бахш чунин ба рӯйхат гирифта шудааст: \"Номи Linux\", \"Номи Windows"
"\"Номи Linux\" чунин сохт дорад: \"навъи сахтгардон\", \"рақами сахтгардон"
"\"рақами бахш\" (барои мисол, \"hdal\").\n"
"\"Навъи сахтгардон\", агар шумо сахтгардони IDE  дошта бошед \"hd\" "
"ва \"sd\" агар шумо SCSI дошта бошед.\n"
"\"Рақами сахтгардон\" ин ҳама вақт ҳарфест баъд аз \"hd\" ё \"sd\". Бо "
" * \"a\" маънои \"сахтгардони соҳиб дар нозири аввалаи IDE\"-ро дорад,\n"
" * \"b\" маънои \"сахтгардони ғулом дар нозири аввалаи IDE\"-ро дорад.\n"
" * \"c\" маънои \"сахтгардони соҳиб дар нозири дуввуми IDE\"-ро дорад.\n"
" * \"d\" маънои \"сахтгардони ғулом дар нозири дуввуми IDE\"-ро дорад.\n"
"Бо сахтгардонҳои SCSI, \"a\" маънои \"Шиносномаи пасттарини SCSI\", \"b\" "
"\"Дуюм шиносномаи пасттарини SCSI\", ва ғ. Дорад.\n"
"\"Номи Windows\" ин ҳарфи сахтгардони шумо таҳти Windows (диск ё бахши якум\n"
"\"C:\" номида мешавад)."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"\"%s\": check the current country selection. If you are not in this\n"
"country, click on the \"%s\" button and choose another one. If your country\n"
"is not in the first list shown, click the \"%s\" button to get the complete\n"
"country list."
msgstr ""
"\"%s\": интихоби ҳозираи мамлакатро санҷед. Агар дар ин мамлакат набошед, "
"ба дагмаи \"%s\" ангушта зада дигарашро интихоб намоед.\n"
"Агар мамлакати шумо дар рӯйхати аввалаи нишондода шуда набошад, онгоҳ ба\n"
"дагмаи \"%s\"ангушт зада рӯйхати пурро бинед."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"This step is activated only if an existing GNU/Linux partition has been\n"
"found on your machine.\n"
"DrakX now needs to know if you want to perform a new install or an upgrade\n"
"of an existing Mandrake Linux system:\n"
" * \"%s\": For the most part, this completely wipes out the old system. If\n"
"you wish to change how your hard drives are partitioned, or change the file\n"
"system, you should use this option. However, depending on your partitioning\n"
"scheme, you can prevent some of your existing data from being over-written.\n"
" * \"%s\": this installation class allows you to update the packages\n"
"currently installed on your Mandrake Linux system. Your current\n"
"partitioning scheme and user data is not altered. Most of other\n"
"configuration steps remain available, similar to a standard installation.\n"
"Using the ``Upgrade'' option should work fine on Mandrake Linux systems\n"
"running version \"8.1\" or later. Performing an Upgrade on versions prior\n"
"to Mandrake Linux version \"8.1\" is not recommended."
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Depending on the language you chose in section , DrakX will automatically\n"
"select a particular type of keyboard configuration. Check that the\n"
"selection suits you or choose another keyboard layout.\n"
"Also, you may not have a keyboard that corresponds exactly to your\n"
"language: for example, if you are an English-speaking Swiss native, you may\n"
"have a Swiss keyboard. Or if you speak English and are located in Quebec,\n"
"you may find yourself in the same situation where your native language and\n"
"country-set keyboard do not match. In either case, this installation step\n"
"will allow you to select an appropriate keyboard from a list.\n"
"Click on the \"%s\" button to be presented with the complete list of\n"
"supported keyboards.\n"
"If you choose a keyboard layout based on a non-Latin alphabet, the next\n"
"dialog will allow you to choose the key binding that will switch the\n"
"keyboard between the Latin and non-Latin layouts."
msgstr ""
"Одатан, DrakX забонаки дурустро интихоб мекунад (вобаста ба забоне, ки шумо\n"
"интихоб кардаед) ва шумо ин қадамро ҳатто намебинед. Ба ҳар ҳол шумо мумкин\n"
"забонаке, ки айнан ба забони шумо мувофиқат мекунад надошта бошед, Агар "
"шахси Суиси англисзабон бошед, шумо мумкин забонаки Суиси хоҳед. Ё агар "
"Англисӣ сухан ронда дар Квебек зиндагӣ мекарда бошед, шумо худро дар ҳамин "
"меёбед. Дар ҳар ду ҳолат, шумо бояд ба ин қадами коргузориш баргардед ва "
"муносибро аз рӯйхат интихоб кунед.\n"
"Барои дастрас кардани рӯйхати пурраи забонакҳои таъмин шуда дар \"Бисьёртар"
"ангушт занед."

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Your choice of preferred language will affect the language of the\n"
"documentation, the installer and the system in general. Select first the\n"
"region you are located in, and then the language you speak.\n"
"Clicking on the \"%s\" button will allow you to select other languages to\n"
"be installed on your workstation, thereby installing the language-specific\n"
"files for system documentation and applications. For example, if you will\n"
"host users from Spain on your machine, select English as the default\n"
"language in the tree view and \"%s\" in the Advanced section.\n"
"About UTF-8 (unicode) support: Unicode is a new character encoding meant to\n"
"cover all existing languages. Though full support for it in GNU/Linux is\n"
"still under development. For that reason, Mandrake Linux will be using it\n"
"or not depending on the user choices:\n"
" * If you choose a languages with a strong legacy encoding (latin1\n"
"languages, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Thai, Greek, Turkish, most\n"
"iso-8859-2 languages), the legacy encoding will be used by default;\n"
" * Other languages will use unicode by default;\n"
" * If two or more languages are required, and those languages are not using\n"
"the same encoding, then unicode will be used for the whole system;\n"
" * Finally, unicode can also be forced for the system at user request by\n"
"selecting option \"%s\" independently of which language(s) have been\n"
"Note that you're not limited to choosing a single additional language. You\n"
"may choose several ones, or even install them all by selecting the \"%s\"\n"
"box. Selecting support for a language means translations, fonts, spell\n"
"checkers, etc. for that language will also be installed.\n"
"To switch between the various languages installed on the system, you can\n"
"launch the \"/usr/sbin/localedrake\" command as \"root\" to change the\n"
"language used by the entire system. Running the command as a regular user\n"
"will only change the language settings for that particular user."
msgstr ""
"Илтимос забони дилхоҳи худро барои коргузориш ва истифода интихоб кунед.\n"
"Ангуштзанӣ дар дагмаи \"Пешрафта\" ба шумо имконият медиҳад, ки дигар\n"
"забонҳое, ки бояд дар истгоҳӣ корӣ коргузориш шаванд интихоб кунед. "
"дигар забонҳо файлҳои забон муайян кунандаро барои ҳуҷҷатҳои систем ва "
"кор хоҳад гузошт. Барои мисол, агар шумо корвандҳоро аз Испониё дар мошинаи "
"қабул кунед, Англисиро ҳамчун забони асосӣ дар намуди шохагӣ интихоб кунед "
"ва дар\n"
"қисмати Пешрафта дар ситораи хокистарӣ муносиб бв \"Испониё|Испониёгӣ\" "
"Дар назар доред, ки якчанд забонҳо метавонанд коргузориш шаванд. Вақте, ки "
"ягон маҳали иловагтро интихоб кардед барои давом додан дар \"OK\" ангушт "

#, c-format
msgid "Espanol"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Usually, DrakX has no problems detecting the number of buttons on your\n"
"mouse. If it does, it assumes you have a two-button mouse and will\n"
"configure it for third-button emulation. The third-button mouse button of a\n"
"two-button mouse can be ``pressed'' by simultaneously clicking the left and\n"
"right mouse buttons. DrakX will automatically know whether your mouse uses\n"
"a PS/2, serial or USB interface.\n"
"In case you have a 3 buttons mouse without wheel, you can choose the mouse\n"
"that says \"%s\". DrakX will then configure your mouse so that you can\n"
"simulate the wheel with it: to do so, press the middle button and move your\n"
"mouse up and down.\n"
"If for some reason you wish to specify a different type of mouse, select it\n"
"from the list provided.\n"
"If you choose a mouse other than the default, a test screen will be\n"
"displayed. Use the buttons and wheel to verify that the settings are\n"
"correct and that the mouse is working correctly. If the mouse is not\n"
"working well, press the space bar or [Return] key to cancel the test and to\n"
"go back to the list of choices.\n"
"Wheel mice are occasionally not detected automatically, so you will need to\n"
"select your mouse from a list. Be sure to select the one corresponding to\n"
"the port that your mouse is attached to. After selecting a mouse and\n"
"pressing the \"%s\" button, a mouse image is displayed on-screen. Scroll\n"
"the mouse wheel to ensure that it is activated correctly. Once you see the\n"
"on-screen scroll wheel moving as you scroll your mouse wheel, test the\n"
"buttons and check that the mouse pointer moves on-screen as you move your\n"
msgstr ""
"Ба таври пешфарз, DrakX фарз мекунад, ки шумо муши дудагмагӣ доред ва онро\n"
"барои тақлидкунии сеюм дагма гузориш хоҳад кард. DrakX ба таври автоматикӣ\n"
"хоҳад донист, ки он PS/2, сериол ё муши USB аст.\n"
"Агар шумо хоҳед, ки навъи дигари мушро муайян кунед навъи муносибро аз "
"таъмиршуда интихоб кунед.\n"
"Агар шумо муши аз пешфарз дигарро интихоб кунед, ба шумо экрани санҷиши муш\n"
"номоиш дода мешавад. Дагмаҳо ва чархро истифода бурда муайян кунед, ки оё\n"
"гузориш дуруст аст. Агар муш дуруст кор накарда истода бошад, пкнели "
"пахш кунед ё  БАРГАШТАН-ро барои \"Бекор кардан\" ва аз нав интихоб кунед."

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "with Wheel emulation"
msgstr "Се дагма бо намунаи ғилдиракча"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Please select the correct port. For example, the \"COM1\" port under\n"
"Windows is named \"ttyS0\" under GNU/Linux."
msgstr ""
"Лутфан бандари дурустро интихоб кунед. Барои мисол, бандари \"COM1\" таҳти "
"Windows дар таҳти GNU/Linux \"ttySO\" номида мешавад."

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"This is the most crucial decision point for the security of your GNU/Linux\n"
"system: you have to enter the \"root\" password. \"Root\" is the system\n"
"administrator and is the only user authorized to make updates, add users,\n"
"change the overall system configuration, and so on. In short, \"root\" can\n"
"do everything! That is why you must choose a password that is difficult to\n"
"guess - DrakX will tell you if the password you chose is too easy. As you\n"
"can see, you are not forced to enter a password, but we strongly advise you\n"
"against this. GNU/Linux is just as prone to operator error as any other\n"
"operating system. Since \"root\" can overcome all limitations and\n"
"unintentionally erase all data on partitions by carelessly accessing the\n"
"partitions themselves, it is important that it be difficult to become\n"
"The password should be a mixture of alphanumeric characters and at least 8\n"
"characters long. Never write down the \"root\" password -- it makes it far\n"
"too easy to compromise a system.\n"
"One caveat -- do not make the password too long or complicated because you\n"
"must be able to remember it!\n"
"The password will not be displayed on screen as you type it in. To reduce\n"
"the chance of a blind typing error you will need to enter the password\n"
"twice. If you do happen to make the same typing error twice, this\n"
"``incorrect'' password will be the one you will have use the first time you\n"
"If you wish access to this computer to be controlled by an authentication\n"
"server, click the \"%s\" button.\n"
"If your network uses either LDAP, NIS, or PDC Windows Domain authentication\n"
"services, select the appropriate one for \"%s\". If you do not know which\n"
"one to use, you should ask your network administrator.\n"
"If you happen to have problems with remembering passwords, if your computer\n"
"will never be connected to the Internet and you absolutely trust everybody\n"
"who uses your computer, you can choose to have \"%s\"."
msgstr ""
"Ин нуқтаи ҳалкунандаи асосӣ барои бехатарии системи GNU/Linux-и шумо аст: "
"бояд гузарвожаи \"root\"-ро дохил кунед. \"root\" ин идаракунандаи систем "
"буда танҳо\n"
"вай метавонад афзоишҳо гузаронад, корвандҳо илова кунад, тамоми шакли "
"иваз кунад, ва ғ. Кӯтоҳ карда гӯем \"root\" қодири ҳама кор мебошад! Барои "
"шумо бояд гузарвожае интихоб кунед, ки ҳадс задани он душвор бошад - агар он "
"содда бошад DrakX ба шумо хоҳад гуфт. Чӣ тавре, ки шумо дида метавонед, "
"метавонед гузарвожа дохил накарданро интихоб кунед, вале мо ба шуми "
"он маслиҳат медиҳем танҳо барои як сабаб: гумон накунед, ки азбаски шумо\n"
"GNU/Linux-ро худбор кардед, системҳои омили дигари шумо аз хатогӣ эминанд.\n"
"Азбаски \"root\" ҳама маҳдудиятҳоро ва кӯркунии ногаҳонии додаҳоро дар "
"бо қабулкунии беэҳтиётонаи худи бахшҳоро, гузашта метавонад  барои ҳамин "
"муҳим аст, ки \"root\" шудан бояд душвор шавад.\n"
"Гузарвожа бояд омехтаи аломатҳои алифбоӣ-ададие бошад, ки аққалан аз 8 "
"иборат аст. Ҳеҷ вақт гшузарвожаро \"root\" нанависед - ин таҳти хатар "
"системро хеле осон мекунад.\n"
"Вале, гузарвожаро хеле дароз ё мураккаб накунед, чунки шумо бояд онро бе\n"
"кӯшиши зиёд дар хотир ногоҳ доред.\n"
"Ҳангоми гузарвожаро ҳуруфчинӣ кардан он дар экран намоиш дода намешавад.\n"
"Барои ҳамин шумо бояд гузарвожаро, барои кам кардани имконияти ҳуруфчинии\n"
"хатогӣ ду бор ҳуруфчинӣ кунед. Агар шумо як хатогии ҳуруфчиниро дар ҳар ду\n"
"дафъа карда бошед, ин гузарвожаи \"хато\" бояд дар бори аввалине, ки шумо "
"мешаваед истифода шавад.\n"
"Дар усули мутахассисӣ аз шумо пурсида мешавад, ки оё шумо ба хидматрасони\n"
"аслшинос ба монанди NIS ё LDAP пайваст хоҳед шуд.\n"
"Агар шабакаи шумо қарордоди LDAP(ё NIS)-ро барои аслшиносӣ истифода мебурда\n"
"бошад, \"LDAP\"  \"NIS\")-ро ҳамчун аслшинос интихоб кунед. Агар шумо "
"аз идоракунандаи шабакаатон пурсед.\n"
"Агар компютери шумо ба ягон шабакаи идорашаванда вайваст набошад, шумо "
"ки \"Файлҳои маҳаллӣ\"-ро барои аслшиносӣ интихоб кунед."

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "authentication"
msgstr "Шиносномаи гузаргоҳ"

#. -PO: keep this short or else the buttons will not fit in the window
#, c-format
msgid "No password"
msgstr "Гузарвожа нест"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"This dialog allows you to fine tune your bootloader:\n"
" * \"%s\": there are three choices for your bootloader:\n"
"    * \"%s\": if you prefer GRUB (text menu).\n"
"    * \"%s\": if you prefer LILO with its text menu interface.\n"
"    * \"%s\": if you prefer LILO with its graphical interface.\n"
" * \"%s\": in most cases, you will not change the default (\"%s\"), but if\n"
"you prefer, the bootloader can be installed on the second hard drive\n"
"(\"%s\"), or even on a floppy disk (\"%s\");\n"
" * \"%s\": after a boot or a reboot of the computer, this is the delay\n"
"given to the user at the console to select a boot entry other than the\n"
" * \"%s\": ACPI is a new standard (appeared during year 2002) for power\n"
"management, notably for laptops. If you know your hardware supports it and\n"
"you need it, check this box.\n"
" * \"%s\": If you noticed hardware problems on your machine (IRQ conflicts,\n"
"instabilities, machine freeze, ...) you should try disabling APIC by\n"
"checking this box.\n"
"!! Be aware that if you choose not to install a bootloader (by selecting\n"
"\"%s\"), you must ensure that you have a way to boot your Mandrake Linux\n"
"system! Be sure you know what you are doing before changing any of the\n"
"options. !!\n"
"Clicking the \"%s\" button in this dialog will offer advanced options which\n"
"are normally reserved for the expert user."
msgstr ""
"LILO ва grub корандозони худборшави GNU/Linux мебошанд. Ин марҳила\n"
"одатан пурра автоматикӣ кунонида мебошад. Дар амал, DrakX соҳаҳои\n"
"худборшавиро дида баромада аз рӯи он амал мекунад, вобаста ба он, ки вай\n"
"дар онҷо чӣ меёбад:\n"
" * агар соҳаи худборшавӣ Windows ёфт шавад, вай онро бо соҳаи худбошави\n"
"grub/LILO иваз хоҳад кард. Барои ҳамин, шумо метавонед қодир шавед, ки ё\n"
"GNU/Linux ё ягон СО-и дигарро кор андозед;\n"
" * агар соҳаи худборшави grub ё LILO ёфт шавад, вай онро бо наваш иваз\n"
"хоҳад кард.\n"
"агар дар шубҳа бошад, DrakX муколамаро бо интихобҳои гуногун нишон медиҳад.\n"
" * \"Корандози худборшав барои истифода\": шумо се интихоб доред:\n"
"    * \"GRUB\": агар шумо GRUB-ро афзал донед (менюи матн)\n"
"    * \"LILO бо менюи графикӣ\": агар шумо LILO-ро бо интерфейси графикии\n"
"он афзал донед.\n"
"    * \"LILO бо менюи матн\": агар шумо LILO-ро бо интерфейси менюи мтни он\n"
"афзал донед.\n"
" * \"Дастгоҳи худборкунӣ\": дар бисёр ҳолатҳо шумо пешфарзро (\"/dev/hda\")\n"
"иваз нахоҳед кард, вале агар шумо хоҳед, корандози худборшав метавонад ба\n"
"сахтгардони дуюм (\"/dev/hdb\") ё ҳатто дар дискет (\"/dev/fd0\")\n"
"корандохта шавад.\n"
"* \"Андармонӣ пеш аз худборкунии симои пешфарз\": ҳангоми бозпурборкунии\n"
"компютер, ин андармоние, ки дар менюи корандози худборшав ба корванд барои\n"
"интихоби -- элементи худборшави дигар назар ба пешфарз имконият медиҳад.\n"
"!! Эҳтиёт бошед, агар Шумо корандози худборшавро кор нагузоштанро интихоб\n"
"кунед (бо интихоби ҳозир \"Бекор кардан\"), Шумо бояд барои пурборкунии\n"
"системи Mandrake Linux ягон роҳашро пешгирӣ кунед! Инчунин, мӯътақид шавед,\n"
"ки Шумо чӣ кор карданатонро медонед,пеш аз ивази ягон интихобҳо.!!\n"
"Бо пахшкунии дагмаи \"Пешрафт\" дар ин муколима ба Шумо якчанд интихобҳои\n"
"пешрафта пешниҳод карда мешавад, ки барои корвандони коршинос захира шудааст."

#, c-format
msgid "GRUB"
msgstr "GRUB"

#, c-format
msgid "/dev/hda"
msgstr "/dev/hda"

#, c-format
msgid "/dev/hdb"
msgstr "/dev/hdb"

#, c-format
msgid "/dev/fd0"
msgstr "/dev/fd0"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Delay before booting the default image"
msgstr "Пеш аз худборшавӣ андармони симои пешфарз"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Force no APIC"
msgstr "APIC-ро манъ намудан"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"After you have configured the general bootloader parameters, the list of\n"
"boot options that will be available at boot time will be displayed.\n"
"If there are other operating systems installed on your machine they will\n"
"automatically be added to the boot menu. You can fine-tune the existing\n"
"options by clicking \"%s\" to create a new entry; selecting an entry and\n"
"clicking \"%s\" or \"%s\" to modify or remove it. \"%s\" validates your\n"
"You may also not want to give access to these other operating systems to\n"
"anyone who goes to the console and reboots the machine. You can delete the\n"
"corresponding entries for the operating systems to remove them from the\n"
"bootloader menu, but you will need a boot disk in order to boot those other\n"
"operating systems!"
msgstr ""
"Баъд аз он ки шумо параметрҳои асосии боркунандаи авваларо ба танзим "
"рӯйхати намунаҳои худборшаве ки ҳангоми оғоз намудан дастрас аст, нишон "
"Агар ба мошинаи шумо дигар системҳои операсионӣ коргузорӣ шуда бошад, онгоҳ\n"
"онҳо ба таври автоматӣ ба менюи боркунӣ илова карда мешавад. Шумо метавонед\n"
"ба таври аниқ ба воситаи пахши \"%s\" параметрҳои вуҷуддоштаро барои "
"элементи навро тартиб диҳед; \"%s\" ё \"%s\"-ро пахш намуда онро тағир ё "
"менамоед. \"%s\" тағироти шуморо тасдиқ менамояд\n"
"Инчунин шумо мехоҳед роҳи ба системҳои операсионӣ ба онҳое ки то нозиргоҳ\n"
"мерасанд ва ин мошинро ба кор меандозанд пешниҳод намоед. Дар ин ҳолат шумо\n"
"метавонед элементҳои мувофиқро хориҷ намоед, лекин ба шумо корандози\n"
"худборшав барои худбор намудани ин системҳои операсионӣ  лозим мегардад !"

#: interactive/
#: standalone/drakbackup:1843 standalone/drakfont:586 standalone/drakfont:649
#: standalone/drakvpn:329 standalone/drakvpn:690
#, c-format
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Илова"

#: interactive/
#, c-format
msgid "Modify"
msgstr "Иваз"

#: interactive/
#: standalone/drakvpn:329 standalone/drakvpn:690
#, c-format
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Хориҷ"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"LILO and GRUB are GNU/Linux bootloaders. Normally, this stage is totally\n"
"automated. DrakX will analyze the disk boot sector and act according to\n"
"what it finds there:\n"
" * if a Windows boot sector is found, it will replace it with a GRUB/LILO\n"
"boot sector. This way you will be able to load either GNU/Linux or any\n"
"other OS installed on your machine.\n"
" * if a GRUB or LILO boot sector is found, it will replace it with a new\n"
"If it cannot make a determination, DrakX will ask you where to place the\n"
"bootloader. Generally, the \"%s\" is the safest place. Choosing \"%s\"\n"
"won't install any bootloader. Use it only if you know what you are doing."
msgstr ""
"LILO ва grub корандозҳои худборшави GNU/Linux мебошад. Ин қадам пурра\n"
"автоматикунонида шудааст. DrakX соҳаи худборшавии дискетро таҳлил менамояд\n"
"ва мувофиқи чизи дар он ҷой ёфтааш амал мекунад:\n"
" * агар соҳаи худборшавии Windows ёфт шавад, онгоҳ онро ба соҳаи "
"grub/LILO иваз хоҳад кард. Пас, шумо метавонед ҳам GNU/Linux ва ҳам ОС-и\n"
"дигарро кор андозед.\n"
" * агар соҳаи худборшавии grub ё LILO ёфт шавад, онгоҳ онро ба наваш иваз "
"Агар номуайянӣ рӯй диҳад, онгоҳ DrakX аз шумо мепурсад, ки дар куҷо\n"
"корандози худборшавро ҷойгир намуд."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Now, it's time to select a printing system for your computer. Other OSs may\n"
"offer you one, but Mandrake Linux offers two. Each of the printing systems\n"
"is best suited to particular types of configuration.\n"
" * \"%s\" -- which is an acronym for ``print, don't queue'', is the choice\n"
"if you have a direct connection to your printer, you want to be able to\n"
"panic out of printer jams, and you do not have networked printers. (\"%s\"\n"
"will handle only very simple network cases and is somewhat slow when used\n"
"with networks.) It's recommended that you use \"pdq\" if this is your first\n"
"experience with GNU/Linux.\n"
" * \"%s\" - `` Common Unix Printing System'', is an excellent choice for\n"
"printing to your local printer or to one halfway around the planet. It is\n"
"simple to configure and can act as a server or a client for the ancient\n"
"\"lpd \" printing system, so it is compatible with older operating systems\n"
"which may still need print services. While quite powerful, the basic setup\n"
"is almost as easy as \"pdq\". If you need to emulate a \"lpd\" server, make\n"
"sure you turn on the \"cups-lpd \" daemon. \"%s\" includes graphical\n"
"front-ends for printing or choosing printer options and for managing the\n"
"If you make a choice now, and later find that you don't like your printing\n"
"system you may change it by running PrinterDrake from the Mandrake Control\n"
"Center and clicking the expert button."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "pdq"
msgstr "pdq"

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "CUPS"
msgstr "CUPS"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"DrakX will first detect any IDE devices present in your computer. It will\n"
"also scan for one or more PCI SCSI cards on your system. If a SCSI card is\n"
"found, DrakX will automatically install the appropriate driver.\n"
"Because hardware detection is not foolproof, DrakX may fail in detecting\n"
"your hard drives. If so, you'll have to specify your hardware by hand.\n"
"If you had to manually specify your PCI SCSI adapter, DrakX will ask if you\n"
"want to configure options for it. You should allow DrakX to probe the\n"
"hardware for the card-specific options which are needed to initialize the\n"
"adapter. Most of the time, DrakX will get through this step without any\n"
"If DrakX is not able to probe for the options to automatically determine\n"
"which parameters need to be passed to the hardware, you'll need to manually\n"
"configure the driver."
msgstr ""
"Сараввал DrakX дастгоҳҳои дилхоҳи IDE-и ба компютери шумо омадаро муаяйн\n"
"менамояд. Инчунин он системи шумо барои як ё кортҳои PCI SCSI зиёд баррасӣ\n"
"менамояд. Агар корти SCSI ёфт шавад, онгоҳ DrakX ба таври автоматӣ ронандаи\n"
"лозимаро коргузорӣ менамояд.\n"
"Азбаски муаяйнкунии сахтафзор на ҳама вақт боваринок аст, DrakX\n"
"шояд бо муяйнкунии гардонҳои сахт ба муваффақият ноил нагардад. Агар ин "
"бошад ба шумо лозим аст, то ки дастӣ сахтафзори худро нишон диҳед.\n"
"Агар шумо созгори худро дастӣ нишон дода бошед, онгоҳ DrakX аз шумо "
"оё барои он хоҳиши ба танзим даровардани интихобҳоро доред.\n"
"Шумо бояд ба DrakX иҷозат диҳед, то ки интихобҳои барои корт махсус бударо\n"
"санҷед, ки барои коргузории созгор зарур аст. Одатан DrakX ин марҳиларо бе\n"
"душворӣ мегузарад.\n"
"Агар DrakX параметрҳои ба сахтфзор лозим буда муаяйн карда натавонад,\n"
"онгоҳ ба шумо лозим аст, то ки дастӣ ронандаро ба танзим дароред."

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"You can add additional entries in yaboot for other operating systems,\n"
"alternate kernels, or for an emergency boot image.\n"
"For other OSs, the entry consists only of a label and the \"root\"\n"
"For Linux, there are a few possible options:\n"
" * Label: this is the name you will have to type at the yaboot prompt to\n"
"select this boot option.\n"
" * Image: this is the name of the kernel to boot. Typically, vmlinux or a\n"
"variation of vmlinux with an extension.\n"
" * Root: the \"root\" device or ``/'' for your Linux installation.\n"
" * Append: on Apple hardware, the kernel append option is often used to\n"
"assist in initializing video hardware, or to enable keyboard mouse button\n"
"emulation for the missing 2nd and 3rd mouse buttons on a stock Apple mouse.\n"
"The following are some examples:\n"
"   \t      video=aty128fb:vmode:17,cmode:32,mclk:71 adb_buttons=103,111\n"
"   \t      video=atyfb:vmode:12,cmode:24 adb_buttons=103,111\n"
" * Initrd: this option can be used either to load initial modules before\n"
"the boot device is available, or to load a ramdisk image for an emergency\n"
"boot situation.\n"
" * Initrd-size: the default ramdisk size is generally 4096 Kbytes. If you\n"
"need to allocate a large ramdisk, this option can be used to specify a\n"
"ramdisk larger than the default.\n"
" * Read-write: normally the \"root\" partition is initially mounted as\n"
"read-only, to allow a file system check before the system becomes ``live''.\n"
"You can override the default with this option.\n"
" * NoVideo: should the Apple video hardware prove to be exceptionally\n"
"problematic, you can select this option to boot in ``novideo'' mode, with\n"
"native frame buffer support.\n"
" * Default: selects this entry as being the default Linux selection,\n"
"selectable by pressing ENTER at the yaboot prompt. This entry will also be\n"
"highlighted with a ``*'' if you press [Tab] to see the boot selections."
msgstr ""
"Шумо метавонед элементҳои иловагиро ба yaboot барои дигар системҳои\n"
"операсионӣ,асосҳои интихобӣ ё барои тасвири худборшавии фалокатнокдохил\n"
"Барои дигар системҳои операсионӣ элемент танҳо нишона ва қисми \"root\"-ро\n"
"Барои Linux якчанд интихобҳои имконпазир мавҷуд аст:\n"
" * Нишона: ин номест, ки шумо онро бояд дар сатри даъватии yaboot барои "
"ин намуди худборшавӣ дохил намоед;\n"
" * Симо: ин номи асоси худборшаванда мегардад. Одатан vmlinux ё варианти\n"
"vmlinux бо васеъшавӣ;\n"
" * Root: дастгоҳи \"root\" ё ``/'' барои кор гузоштани Linux-и шумо;\n"
" * Илова: дар сахтафзори Apple интихоби илова ба асос тез-тез мавриди "
"қарор дорад, то ки ҳангоми пиёдасозии видео-сахтафзор кӯмак намояд ё дар "
"намунаи дагмаҳои мушро барои Apple-и дагмаҳои дуюм ва сеюм дар стандартҳои\n"
"мавҷуд набудани мушон дохил намояд. Ҳоло як чанд мисолҳо пешкаш карда\n"
"         video=aty128fb:vmode:17,cmode:32,mclk:71 adb_buttons=103,111\n"
"         video=atyfb:vmode:12,cmode:24 adb_buttons=103,111\n"
" * Initrd: ин интихоб истифода бурда мешавад ё барои ба кор андохтани "
"аввала, ки ҳоло дастгоҳи худборшавии дастрас намебошад ё барои ба кор "
"симои ramdisk дар ҳолати худборшавии таъҷилӣ.\n"
" * Initrd-size: аз рӯи пешфарз андозаи ramdisk, мувофиқи қоида,\n"
"ба 4096 Кбайт баробар аст. Агар ба шумо лозим гардад, ки ramdisk-ро бисёртар "
"ба ҷо намоед назар ба оне ки аз рӯи пешфарз дода шудааст, шояд ин интихоб\n"
"истифода гардад.\n"
" * Хониш-қайд: одатан қисми \"root\" сараввал танҳо барои хониш бардошта\n"
"мешавад, то ки ба санҷиши системи файлӣ пеш аз аз они ки систем\n"
"``зинда мешавад'' амалӣ намояд.Дар ин ҷо шумо метавонед пешакӣ ин интихобро\n"
"муқаррар намоед;\n"
" * NoVideo: агар видео-сахтафзор танҳо муаммогӣ намояд, онгоҳ шумо "
"ин интихобро ҳангоми худборшавӣ дар ҳолати ``бе\n"
"видео'' бо дастгирии худ амалӣ гардонед;\n"
" * Аз рӯи пешфарз: ин элементро ҳамчун Linux аз рӯи пешфарз , ки ба воситаи\n"
"пахши оддӣ ба ENTER дар сатри даъвати yaboot амалӣ мегардад, интихоб намоед\n"
"Ин элемент ҳамчун ``*'', қайд хоҳад шуд, агар шумо [Tab]-ро барои дида "
"варианти худборшавӣ пахш намоед."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Yaboot is a bootloader for NewWorld Macintosh hardware and can be used to\n"
"boot GNU/Linux, MacOS or MacOSX. Normally, MacOS and MacOSX are correctly\n"
"detected and installed in the bootloader menu. If this is not the case, you\n"
"can add an entry by hand in this screen. Take care to choose the correct\n"
"Yaboot's main options are:\n"
" * Init Message: a simple text message displayed before the boot prompt.\n"
" * Boot Device: indicates where you want to place the information required\n"
"to boot to GNU/Linux. Generally, you set up a bootstrap partition earlier\n"
"to hold this information.\n"
" * Open Firmware Delay: unlike LILO, there are two delays available with\n"
"yaboot. The first delay is measured in seconds and at this point, you can\n"
"choose between CD, OF boot, MacOS or Linux;\n"
" * Kernel Boot Timeout: this timeout is similar to the LILO boot delay.\n"
"After selecting Linux, you will have this delay in 0.1 second increments\n"
"before your default kernel description is selected;\n"
" * Enable CD Boot?: checking this option allows you to choose ``C'' for CD\n"
"at the first boot prompt.\n"
" * Enable OF Boot?: checking this option allows you to choose ``N'' for\n"
"Open Firmware at the first boot prompt.\n"
" * Default OS: you can select which OS will boot by default when the Open\n"
"Firmware Delay expires."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"\"%s\": if a sound card is detected on your system, it is displayed here.\n"
"If you notice the sound card displayed is not the one that is actually\n"
"present on your system, you can click on the button and choose another\n"
msgstr ""
"\"%s\": агар дар системи шумо корти овоздор муаяйн нашуда бошад, онгоҳ корти "
"дар ин ҷо нишон дода мешавад. Агар шумо бинед, ки корти овоздори нишондода "
"ба оне ки дар системи шумо мувоффиқат намекунад, шумо метавонед ба дагма\n"
"ангушт зада гардони дигарро интихоб намоед."

#, c-format
msgid "Sound card"
msgstr "Корти овоздор"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"As a review, DrakX will present a summary of information it has about your\n"
"system. Depending on your installed hardware, you may have some or all of\n"
"the following entries. Each entry is made up of the configuration item to\n"
"be configured, followed by a quick summary of the current configuration.\n"
"Click on the corresponding \"%s\" button to change that.\n"
" * \"%s\": check the current keyboard map configuration and change it if\n"
" * \"%s\": check the current country selection. If you are not in this\n"
"country, click on the \"%s\" button and choose another one. If your country\n"
"is not in the first list shown, click the \"%s\" button to get the complete\n"
"country list.\n"
" * \"%s\": By default, DrakX deduces your time zone based on the country\n"
"you have chosen. You can click on the \"%s\" button here if this is not\n"
" * \"%s\": check the current mouse configuration and click on the button to\n"
"change it if necessary.\n"
" * \"%s\": clicking on the \"%s\" button will open the printer\n"
"configuration wizard. Consult the corresponding chapter of the ``Starter\n"
"Guide'' for more information on how to setup a new printer. The interface\n"
"presented there is similar to the one used during installation.\n"
" * \"%s\": if a sound card is detected on your system, it is displayed\n"
"here. If you notice the sound card displayed is not the one that is\n"
"actually present on your system, you can click on the button and choose\n"
"another driver.\n"
" * \"%s\": by default, DrakX configures your graphical interface in\n"
"\"800x600\" or \"1024x768\" resolution. If that does not suit you, click on\n"
"\"%s\" to reconfigure your graphical interface.\n"
" * \"%s\": if a TV card is detected on your system, it is displayed here.\n"
"If you have a TV card and it is not detected, click on \"%s\" to try to\n"
"configure it manually.\n"
" * \"%s\": if an ISDN card is detected on your system, it will be displayed\n"
"here. You can click on \"%s\" to change the parameters associated with the\n"
" * \"%s\": If you wish to configure your Internet or local network access\n"
" * \"%s\": this entry allows you to redefine the security level as set in a\n"
"previous step ().\n"
" * \"%s\": if you plan to connect your machine to the Internet, it's a good\n"
"idea to protect yourself from intrusions by setting up a firewall. Consult\n"
"the corresponding section of the ``Starter Guide'' for details about\n"
"firewall settings.\n"
" * \"%s\": if you wish to change your bootloader configuration, click that\n"
"button. This should be reserved to advanced users.\n"
" * \"%s\": here you'll be able to fine control which services will be run\n"
"on your machine. If you plan to use this machine as a server it's a good\n"
"idea to review this setup."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/keyboarddrake:23
#, c-format
msgid "Keyboard"
msgstr "Забонак"

#, c-format
msgid "Timezone"
msgstr "Минтақаи соатӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Graphical Interface"
msgstr "Интерфейси Графикӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "TV card"
msgstr "TV корт"

#, c-format
msgid "ISDN card"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:2394
#, c-format
msgid "Network"
msgstr "Шабака"

#, c-format
msgid "Security Level"
msgstr "Сатҳи Амният"

#, c-format
msgid "Firewall"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Bootloader"
msgstr "Корандози худборшав"

#, c-format
msgid "Services"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Choose the hard drive you want to erase in order to install your new\n"
"Mandrake Linux partition. Be careful, all data on this drive will be lost\n"
"and will not be recoverable!"
msgstr ""
"Диски сахтеро, интихоб намоед, ки шумо онро барои офаридани қисми Mandrake "
"дур намудан мехоҳед. Эҳтиёт шавед, ки дар он ҳамаи додаҳои мавҷуд буда гум "
"шуд ва он барқарор намегардад!"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Click on \"%s\" if you want to delete all data and partitions present on\n"
"this hard drive. Be careful, after clicking on \"%s\", you will not be able\n"
"to recover any data and partitions present on this hard drive, including\n"
"any Windows data.\n"
"Click on \"%s\" to quit this operation without losing data and partitions\n"
"present on this hard drive."
msgstr ""
"Ба \"%s\" ангушт занед, агар шумо ҳамаи додаҳо ва қисмҳое ки дар ин диски "
"мавҷуд аст хориҷ намоед. Эҳтиёт шавед, ки баъд аз пахши \"%s\" шумо додаҳо "
"қисмҳое ки дар ин диски сахт мавҷуд аст, инчунин ҳамаи додаҳои Windows-ро "
"карда наметавонед.\n"
"Ба \"%s\"ангушт занед, то ки бе талаф додани додаҳо ва қисмҳои дар ин диски "
"мавҷуд буда ин амалиётро бекор намоед."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't access kernel modules corresponding to your kernel (file %s is "
"missing), this generally means your boot floppy in not in sync with the "
"Installation medium (please create a newer boot floppy)"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "You must also format %s"
msgstr "Шумо бояд %s-ро шаклбандӣ намоед"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"You have selected the following server(s): %s\n"
"These servers are activated by default. They don't have any known security\n"
"issues, but some new ones could be found. In that case, you must make sure\n"
"to upgrade as soon as possible.\n"
"Do you really want to install these servers?\n"
msgstr ""
"Шумо хидматрасон(ҳо)и зеринро интихоб намудаед: %s\n"
"Мувофиқи пешфарз ин хидматрасонҳо фаъол карда шудаанд. Онҳо ягон муаммоҳои\n"
"маълуми бо бехатарӣ вобаста бударо надоранд, лекин муаммоҳои нав пайдо шуда\n"
"метавонад. Дар ин ҳолат шумо бояд онҳоро бо қадри имкон ба таври фаврӣ нав\n"
"Шумо дар ҳақиқат ин хидматрасонҳоро коргузорӣ карданӣ ҳастед?\n"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"The following packages will be removed to allow upgrading your system: %s\n"
"Do you really want to remove these packages?\n"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Insert a FAT formatted floppy in drive %s"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "This floppy is not FAT formatted"
msgstr "Ин дискет дар зери FAT шаклбандӣ нашудааст"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"To use this saved packages selection, boot installation with ``linux "
msgstr ""
"Барои истифода бурдани ин интихоби нигоҳдоштаи қуттиҳо, коргузориро бо "
"``linux defcfg=floppy'' ба роҳ монед"

#, c-format
msgid "Error reading file %s"
msgstr "Хатогӣ ҳангоми хониши файл %s"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"An error occurred - no valid devices were found on which to create new "
"filesystems. Please check your hardware for the cause of this problem"
msgstr ""
"Хатогӣ рух дод - ягон дастгоҳи аслие, барои офаридани файлсистеми нав ёфт "
"нашуд. Барои фаҳмидани ин муаммо сахтафзорро санҷида бинед"

#, c-format
msgid "System installation"
msgstr "Коргузориши систем"

#, c-format
msgid "System configuration"
msgstr "Танзимдарории систем"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Some hardware on your computer needs ``proprietary'' drivers to work.\n"
"You can find some information about them at: %s"
msgstr ""
"Якчанд сахтафзор дар компютери шумо барои кор кардан ба ронандаҳои ``худ'' "
"мӯҳтоҷ аст.\n"
"Шумо ахборотро оиди онҳо дар %s ёфта метавонед:"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"You must have a root partition.\n"
"For this, create a partition (or click on an existing one).\n"
"Then choose action ``Mount point'' and set it to `/'"
msgstr ""
"Шояд шумо қисми решагиро дошта бошед.\n"
"Барои ин қисмеро офаред (ё ба мавҷудбуда ангушт занед).\n"
"Сониян, амалиёти ``Нуқтаи васлшавӣ ва барпо сохтани онро дар `/'-ро интихоб "

#, c-format
msgid ""
"You don't have a swap partition.\n"
"Continue anyway?"
msgstr ""
"Шумо бахши мубодила надоред.\n"
"Ба ҳар ҳол давом диҳем?"

#, c-format
msgid "You must have a FAT partition mounted in /boot/efi"
msgstr "Шояд шумо қисми FAT-ро дошта бошед, ки дар /boot/efi васл шудааст"

#, c-format
msgid "Not enough free space to allocate new partitions"
msgstr "Барои ҷойгир намудани қисмҳои нав ҷои изофа кофӣ нест"

#, c-format
msgid "Use existing partitions"
msgstr "Бахшбандиҳои ҳозир бударо истифода баред"

#, c-format
msgid "There is no existing partition to use"
msgstr "Барои истифодабарӣ ягон қисми мавҷудбуда нест"

#, c-format
msgid "Use the Windows partition for loopback"
msgstr "Қисми Windows-ро барои loopback истифода бурдан"

#, c-format
msgid "Which partition do you want to use for Linux4Win?"
msgstr "Кадом қисмро шумо барои Linux4Win истифода бурдан мехоҳед?"

#, c-format
msgid "Choose the sizes"
msgstr "Андозаҳоро интихоб намоед"

#, c-format
msgid "Root partition size in MB: "
msgstr "Андозаи қисми решагӣ дар MB: "

#, c-format
msgid "Swap partition size in MB: "
msgstr "Андозаи қисми swap дар MB: "

#, c-format
msgid "There is no FAT partition to use as loopback (or not enough space left)"
msgstr "Қисми FAT барои истифодаи loopback мавҷуд нест (ё ин ки ҷой кофӣ нест)"

#, c-format
msgid "Which partition do you want to resize?"
msgstr "Андозаи кадоме аз қисмҳоро шумо тағир додан мехоҳед?"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"The FAT resizer is unable to handle your partition, \n"
"the following error occured: %s"
msgstr ""
"Барномаи тағирдиҳии андозаи FAT ин қисмро кор карда бароварда метавонад, \n"
"хатогии зерин ба амал омад: %s"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Computing the size of the Windows partition"
msgstr "Ғеҷонидани файлҳо ба бахши нав"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your Windows partition is too fragmented. Please reboot your computer under "
"Windows, run the ``defrag'' utility, then restart the Mandrake Linux "
msgstr ""
"Қисми Windows-и шумо бениҳоят тика гардидааст. Лутфан, компютери худро дар "
"зери Windows аз сари нав оғоз намоед, ``defrag''-ро ба кор андозед ва сониян "
"такроран коргузории Mandrake Linux-ро мавриди истифодабарӣ қарор диҳед."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"DrakX will now resize your Windows partition. Be careful: this\n"
"operation is dangerous. If you have not already done so, you\n"
"first need to exit the installation, run \"chkdsk c:\" from a\n"
"Command Prompt under Windows (beware, running graphical program\n"
"\"scandisk\" is not enough, be sure to use \"chkdsk\" in a\n"
"Command Prompt!), optionally run defrag, then restart the\n"
"installation. You should also backup your data.\n"
"When sure, press Ok."
msgstr ""
"Ҳоло DrakX андозаи қисми Windows-и шуморо тағир медиҳад.\n"
"Эҳтиёт бошед, ки ин амалиёт хатарнок аст. Агар шумо инро иҷро\n"
"карда набошед, онгоҳ ба шумо лозим аст. то ки коргузориро тарк намоед,\n"
"\"chkdsk c:\"-ро дар сатри фармони дар зери Windows буда корандозӣ\n"
"кунед (дар назар доред, ки корандозии барномаи графикии \"scandisk\"\n"
"кофӣ нест, лекин ҳатман \"chkdsk\"-ро дар Эъломи Фармонӣ истифода баред!)\n"
"Интихобан defrag-ро корандозӣ намоед, сониян коргузориро боз оғоз намоед.\n"
"Инчунин шумо бояд додаҳои худро нигоҳ доред.\n"
"Вақте ки боварӣ ҳосил кардед ба Ok ангушт занед."

#, c-format
msgid "Which size do you want to keep for Windows on"
msgstr "Шумо кадом ҳаҷмро барои Windows доштан мехоҳед"

#, c-format
msgid "partition %s"
msgstr "ҷузъбандии %s"

#, c-format
msgid "Resizing Windows partition"
msgstr "Андозаи қисми Windows тағир меёбад"

#, c-format
msgid "FAT resizing failed: %s"
msgstr "Тағир додани андозаи FAT бемуваффақият анҷом ёфт: %s"

#, c-format
msgid "There is no FAT partition to resize (or not enough space left)"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Remove Windows(TM)"
msgstr "Windows(TM)-ро хориҷ намоед"

#, c-format
msgid "You have more than one hard drive, which one do you install linux on?"
msgstr ""
"Шумо зиёда аз як диски сахт доред. Дар кадоме аз онҳо шумо коргузории Linux-"
"ро ба амал оварданӣ ҳастед?"

#, c-format
msgid "ALL existing partitions and their data will be lost on drive %s"
msgstr "ҲАМАИ қисмҳои мавҷуд буда ва додаҳои онҳо дар гардони %s гум мешаванд"

#, c-format
msgid "Use fdisk"
msgstr "fdisk-ро истифода намудан"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"You can now partition %s.\n"
"When you are done, don't forget to save using `w'"
msgstr ""
"Акнун шумо метавонед %s-ро бахшбандӣ намоед.\n"
"Баъд аз итмоми он ба воситаи истифодаи `w' нигоҳ доштанро фаромӯш накунед"

#, c-format
msgid "I can't find any room for installing"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "The DrakX Partitioning wizard found the following solutions:"
msgstr "Устози ҷузъбандии DrakX ба қарорҳои зерин омад:"

#, c-format
msgid "Partitioning failed: %s"
msgstr "Ҷузъбандӣ бемувафаққият анҷом ёфт: %s"

#, c-format
msgid "Bringing up the network"
msgstr "Шабака оварда мешавад"

#, c-format
msgid "Bringing down the network"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"The operating system and the different components available in the Mandrake "
"Linux distribution \n"
"shall be called the \"Software Products\" hereafter. The Software Products "
"include, but are not \n"
"restricted to, the set of programs, methods, rules and documentation related "
"to the operating \n"
"system and the different components of the Mandrake Linux distribution.\n"
"1. License Agreement\n"
"Please read this document carefully. This document is a license agreement "
"between you and  \n"
"MandrakeSoft S.A. which applies to the Software Products.\n"
"By installing, duplicating or using the Software Products in any manner, you "
"explicitly \n"
"accept and fully agree to conform to the terms and conditions of this "
"License. \n"
"If you disagree with any portion of the License, you are not allowed to "
"install, duplicate or use \n"
"the Software Products. \n"
"Any attempt to install, duplicate or use the Software Products in a manner "
"which does not comply \n"
"with the terms and conditions of this License is void and will terminate "
"your rights under this \n"
"License. Upon termination of the License,  you must immediately destroy all "
"copies of the \n"
"Software Products.\n"
"2. Limited Warranty\n"
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
"MandrakeSoft S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
"law, be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
"resulting from a court \n"
"judgment, or any other consequential loss) arising out of  the use or "
"inability to use the Software \n"
"Products, even if MandrakeSoft S.A. has been advised of the possibility or "
"occurence of such \n"
"To the extent permitted by law, MandrakeSoft S.A. or its distributors will, "
"in no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
"loss, legal fees \n"
"and penalties resulting from a court judgment, or any other consequential "
"loss) arising out \n"
"of the possession and use of software components or arising out of  "
"downloading software components \n"
"from one of Mandrake Linux sites  which are prohibited or restricted in some "
"countries by local laws.\n"
"This limited liability applies to, but is not restricted to, the strong "
"cryptography components \n"
"included in the Software Products.\n"
"3. The GPL License and Related Licenses\n"
"The Software Products consist of components created by different persons or "
"entities.  Most \n"
"of these components are governed under the terms and conditions of the GNU "
"General Public \n"
"Licence, hereafter called \"GPL\", or of similar licenses. Most of these "
"licenses allow you to use, \n"
"duplicate, adapt or redistribute the components which they cover. Please "
"read carefully the terms \n"
"and conditions of the license agreement for each component before using any "
"component. Any question \n"
"on a component license should be addressed to the component author and not "
"to MandrakeSoft.\n"
"The programs developed by MandrakeSoft S.A. are governed by the GPL License. "
"Documentation written \n"
"by MandrakeSoft S.A. is governed by a specific license. Please refer to the "
"documentation for \n"
"further details.\n"
"4. Intellectual Property Rights\n"
"All rights to the components of the Software Products belong to their "
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
"MandrakeSoft S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
"Products, as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandrake\", \"Mandrake Linux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"MandrakeSoft S.A.  \n"
"5. Governing Laws \n"
"If any portion of this agreement is held void, illegal or inapplicable by a "
"court judgment, this \n"
"portion is excluded from this contract. You remain bound by the other "
"applicable sections of the \n"
"The terms and conditions of this License are governed by the Laws of "
"All disputes on the terms of this license will preferably be settled out of "
"court. As a last \n"
"resort, the dispute will be referred to the appropriate Courts of Law of "
"Paris - France.\n"
"For any question on this document, please contact MandrakeSoft S.A.  \n"
msgstr ""
"Системи операсионӣ ва қисмҳои гуногуне ки дар тақсимоти Mandrake Linux \n"
"дастрас мебошад баъдан \"Маҳсулотҳои Нармафзор\" номида мешавад.\n"
"Маҳсулотҳои Нармафзор иборат аст аз маҷмӯи барномаҳо, усулҳо, қоидаҳо\n"
"ва ҳуҷҷатҳое ки бо системи операсионӣ ва қисмҳои гуногуни тақсимоти\n"
"Mandrake Linux алоқаманд аст.\n"
"1. Шартномаи Лисензионӣ\n"
"Лутфан ин ҳучҷатро бо диққат хонед. Ҳуҷҷати мазкур ин шартномаи лисензионӣ "
"байни шумо ва \n"
"MandrakeSoft S.A., ки он ба Маҳсулотҳои Нармафзор тааллуқ дорад.\n"
"Маҳсулотҳои Барномавиро муқаррар намуда, чоп намуда ва истифода намудан бо "
"мақсадҳои дигар шумо комилан бо шарту қоидаҳои шартномаи мазкур розӣ "
"мебошед. Агар шумо бо яке аз қисмҳои Шартномаи мазкур розӣ набошед, онгоҳ ба "
"шумо иҷозат дода намешавад,то ки шумо Маҳсулотҳои Барномавиро муқаррар, паҳн "
"ва истифода намоедҲар як кӯшиши истифодабарӣ, паҳнкунӣ ва истифодаи "
"Маҳсулотҳои Барномавӣбо мақсаде ки ба шартҳои Шартномаи мазкур мувофиқат "
"намекунад шуморо аз ҳар ҳуқуқи аз тарафи шартнома додашуда озод менамоядБаъд "
"аз ба охир расидани мӯҳлати шартнома шумо бояд бозудӣ ҳамаи нусхаҳои "
"Маҳсулотҳои Барномавиро нобуд намоед.\n"
"2. Ӯҳдадориҳои кафолатноки маҳдуд\n"
"Маҳсулотҳои Барномавӣ ва ҳуҷҷати пешниҳодшуда бечунучаро\"мебошад\"бе ҳеҷ "
"кафолат дар доираи қонун.\n"
"MandrakeSoft S.A. дар ягон ҳолате аз тарафи қонун пешбинӣ шуда маъсулятро "
"барои камбудии муаяйне, тасодуфӣ, бевосита ва бавосита (аз он ҷумла камбудии "
"беҳудуд аз муфлисшавии бизнес, танаффус дар фаъолияти тиҷоратӣ, муфлисшавии "
"молиявӣ, хароҷотҳои судӣ ва ҷаримаҳое ки натиҷаи мубоҳисаи судӣ мебошад ё "
"дигар камбудиҳои бавосита), ки натиҷаи истифодаи Маҳсулотҳои Барномавӣ, "
"ҳатто агар ба MandrakeSoft S.A. маълум бошад дар хусуси имконият ё ин ки "
"ҳолати чунин камбудӣ\n"
"ЧАНД МАМЛАКАТҲО ВОБАСТА АСТ Мувофиқи доираҳои қонунӣ MandrakeSoft S.A. ва "
"паҳнкунандагони он бе ҳеҷ шарту асос маъсулиятро В пределах, дозволенных "
"законом, или ее распространители\n"
"ни при каких условиях не несут ответственности за любой, какой бы то ни "
"определенный, случайный, прямой или косвенный ущерб (включая неограниченный\n"
"ущерб от крушения бизнеса, перерывов в коммерческой деятельности, "
"убытков, судебных издержек и штрафов, являющихся результатом судебных\n"
"разбирательств, или любых других косвенных потерь), являющихся результатом\n"
"владения и использования компонентов программного обеспечения,\n"
"или являющихся результатом скачивания компонентов программного обеспечения\n"
"с одного из сайтов Mandrake Linux, запрещенных или ограниченных в некоторых\n"
"странах местными законами.\n"
"Ограниченная ответственность применяется, но не ограничивается,\n"
"к компонентам сильной криптографии, включаемых в Программные Продукты.\n"
"3. Лицензия GPL и связанные лицензии\n"
"Программные Продукты состоят из компонентов, созданных различными людьми\n"
"или организациями. Большинство этих компонентов находятся под действием\n"
"условий и положений GNU General Public Licence, далее называемой \"GPL\",\n"
"или похожих лицензий. Большинство этих лицензий позволяют вам использовать,\n"
"тиражировать, адаптировать или распространять далее компоненты, на которые\n"
"они распространяются. Пожалуйста, внимательно читайте условия и положения\n"
"лицензионного соглашения для каждого из компонент перед использованием\n"
"любого компонента. Любые вопросы по лицензии компонента должны быть\n"
"адресованы автору компонента, а не MandrakeSoft.\n"
"Программы, разработанные MandrakeSoft S.A., находятся под действием "
"GPL. Документация, написанная MandrakeSoft S.A., находится под действием\n"
"особой лицензии. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к документации за дополнительной\n"
"4. Права на интеллектуальную собственность\n"
"Все права на компоненты Программных Продуктов принадлежат их "
"авторам и защищены законами об интеллектуальной собственности и авторском\n"
"праве, применительно к программному обеспечению.\n"
"MandrakeSoft S.A. сохраняет за собой право изменять или адаптировать\n"
"Программные Продукты, как целиком, так и по частям, любым способом и для\n"
"любых целей.\n"
"\"Mandrake\", \"Mandrake Linux\" и соответствующие логотипы являются "
"торговыми марками MandrakeSoft S.A.\n"
"5. Основные законы\n"
"Если какая-либо часть этого соглашения является недействительной,\n"
"противозаконной или противоречащей действующему законодательству, эта\n"
"часть исключается из этого контракта. Вы остаетесь ограниченными\n"
"другими пригодными разделами соглашения.\n"
"Условия и положения данной Лицензии находятся под действием французского\n"
"Все разногласия по поводу условий и положений этой лицензии, скорее всего, "
"будут оспариваться в суде. В последнюю очередь оспаривание вопроса будет "
"передано в соответствующий Законодательный Суд Парижа - Франция. По любым "
"вопросам, касающимся этого документа, пожалуйста, свяжитесь\n"
"с MandrakeSoft S.A.\n"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Warning: Free Software may not necessarily be patent free, and some Free\n"
"Software included may be covered by patents in your country. For example, "
"MP3 decoders included may require a licence for further usage (see\n"
" for more details). If you are unsure if a "
"may be applicable to you, check your local laws."
msgstr ""
"Огоҳӣ: Нармафзори бепул аз патент зарурияти озод шуданро надорад, вале як "
"Нармафзори бепул шояд дар мамлакати шумо патент дошта бошад.\n"
"Масалан, размкушоҳои ба ҳайати MP3 дохилшаванда метавонад лисензияро барои\n"
"истифодаи оянда талаб намояд (барои гирифтани маълумоти муфассал ба\n"
" назар намоед).\n"
"Агар шумо дар бораи ҳуқуқӣ будани патент барои худ боварӣ надошта бошед, "
"онро бо қонунҳо маҳаллии худ муқоиса намоед."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Please read carefully the terms below. If you disagree with any\n"
"portion, you are not allowed to install the next CD media. Press 'Refuse' \n"
"to continue the installation without using these media.\n"
"Some components contained in the next CD media are not governed\n"
"by the GPL License or similar agreements. Each such component is then\n"
"governed by the terms and conditions of its own specific license. \n"
"Please read carefully and comply with such specific licenses before \n"
"you use or redistribute the said components. \n"
"Such licenses will in general prevent the transfer,  duplication \n"
"(except for backup purposes), redistribution, reverse engineering, \n"
"de-assembly, de-compilation or modification of the component. \n"
"Any breach of agreement will immediately terminate your rights under \n"
"the specific license. Unless the specific license terms grant you such\n"
"rights, you usually cannot install the programs on more than one\n"
"system, or adapt it to be used on a network. In doubt, please contact \n"
"directly the distributor or editor of the component. \n"
"Transfer to third parties or copying of such components including the \n"
"documentation is usually forbidden.\n"
"All rights to the components of the next CD media belong to their \n"
"respective authors and are protected by intellectual property and \n"
"copyright laws applicable to software programs.\n"
msgstr ""
"Лутфан бо диққат шартҳои дар поён овардашударо хонед. Агар шумо бо яке аз\n"
"қисмҳои он розӣ набошед, онгоҳ ба шумо иҷозат дода намешавад, то ки шумо "
"навбатии CD-ро кор гузоред. Ба 'Рад кардан' ангушт занед, то ки коргузории "
"онро бе\n"
"расонаи мазкур давом диҳед.\n"
"Якчанд қисматҳои дар CD-и навбатӣ мавҷуд буда бо Лисензияи GPL ё ин ки бо\n"
"созишномаҳои монанд маҳдуд намешавад. Ҳар яки қисмати мазкур бо шартҳои\n"
"созишномаи лисензионии худ маҳдуд аст. Лутфан бо диққат қоидаҳои "
"лисензионии махсусро пеш аз истифода ва паҳни навбатии қисматҳои\n"
"гуфташуда хонед ва риоя намоед. \n"
"Чунин созишномаҳои лисензионӣ асосан супоридан, нусхабардорӣ (ба ғайр аз\n"
"офаридани нусхаҳои эҳтиётӣ), паҳни навбатӣ, коркарди баръакс ва тағироти\n"
"қисматро пешгирӣ хоҳад кард.\n"
"Риоя накардани созишнома боиси ба таври фаврӣ бекор кардани ҳуқуқи шумо ба\n"
"лисензияи мазкур мегардад. То он даме ки созишномаи муаяйни лисензионӣ ба "
"ин ҳуқуқҳоро намедиҳад, шумо наметавонед, ки барномаҳоро зиёда барои\n"
"як систем кор гузоред ё ин ки онҳоро барои истифодаи шабакавӣ равона "
"Агар шубҳа намоед, онгоҳ бевосита бо паҳнкунанда ё таҳриргари ин қисмат дар\n"
"тамос бошед \n"
"Супоридани қисматҳои мазкур ба ашхоси сеюм ё нусхабардории онҳо, инчунин\n"
"ҳуҷҷатҳо одатан манъ карда мешавад.\n"
"Ҳамаи ҳуқуқҳо ба қисматҳои расонаи навбатии CD ба муаллифони бевоситаи онҳо\n"
"мансубанд ва бо қонунҳои моликияти фикрӣ нисбати таъминоти барномавӣ ҳимоя\n"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Congratulations, installation is complete.\n"
"Remove the boot media and press return to reboot.\n"
"For information on fixes which are available for this release of Mandrake "
"consult the Errata available from:\n"
"Information on configuring your system is available in the post\n"
"install chapter of the Official Mandrake Linux User's Guide."
msgstr ""
"Табрикоти моро қабул намоед, коргузорӣ ба итмом расид.\n"
"Расонаи худборшавиро дур намоед ва барои бозхудборшавӣ ба Enter ангушт "
"Барои гирифтани маълумот оиди собитии барои ин нусхаи Mandrake Linux "
"буда ба Рӯйхати хатогиҳо муроҷиат намоед, ки мавҷуд аст дар:\n"
"Маълумот оиди танзимдарории системи шумо дар порчаи post install-и\n"
"Дастуамали Расмиии Корванди Mandrake Linux мавҷуд аст."

#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate mount point %s"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Some important packages didn't get installed properly.\n"
"Either your cdrom drive or your cdrom is defective.\n"
"Check the cdrom on an installed computer using \"rpm -qpl Mandrake/RPMS/*.rpm"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "No floppy drive available"
msgstr "Дискет гардон мавҷуд нест"

#, c-format
msgid "Entering step `%s'\n"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your system is low on resources. You may have some problem installing\n"
"Mandrake Linux. If that occurs, you can try a text install instead. For "
"press `F1' when booting on CDROM, then enter `text'."
msgstr ""
"Дар системи шумо захира кам аст. Ҳангоми коргузорӣ намудани Mandrake Linux "
"шумо метавонед бо муаммоҳо дучор гардед. Агар ин рӯй диҳад, онгоҳ шумо "
"метавонед коргузории матниро ба амал оред. Ҳангоми худборкунии CDROM ба`F1' "
"ангушт занед  ва сониян ба `text' дохил шавед."

#, c-format
msgid "Package Group Selection"
msgstr "Интихоби Гурӯҳи Қуттиҳо"

#, c-format
msgid "Total size: %d / %d MB"
msgstr "Андозаи умумӣ: %d / %d MB"

#, c-format
msgid "Bad package"
msgstr "Қуттии бад"

#, c-format
msgid "Version: "
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Size: "
msgstr "Ҳаҷм: "

#, c-format
msgid "%d KB\n"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Importance: "
msgstr "Ҳатмӣ: "

#, c-format
msgid "You can't select/unselect this package"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "due to missing %s"
msgstr "мувофиқи мавҷуд набудани %s"

#, c-format
msgid "due to unsatisfied %s"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "trying to promote %s"
msgstr "барои пешравӣ кӯшиш намудан %s"

#, c-format
msgid "in order to keep %s"
msgstr "Барои нигоҳ доштани %s"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"You can't select this package as there is not enough space left to install it"
msgstr ""
"Шумо ин қуттиро интихоб карда наметавонед, зеро барои кор гузоштани он ҷой "

#, c-format
msgid "The following packages are going to be installed"
msgstr "Қуттиҳои зерин коргузорӣ хоҳад шуд"

#, c-format
msgid "The following packages are going to be removed"
msgstr "Қуттиҳои навбатӣ бояд хориҷ гардад"

#, c-format
msgid "This is a mandatory package, it can't be unselected"
msgstr "Ин қуттии зарур мебошад, онро бекор карда намешавад"

#, c-format
msgid "You can't unselect this package. It is already installed"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"This package must be upgraded.\n"
"Are you sure you want to deselect it?"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "You can't unselect this package. It must be upgraded"
msgstr "Шумо интихоби ин қуттиро бекор карда наметавонед. он бояд нав гардад"

#, c-format
msgid "Show automatically selected packages"
msgstr "Ба таври автоматӣ қуттиҳои интихобшударо нишон диҳед"

#, c-format
msgid "Load/Save on floppy"
msgstr "Дар дискет кор андохтан/нигоҳ доштан"

#, c-format
msgid "Updating package selection"
msgstr "Интихоби қуттиҳо нав карда мешавад"

#, c-format
msgid "Minimal install"
msgstr "Коргузории хурдтарин"

#, c-format
msgid "Choose the packages you want to install"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Installing"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "No details"
msgstr "Тафсилот"

#, c-format
msgid "Estimating"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Time remaining "
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Please wait, preparing installation..."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "%d packages"
msgstr "%d қуттиҳо"

#, c-format
msgid "Installing package %s"
msgstr "Қутти %s коргузорӣ мешавад"

#, c-format
msgid "Refuse"
msgstr "Рад кардан"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Change your Cd-Rom!\n"
"Please insert the Cd-Rom labelled \"%s\" in your drive and press Ok when "
"If you don't have it, press Cancel to avoid installation from this Cd-Rom."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "There was an error ordering packages:"
msgstr "Ҳангоми ба даст даровардани қуттиҳо хатогие рӯй дод:"

#, c-format
msgid "Go on anyway?"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "There was an error installing packages:"
msgstr "Ҳангоми коргузории қуттиҳо хатогӣ пайдо гардид:"

#, c-format
msgid "not configured"
msgstr "танзимдода нашуда"

#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to recover your system?"
msgstr "Шумо системи худро барқарор кардан мехоҳед?"

#, c-format
msgid "License agreement"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Please choose your keyboard layout."
msgstr "Лутфан, ороиши забонакро интихоб кунед."

#, c-format
msgid "Here is the full list of keyboards available"
msgstr "Дар ин ҷо рӯйхати пурраи забонакҳои дастрас оварда шудааст"

#, c-format
msgid "Install/Upgrade"
msgstr "Кор гузоштан/Афзоиш додан"

#, c-format
msgid "Is this an install or an upgrade?"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Upgrade %s"
msgstr "Афзоиш %s"

#, c-format
msgid "Encryption key for %s"
msgstr "Дагмаи рамздошта барои %s"

#, c-format
msgid "Please choose your type of mouse."
msgstr "Лутфан намуди мушатонро интихоб кунед."

#: standalone/mousedrake:46
#, c-format
msgid "Mouse Port"
msgstr "Даргоҳи муш"

#: standalone/mousedrake:47
#, c-format
msgid "Please choose which serial port your mouse is connected to."
msgstr ""
"Лутфан дар кадом бандари беруна муши шумо пайваст буданашро интихоб кунед."

#, c-format
msgid "Buttons emulation"
msgstr "Намунаи дагмаҳо"

#, c-format
msgid "Button 2 Emulation"
msgstr "Намунаи дагмаи 2"

#, c-format
msgid "Button 3 Emulation"
msgstr "Намунаи тугмачаи сеюм"

#, c-format
msgid "PCMCIA"
msgstr "PCMCIA"

#, c-format
msgid "Configuring PCMCIA cards..."
msgstr "Ба танзим даровардани кортҳои PCMCIA..."

#, c-format
msgid "IDE"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Configuring IDE"
msgstr "IDE ба танзим дароварда мешавад"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "No partition available"
msgstr "Ягон бахшбандӣ дастрас нест"

#, c-format
msgid "Scanning partitions to find mount points"
msgstr "Барои ёфтани нуқтаҳои насб қисмҳо пуйиш мегардад"

#, c-format
msgid "Choose the mount points"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"No free space for 1MB bootstrap! Install will continue, but to boot your "
"system, you'll need to create the bootstrap partition in DiskDrake"
msgstr ""
"Ҷои холӣ барои барномаи худборшавии 1МБ кофӣ нест! Коргузорӣ давом хоҳад "
"кард, аммо барои худборшавии систем ба шумо лозим аст, то ки қисми "
"худборшавии авваларо дар DiskDrake офаред"

#, c-format
msgid "Choose the partitions you want to format"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Check bad blocks?"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Failed to check filesystem %s. Do you want to repair the errors? (beware, "
"you can lose data)"
msgstr ""
"Тафтиши системи файлии %s бемуваффақият анҷом ёфт. Шумо хоҳиши ислоҳ "
"намудани хатогиҳоро доред? (эҳтиёт шавед, чунки шумо метавонед додаҳоро аз "
"даст диҳед)"

#, c-format
msgid "Not enough swap space to fulfill installation, please add some"
msgstr ""
"swap-фазо барои ба итмом расонидани коргузорӣ кофӣ нест, лутфан илова намоед"

#, c-format
msgid "Looking for available packages and rebuilding rpm database..."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Looking for available packages..."
msgstr "Қуттиҳои дастрасшаванда ҷустуҷӯ карда мешавад..."

#, c-format
msgid "Looking at packages already installed..."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Finding packages to upgrade..."
msgstr "Ҷустуҷӯи қуттиҳо барои нав намудан иҷро мешавад..."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your system does not have enough space left for installation or upgrade (%d "
"> %d)"
msgstr ""
"Дар системи шумо ҷои кофӣ нест барои коргузорӣ ё ин ки афзоиш додани (%d > %"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Please choose load or save package selection on floppy.\n"
"The format is the same as auto_install generated floppies."
msgstr ""
"Лутфан интихоби кор андохтан ё нигоҳ доштанро дар дискет ба роҳ монед.\n"
"Шаклбандӣ ҳамон хел аст ҳамчун дискетҳое ки бо auto_install офарида шудааст."

#, c-format
msgid "Load from floppy"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Save on floppy"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Package selection"
msgstr "Интихоби қуттӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Loading from floppy"
msgstr "Аз дискет ба кор андохта мешавад"

#, c-format
msgid "Insert a floppy containing package selection"
msgstr "Дискете ки интихоби қуттиҳоро дорад, дохил намоед"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Due to incompatibilities of the 2.6 series kernel with the LSB runtime\n"
"tests, the 2.4 series kernel will be installed as the default to insure\n"
"compliance under the \"LSB\" group selection."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Selected size is larger than available space"
msgstr "Андозаи интихобшуда аз ҷои дастрасшуда зиёд аст"

#, c-format
msgid "Type of install"
msgstr "Навъи коргузорӣ"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"You haven't selected any group of packages.\n"
"Please choose the minimal installation you want:"
msgstr ""
"Шумо ягон гурӯҳи қуттиҳоро интихоб накардед.\n"
"Лутфан, коргузории пастарини дилхоҳатонро интихоб намоед:"

#, c-format
msgid "With basic documentation (recommended!)"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Truly minimal install (especially no urpmi)"
msgstr "Дар ҳақиқат коргузории хурдтарин (алалхусус ғайри urpmi)"

#: standalone/drakxtv:53
#, c-format
msgid "All"
msgstr "Ҳама"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"If you have all the CDs in the list below, click Ok.\n"
"If you have none of those CDs, click Cancel.\n"
"If only some CDs are missing, unselect them, then click Ok."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Cd-Rom labeled \"%s\""
msgstr "Cd-Rom бо нишонаи \"%s\""

#, c-format
msgid "Preparing installation"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Installing package %s\n"
msgstr ""
"Қуттии %s коргузорӣ мегардад\n"

#, c-format
msgid "Post-install configuration"
msgstr "Баъд аз пайкарабандӣ коргузорӣ мегардад"

#, c-format
msgid "Please insert the Boot floppy used in drive %s"
msgstr "Лутфан, дискети худборшавиро ба гардони %s дохил намоед"

#, c-format
msgid "Please insert the Update Modules floppy in drive %s"
msgstr "Лутфан дискети Update Modules ба гардон дохил намоед %s"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"You now have the opportunity to download updated packages. These packages\n"
"have been updated after the distribution was released. They may\n"
"contain security or bug fixes.\n"
"To download these packages, you will need to have a working Internet \n"
"Do you want to install the updates ?"
msgstr ""
"Акнун шумо имкон доред, то ки қуттиҳои навшударо фаровир намоед. Ин "
"мазкур баъди ба амал овардани тақсимот нав карда шуда буд. Онҳо метавонад\n"
"собитҳоро барои бехатарӣ ё ин ки хатогиҳо дошта бошад.\n"
"Барои ба амал овардани фаровир ба шумо лозим аст, то ки алоқаи ҳозираи "
"истифода баред.\n"
"Оё шумо хоҳиши коргузорӣ намудани ин навигариҳо ҳастед?"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Contacting Mandrake Linux web site to get the list of available mirrors..."
msgstr ""
"Барои ба даст даровардани рӯйхати қуттиҳои дастрас пайвастшавӣ ба Mandrake "
"Linuxweb site ба роҳ монда шудааст..."

#, c-format
msgid "Choose a mirror from which to get the packages"
msgstr "Оинаро интихоб намоед, ки аз он қуттиҳоро гирифта мешавад"

#, c-format
msgid "Contacting the mirror to get the list of available packages..."
msgstr ""
"Пайвастшавӣ ба оина барои гирифтани рӯйхати қуттиҳои дастрас иҷро мешавад..."

#, c-format
msgid "Unable to contact mirror %s"
msgstr "Имконияти пайвастшавӣ бо оинаи %s мавҷуд нест"

#, c-format
msgid "Would you like to try again?"
msgstr "Оё шумо хоҳиши аз сари нав кӯшиш намуданро доред?"

#: standalone/drakclock:42
#, c-format
msgid "Which is your timezone?"
msgstr "Вақти соати шумо чӣ гуна аст?"

#, c-format
msgid "Automatic time synchronization (using NTP)"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "NTP Server"
msgstr "NTP Хидматрасон"

#, c-format
msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:1937
#, c-format
msgid "System"
msgstr "Систем"

#, c-format
msgid "Hardware"
msgstr "Сахтафзор"

#, c-format
msgid "Remote CUPS server"
msgstr "Хидматрасони дурдасти CUPS"

#, c-format
msgid "No printer"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Do you have an ISA sound card?"
msgstr "Шумо карти садои ISA доред?"

#, c-format
msgid "Run \"sndconfig\" after installation to configure your sound card"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "No sound card detected. Try \"harddrake\" after installation"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Graphical interface"
msgstr "Интерфейси графикӣ"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Network & Internet"
msgstr "Монитори Навъи Нав"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Proxies"
msgstr "Тахассус "

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "configured"
msgstr "бозтанзимдарорӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Security"
msgstr "Амният"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "activated"
msgstr "Фаъол"

#, c-format
msgid "disabled"
msgstr "ғайрифаъол"

#, c-format
msgid "Boot"
msgstr "Boot"

#. -PO: example: lilo-graphic on /dev/hda1
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s on %s"
msgstr "Соҳиб %s"

#, c-format
msgid "Services: %d activated for %d registered"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "You have not configured X. Are you sure you really want this?"
msgstr "Шумо X-ро ба танзим надаровардаед. Шумо дар ҳақиқат инро мехоҳед?"

#, c-format
msgid "Set root password and network authentication methods"
msgstr "Гузарвожаи решагӣ ва усулҳои аслшиносии шабакаро ба роҳ мондан"

#, c-format
msgid "Set root password"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "This password is too short (it must be at least %d characters long)"
msgstr ""
"Ин гузарвожа бениҳоят кӯтоҳ мебошад (он бояд ақаллан дарозиаш %d бошад)"

#: network/
#: standalone/drakauth:26 standalone/drakconnect:428
#: standalone/drakconnect:917
#, c-format
msgid "Authentication"
msgstr "Аслшиносӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Preparing bootloader..."
msgstr "Корандози худборшави аввала тайёр мешавад..."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"You appear to have an OldWorld or Unknown\n"
" machine, the yaboot bootloader will not work for you.\n"
"The install will continue, but you'll\n"
" need to use BootX or some other means to boot your machine"
msgstr ""
"Зоҳиран шумо мошини кӯҳна ё номаълумро доред,\n"
" корандози худборшави yaboot барои шумо кор намекунад.\n"
"Коргузорӣ давом хоҳад кард, вале шумо бояд BootX ё ин ки воситаҳои\n"
" дигарро барои худборшавии мошини худ истифода баред"

#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to use aboot?"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error installing aboot, \n"
"try to force installation even if that destroys the first partition?"
msgstr ""
"Хатогии коргузории aboot, \n"
"бо мақсади тезонидани коргузорӣ кӯшиш намудан, ҳатто агар ин қисми якумро "
"нобуд созад?"

#, c-format
msgid "Installing bootloader"
msgstr "Корандози худборшав коргузорӣ мешавад"

#, c-format
msgid "Installation of bootloader failed. The following error occured:"
msgstr ""
"Коргузории корандози худборшав бемувафаққият ба анҷом расид. Хатогии зерин "
"рӯй дод:"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"You may need to change your Open Firmware boot-device to\n"
" enable the bootloader.  If you don't see the bootloader prompt at\n"
" reboot, hold down Command-Option-O-F at reboot and enter:\n"
" setenv boot-device %s,\\\\:tbxi\n"
" Then type: shut-down\n"
"At your next boot you should see the bootloader prompt."
msgstr ""
"Шояд ба шумо лозим аст, ки дастгоҳи худборшавии Open Firmware-и худро барои "
" гиронидани корандози худборшав тағир диҳед.Агар шумо ҳангоми аз нав\n"
" худборшавии эъломи корандози худборшавро набинед, онгоҳ Command-Option-O-F\n"
" ҳангоми аз нав худборшавӣ нигоҳ доред ва setenv boot-device %s,\\\\:tbxi-ро "
" намоед\n"
" Сониян: shut-down-ро нависед\n"
" Ҳангоми худборшавии оянда шумо бояд эъломи корандози худборшавро бинед."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"In this security level, access to the files in the Windows partition is "
"restricted to the administrator."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakautoinst:75
#, c-format
msgid "Insert a blank floppy in drive %s"
msgstr "Дискети холиро ба гардон дохил намоед %s"

#, c-format
msgid "Creating auto install floppy..."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Some steps are not completed.\n"
"Do you really want to quit now?"
msgstr ""
"Якчанд марҳила ба итмом нарасидааст.\n"
"Шумо дар ҳақиқат баромадан мехоҳед?"

#, c-format
msgid "Generate auto install floppy"
msgstr "Дискети коргузории автоматиро офаридан"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"The auto install can be fully automated if wanted,\n"
"in that case it will take over the hard drive!!\n"
"(this is meant for installing on another box).\n"
"You may prefer to replay the installation.\n"
msgstr ""
"Мувофиқи хоҳиш коргузории автоматӣ мумкин ба таври\n"
"пурра автоматикона мешавад\n"
"дар ин ҳолат он диски сахтро нусхабардорӣ хоҳад намуд!!\n"
"(ба коргузорӣ намудан ба дигар компютер пешбинӣ шудааст).\n"
"Мумкин, шумо коргузории такрориро афзалтар шуморед.\n"

#, c-format
msgid "Mandrake Linux Installation %s"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"  <Tab>/<Alt-Tab> between elements  | <Space> selects | <F12> next screen "
msgstr ""
"  <Tab>/<Alt-Tab> байни элементҳо  | <Space> интихоби | <F12> экрани навбатӣ "

#, c-format
msgid "Choose a file"
msgstr "Файлеро интихоб намоед"

#, c-format
msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Асосӣ"

#: interactive/
#, c-format
msgid "Finish"
msgstr "Итмом"

#: interactive/
#, c-format
msgid "Do"
msgstr "Кунед"

#: interactive/ interactive/
#, c-format
msgid "Bad choice, try again\n"
msgstr ""

#: interactive/ interactive/
#, c-format
msgid "Your choice? (default %s) "
msgstr "Чиро интихоб менамоед? (пешфарз %s) "

#: interactive/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Entries you'll have to fill:\n"
msgstr ""
"Элементҳое ки онро шумо бояд пур намоед:\n"

#: interactive/
#, c-format
msgid "Your choice? (0/1, default `%s') "
msgstr ""

#: interactive/
#, c-format
msgid "Button `%s': %s"
msgstr "Дагма: `%s': %s"

#: interactive/
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to click on this button?"
msgstr "Шумо ба ин дагма ангушт задан мехоҳед?"

#: interactive/
#, c-format
msgid "Your choice? (default `%s'%s) "
msgstr ""

#: interactive/
#, c-format
msgid " enter `void' for void entry"
msgstr " `void'-ро барои тоза намудани элемент дохил намоед"

#: interactive/
#, c-format
msgid "=> There are many things to choose from (%s).\n"
msgstr "=> Барои интихоб бисёр чиз мавҷуд аст (%s).\n"

#: interactive/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Please choose the first number of the 10-range you wish to edit,\n"
"or just hit Enter to proceed.\n"
"Your choice? "
msgstr ""
"Лутфан адади якумро аз диапазони 10-рақама интихоб намоед, ки онро шумо\n"
"хоҳиши тағир доданро доред ё ин ки танҳо ба Enter барои давом додан ангушт\n"
"занед. Интихоби шумо?"

#: interactive/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"=> Notice, a label changed:\n"
msgstr ""

#: interactive/
#, c-format
msgid "Re-submit"
msgstr "Аз нав пешниҳод намудан"

#, c-format
msgid "Czech (QWERTZ)"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "German"
msgstr "Олмонӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Dvorak"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "Испанӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Finnish"
msgstr "Финӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "French"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Norwegian"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Polish"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Russian"
msgstr "Русӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Swedish"
msgstr "Шведӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "UK keyboard"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "US keyboard"
msgstr "Забонаки америкоӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Albanian"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Armenian (old)"
msgstr "Арманӣ (кӯҳна)"

#, c-format
msgid "Armenian (typewriter)"
msgstr "Арманӣ (чопи мошинӣ)"

#, c-format
msgid "Armenian (phonetic)"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Arabic"
msgstr "Арабӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Azerbaidjani (latin)"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Belgian"
msgstr "Белгиягӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Bengali"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Bulgarian (phonetic)"
msgstr "Булғорӣ (фонетикӣ)"

#, c-format
msgid "Bulgarian (BDS)"
msgstr "Булғорӣ (BDS)"

#, c-format
msgid "Brazilian (ABNT-2)"
msgstr "Бразилягӣ (ABNT-2)"

#, c-format
msgid "Bosnian"
msgstr "Босниягӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Belarusian"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Swiss (German layout)"
msgstr "Швейсарӣ (ороиши олмонӣ)"

#, c-format
msgid "Swiss (French layout)"
msgstr "Швейсарӣ (тарҳбандии фаронсавӣ)"

#, c-format
msgid "Czech (QWERTY)"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "German (no dead keys)"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Devanagari"
msgstr "Девангари"

#, c-format
msgid "Danish"
msgstr "Даниягӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Dvorak (US)"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Dvorak (Norwegian)"
msgstr "Dvorak (норвеягӣ)"

#, c-format
msgid "Dvorak (Swedish)"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Estonian"
msgstr "Эстонӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Georgian (\"Russian\" layout)"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Georgian (\"Latin\" layout)"
msgstr "Гурҷӣ (\"Лотинӣ\" ороиш)"

#, c-format
msgid "Greek"
msgstr "Юнонӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Greek (polytonic)"
msgstr "Юнонӣ (polytonic)"

#, c-format
msgid "Gujarati"
msgstr "Гуҷаратӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Gurmukhi"
msgstr "Гурмуки"

#, c-format
msgid "Hungarian"
msgstr "Маҷорӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Croatian"
msgstr "Хорватиягӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Irish"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Israeli"
msgstr "Исроилӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Israeli (Phonetic)"
msgstr "Исроилӣ (фонетикӣ)"

#, c-format
msgid "Iranian"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Icelandic"
msgstr "Исландӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "Италиёӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Inuktitut"
msgstr "Инуктитут"

#, c-format
msgid "Japanese 106 keys"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Kannada"
msgstr "Канада"

#, c-format
msgid "Korean keyboard"
msgstr "Забонаки куриёгӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Latin American"
msgstr "Амрикои Лотинӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Laotian"
msgstr "Лаосӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Lithuanian AZERTY (old)"
msgstr "AZERTY литвиягӣ(кӯҳна)"

#, c-format
msgid "Lithuanian AZERTY (new)"
msgstr "AZERTY-и литвонӣ (нав)"

#, c-format
msgid "Lithuanian \"number row\" QWERTY"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Lithuanian \"phonetic\" QWERTY"
msgstr "Литвонӣ \"фонетикӣ\" QWERTY"

#, c-format
msgid "Latvian"
msgstr "Латвиягӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Malayalam"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Macedonian"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Myanmar (Burmese)"
msgstr "Мянмагӣ (Бирма)"

#, c-format
msgid "Mongolian (cyrillic)"
msgstr "Муғулӣ (кириллӣ)"

#, c-format
msgid "Maltese (UK)"
msgstr "Мальтиягӣ (UK)"

#, c-format
msgid "Maltese (US)"
msgstr "Малтиягӣ (ИМА)"

#, c-format
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "Ҳолландӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Oriya"
msgstr "Ория"

#, c-format
msgid "Polish (qwerty layout)"
msgstr "Полякӣ (ороиши qwerty)"

#, c-format
msgid "Polish (qwertz layout)"
msgstr "Полякӣ (ороиши qwertz)"

#, c-format
msgid "Portuguese"
msgstr "Португалиягӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Canadian (Quebec)"
msgstr "Канадиягӣ (Квибек)"

#, c-format
msgid "Romanian (qwertz)"
msgstr "Руминӣ (qwertz)"

#, c-format
msgid "Romanian (qwerty)"
msgstr "Руминӣ (qwerty)"

#, c-format
msgid "Russian (Phonetic)"
msgstr "Русӣ (Фонетикӣ)"

#, c-format
msgid "Saami (norwegian)"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Saami (swedish/finnish)"
msgstr "Saami (шведӣ/финӣ)"

#, c-format
msgid "Slovenian"
msgstr "Словениягӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Slovakian (QWERTZ)"
msgstr "Словакиягӣ (QWERTZ)"

#, c-format
msgid "Slovakian (QWERTY)"
msgstr "Словакиягӣ (QWERTY)"

#, c-format
msgid "Serbian (cyrillic)"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Syriac"
msgstr "Суриягӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Syriac (phonetic)"
msgstr "Суриягӣ (фонетикӣ)"

#, c-format
msgid "Telugu"
msgstr "Telugu"

#, c-format
msgid "Tamil (ISCII-layout)"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Tamil (Typewriter-layout)"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Thai keyboard"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Tajik keyboard"
msgstr "Забонаки тоҷикӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Turkish (traditional \"F\" model)"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Turkish (modern \"Q\" model)"
msgstr "Туркӣ (модели муосири \"Q\")"

#, c-format
msgid "Ukrainian"
msgstr "Украинӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "US keyboard (international)"
msgstr "Забонаки амрикоӣ (байналхалқӣ)"

#, c-format
msgid "Uzbek (cyrillic)"
msgstr "Ӯзбекӣ (кириллӣ)"

#, c-format
msgid "Vietnamese \"numeric row\" QWERTY"
msgstr "Ветнамӣ \"қатори рақамдор\" QWERTY"

#, c-format
msgid "Yugoslavian (latin)"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Right Alt key"
msgstr "Калиди рости Alt"

#, c-format
msgid "Both Shift keys simultaneously"
msgstr "Дар як вақт ҳар дуи забонакҳои Shift"

#, c-format
msgid "Control and Shift keys simultaneously"
msgstr "Калиди Control ва Shift дар як вақт"

#, c-format
msgid "CapsLock key"
msgstr "Калиди CapsLock"

#, c-format
msgid "Ctrl and Alt keys simultaneously"
msgstr "Калиди Ctrl ва Alt дар як вақт"

#, c-format
msgid "Alt and Shift keys simultaneously"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "\"Menu\" key"
msgstr "Забонаки \"Menu\""

#, c-format
msgid "Left \"Windows\" key"
msgstr "Тугмачаи чап \"Windows\""

#, c-format
msgid "Right \"Windows\" key"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Both Control keys simultaneously"
msgstr "Дар як вақт ҳар дуи забонаки Control"

#, c-format
msgid "Both Alt keys simultaneously"
msgstr "Ҳар дуи дагмаи Alt дар як вақт"

#, c-format
msgid "Left Shift key"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Right Shift key"
msgstr "Калиди рости Shift"

#, c-format
msgid "Left Alt key"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Left Control key"
msgstr "Дагмаи чапи Control Тугмачаи чапи Control"

#, c-format
msgid "Right Control key"
msgstr "Дагмаи рости Control"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Here you can choose the key or key combination that will \n"
"allow switching between the different keyboard layouts\n"
"(eg: latin and non latin)"
msgstr ""
"Дар ин ҷо шумо метавонед калид ё ин ки маҷмӯи калидҳоро, ки имконияти\n"
"гузаштанро байни ороишҳои гуногуни забонакро медиҳад, интихоб намоед\n"
"(масалан: лотинӣ ё ин ки ғайри лотинӣ)"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"This setting will be activated after the installation.\n"
"During installation, you will need to use the Right Control\n"
"key to switch between the different keyboard layouts."
msgstr ""
"Барпосозии мазкур баъд аз коргузорӣ фаъол хоҳад буд.\n"
"Дар ҷараёни коргузорӣ забонаки Control-и Ростро\n"
"барои амалӣ намудани алоқа байни ороишҳои гуногуги забонак истифода баред."

#, c-format
msgid "default:LTR"
msgstr "default:LTR"

#, c-format
msgid "Afghanistan"
msgstr "Афғонистон"

#, c-format
msgid "Andorra"
msgstr "Андорра"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "United Arab Emirates"
msgstr "Иолоти Муттаҳида"

#, c-format
msgid "Antigua and Barbuda"
msgstr "Антигуа ва Борбудо"

#, c-format
msgid "Anguilla"
msgstr "Ангутило"

#, c-format
msgid "Albania"
msgstr "Олбанӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Armenia"
msgstr "Арманистон"

#, c-format
msgid "Netherlands Antilles"
msgstr "Онтили Ҳуланд"

#, c-format
msgid "Angola"
msgstr "Ангуло"

#, c-format
msgid "Antarctica"
msgstr "Антарктика"

#: standalone/drakxtv:51
#, c-format
msgid "Argentina"
msgstr "Оржонтин"

#, c-format
msgid "American Samoa"
msgstr "Самуи Амрико"

#: standalone/drakxtv:49
#, c-format
msgid "Australia"
msgstr "Остролиё"

#, c-format
msgid "Aruba"
msgstr "Аруба"

#, c-format
msgid "Azerbaijan"
msgstr "Озарбойҷон"

#, c-format
msgid "Bosnia and Herzegovina"
msgstr "Бусни Ҳерзогавин"

#, c-format
msgid "Barbados"
msgstr "Борбодус"

#, c-format
msgid "Bangladesh"
msgstr "Банглодеш"

#, c-format
msgid "Burkina Faso"
msgstr "Буркино Фосу"

#, c-format
msgid "Bulgaria"
msgstr "Булғористон"

#, c-format
msgid "Bahrain"
msgstr "Баҳрайн"

#, c-format
msgid "Burundi"
msgstr "Бурунти"

#, c-format
msgid "Benin"
msgstr "Бенин"

#, c-format
msgid "Bermuda"
msgstr "Бермудо"

#, c-format
msgid "Brunei Darussalam"
msgstr "Шоҳигарии Бруней"

#, c-format
msgid "Bolivia"
msgstr "Буливи"

#, c-format
msgid "Brazil"
msgstr "Бразил"

#, c-format
msgid "Bahamas"
msgstr "Боҳомос"

#, c-format
msgid "Bhutan"
msgstr "Бутон"

#, c-format
msgid "Bouvet Island"
msgstr "Ҷазираи Буве"

#, c-format
msgid "Botswana"
msgstr "Бутсвона"

#, c-format
msgid "Belarus"
msgstr "Билорусиё"

#, c-format
msgid "Belize"
msgstr "Белиз"

#, c-format
msgid "Canada"
msgstr "Канада"

#, c-format
msgid "Cocos (Keeling) Islands"
msgstr "Ҷазоири Кокос"

#, c-format
msgid "Congo (Kinshasa)"
msgstr "Конго (Киншаса)"

#, c-format
msgid "Central African Republic"
msgstr "Ҷумҳурии Марказии Африқо"

#, c-format
msgid "Congo (Brazzaville)"
msgstr "Конго (Brazzaville)"

#, c-format
msgid "Switzerland"
msgstr "Суис"

#, c-format
msgid "Cote d'Ivoire"
msgstr "Соҳили Оҷ"

#, c-format
msgid "Cook Islands"
msgstr "Ҷазоири Кук"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Chile"
msgstr "Файл интихоб кунед"

#, c-format
msgid "Cameroon"
msgstr "Камирун"

#, c-format
msgid "China"
msgstr "Хитой"

#, c-format
msgid "Colombia"
msgstr "Колумбиё"

#, c-format
msgid "Cuba"
msgstr "Кубо"

#, c-format
msgid "Cape Verde"
msgstr "Димоғи Верде"

#, c-format
msgid "Christmas Island"
msgstr "Ҷазираи Милод"

#, c-format
msgid "Cyprus"
msgstr "Қабрес"

#, c-format
msgid "Djibouti"
msgstr "Ҷибути"

#, c-format
msgid "Denmark"
msgstr "Донморк"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Dominica"
msgstr "Домен"

#, c-format
msgid "Dominican Republic"
msgstr "Думникин"

#, c-format
msgid "Algeria"
msgstr "Алҷазоир"

#, c-format
msgid "Ecuador"
msgstr "Иквадор"

#, c-format
msgid "Estonia"
msgstr "Эстон"

#, c-format
msgid "Egypt"
msgstr "Миср"

#, c-format
msgid "Western Sahara"
msgstr "Саҳрои Кабири Ғарибӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Eritrea"
msgstr "Эритрея"

#: network/ network/
#: network/ network/
#, c-format
msgid "Spain"
msgstr "Успаниё"

#, c-format
msgid "Ethiopia"
msgstr "Ҳабашистон"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Finland"
msgstr "Финлонд"

#, c-format
msgid "Fiji"
msgstr "Фиҷи"

#, c-format
msgid "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)"
msgstr "Ҷазоири Фолкланд"

#, c-format
msgid "Micronesia"
msgstr "Микронезиё"

#, c-format
msgid "Faroe Islands"
msgstr "Ҷазоири Фару"

#, c-format
msgid "Gabon"
msgstr "Габон"

#: network/ network/
#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "United Kingdom"
msgstr "Подшоҳии Муттаҳида"

#, c-format
msgid "Grenada"
msgstr "Гронодо"

#, c-format
msgid "Georgia"
msgstr "Гурҷистон"

#, c-format
msgid "French Guiana"
msgstr "Гинеи Фаронса"

#, c-format
msgid "Ghana"
msgstr "Ғано"

#, c-format
msgid "Gibraltar"
msgstr "Ҷабалуттариқ"

#, c-format
msgid "Greenland"
msgstr "Гринлонд"

#, c-format
msgid "Gambia"
msgstr "Гомбиё"

#, c-format
msgid "Guinea"
msgstr "Гине"

#, c-format
msgid "Guadeloupe"
msgstr "Гвадлуп"

#, c-format
msgid "Equatorial Guinea"
msgstr "Гинеи Экваторӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"
msgstr "Ҷорҷияи Ҷанубӣ ва ҷазираҳои ҷанубии Сандвич"

#, c-format
msgid "Guatemala"
msgstr "Гватемоло"

#, c-format
msgid "Guam"
msgstr "Гуам"

#, c-format
msgid "Guinea-Bissau"
msgstr "Гинеи Биссои"

#, c-format
msgid "Guyana"
msgstr "Гуён"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "China (Hong Kong)"
msgstr "Ҳонг Конг"

#, c-format
msgid "Heard and McDonald Islands"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Honduras"
msgstr "Ҳиндурос"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Croatia"
msgstr "Офаридан"

#, c-format
msgid "Haiti"
msgstr "Ҳаити"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Hungary"
msgstr "Маҷористон"

#, c-format
msgid "Indonesia"
msgstr "Индонезия"

#: standalone/drakxtv:48
#, c-format
msgid "Ireland"
msgstr "Ирлонд"

#, c-format
msgid "Israel"
msgstr "Исроил"

#, c-format
msgid "India"
msgstr "Ҳиндустон"

#, c-format
msgid "British Indian Ocean Territory"
msgstr "Қаламрмви Уқъёнуси Ҳиндӣ - Британиявӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Iraq"
msgstr "Ироқ"

#, c-format
msgid "Iran"
msgstr "Эрон"

#, c-format
msgid "Iceland"
msgstr "Ислонд"

#, c-format
msgid "Jamaica"
msgstr "Ҷомойко"

#, c-format
msgid "Jordan"
msgstr "Урдон"

#, c-format
msgid "Japan"
msgstr "Ҷопон"

#, c-format
msgid "Kenya"
msgstr "Куниё"

#, c-format
msgid "Kyrgyzstan"
msgstr "Қирғизистон"

#, c-format
msgid "Cambodia"
msgstr "Камбуҷа"

#, c-format
msgid "Kiribati"
msgstr "Карибот"

#, c-format
msgid "Comoros"
msgstr "Коморос"

#, c-format
msgid "Saint Kitts and Nevis"
msgstr "Синт Киттс ва Невис"

#, c-format
msgid "Korea (North)"
msgstr "Куриё (Шимол)"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Korea"
msgstr "Зиёдтар"

#, c-format
msgid "Kuwait"
msgstr "Қувайт"

#, c-format
msgid "Cayman Islands"
msgstr "Ҷахоири Кайман"

#, c-format
msgid "Kazakhstan"
msgstr "Қазоқистон"

#, c-format
msgid "Laos"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Lebanon"
msgstr "Лубнон"

#, c-format
msgid "Saint Lucia"
msgstr "Синт Лусиё"

#, c-format
msgid "Liechtenstein"
msgstr "Лихтанштоин"

#, c-format
msgid "Sri Lanka"
msgstr "Сри Лонко"

#, c-format
msgid "Liberia"
msgstr "Либериё"

#, c-format
msgid "Lesotho"
msgstr "Лисуту"

#, c-format
msgid "Lithuania"
msgstr "Литвониё"

#, c-format
msgid "Luxembourg"
msgstr "Лукзамбург"

#, c-format
msgid "Latvia"
msgstr "Латвонӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Libya"
msgstr "Ливия"

#, c-format
msgid "Morocco"
msgstr "Марокеш"

#, c-format
msgid "Monaco"
msgstr "Монако"

#, c-format
msgid "Moldova"
msgstr "Молдавӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Madagascar"
msgstr "Мадогоскор"

#, c-format
msgid "Marshall Islands"
msgstr "Ҷазоири Маршал"

#, c-format
msgid "Macedonia"
msgstr "Мақдуниё"

#, c-format
msgid "Mali"
msgstr "Молӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Myanmar"
msgstr "Миёнмор"

#, c-format
msgid "Mongolia"
msgstr "Муғулистон"

#, c-format
msgid "Northern Mariana Islands"
msgstr "Ҷазоири Мариони Шимолӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Martinique"
msgstr "Мартиник"

#, c-format
msgid "Mauritania"
msgstr "Мавритонӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Montserrat"
msgstr "Мунтесирот"

#, c-format
msgid "Malta"
msgstr "Молет"

#, c-format
msgid "Mauritius"
msgstr "Маврикий"

#, c-format
msgid "Maldives"
msgstr "Молдивз"

#, c-format
msgid "Malawi"
msgstr "Моловӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Mexico"
msgstr "Мекзик"

#, c-format
msgid "Malaysia"
msgstr "Молезӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Mozambique"
msgstr "Музомбик"

#, c-format
msgid "Namibia"
msgstr "Намибиё"

#, c-format
msgid "New Caledonia"
msgstr "Калиднрияи Нав"

#, c-format
msgid "Niger"
msgstr "Ниҷер"

#, c-format
msgid "Norfolk Island"
msgstr "Ҷазираи Нурфолк"

#, c-format
msgid "Nigeria"
msgstr "Ниҷириё"

#, c-format
msgid "Nicaragua"
msgstr "Никорогуе"

#, c-format
msgid "Nepal"
msgstr "Нипол"

#, c-format
msgid "Nauru"
msgstr "Науру"

#, c-format
msgid "Niue"
msgstr "Нйу"

#, c-format
msgid "New Zealand"
msgstr "Зилонди Нав"

#, c-format
msgid "Oman"
msgstr "Оман"

#, c-format
msgid "Panama"
msgstr "Пономо"

#, c-format
msgid "Peru"
msgstr "Перу"

#, c-format
msgid "French Polynesia"
msgstr "Пулинезияи Фаронса"

#, c-format
msgid "Papua New Guinea"
msgstr "Папуа Гинеи Нав"

#, c-format
msgid "Philippines"
msgstr "Филипин"

#, c-format
msgid "Pakistan"
msgstr "Покистон"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Poland"
msgstr "Лаҳистон"

#, c-format
msgid "Saint Pierre and Miquelon"
msgstr "Синт Пир Миколеюн"

#, c-format
msgid "Pitcairn"
msgstr "Питкорин"

#, c-format
msgid "Puerto Rico"
msgstr "Пурту Рику"

#, c-format
msgid "Palestine"
msgstr "Фаластин"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Portugal"
msgstr "Пуртуқол"

#, c-format
msgid "Paraguay"
msgstr "Порогвие"

#, c-format
msgid "Palau"
msgstr "Палау"

#, c-format
msgid "Qatar"
msgstr "Қатар"

#, c-format
msgid "Reunion"
msgstr "Реюнион"

#, c-format
msgid "Romania"
msgstr "Руминия"

#, c-format
msgid "Russia"
msgstr "Русия"

#, c-format
msgid "Rwanda"
msgstr "Руондо"

#, c-format
msgid "Saudi Arabia"
msgstr "Арабистони Саудӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Solomon Islands"
msgstr "Ҷазоири Сулймон"

#, c-format
msgid "Seychelles"
msgstr "Ҷазираҳои Сейшелҳо"

#, c-format
msgid "Sudan"
msgstr "Судан"

#, c-format
msgid "Singapore"
msgstr "Singapore"

#, c-format
msgid "Saint Helena"
msgstr "Синт Ҳилин"

#, c-format
msgid "Slovenia"
msgstr "Услувонӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands"
msgstr "Сволборд ва Ҷазоири Ян Майен"

#, c-format
msgid "Slovakia"
msgstr "Услувок"

#, c-format
msgid "Sierra Leone"
msgstr "Сиро Леун"

#, c-format
msgid "San Marino"
msgstr "Сан Морину"

#, c-format
msgid "Senegal"
msgstr "Синегол"

#, c-format
msgid "Somalia"
msgstr "Сомали"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Suriname"
msgstr "Номи корванд"

#, c-format
msgid "Sao Tome and Principe"
msgstr "Синт Том Принсип"

#, c-format
msgid "El Salvador"
msgstr "Ал Салвадур"

#, c-format
msgid "Syria"
msgstr "Сурия"

#, c-format
msgid "Swaziland"
msgstr "Свозиланд"

#, c-format
msgid "Turks and Caicos Islands"
msgstr "Ҷазоири Турк ва Койкус"

#, c-format
msgid "Chad"
msgstr "Чод"

#, c-format
msgid "French Southern Territories"
msgstr "Қаламрави Ҷанубии Фаронса"

#, c-format
msgid "Togo"
msgstr "Тугуиз"

#, c-format
msgid "Thailand"
msgstr "Тойлонд"

#, c-format
msgid "Tajikistan"
msgstr "Тоҷикистон"

#, c-format
msgid "Tokelau"
msgstr "Токелау"

#, c-format
msgid "East Timor"
msgstr "Тимури Шарқ"

#, c-format
msgid "Turkmenistan"
msgstr "Туркманистон"

#, c-format
msgid "Tunisia"
msgstr "Тунис"

#, c-format
msgid "Tonga"
msgstr "Тунқо"

#, c-format
msgid "Turkey"
msgstr "Туркиё"

#, c-format
msgid "Trinidad and Tobago"
msgstr "Туриндод ва Тубогу"

#, c-format
msgid "Tuvalu"
msgstr "Тувалу"

#, c-format
msgid "Taiwan"
msgstr "Тойвон"

#, c-format
msgid "Tanzania"
msgstr "Танзания"

#, c-format
msgid "Ukraine"
msgstr "Украина"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Uganda"
msgstr "Баргардонидан"

#, c-format
msgid "United States Minor Outlying Islands"
msgstr "Ҷазоири Хурди Дури Иолоти Муттаҳида"

#, c-format
msgid "Uruguay"
msgstr "Уругвие"

#, c-format
msgid "Uzbekistan"
msgstr "Ӯзбекистон"

#, c-format
msgid "Vatican"
msgstr "Ватикан"

#, c-format
msgid "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"
msgstr "Синт Винсент"

#, c-format
msgid "Venezuela"
msgstr "Винизуэло"

#, c-format
msgid "Virgin Islands (British)"
msgstr "Ҷазоири Вирҷин (Британиҳо)"

#, c-format
msgid "Virgin Islands (U.S.)"
msgstr "Ҷазоири Вирҷин (И.М.)"

#, c-format
msgid "Vietnam"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Vanuatu"
msgstr "Вануату"

#, c-format
msgid "Wallis and Futuna"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Samoa"
msgstr "Самоа"

#, c-format
msgid "Yemen"
msgstr "Яман"

#, c-format
msgid "Mayotte"
msgstr "Майоти"

#, c-format
msgid "Serbia & Montenegro"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakxtv:50
#, c-format
msgid "South Africa"
msgstr "Африқои Ҷанубӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Zambia"
msgstr "Зомбиё"

#, c-format
msgid "Zimbabwe"
msgstr "Зимбобве"

#, c-format
msgid "Welcome to %s"
msgstr "Марҳамат ба %s"

#, c-format
msgid "Circular mounts %s\n"
msgstr "Насбҳои пайвасткунвнда %s\n"

#, c-format
msgid "Remove the logical volumes first\n"
msgstr "Сараввал бобҳои мантиқиро дур намоед\n"

#: modules/ standalone/drakconnect:962
#, c-format
msgid "Parameters"
msgstr "Параметрҳо"

#: modules/ standalone/draksec:44
#, c-format
msgid "NONE"
msgstr ""

#: modules/
#, c-format
msgid "Module configuration"
msgstr "Танзимдарории Модул"

#: modules/
#, c-format
msgid "You can configure each parameter of the module here."
msgstr "Дар ин ҷо шумо метавонед ҳар як параметри модулро ба танзим дароред."

#: modules/
#, c-format
msgid "Found %s %s interfaces"
msgstr "%s %s интерфейсҳо ёфт шудаанд"

#: modules/
#, c-format
msgid "Do you have another one?"
msgstr "Шумо боз дигар доред?"

#: modules/
#, c-format
msgid "Do you have any %s interfaces?"
msgstr "Шумо ягон %s интеҳо доред?"

#: modules/
#, c-format
msgid "See hardware info"
msgstr "Маълумоти сахтафзорро бинед"

#. -PO: the first %s is the card type (scsi, network, sound,...)
#. -PO: the second is the vendor+model name
#: modules/
#, c-format
msgid "Installing driver for %s card %s"
msgstr "Коргузориши гардон барои %s карти %s"

#: modules/
#, c-format
msgid "(module %s)"
msgstr "(модули %s)"

#: modules/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You may now provide options to module %s.\n"
"Note that any address should be entered with the prefix 0x like '0x123'"
msgstr ""
"Акнун шумо метавонед интихобҳоро ба модул пешкаш намоед %s.\n"
"Дар хотир дошта бошед, ки суроғаҳои дилхоҳ бояд бо префикси 0x, масалан., "
"'0z123' дохил карда шавад"

#: modules/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You may now provide options to module %s.\n"
"Options are in format ``name=value name2=value2 ...''.\n"
"For instance, ``io=0x300 irq=7''"
msgstr ""
"Акнун шумо метавонед хосиятҳоро ба модули %s таъмин кунед.\n"
"Хосиятҳо дар андозаи ``ном=қиммат ном2=қиммат2 ....''.\n"
"Масалан, ``io=0x300 irq=7''"

#: modules/
#, c-format
msgid "Module options:"
msgstr "Хосиятҳои модул:"

#. -PO: the %s is the driver type (scsi, network, sound,...)
#: modules/
#, c-format
msgid "Which %s driver should I try?"
msgstr "Кадом %s гардонро ман санҷида бинам?"

#: modules/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"In some cases, the %s driver needs to have extra information to work\n"
"properly, although it normally works fine without them. Would you like to "
"extra options for it or allow the driver to probe your machine for the\n"
"information it needs? Occasionally, probing will hang a computer, but it "
"not cause any damage."
msgstr ""
"Дар баъзе ҳолатҳо барои кори дуруст %s гардон бояд маълумоти иловагӣ\n"
"дошта бошад, гарчанде ӯ бе он ҳам нағз кор мекунад. Шумо мехоҳед барои ӯ "
"иловагиро муайян кунед ё ба гардонанда иҷозат медиҳед, ки ба мошинаатон\n"
"маълумоти заруриро санҷида бинад? Баъзан, санҷиш компютерро муаллақ "
"вале ин ягон зарар нахоҳад расонд."

#: modules/
#, c-format
msgid "Autoprobe"
msgstr "Худсанҷиш"

#: modules/
#, c-format
msgid "Specify options"
msgstr "Муайян кардани хосиятҳо"

#: modules/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Loading module %s failed.\n"
"Do you want to try again with other parameters?"
msgstr ""
"“Кор андохтани модули %s нагузашт.\n"
"”“Шумо мехоҳед боз бо дигар параметрҳо кӯшиш кунед?”"

#: modules/
#, c-format
msgid "a number"
msgstr "рақам"

#: modules/
#, c-format
msgid "%d comma separated numbers"
msgstr "%d рақамҳое ки бо вергул ҷудо шудааст"

#: modules/
#, c-format
msgid "%d comma separated strings"
msgstr "%d сатре ки бо вергул ҷудо шудааст"

#: modules/
#, c-format
msgid "comma separated numbers"
msgstr ""

#: modules/
#, c-format
msgid "comma separated strings"
msgstr "сатрҳои бо вергул ҷудошуда"

#, c-format
msgid "Sun - Mouse"
msgstr "Sun - Муш"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Намунавӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Logitech MouseMan+"
msgstr "Logitech MouseMan+"

#, c-format
msgid "Generic PS2 Wheel Mouse"
msgstr "Муши Умумии PS2 бо Ғилдирак"

#, c-format
msgid "GlidePoint"
msgstr "GlidePoint"

#: network/ network/ network/
#: network/ network/ network/
#: network/ network/
#: network/ network/
#: network/ network/
#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "IP-и автоматӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Kensington Thinking Mouse"
msgstr "Kensington Thinking Mouse"

#, c-format
msgid "Genius NetMouse"
msgstr "Genius NetMouse"

#, c-format
msgid "Genius NetScroll"
msgstr "Genius NetScroll"

#, c-format
msgid "Microsoft Explorer"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "1 button"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Generic 2 Button Mouse"
msgstr "Муши Стандартӣ бо 2 Дагма"

#, c-format
msgid "Generic 3 Button Mouse with Wheel emulation"
msgstr "Муши седагмавии умумӣ бо намунаи ғилдиракча"

#, c-format
msgid "Wheel"
msgstr "Ғилдирак"

#, c-format
msgid "serial"
msgstr "пайдарпай"

#, c-format
msgid "Generic 3 Button Mouse"
msgstr "Муши нусхавӣ бо 3 дагма"

#, c-format
msgid "Microsoft IntelliMouse"
msgstr "IntelliМуши Microsoft"

#, c-format
msgid "Logitech MouseMan"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Logitech MouseMan with Wheel emulation"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Mouse Systems"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Logitech CC Series"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Logitech CC Series with Wheel emulation"
msgstr "Logitech CC Series бо намунаи ғилдиракча"

#, c-format
msgid "Logitech MouseMan+/FirstMouse+"
msgstr "Logitech MouseMan+/FirstMouse+"

#, c-format
msgid "MM Series"
msgstr "MM Series"

#, c-format
msgid "MM HitTablet"
msgstr "MM HitTablet"

#, c-format
msgid "Logitech Mouse (serial, old C7 type)"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Logitech Mouse (serial, old C7 type) with Wheel emulation"
msgstr "Муши Logitech (беруна, навъи кӯҳнаи C7) бо намунаи ғилдирак"

#, c-format
msgid "Kensington Thinking Mouse with Wheel emulation"
msgstr "Муши Kensington Thinking бо намунаи чарх"

#, c-format
msgid "busmouse"
msgstr "busmouse"

#, c-format
msgid "2 buttons"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "3 buttons"
msgstr "3 дагма"

#, c-format
msgid "3 buttons with Wheel emulation"
msgstr "Се дагма бо намунаи ғилдиракча"

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Universal"
msgstr "Почтаро кор нагузоштан"

#, c-format
msgid "Any PS/2 & USB mice"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "none"
msgstr "мавҷуд нест"

#, c-format
msgid "No mouse"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Please test the mouse"
msgstr "Лутфан кори мушро санҷед"

#, c-format
msgid "To activate the mouse,"
msgstr "Барои фаъол намудани муш,"

#, c-format

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "use pppoe"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "use pptp"
msgstr "pptp-ро истифода намудан"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "use dhcp"
msgstr "dhcp-ро истифода бурдан"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Alcatel speedtouch usb"
msgstr "Alcatel speedtouch usb"

#: network/ network/ network/
#, c-format
msgid " - detected"
msgstr " - муайяншуд"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Sagem (using pppoa) usb"
msgstr "Sagem (pppoa-ро истифодакунанда) usb"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Sagem (using dhcp) usb"
msgstr "Sagem (истифодакунандаи dhcp) usb"

#: network/ network/
#, c-format
msgid "Connect to the Internet"
msgstr "Алоқа бо интернет"

#: network/ network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The most common way to connect with adsl is pppoe.\n"
"Some connections use pptp, a few use dhcp.\n"
"If you don't know, choose 'use pppoe'"
msgstr ""

#: network/ network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "ADSL connection type :"
msgstr "алоқаи ADSL"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Web Server"
msgstr "Хидматгори Веб"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Domain Name Server"
msgstr "Хидматрасони Номи Соҳибӣ"

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "SSH server"
msgstr "Хидматгори SSH"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "FTP server"
msgstr "Хидматгори FTP"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Mail Server"
msgstr "Хидматгори Пост"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "POP and IMAP Server"
msgstr "Хидматрасони POP ва IMAP"

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Telnet server"
msgstr "X Хидматрасон"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Samba server"
msgstr "Хидматгори Samba"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "CUPS server"
msgstr "Хидматгори CUPS"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Echo request (ping)"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "No network card"
msgstr "Корти шабакавӣ мавҷуд нест"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"drakfirewall configurator\n"
"This configures a personal firewall for this Mandrake Linux machine.\n"
"For a powerful and dedicated firewall solution, please look to the\n"
"specialized MandrakeSecurity Firewall distribution."
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"drakfirewall configurator\n"
"Make sure you have configured your Network/Internet access with\n"
"drakconnect before going any further."
msgstr ""
"танзимгари drakfirewall\n"
"Боварӣ ҳосил намоед, ки шумо роҳи дастрасшавиро ба Шабака/Интернети худ ба\n"
"воситаи drakconnect пеш аз амалиётҳои оянда ба танзим даровардед."

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Which services would you like to allow the Internet to connect to?"
msgstr ""
"Ба кадом хадамот шумо хоҳиши иҷозат доданӣ ҳастед то ки ба интернет роҳ "

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You can enter miscellaneous ports. \n"
"Valid examples are: 139/tcp 139/udp.\n"
"Have a look at /etc/services for information."
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Invalid port given: %s.\n"
"The proper format is \"port/tcp\" or \"port/udp\", \n"
"where port is between 1 and 65535.\n"
"You can also give a range of ports (eg: 24300:24350/udp)"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Everything (no firewall)"
msgstr "Ҳама чиз (firewall не)"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Other ports"
msgstr "Дигар бандарҳо"

#: network/ network/ network/
#: network/ network/ network/
#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "ISDN Configuration"
msgstr "Ба танзим даровардани ISDN"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Select your provider.\n"
"If it isn't listed, choose Unlisted."
msgstr ""
"Таҳиягари худро интихоб намоед.\n"
"Агар он дар рӯйхат набошад, онгоҳ Ба рӯйхат дароварда нашударо интихоб "

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:503
#, c-format
msgid "European protocol (EDSS1)"
msgstr "Протоколи аврупоӣ (EDSS1)"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "European protocol"
msgstr ""

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:504
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Protocol for the rest of the world\n"
"No D-Channel (leased lines)"
msgstr ""
"Протокол ба тамоми ҷаҳон\n"
"Канали D мавҷуд нест (хатҳои чудошуда)"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Protocol for the rest of the world"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Which protocol do you want to use?"
msgstr "Шумо кадом қарордодро истифода бурдан мехоҳед?"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Found \"%s\" interface do you want to use it ?"
msgstr "Интерфейси \"%s\" ёфт шуд, истифода бурдан мехоҳед?"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "What kind of card do you have?"
msgstr "Кадом намуди кордро шумо доред?"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "ISA / PCMCIA"
msgstr "ISA / PCMCIA"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "PCI"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "USB"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "I don't know"
msgstr "Ман намедонам"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If you have an ISA card, the values on the next screen should be right.\n"
"If you have a PCMCIA card, you have to know the \"irq\" and \"io\" of your "
msgstr ""
"Агар шумо харитаи ISA дошта бошед, онгоҳ дар экрани дигар қиматҳо бояд "
"Агар шумо харитаи PCMCIA-ро дошта бошед, онгоҳ шумо бояд  \"irq\" и \"io\"-"
"ихаритаи худро донед.\n"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Давом додан"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Abort"
msgstr "Қатъ кардан"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Which of the following is your ISDN card?"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Ad-hoc"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Managed"
msgstr "Забон"

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Master"
msgstr "Майоти"

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Repeater"
msgstr "Барқарор"

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Secondary"
msgstr "дуюмдараҷа"

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Auto"
msgstr "Муаллиф:"

#: network/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Manual configuration"
msgstr "Танзимдарории дастӣПайкарабандии Раҳнамо"

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Automatic IP (BOOTP/DHCP)"
msgstr "IP-и автоматӣ"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Automatic IP (BOOTP/DHCP/Zeroconf)"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Alcatel speedtouch USB modem"
msgstr "Alcatel speedtouch usb"

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Sagem USB modem"
msgstr "Усули системи"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Bewan USB modem"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Bewan PCI modem"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "ECI Hi-Focus modem"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Manual TCP/IP configuration"
msgstr "Танзимдарории дастӣПайкарабандии Раҳнамо"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE)"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "PPP over ATM (PPPoA)"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Bridged Ethernet LLC"
msgstr "Корти Ethernet"

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Bridged Ethernet VC"
msgstr "Корти Ethernet"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Routed IP LLC"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Routed IP VC"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "PPPOA LLC"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "PPPOA VC"
msgstr ""

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:443
#: standalone/drakconnect:917
#, c-format
msgid "Script-based"
msgstr "Дар дастнавис асос шуда"

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:443
#: standalone/drakconnect:917
#, c-format
msgid "PAP"
msgstr ""

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:443
#: standalone/drakconnect:917
#, c-format
msgid "Terminal-based"
msgstr "Дар асоси поёна"

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:443
#: standalone/drakconnect:917
#, c-format
msgid "CHAP"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "PAP/CHAP"
msgstr ""

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:54
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Network & Internet Configuration"
msgstr "Танзимдарории Шабака ва ИнтернетПайкарабандии Шабака ва Интернет"

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "(detected on port %s)"
msgstr "дар даргоҳи %s муаяйн шудааст"

#. -PO: here, "(detected)" string will be appended to eg "ADSL connection"
#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "(detected %s)"
msgstr "муаяйн гардида %s"

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "(detected)"
msgstr "муаяйншуда"

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Modem connection"
msgstr "Алоқаи Win-модемӣ"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "ISDN connection"
msgstr "алоқаи ISDN"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "ADSL connection"
msgstr "алоқаи ADSL"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Cable connection"
msgstr "Алоқаи ноқилӣ"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "LAN connection"
msgstr "Пайвастшавӣ аз рӯи шабакаи маҳаллӣ"

#: network/ network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Wireless connection"
msgstr "Алоқаи ноқилӣ"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Choose the connection you want to configure"
msgstr "Алоқае интихоб намоед, ки онро шумо ба танзим дароварданӣ ҳастед"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"We are now going to configure the %s connection.\n"
"Press \"%s\" to continue."
msgstr ""

#: network/ network/
#, c-format
msgid "Connection Configuration"
msgstr ""

#: network/ network/
#, c-format
msgid "Please fill or check the field below"
msgstr "Лутфан, майдони дар поён овардашударо пур ё ин ки тафтиш намоед"

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:494
#: standalone/drakconnect:899
#, c-format
msgid "Card IRQ"
msgstr "Корти IRQ"

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:495
#: standalone/drakconnect:900
#, c-format
msgid "Card mem (DMA)"
msgstr "Хотираи харитаи (DMA)"

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:496
#: standalone/drakconnect:901
#, c-format
msgid "Card IO"
msgstr "Корти IO"

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:497
#: standalone/drakconnect:902
#, c-format
msgid "Card IO_0"
msgstr ""

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:903
#, c-format
msgid "Card IO_1"
msgstr ""

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:904
#, c-format
msgid "Your personal phone number"
msgstr ""

#: network/ network/
#: standalone/drakconnect:905
#, c-format
msgid "Provider name (ex"
msgstr "Номи таҳиягар (масалан,"

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:440
#: standalone/drakconnect:906
#, c-format
msgid "Provider phone number"
msgstr "Рақами телефонии таҳиягар"

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Provider DNS 1 (optional)"
msgstr "DNS-и якуми таҳиягар (интихобӣ)"

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Provider DNS 2 (optional)"
msgstr "Таҳиягари dns 2 (интихобӣ)"

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:396
#: standalone/drakconnect:462 standalone/drakconnect:911
#, c-format
msgid "Dialing mode"
msgstr "Усули ҷавоб додани телефонӣ"

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:401
#: standalone/drakconnect:459 standalone/drakconnect:923
#, c-format
msgid "Connection speed"
msgstr "Суръати алоқа"

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:406
#: standalone/drakconnect:924
#, c-format
msgid "Connection timeout (in sec)"
msgstr "Пайвастшавӣ дар вақти иловагӣ(бо сония)"

#: network/ network/
#: standalone/drakconnect:438 standalone/drakconnect:909
#, c-format
msgid "Account Login (user name)"
msgstr "Номи дохилии қайд (исми корванд)"

#: network/ network/
#: standalone/drakconnect:439 standalone/drakconnect:910
#: standalone/drakconnect:944
#, c-format
msgid "Account Password"
msgstr "Гузарвожаи Қайд"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "What kind is your ISDN connection?"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Internal ISDN card"
msgstr "Корти дохилии ISDN"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "External ISDN modem"
msgstr "Модеми берунаи ISDN"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to start a new configuration ?"
msgstr "Шумо танзимдарории навро оғоз кардан мехоҳед?"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"I have detected an ISDN PCI card, but I don't know its type. Please select a "
"PCI card on the next screen."
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "No ISDN PCI card found. Please select one on the next screen."
msgstr ""
"Корти ISDN PCI дарёфт нагардидааст. Лутфан, онро дар экрани навбатӣ интихоб "

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your modem isn't supported by the system.\n"
"Take a look at"
msgstr ""
"Модеми шумо аз тарафи систем дастгирӣ намеёбад.\n"
"Ба назар намоед"

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Select the modem to configure:"
msgstr "Интерфейси шабакавиро интихоб намудан"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Please choose which serial port your modem is connected to."
msgstr ""
"Лутфан, интихоб намоед, ки ба кадом даргоҳи пайдарпай модеми шумо "

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Select your provider:"
msgstr ""

#: network/ network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Provider:"
msgstr "Тахассус: "

#: network/ network/
#: network/ network/
#: network/ network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Manual"
msgstr "Миёнмор"

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Dialup: account options"
msgstr "Хосиятҳои васл"

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:913
#, c-format
msgid "Connection name"
msgstr "Номи алоқа"

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:914
#, c-format
msgid "Phone number"
msgstr "Рақами телефон"

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:915
#, c-format
msgid "Login ID"
msgstr ""

#: network/ network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Dialup: IP parameters"
msgstr "Параметрҳо"

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "IP parameters"
msgstr "Параметрҳо"

#: network/ network/
#: printer/ standalone/drakconnect:113
#: standalone/drakconnect:306 standalone/drakconnect:764
#, c-format
msgid "IP address"
msgstr "Суроғаи IP"

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Subnet mask"
msgstr "Ниқоби зершабака:"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Dialup: DNS parameters"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "DNS"
msgstr "Давлатҳои Нави Мустақил"

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:918
#, c-format
msgid "Domain name"
msgstr ""

#: network/ network/
#: standalone/drakconnect:919
#, c-format
msgid "First DNS Server (optional)"
msgstr "Хидматрасони DNS-и якум (интихобӣ)"

#: network/ network/
#: standalone/drakconnect:920
#, c-format
msgid "Second DNS Server (optional)"
msgstr "Хидматрасони дуюми DNS (интихобӣ)"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Set hostname from IP"
msgstr ""

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:317
#: standalone/drakconnect:912
#, c-format
msgid "Gateway"
msgstr "Gateway"

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Gateway IP address"
msgstr "Суроғаи IP"

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "ADSL configuration"
msgstr "Танзимдарории интихобӣ"

#: network/ network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Select the network interface to configure:"
msgstr "Интерфейси шабакавиро интихоб намудан"

#: network/ network/ network/
#: standalone/drakconnect:602 standalone/drakgw:218 standalone/drakvpn:217
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Net Device"
msgstr "Хадамоти Xinetd"

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Please choose your ADSL provider"
msgstr "Лутфан мамлакати худро интихоб кунед."

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You need the Alcatel microcode.\n"
"You can provide it now via a floppy or your windows partition,\n"
"or skip and do it later."
msgstr ""
"Ба шумо микробарномаи Alcatel лозим аст.\n"
"Шумо метавонед онро бо дискет ё қисми Windows-и худ таъмин намоед,\n"
"ё ин ки онро партофта сониян иҷро намоед."

#: network/ network/
#, c-format
msgid "Use a floppy"
msgstr ""

#: network/ network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Use my Windows partition"
msgstr ""
"Бахшбанди Windows-и маро истифода баредҚисми Windows-и маро мавриди истифода "
"қарор диҳед"

#: network/ network/
#, c-format
msgid "Do it later"
msgstr "Онро баъд иҷро намоед"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Firmware copy failed, file %s not found"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Firmware copy succeeded"
msgstr "Нусхабардории Firmware бомуваффақият ба анҷом расид"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You need the Alcatel microcode.\n"
"Download it at:\n"
"and copy the mgmt.o in /usr/share/speedtouch"
msgstr ""
"Ба шумо alcatel microcode лозим аст.\n"
"Онро фаровир намоед аз\n"
"ва нусхаи mgmt.o дар /usr/share/speedtouch гиред"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Virtual Path ID (VPI):"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Virtual Circuit ID (VCI):"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Encapsulation :"
msgstr "Калиди Encryption"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The ECI Hi-Focus modem cannot be supported due to binary driver distribution "
"You can find a driver on"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "No wireless network adapter on your system!"
msgstr ""

#: network/ standalone/drakgw:240 standalone/drakpxe:137
#, c-format
msgid "No network adapter on your system!"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"WARNING: this device has been previously configured to connect to the "
"Simply accept to keep this device configured.\n"
"Modifying the fields below will override this configuration."
msgstr ""
"ОГОҲӢ: ин дастгоҳ пештар барои васлшавӣ ба интернет ба танзим дароварда шуда "
"Танҳо танзими ин дастгоҳро бе тағир нигоҳ доред.\n"
"Тағироти майдонҳои дар поён додашуда ба таври пешакӣ ин танзимро муайян "

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Zeroconf hostname resolution"
msgstr "Номи компютори Zeroconf набояд a -ро дошта бошад."

#: network/ network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Configuring network device %s (driver %s)"
msgstr "Дастгоҳи Шабака ба танзим дароварда мешавад %s"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The following protocols can be used to configure an ethernet connection. "
"Please choose the one you want to use"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Please enter the IP configuration for this machine.\n"
"Each item should be entered as an IP address in dotted-decimal\n"
"notation (for example,"
msgstr ""
"Лутфан, танзимдарории IP-ро барои ин мошин ба кор андозед.\n"
"Ҳар як нуқта бояд ҳамчун IP-суроға дар намуди қайди рақамҳои даҳяке ки бо\n"
"вергул ҷудо шудааст, дохил гардад (масалан,"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Assign host name from DHCP address"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "DHCP host name"
msgstr ""

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:311
#: standalone/drakconnect:765 standalone/drakgw:313
#, c-format
msgid "Netmask"
msgstr ""

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:389
#, c-format
msgid "Track network card id (useful for laptops)"
msgstr ""

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:390
#, c-format
msgid "Network Hotplugging"
msgstr "Шабакаи Hotplugging"

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:384
#, c-format
msgid "Start at boot"
msgstr "Ҳангоми худборшавӣ оғоз намудан"

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:768
#, c-format
msgid "DHCP client"
msgstr ""

#: network/ printer/
#: standalone/drakconnect:569
#, c-format
msgid "IP address should be in format"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Warning : IP address %s is usually reserved !"
msgstr "Огоҳӣ : суроғаи IP %s одатан нигоҳ дошта мешавад !"

#: network/ network/
#, c-format
msgid "Please enter the wireless parameters for this card:"
msgstr ""

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:355
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Operating Mode"
msgstr "Усули Мутахассисӣ"

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:356
#, c-format
msgid "Network name (ESSID)"
msgstr ""

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:357
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Network ID"
msgstr "Шабака"

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:358
#, c-format
msgid "Operating frequency"
msgstr ""

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:359
#, c-format
msgid "Sensitivity threshold"
msgstr ""

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:360
#, c-format
msgid "Bitrate (in b/s)"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Freq should have the suffix k, M or G (for example, \"2.46G\" for 2.46 GHz "
"frequency), or add enough '0' (zeroes)."
msgstr ""
"Freq бояд суффикси k, M ё G-ро дошта бошад (масалан, \"2.46G\" барои 2.46 "
"GHz), ё ин ки миқдори лозимаи '0' (сифрҳоро) илова намоед."

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Rate should have the suffix k, M or G (for example, \"11M\" for 11M), or add "
"enough '0' (zeroes)."
msgstr ""

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:371
#, c-format
msgid "RTS/CTS"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"RTS/CTS adds a handshake before each packet transmission to make sure that "
"channel is clear. This adds overhead, but increase performance in case of "
"nodes or large number of active nodes. This parameter sets the size of the\n"
"smallest packet for which the node sends RTS, a value equal to the maximum\n"
"packet size disable the scheme. You may also set this parameter to auto, "
"or off."
msgstr ""

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:372
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Fragmentation"
msgstr "Шиносномаи гузаргоҳ"

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:373
#, c-format
msgid "Iwconfig command extra arguments"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Here, one can configure some extra wireless parameters such as:\n"
"ap, channel, commit, enc, power, retry, sens, txpower (nick is already set "
"as the hostname).\n"
"See iwpconfig(8) man page for further information."
msgstr ""

#. -PO: split the "xyz command extra argument" translated string into two lines if it's bigger than the english one
#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:374
#, c-format
msgid "Iwspy command extra arguments"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Iwspy is used to set a list of addresses in a wireless network\n"
"interface and to read back quality of link information for each of those.\n"
"This information is the same as the one available in /proc/net/wireless :\n"
"quality of the link, signal strength and noise level.\n"
"See iwpspy(8) man page for further information."
msgstr ""

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:375
#, c-format
msgid "Iwpriv command extra arguments"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Iwpriv enable to set up optionals (private) parameters of a wireless "
"Iwpriv deals with parameters and setting specific to each driver (as opposed "
"iwconfig which deals with generic ones).\n"
"In theory, the documentation of each device driver should indicate how to "
"those interface specific commands and their effect.\n"
"See iwpriv(8) man page for further information."
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"No ethernet network adapter has been detected on your system.\n"
"I cannot set up this connection type."
msgstr ""
"Созгори шабакаи ethernet дар системи шумо муаяйн нашудааст.\n"
"Ман ин намуди алоқаро барпо карда наметавонам."

#: network/ standalone/drakgw:254 standalone/drakpxe:142
#, c-format
msgid "Choose the network interface"
msgstr "Интерфейси шабакавиро интихоб намудан"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Please choose which network adapter you want to use to connect to Internet."
msgstr ""
"Лутфан, созгори шабакавиро интихоб намоед, ки онро шумо барои пайвастшавӣ ба "
"интернет истифода бурданӣ ҳастед."

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Please enter your host name.\n"
"Your host name should be a fully-qualified host name,\n"
"such as ``''.\n"
"You may also enter the IP address of the gateway if you have one."
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Last but not least you can also type in your DNS server IP addresses."
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Host name (optional)"
msgstr "Танзимдарории систем"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Host name"
msgstr "Номи соҳибӣ"

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "DNS server 1"
msgstr "Хидматгори SSH"

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "DNS server 2"
msgstr "Хидматгори SSH"

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "DNS server 3"
msgstr "Хидматгори SSH"

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Search domain"
msgstr "Домен"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "By default search domain will be set from the fully-qualified host name"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Gateway (e.g. %s)"
msgstr "Дараҷаи тадохул (масалан, %s)"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Gateway device"
msgstr "Дастгоҳи даричаи тадохул"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "DNS server address should be in format"
msgstr "Суроғаи хидматрасони DNS дар шакли бояд бошад"

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:571
#, c-format
msgid "Gateway address should be in format"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Enter a Zeroconf host name which will be the one that your machine will get "
"back to other machines on the network:"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Zeroconf Host name"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Zeroconf host name must not contain a ."
msgstr "Номи компютори Zeroconf набояд a -ро дошта бошад."

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You have configured multiple ways to connect to the Internet.\n"
"Choose the one you want to use.\n"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Internet connection"
msgstr "Алоқа бо интернет"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Configuration is complete, do you want to apply settings ?"
msgstr "Танзимдарорӣ ба итмом расид, гузоришҳоро истифода бурдан мехоҳед ?"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to start the connection at boot?"
msgstr "Дар вақти худборшав шумо хоҳиши шурӯъ кардани алоқаро доред?"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "The network needs to be restarted. Do you want to restart it ?"
msgstr ""
"Шабакаро бояд бозоғозӣ намудан лозим аст. Оё шумо хоҳиши бозоғозӣ "
"намуданродоред ?"

#: network/ network/
#, c-format
msgid "Network Configuration"
msgstr "Танзимдарории Шабака"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"A problem occured while restarting the network: \n"
msgstr ""
"Ҳангоми аз сари нав оғоз намудани шабака муаммое пайдо шуд: \n"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to try to connect to the Internet now?"
msgstr "Оё шумо ҳоло хоҳиши кӯшиши ба интернет пайваст шуданро доред?"

#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:958
#, c-format
msgid "Testing your connection..."
msgstr "Санҷиши алоқаи шумо..."

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "The system is now connected to the Internet."
msgstr "Акнун систем ба интернет пайваст мебошад."

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "For security reasons, it will be disconnected now."
msgstr "Бо мақсади бехатарӣ ҳоло алоқа канда мешавад."

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The system doesn't seem to be connected to the Internet.\n"
"Try to reconfigure your connection."
msgstr ""
"Зоҳиран, систем ба интернет пайваст нашудааст.\n"
"Аз сари нав алоқаи худро ба танзим дароред."

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Congratulations, the network and Internet configuration is finished.\n"
msgstr ""
"Табрикотро қабул намоед, ба танзимдарории шабака ва интернет ба итмом "

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"After this is done, we recommend that you restart your X environment to "
"avoid any hostname-related problems."
msgstr ""
"Баъди аз ин ба шумо тавсия медиҳем, то ки шумо аз сари нав муҳити Х-и худро "
"оғоз намоед, то ки ба муаммоҳое ки бо ивазшавии номи соҳибӣ вобаста аст, "
"дучор нагардед."

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Problems occured during configuration.\n"
"Test your connection via net_monitor or mcc. If your connection doesn't "
"work, you might want to relaunch the configuration."
msgstr ""
"Ҳангоми ба танзимдарорӣ муаммоҳо пайдо шуд.\n"
"Ба воситаи net_monitor ё mcc васлшавии худро тафтиш намоед. Агар васлшавии "
"шумо кор накунад, онгоҳ аз сари нав танзимдарориро оғоз намоед."

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Because you are doing a network installation, your network is already "
"Click on Ok to keep your configuration, or cancel to reconfigure your "
"Internet & Network connection.\n"
msgstr ""
"Азбаски шумо коргузории шабакаро иҷро карда истодаед, шабакаи шумо аллакай "
"ба танзим дароварда шудааст.\n"
"Барои нигоҳ доштани танзим худ ба Ok ангушт занед ё ин ки бекор намоед то ки "
"алоқаи Интернет ва Шабакаи худро аз сари нав ба танзим дароред.\n"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Proxies configuration"
msgstr "Ба танзимдарории Proxies"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "HTTP proxy"
msgstr ""

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "FTP proxy"
msgstr "FTP proxy"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Proxy should be http://..."
msgstr "Proxy бояд бошад http://..."

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "URL should begin with 'ftp:' or 'http:'"
msgstr "URL бояд бо 'ftp:' ё ин ки 'http' оғоз гардад:"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Firewalling configuration detected!"
msgstr "Танзимдарории Firewalling муаяйн шудааст!"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Warning! An existing firewalling configuration has been detected. You may "
"need some manual fixes after installation."
msgstr ""
"Огоҳӣ! Танзимдарории мавҷуд будаи firewalling муаяйн гардид. Шояд ба шумо "
"зарурияти дастӣ ислоҳ намудани онҳо баъд аз коргузорӣ бошад."

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Please enter the name of the interface connected to the "
"internet.              \n"
"                \n"
"                ppp+ for modem or DSL connections, \n"
"                eth0, or eth1 for cable connection, \n"
"                ippp+ for a isdn connection.\n"
msgstr ""
"Лутфан номи интерфейси ба интернет пайвастшударо дохил "
"намоед.              \n"
"                \n"
"                ppp+ барои алоқаҳои модемӣ ё ин ки DSL, \n"
"                eth0, ё eth1 барои алоқаи кабелӣ, \n"
"                ippp+ барои алоқаи isdn.\n"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Insert floppy"
msgstr "Дискетро дохил кунед"

#: network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Insert a FAT formatted floppy in drive %s with %s in root directory and "
"press %s"
msgstr ""
"Дискети ба таври FAT шаклбандӣ шударо дар гардони %s бо %s-и дар феҳристи "
"решагӣ мавҷуд буда дохил намоед ва ба %s ангушт занед"

#: network/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Floppy access error, unable to mount device %s"
msgstr "Шумо дар куҷо дастгоҳи %s-ро васл кардан мехоҳед?"

#, c-format
msgid "mount failed: "
msgstr "васлкунӣ нагузашт: "

#, c-format
msgid "Extended partition not supported on this platform"
msgstr "Дар ин барномаи амалиёт қисми Extended дастгирӣ намеёбад"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"You have a hole in your partition table but I can't use it.\n"
"The only solution is to move your primary partitions to have the hole next "
"to the extended partitions."
msgstr ""
"Дар таблитсаи қисмҳои шумо сӯрохӣ ҳаст, ки онро ман истифода бурда "
"Ҳалли ягона - қисмҳоро ҳамин тавр ҷобаҷо намуд, ки, сӯрохӣ баъд аз қисмҳои "
"васеъшуда якбора ҷойгир гардад."

#, c-format
msgid "Restoring from file %s failed: %s"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Bad backup file"
msgstr "Файли эҳтиётии бад"

#, c-format
msgid "Error writing to file %s"
msgstr "Хатогии қайд дар файл %s"

#: partition_table/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Something bad is happening on your drive. \n"
"A test to check the integrity of data has failed. \n"
"It means writing anything on the disk will end up with random, corrupted "
msgstr ""
"Чизи нохуше дар гардони шумо рӯй дод. \n"
"Санҷиш оиди яклухт будани додаҳо бемуваффақият анҷом ёфт. \n"
"Ин маънои онро дорад, ки навиштани чизе дар диски шумо бо додаҳои тасодуфӣ "
"ва бад ба охир мерасад."

#, c-format
msgid "must have"
msgstr "бояд дошта бошад"

#, c-format
msgid "important"
msgstr "ҳатмӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "very nice"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "nice"
msgstr "хуб"

#, c-format
msgid "maybe"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "(on %s)"
msgstr "(дар %s)"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "(on this machine)"
msgstr ""

#: printer/ standalone/printerdrake:197
#, c-format
msgid "Configured on other machines"
msgstr "Дар дигар мошинаҳо танзим шудааст"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "On CUPS server \"%s\""
msgstr "Дар хидматрасони CUPS \"%s\""

#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid " (Default)"
msgstr " (Пешфарз)"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "PDQ - Print, Don't Queue"
msgstr "PDQ - Чоп намудан бе навбат"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "PDQ"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "LPD - Line Printer Daemon"
msgstr "LPD - Азозили сатр ба сатр чопгари чопкунанда"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "LPD"
msgstr "LPD"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "LPRng - LPR New Generation"
msgstr "LPRng - LPR-и насли оянда"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "LPRng"
msgstr "LPRng"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "CUPS - Common Unix Printing System"
msgstr ""

#: printer/ printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown Model"
msgstr "Модели Номаълум"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Local printer"
msgstr "Чопгари маҳаллӣ"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Remote printer"
msgstr "Чопгари дар масофаи дур ҷойгиршуда"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Printer on remote CUPS server"
msgstr ""

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Printer on remote lpd server"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Network printer (TCP/Socket)"
msgstr "Чопгари шабакавӣ (TCP/Socket)"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Printer on SMB/Windows 95/98/NT server"
msgstr "Чопгар дар хидматрасони SMB/Windows 95/98/NT"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Printer on NetWare server"
msgstr ""

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Enter a printer device URI"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Pipe job into a command"
msgstr "Ба воситаи конвейер вазифаро ба фармон додан"

#: printer/ printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown model"
msgstr ""

#: printer/ standalone/printerdrake:196
#, c-format
msgid "Configured on this machine"
msgstr "Дар мошин ба танзим дароварда шудааст"

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid " on parallel port #%s"
msgstr ""

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid ", USB printer #%s"
msgstr ", чопгари USB #%s"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ", USB printer"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ", multi-function device on parallel port #%s"
msgstr ", дастгоҳи бисёрвазифагӣ дар даргоҳи параллелии #%s"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ", multi-function device on a parallel port"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ", multi-function device on USB"
msgstr ", дастгоҳи бисёрвазифагӣ дар USB"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ", multi-function device on HP JetDirect"
msgstr ", дастгоҳи бисёрвазифагӣ дар HP JetDirect"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ", multi-function device"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ", printing to %s"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid " on LPD server \"%s\", printer \"%s\""
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ", TCP/IP host \"%s\", port %s"
msgstr ", соҳиби TCP/IP \"%s\", даргоҳи %s"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid " on SMB/Windows server \"%s\", share \"%s\""
msgstr " дар хидматрасони SMB/Windows \"%s\", тақсимоти \"%s\""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid " on Novell server \"%s\", printer \"%s\""
msgstr " дар хидматрасони Novell \"%s\", чопгар \"%s\""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ", using command %s"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Parallel port #%s"
msgstr "Даргоҳи параллелии #%s"

#: printer/ printer/ printer/
#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "USB printer #%s"
msgstr "Чопгари USB #%s"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "USB printer"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Multi-function device on parallel port #%s"
msgstr "Дастгоҳи бисёрвазифагӣ дар даргоҳи параллелӣ #%s"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Multi-function device on a parallel port"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Multi-function device on USB"
msgstr "Дастгоҳи бисёрвазифагӣ дар USB"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Multi-function device on HP JetDirect"
msgstr "Дастгоҳи бисёрвазифагӣ дар HP JetDirect"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Multi-function device"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Prints into %s"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "LPD server \"%s\", printer \"%s\""
msgstr "LPD хидматрасон \"%s\", чопгари \"%s\""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "TCP/IP host \"%s\", port %s"
msgstr "TCP/IP соҳиби \"%s\", даргоҳи %s"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "SMB/Windows server \"%s\", share \"%s\""
msgstr "Хидматрасони SMB/Windows \"%s\", тақсими \"%s\""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Novell server \"%s\", printer \"%s\""
msgstr "хидматрасони Novell \"%s\", чопгари \"%s\""

#: printer/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Uses command %s"
msgstr "Соҳиб %s"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "URI: %s"
msgstr ""

#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Raw printer (No driver)"
msgstr ""

#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Local network(s)"
msgstr "Шабака(ҳо)-и маҳаллӣ"

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Interface \"%s\""
msgstr "Интерфейс \"%s\""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Network %s"
msgstr "Шабака %s"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Host %s"
msgstr "Соҳиб %s"

#: printer/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s (Port %s)"
msgstr "Соҳиб %s"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The HP LaserJet 1000 needs its firmware to be uploaded after being turned "
"on. Download the Windows driver package from the HP web site (the firmware "
"on the printer's CD does not work) and extract the firmware file from it by "
"uncompresing the self-extracting '.exe' file with the 'unzip' utility and "
"searching for the 'sihp1000.img' file. Copy this file into the '/etc/"
"printer' directory. There it will be found by the automatic uploader script "
"and uploaded whenever the printer is connected and turned on.\n"
msgstr ""
"Барои HP LaserJet 1000 баъди даргиронидан лозим аст, то ки ба хотираи он "
"firmware-ро ба кор андозем. Қуттии ронандаҳоро барои Windows аз web-пойгоҳи "
"HP фаровир намоед (firmware дар CD-и чопгар кор намекунад) ба воситаи "
"кушодани бойгони худкушодашавандаи '.exe'бо муфиднокии 'unzip'аз он файли "
"firmware-ро гиред. Файли 'sihp1000.img'-ро ёбед ва онро ба феҳристи '/etc/"
"printer' нусхабардорӣ намоед. Он аз тарафи намоишномаи боргузорандаи "
"автоматӣ ёфта хоҳад шуд ва ҳангоми ке чопгар пайваст асту дар гиронида "
"шудааст он боргузорӣ хоҳад шуд.\n"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "CUPS printer configuration"
msgstr "Танзимдарории чопгари CUPS"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Here you can choose whether the printers connected to this machine should be "
"accessable by remote machines and by which remote machines."
msgstr ""
"Дар ин ҷо шумо ҳал намоед, ки оё чопгарҳои ба ин мошин пайваст буда бояд ба "
"мошинҳои дурдаст ва барои яке аз онҳо дастрас бошад."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You can also decide here whether printers on remote machines should be "
"automatically made available on this machine."
msgstr ""
"Дар ин ҷо шумо инчунин метавонед ба қарор оед, ки оё чопгарҳои дар мошинҳои "
"дурдаст буда бояд ба таври автоматӣ дар ин мошин дастрас бошад."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "The printers on this machine are available to other computers"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Automatically find available printers on remote machines"
msgstr ""
"Ба таври автоматӣ чопгарҳои мавҷудбударо дар мошинҳои дурдаст дарёфт намудан"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Printer sharing on hosts/networks: "
msgstr "Истифодаи якҷояи чопгар мувофиқи соҳибон/шабакаҳо: "

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Custom configuration"
msgstr "Танзимдарории интихобӣ"

#: printer/ standalone/scannerdrake:554
#: standalone/scannerdrake:571
#, c-format
msgid "No remote machines"
msgstr "Мошинаҳои дастрас нест"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Additional CUPS servers: "
msgstr "Хидматрасонҳои иловагии CUPS: "

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "None"
msgstr "Ҳеҷ"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"To get access to printers on remote CUPS servers in your local network you "
"only need to turn on the \"Automatically find available printers on remote "
"machines\" option; the CUPS servers inform your machine automatically about "
"their printers. All printers currently known to your machine are listed in "
"the \"Remote printers\" section in the main window of Printerdrake. If your "
"CUPS server(s) is/are not in your local network, you have to enter the IP "
"address(es) and optionally the port number(s) here to get the printer "
"information from the server(s)."
msgstr ""
"Барои дастрас намудани чопгарҳои дар хидматрасонҳои дурдасти CUPS-и шабакаи "
"маҳаллии худатон ба шумо лозим аст танҳо интихоби \"Ба таври автоматӣ дарёфт "
"намудани чопгарҳои мавҷуд буда дар мошинҳои дурдаст\"-ро дохил намоед, "
"хидматрасонҳои CUPS ба мошини шумо ба таври автоматӣ дар хусуси чопгарҳои "
"худ маълумот медиҳад. Ҳамаи чопгарҳои айни ҳол ба мошини шумо маълум буда "
"дар қисми \"Чопгарҳои дурдаст\"-и оинаи асосии Printerdrake оварда шудааст. "
"Агар хидматрасони CUPS-и шумо дар шабакаи маҳаллии шумо ҷойгир набошад, "
"онгоҳ шумо бояд суроғаи IP-ро дохил намоед ва шояд барои гирифтани рақам(ҳо)"
"и даргоҳ аз хидматрасон оиди чопгар."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Japanese text printing mode"
msgstr "Усули чопкунии матни ҷопонӣ"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Turning on this allows to print plain text files in japanese language. Only "
"use this function if you really want to print text in japanese, if it is "
"activated you cannot print accentuated characters in latin fonts any more "
"and you will not be able to adjust the margins, the character size, etc. "
"This setting only affects printers defined on this machine. If you want to "
"print japanese text on a printer set up on a remote machine, you have to "
"activate this function on that remote machine."
msgstr ""
"Ин интихоб имкон медиҳад, то ки матни оддиро ба забони японӣ чоп намоед. "
"Онро танҳо дар он вақтистифода баред, ки шумо дар ҳақиқат матнеро ба ин "
"забон чоп карданӣ бошед. Агар ин интихоб дохил шуда бошад, онгоҳ шумо "
"рамзҳоро бо аломатҳои зада бо ҳарфҳои лотинӣ чоп карда наметавонед, инчунин "
"майдон, андозаи ҳарфро мураттаб сохта наметавонед. Ин барпосозӣ танҳо ба он "
"чопгарҳое ки дар ин мошин муаяйн гардидааст, истифода бурда мешавад. Агар "
"шумо хоҳиши чоп намудан ба забони японӣ бошед, онгоҳ шумо бояд ин интихобро "
"дар мошин хориҷшуда дохил намоед."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Automatic correction of CUPS configuration"
msgstr "Мунтазамкунии автоматикии Танзимдарории CUPS"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"When this option is turned on, on every startup of CUPS it is automatically "
"made sure that\n"
"- if LPD/LPRng is installed, /etc/printcap will not be overwritten by CUPS\n"
"- if /etc/cups/cupsd.conf is missing, it will be created\n"
"- when printer information is broadcasted, it does not contain \"localhost\" "
"as the server name.\n"
"If some of these measures lead to problems for you, turn this option off, "
"but then you have to take care of these points."
msgstr ""
"Вақте ки ин интихоб ба кор дароварда шудааст, ҳангоми ҳар вақт сар додани "
"CUPS он ба таври автоматӣ месанҷад, ки агар LPD/LPRng коргузорӣ шуда бошад, "
"онгоҳ/etc/printcap ба CUPS аз сари нав навишта намешавад\n"
"- агар /etc/cups/cupsd.conf, мавҷуд набошад, онгоҳ он ташкил хоҳад шуд\n"
"- вақте ки ахборот оиди чопгар ба воситаи шабака дода мешавад, онгоҳ он "
"\"localhost\"-ро ба сифати номи хидматрасон надорад.\n"
"Агар як қатор ин тафтишот боиси муаммои шумо шуда бошад, онгоҳ ин интихобро "
"хомӯш намоед. Лекин дар ин ҳолат худи шумо дар бораи ин нуқтаҳо бояд ғамхорӣ "

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Sharing of local printers"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"These are the machines and networks on which the locally connected printer"
"(s) should be available:"
msgstr ""
"Ин мошинаҳою шабакаҳо, ки ба онҳо чопгарҳои аз ҷиҳати маҳаллӣ пайваст буда "
"бояддастрас бошад:"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Add host/network"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Edit selected host/network"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Remove selected host/network"
msgstr "Хориҷи интихоб шуда соҳиб/шабака"

#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "IP address of host/network:"
msgstr "Суроғаи IP-и соҳиб/шабака:"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Choose the network or host on which the local printers should be made "
msgstr ""
"Шабака ва соҳибро интихоб намоед, ки дар онҳо чопгарҳои маҳаллӣ бояд дастрас "

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Host/network IP address missing."
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "The entered host/network IP is not correct.\n"
msgstr ""

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Examples for correct IPs:\n"
msgstr "Мисолҳои IP-ҳои дуруст:\n"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "This host/network is already in the list, it cannot be added again.\n"
msgstr ""

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Accessing printers on remote CUPS servers"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Add here the CUPS servers whose printers you want to use. You only need to "
"do this if the servers do not broadcast their printer information into the "
"local network."
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Add server"
msgstr "Иловаи корванд"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Edit selected server"
msgstr "Таҳрири хидматрасони интихобшуда"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Remove selected server"
msgstr "Хориҷи хидматрасони интихобшуда"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Enter IP address and port of the host whose printers you want to use."
msgstr ""
"Суроғаи IP ва даргоҳи соҳибро дохил намоед, ки чопгарҳои онҳоро шумо "
"истифода бурдан мехоҳед."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "If no port is given, 631 will be taken as default."
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Server IP missing!"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "The entered IP is not correct.\n"
msgstr "IP-и гузошта шуда нодуруст аст.\n"

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "The port number should be an integer!"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "This server is already in the list, it cannot be added again.\n"
msgstr ""
"Ин хидматрасон аллакай дар рӯйхат аст, онро боз дохил кардан мумкин нест.\n"

#: printer/ printer/
#: standalone/harddrake2:64
#, c-format
msgid "Port"
msgstr ""

#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ standalone/printerdrake:65
#: standalone/printerdrake:85 standalone/printerdrake:515
#, c-format
msgid "Printerdrake"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Restarting CUPS..."
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Select Printer Connection"
msgstr "Алоқаро ба Чопгар Интихоб намоед"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "How is the printer connected?"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Printers on remote CUPS servers do not need to be configured here; these "
"printers will be automatically detected."
msgstr ""
"Чопгарҳои дар хидматрасонҳои дурдасти CUPS мавҷуд буда бояд дар ин ҷо ба "
"танзим дароварда шавад; ин чопгарҳо ба таври автоматӣ муаяйн мегардад."

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"WARNING: No local network connection active, remote printers can neither be "
"detected nor tested!"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Printer auto-detection (Local, TCP/Socket, and SMB printers)"
msgstr "Худмуаяйнкунии чопгар (маҳаллӣ, TCP/Socket ва чопгарҳои SMB)"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Checking your system..."
msgstr "Системи шумо тафтиш мешавад..."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "and one unknown printer"
msgstr "ва як чопгари номаълум"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "and %d unknown printers"
msgstr "ва %d чопгарҳои номаълум"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The following printers\n"
"are directly connected to your system"
msgstr ""
"Чопгарҳои зерин\n"
"бевосита ба системи шумо пайваст шудааст"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The following printer\n"
"are directly connected to your system"
msgstr ""
"Чопгари зерин\n"
"бевосита ба системи шумо пайваст гардидааст"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The following printer\n"
"is directly connected to your system"
msgstr ""
"Чопгари зерин\n"
"бевосита ба системи шумо пайваст аст"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"There is one unknown printer directly connected to your system"
msgstr ""
"Як чопгари номаълумае мавҷуд аст, ки бевосита ба системи шумо пайваст аст"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"There are %d unknown printers directly connected to your system"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"There are no printers found which are directly connected to your machine"
msgstr "Чопгарҳое ёфт нашудааст, ки бевосита ба мошини шумо пайваст бошад"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid " (Make sure that all your printers are connected and turned on).\n"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Do you want to enable printing on the printers mentioned above or on "
"printers in the local network?\n"
msgstr ""
"Оё шумо хоҳиш чопро дар чопгарҳои дар боло зикр шуда дар гирониданӣ ҳастед ё "
"ин ки дар чопгарҳои шабакаи худ?\n"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to enable printing on printers in the local network?\n"
msgstr ""
"Оё шумо хоҳиши амалӣ намудани чоп дар чопгарҳои ба шабакаи маҳаллӣ пайваст "
"бударо доред?\n"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to enable printing on the printers mentioned above?\n"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure that you want to set up printing on this machine?\n"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"NOTE: Depending on the printer model and the printing system up to %d MB of "
"additional software will be installed."
msgstr ""
"ЭЗОҲ: вобаста ба модели чопгар ва системи чоп то %d MB-и нармафзори "
"иловагӣкоргузорӣ хоҳад шуд."

#: printer/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Searching for new printers..."
msgstr "Ҷустуҷӯи чопгарҳои нав... Чопгарҳои навро дарёфт намоед..."

#: printer/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Configuring printer ..."
msgstr "Танзимдарории замимаҳо..."

#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Configuring printer \"%s\"..."
msgstr "Чопгари \"%s\" ба танзим дароварда мешавад..."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "("
msgstr "("

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid " on "
msgstr " дар "

#: printer/ standalone/scannerdrake:130
#, c-format
msgid ")"
msgstr ")"

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Printer model selection"
msgstr "Интихоби модели чопгар"

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Which printer model do you have?"
msgstr "Кадом модели чопгарро шумо доред?"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Printerdrake could not determine which model your printer %s is. Please "
"choose the correct model from the list."
msgstr ""

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If your printer is not listed, choose a compatible (see printer manual) or a "
"similar one."
msgstr ""
"Агар чопгари шумо дар рӯйхат мавҷуд набошад, онгоҳ фарқкунанда(ба тасвири "
"чопгарназар намоед) ё монандро интихоб намоед."

#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Configuring applications..."
msgstr "Танзимдарории замимаҳо..."

#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Add a new printer"
msgstr "Чопгари навро илова намудан"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Welcome to the Printer Setup Wizard\n"
"This wizard allows you to install local or remote printers to be used from "
"this machine and also from other machines in the network.\n"
"It asks you for all necessary information to set up the printer and gives "
"you access to all available printer drivers, driver options, and printer "
"connection types."
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Welcome to the Printer Setup Wizard\n"
"This wizard will help you to install your printer(s) connected to this "
"computer, connected directly to the network or to a remote Windows machine.\n"
"Please plug in and turn on all printers connected to this machine so that it/"
"they can be auto-detected. Also your network printer(s) and your Windows "
"machines must be connected and turned on.\n"
"Note that auto-detecting printers on the network takes longer than the auto-"
"detection of only the printers connected to this machine. So turn off the "
"auto-detection of network and/or Windows-hosted printers when you don't need "
" Click on \"Next\" when you are ready, and on \"Cancel\" if you do not want "
"to set up your printer(s) now."
msgstr ""
"Марҳамат намоед ба Устози Барпонамоии Чопгар\n"
"Ин устоз ба шумо имкон медиҳад, то ки шумо чопгарҳоро коргузорӣ намоед, киба "
"ин компютер пайваст аст, бевосита ба шабака ё ин киба  мошинаҳои дури "
"Windows васл мебошад.\n"
"Агар чопгаре ки шумо доред ба ин мошина пайваст бошад, лутфан кабели онро ба "
"ин компютер васл намоед ва қувваро ба кор андозед, то ки онҳо ба таври "
"автоматӣмуаяйн гардад. Чопгарҳои шабакавии шумо ва чопгарҳо дар Windows-"
"мошинаҳо инчунин бояд пайваст бошад.\n"
"Дар хотир дошта бошед, ки муаяйн намудани автомати чопгархои шабакавӣ хеле "
"дуртар иҷро мегардад назар ба муаяйн намудани автоматии чопгарҳое ки танҳо "
"ба ин мошина васл шудааст. Барои ҳамин ҳам автомуаяйн намудани чопгарои "
"шабакавиро дарWindows-мошинаҳо хомӯш намоед, агар онҳо ба шумо лозим "
"\"Навбатӣ\"-ро пахш намоед, вақте шумо тайёр ҳастед ва \"Бекор кардан\" , "
"агаршумо ҳозир чопгарро ба кор дароварданӣ бошед."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Welcome to the Printer Setup Wizard\n"
"This wizard will help you to install your printer(s) connected to this "
"Please plug in and turn on all printers connected to this machine so that it/"
"they can be auto-detected.\n"
" Click on \"Next\" when you are ready, and on \"Cancel\" if you do not want "
"to set up your printer(s) now."
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Welcome to the Printer Setup Wizard\n"
"This wizard will help you to install your printer(s) connected to this "
"computer or connected directly to the network.\n"
"If you have printer(s) connected to this machine, Please plug it/them in on "
"this computer and turn it/them on so that it/they can be auto-detected. Also "
"your network printer(s) must be connected and turned on.\n"
"Note that auto-detecting printers on the network takes longer than the auto-"
"detection of only the printers connected to this machine. So turn off the "
"auto-detection of network printers when you don't need it.\n"
" Click on \"Next\" when you are ready, and on \"Cancel\" if you do not want "
"to set up your printer(s) now."
msgstr ""
"Марҳамат намоед ба Устози Барпосозии Чопгар\n"
"Ин устоз ба шумо имкон медиҳад, то ки шумо чопгар(ҳо)и ба ин компютер ё ин "
"ки бевосита ба шабака пайваст бударо коргузорӣ намоед.\n"
"Агар чопгар(ҳо)и , дар ихтиёри шумо буда ба ин мошин пайваст бошад, лутфан "
"кабели он/онҳоро ба ин компютер васл намоед ва он/онҳоро ба кор андозед, то "
"ки он/онҳо худ муаяйн карда шавад. Инчунин чопгар(ҳо)и шабакавӣ бояд пайваст "
"ва ба кор андохта шавад.\n"
"Дар хотир дошта бошед, ки худмуайянкунии чопгарҳои шабакавӣ вақти дарозтарро "
"талаб менамояд назар ба худмуаяйнкунии чопгарҳое ки танҳо ба ин мошин "
"пайваст гардидааст. Ҳамин тариқ, ҳангоме ки он ба шумо лозим нест "
"худмуаяйнкунии чопгарҳои шабакавиро хомӯш намоед.\n"
"Вақте ки шумо тайёр ҳастед ба \"Навбатӣ\" ангушт занед, агар шумо ҳоло "
"хоҳиши чопгар(ҳо)и худро барпо сохтанӣ бошед ба \"Бекор кардан\" ангушт "

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Welcome to the Printer Setup Wizard\n"
"This wizard will help you to install your printer(s) connected to this "
"If you have printer(s) connected to this machine, Please plug it/them in on "
"this computer and turn it/them on so that it/they can be auto-detected.\n"
" Click on \"Next\" when you are ready, and on \"Cancel\" if you do not want "
"to set up your printer(s) now."
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Auto-detect printers connected to this machine"
msgstr ""
"Ба таври автоматӣ чопгарҳое ки ба ин мошин васл шудааст, муаяйн менамояд"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Auto-detect printers connected directly to the local network"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Auto-detect printers connected to machines running Microsoft Windows"
msgstr ""
"Ба таври автоматӣ муаяйн намудани чопгарҳое ки ба мошинҳо пайваст ҳастанд ва "
"Microsoft Windows-рокорандозӣ менамояд."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Congratulations, your printer is now installed and configured!\n"
"You can print using the \"Print\" command of your application (usually in "
"the \"File\" menu).\n"
"If you want to add, remove, or rename a printer, or if you want to change "
"the default option settings (paper input tray, printout quality, ...), "
"select \"Printer\" in the \"Hardware\" section of the %s Control Center."
msgstr ""

#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Printer auto-detection"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Detecting devices..."
msgstr "Дастгоҳҳо муаяйн мешавад..."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ", network printer \"%s\", port %s"
msgstr ", чопгари шабакаи \"%s\", даргоҳ %s"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ", printer \"%s\" on SMB/Windows server \"%s\""
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Detected %s"
msgstr "Муаяйншуда %s"

#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Printer on parallel port #%s"
msgstr "Чопгар дар даргоҳи параллелии #%s"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Network printer \"%s\", port %s"
msgstr "Чопгари шабакави \"%s\", даргоҳ %s"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Printer \"%s\" on SMB/Windows server \"%s\""
msgstr "Чопгари \"%s\" дар хидматрасони SMB/Windows \"%s\""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Local Printer"
msgstr "Чопгари Маҳаллӣ"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"No local printer found! To manually install a printer enter a device name/"
"file name in the input line (Parallel Ports: /dev/lp0, /dev/lp1, ..., "
"equivalent to LPT1:, LPT2:, ..., 1st USB printer: /dev/usb/lp0, 2nd USB "
"printer: /dev/usb/lp1, ...)."
msgstr ""
"Чопгари маҳаллӣ ёфт нашуд! Барои ба таври дастӣ коргузорӣ намудани чопгар "
"номи дастгоҳ/номи файлро дар сатри дохилшавии додаҳо (даргоҳҳои параллелӣ) "
"дохил намоед: /dev/lpt0, dev/lpt1, ..., мувофиқат мекунад ба LPT1:, "
"LPT2:, ..., чопгари якум USB: /dev/usb/lp0, чопгари дуюм USB: /dev/usb/"
"lp1, ...)."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "You must enter a device or file name!"
msgstr "Шумо бояд дастгоҳ ё номи файлро гузоред!"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "No printer found!"
msgstr "Ягон чопгар ёфт нашуд!"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Local Printers"
msgstr "Чопгарҳои Маҳаллӣ"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Available printers"
msgstr ""

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "The following printer was auto-detected. "
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If it is not the one you want to configure, enter a device name/file name in "
"the input line"
msgstr ""
"Агар ин он чопгаре ки шумо ба танзим дароварданӣ ҳастед, набошад, онгоҳ номи "
"дастгоҳ/номи файлро дар сатри даровардани додаҳо дохил намоед"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Alternatively, you can specify a device name/file name in the input line"
msgstr ""
"Ба сифати алтернативӣ шумо метавонед номи дастгоҳ/номи файлро ба сатри "
"даровардани додаҳо дохил намуда метавонед"

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Here is a list of all auto-detected printers. "
msgstr "Дар ин ҷо чопгарҳои худмуаяйншаванда оварда шудааст. "

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Please choose the printer you want to set up or enter a device name/file "
"name in the input line"
msgstr ""
"Лутфан, чопгарро интихоб намоед, ки онро шумо барпо сохтанӣ ҳастед ё ин ки "
"номи дастгоҳ/номи файлро дар сатри даровардани додаҳо дохил намоед"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Please choose the printer to which the print jobs should go or enter a "
"device name/file name in the input line"
msgstr ""
"Лутфан, чопгарро интихоб намоед, ки ба он бояд вазифа равона гардад ё ин ки "
"номи дастгоҳ/номи файлро дар сатри даровардани додаҳо дохил намоед"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The configuration of the printer will work fully automatically. If your "
"printer was not correctly detected or if you prefer a customized printer "
"configuration, turn on \"Manual configuration\"."
msgstr ""
"Ба танзимдарории чопгар комилан ба таври автоматӣ иҷро хоҳад шуд. Агар "
"чопгари шумо нодуруст муайян гардад ё ин ки агар шумо дастӣ чопгарро ба кор "
"дароварданӣ бошед, онгоҳ \"Батанзимдарории дастӣ\"-ро пахш намоед."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Currently, no alternative possibility is available"
msgstr "Ҳоло ягон имконияти интихобӣ мавҷуд нест"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Please choose the printer you want to set up. The configuration of the "
"printer will work fully automatically. If your printer was not correctly "
"detected or if you prefer a customized printer configuration, turn on "
"\"Manual configuration\"."
msgstr ""
"Лутфан. чопгаре интихоб намоед, ки онро шумо ба кор дароварданӣ ҳастед.Ба "
"танзимдарории чопгар ба таври автоматӣ пурра иҷро хоҳад шуд. Агар чопгари "
"шумо нодуруст муқаррар шуда бошад ё ин ки шумо ба таври дастӣ чопгарро ба "
"танзим дароварданӣ бошед, онгоҳ \"Танзимдарории дастӣ\"-ро дохил намоед."

#: printer/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Please choose the printer to which the print jobs should go."
msgstr "Лутфан бандаре, ки чопгари шумо пайваст шудааст интихоб кунед."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Please choose the port that your printer is connected to or enter a device "
"name/file name in the input line"
msgstr ""
"Лутфан, даргоҳро интихоб намоед, ки ба он чопгари шумо пайваст аст ё номи "
"дастгоҳ/номи файлро дар сатри даровардани додаҳо дохил намоед."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Please choose the port that your printer is connected to."
msgstr "Лутфан бандаре, ки чопгари шумо пайваст шудааст интихоб кунед."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
" (Parallel Ports: /dev/lp0, /dev/lp1, ..., equivalent to LPT1:, LPT2:, ..., "
"1st USB printer: /dev/usb/lp0, 2nd USB printer: /dev/usb/lp1, ...)."
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "You must choose/enter a printer/device!"
msgstr "Шумо бояд чопгар/дастгоҳро интихоб/дохил намоед!"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Remote lpd Printer Options"
msgstr "Параметрҳои чопгари дур lpd"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"To use a remote lpd printer, you need to supply the hostname of the printer "
"server and the printer name on that server."
msgstr ""
"Барои истифодаи чопгари дурдасти lpd ба шумо лозим аст, то ки номи мизбонии "
"хидматрасони чоп ва номи чопгарро дар ин хидматрасон нишон диҳед."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Remote host name"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Remote printer name"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Remote host name missing!"
msgstr "Номи компютери дурдаст мавҷуд нест!"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Remote printer name missing!"
msgstr "Номи чопгари дурдаст мавҷуд нест!"

#: printer/ printer/
#: standalone/drakTermServ:442 standalone/drakTermServ:725
#: standalone/drakTermServ:741 standalone/drakTermServ:1332
#: standalone/drakTermServ:1340 standalone/drakTermServ:1351
#: standalone/drakbackup:767 standalone/drakbackup:874
#: standalone/drakbackup:908 standalone/drakbackup:1027
#: standalone/drakbackup:1891 standalone/drakbackup:1895
#: standalone/drakconnect:254 standalone/drakconnect:283
#: standalone/drakconnect:512 standalone/drakconnect:516
#: standalone/drakconnect:540 standalone/harddrake2:159
#, c-format
msgid "Information"
msgstr "Маълумот"

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Detected model: %s %s"
msgstr ""

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning network..."
msgstr "Шабака пуйиш мегардад..."

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid ", printer \"%s\" on server \"%s\""
msgstr ""

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Printer \"%s\" on server \"%s\""
msgstr "Чопгари \"%s\" дар корванди \"%s\""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "SMB (Windows 9x/NT) Printer Options"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"To print to a SMB printer, you need to provide the SMB host name (Note! It "
"may be different from its TCP/IP hostname!) and possibly the IP address of "
"the print server, as well as the share name for the printer you wish to "
"access and any applicable user name, password, and workgroup information."
msgstr ""
"Барои ба роҳ мондани чоп дар чопгари SMB ба шумо лозим аст, то ки шумо номи "
"компютери SMB ( Дар хотир доред! Он метавонад аз номи компютери TCP/IP фарқ "
"намояд!) ва мумкин суроғаи IP-и хидматрасони чоп ва ҳамчунин номи тақсимоти "
"якҷоя барои чопгаре ки ба он шумо роҳро гирифтанӣ ҳастед ва ахбороти "
"дилхоҳро бо номи корванд, гузарвожа ва маълумоти гурӯҳиро нишон диҳед."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
" If the desired printer was auto-detected, simply choose it from the list "
"and then add user name, password, and/or workgroup if needed."
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "SMB server host"
msgstr "Соҳиби хидматрасони SMB"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "SMB server IP"
msgstr "IP хидматрасони SMB"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Share name"
msgstr "Номи захираи умумӣ"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Workgroup"
msgstr "Гурўҳи корӣ"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Auto-detected"
msgstr "Худмуаяйншуда"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Either the server name or the server's IP must be given!"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Samba share name missing!"
msgstr "Номи якҷоя истифода намудани Samba мавҷуд нест!"

#: printer/
#, c-format

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You are about to set up printing to a Windows account with password. Due to "
"a fault in the architecture of the Samba client software the password is put "
"in clear text into the command line of the Samba client used to transmit the "
"print job to the Windows server. So it is possible for every user on this "
"machine to display the password on the screen by issuing commands as \"ps "
"We recommend to make use of one of the following alternatives (in all cases "
"you have to make sure that only machines from your local network have access "
"to your Windows server, for example by means of a firewall):\n"
"Use a password-less account on your Windows server, as the \"GUEST\" account "
"or a special account dedicated for printing. Do not remove the password "
"protection from a personal account or the administrator account.\n"
"Set up your Windows server to make the printer available under the LPD "
"protocol. Then set up printing from this machine with the \"%s\" connection "
"type in Printerdrake.\n"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Set up your Windows server to make the printer available under the IPP "
"protocol and set up printing from this machine with the \"%s\" connection "
"type in Printerdrake.\n"
msgstr ""
"Хидматрасони Windows-и худро ҳамин тавар барпо созед, ки мувофиқи қарордоди "
"IPPдастрас бошад. Сониян дар Printerdrake чопро аз ин мошин бо намуди "
"пайвасти \"%s\" ба роҳ монед.\n"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Connect your printer to a Linux server and let your Windows machine(s) "
"connect to it as a client.\n"
"Do you really want to continue setting up this printer as you are doing now?"
msgstr ""
"Чопгари худро ба хидматрасони Linux пайваст намоед ва ба мошинҳои Windows "
"иҷозат диҳед, то ки ба сифати мизоҷ ба он пайваст бошад.\n"
"Шумо дар ҳақиқат хоҳиши давом додани истифодаи ин чопгарро доред?"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "NetWare Printer Options"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"To print on a NetWare printer, you need to provide the NetWare print server "
"name (Note! it may be different from its TCP/IP hostname!) as well as the "
"print queue name for the printer you wish to access and any applicable user "
"name and password."
msgstr ""
"Барои чоп намудан дар чопгари NetWare, шумо бояд номи хидматрасонро нишон "
"диҳед (Дар хотир дошта бошед! Он метавонад аз номи соҳибии TCP/IP фарқ "
"намояд!), ва инчунин номи вазифаҳои навбатӣ барои чоп намудан дар чопгаре ки "
"ба он шумо хоҳиши роҳ доштанро доред ва номи дилхоҳи қобили қабули корванд "
"ва гузарвожа."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Printer Server"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Print Queue Name"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "NCP server name missing!"
msgstr "Номи хидматрасони NCP мавҷуд нест!"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "NCP queue name missing!"
msgstr "Номи сафбандии NCP мавҷуд нест!"

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid ", host \"%s\", port %s"
msgstr ", соҳиби \"%s\", даргоҳи %s"

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Host \"%s\", port %s"
msgstr "Соҳиби \"%s\", даргоҳи %s"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "TCP/Socket Printer Options"
msgstr "Интихобҳои чопгари TCP/Socket"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Choose one of the auto-detected printers from the list or enter the hostname "
"or IP and the optional port number (default is 9100) in the input fields."
msgstr ""
"Яке аз чопгарҳои худмуаяйншударо аз рӯйхат интихоб намоед ё ин ки номи "
"компютер ё IP-суроға ва рақами интихобии даргоҳро дохил намоед (мувофиқи "
"пешфарз ба 9100 баробар аст) дар майдон барои дохил намудани додаҳо."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"To print to a TCP or socket printer, you need to provide the host name or IP "
"of the printer and optionally the port number (default is 9100). On HP "
"JetDirect servers the port number is usually 9100, on other servers it can "
"vary. See the manual of your hardware."
msgstr ""
"Барои чоп намудан дар чопгари  TCP ё socket шумо бояд номи соҳиб ё ин киIP-"
"суроғаи чопгар ва номи ғайриҳатмии даргоҳро нишон диҳед(аз рӯи пешфарз "
"баробараст ба 9100). Дар хидматрасонҳои HP JetDirect рақами даргоҳ одатан ба "
"9100 баробар аст, дар дигар хидматрасонҳо он метавонад фарқ намояд. "
"Дастуамали истифодаи таҳҷизоти худро дида бароед."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Printer host name or IP missing!"
msgstr "Номи соҳиби чопгар ё IP мавҷуд нест!"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Printer host name or IP"
msgstr ""

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Printer Device URI"
msgstr "Дастгоҳи Чопгари URI"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You can specify directly the URI to access the printer. The URI must fulfill "
"either the CUPS or the Foomatic specifications. Note that not all URI types "
"are supported by all the spoolers."
msgstr ""
"Шумо метавонед бевосита URI-ро барои дастрас намудани чопгар нишон диҳед. "
"URI бояд таснифотҳои ё CUPS ё Foomatic-ро қонеъ гардонад. Дар хотир дошта "
"бошед, ки на ҳамаи навъҳои URI аз тарафи дастгоҳҳои чархиш дастгирӣ меёбад."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "A valid URI must be entered!"
msgstr "URI-и ҳақиқӣ бояд дохил карда шавад!"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Pipe into command"
msgstr "Маҷро ба фармон"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Here you can specify any arbitrary command line into which the job should be "
"piped instead of being sent directly to a printer."
msgstr ""
"Дар ин ҷо шумо метавонед сатри дилхоҳи фармониро нишон диҳед, ки ба он "
"вазифа бояд ба воситаи конвейер ба ҷои фиристодани бевосита ба чопгар дода "

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Command line"
msgstr "Хати фармонӣ"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "A command line must be entered!"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Is your printer a multi-function device from HP or Sony (OfficeJet, PSC, "
"LaserJet 1100/1200/1220/3200/3300 with scanner, DeskJet 450, Sony IJP-V100), "
"an HP PhotoSmart or an HP LaserJet 2200?"
msgstr ""
"Оё чопгари шумо дастгоҳи бисёр вазифагӣ аз HP ё Sony мебошад (OfficeJet, "
"PSC, LaserJet 1100/1200/1220/3200/3300 бо пуйишгари, DeskJet 450, Sony IJP-"
"V100), HP PhotoSmart ё ин ки HP LaserJet 2200?"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Installing HPOJ package..."
msgstr "Қуттии HPOJ муқаррар мегардад..."

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Checking device and configuring HPOJ..."
msgstr "Дастгоҳ тафтиш мегардад ва HPOJ ба танзим дароварда мешавад..."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Installing SANE packages..."
msgstr "қуттиҳои SANE коргузорӣ мешавад..."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Installing mtools packages..."
msgstr "Қуттиҳои mtools коргузорӣ мешавад..."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning on your HP multi-function device"
msgstr "Дастгоҳи бисёрвазифагии HP-и шумо пуйиш мегардад"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Photo memory card access on your HP multi-function device"
msgstr "Роҳ ба корти сурати хотира дар дастгоҳи бисёрвазифагии HP-и шумо"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Making printer port available for CUPS..."
msgstr "Даргоҳи чопгар барои CUPS дастрас мегардад..."

#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Reading printer database..."
msgstr "Манбаи маълумоти чопгарҳо хонда мешавад..."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Enter Printer Name and Comments"
msgstr "Номи чопгар ва эзоҳро дохил намудан"

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Name of printer should contain only letters, numbers and the underscore"
msgstr ""

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The printer \"%s\" already exists,\n"
"do you really want to overwrite its configuration?"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Every printer needs a name (for example \"printer\"). The Description and "
"Location fields do not need to be filled in. They are comments for the users."
msgstr ""
"Барои ҳар як чопгар ном талаб карда мешавад (масалан, \"чопгар\"). Майдонҳои "
"Тасвир ва Ҷойгиршавиро холӣ нигоҳ доштан мумкин аст.Ин эзоҳ барои корвандон "

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Name of printer"
msgstr ""

#: printer/ standalone/drakconnect:521
#: standalone/harddrake2:40 standalone/printerdrake:212
#: standalone/printerdrake:219
#, c-format
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Тавсиф"

#: printer/ standalone/printerdrake:212
#: standalone/printerdrake:219
#, c-format
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Ҷойгиршавӣ"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Preparing printer database..."
msgstr "Манбаи маълумоти чопгарҳо тайёр карда мешавад..."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Your printer model"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Printerdrake has compared the model name resulting from the printer auto-"
"detection with the models listed in its printer database to find the best "
"match. This choice can be wrong, especially when your printer is not listed "
"at all in the database. So check whether the choice is correct and click "
"\"The model is correct\" if so and if not, click \"Select model manually\" "
"so that you can choose your printer model manually on the next screen.\n"
"For your printer Printerdrake has found:\n"
msgstr ""
"Printerdrake номи моделе ки ҳангоми муаяйнкунии автоматии чопгар бо моделҳои "
"дар манбаи додаҳои чопгар овардашуда муқоиса намуд, то ки мувофиқати "
"беҳтаринро дарёфт намояд. Ин интихоб шояд нодуруст бошад, алалхусус вақте ки "
"чопгари шумо умуман ба манбаи додаҳо дохил нашуда дошад. Бинобарон, саҳеҳии "
"интихобро санҷида ба \"модел дуруст аст\" ангушт занед, агар ин тавр бошаду "
"набошад ба \"моделро дастӣ интихоб намудан\" ангушт занед, то ки шумо дар "
"экрани оянда модели чопгари худро дастӣ интихоб карда тавонед.\n"
"Барои чопгари шумо Printerdrake дарёфт намуд:\n"

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "The model is correct"
msgstr "Модел дуруст аст"

#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Select model manually"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Please check whether Printerdrake did the auto-detection of your printer "
"model correctly. Find the correct model in the list when a wrong model or "
"\"Raw printer\" is highlighted."
msgstr ""
"Лутфан санҷед оё Printerdrake дуруст модели чопгари шуморо муаяйн намуд. "
"Модели дурустро дар рӯйхат ёбед, агар модели нодуруст ё ин ки \"Чопгари чопи "
"додаҳои коркарда нашуда\" интихоб шуда бошад."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Install a manufacturer-supplied PPD file"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Every PostScript printer is delivered with a PPD file which describes the "
"printer's options and features."
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This file is usually somewhere on the CD with the Windows and Mac drivers "
"delivered with the printer."
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "You can find the PPD files also on the manufacturer's web sites."
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If you have Windows installed on your machine, you can find the PPD file on "
"your Windows partition, too."
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Installing the printer's PPD file and using it when setting up the printer "
"makes all options of the printer available which are provided by the "
"printer's hardware"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Here you can choose the PPD file to be installed on your machine, it will "
"then be used for the setup of your printer."
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Install PPD file from"
msgstr "Xpmac (коргузориши гардони намоишгар)"

#: printer/ printer/
#: standalone/scannerdrake:174 standalone/scannerdrake:182
#: standalone/scannerdrake:233 standalone/scannerdrake:240
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "CD-ROM"
msgstr "CDROM"

#: printer/ printer/
#: standalone/scannerdrake:175 standalone/scannerdrake:184
#: standalone/scannerdrake:234 standalone/scannerdrake:242
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Floppy Disk"
msgstr "Дискет"

#: printer/ printer/
#: standalone/scannerdrake:176 standalone/scannerdrake:186
#: standalone/scannerdrake:235 standalone/scannerdrake:244
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Other place"
msgstr "Дигар бандарҳо"

#: printer/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Select PPD file"
msgstr "Интихоби файл"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "The PPD file %s does not exist or is unreadable!"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "The PPD file %s does not conform with the PPD specifications!"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Installing PPD file..."
msgstr "%s ба танзим дароварда шуда истодааст ..."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "OKI winprinter configuration"
msgstr "Танзимдарории win-чопгари OKI"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You are configuring an OKI laser winprinter. These printers\n"
"use a very special communication protocol and therefore they work only when "
"connected to the first parallel port. When your printer is connected to "
"another port or to a print server box please connect the printer to the "
"first parallel port before you print a test page. Otherwise the printer will "
"not work. Your connection type setting will be ignored by the driver."
msgstr ""
"Шумо win-чопгари OKI-и лазериро ба танзим дароварда истодаед. Ин чопгарҳо\n"
"қарордоди махсуси алоқаро истифода мебаранд ва онҳо ҳамон вақт кор мекунанд, "
"агр ба даргоҳи параллели аввала пайваст бошанд. Вақте ки чопгари шумо ба "
"дигар даргоҳ ё ин ки хидматрасони чопгар пайваст аст, лутфан чопгарро пеш аз "
"чоп намудани саҳифаи санҷишӣ ба даргоҳи параллели аввала пайваст намоед. "
"Вагарна чопгар кор нахоҳад кард. Навъи алоқаи аз тарафи шумо барпо сохта "
"шударо ронанда ба эътибор нахоҳад гирифт."

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Lexmark inkjet configuration"
msgstr "Ба танзимдарории Lexmark inkjet"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The inkjet printer drivers provided by Lexmark only support local printers, "
"no printers on remote machines or print server boxes. Please connect your "
"printer to a local port or configure it on the machine where it is connected "
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"To be able to print with your Lexmark inkjet and this configuration, you "
"need the inkjet printer drivers provided by Lexmark (http://www.lexmark."
"com/). Click on the \"Drivers\" link. Then choose your model and afterwards "
"\"Linux\" as operating system. The drivers come as RPM packages or shell "
"scripts with interactive graphical installation. You do not need to do this "
"configuration by the graphical frontends. Cancel directly after the license "
"agreement. Then print printhead alignment pages with \"lexmarkmaintain\" and "
"adjust the head alignment settings with this program."
msgstr ""
"Барои он ки дар Lexmark inkjet-и худ бо ин танзимдарорӣ чоп намоед, ба шумо "
"ронандаи чопгари inkjet, ки аз тарафи Lexmark ( "
"пешниҳод мегардад, лозим мебошад. Ба алоқаи  \"Drivers\" ангушт занед. "
"Сониян модели худро интихоб намоед ва системи операсионии \"Linux\"-ро. "
"Ронандаҳо ба сифати қуттиҳои RPM меоянд ё бо сатрҳои ҷилди коргузории "
"графикии муҳовирӣ дошта. Зарурияти коргузорӣ намудан ба воситаи интерфеси "
"графикӣ нест. Баъд аз созишномаи лисензионӣ онро ҳатман бекор кунед. Сониян, "
"саҳифаҳоро барои ба тартиб даровардани ибтидои чопӣ ба воситаи  "
"\"lexmarkmaintain\" чоп намоед. Бо ёрии ин барнома барпосозии ибтидои чопро "

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Firmware-Upload for HP LaserJet 1000"
msgstr "Firmware-Upload барои HP LaserJet 1000"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Printer default settings\n"
"You should make sure that the page size and the ink type/printing mode (if "
"available) and also the hardware configuration of laser printers (memory, "
"duplex unit, extra trays) are set correctly. Note that with a very high "
"printout quality/resolution printing can get substantially slower."
msgstr ""
"Барпо сохтани чопгар аз рӯи пешфарз\n"
"Шумо бояд мӯътақид бошед, ки андозаи саҳифа ё намуди сиёҳӣ/усули чоп (агар "
"дастрас бошад) ва ҳамчунин танзимдарории таҷҳизоти чопгарҳои лазерӣ (хотира, "
"кабели мубодилаи дутарафа, дӯли иловагӣ) дуруст муқаррар шуда бошад. Дар "
"хотир доред, ки чоп бо сифати бениҳоят хуб/ҳалнокии чопнамоӣ хеле сусттар "
"хоҳад шуд."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Printer default settings"
msgstr "Танзимдарории пешфарзи чопгар"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Option %s must be an integer number!"
msgstr "Интихоби %s бояд адади бутун бошад!"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Option %s must be a number!"
msgstr "Интихоби %s бояд рақам бошад!"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Option %s out of range!"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Do you want to set this printer (\"%s\")\n"
"as the default printer?"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Test pages"
msgstr "Саҳифаҳои санҷиш"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Please select the test pages you want to print.\n"
"Note: the photo test page can take a rather long time to get printed and on "
"laser printers with too low memory it can even not come out. In most cases "
"it is enough to print the standard test page."
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "No test pages"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Чоп намудан"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Standard test page"
msgstr "Саҳифаи санҷишии якхела"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Alternative test page (Letter)"
msgstr "Саҳифаи санҷишии алтернативӣ (Мактуб)"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Alternative test page (A4)"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Photo test page"
msgstr "Саҳифаи санҷишии суратдор"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Do not print any test page"
msgstr "Ягон саҳифаи санҷиширо чоп накунед"

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Printing test page(s)..."
msgstr "Саҳифаи санҷишӣ чоп шуда истодааст..."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Test page(s) have been sent to the printer.\n"
"It may take some time before the printer starts.\n"
"Printing status:\n"
msgstr ""
"Саҳифаи санҷишӣ ба чопгар фиристода шуд.\n"
"Мумкин пеш аз кор кардани чопгар як вақти муаяйн талаб карда шавад.\n"
"Ҳолати чоп:\n"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Test page(s) have been sent to the printer.\n"
"It may take some time before the printer starts.\n"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Did it work properly?"
msgstr ""

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Raw printer"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"To print a file from the command line (terminal window) you can either use "
"the command \"%s <file>\" or a graphical printing tool: \"xpp <file>\" or "
"\"kprinter <file>\". The graphical tools allow you to choose the printer and "
"to modify the option settings easily.\n"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"These commands you can also use in the \"Printing command\" field of the "
"printing dialogs of many applications, but here do not supply the file name "
"because the file to print is provided by the application.\n"
msgstr ""
"Ин фармонҳо инчунин метавонад дар майдони \"Фармони чоп\" муколамаҳои чопро "
"дар ҳамаи замимаҳо истифода барад, аммо номҳои файлҳо дастгирӣ намешавад, "
"зеро ки файл барои чоп бо замима пешниҳод мешавад.\n"

#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The \"%s\" command also allows to modify the option settings for a "
"particular printing job. Simply add the desired settings to the command "
"line, e. g. \"%s <file>\". "
msgstr ""

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"To know about the options available for the current printer read either the "
"list shown below or click on the \"Print option list\" button.%s%s%s\n"
msgstr ""
"Барои донистани интихобҳое ки барои чопгари мазкур дастрас аст, рӯйхати дар "
"поён овардашударо хонед ё дагмаи \"Рӯйхати интихобҳои чоп\"-ро пахш намоед.%s"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Here is a list of the available printing options for the current printer:\n"
msgstr ""

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"To print a file from the command line (terminal window) use the command \"%s "
msgstr ""
"Барои чоп намудани файл аз сатри фармонӣ (оинаи поёна), фармони\"%s <файл-"
"ро> истифода баред\".\n"

#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This command you can also use in the \"Printing command\" field of the "
"printing dialogs of many applications. But here do not supply the file name "
"because the file to print is provided by the application.\n"
msgstr ""
"Ин фармонро шумо ҳамчунин дар майдони \"Фармони чоп\"-и муколомаҳои чоп бо "
"замимаҳои гуногун истифода бурда метавонед. Лекин номҳои файлҳо дар ин ҷо "
"дастгирӣ намеёбад ва бинобарон файл барои чоп намудан бо замима пешниҳод "

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"To get a list of the options available for the current printer click on the "
"\"Print option list\" button."
msgstr ""
"Барои гирифтани рӯйхати интихобҳое ки ба чопгари мазкур дастрас аст ба "
"тугмачаи \"Рӯйхати интихобҳои чоп\" ангушт занед."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"To print a file from the command line (terminal window) use the command \"%s "
"<file>\" or \"%s <file>\".\n"
msgstr ""
"Барои чоп намудани файл аз сатри фармонӣ (оинаи поёна) фармони \"%s <файл>\" "
 \"%s <файл>\"-ро мавриди истифода қарор диҳед.\n"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You can also use the graphical interface \"xpdq\" for setting options and "
"handling printing jobs.\n"
"If you are using KDE as desktop environment you have a \"panic button\", an "
"icon on the desktop, labeled with \"STOP Printer!\", which stops all print "
"jobs immediately when you click it. This is for example useful for paper "
msgstr ""
"Барои муқаррар намудани интихоб ва идора намудани вазифаҳои чоп "
"шумометавонед интерфейси графикиро \"xpdq\" истифода баред.\n"
"Агар шумо муқоваи графикии KDE-ро истифода баред, онгоҳ шумо "
"тугмачаитаъҷилиро бо аломати\" - дар мизи корӣ доред, бо номи \"НИГОҲ "
"ДОРЕДчопгарро!\", ки бо тезӣ ҳамаи супоришҳои чопро дар вақти пахши оннигоҳ "
"медорад. Ин муфид аст, масалан, ҳангоми гирифтани коғаз.\n"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The \"%s\" and \"%s\" commands also allow to modify the option settings for "
"a particular printing job. Simply add the desired settings to the command "
"line, e. g. \"%s <file>\".\n"
msgstr ""
"Фармонҳои \"%s\" ва \"%s\" инчунин имкон медиҳад то ки параметрҳои вазифаи "
"алоҳидаи чопро тағир додан. Танҳо дар сатри фармонӣ интихобҳои лозимаро "
"илова намоед, масалан, \"%s <файл>\".\n"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Printing/Scanning/Photo Cards on \"%s\""
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Printing/Scanning on \"%s\""
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Printing/Photo Card Access on \"%s\""
msgstr "Чоп кардан/Дастрасшавӣ ба корти аксдор дар\"%s\""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Printing on the printer \"%s\""
msgstr "Чоп намудан дар чопгари \"%s\""

#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ standalone/drakTermServ:321
#: standalone/drakbackup:4583 standalone/drakbug:177 standalone/drakfont:497
#: standalone/drakfont:588 standalone/net_monitor:106
#: standalone/printerdrake:508
#, c-format
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Пӯшед"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Print option list"
msgstr "Рӯйхати интихоби чоп"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your multi-function device was configured automatically to be able to scan. "
"Now you can scan with \"scanimage\" (\"scanimage -d hp:%s\" to specify the "
"scanner when you have more than one) from the command line or with the "
"graphical interfaces \"xscanimage\" or \"xsane\". If you are using the GIMP, "
"you can also scan by choosing the appropriate point in the \"File\"/\"Acquire"
"\" menu. Call also \"man scanimage\" on the command line to get more "
"Do not use \"scannerdrake\" for this device!"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your printer was configured automatically to give you access to the photo "
"card drives from your PC. Now you can access your photo cards using the "
"graphical program \"MtoolsFM\" (Menu: \"Applications\" -> \"File tools\" -> "
"\"MTools File Manager\") or the command line utilities \"mtools\" (enter "
"\"man mtools\" on the command line for more info). You find the card's file "
"system under the drive letter \"p:\", or subsequent drive letters when you "
"have more than one HP printer with photo card drives. In \"MtoolsFM\" you "
"can switch between drive letters with the field at the upper-right corners "
"of the file lists."
msgstr ""
"Чопгари шумо ба таври авотматӣ ба танзим дароварда шудааст, ки роҳро ба "
"гардонҳои фотокортҳо аз компютери фардии худ пешниҳод менамояд. Акнун шумо "
"метавонед роҳро ба фотокортҳои худ гиред. Дар ин ҳолат барномаи графикии "
"\"MtoolsFM\" (Меню: \"Замимаҳо\" -> \"Асбобҳои файлӣ\" -> \"Мудири Файли "
"MTools \") ё ин ки корвандҳои хати фармонии \"mtools\"-ро истифода баред "
"(барои гирифтани ахбороти иловагӣ дар хати фармонӣ \"man mtools\"-ро дохил "
"намоед). Шумо системи файлии кортро дар зери ҳарфи гардони \"p:\" ё ин ки "
"дар зери ҳарфҳои навбатии диск меёбед, агар шумо зиёд аз як чопгари HP-ро бо "
"гардонҳои фотокорт дошта бошед. Дар \"MtoolsFM\" шумо метавонед байни "
"ҳарфҳои гардон бо майдони дар кунҷи болотари рости рӯйхатҳои файлҳо ҷойгир "
"буда дохил намоед."

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Reading printer data..."
msgstr "Додаҳои чопгарро хондан..."

#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Transfer printer configuration"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You can copy the printer configuration which you have done for the spooler %"
"s to %s, your current spooler. All the configuration data (printer name, "
"description, location, connection type, and default option settings) is "
"overtaken, but jobs will not be transferred.\n"
"Not all queues can be transferred due to the following reasons:\n"
msgstr ""
"Шумо метавонед танзимдарории чопгари худро, ки барои дастгоҳи чархиши %sба %"
"s, дастгоҳи чархиши худ истифода бурдед, нусхабардорӣ намоед. Ҳамаи додаҳои "
"танзимдарорӣ (номи чопгар, тасвир, ҷойгиршавӣ, навъи алоқа ва гузориши "
"пешфарзи интихоб) дода мешавад, аммо корҳо кӯчонида нахоҳад шуд.\n"
"Мувофиқи сабабҳои зерин на ҳамаи сафбандиҳо кӯчонида мешавад:\n"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"CUPS does not support printers on Novell servers or printers sending the "
"data into a free-formed command.\n"
msgstr ""
"CUPS чопгарҳои дар хидматрасонҳои Novell ё чопгарҳое ки додаҳоро дар намуди "
"фармони шакли озод мефиристонад, дастгирӣ намекунад.\n"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"PDQ only supports local printers, remote LPD printers, and Socket/TCP "
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "LPD and LPRng do not support IPP printers.\n"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"In addition, queues not created with this program or \"foomatic-configure\" "
"cannot be transferred."
msgstr ""
"Илова бар ин, вазифаҳое ки бо ин барнома офарида нашудааст ё ин ки бо "
"\"foomatic-configure\" гузориш карда намешавад."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Also printers configured with the PPD files provided by their manufacturers "
"or with native CUPS drivers cannot be transferred."
msgstr ""
"Ҳамчунин чопгарҳое ки бо файлҳои PPD ба танзим дароварда шудааст ва аз "
"тарафиистеҳсолгарони он пешниҳод гардидааст ё ин ки бо ронандаҳои худи CUPS "
"тағирдода намешавад."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mark the printers which you want to transfer and click \n"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Do not transfer printers"
msgstr ""

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Transfer"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"A printer named \"%s\" already exists under %s. \n"
"Click \"Transfer\" to overwrite it.\n"
"You can also type a new name or skip this printer."
msgstr ""
"Чопгар бо номи \"%s\"аллакай мавҷуд аст дар %s. \n"
"Ба \"Гузориш\"ангушт занед, то ки онро аз сари нав нависед.\n"
"Шумо метавонед номи навро нависед ё ин ки ин чопгарро сарфи назар намоед."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "New printer name"
msgstr "Номи чопгари нав"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Transferring %s..."
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You have transferred your former default printer (\"%s\"), Should it be also "
"the default printer under the new printing system %s?"
msgstr ""
"Шумо чопгари худро, ки пештар аз рӯи пешфарз истифода бурдед гузаронидед (\"%"
"s\"). Онро бояд аз рӯи пешфарз дар системи нави чоп истифода намуд %s?"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Refreshing printer data..."
msgstr "Додаҳои чопгар нав мешавад..."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Starting network..."
msgstr "Оғозкунии шабака... "

#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Configure the network now"
msgstr "Акнун шабакаро ба танзим дароред"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Network functionality not configured"
msgstr "Имконияти функсионалии шабака ба танзим дароварда нашудааст"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You are going to configure a remote printer. This needs working network "
"access, but your network is not configured yet. If you go on without network "
"configuration, you will not be able to use the printer which you are "
"configuring now. How do you want to proceed?"
msgstr ""
"Шумо хоҳиши ба танзим даровардани чопгари дурдастро доред. Барои ин ба шумо "
"лозим аст, то ки шумо ба шабакаи коркарда истода роҳ дошта бошед, аммо ин "
"шабакаи мазкур то ҳоло ба танзим дароварда нашудааст. Агар шумо бе "
"танзимдарории шабака корро давом диҳед, онгоҳ шумо чопгарро истифода бурда "
"наметавонед, ки онро шумо ҳоло ба танзим дароварда истодаед. Чӣ тавр шумо "
"давом доданӣ ҳастед?"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Go on without configuring the network"
msgstr "Бе танзимдарории шабака давом додан"

#: printer/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The network configuration done during the installation cannot be started "
"now. Please check whether the network is accessable after booting your "
"system and correct the configuration using the %s Control Center, section "
"\"Network & Internet\"/\"Connection\", and afterwards set up the printer, "
"also using the %s Control Center, section \"Hardware\"/\"Printer\""
msgstr ""
"Шабакаи дар вақти коргузорӣ ба танзим дароварда шуда ҳоло ба кор андохта "
"намешавад. Лутфан, тафтиш намоед, ки шабака баъд аз оғоз намудани системи "
"шумо дастрас мегардад ва танзимдарориро бо ёрии Маркази Назорати Mandrake, "
"қисми\"Шабака ва Интернет\"/\"Пайвастшавӣ\" ислоҳ намоед, баъд чопгарро ба "
"кор сар диҳед, инчунин бо ёрии Маркази Назорати Mandrake, қисми \"Таҳҷизот\"/"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The network access was not running and could not be started. Please check "
"your configuration and your hardware. Then try to configure your remote "
"printer again."
msgstr ""
"Роҳ ба шабака ба даст дароварда нашудааст ва оғоз карда намешавад. Лутфан, "
"танзимгар ва сахтафзори худро тафтиш намоед. Сониян кӯшиши ба танзим "
"даровардани чопгари дури худро ба роҳ монед."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Restarting printing system..."
msgstr "Системи чопгар аз сари нав оғоз меёбад..."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "high"
msgstr "баланд"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "paranoid"
msgstr "девонаавзоъӣ"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Installing a printing system in the %s security level"
msgstr "Коргузории системи чоп бо %s сатҳи бехатарӣ"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You are about to install the printing system %s on a system running in the %"
"s security level.\n"
"This printing system runs a daemon (background process) which waits for "
"print jobs and handles them. This daemon is also accessable by remote "
"machines through the network and so it is a possible point for attacks. "
"Therefore only a few selected daemons are started by default in this "
"security level.\n"
"Do you really want to configure printing on this machine?"
msgstr ""
"Шумо хоҳиши коргузорӣ намудани системи чопии %s-ро дар системе, ки бо "
"дараҷаибехатарии %s-и корандозӣ мешавад, доред.\n"
"Системи чопӣ азозилро (раванди паснамо), ки вазифаро интизор аст ва онро "
"идора менамояд, корандозӣ менамояд. Ин азозил инчунин барои мошинҳои дурдаст "
"ба воситаи шабака дастрас аст ва ҳамин тариқ барои ҳуҷум имконпазир мебошад. "
"Бинобар ҳамин танҳо якчанд азозилҳои интихобшуда мувофиқи пешфарз дар ин "
"дараҷаи бехатарӣ оғоз мегардад.\n"
"Шумо дар ҳақиқат чопро дар ин мошин ба танзим дароварданӣ ҳастед?"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Starting the printing system at boot time"
msgstr "Оғози системи чопкунӣ ҳангоми худборшав"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The printing system (%s) will not be started automatically when the machine "
"is booted.\n"
"It is possible that the automatic starting was turned off by changing to a "
"higher security level, because the printing system is a potential point for "
"Do you want to have the automatic starting of the printing system turned on "
msgstr ""
"Системи чопии (%s) ба таври автоматӣ ҳангоми худборшавии мошин оғоз "
"Зоҳиран, оғози автоматӣ аз сабаби тағирдиҳӣ ба сатҳи баландтари бехатарӣ "
"хомӯш гардида буд, барои ҳамин ҳам системи файлӣ барои ҳуҷум нуқтаи иқтидорӣ "
"Оё шумо мехоҳед, то ки оғозшавии автоматии системи чопӣ боз ба кор андохта "

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Checking installed software..."
msgstr "Тафтиши нармафзори коргузоршуда"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Removing %s ..."
msgstr "Хориҷкунии %s ..."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Installing %s ..."
msgstr "%s ба танзим дароварда шуда истодааст ..."

#: printer/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Setting Default Printer..."
msgstr "Хориҷкунии чопгар \"%s\"..."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Select Printer Spooler"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Which printing system (spooler) do you want to use?"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to configure printer \"%s\"!"
msgstr "Ба танзим даровардани чопгар бемуваффақият анҷом ёфт \"%s\"!"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Installing Foomatic..."
msgstr "Foomatic коргузорӣ мегардад..."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The following printers are configured. Double-click on a printer to change "
"its settings; to make it the default printer; or to view information about "
"it. "
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Display all available remote CUPS printers"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Refresh printer list (to display all available remote CUPS printers)"
msgstr ""
"Рӯйхати чопгарҳоро нав намоед (ҳамаи чопгарҳои CUPS дури дастрасро нишон "

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "CUPS configuration"
msgstr "Танзимдарории CUPS"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Change the printing system"
msgstr "Системи чопкунро иваз кунед"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Normal Mode"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Expert Mode"
msgstr "Усули Мутахассисӣ"

#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Printer options"
msgstr "Интихобҳои чопгар"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Modify printer configuration"
msgstr "Ба танзимдарории чопгарро тағир додан"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Printer %s\n"
"What do you want to modify on this printer?"
msgstr ""
"Чопгари %s\n"
"Оё шумо хоҳиши тағир додани ин чопгар ҳастед?"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Do it!"
msgstr ""

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Printer connection type"
msgstr ""

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Printer name, description, location"
msgstr "Номи чопгар, тавсиф, ҷойгиршавӣ"

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Printer manufacturer, model, driver"
msgstr ""

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Printer manufacturer, model"
msgstr "Истеҳсолкунандаи чопгар, модел"

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Set this printer as the default"
msgstr "Ҳамчун пешфарз ин чопгарро ба кор андозед"

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Add this printer to Star Office/"
msgstr "Ин чопгарро ба Star Office/ илова намоед"

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Remove this printer from Star Office/"
msgstr "Ин чопгарро аз Star Office/ хориҷ намудан"

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Print test pages"
msgstr ""

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Learn how to use this printer"
msgstr "Истифода бурдани ин чопгарро омӯзед"

#: printer/ printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Remove printer"
msgstr "Чопгарро хориҷ намудан"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Removing old printer \"%s\"..."
msgstr "Хориҷи чопгари кӯҳнаи \"%s\"..."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Adding printer to Star Office/"
msgstr "Чопгар ба Star Office/ илова мегардад"

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The printer \"%s\" was successfully added to Star Office/"
msgstr ""
"Чопгари \"%s\" бо муваффақият ба Star Office/ илова карда "

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to add the printer \"%s\" to Star Office/"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Removing printer from Star Office/"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The printer \"%s\" was successfully removed from Star Office/"
msgstr ""
"Чопгари \"%s\" бомуваффақият аз Star Office/ хориҷ карда "

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Failed to remove the printer \"%s\" from Star Office/"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Do you really want to remove the printer \"%s\"?"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Removing printer \"%s\"..."
msgstr "Хориҷкунии чопгар \"%s\"..."

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "Default printer"
msgstr ""

#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "The printer \"%s\" is set as the default printer now."
msgstr "Чопгари \"%s\" акнун бояд мувофиқи пешфарз истифода гардад."

#, c-format
msgid "Can't add a partition to _formatted_ RAID md%d"
msgstr "Қисмро ба _илова карда наметавонад, ки_шаклбандӣ шудааст_ RAID md%d"

#, c-format
msgid "mkraid failed (maybe raidtools are missing?)"
msgstr "mkraid бо камбудӣ ба охир расид (эҳтимол raidtools мавҷуд нест?)"

#, c-format
msgid "mkraid failed"
msgstr "mkraid бемуваффақият анҷом ёфт"

#, c-format
msgid "Not enough partitions for RAID level %d\n"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Could not create directory /usr/share/sane/firmware!"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Could not copy firmware file %s to /usr/share/sane/firmware!"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Could not set permissions of firmware file %s!"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/scannerdrake:59 standalone/scannerdrake:63
#: standalone/scannerdrake:71 standalone/scannerdrake:333
#: standalone/scannerdrake:407 standalone/scannerdrake:451
#: standalone/scannerdrake:455 standalone/scannerdrake:477
#: standalone/scannerdrake:542
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Scannerdrake"
msgstr "Userdrake"

#: standalone/scannerdrake:903
#, c-format
msgid "Could not install the packages needed to share your scanner(s)."
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Your scanner(s) will not be available for non-root users."
msgstr "Пуйишгар(ҳо)и шумо дар шабака мавҷуд нест."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Accept/Refuse bogus IPv4 error messages."
msgstr "Қабул/Рад намудан пайғомҳои хатогии bogus IPv4-ро."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid " Accept/Refuse broadcasted icmp echo."
msgstr " Қабул намудан/Рад намудан icmp echo-серваъдаро."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid " Accept/Refuse icmp echo."
msgstr "icmp echo-ро қабул/рад намудан."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Allow/Forbid autologin."
msgstr "Иҷозат додан/Манъ кардан худдохилшавиро."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If set to \"ALL\", /etc/issue and /etc/ are allowed to exist.\n"
"If set to NONE, no issues are allowed.\n"
"Else only /etc/issue is allowed."
msgstr ""
"Агар дар \"ALL\" муқаррар шуда бошад , онгоҳ ба файлҳои /etc/issue и /etc/"
" иҷозати мавҷуд будан дода шудааст.\n"
"Агар дар NONE муқаррар нашуда бошад, онгоҳ ба ягон issue иҷозат дода "
"Вагарна танҳо ба /etc/issue. иҷозат дода шудааст."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Allow/Forbid reboot by the console user."
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Allow/Forbid remote root login."
msgstr "Мошинаҳои дастрас нест"

#: security/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Allow/Forbid direct root login."
msgstr "Мошинаҳои дастрас нест"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Allow/Forbid the list of users on the system on display managers (kdm and "
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Allow/Forbid X connections:\n"
"- ALL (all connections are allowed),\n"
"- LOCAL (only connection from local machine),\n"
"- NONE (no connection)."
msgstr ""
"Иҷозат медиҳад/Манъ мекунад алоқаҳои X-ро:\n"
"- ALL (ба ҳамаи алоқаҳо иҷозат дода шудааст),\n"
"- LOCAL (танҳо алоқаҳо аз мошини маҳаллӣ),\n"
"- NONE (алоқа нест)."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The argument specifies if clients are authorized to connect\n"
"to the X server from the network on the tcp port 6000 or not."
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"- all services controlled by tcp_wrappers (see hosts.deny(5) man page) if "
"set to \"ALL\",\n"
"- only local ones if set to \"LOCAL\"\n"
"- none if set to \"NONE\".\n"
"To authorize the services you need, use /etc/hosts.allow (see hosts.allow"
msgstr ""
"Иҷозат додан:\n"
"- ҳамаи хидматрасонҳо назорат мегардад аз тарафи tcp_wrappers (нигаред ба. "
"hosts.deny(5) man page), агар муқаррар бошад дар \"ALL\",\n"
"- танҳо шабакаҳои маҳаллӣ муқаррар гардидааст дар \"LOCAL\"\n"
"- ягон-то, агар муқаррар шуда бошад дар \"NONE\".\n"
"Барои иҷозати хидматрасонҳои ба шумо лозима /etc/hosts.allow (нигаред ба "
"hosts.allow (5))-ро истифода баред."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If SERVER_LEVEL (or SECURE_LEVEL if absent)\n"
"is greater than 3 in /etc/security/msec/security.conf, creates the\n"
"symlink /etc/security/msec/server to point to\n"
"The /etc/security/msec/server is used by chkconfig --add to decide to\n"
"add a service if it is present in the file during the installation of\n"
msgstr ""
"Агар SERVER_LEVEL (ё SECURE_LEVEL агар мавҷуд набошад)\n"
"калонтар аз 3 мебошад дар /etc/security/msec/security.conf, меофарад\n"
"ишораи рамзиро /etc/security/msec/server to point to\n"
"/etc/security/msec/server истифода мегардад аз тарафи chkconfig --add барои "
"илова намудани хидматрасон, ки оё он дар файл ҳангоми коргузории қуттиҳо\n"
"мавҷуд аст."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Enable/Disable crontab and at for users.\n"
"Put allowed users in /etc/cron.allow and /etc/at.allow (see man at(1)\n"
"and crontab(1))."
msgstr ""
"Дохил/Хомӯш намудан crontab ва at-ро барои корвандон.\n"
" Корвандони иҷозат гирифтагиҳоро ба /etc/cron.allow и /etc/at.allow дохил "
"(ба man at(1)ва crontab(1) нигоҳ кунед)."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Enable/Disable syslog reports to console 12"
msgstr ""
"Барои баровардани ахбороти syslog дар нозиргоҳи 12 иҷозат додан/манъ кардан"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Enable/Disable name resolution spoofing protection.  If\n"
"\"alert\" is true, also reports to syslog."
msgstr ""
"Дар гиронидан/Хомӯш намудан ҳимояро аз spoofing-и дарёфти номҳо. Агар\n"
"\"alert\" ба true баробар бошад, онгоҳ ҳамчунин ба syslog хабар медиҳад."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Enable/Disable IP spoofing protection."
msgstr "Ҳимояро ба IP spoofingба  Роҳ монед/Намонед."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Enable/Disable libsafe if libsafe is found on the system."
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Enable/Disable the logging of IPv4 strange packets."
msgstr "Дар гиронидан/хомӯш намудани сабти қуттиҳои ғайриоддии IPv4."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Enable/Disable msec hourly security check."
msgstr "Баъд ҳар як соат тафтиши бехатарии msec-ро дохил/хориҷ намоед."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid ""
" Enabling su only from members of the wheel group or allow su from any user."
msgstr ""
"su-ро танҳо барои аъзоёни гурӯҳи wheel дар мегиронад ё ба su барои корванди "
"дилхоҳ иҷозат медиҳад."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Use password to authenticate users."
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Activate/Disable ethernet cards promiscuity check."
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid " Activate/Disable daily security check."
msgstr " Фаъол /Ғайри фаъол намудани санҷиши ҳаррӯзаи бехатарӣ."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid " Enable/Disable sulogin(8) in single user level."
msgstr " Дар мегиронад/хомӯш менамояд sulogin(8)-ро дар дараҷаи як корванд."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Add the name as an exception to the handling of password aging by msec."
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Set password aging to \"max\" days and delay to change to \"inactive\"."
msgstr ""
"Синну соли гузарвожаро ба \"max\"рӯз ва дермонӣ барои тағир додани \"inactive"
"\"муқаррар намоед."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Set the password history length to prevent password reuse."
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Set the password minimum length and minimum number of digit and minimum "
"number of capitalized letters."
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Set the root umask."
msgstr "root umask гузоред."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "if set to yes, check open ports."
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"if set to yes, check for :\n"
"- empty passwords,\n"
"- no password in /etc/shadow\n"
"- for users with the 0 id other than root."
msgstr ""
"агар ҳа интихоб шуда бошад, онгоҳ тафтиш менамояд:\n"
"- гузарвожаҳои холиро,\n"
"- ба набудани гузарвожа дар /etc/shadow\n"
"- ба мавҷуд будани ғайри-root-и корвандон бо UID 0."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "if set to yes, check permissions of files in the users' home."
msgstr ""
"агар yes муқаррар шуда бошад, иҷозатномаи файлҳои дар феҳристҳои хонагӣ "
"мавҷуд будро месанҷад."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "if set to yes, check if the network devices are in promiscuous mode."
msgstr ""
"агар yes муқаррар шуда бошад, санҷед оё дастгоҳҳои шабакавӣ дар "
"усулиpromiscuous кор мекунад."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "if set to yes, run the daily security checks."
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "if set to yes, check additions/removals of sgid files."
msgstr ""
"агар yes муқаррар шуда бошад, онгоҳ иловаҳо/хориҷшавии файлҳои sgid-ро "

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "if set to yes, check empty password in /etc/shadow."
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "if set to yes, verify checksum of the suid/sgid files."
msgstr ""
"агар yes муқаррар шуда бошад, онгоҳ суммаи назорати файлҳои suid/sgid-ро "

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "if set to yes, check additions/removals of suid root files."
msgstr ""
"агар yes муқаррар шавад, онгоҳ иловаҳо/хориҷшавии файлҳои suid root-ро "

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "if set to yes, report unowned files."
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "if set to yes, check files/directories writable by everybody."
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "if set to yes, run chkrootkit checks."
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"if set, send the mail report to this email address else send it to root."
msgstr ""
"агар муқаррар шуда бошад, мактубро бо ҳисобот ба ин суроға мефиристонад, "
"вагарна онро ба реша мефиристонад."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "if set to yes, report check result by mail."
msgstr ""
"агар yes муқаррар шуда бошад, онгоҳ дар хусуси натиҷаҳои тафтиш бо почта "

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Do not send mails if there's nothing to warn about"
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "if set to yes, run some checks against the rpm database."
msgstr ""
"агар yes муқаррар шуда бошад,онгоҳ якчанд санҷишҳои манбаи маълумоти rpm-ро "
"корандозӣ менамояд."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "if set to yes, report check result to syslog."
msgstr ""
"агар yes муқаррар шуда бошад, онгоҳ дар бораи натиҷаи санҷиш дарsyslog хабар "

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "if set to yes, reports check result to tty."
msgstr ""
"агар yes муқаррар шуда бошад, онгоҳ оиди натиҷаи санҷиш ба tty ахборот "

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Set shell commands history size. A value of -1 means unlimited."
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Set the shell timeout. A value of zero means no timeout."
msgstr ""
"Вақти танаффус барои shell муқаррар шудааст. Қиматии сифрӣ маънои мавҷуд "
"набудани вақти танаффусро дорост."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Timeout unit is second"
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Set the user umask."
msgstr "Корванди umask-ро гузоред."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Accept bogus IPv4 error messages"
msgstr "Ахборотро оиди хатогиҳои IPv4 қабул кардан"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Accept broadcasted icmp echo"
msgstr "Радиошунавонии icmp echo-ро қабул кардан"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Accept icmp echo"
msgstr "icmp echo-ро қабул кардан"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "/etc/issue* exist"
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Reboot by the console user"
msgstr "Аз ҷониби корванди нозиргоҳ бозхудроҳандозӣ ба роҳ монда шудааст"

#: security/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Allow remote root login"
msgstr "Мошинаҳои дастрас нест"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Direct root login"
msgstr "Дохилшавии бевосита дар зери root"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "List users on display managers (kdm and gdm)"
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Allow X Window connections"
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Authorize TCP connections to X Window"
msgstr "Ба TCP пайвастшавии X Window иҷозат додан"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Authorize all services controlled by tcp_wrappers"
msgstr ""
"Ба ҳамаи хидматрасонҳо иҷозат диҳед, ки аз ҷониби tcp_wrappers назорат шаванд"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Chkconfig obey msec rules"
msgstr "Chkconfig ба қоидаҳои msec итоат мекунад"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Enable \"crontab\" and \"at\" for users"
msgstr "\"crontab\" ва \"at\"-ро барои корвандон дар гиронидан"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Syslog reports to console 12"
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Name resolution spoofing protection"
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Enable IP spoofing protection"
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Enable libsafe if libsafe is found on the system"
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Enable the logging of IPv4 strange packets"
msgstr "Номнависии қуттиҳои ғайриоддии IPv4-ро дар гиронидан"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Enable msec hourly security check"
msgstr "Ҳар соат санҷиши бехатарии msec-ро дар гиронидан."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Enable su only from the wheel group members or for any user"
msgstr ""
"su-ро танҳо барои аъзоёни гурӯҳи wheel ё ин ки барои корванди дилхоҳ иҷозат "

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Use password to authenticate users"
msgstr "Барои муаяйн намудани ҳақиқии корвандон аз гузарвожа истифода баред"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Ethernet cards promiscuity check"
msgstr "Санҷиши promiscuity кортҳои ethernet"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Daily security check"
msgstr "Тафтиши ҳаррӯзаи бехатарӣ"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Sulogin(8) in single user level"
msgstr "Sulogin(8) дар сатҳи истифодаи ягона"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "No password aging for"
msgstr "Синну соли гузарвожа нест барои"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Set password expiration and account inactivation delays"
msgstr ""
"Мӯҳлати истифодаи гузарвожаҳо ва давомнокии қайдҳои ғайрифаъолро "

#: security/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Password history length"
msgstr "Ин гузарвожа хел содда аст"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Password minimum length and number of digits and upcase letters"
msgstr ""
"Дарозии кӯтоҳтарини гузарвожа ва миқдори рақаму ҳарф дар қайдгоҳи болоӣ"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Root umask"
msgstr "Root umask"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Shell history size"
msgstr "Андозаи таърихи Shell"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Shell timeout"
msgstr "Танаффуси ҷилд"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "User umask"
msgstr "Корванди umask"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Check open ports"
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Check for unsecured accounts"
msgstr "Санҷиши қайдҳои бехатар"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Check permissions of files in the users' home"
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Check if the network devices are in promiscuous mode"
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Run the daily security checks"
msgstr "Санҷиши ҳаррӯзаи бехатариро корандозӣ кардан"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Check additions/removals of sgid files"
msgstr "Тафтиши иловаҳо/барҳам додани файлҳои sgid."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Check empty password in /etc/shadow"
msgstr "Гузарвожаҳои холиро дар /etc/shadow санҷед"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Verify checksum of the suid/sgid files"
msgstr "Суммаи санҷишии файлҳои suid/sgid-ро месанҷад"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Check additions/removals of suid root files"
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Report unowned files"
msgstr "Дар хусуси файлҳои бесоҳиб маълумот додан"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Check files/directories writable by everybody"
msgstr "Санҷиши файлҳо/феҳрист барои қайд намудан аз ҷониби ҳар як кас."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Run chkrootkit checks"
msgstr "Санҷишро дар chkrootkit корандозӣ кардан"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Do not send mails when unneeded"
msgstr "Агар зарурият набошад, мактубҳоро нафиристонед"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "If set, send the mail report to this email address else send it to root"
msgstr ""
"Агар муқаррар гардад, онгоҳ ҳисоботи мактубиро ба ин суроғаи "
"электронӣмефиристонад, вагарна онро ба root равона месозад"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Report check result by mail"
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Run some checks against the rpm database"
msgstr "Якчанд санҷишҳои манбаи додаҳои rpm-ро корандозӣ кардан"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Report check result to syslog"
msgstr "Натиҷаҳои тафтишро ба syslog бароред"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Reports check result to tty"
msgstr "Натиҷаҳои санҷишро дар tty баровардан"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Welcome To Crackers"
msgstr "Марҳамат ба Crackers"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Poor"
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "High"
msgstr "Баланд"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Higher"
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Paranoid"
msgstr "Девонаавзоъӣ"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This level is to be used with care. It makes your system more easy to use,\n"
"but very sensitive. It must not be used for a machine connected to others\n"
"or to the Internet. There is no password access."
msgstr ""
"Ин сатҳро бояд боэҳтиёт истифода бурд. Он системи шуморо барои истифода "
"осонтар мегардонад, лекин хеле эҳсоснок. Онро бояд барои мошине истифода "
"бурд, киба дигар мошинаҳо ё ин ки интернет пайваст бошад. Бе истифодаи "
"гузарвожашумо ба он роҳ доред."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Passwords are now enabled, but use as a networked computer is still not "
msgstr ""
"Гузарвожаҳо ҳоло дар гиронида шудааст, аммо ба сифати компютери шабакавӣ "
"истифода намудан монандӣ пештара тавсия намешавад."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This is the standard security recommended for a computer that will be used "
"to connect to the Internet as a client."
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"There are already some restrictions, and more automatic checks are run every "
msgstr ""
"Аллакай якчанд маҳдудият мавҷуд аст ва ҳар шаб санҷишҳои иловагии автоматикӣ "
"корандозӣ мегардад."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"With this security level, the use of this system as a server becomes "
"The security is now high enough to use the system as a server which can "
"connections from many clients. Note: if your machine is only a client on the "
"Internet, you should choose a lower level."
msgstr ""
"Дар ин сатҳи бехатарӣ истифодаи систем ҳамчун хидматрасон имконпазир\n"
"Акнун бехатарӣ хеле баланд аст барои истифодаи систем ҳамчун хидматрасон, "
"пайвастшавиро аз мизоҷони бисёр қабул менамояд.\n"
"Дар хотир дошта бошед: агар мошини шумо танҳо мизоҷи интернет бошад, шумо "
"сатҳи нисбатан пастарро интихоб намоед."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This is similar to the previous level, but the system is entirely closed and "
"security features are at their maximum."
msgstr ""
"Ин сатҳ ба пешина монанд аст, лекин систем ба таври пурра маҳкам аст ва "
"хислатҳои бехатарӣ дар бузургии калонтарин мавҷуд мебошад."

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "DrakSec Basic Options"
msgstr "Хосиятҳои Асосии DrakSec"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Please choose the desired security level"
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Security level"
msgstr ""

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Use libsafe for servers"
msgstr "Барои хидматрасонҳо libsafe-ро истифода намудан"

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"A library which defends against buffer overflow and format string attacks."
msgstr ""
"Китобхонае ки аз ҳуҷуми аз ҳад зиёди миёнгир ва шаклбандии сатр ҳимоя "

#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "Security Administrator (login or email)"
msgstr "Идоракунандаи Бехатарӣ (номи дохилӣ ё суроғаи электронӣ)"

#, c-format
msgid "Launch the ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) sound system"
msgstr "Системи овоздори ALSA-ро оғоз намоед (Меъмории баланди овозии Linux)"

#, c-format
msgid "Anacron is a periodic command scheduler."
msgstr "Anacron - нақшакаши фармонии даврӣ."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"apmd is used for monitoring battery status and logging it via syslog.\n"
"It can also be used for shutting down the machine when the battery is low."
msgstr ""
"apmd барои назорати ҳолати батарея ва қайди он ба воситаи syslog истифода "
"Инчунин онро барои хомӯш намудани мошина дар ҳолати дараҷаи баланди "
"батареяҳоистифода бурдан мумкин аст."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Runs commands scheduled by the at command at the time specified when\n"
"at was run, and runs batch commands when the load average is low enough."
msgstr ""
"Корандозӣ менамояд: фармонҳое ки ба ҷадвали ҳангоми оғозкунӣ дар at "
"шуда дохил менамояд ва қуттиҳои фармонҳоро корандозӣ менамояд, вақте ки кор "
"андохтани миёна бениҳоят паст аст."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"cron is a standard UNIX program that runs user-specified programs\n"
"at periodic scheduled times. vixie cron adds a number of features to the "
"UNIX cron, including better security and more powerful configuration options."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"FAM is a file monitoring daemon. It is used to get reports when files "
"It is used by GNOME and KDE"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"GPM adds mouse support to text-based Linux applications such the\n"
"Midnight Commander. It also allows mouse-based console cut-and-paste "
"and includes support for pop-up menus on the console."
msgstr ""
"GPM дастгирии мушро ба матне ки дар замимаҳои  Linux ба монандӣ Midnight\n"
"Commander асос ёфтааст, илова менамояд.Он инчунин имкон медиҳад ба воситаи "
"муш амалиёти буридан ва мондан-ро истифода\n"
"намудан ва дар нозиргоҳ дастгирии ошкорро дар бар гирифтан."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"HardDrake runs a hardware probe, and optionally configures\n"
"new/changed hardware."
msgstr ""
"HardDrake санҷиши сахтафзорро корандозӣ менамояд ва интихобан сахтафзори "
"тағирёфташударо ба танзим медарорад."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Apache is a World Wide Web server. It is used to serve HTML files and CGI."
msgstr ""
"Apache хидматрасони Web-и умумиҷаҳонӣ мебошад. Он барои хизмат расонидани "
"файлҳои HTML ва CGI истифода мегардад."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"The internet superserver daemon (commonly called inetd) starts a\n"
"variety of other internet services as needed. It is responsible for "
"many services, including telnet, ftp, rsh, and rlogin. Disabling inetd "
"all of the services it is responsible for."
msgstr ""
"Азозили internet superserver (баъзан бо номи inetd) мувофиқи зарурият "
"хидматрасонҳои интернетро оғоз менамояд. Он ба оғозшавии бисёрхизматрасонҳо, "
"ба монандӣ telnet, ftp, rsh ва rlogin ҷавобгар аст. Қатъи inetd\n"
"инчунин ҳамаи хизматрасонҳое ки ба он ҷавобгар аст, хомӯш мегардонад."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Launch packet filtering for Linux kernel 2.2 series, to set\n"
"up a firewall to protect your machine from network attacks."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"This package loads the selected keyboard map as set in\n"
"/etc/sysconfig/keyboard.  This can be selected using the kbdconfig utility.\n"
"You should leave this enabled for most machines."
msgstr ""
"Ин қуттӣ ҷойгиршавии интихобшудаи забонакро дар /etc/sysconfig/keyboard "
"шударо ба кор андохта метавонад.  Онро метавон ба воситаи муфидии kbdconfig\n"
"интихоб намуд. Шумо бояд онро дар ҳолати фаъол буданаш барои акасарияти "
"мошинҳо гузоред."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Automatic regeneration of kernel header in /boot for\n"
msgstr ""
"Навсозии автоматии сарлавҳаи асос дар /boot барои\n"

#, c-format
msgid "Automatic detection and configuration of hardware at boot."
msgstr "Дарки автоматӣ ва ба танзимдарории таҷҳизот ҳангоми худборшавӣ."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Linuxconf will sometimes arrange to perform various tasks\n"
"at boot-time to maintain the system configuration."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"lpd is the print daemon required for lpr to work properly. It is\n"
"basically a server that arbitrates print jobs to printer(s)."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Linux Virtual Server, used to build a high-performance and highly\n"
"available server."
msgstr ""
"Хидматрасони Маҷозии Linux барои офаридани хидматрасонҳои дорои самаранокии\n"
"баланд ва дастрас истифода мешавад."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"named (BIND) is a Domain Name Server (DNS) that is used to resolve host "
"names to IP addresses."
msgstr ""
"named (BIND) номҳои соҳибии корванде ки барои тағир додани номҳои соҳибӣ дар "
"IP-суроғаҳо истифода мешавад."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mounts and unmounts all Network File System (NFS), SMB (Lan\n"
"Manager/Windows), and NCP (NetWare) mount points."
msgstr ""
"Васл кардан ва накардани ҳамаи нуқтаҳои васлшавии системҳои файлии (NFS), "
"(LanManager/Windows) ва NCP (NetWare)."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Activates/Deactivates all network interfaces configured to start\n"
"at boot time."
msgstr ""
"Фаъол менамояд/Ғайри фаъол менамояд ҳамаи интерфейсҳои шабакавиро барои\n"
"оғоз намудан ҳангоми худборшавӣ."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"NFS is a popular protocol for file sharing across TCP/IP networks.\n"
"This service provides NFS server functionality, which is configured via the\n"
"/etc/exports file."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"NFS is a popular protocol for file sharing across TCP/IP\n"
"networks. This service provides NFS file locking functionality."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Automatically switch on numlock key locker under console\n"
"and XFree at boot."
msgstr ""
"Дохилшавии автоматӣ ҳангоми оғоз намудани тугмачаи numlock дар\n"
"дар console ва XFree."

#, c-format
msgid "Support the OKI 4w and compatible winprinters."
msgstr "Дастгирии win-чопгарҳои OKI 4w ва мувофиқ."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"PCMCIA support is usually to support things like ethernet and\n"
"modems in laptops.  It won't get started unless configured so it is safe to "
"it installed on machines that don't need it."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"The portmapper manages RPC connections, which are used by\n"
"protocols such as NFS and NIS. The portmap server must be running on "
"which act as servers for protocols which make use of the RPC mechanism."
msgstr ""
"portmapper пайвастшавии RPC-ро идора менамояд, ки аз ҷониби қарордодҳои ба\n"
"монадӣ NFS ва NIS истифода мегардад. Хидматрасони portmap бояд ба мошинҳо "
"корандозӣ гардад, ки ҳамчун хидматрасонҳо кор мекунад. Онҳо механизми RPC-ро "
"мавриди истифода қарор медиҳад."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Postfix is a Mail Transport Agent, which is the program that moves mail from "
"one machine to another."
msgstr ""
"Postfix ин Вакили бурдарасонии почта, ки барномаи фиристодани почта аз як "
"мошин ба мошини дигар аст."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Saves and restores system entropy pool for higher quality random\n"
"number generation."
msgstr ""
"Барои баланд бардоштани сифати эҷоди рақамҳои тасодуфӣ манбаи энтропии\n"
"системро нигоҳ ва барқарор менамояд."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Assign raw devices to block devices (such as hard drive\n"
"partitions), for the use of applications such as Oracle or DVD players"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"The routed daemon allows for automatic IP router table updated via\n"
"the RIP protocol. While RIP is widely used on small networks, more complex\n"
"routing protocols are needed for complex networks."
msgstr ""
"Азозили routed ба навсозии автоматии таблисаи IP router ба воситаи "
"RIP иҷозат медиҳад. Дар он сурате ки RIP ба таври васеъ дар шабакаҳои хурд "
"мегардад қарордодҳои мураккабтари роҳӣ барои шабакаҳои мураккаб лозим аст."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"The rstat protocol allows users on a network to retrieve\n"
"performance metrics for any machine on that network."
msgstr ""
"Қарордоди rstat ба корвандони шабака имкон медиҳад, то ки\n"
"онҳо додаҳоро оиди маҳсулнокии мошини дилхоҳ дар ин шабака дастрас намоянд."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"The rusers protocol allows users on a network to identify who is\n"
"logged in on other responding machines."
msgstr ""
"Қарордоди rusers ба корвандони шабака имконияти муаяйн намудани онро "
"медиҳад, ки\n"
"кӣ дар дигар мошинҳои ҷавобдиҳанда кор мекунад."

#, c-format
msgid ""
"The rwho protocol lets remote users get a list of all of the users\n"
"logged into a machine running the rwho daemon (similiar to finger)."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Launch the sound system on your machine"
msgstr "Дар мошини шумо системи овоздорро оғоз менамояд"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Syslog is the facility by which many daemons use to log messages\n"
"to various system log files.  It is a good idea to always run syslog."
msgstr ""
"Syslog - ин функсияе, ки аз ҷониби бисёр азозил барои қайди ахбороти "
"мухталиф дар\n"
"файлҳои системии номнависӣ истифода мешавад. Фикри хуб аст, агар syslog-ро "
"ҳамеша корандозӣ намоем."

#, c-format
msgid "Load the drivers for your usb devices."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Starts the X Font Server (this is mandatory for XFree to run)."
msgstr ""
"Хидматрасони ҳуруфҳои X-ро оғоз намоед (ин барои ба кор андохтани XFree "
"ҳатмӣ аст)."

#, c-format
msgid "Choose which services should be automatically started at boot time"
msgstr ""
"Интихоб намоед, ки кадом хидматрасонҳо бояд ба таври автоматӣ ҳангоми "
"худборшавӣ оғоз карда шавад"

#, c-format
msgid "Printing"
msgstr "Чопкунӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Internet"
msgstr "Интернет"

#, c-format
msgid "File sharing"
msgstr "Тақсим кардани файл"

#, c-format
msgid "Remote Administration"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Database Server"
msgstr "манъаи серверо"

#, c-format
msgid "running"
msgstr "корандозӣ карда шуда истодааст"

#, c-format
msgid "stopped"
msgstr "қатъ гардидааст"

#, c-format
msgid "Services and deamons"
msgstr "Хадамот ва азозилҳо"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"No additional information\n"
"about this service, sorry."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid "Info"
msgstr "Маълумот"

#, c-format
msgid "Start when requested"
msgstr "Оғоз ҳангоми дархост"

#, c-format
msgid "On boot"
msgstr "Ҳангоми худборшавӣ"

#, c-format
msgid "Start"
msgstr "Оғоз"

#, c-format
msgid "Stop"
msgstr "Ист"

#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "<b>Congratulations for choosing Mandrake Linux!</b>"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Welcome to the Open Source world!"
msgstr "Марҳамат ба олами Сарчашмаи Кушод."

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your new Mandrake Linux operating system and its many applications is the "
"result of collaborative efforts between MandrakeSoft developers and Mandrake "
"Linux contributors throughout the world."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"We would like to thank everyone who participated in the development of this "
"latest release."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "<b>Discovery</b>"
msgstr "Гардонанда:"

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Discovery is the easiest and most user-friendly Linux distribution. It "
"includes a hand-picked selection of premium software for Office, Multimedia "
"and Internet activities."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "The menu is task-oriented, with a single selected application per task."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "<b>The KDE Choice</b>"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The powerful Open Source graphical desktop environment KDE is the desktop of "
"choice for the Discovery Pack."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "<b></b>: The complete Linux office suite."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"<b>WRITER</b> is a powerful word processor for creating all types of text "
"documents. Documents may include images, diagrams and tables."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"<b>CALC</b> is a feature-packed spreadsheet which enables you to compute, "
"analyze and manage all of your data."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"<b>IMPRESS</b> is the fastest, most powerful way to create effective "
"multimedia presentations."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"<b>DRAW</b> will produce everything from simple diagrams to dynamic 3D "
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "<b>Surf The Internet</b>"
msgstr "Интернет"

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "Discover the new integrated personal information suite KDE Kontact."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"More than just a full-featured email client, <b>Kontact</b> also includes an "
"address book, a calendar and scheduling program, plus a tool for taking "
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "You can also:"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "\t- browse the Web"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "\t- chat"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "\t- organize a video-conference"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "\t- create your own Web site"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "\t- ..."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "<b>Multimedia</b>: Software for every need!"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "Listen to audio CDs with <b>KsCD</b>."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "Listen to music files and watch videos with <b>Totem</b>."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "View and edit images and photos with <b>GQview</b> and <b>The Gimp!</b>"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "<b>Mandrake Control Center</b>"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The Mandrake Control Center is an essential collection of Mandrake-specific "
"utilities for simplifying the configuration of your computer."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You will immediately appreciate this collection of handy utilities for "
"easily configuring hardware devices, defining mount points, setting up "
"Network and Internet, adjusting the security level of your computer, and "
"just about everything related to the system."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "<b>MandrakeStore</b>"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Find all MandrakeSoft products and services at <b>MandrakeStore</b> -- our "
"full service e-commerce platform."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "Stop by today at <b></b>"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "Become a <b>MandrakeClub</b> member!"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Take advantage of valuable benefits, products and services by joining "
"MandrakeClub, such as:"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "\t- Full access to commercial applications"
msgstr "роҳ ба асбобҳои талфифа"

#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "\t- Special download mirror list exclusively for MandrakeClub Members"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "\t- Voting for software to put in Mandrake Linux"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "\t- Special discounts for products and services at MandrakeStore"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "\t- Plus much more"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "For more information, please visit <b></b>"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Do you require assistance?"
msgstr "Шумо ягон %s интеҳо доред?"

#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "<b>MandrakeExpert</b> is the primary source for technical support."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If you have Linux questions, subscribe to MandrakeExpert at <b>www."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrake Linux is committed to the Open Source Model and fully respects the "
"General Public License. This new release is the result of collaboration "
"between MandrakeSoft's team of developers and the worldwide community of "
"Mandrake Linux contributors."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "<b>Join the Mandrake Linux community!</b>"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If you would like to get involved, please subscribe to the \"Cooker\" "
"mailing list by visiting <b></b>"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"To learn more about our dynamic community, please visit <b>www.mandrake-"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "<b>What is Mandrake Linux?</b>"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrake Linux is an Open Source distribution created with thousands of the "
"choicest applications from the Free Software world. Mandrake Linux is one of "
"the most widely used Linux distributions worldwide!"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrake Linux includes the famous graphical desktops KDE and GNOME, plus "
"the latest versions of the most popular Open Source applications."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrake Linux is widely known as the most user-friendly and the easiest to "
"install and easy to use Linux distribution."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "Find out about our <b>Personal Solutions</b>:"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "\t- Find out Mandrake Linux on a bootable CD with <b>MandrakeMove</b>"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"\t- If you use Linux mostly for Office, Internet and Multimedia tasks, "
"<b>Discovery</b> perfectly meets your needs"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"\t- If you appreciate the largest selection of software including powerful "
"development tools, <b>PowerPack</b> is for you"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"\t- If you require a full-featured Linux solution customized for small to "
"medium-sized networks, choose <b>PowerPack+</b>"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "Find out also our <b>Business Solutions</b>!"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"<b>Corporate Server</b>: the ideal solution for entreprises. It is a "
"complete \"all-in-one\" solution that includes everything needed to rapidly "
"deploy world-class Linux server applications."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"<b>Multi Network Firewall</b>: based on Linux 2.4 \"kernel secure\" to "
"provide multi-VPN as well as multi-DMZ functionalities. It is the perfect "
"high performance security solution."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"<b>MandrakeClustering</b>: the power and speed of a Linux cluster combined "
"with the stability and easy-of-use of the world-famous Mandrake Linux "
"distribution. A unique blend for incomparable HPC performance."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Find all MandrakeSoft products at <b>MandrakeStore</b> -- our full service e-"
"commerce platform."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Find out also support incidents if you have any problems, from standard to "
"professional support, from 1 to 50 incidents, take the one which meets "
"perfectly your needs!"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "<b>Become a MandrakeClub member!</b>"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Take advantage of valuable benefits, products and services by joining "
"Mandrake Club, such as:"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#: share/advertising/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "<b>Do you require assistance?</b>"
msgstr "Шумо ягон %s интеҳо доред?"

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "<b>Note</b>"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "This is the Mandrake Linux <b>Download version</b>."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The free download version does not include commercial software, and "
"therefore may not work with certain modems (such as some ADSL and RTC) and "
"video cards (such as ATI® and NVIDIA®)."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your new Mandrake Linux distribution and its many applications are the "
"result of collaborative efforts between MandrakeSoft developers and Mandrake "
"Linux contributors throughout the world."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "<b>PowerPack+</b>"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"PowerPack+ is a full-featured Linux solution for small to medium-sized "
"networks. PowerPack+ increases the value of the standard PowerPack by adding "
"a comprehensive selection of world-class server applications."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"It is the only Mandrake Linux product that includes the groupware solution."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "<b>Choose your graphical Desktop environment!</b>"
msgstr "Калиди ба рамздарории системи файлии худро интихоб намоед"

#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"When you log into your Mandrake Linux system for the first time, you can "
"choose between several popular graphical desktops environments, including: "
"KDE, GNOME, WindowMaker, IceWM, and others."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"In the Mandrake Linux menu you will find easy-to-use applications for all "
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "\t- Create, edit and share office documents with <b></b>"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"\t- Take charge of your personal data with the integrated personal "
"information suites: <b>Kontact</b> and <b>Evolution</b>"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "\t- Browse the Web with <b>Mozilla and Konqueror</b>"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "\t- Participate in online chat with <b>Kopete</b>"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"\t- Listen to audio CDs and music files with <b>KsCD</b> and <b>Totem</b>"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "\t- Edit images and photos with <b>The Gimp</b>"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"PowerPack+ includes everything needed for developing and creating your own "
"software, including:"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"\t- <b>Kdevelop</b>: a full featured, easy to use Integrated Development "
"Environment for C++ programming"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "\t- <b>GCC</b>: the GNU Compiler Collection"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "\t- <b>GDB</b>: the GNU Project debugger"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "\t- <b>Emacs</b>: a customizable and real time display editor"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"\t- <b>Xemacs</b>: open source text editor and application development system"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"\t- <b>Vim</b>: advanced text editor with more features than standard Vi"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "<b>Discover the full-featured groupware solution!</b>"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "It includes both server and client features for:"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "\t- Sending and receiving emails"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"\t- Calendar, Task List, Memos, Contacts, Meeting Request (sending and "
"receiving), Task Requests (sending and receiving)"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "\t- Address Book (server and client)"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Empower your business network with <b>premier server solutions</b> including:"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "\t- <b>Samba</b>: File and print services for MS-Windows clients"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "\t- <b>Apache</b>: The most widely used Web server"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "\t- <b>MySQL</b>: The world's most popular Open Source database"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"\t- <b>CVS</b>: Concurrent Versions System, the dominant open-source network-"
"transparent version control system"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"\t- <b>ProFTPD</b>: the highly configurable GPL-licensed FTP server software"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "\t- And others"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your new Mandrake Linux distribution is the result of collaborative efforts "
"between MandrakeSoft developers and Mandrake Linux contributors throughout "
"the world."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"We would like to thank everyone who participated in the development of our "
"latest release."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "<b>PowerPack</b>"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"PowerPack is MandrakeSoft's premier Linux desktop product. In addition to "
"being the easiest and the most user-friendly Linux distribution, PowerPack "
"includes thousands of applications - everything from the most popular to the "
"most technical."
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"In the Mandrake Linux menu you will find easy-to-use applications for all of "
"your tasks:"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"\t- Take charge of your personal data with the integrated personal "
"information suites <b>Kontact</b> and <b>Evolution</b>"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "\t- Browse the Web with <b>Mozilla</b> and <b>Konqueror</b>"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "\t- Listen to audio CDs and music files with KsCD and <b>Totem</b>"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "<b>Development tools</b>"
msgstr "Марҳамат ба %s"

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"PowerPack includes everything needed for developing and creating your own "
"software, including:"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "And of course the editors!"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"\t- <b>Xemacs</b>: another open source text editor and application "
"development system"
msgstr ""

#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"\t- <b>Vim</b>: an advanced text editor with more features than standard Vi"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n"
"it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n"
"the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)\n"
"any later version.\n"
"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n"
"but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n"
"GNU General Public License for more details.\n"
"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n"
"along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n"
"Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.\n"
msgstr ""
"Ин барнома нармафзори озод мебошад, ки онро шумо метавонед дар оянда\n"
"паҳн намоед ва/ё онро ҳангоми риоя намудани GNU General Public License "
"диҳед. Лисензияи мазкур аз ҷониби Free Software Foundation-и нусхаи дуюм "
"(мувофиқи интихоби шумо) ё ин ки нусхаи охирин нашр гардидааст.\n"
"Ин барнома бо мақсади муфид буданаш паҳн мегардад, аммо БЕ ҲЕҶ КАФОЛАТ,\n"
"ҳатто кафолати пешбинӣ шудаи КОРШОЯМӢ ё МУВОФИҚ БУДАН БА\n"
"МАҚСАДИ МАХСУС. Барои гирифтани маълумоти муфассал GNU General\n"
"Public License-ро аз назар гузаронед.\n"
"Шумо бояд нусхаи GNU General Public License-ро бо ҳамроҳии ин барнома "
"агар розӣ набошед, онгоҳ ба Free Software Foundation, Inc.,\n"
"59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA мактуб нависед.\n"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"[--config-info] [--daemon] [--debug] [--default] [--show-conf]\n"
"Backup and Restore application\n"
"--default             : save default directories.\n"
"--debug               : show all debug messages.\n"
"--show-conf           : list of files or directories to backup.\n"
"--config-info         : explain configuration file options (for non-X "
"--daemon              : use daemon configuration. \n"
"--help                : show this message.\n"
"--version             : show version number.\n"
msgstr ""
"[--config-info] [--daemon] [--debug] [--default] [--show-conf]\n"
"Замима барои нигоҳ доштан ва барқарор намудан\n"
"--default             : феҳристҳои пешфарзиро нигоҳ доштан.\n"
"--debug               : пайғомҳои созкунро нишон додан.\n"
"--show-conf           : рӯйхати файлҳо ва феҳристҳо барои нигоҳ доштан.\n"
"--config-info         : интихобҳои файли танзимдарориро фаҳмонидан (на барои "
"корвандҳои Х).\n"
"--daemon              : танзимдарории азозилро истифода намудан. \n"
"--help                : ин пайғомро нишон додан.\n"
"--version             : рақами нусхаро нишон додан.\n"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"[--boot] [--splash]\n"
"  --boot            - enable to configure boot loader\n"
"  --splash          - enable to configure boot theme\n"
"default mode: offer to configure autologin feature"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"  --help            - print this help message.\n"
"  --report          - program should be one of mandrake tools\n"
"  --incident        - program should be one of mandrake tools"
msgstr ""
"  --help            - ин пайғоми ёридиҳандаро чоп намоед.\n"
"  --report          - барнома бояд аз қуттии mandrake tools бошад\n"
"  --incident        - барнома бояд аз қуттии mandrake tools бошад"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"  --add             - \"add a network interface\" wizard\n"
"  --del             - \"delete a network interface\" wizard\n"
"  --skip-wizard     - manage connections\n"
"  --internet        - configure internet\n"
"  --wizard          - like --add"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Font Importation and monitoring application\n"
"--windows_import : import from all available windows partitions.\n"
"--xls_fonts      : show all fonts that already exist from xls\n"
"--install        : accept any font file and any directry.\n"
"--uninstall      : uninstall any font or any directory of font.\n"
"--replace        : replace all font if already exist\n"
"--application    : 0 none application.\n"
"                 : 1 all application available supported.\n"
"                 : name_of_application like  so for staroffice \n"
"                 : and gs for ghostscript for only this one."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrake Terminal Server Configurator\n"
"--enable         : enable MTS\n"
"--disable        : disable MTS\n"
"--start          : start MTS\n"
"--stop           : stop MTS\n"
"--adduser        : add an existing system user to MTS (requires username)\n"
"--deluser        : delete an existing system user from MTS (requires "
"--addclient      : add a client machine to MTS (requires MAC address, IP, "
"nbi image name)\n"
"--delclient      : delete a client machine from MTS (requires MAC address, "
"IP, nbi image name)"
msgstr ""
"Танзимгари Хидматрасони поёнаҳои Mandrake\n"
"--enable         : дохил намудан MTS\n"
"--disable        : хомӯш кардан MTS\n"
"--start          : оғоз намудан MTS\n"
"--stop           : қатъ кардан MTS\n"
"--adduser        : корванди мавҷудбудаи системро илова намудан ба MTS(номи "
"корванд талаб карда мешавад)\n"
"--deluser        : корванди мавҷудбудаи системро хориҷ намудан аз MTS(номи "
"корванд талаб карда мешавад)\n"
"--addclient      : мошинаи мизоҷиро илова намудан ба MTS (талаб карда "
"мешавад MAC-суроға, IP, номи симои nbi)\n"
"--delclient      : мошинаи мизоҷиро хориҷ намудан аз MTS (талаб карда "
"мешавад MAC-суроға, IP, номи симои nbi)"

#, c-format
msgid "[keyboard]"
msgstr "[тапишгоҳ]"

#, c-format
msgid "[--file=myfile] [--word=myword] [--explain=regexp] [--alert]"
msgstr ""
"[--file=файли ман] [--word=калимаи_ман] [--explain=ифодаи_доимӣ] [--alert]"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Network & Internet connection and monitoring application\n"
"--defaultintf interface : show this interface by default\n"
"--connect : connect to internet if not already connected\n"
"--disconnect : disconnect to internet if already connected\n"
"--force : used with (dis)connect : force (dis)connection.\n"
"--status : returns 1 if connected 0 otherwise, then exit.\n"
"--quiet : don't be interactive. To be used with (dis)connect."
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid " [--skiptest] [--cups] [--lprng] [--lpd] [--pdq]"
msgstr " [--skiptest] [--cups] [--lprng] [--lpd] [--pdq]"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"  --no-confirmation      don't ask first confirmation question in "
"MandrakeUpdate mode\n"
"  --no-verify-rpm        don't verify packages signatures\n"
"  --changelog-first      display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
"  --merge-all-rpmnew     propose to merge all .rpmnew/.rpmsave files found"
msgstr ""

#, c-format
msgid ""
"[--manual] [--device=dev] [--update-sane=sane_source_dir] [--update-"
"usbtable] [--dynamic=dev]"
msgstr ""
"--manual] [--device=дастгоҳ] [--update-sane=sane_source_dir] [--update-"
"usbtable] [--dynamic=дастгоҳ]"

#, c-format
msgid ""
" [everything]\n"
"       XFdrake [--noauto] monitor\n"
"       XFdrake resolution"
msgstr ""
" [everything]\n"
"       XFdrake [--noauto] монитор\n"
"       иҷозат ба XFdrake"

#, c-format
msgid ""
"Usage: %s  [--auto] [--beginner] [--expert] [-h|--help] [--noauto] [--"
"testing] [-v|--version] "
msgstr ""
"Истифода: %s  [--auto] [--beginner] [--expert] [-h|--help] [--noauto] [--"
"testing] [-v|--version] "

#: standalone/XFdrake:87
#, c-format
msgid "Please log out and then use Ctrl-Alt-BackSpace"
msgstr "Илтимос берун шавед ва Ctrl-Alt-BackSpace-ро истифода баред"

#: standalone/XFdrake:91
#, c-format
msgid "You need to log out and back in again for changes to take effect"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakTermServ:71
#, c-format
msgid "Useless without Terminal Server"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakTermServ:101 standalone/drakTermServ:108
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s requires a username...\n"
msgstr "%s: %s номи корвандро талаб менамояд...\n"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:121
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s: %s requires hostname, MAC address, IP, nbi-image, 0/1 for THIN_CLIENT, "
"0/1 for Local Config...\n"
msgstr ""
"%s: %s номи соҳибӣ , суроғаи MAC, IP, nbi-image, 0/1 барои THIN_CLIENT, 0/1 "
"барои Local Config талаб карда мешавад...\n"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:128
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s requires hostname...\n"
msgstr "%s: %s номи соҳибиро талаб менамояд...\n"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:140
#, c-format
msgid "You must be root to read configuration file. \n"
msgstr "Барои хондани файли танзимшуда бояд root будан даркор аст \n"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:219 standalone/drakTermServ:488
#: standalone/drakfont:572
#, c-format
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:235
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Terminal Server Configuration"
msgstr "Танзимдарории Хидматгори Поёнаи Mandrake"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:240
#, c-format
msgid "DrakTermServ"
msgstr "DrakTermServ"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:264
#, c-format
msgid "Enable Server"
msgstr "Даргиронидани Хидматгор"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:270
#, c-format
msgid "Disable Server"
msgstr "Хомӯши Хидматгор"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:278
#, c-format
msgid "Start Server"
msgstr "Оғози Хидматгор"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:284
#, c-format
msgid "Stop Server"
msgstr "Истодани Хидматгор"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:292
#, c-format
msgid "Etherboot Floppy/ISO"
msgstr "Дискети Etherboot/ISO"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:296
#, c-format
msgid "Net Boot Images"
msgstr "Симоҳои дискҳои коргузор"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:302
#, c-format
msgid "Add/Del Users"
msgstr "Иловаи/Нобуди Корвандҳо"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:306
#, c-format
msgid "Add/Del Clients"
msgstr "Мизоҷонро илова намудан/хориҷ намудан"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:317 standalone/drakbug:54
#, c-format
msgid "First Time Wizard"
msgstr "Устози Аввалин Маротиба"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:342
#, c-format
msgid ""
" This wizard routine will:\n"
" \t1) Ask you to select either 'thin' or 'fat' clients.\n"
"\t2) Setup dhcp.\n"
"After doing these steps, the wizard will:\n"
"    a) Make all "
"nbis.                                                                \n"
"    b) Activate the "
"server.                                                          \n"
"    c) Start the "
"server.                                                     \n"
"    d) Synchronize the shadow files so that all users, including root, \n"
"       are added to the shadow$$CLIENT$$ "
"file.                                              \n"
"    e) Ask you to make a boot floppy.\n"
"    f) If it's thin clients, ask if you want to restart KDM.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakTermServ:387
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Cancel Wizard"
msgstr "Устозро оғоз намудан"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:399
#, c-format
msgid "Please save dhcpd config!"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakTermServ:427
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Please select client type.\n"
"    'Thin' clients run everything off the server's CPU/RAM, using the client "
"    'Fat' clients use their own CPU/RAM but the server's filesystem."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakTermServ:433
#, c-format
msgid "Allow thin clients."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakTermServ:441
#, c-format
msgid "Creating net boot images for all kernels"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakTermServ:442 standalone/drakTermServ:725
#: standalone/drakTermServ:741
#, c-format
msgid "This will take a few minutes."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakTermServ:446 standalone/drakTermServ:466
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "Шуд"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:452
#, c-format
msgid "Syncing server user list with client list, including root."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakTermServ:472
#, c-format
msgid ""
"In order to enable changes made for thin clients, the display manager must "
"be restarted. Restart now?"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakTermServ:507
#, c-format
msgid "drakTermServ Overview"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakTermServ:508
#, c-format
msgid ""
"        - Create Etherboot Enabled Boot Images:\n"
"        \tTo boot a kernel via etherboot, a special kernel/initrd image must "
"be created.\n"
"        \tmkinitrd-net does much of this work and drakTermServ is just a "
"graphical \n"
"        \tinterface to help manage/customize these images. To create the "
"file \n"
"        \t/etc/dhcpd.conf.etherboot-pcimap.include that is pulled in as an "
"include in \n"
"        \tdhcpd.conf, you should create the etherboot images for at least "
"one full kernel."
msgstr ""
"        - Меофарад симоҳои худборшави Etherboot Enabled-ро:\n"
"        \t\tБарои худборшави асос ба воситаи etherboot, бояд симои махсуси "
"kernel/initrdофирада шавад.\n"
"        \t\tmkinitrd-net иҷро мекунад қисми асосии корро ва drakTermServ ин "
"танҳо интерфейси графикӣ \n"
"        \t\tбарои мусоидат оиди идоракунӣ/оддӣ намудани ин симоҳо. Барои "
"офаридани файл\n"
"        \t\t/etc/dhcpd.conf.etherboot-pcimap.include, ки барои дохил намудан "
"пешбинӣ шудааст дар\n"
"        \t\tdhcpd.conf, шумо бояд симоҳои etherboot-ро офаред, ақаллан барои "
"як асоси пурра."

#: standalone/drakTermServ:514
#, c-format
msgid ""
"        - Maintain /etc/dhcpd.conf:\n"
"        \tTo net boot clients, each client needs a dhcpd.conf entry, "
"assigning an IP \n"
"        \taddress and net boot images to the machine. drakTermServ helps "
"create/remove \n"
"        \tthese entries.\n"
"        \t(PCI cards may omit the image - etherboot will request the correct "
"image. \n"
"\t\t\tYou should also consider that when etherboot looks for the images, it "
"expects \n"
"\t\t\tnames like boot-3c59x.nbi, rather than boot-3c59x.2.4.19-16mdk.nbi).\n"
"\t\t\t \n"
"        \tA typical dhcpd.conf stanza to support a diskless client looks "
msgstr ""
"        - Дастгирӣ менамояд /etc/dhcpd.conf-ро:\n"
"        \t\tБарои худборшавии мизоҷони шабакавӣ ҳар як мизоҷ бояд элементро "
"дар dhcpd.conf дошта бошад, ки IP-суроға\n"
"        \t\tва симоҳои шабакавии худборшавиро муаяйн менамояд. drakTermServ "
"ёрӣ медиҳад то ки ин элементҳоро офаред/хориҷ намоед.\n"
"        \t\t(кортҳои PCI метавонад симоро дохил накунад - etherboot симои "
"дурустро дархост хоҳад намуд. Шумо бояд инчунин\n"
"        \t\tдонед, ки, дар кадом вақт etherboot симоҳоро мекобад, он дар "
"ҷустуҷӯи номҳои ба монандӣ\n"
"        \t\tboot-3c59x.nbi назар ба boot-3c59x.2.4.19-16mdk.nbi).\n"
"\t\t\t \n"
"        \t\tҚайди махсус дар dhcpd.conf барои дастгирӣ намудани мизочони "
"бедиск чунин аст:"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:532
#, c-format
msgid ""
"        While you can use a pool of IP addresses, rather than setup a "
"specific entry for\n"
"        a client machine, using a fixed address scheme facilitates using the "
"        of client-specific configuration files that ClusterNFS provides.\n"
"        Note: The '#type' entry is only used by drakTermServ.  Clients can "
"either be 'thin'\n"
"        or 'fat'.  Thin clients run most software on the server via xdmcp, "
"while fat clients run \n"
"        most software on the client machine. A special inittab, %s is\n"
"        written for thin clients. System config files xdm-config, kdmrc, and "
"gdm.conf are \n"
"        modified if thin clients are used, to enable xdmcp. Since there are "
"security issues in \n"
"        using xdmcp, hosts.deny and hosts.allow are modified to limit access "
"to the local\n"
"        subnet.\n"
"        Note: The '#hdw_config' entry is also only used by drakTermServ.  "
"Clients can either \n"
"        be 'true' or 'false'.  'true' enables root login at the client "
"machine and allows local \n"
"        hardware configuration of sound, mouse, and X, using the 'drak' "
"tools. This is enabled \n"
"        by creating separate config files associated with the client's IP "
"address and creating \n"
"        read/write mount points to allow the client to alter the file. Once "
"you are satisfied \n"
"        with the configuration, you can remove root login privileges from "
"the client.\n"
"        Note: You must stop/start the server after adding or changing "
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakTermServ:552
#, c-format
msgid ""
"        - Maintain /etc/exports:\n"
"        \tClusternfs allows export of the root filesystem to diskless "
"clients. drakTermServ\n"
"        \tsets up the correct entry to allow anonymous access to the root "
"filesystem from\n"
"        \tdiskless clients.\n"
"        \tA typical exports entry for clusternfs is:\n"
"        \t\t\n"
"        \t/\t\t\t\t\t(ro,all_squash)\n"
"        \t/home\t\t\t\tSUBNET/MASK(rw,root_squash)\n"
"        \tWith SUBNET/MASK being defined for your network."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakTermServ:564
#, c-format
msgid ""
"        - Maintain %s:\n"
"        \tFor users to be able to log into the system from a diskless "
"client, their entry in\n"
"        \t/etc/shadow needs to be duplicated in %s. drakTermServ\n"
"        \thelps in this respect by adding or removing system users from this "
msgstr ""
"        - Дастгирӣ менамояд %s:\n"
"        \t\tТо ки корвандон ба системи мизоҷони бедиск дохил шаванд дар\n"
"        \t\t/etc/shadow бояд нусхабардорӣ намояд дар %s. drakTermServ кӯмак "
"        \t\tдар ин ҳолат корвандони системро дар ин файл ҳамроҳ ва хориҷ "

#: standalone/drakTermServ:568
#, c-format
msgid ""
"        - Per client %s:\n"
"        \tThrough clusternfs, each diskless client can have its own unique "
"configuration files\n"
"        \ton the root filesystem of the server. By allowing local client "
"hardware configuration, \n"
"        \tdrakTermServ will help create these files."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakTermServ:573
#, c-format
msgid ""
"        - Per client system configuration files:\n"
"        \tThrough clusternfs, each diskless client can have its own unique "
"configuration files\n"
"        \ton the root filesystem of the server. By allowing local client "
"hardware configuration, \n"
"        \tclients can customize files such as /etc/modules.conf, /etc/"
"sysconfig/mouse, \n"
"        \t/etc/sysconfig/keyboard on a per-client basis.\n"
"        Note: Enabling local client hardware configuration does enable root "
"login to the terminal \n"
"        server on each client machine that has this feature enabled.  Local "
"configuration can be\n"
"        turned back off, retaining the configuration files, once the client "
"machine is configured."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakTermServ:582
#, c-format
msgid ""
"        - /etc/xinetd.d/tftp:\n"
"        \tdrakTermServ will configure this file to work in conjunction with "
"the images created\n"
"        \tby mkinitrd-net, and the entries in /etc/dhcpd.conf, to serve up "
"the boot image to \n"
"        \teach diskless client.\n"
"        \tA typical tftp configuration file looks like:\n"
"        \t\t\n"
"        \tservice tftp\n"
"                        disable         = no\n"
"                        socket_type  = dgram\n"
"                        protocol        = udp\n"
"                        wait             = yes\n"
"                        user             = root\n"
"                        server          = /usr/sbin/in.tftpd\n"
"                        server_args  = -s /var/lib/tftpboot\n"
"        \t}\n"
"        \t\t\n"
"        \tThe changes here from the default installation are changing the "
"disable flag to\n"
"        \t'no' and changing the directory path to /var/lib/tftpboot, where "
"        \tputs its images."
msgstr ""
"        - /etc/xinetd.d/tftp:\n"
"        \t\tdrakTermServ ин файлро ба танзим медарорад барои кор намудан "
"даралоқа бо қайдҳои ташкилшуда дар\n"
"        \t\tmkinitrd-net,  /etc/dhcpd.conf, барои хизматрасониитасвири оғоз "
"гардида ба ҳар\n"
"        \t\tяк мизоҷи бедиск.\n"
"        \t\tШакли хоси файли ба танзим даровардашуда tftp:\n"
"        \t\t\n"
"        \tservice tftp\n"
"        \t\t{\n"
"                        disable         = no\n"
"                        socket_type  = dgram\n"
"                        protocol        = udp\n"
"                        wait             = yes\n"
"                        user             = root\n"
"                        server          = /usr/sbin/in.tftpd\n"
"                        server_args  = -s /var/lib/tftpboot\n"
"        \t}\n"
"        \t\t\n"
"        \t\tДар ин ҷо фарқият аз коргузории пешфарз дар тағиротинишонаи "
"disable аст дар\n"
"        \t\t'no' ва тағироти роҳи феҳрист дар /var/lib/tftpboot, киmkinitrd-"
"        \t\tтасвирҳои худро ҷойгир менамояд."

#: standalone/drakTermServ:603
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"        - Create etherboot floppies/CDs:\n"
"        \tThe diskless client machines need either ROM images on the NIC, or "
"a boot floppy\n"
"        \tor CD to initate the boot sequence.  drakTermServ will help "
"generate these\n"
"        \timages, based on the NIC in the client machine.\n"
"        \t\t\n"
"        \tA basic example of creating a boot floppy for a 3Com 3c509 "
"        \t\t\n"
"        \tcat /usr/lib/etherboot/floppyload.bin \\\n"
"        \t\t/usr/share/etherboot/start16.bin \\\t\t\t\n"
"        \t\t/usr/lib/etherboot/zimg/3c509.zimg > /dev/fd0"
msgstr ""
"        - Ташкил менамояд etherboot дискет/CD:\n"
"        \t\tба мошинаҳо - мизоҷони бедиск тасвирҳои ROM дар NIC,ё дискетҳои  "
"худборшав лозим аст\n"
"        \t\tё CD барои омодасозии худборшавӣ.  drakTermServ ба шумо кӯмак "
"менамояд, то ки чунин тасвирҳоро офаред,\n"
"        \t\tасос шудааст дар NIC дар мошинаи мизоҷӣ.\n"
"        \t\t\n"
"        \t\tМисоли асосии ба таври дастӣ офаридани диски худборшавӣ барои "
"3Com 3c509:\n"
"        \t\t\n"
"        \tcat /usr/lib/etherboot/boot1a.bin \\\n"
"        \t\t/usr/lib/etherboot/lzrom/3c509.lzrom > /dev/fd0"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:638
#, c-format
msgid "Boot Floppy"
msgstr "Дискети Худборшав"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:640
#, c-format
msgid "Boot ISO"
msgstr "ISO-и худборшаванда"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:642
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "PXE Image"
msgstr "Cимо"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:723
#, c-format
msgid "Build Whole Kernel -->"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakTermServ:730
#, c-format
msgid "No kernel selected!"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakTermServ:733
#, c-format
msgid "Build Single NIC -->"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakTermServ:737
#, c-format
msgid "No NIC selected!"
msgstr "NIC интихоб нагардидааст!"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:740
#, c-format
msgid "Build All Kernels -->"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakTermServ:747
#, c-format
msgid "<-- Delete"
msgstr "<-- Нобуд кардан"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:754
#, c-format
msgid "Delete All NBIs"
msgstr "Ҳамаи NBIs-ро хориҷ намудан"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:841
#, c-format
msgid ""
"!!! Indicates the password in the system database is different than\n"
" the one in the Terminal Server database.\n"
"Delete/re-add the user to the Terminal Server to enable login."
msgstr ""
"!!! Муаяйн шудааст, ки гузарвожаи манбаи маълумоти систем аз\n"
"гузарвожаи манбаи маълумоти Terminal Server фарқ дорад.\n"
"Хориҷ намоед ё ин ки боз корвандро ба Terminal Server илова намоед, то "
"киноми дохилӣ фаъол гардад."

#: standalone/drakTermServ:846
#, c-format
msgid "Add User -->"
msgstr "Иловаи Корванд -->"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:852
#, c-format
msgid "<-- Del User"
msgstr "<-- Корвандро Хориҷ намудан"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:888
#, c-format
msgid "type: %s"
msgstr "Навъ: %s"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:892
#, c-format
msgid "local config: %s"
msgstr "ба танзимдарории маҳаллӣ: %s"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:922
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Allow local hardware\n"
msgstr ""
"Ба танзимдарории сахтафзори маҳаллӣ\n"
"иҷозат дода шавад."

#: standalone/drakTermServ:931
#, c-format
msgid "No net boot images created!"
msgstr "Симоҳои дискҳои худборшавии шабакавӣ офарида нашудааст!"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:949
#, c-format
msgid "Thin Client"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakTermServ:953
#, c-format
msgid "Allow Thin Clients"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakTermServ:954
#, c-format
msgid "Add Client -->"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakTermServ:968
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "type: fat"
msgstr "Навъ: %s"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:969
#, c-format
msgid "type: thin"
msgstr "навъ: борик"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:976
#, c-format
msgid "local config: false"
msgstr "танзими маҳаллӣ: ғалат"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:977
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "local config: true"
msgstr "танзимдода нашуда"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:985
#, c-format
msgid "<-- Edit Client"
msgstr "<-- Мизоҷро ба таҳрир даровардан"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1011
#, c-format
msgid "Disable Local Config"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1018
#, c-format
msgid "Delete Client"
msgstr "Мизоҷро Нобуд кунед"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1027
#, c-format
msgid "dhcpd Config..."
msgstr "dhcpd ба танзим дароварда мешавад..."

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1040
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Need to restart the Display Manager for full changes to take effect. \n"
"(service dm restart - at the console)"
msgstr ""
"Бояд аз нав мудири экран оғоз намуд, то ки тағироти пурра амалӣ гардад\n"
"(service dm restart - дар консол)"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1084
#, c-format
msgid "Subnet:"
msgstr "Зершабака:"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1091
#, c-format
msgid "Netmask:"
msgstr "Ниқоби шабакавӣ:"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1098
#, c-format
msgid "Routers:"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1105
#, c-format
msgid "Subnet Mask:"
msgstr "Ниқоби зершабака:"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1112
#, c-format
msgid "Broadcast Address:"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1119
#, c-format
msgid "Domain Name:"
msgstr "Номи Соҳибӣ:"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1127
#, c-format
msgid "Name Servers:"
msgstr "Хидматгорҳои Ном:"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1138
#, c-format
msgid "IP Range Start:"
msgstr "Оғози Маҳдудаи IP:"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1139
#, c-format
msgid "IP Range End:"
msgstr "Поёни доираи маълумоти IP:"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1191
#, c-format
msgid "dhcpd Server Configuration"
msgstr "Танзимдарории Хидматгори dhcpd"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1192
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Most of these values were extracted\n"
"from your running system.\n"
"You can modify as needed."
msgstr ""
"Аксарияти ин қиматҳо аз системи кории\n"
"шумо гирифта шудааст.\n"
"Агар лозим шавад шумо онҳоро иваз карда метавонед."

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1195
#, c-format
msgid "Dynamic IP Address Pool:"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1208
#, c-format
msgid "Write Config"
msgstr "Файли танзимдарориро нависед"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1326
#, c-format
msgid "Please insert floppy disk:"
msgstr "Лутфан, дискетро гузоред:"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1330
#, c-format
msgid "Couldn't access the floppy!"
msgstr "Имконияти дохилшавӣ ба дискет нест!"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1332
#, c-format
msgid "Floppy can be removed now"
msgstr "Акнун дискетро метавон хориҷ кард"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1335
#, c-format
msgid "No floppy drive available!"
msgstr "Дискет гардон мавҷуд нест!"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1340
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "PXE image is %s/%s"
msgstr "Тасвири шабакавии худборшавии ISO %s"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1342
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Error writing %s/%s"
msgstr "Хатогии қайд дар файл %s"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1351
#, c-format
msgid "Etherboot ISO image is %s"
msgstr "Тасвири шабакавии худборшавии ISO %s"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1353
#, c-format
msgid "Something went wrong! - Is mkisofs installed?"
msgstr "Чизе нодуруст буд! - mkisofs кор гузор шудааст?"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1372
#, c-format
msgid "Need to create /etc/dhcpd.conf first!"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1533
#, c-format
msgid "%s passwd bad in Terminal Server - rewriting...\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1551
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s is not a user..\n"
msgstr "%s ёфт нашуд...\n"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1552
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s is already a Terminal Server user\n"
msgstr "%s аллакай дар истифода аст\n"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1554
#, c-format
msgid "Addition of %s to Terminal Server failed!\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1556
#, c-format
msgid "%s added to Terminal Server\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1608
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Deleted %s...\n"
msgstr "Муаяйншуда %s"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1610 standalone/drakTermServ:1687
#, c-format
msgid "%s not found...\n"
msgstr "%s ёфт нашуд...\n"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1632 standalone/drakTermServ:1633
#: standalone/drakTermServ:1634
#, c-format
msgid "%s already in use\n"
msgstr "%s аллакай дар истифода аст\n"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1658
#, c-format
msgid "Can't open %s!"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1715
#, c-format
msgid "/etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny already configured - not changed"
msgstr ""
"/etc/hosts.allow и /etc/hosts.deny аллакай ба танзим дароварда шудааст- "
"тағир наёфтааст"

#: standalone/drakTermServ:1872
#, c-format
msgid "Configuration changed - restart clusternfs/dhcpd?"
msgstr ""
"Пайкарабандӣ тағир ёфтааст - аз сари нав clusternfs/dhcpd-ро оғоз намоед?"

#: standalone/drakautoinst:37
#, c-format
msgid "Error!"
msgstr "Хатогӣ!"

#: standalone/drakautoinst:38
#, c-format
msgid "I can't find needed image file `%s'."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakautoinst:40
#, c-format
msgid "Auto Install Configurator"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakautoinst:41
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"You are about to configure an Auto Install floppy. This feature is somewhat "
"dangerous and must be used circumspectly.\n"
"With that feature, you will be able to replay the installation you've "
"performed on this computer, being interactively prompted for some steps, in "
"order to change their values.\n"
"For maximum safety, the partitioning and formatting will never be performed "
"automatically, whatever you chose during the install of this computer.\n"
"Press ok to continue."
msgstr ""
"Шумо хоҳиши ба танзим даровардани дискети коргузории автоматӣ ҳастед. Ин "
"хусусият то чанд андозае хатарнок буда бояд эҳтиёткорона истифода гардад.\n"
"Бо ин хусусият шумо метавонед коргузориро боз амалӣ намоед, ки онро дар ин "
"компютер истифода бурдаед. Барои тағироти арзишҳо дар намуди  муколома барои "
"якчанд марҳила ин хусусият гуфта шуда буд.\n"
"Барои баланд бардоштани сатҳи бехатарӣ, чизе ки шумо интихоб намудед дар "
"вақти кор гузоштани компютери мазкур ҷузъ ва шаклбандӣ ҳеҷ гоҳ ба таври "
"автоматӣ иҷро нахоҳад шуд, .\n"
"Шумо хоҳиши давом доданро доред?"

#: standalone/drakautoinst:59
#, c-format
msgid "replay"
msgstr "такрор кардан"

#: standalone/drakautoinst:59 standalone/drakautoinst:68
#, c-format
msgid "manual"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakautoinst:63
#, c-format
msgid "Automatic Steps Configuration"
msgstr "Ба танзимдарории автоматии марҳилаҳо"

#: standalone/drakautoinst:64
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Please choose for each step whether it will replay like your install, or it "
"will be manual"
msgstr ""
"Лутфан барои ҳар як марҳила интихоб намоед оё он дар вақти коргузорӣ иҷро "
"мегардад ё ин ки дастӣ мавриди иҷроиш қарор меёбад"

#: standalone/drakautoinst:76 standalone/drakautoinst:77
#, c-format
msgid "Creating auto install floppy"
msgstr "Офаридани дискети коргузории автоматӣ"

#: standalone/drakautoinst:141
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The parameters of the auto-install are available in the sections on the left"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakautoinst:235 standalone/drakgw:583 standalone/drakvpn:898
#: standalone/scannerdrake:367
#, c-format
msgid "Congratulations!"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakautoinst:236
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The floppy has been successfully generated.\n"
"You may now replay your installation."
msgstr ""
"Дискет бомуваффақият эҷод карда шуд.\n"
"Акнун шумо метавонед коргузории худро такрор намоед."

#: standalone/drakautoinst:272
#, c-format
msgid "Auto Install"
msgstr "Худ Коргузориш"

#: standalone/drakautoinst:341
#, c-format
msgid "Add an item"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakautoinst:348
#, c-format
msgid "Remove the last item"
msgstr "Хориҷи пункти охирон"

#: standalone/drakbackup:87
#, c-format
msgid "hd"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:87
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "tape"
msgstr "Лента"

#: standalone/drakbackup:158
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "No devices found"
msgstr "Маълумоти сахтгардон"

#: standalone/drakbackup:196
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Expect is an extension to the Tcl scripting language that allows interactive "
"sessions without user intervention."
msgstr ""
"Интизорӣ васеъшавии забони дастнависи Tcl мебошад, ки имконияти гузаронидани "
"нишастҳои муҳовираро бе дахолати корванд медиҳад."

#: standalone/drakbackup:197
#, c-format
msgid "Store the password for this system in drakbackup configuration."
msgstr "Гузарвожаро барои ин систем дар танзимдарории drakbackup нигоҳ доред."

#: standalone/drakbackup:198
#, c-format
msgid ""
"For a multisession CD, only the first session will erase the cdrw. Otherwise "
"the cdrw is erased before each backup."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:199
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This uses the same syntax as the command line program 'cdrecord'. 'cdrecord -"
"scanbus' would also show you the device number."
msgstr ""
"Ҳамон синаксис ки дар фармони cdrecord' ҳаст, истифода мешавад 'cdrecord -"
"scanbus' инчунин ба шумо рақами дастгоҳатонро нишон медиҳад."

#: standalone/drakbackup:200
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This option will save files that have changed.  Exact behavior depends on "
"whether incremental or differential mode is used."
msgstr ""
"Ин интихоб файлҳои тағирёфтаро нигоҳ медорад.  Рафтори хуб аз он вобаста "
"аст, ки кадом усул истифода шудааст афзоишӣ ё фарқкунанда."

#: standalone/drakbackup:201
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Incremental backups only save files that have changed or are new since the "
"last backup."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:202
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Differential backups only save files that have changed or are new since the "
"original 'base' backup."
msgstr ""
"Эҳтиётнамоии тафовутӣ танҳо ҳамон файлҳоро нигоҳ медорад, ки тағир ёфтааст ё "
"ин ки барои нусхаи эҳтиётии асосии нодир нав мебошад."

#: standalone/drakbackup:203
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"This should be a local user or email addresse that you want the backup "
"results sent to. You will need to define a functioning mail server."
msgstr ""
"Ин бояд рӯйхати корвандони маҳаллии бо вергул ҷудошуда бошад ё ин ки "
"суроғаҳои электронӣ, ки ба онҳо бояд ҳисобот оиди офаридани нусхаи эҳтиётӣ "
"фиристода шавад. Дар системи шумо хидматрасони почтавии амаликунанда лозим "

#: standalone/drakbackup:204
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Files or wildcards listed in a .backupignore file at the top of a directory "
"tree will not be backed up."
msgstr ""
"Файлҳо ё wildcards, ки дар файли .backupignore дар қисми болоии дарахти "
"феҳристҳо оварда шудааст дар нусхаҳои эҳтиётӣ нигоҳ дошта намешавад."

#: standalone/drakbackup:205
#, c-format
msgid ""
"For backups to other media, files are still created on the hard drive, then "
"moved to the other media.  Enabling this option will remove the hard drive "
"tar files after the backup."
msgstr ""
"Ҳангоми тартиб додани нусхаҳои эҳтиётӣ ба дигар расона сараввал файлҳо дар "
"диски сахт офарида мешавад, баъдан ба расони лозима гузаронида мешавад. "
"Дохил намудани ин интихоб имкон медиҳад, ки файлҳои tar-ро аз диски сахт "
"баъди ташкил намудани нусхаҳои эҳтиётӣхориҷ намояд."

#: standalone/drakbackup:206
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Some protocols, like rsync, may be configured at the server end.  Rather "
"than using a directory path, you would use the 'module' name for the service "
msgstr ""
"Якчанд қарордодҳоро, масалан rsync дар интиҳои хидматрасон ба танзим "
"даровардан мумкин аст. Ба ивази роҳ ба сӯи феҳрист, бештар номи module'-ро "
"барои роҳи хидматрасон истифода баред."

#: standalone/drakbackup:207
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Custom allows you to specify your own day and time.  The other options use "
"run-parts in /etc/crontab."
msgstr ""
"Интихобан ба шумо имконияти нишон додани рӯз ва вақтро медиҳад.  Дигар "
"интихобҳо run-parts-ро дар /etc/crontab истифода мебарад."

#: standalone/drakbackup:604
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Interval cron not available as non-root"
msgstr "Cron минбаъд бе ҳуқуқи root дастрас намебошад"

#: standalone/drakbackup:715 standalone/logdrake:415
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" neither is a valid email nor is an existing local user!"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:719 standalone/logdrake:420
#, c-format
msgid ""
"\"%s\" is a local user, but you did not select a local smtp, so you must use "
"a complete email address!"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:728
#, c-format
msgid "Valid user list changed, rewriting config file."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:730
#, c-format
msgid "Old user list:\n"
msgstr "Рӯйхати корванди кӯҳна:\n"

#: standalone/drakbackup:732
#, c-format
msgid "New user list:\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:779
#, c-format
msgid ""
"                      DrakBackup Report \n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:780
#, c-format
msgid ""
"                      DrakBackup Daemon Report\n"
msgstr ""
"                      Ҳисоботи Азозили DrakBackup\n"

#: standalone/drakbackup:786
#, c-format
msgid ""
"                    DrakBackup Report Details\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:810 standalone/drakbackup:883
#: standalone/drakbackup:939
#, c-format
msgid "Total progress"
msgstr "Пешрафти умумӣ"

#: standalone/drakbackup:865
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"%s exists, delete?\n"
"If you've already done this process you'll probably\n"
" need to purge the entry from authorized_keys on the server."
msgstr ""
"%s мавҷуд аст, хориҷ менамоед?\n"
"Огоҳӣ: агар шумо ин ҷараёнро иҷро карда бошед, онгоҳ, шояд ба шумо "
"хориҷ намудани элементҳои нолозима аз authorized_keys-и дар ин хидматрасон "
"мавҷуд буда пайдо шавад."

#: standalone/drakbackup:874
#, c-format
msgid "This may take a moment to generate the keys."
msgstr "Эҷод намудани калидҳо як вақти муаяйнеро талаб менамояд."

#: standalone/drakbackup:881
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot spawn %s."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:898
#, c-format
msgid "No password prompt on %s at port %s"
msgstr "Дархости гузарвожа барои %s дар даргоҳи %s мавҷуд нест"

#: standalone/drakbackup:899
#, c-format
msgid "Bad password on %s"
msgstr "Гузарвожаи бад дар %s"

#: standalone/drakbackup:900
#, c-format
msgid "Permission denied transferring %s to %s"
msgstr "Дастрасшавӣ барои гузориши %s дар %s инкор гардид"

#: standalone/drakbackup:901
#, c-format
msgid "Can't find %s on %s"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:904
#, c-format
msgid "%s not responding"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:908
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Transfer successful\n"
"You may want to verify you can login to the server with:\n"
"ssh -i %s %s@%s\n"
"without being prompted for a password."
msgstr ""
"Гузориш бо мувоффиқият ба анҷом расид\n"
"Агар шумо хоҳиш санҷиданро дошта бошед ба хидматрасон дароед бо:\n"
"ssh -i %s %s\\@%s\n"
"бе дархости гузарвожа."

#: standalone/drakbackup:953
#, c-format
msgid "WebDAV remote site already in sync!"
msgstr "Сайти дури WebDAV аллакай ҳангома мешавад!"

#: standalone/drakbackup:957
#, c-format
msgid "WebDAV transfer failed!"
msgstr "Гузориши WebDAV бемуваффақият анҷом ёфт!"

#: standalone/drakbackup:978
#, c-format
msgid "No CD-R/DVD-R in drive!"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:982
#, c-format
msgid "Does not appear to be recordable media!"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:986
#, c-format
msgid "Not erasable media!"
msgstr "Муҳити хориҷ нашаванда!"

#: standalone/drakbackup:1027
#, c-format
msgid "This may take a moment to erase the media."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:1103
#, c-format
msgid "Permission problem accessing CD."
msgstr "Муаммо бо ҳуқуқи дохилшавӣ ба CD."

#: standalone/drakbackup:1130
#, c-format
msgid "No tape in %s!"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:1232
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Backup quota exceeded!\n"
"%d MB used vs %d MB allocated."
msgstr ""
"Маҳдудият барои нусхаи эҳтиётӣ зиёд гардидааст!\n"
"%d MB истифода мегардад ба ивази %d MB муқаррашуда."

#: standalone/drakbackup:1251 standalone/drakbackup:1305
#, c-format
msgid "Backup system files..."
msgstr "Файлҳои системӣ нигоҳ дошта мешавад..."

#: standalone/drakbackup:1306 standalone/drakbackup:1368
#, c-format
msgid "Hard Disk Backup files..."
msgstr "Файлҳои диски сахт эҳтиёт карда мешавад... "

#: standalone/drakbackup:1367
#, c-format
msgid "Backup User files..."
msgstr "Файлҳои корванд нигоҳ дошта мешавад..."

#: standalone/drakbackup:1421
#, c-format
msgid "Backup Other files..."
msgstr "Дигар файлҳо Нигоҳ дошта мешавад..."

#: standalone/drakbackup:1422
#, c-format
msgid "Hard Disk Backup Progress..."
msgstr "Диски Сахт Нигоҳ дошта мешавад..."

#: standalone/drakbackup:1427
#, c-format
msgid "No changes to backup!"
msgstr "Барои нигоҳ доштан тағирот мавҷуд нест!"

#: standalone/drakbackup:1445 standalone/drakbackup:1469
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Drakbackup activities via %s:\n"
msgstr ""
"Drakbackup иҷро мегардад дар %s:\n"

#: standalone/drakbackup:1454
#, c-format
msgid ""
" FTP connection problem: It was not possible to send your backup files by "
msgstr ""
" Муаммои алоқаи FTP. Файлҳои эҳтиётии шуморо бо FTP фиристодан мумкин нест.\n"

#: standalone/drakbackup:1455
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Error during sending file via FTP. Please correct your FTP configuration."
msgstr ""
"Хатогӣ ҳангоми фиристодани файл ба воситаи FTP.\n"
"Лутфан, танзимдарории FTP-и худро ислоҳ намоед."

#: standalone/drakbackup:1457
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "file list sent by FTP: %s\n"
msgstr ""
"рӯхати файлҳо бо FTP фиристода шудааст: %s\n"
" "

#: standalone/drakbackup:1474
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Drakbackup activities via CD:\n"
msgstr ""
"Drakbackup дар CD иҷро мегардад:\n"

#: standalone/drakbackup:1479
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Drakbackup activities via tape:\n"
msgstr ""
"Drakbackup дар лента иҷро мешавад:\n"

#: standalone/drakbackup:1488
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Error sending mail. Your report mail was not sent."
msgstr ""
"Хатогӣ ҳангоми фиристодани мактуб.\n"
"  Мактуби шумо бо ҳисобот фиристода нашуда буд.\n"
"  Лутфан, sendmail-ро ба танзим дароред"

#: standalone/drakbackup:1489
#, c-format
msgid " Error while sending mail. \n"
msgstr "Ҳангоми фиристодани мактуб хатогие рӯй дод. \n"

#: standalone/drakbackup:1518
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create catalog!"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:1639
#, c-format
msgid "Can't create log file!"
msgstr "лог-файлро офарида намешавад!"

#: standalone/drakbackup:1656 standalone/drakbackup:1667
#: standalone/drakfont:584
#, c-format
msgid "File Selection"
msgstr "Интихоби Файл"

#: standalone/drakbackup:1695
#, c-format
msgid "Select the files or directories and click on 'OK'"
msgstr "Файлҳо ва феҳристҳоро интихоб намуда ба 'OK' ангушт занед"

#: standalone/drakbackup:1723
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Please check all options that you need.\n"
msgstr ""
"Лутфан, ҳамаи интихобҳои ба шумо лозимаро санҷед.\n"

#: standalone/drakbackup:1724
#, c-format
msgid ""
"These options can backup and restore all files in your /etc directory.\n"
msgstr ""
"Ин интихобҳо ҳамаи файлҳоро дар феҳристи шумо метавонад нигоҳ дорад ва "

#: standalone/drakbackup:1725
#, c-format
msgid "Backup your System files. (/etc directory)"
msgstr "Нусхаҳои эҳтиётии файлҳои системиро офаридан (феҳрист /etc)"

#: standalone/drakbackup:1726 standalone/drakbackup:1790
#: standalone/drakbackup:1856
#, c-format
msgid "Use Incremental/Differential Backups  (do not replace old backups)"
msgstr ""
"Нусхаҳои эҳтиётии афзоишӣ/фарқкунандаро истифода баред (нусхаҳои кӯҳнаи "
"эҳтиётиро иваз накунед)"

#: standalone/drakbackup:1728 standalone/drakbackup:1792
#: standalone/drakbackup:1858
#, c-format
msgid "Use Incremental Backups"
msgstr "Василаи эҳтиётии изофашавандаро Истифода намудан"

#: standalone/drakbackup:1728 standalone/drakbackup:1792
#: standalone/drakbackup:1858
#, c-format
msgid "Use Differential Backups"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:1730
#, c-format
msgid "Do not include critical files (passwd, group, fstab)"
msgstr "Файлҳои муҳимро дохил накардан (passwd, group, fstab)"

#: standalone/drakbackup:1731
#, c-format
msgid ""
"With this option you will be able to restore any version\n"
" of your /etc directory."
msgstr ""
"Бо ёрии интихоби мазкур шумо метавонед нусхаи дилхоҳи феҳристи/etc худро аз "
" барқарор намоед."

#: standalone/drakbackup:1762
#, c-format
msgid "Please check all users that you want to include in your backup."
msgstr ""
"Лутфан ҳамаи корвандҳоеро, ки шумо ба василаи эҳтиётии худ дохил карданӣ "
"ҳастед,тафтиш намоед."

#: standalone/drakbackup:1789
#, c-format
msgid "Do not include the browser cache"
msgstr "Браузери паҳншавиро дохил накунед"

#: standalone/drakbackup:1844 standalone/drakfont:650
#, c-format
msgid "Remove Selected"
msgstr "Хориҷи Интихобшуда"

#: standalone/drakbackup:1891 standalone/drakbackup:1895
#, c-format
msgid "Under Devel ... please wait."
msgstr "Тартиб дода шуда истодааст... лутфан мунтазир шавед."

#: standalone/drakbackup:1909
#, c-format
msgid "Windows (FAT32)"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:1942
#, c-format
msgid "Users"
msgstr "Корвандҳо"

#: standalone/drakbackup:1961
#, c-format
msgid "Use network connection to backup"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:1963
#, c-format
msgid "Net Method:"
msgstr "Усули шабакавӣ:"

#: standalone/drakbackup:1967
#, c-format
msgid "Use Expect for SSH"
msgstr "Истифодаи Expect барои SSH"

#: standalone/drakbackup:1968
#, c-format
msgid "Create/Transfer backup keys for SSH"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:1970
#, c-format
msgid "Transfer Now"
msgstr "Акнун гузориш намудан"

#: standalone/drakbackup:1972
#, c-format
msgid "Other (not drakbackup) keys in place already"
msgstr "Калидҳои (ба ғайр аз drakbackup) дигар аллакай дар ҷой мавҷуд мебошад"

#: standalone/drakbackup:1975
#, c-format
msgid "Host name or IP."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:1980
#, c-format
msgid "Directory (or module) to put the backup on this host."
msgstr "Феҳрист (ё модул) барои дар ин соҳиб василаи эҳтиётиро ҷойгир намудан."

#: standalone/drakbackup:1985
#, c-format
msgid "Login name"
msgstr "Номи дохилӣ"

#: standalone/drakbackup:1992
#, c-format
msgid "Remember this password"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:2004
#, c-format
msgid "Need hostname, username and password!"
msgstr "Номи соҳиб, корванд ва гузарвожа лозим аст!"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2106
#, c-format
msgid "Use CD-R/DVD-R to backup"
msgstr "CD-R/DVD-R-ро барои нигоҳ доштан истифода баред"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2109
#, c-format
msgid "Choose your CD/DVD device"
msgstr "Дастгоҳи CD/DVD-и худро интихоб кунед"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2114
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Choose your CD/DVD media size"
msgstr "Дастгоҳи CD/DVD-и худро интихоб кунед"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2121
#, c-format
msgid "Multisession CD"
msgstr "CD-и бисёрсеансӣ"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2123
#, c-format
msgid "CDRW media"
msgstr "расонаи CDRW"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2128
#, c-format
msgid "Erase your RW media (1st Session)"
msgstr "Расонаи RW-и худро тоза намоед (нишасти якум)"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2129
#, c-format
msgid " Erase Now "
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:2136
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "DVD+RW media"
msgstr "расонаи CDRW"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2138
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "DVD-R media"
msgstr "расонаи CDRW"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2140
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "DVDRAM device"
msgstr "дастгоҳ"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2145
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Enter your CD Writer device name\n"
" ex: 0,1,0"
msgstr ""
"Номи дастгоҳи CD-Қайдкунандаи худро дохил намоед\n"
" масалан: 0,1,0"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2177
#, c-format
msgid "No CD device defined!"
msgstr "Ягон дастгоҳи CD муаяйн нашудааст!"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2227
#, c-format
msgid "Use tape to backup"
msgstr "Лентаи магнитиро барои нигоҳдорӣ истифода баред"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2230
#, c-format
msgid "Device name to use for backup"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:2237
#, c-format
msgid "Don't rewind tape after backup"
msgstr "Лентаро баъд аз тартиби нусхаи эҳтиётӣ аз нав давр назанонед"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2243
#, c-format
msgid "Erase tape before backup"
msgstr "Пеш аз офаридани нусхаи эҳтиётӣ лентаро тоза намоед"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2249
#, c-format
msgid "Eject tape after the backup"
msgstr "Лентаро баъд аз василаи эҳтиётӣ гиред"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2317
#, c-format
msgid "Enter the directory to save to:"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:2326
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Maximum size\n"
" allowed for Drakbackup (MB)"
msgstr ""
"Андозаи калонтарине ки\n"
" барои Drakbackup (MB) иҷозат дода шудааст"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2399
#, c-format
msgid "CD-R / DVD-R"
msgstr "CD-R / DVD-R"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2404
#, c-format
msgid "HardDrive / NFS"
msgstr "Диски сахт / NFS"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2420 standalone/drakbackup:2425
#: standalone/drakbackup:2430
#, c-format
msgid "hourly"
msgstr "ҳар соат"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2421 standalone/drakbackup:2426
#: standalone/drakbackup:2430
#, c-format
msgid "daily"
msgstr "ҳаррӯза"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2422 standalone/drakbackup:2427
#: standalone/drakbackup:2430
#, c-format
msgid "weekly"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:2423 standalone/drakbackup:2428
#: standalone/drakbackup:2430
#, c-format
msgid "monthly"
msgstr "ҳармоҳа"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2424 standalone/drakbackup:2429
#: standalone/drakbackup:2430
#, c-format
msgid "custom"
msgstr "интихобӣ"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2435
#, c-format
msgid "January"
msgstr "Января"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2435
#, c-format
msgid "February"
msgstr "Февраля"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2435
#, c-format
msgid "March"
msgstr "Март"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2436
#, c-format
msgid "April"
msgstr "Апреля"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2436
#, c-format
msgid "May"
msgstr "Мая"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2436
#, c-format
msgid "June"
msgstr "Июня"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2436
#, c-format
msgid "July"
msgstr "Июля"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2436
#, c-format
msgid "August"
msgstr "Августа"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2436
#, c-format
msgid "September"
msgstr "Сентября"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2437
#, c-format
msgid "October"
msgstr "Октября"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2437
#, c-format
msgid "November"
msgstr "Ноября"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2437
#, c-format
msgid "December"
msgstr "Декабря"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2442
#, c-format
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Воскресенье"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2442
#, c-format
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "Понедельник"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2442
#, c-format
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "Вторник"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2443
#, c-format
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "Среда"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2443
#, c-format
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "Четверг"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2443
#, c-format
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "Пятница"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2443
#, c-format
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "Суббота"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2478
#, c-format
msgid "Use daemon"
msgstr "Истифодаи азозил"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2483
#, c-format
msgid "Please choose the time interval between each backup"
msgstr "Лутфан, байни василаи эҳтиётӣ фосилаи вақтро интихоб кунед"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2489
#, c-format
msgid "Custom setup/crontab entry:"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:2494
#, c-format
msgid "Minute"
msgstr "Дақиқа"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2498
#, c-format
msgid "Hour"
msgstr "Соат"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2502
#, c-format
msgid "Day"
msgstr "Рӯз"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2506
#, c-format
msgid "Month"
msgstr "Моҳ"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2510
#, c-format
msgid "Weekday"
msgstr "Рӯзҳои ҳафта"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2516
#, c-format
msgid "Please choose the media for backup."
msgstr "Лутфан, барои нусхаи эҳтиётӣ сарчашма интихоб кунед."

#: standalone/drakbackup:2523
#, c-format
msgid "Please be sure that the cron daemon is included in your services."
msgstr "Лутфан санҷед, то ки азозили cron ба хидматрасонҳои шумо дохил шавад."

#: standalone/drakbackup:2524
#, c-format
msgid "Note that currently all 'net' media also use the hard drive."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:2571
#, c-format
msgid "Use tar and bzip2 (rather than tar and gzip)"
msgstr "tar ва bzip2-ро истифода намудан (назар ба tar ва gzip)"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2572
#, c-format
msgid "Use .backupignore files"
msgstr "Истифода намудан .файлҳои backupignore"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2574
#, c-format
msgid "Send mail report after each backup to:"
msgstr "Мактуби ҳисоботиро баъд аз ҳар як эҳтиётнамоӣ фиристонед:"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2580
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "SMTP server for mail:"
msgstr "Соҳиби хидматрасони SMB"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2585
#, c-format
msgid "Delete Hard Drive tar files after backup to other media."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:2624
#, c-format
msgid "What"
msgstr "Чӣ"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2629
#, c-format
msgid "Where"
msgstr "Дар куҷо"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2634
#, c-format
msgid "When"
msgstr "Кай"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2639
#, c-format
msgid "More Options"
msgstr "Хосиятҳои Зиёдтар"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2651
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Backup destination not configured..."
msgstr "Имконияти функсионалии шабака ба танзим дароварда нашудааст"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2667 standalone/drakbackup:4731
#, c-format
msgid "Drakbackup Configuration"
msgstr "Танзимдарории Drakbackup"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2684
#, c-format
msgid "Please choose where you want to backup"
msgstr "Лутфан, дар куҷо нусхаи эҳтиёт карданро интихоб кунед"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2686
#, c-format
msgid "Hard Drive used to prepare backups for all media"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:2694
#, c-format
msgid "Across Network"
msgstr "Роҳ ба Шабака"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2702
#, c-format
msgid "On CD-R"
msgstr "Дар CD-R"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2710
#, c-format
msgid "On Tape Device"
msgstr "Дар Дастгоҳи Лентавӣ"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2738
#, c-format
msgid "Please select media for backup..."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:2760
#, c-format
msgid "Backup Users"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:2761
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid " (Default is all users)"
msgstr "Пешфарз"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2773
#, c-format
msgid "Please choose what you want to backup"
msgstr "Лутфан, чиро нусхаи эҳтиёт карданро интихоб кунед"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2774
#, c-format
msgid "Backup System"
msgstr "Системро нигоҳ доштан"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2776
#, c-format
msgid "Select user manually"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:2805
#, c-format
msgid "Please select data to backup..."
msgstr "Барои нигоҳ доштан додаҳоро лутфан интихоб намоед..."

#: standalone/drakbackup:2879
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Backup Sources: \n"
msgstr ""
"Сарчашмаҳои Эҳтиётӣ: \n"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2880
#, c-format
msgid ""
"- System Files:\n"
msgstr ""
"- Файлҳои системӣ:\n"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2882
#, c-format
msgid ""
"- User Files:\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:2884
#, c-format
msgid ""
"- Other Files:\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:2886
#, c-format
msgid ""
"- Save on Hard drive on path: %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:2887
#, c-format
msgid "\tLimit disk usage to %s MB\n"
msgstr "\tИстифодаи дискро дар ҳудуди %s MB маҳдуд намоед\n"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2890
#, c-format
msgid ""
"- Delete hard drive tar files after backup.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:2894
#, c-format
msgid "NO"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:2895
#, c-format
msgid "YES"
msgstr "ҲА"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2896
#, c-format
msgid ""
"- Burn to CD"
msgstr ""
"- Дар CD сабт намудан"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2897
#, c-format
msgid "RW"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:2898
#, c-format
msgid " on device: %s"
msgstr " дар дастгоҳи: %s"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2899
#, c-format
msgid " (multi-session)"
msgstr " (бисёр-нишаст)"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2900
#, c-format
msgid ""
"- Save to Tape on device: %s"
msgstr ""
"- Лентаро дар дастгоҳ нигоҳ доред: %s"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2901
#, c-format
msgid "\t\tErase=%s"
msgstr "\t\tТоза намоед=%s"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2904
#, c-format
msgid ""
"- Save via %s on host: %s\n"
msgstr ""
"- Ба воситаи %s дар соҳиби %s нигоҳ доштан\n"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2905
#, c-format
msgid ""
"\t\t user name: %s\n"
"\t\t on path: %s \n"
msgstr ""
"\t\t номи корванд: %s\n"
"\t\t дар феҳристи: %s \n"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2906
#, c-format
msgid ""
"- Options:\n"
msgstr ""
"- Хосиятҳо:\n"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2907
#, c-format
msgid "\tDo not include System Files\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:2910
#, c-format
msgid "\tBackups use tar and bzip2\n"
msgstr "\tНусхаҳои эҳтиётӣ tar ва bzip2-ро истифода мебарад\n"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2912
#, c-format
msgid "\tBackups use tar and gzip\n"
msgstr "\tБарои нигоҳдорӣ tar ва gzip истифода мегардад\n"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2915
#, c-format
msgid "\tUse .backupignore files\n"
msgstr "\tФайлҳои .backupignore-ро истифода баред\n"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2916
#, c-format
msgid "\tSend mail to %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:2917
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "\tUsing SMTP server %s\n"
msgstr "Дар хидматрасони CUPS \"%s\""

#: standalone/drakbackup:2919
#, c-format
msgid ""
"- Daemon, %s via:\n"
msgstr ""
"- Азозил, %s ба воситаи:\n"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2920
#, c-format
msgid "\t-Hard drive.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:2921
#, c-format
msgid "\t-CD-R.\n"
msgstr "\t-CD-R.\n"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2922
#, c-format
msgid "\t-Tape \n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:2923
#, c-format
msgid "\t-Network by FTP.\n"
msgstr "\t-Шабака аз тарафи FTP.\n"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2924
#, c-format
msgid "\t-Network by SSH.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:2925
#, c-format
msgid "\t-Network by rsync.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:2926
#, c-format
msgid "\t-Network by webdav.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:2928
#, c-format
msgid "No configuration, please click Wizard or Advanced.\n"
msgstr "Танзимдарорӣ нест, лутфан ба Устоз ё Иловагӣ ангушт занед.\n"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2933
#, c-format
msgid ""
"List of data to restore:\n"
msgstr ""
"Рӯйхати додаҳо барои барқарор намудан:\n"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2935
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "- Restore System Files.\n"
msgstr ""
"- Файлҳои системӣ:\n"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2937 standalone/drakbackup:2947
#, c-format
msgid "   - from date: %s %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:2940
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "- Restore User Files: \n"
msgstr "Корвандҳоро барқарор намудан"

#: standalone/drakbackup:2945
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "- Restore Other Files: \n"
msgstr "Дигарашро барқарор кардан"

#: standalone/drakbackup:3121
#, c-format
msgid ""
"List of data corrupted:\n"
msgstr ""
"Рӯйхати додаҳои тасдиқшуда:\n"

#: standalone/drakbackup:3123
#, c-format
msgid "Please uncheck or remove it on next time."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:3133
#, c-format
msgid "Backup files are corrupted"
msgstr "Файлҳои эҳтиётӣ зарар дидааст"

#: standalone/drakbackup:3154
#, c-format
msgid "          All of your selected data have been          "
msgstr "          Ҳамаи додаҳои аз тарафи шумо интихоб шуда буд          "

#: standalone/drakbackup:3155
#, c-format
msgid "          Successfuly Restored on %s       "
msgstr "         бомуваффақият барқарор шудааст дар %s       "

#: standalone/drakbackup:3270
#, c-format
msgid "         Restore Configuration       "
msgstr "       Ба танзимдарории барқароршавӣ      "

#: standalone/drakbackup:3298
#, c-format
msgid "OK to restore the other files."
msgstr "OK барои барқарор намудани дигар файлҳо."

#: standalone/drakbackup:3316
#, c-format
msgid "User list to restore (only the most recent date per user is important)"
msgstr ""
"Рӯйхати корвандон барои барқароркунӣ (барои ҳар як корванд маҳз санаҳои "
"дерзаруртар аст)"

#: standalone/drakbackup:3382
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Please choose the date to restore:"
msgstr "лутфан барои барқарор сана интихоб кунед"

#: standalone/drakbackup:3420
#, c-format
msgid "Restore from Hard Disk."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:3422
#, c-format
msgid "Enter the directory where backups are stored"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:3478
#, c-format
msgid "Select another media to restore from"
msgstr "Барои барқарор намудан дигар расонаро интихоб намоед"

#: standalone/drakbackup:3480
#, c-format
msgid "Other Media"
msgstr "Муҳити Дигар"

#: standalone/drakbackup:3485
#, c-format
msgid "Restore system"
msgstr "Системро барқарор намудан"

#: standalone/drakbackup:3486
#, c-format
msgid "Restore Users"
msgstr "Корвандҳоро барқарор намудан"

#: standalone/drakbackup:3487
#, c-format
msgid "Restore Other"
msgstr "Дигарашро барқарор кардан"

#: standalone/drakbackup:3489
#, c-format
msgid "select path to restore (instead of /)"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:3493
#, c-format
msgid "Do new backup before restore (only for incremental backups.)"
msgstr ""
"Пеш аз барқароршавӣ василаи эҳтиётии навро мавриди истифода қарор диҳед "
"(танҳобарои василаҳои эҳтиётии зиёдшаванда.)"

#: standalone/drakbackup:3495
#, c-format
msgid "Remove user directories before restore."
msgstr "Пеш аз барқароркунӣ феҳристҳои корвандро хориҷ намоед."

#: standalone/drakbackup:3575
#, c-format
msgid "Filename text substring to search for (empty string matches all):"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:3578
#, c-format
msgid "Search Backups"
msgstr "Ҷустуҷӯи василаи эҳтиётӣ"

#: standalone/drakbackup:3597
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "No matches found..."
msgstr "Маълумоти сахтгардон"

#: standalone/drakbackup:3601
#, c-format
msgid "Restore Selected"
msgstr "Барқарори Интихобшуда"

#: standalone/drakbackup:3735
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Click date/time to see backup files.\n"
"Ctrl-Click files to select multiple files."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:3741
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Restore Selected\n"
"Catalog Entry"
msgstr ""
"Элементи Феҳристи\n"
"Интихобшударо барқарор намудан"

#: standalone/drakbackup:3750
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Restore Selected\n"
msgstr ""
"Файлҳои интихобшударо\n"
"барқарор намудан"

#: standalone/drakbackup:3766
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Restore Path"
msgstr ""
"Барқарори Роҳ"

#: standalone/drakbackup:3833
#, c-format
msgid "Backup files not found at %s."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:3846
#, c-format
msgid "Restore From CD"
msgstr "Барқарор Аз CD"

#: standalone/drakbackup:3846
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Insert the CD with volume label %s\n"
" in the CD drive under mount point /mnt/cdrom"
msgstr ""
"CD-ро бо ороиши боб дохил намудан %s\n"
"дар CD-гардон бо нуқтаи васлшавӣ /mnt/cdrom"

#: standalone/drakbackup:3848
#, c-format
msgid "Not the correct CD label. Disk is labelled %s."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:3858
#, c-format
msgid "Restore From Tape"
msgstr "Барқарор Аз Лента"

#: standalone/drakbackup:3858
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Insert the tape with volume label %s\n"
" in the tape drive device %s"
msgstr ""
"Лентаро бо нишонаи боб %s\n"
"ба дастгоҳи гардони лентавӣ гузоред %s"

#: standalone/drakbackup:3860
#, c-format
msgid "Not the correct tape label. Tape is labelled %s."
msgstr "Нишонаи нодурусти лента. Лента нишонаи %s-ро дорад."

#: standalone/drakbackup:3871
#, c-format
msgid "Restore Via Network"
msgstr "Ба воситаи Шабака барқарор намудан"

#: standalone/drakbackup:3871
#, c-format
msgid "Restore Via Network Protocol: %s"
msgstr "Аз рӯи қарордоди шабакавӣ барқарор намудан: %s"

#: standalone/drakbackup:3872
#, c-format
msgid "Host Name"
msgstr "Номи Соҳиб"

#: standalone/drakbackup:3873
#, c-format
msgid "Host Path or Module"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:3880
#, c-format
msgid "Password required"
msgstr "Гузарвожа талабкарда мешавад"

#: standalone/drakbackup:3886
#, c-format
msgid "Username required"
msgstr "Номи корванд талабкарда мешавад"

#: standalone/drakbackup:3889
#, c-format
msgid "Hostname required"
msgstr "Номи компютор талаб карда мешавад"

#: standalone/drakbackup:3894
#, c-format
msgid "Path or Module required"
msgstr "Роҳ ба соҳиб ё ин ки ба модул талаб карда мешавад"

#: standalone/drakbackup:3907
#, c-format
msgid "Files Restored..."
msgstr "Файлҳо Барқарор шуданд..."

#: standalone/drakbackup:3910
#, c-format
msgid "Restore Failed..."
msgstr "Барқарор Нагузашт..."

#: standalone/drakbackup:4015 standalone/drakbackup:4031
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s not retrieved..."
msgstr "%s ёфт нашуд...\n"

#: standalone/drakbackup:4155 standalone/drakbackup:4228
#, c-format
msgid "Search for files to restore"
msgstr "Ҷустҷӯи файлҳо барои барқарорӣ"

#: standalone/drakbackup:4160
#, c-format
msgid "Restore all backups"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:4169
#, c-format
msgid "Custom Restore"
msgstr "Барқароршавии қобили қабул"

#: standalone/drakbackup:4174 standalone/drakbackup:4224
#, c-format
msgid "Restore From Catalog"
msgstr "Барқарор Аз Каталог"

#: standalone/drakbackup:4196
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to find backups to restore...\n"
msgstr "Барои барқарор намудан нусхаҳои эҳтиётӣ ёфта намешавад...\n"

#: standalone/drakbackup:4197
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Verify that %s is the correct path"
msgstr "Санҷед то ки %s роҳи дуруст бошад"

#: standalone/drakbackup:4198
#, c-format
msgid " and the CD is in the drive"
msgstr " ва CD дар гардон аст"

#: standalone/drakbackup:4200
#, c-format
msgid "Backups on unmountable media - Use Catalog to restore"
msgstr ""
"Нусхаҳои эҳтиётӣ дар расонаи васлнашуда - Catalog-ро барои барқарор намудан "
"истифода баред"

#: standalone/drakbackup:4216
#, c-format
msgid "CD in place - continue."
msgstr "CD дар ҷояш - давомдиҳӣ."

#: standalone/drakbackup:4221
#, c-format
msgid "Browse to new restore repository."
msgstr "Ҷои паноҳи навро барои барқарор намудан ёбед."

#: standalone/drakbackup:4258
#, c-format
msgid "Restore Progress"
msgstr "Пешравиро барқарор намудан"

#: standalone/drakbackup:4292 standalone/drakbackup:4404
#: standalone/logdrake:175
#, c-format
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Нигоҳ доштан"

#: standalone/drakbackup:4378
#, c-format
msgid "Build Backup"
msgstr "Василаи эҳтиётиро сохтан"

#: standalone/drakbackup:4430 standalone/drakbackup:4829
#, c-format
msgid "Restore"
msgstr "Барқарор"

#: standalone/drakbackup:4600
#, c-format
msgid "The following packages need to be installed:\n"
msgstr "Қуттиҳои зерин бояд коргузорӣ гардад:\n"

#: standalone/drakbackup:4622
#, c-format
msgid "Please select data to restore..."
msgstr "Лутфан барои барқарор намудан додаҳоро интихоб намоед..."

#: standalone/drakbackup:4662
#, c-format
msgid "Backup system files"
msgstr "Файлҳои системиро нигоҳ доштан"

#: standalone/drakbackup:4665
#, c-format
msgid "Backup user files"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:4668
#, c-format
msgid "Backup other files"
msgstr "Дигар файлҳоро нигоҳ доштан"

#: standalone/drakbackup:4671 standalone/drakbackup:4707
#, c-format
msgid "Total Progress"
msgstr "Пешрафти Умумӣ"

#: standalone/drakbackup:4699
#, c-format
msgid "Sending files by FTP"
msgstr "Файлҳо ба воситаи FTP фиристода мешавад"

#: standalone/drakbackup:4702
#, c-format
msgid "Sending files..."
msgstr "Файлҳо фиристода шуда истодааст..."

#: standalone/drakbackup:4772
#, c-format
msgid "Backup Now from configuration file"
msgstr "Аз файли танзимдарорӣ ба таври фаврӣ нигоҳ доштан"

#: standalone/drakbackup:4777
#, c-format
msgid "View Backup Configuration."
msgstr "Назари Танзимдарории Нусхаи Эҳтиётӣ"

#: standalone/drakbackup:4803
#, c-format
msgid "Wizard Configuration"
msgstr "Танзимдарории Устод"

#: standalone/drakbackup:4808
#, c-format
msgid "Advanced Configuration"
msgstr "Танзимдарории Пешрафта"

#: standalone/drakbackup:4813
#, c-format
msgid "View Configuration"
msgstr "Назари Танзимдарорӣ"

#: standalone/drakbackup:4817
#, c-format
msgid "View Last Log"
msgstr "Дида баромадани Last Log"

#: standalone/drakbackup:4822
#, c-format
msgid "Backup Now"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbackup:4826
#, c-format
msgid ""
"No configuration file found \n"
"please click Wizard or Advanced."
msgstr ""
"Файли танзимдарорӣ ёфт нашудааст, \n"
"лутфан ба Устоз ё ин Илова ангушт занед."

#: standalone/drakbackup:4858 standalone/drakbackup:4865
#, c-format
msgid "Drakbackup"
msgstr "Drakbackup"

#: standalone/drakboot:56
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Graphical boot theme selection"
msgstr "Интихоби модели чопгар"

#: standalone/drakboot:56
#, c-format
msgid "System mode"
msgstr "Усули системи"

#: standalone/drakboot:66 standalone/drakfloppy:46 standalone/harddrake2:97
#: standalone/harddrake2:98 standalone/logdrake:70 standalone/printerdrake:150
#: standalone/printerdrake:151 standalone/printerdrake:152
#, c-format
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "/_Файл"

#: standalone/drakboot:67 standalone/drakfloppy:47 standalone/logdrake:76
#, c-format
msgid "/File/_Quit"
msgstr "/Файл/_Баромадан"

#: standalone/drakboot:67 standalone/drakfloppy:47 standalone/harddrake2:98
#: standalone/logdrake:76 standalone/printerdrake:152
#, c-format
msgid "<control>Q"
msgstr "<идора>Б"

#: standalone/drakboot:118
#, c-format
msgid "Install themes"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakboot:119
#, c-format
msgid "Create new theme"
msgstr "Мавзӯи нав офаред"

#: standalone/drakboot:133
#, c-format
msgid "Use graphical boot"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakboot:138
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your system bootloader is not in framebuffer mode. To activate graphical "
"boot, select a graphic video mode from the bootloader configuration tool."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakboot:145
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Theme"
msgstr "Мавзӯъҳо"

#: standalone/drakboot:147
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Display theme\n"
"under console"
msgstr ""
"Мавзӯъро дар зери\n"
"нозиргоҳ нишон диҳед"

#: standalone/drakboot:156
#, c-format
msgid "Launch the graphical environment when your system starts"
msgstr "Сардиҳии вазъияти графикӣ ҳангоми оғози системи худ"

#: standalone/drakboot:164
#, c-format
msgid "Yes, I want autologin with this (user, desktop)"
msgstr "Ҳа, ман худдохилшавиро бо ин (корванд, мизи корӣ) мехоҳам"

#: standalone/drakboot:165
#, c-format
msgid "No, I don't want autologin"
msgstr "Не, ман худдохилшавиро намехоҳам"

#: standalone/drakboot:171
#, c-format
msgid "Default user"
msgstr "Корванди пешфарз"

#: standalone/drakboot:172
#, c-format
msgid "Default desktop"
msgstr "Мизи кории пешфарз"

#: standalone/drakboot:236
#, c-format
msgid "Installation of %s failed. The following error occured:"
msgstr "Коргузориши %s нагузашт. Хатогии зерин рух дод:"

#: standalone/drakbug:40
#, c-format
msgid ""
"To submit a bug report, click on the button report.\n"
"This will open  a web browser window on %s\n"
" where you'll find a form to fill in.  The information displayed above will "
"be \n"
"transferred to that server."
msgstr ""
"Барои пешниҳоди ҳисбот оиди хатогӣ тугмачаи Ҳисоботро пахш намоед.\n"
"Оинаи барномаи нозири веб дар %s  кушода мешавад, ки дар он шаклеро барои "
" намудан пайдо мекунед. Ахбороти дар боло пешниҳод шуда ба ин хизматрасон\n"
"фиристода хоҳад шуд."

#: standalone/drakbug:48
#, c-format
msgid "Mandrake Bug Report Tool"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbug:53
#, c-format
msgid "Mandrake Control Center"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbug:55
#, c-format
msgid "Synchronization tool"
msgstr "Асбоби ҳангомашавӣ"

#: standalone/drakbug:56 standalone/drakbug:70 standalone/drakbug:204
#: standalone/drakbug:206 standalone/drakbug:210
#, c-format
msgid "Standalone Tools"
msgstr "Асбобҳои Standalone"

#: standalone/drakbug:57
#, c-format
msgid "HardDrake"
msgstr "HardDrake"

#: standalone/drakbug:58
#, c-format
msgid "Mandrake Online"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbug:59
#, c-format
msgid "Menudrake"
msgstr "Menudrake"

#: standalone/drakbug:60
#, c-format
msgid "Msec"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbug:61
#, c-format
msgid "Remote Control"
msgstr "Идоракунии Дурдаст"

#: standalone/drakbug:62
#, c-format
msgid "Software Manager"
msgstr "Мудири Нармафзор"

#: standalone/drakbug:63
#, c-format
msgid "Urpmi"
msgstr "Urpmi"

#: standalone/drakbug:64
#, c-format
msgid "Windows Migration tool"
msgstr "Асбоби Миграсияи Windows"

#: standalone/drakbug:65
#, c-format
msgid "Userdrake"
msgstr "Userdrake"

#: standalone/drakbug:66
#, c-format
msgid "Configuration Wizards"
msgstr "Устоди Танзимдарорӣ"

#: standalone/drakbug:84
#, c-format
msgid ""
"To submit a bug report, click the report button, which will open your "
"default browser\n"
"to Anthill where you will be able to upload the above information as a bug "
msgstr ""
"Барои фиристодани ҳисоботи bug ба дагмаи ҳисобот ангушт занед, ки аз рӯи он "
"саҳифаи Anthill дар браузери шумо кушода мешавад,\n"
"ки дар он шумо метавонед маълумоти дар боло зикршудароба сифати ҳисоботи "
"bugборгузорӣ намоед."

#: standalone/drakbug:102
#, c-format
msgid "Application:"
msgstr "Илова:"

#: standalone/drakbug:103 standalone/drakbug:115
#, c-format
msgid "Package: "
msgstr "Қуттӣ: "

#: standalone/drakbug:104
#, c-format
msgid "Kernel:"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbug:105 standalone/drakbug:116
#, c-format
msgid "Release: "
msgstr "Нашр: "

#: standalone/drakbug:110
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Application Name\n"
"or Full Path:"
msgstr ""
"Номи замима\n"
"ё ин ки роҳи пур:"

#: standalone/drakbug:113
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Find Package"
msgstr "%d қуттиҳо"

#: standalone/drakbug:117
#, c-format
msgid "Summary: "
msgstr "Хулоса: "

#: standalone/drakbug:129
#, c-format
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbug:132
#, c-format
msgid "Bug Description/System Information"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbug:136
#, c-format
msgid "Submit kernel version"
msgstr "Нусхаи асосро пешниҳод кардан"

#: standalone/drakbug:137
#, c-format
msgid "Submit cpuinfo"
msgstr "cpuinfo-ро пешниҳод намоед"

#: standalone/drakbug:138
#, c-format
msgid "Submit lspci"
msgstr "lspci-ро пешниҳод кардан"

#: standalone/drakbug:159
#, c-format
msgid "Report"
msgstr "Маърӯза"

#: standalone/drakbug:219
#, c-format
msgid "Not installed"
msgstr "Коргузорӣ нашудааст"

#: standalone/drakbug:231
#, c-format
msgid "Package not installed"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbug:248
#, c-format
msgid "NOT FOUND"
msgstr "ЁФТ НАШУД"

#: standalone/drakbug:259
#, c-format
msgid "connecting to %s ..."
msgstr "пайвастшавӣ ба %s ..."

#: standalone/drakbug:267
#, c-format
msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakbug:286
#, c-format
msgid "Please enter a package name."
msgstr "Лутфан, номи қуттиро дохил кунед."

#: standalone/drakbug:292
#, c-format
msgid "Please enter summary text."
msgstr "Лутфан матни мухтасар дохил кунед"

#: standalone/drakclock:29
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "DrakClock"
msgstr "Drakbackup"

#: standalone/drakclock:36
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Change Time Zone"
msgstr "Минтақаи соатӣ"

#: standalone/drakclock:42
#, c-format
msgid "Timezone - DrakClock"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakclock:44
#, c-format
msgid "GMT - DrakClock"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakclock:44
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Is your hardware clock set to GMT?"
msgstr "Соати сахтафзорӣ ба GMT муқаррар гардидааст"

#: standalone/drakclock:71
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Network Time Protocol"
msgstr "Интерфейси шабакавӣ"

#: standalone/drakclock:73
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your computer can synchronize its clock\n"
" with a remote time server using NTP"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakclock:74
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Enable Network Time Protocol"
msgstr "Аз рӯи қарордоди шабакавӣ барқарор намудан: %s"

#: standalone/drakclock:82
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Server:"
msgstr "Хидматгор:"

#: standalone/drakclock:125 standalone/drakclock:137
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Рад кардан"

#: standalone/drakclock:200
#, c-format
msgid ""
"We need to install ntp package\n"
" to enable Network Time Protocol\n"
"Do you want to install ntp ?"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakconnect:78
#, c-format
msgid "Network configuration (%d adapters)"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakconnect:89 standalone/drakconnect:686
#, c-format
msgid "Gateway:"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakconnect:89 standalone/drakconnect:686
#, c-format
msgid "Interface:"
msgstr "Интерфейс:"

#: standalone/drakconnect:93 standalone/net_monitor:105
#, c-format
msgid "Wait please"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakconnect:113
#, c-format
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "интерфейс"

#: standalone/drakconnect:113 standalone/drakconnect:502
#: standalone/drakvpn:1136
#, c-format
msgid "Protocol"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakconnect:113
#, c-format
msgid "Driver"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakconnect:113
#, c-format
msgid "State"
msgstr "Ҳолат"

#: standalone/drakconnect:130
#, c-format
msgid "Hostname: "
msgstr "Номи компютер: "

#: standalone/drakconnect:132
#, c-format
msgid "Configure hostname..."
msgstr "номи соҳибӣ ба танзим дароварда шудааст..."

#: standalone/drakconnect:146 standalone/drakconnect:727
#, c-format
msgid "LAN configuration"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakconnect:151
#, c-format
msgid "Configure Local Area Network..."
msgstr "Шабакаи Маҳаллӣ ба танзим дароварда шуда истодааст..."

#: standalone/drakconnect:159 standalone/drakconnect:228
#: standalone/drakconnect:232
#, c-format
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Татбиқ намудан"

#: standalone/drakconnect:254 standalone/drakconnect:263
#: standalone/drakconnect:277 standalone/drakconnect:283
#: standalone/drakconnect:293 standalone/drakconnect:294
#: standalone/drakconnect:540
#, c-format
msgid "TCP/IP"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakconnect:254 standalone/drakconnect:263
#: standalone/drakconnect:277 standalone/drakconnect:421
#: standalone/drakconnect:425 standalone/drakconnect:540
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Account"
msgstr "Дар бораи"

#: standalone/drakconnect:283 standalone/drakconnect:347
#: standalone/drakconnect:348 standalone/drakconnect:540
#, c-format
msgid "Wireless"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakconnect:325
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "DNS servers"
msgstr "Хидматгори SSH"

#: standalone/drakconnect:332
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Search Domain"
msgstr "Домен"

#: standalone/drakconnect:338
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "static"
msgstr "IP-и автоматӣ"

#: standalone/drakconnect:338
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "dhcp"
msgstr "dhcp-ро истифода бурдан"

#: standalone/drakconnect:457
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Flow control"
msgstr "<идора>S"

#: standalone/drakconnect:458
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Line termination"
msgstr "Лихтанштоин"

#: standalone/drakconnect:463
#, c-format
msgid "Tone dialing"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakconnect:463
#, c-format
msgid "Pulse dialing"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakconnect:468
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Use lock file"
msgstr "Интихоби файл"

#: standalone/drakconnect:471
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Modem timeout"
msgstr "Танаффуси ҷилд"

#: standalone/drakconnect:475
#, c-format
msgid "Wait for dialup tone before dialing"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakconnect:478
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Busy wait"
msgstr "Қувайт"

#: standalone/drakconnect:482
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Modem sound"
msgstr "Модем"

#: standalone/drakconnect:483
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Enable"
msgstr "дохил намудан"

#: standalone/drakconnect:483
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "ғайрифаъол"

#: standalone/drakconnect:522 standalone/harddrake2:58
#, c-format
msgid "Media class"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakconnect:523 standalone/drakfloppy:140
#, c-format
msgid "Module name"
msgstr "Номи модул"

#: standalone/drakconnect:524
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Mac Address"
msgstr "Суроғаи IP"

#: standalone/drakconnect:525 standalone/harddrake2:21
#, c-format
msgid "Bus"
msgstr "Автобус"

#: standalone/drakconnect:526 standalone/harddrake2:29
#, c-format
msgid "Location on the bus"
msgstr "Ҷойгиршавӣ дар гузаргоҳ"

#: standalone/drakconnect:587
#, c-format
msgid ""
"An unexpected error has happened:\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakconnect:597
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Remove a network interface"
msgstr "Интерфейси шабакавиро интихоб намудан"

#: standalone/drakconnect:601
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Select the network interface to remove:"
msgstr "Интерфейси шабакавиро интихоб намудан"

#: standalone/drakconnect:617
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"An error occured while deleting the \"%s\" network interface:\n"
msgstr ""
"Ҳангоми аз сари нав оғоз намудани шабака муаммое пайдо шуд: \n"

#: standalone/drakconnect:619
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Congratulations, the \"%s\" network interface has been succesfully deleted"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakconnect:636
#, c-format
msgid "No Ip"
msgstr "Ip не"

#: standalone/drakconnect:637
#, c-format
msgid "No Mask"
msgstr "Ниқоб нест"

#: standalone/drakconnect:638 standalone/drakconnect:798
#, c-format
msgid "up"
msgstr "боло"

#: standalone/drakconnect:638 standalone/drakconnect:798
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "down"
msgstr "шудагӣ"

#: standalone/drakconnect:677 standalone/net_monitor:415
#, c-format
msgid "Connected"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakconnect:677 standalone/net_monitor:415
#, c-format
msgid "Not connected"
msgstr "Паваст нашудааст"

#: standalone/drakconnect:678
#, c-format
msgid "Disconnect..."
msgstr "Хомӯш намоед..."

#: standalone/drakconnect:678
#, c-format
msgid "Connect..."
msgstr "Алоқа..."

#: standalone/drakconnect:707
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Warning, another Internet connection has been detected, maybe using your "
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakconnect:723
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Deactivate now"
msgstr "Фаъол"

#: standalone/drakconnect:723
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Activate now"
msgstr "Фаъол"

#: standalone/drakconnect:731
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You don't have any configured interface.\n"
"Configure them first by clicking on 'Configure'"
msgstr ""
"Шумо ягон-то интерфейси ба танзимдароварда шударо надоред.\n"
"Ба воситаи ангуштзанӣ ба 'Ба танзим даровардан' онҳоро сараввал ба танзим "

#: standalone/drakconnect:745
#, c-format
msgid "LAN Configuration"
msgstr "Ба танзимдарории шабакаи маҳаллӣ"

#: standalone/drakconnect:757
#, c-format
msgid "Adapter %s: %s"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakconnect:766
#, c-format
msgid "Boot Protocol"
msgstr "Қарордоди Худборшавӣ"

#: standalone/drakconnect:767
#, c-format
msgid "Started on boot"
msgstr "Дар худборшав шурӯъ шудааст"

#: standalone/drakconnect:803
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"This interface has not been configured yet.\n"
"Run the \"Add an interface\" assistant from the Mandrake Control Center"
msgstr ""
"Ин интерфейс ҳоло ба танзим дароварда нашудааст.\n"
"Дар оинаи асосии устози танзимдарорӣ оғоз намоед"

#: standalone/drakconnect:858
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"You don't have any configured Internet connection.\n"
"Please run \"Internet access\" in control center."
msgstr ""
"Шумо ягон хели алоқаро бо интернет надоред.\n"
"Сараввал алоқаро ба воситаи пахш намудани 'Ба танзим даровардан' офаред"

#: standalone/drakconnect:866
#, c-format
msgid "Internet connection configuration"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakconnect:907
#, c-format
msgid "Provider dns 1 (optional)"
msgstr "DNS-и якуми таҳиягар (интихобӣ)"

#: standalone/drakconnect:908
#, c-format
msgid "Provider dns 2 (optional)"
msgstr "Таҳиягари dns 2 (интихобӣ)"

#: standalone/drakconnect:921
#, c-format
msgid "Ethernet Card"
msgstr "Корти Ethernet"

#: standalone/drakconnect:922
#, c-format
msgid "DHCP Client"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakconnect:951
#, c-format
msgid "Internet Connection Configuration"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakconnect:952
#, c-format
msgid "Internet access"
msgstr "Роҳ ба Интернет"

#: standalone/drakconnect:954 standalone/net_monitor:87
#, c-format
msgid "Connection type: "
msgstr "Навъи алоқа: "

#: standalone/drakconnect:957
#, c-format
msgid "Status:"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakedm:53
#, c-format
msgid "Choosing a display manager"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakedm:54
#, c-format
msgid ""
"X11 Display Manager allows you to graphically log\n"
"into your system with the X Window System running and supports running\n"
"several different X sessions on your local machine at the same time."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakedm:77
#, c-format
msgid "The change is done, do you want to restart the dm service ?"
msgstr "Тағирот дароварда шуд, шумо dm хадамотро аз нав оғоз кардан мехоҳед ?"

#: standalone/drakfloppy:40
#, c-format
msgid "drakfloppy"
msgstr "drakfloppy"

#: standalone/drakfloppy:82
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Boot disk creation"
msgstr "Дастгоҳи худборшав"

#: standalone/drakfloppy:83
#, c-format
msgid "General"
msgstr "Умумӣ"

#: standalone/drakfloppy:86
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Device"
msgstr "Дастгоҳ: "

#: standalone/drakfloppy:92
#, c-format
msgid "Kernel version"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakfloppy:107
#, c-format
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Имтиёзҳо"

#: standalone/drakfloppy:121
#, c-format
msgid "Advanced preferences"
msgstr "Афзалиятҳои пешрафта"

#: standalone/drakfloppy:140
#, c-format
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Ҳаҷм"

#: standalone/drakfloppy:143
#, c-format
msgid "Mkinitrd optional arguments"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakfloppy:145
#, c-format
msgid "force"
msgstr "зӯрӣ"

#: standalone/drakfloppy:146
#, c-format
msgid "omit raid modules"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakfloppy:147
#, c-format
msgid "if needed"
msgstr "агар лозим шуда бошад"

#: standalone/drakfloppy:148
#, c-format
msgid "omit scsi modules"
msgstr "модулҳои scsi-ро хориҷ намудан"

#: standalone/drakfloppy:151
#, c-format
msgid "Add a module"
msgstr "Иловаи модул"

#: standalone/drakfloppy:160
#, c-format
msgid "Remove a module"
msgstr "Хориҷи модул"

#: standalone/drakfloppy:295
#, c-format
msgid "Be sure a media is present for the device %s"
msgstr "Боварӣ ҳосил намоед, ки расона дар дастгоҳ мавҷуд аст %s"

#: standalone/drakfloppy:301
#, c-format
msgid ""
"There is no medium or it is write-protected for device %s.\n"
"Please insert one."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakfloppy:305
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to fork: %s"
msgstr "Ба қисмҳо ҷудо карда намешавад: %s"

#: standalone/drakfloppy:308
#, c-format
msgid "Floppy creation completed"
msgstr "Офаридани дискет ба итмом расид"

#: standalone/drakfloppy:308
#, c-format
msgid "The creation of the boot floppy has been successfully completed \n"
msgstr "Офаридани дискети худборшав бо муваффақият анҷом ёфт \n"

#: standalone/drakfloppy:311
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unable to properly close mkbootdisk:\n"
"<span foreground=\"Red\"><tt>%s</tt></span>"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakfont:181
#, c-format
msgid "Search installed fonts"
msgstr "Кофтукови рамзҳои муқарраршуда"

#: standalone/drakfont:183
#, c-format
msgid "Unselect fonts installed"
msgstr "Шакли ҳуруфоти интихоб нашуда коргузорӣ шудааст"

#: standalone/drakfont:206
#, c-format
msgid "parse all fonts"
msgstr "ҳамаи ҳуруфотро тақсим намудан"

#: standalone/drakfont:208
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "No fonts found"
msgstr "Ҳуруфҳо ёфт нашудааст"

#: standalone/drakfont:216 standalone/drakfont:256 standalone/drakfont:323
#: standalone/drakfont:356 standalone/drakfont:364 standalone/drakfont:390
#: standalone/drakfont:408 standalone/drakfont:422
#, c-format
msgid "done"
msgstr "шудагӣ"

#: standalone/drakfont:221
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Could not find any font in your mounted partitions"
msgstr "Дар қисмҳои васлшуда ягон-то ҳуруфот ёфта нашуд"

#: standalone/drakfont:254
#, c-format
msgid "Reselect correct fonts"
msgstr "Даргоҳҳои саҳеҳро аз нав интихоб намудан"

#: standalone/drakfont:257
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Could not find any font.\n"
msgstr "Хориҷи интихоб шуда соҳиб/шабака"

#: standalone/drakfont:267
#, c-format
msgid "Search for fonts in installed list"
msgstr "Ҷустуҷӯи ҳуруфот дар рӯйхати коргузор шуда"

#: standalone/drakfont:292
#, c-format
msgid "%s fonts conversion"
msgstr "%s тағироти ҳуруфот"

#: standalone/drakfont:321
#, c-format
msgid "Fonts copy"
msgstr "Нусхаи ҳуруфот"

#: standalone/drakfont:324
#, c-format
msgid "True Type fonts installation"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakfont:331
#, c-format
msgid "please wait during ttmkfdir..."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakfont:332
#, c-format
msgid "True Type install done"
msgstr "Коргузории ҳақиқии навъ иҷро гардид"

#: standalone/drakfont:338 standalone/drakfont:353
#, c-format
msgid "type1inst building"
msgstr "созандагии type1inst"

#: standalone/drakfont:347
#, c-format
msgid "Ghostscript referencing"
msgstr "Муроҷиати Ghostscript"

#: standalone/drakfont:357
#, c-format
msgid "Suppress Temporary Files"
msgstr "Файлҳои Муваққатиро хориҷ намудан"

#: standalone/drakfont:360
#, c-format
msgid "Restart XFS"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakfont:406 standalone/drakfont:416
#, c-format
msgid "Suppress Fonts Files"
msgstr "Хориҷи Файлҳои Ҳуруфҳо"

#: standalone/drakfont:418
#, c-format
msgid "xfs restart"
msgstr "бозоғози xfs"

#: standalone/drakfont:426
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Before installing any fonts, be sure that you have the right to use and "
"install them on your system.\n"
"-You can install the fonts the normal way. In rare cases, bogus fonts may "
"hang up your X Server."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakfont:474 standalone/drakfont:483
#, c-format
msgid "DrakFont"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakfont:484
#, c-format
msgid "Font List"
msgstr "Рӯйхати Ҳуруф"

#: standalone/drakfont:490
#, c-format
msgid "About"
msgstr "Дар бораи"

#: standalone/drakfont:492 standalone/drakfont:681 standalone/drakfont:719
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Uninstall"
msgstr "Почтаро кор нагузоштан"

#: standalone/drakfont:493
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Ҳуруфҳои муҳим"

#: standalone/drakfont:509
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by MandrakeSoft \n"
"       DUPONT Sebastien (original version)\n"
"       CHAUMETTE Damien <>\n"
"       VIGNAUD Thierry <>"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakfont:518
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n"
" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n"
" the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)\n"
" any later version.\n"
" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n"
" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n"
" GNU General Public License for more details.\n"
" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n"
" along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n"
" Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
msgstr ""
"Ин барнома нармафзори озод мебошад, ки онро шумо метавонед дар оянда\n"
"паҳн намоед ва/ё онро ҳангоми риоя намудани GNU General Public License "
"диҳед. Лисензияи мазкур аз ҷониби Free Software Foundation-и нусхаи дуюм "
"(мувофиқи интихоби шумо) ё ин ки нусхаи охирин нашр гардидааст.\n"
"Ин барнома бо мақсади муфид буданаш паҳн мегардад, аммо БЕ ҲЕҶ КАФОЛАТ,\n"
"ҳатто кафолати пешбинӣ шудаи КОРШОЯМӢ ё МУВОФИҚ БУДАН БА\n"
"МАҚСАДИ МАХСУС. Барои гирифтани маълумоти муфассал GNU General\n"
"Public License-ро аз назар гузаронед.\n"
"Шумо бояд нусхаи GNU General Public License-ро бо ҳамроҳии ин барнома "
"агар розӣ набошед, онгоҳ ба Free Software Foundation, Inc.,\n"
"59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA мактуб нависед.\n"

#: standalone/drakfont:534
#, c-format
msgid ""
"    -  pfm2afm:   \n"
"\t by Ken Borgendale:\n"
"\t    Convert a Windows .pfm  file to a .afm (Adobe Font Metrics)\n"
"    -  type1inst:\n"
"\t by James Macnicol: \n"
"\t    type1inst generates files fonts.dir fonts.scale & Fontmap.\n"
"    -  ttf2pt1:   \n"
"\t  by Andrew Weeks, Frank Siegert, Thomas Henlich, Sergey Babkin  \n"
"             Convert ttf font files to afm and pfb fonts\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakfont:553
#, c-format
msgid "Choose the applications that will support the fonts:"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakfont:554
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Before installing any fonts, be sure that you have the right to use and "
"install them on your system.\n"
"You can install the fonts the normal way. In rare cases, bogus fonts may "
"hang up your X Server."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakfont:564
#, c-format
msgid "Ghostscript"
msgstr "Ghostscript"

#: standalone/drakfont:565
#, c-format
msgid "StarOffice"
msgstr "StarOffice"

#: standalone/drakfont:566
#, c-format
msgid "Abiword"
msgstr "Abiword"

#: standalone/drakfont:567
#, c-format
msgid "Generic Printers"
msgstr "Чопгарҳои намунавӣ"

#: standalone/drakfont:583
#, c-format
msgid "Select the font file or directory and click on 'Add'"
msgstr ""
"Файли ҳуруф ё ин ки феҳристро интихоб намоед ва ба 'Илова намудан' ангушт "

#: standalone/drakfont:597
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "You've not selected any font"
msgstr "Хориҷи интихоб шуда соҳиб/шабака"

#: standalone/drakfont:646
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Import fonts"
msgstr "Ҳуруфҳои муҳим"

#: standalone/drakfont:651
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Install fonts"
msgstr "Рӯйхатро Коргузорӣ намоед"

#: standalone/drakfont:686
#, c-format
msgid "click here if you are sure."
msgstr "Агар шумо мӯътақид бошед ба ин ангушт занед."

#: standalone/drakfont:688
#, c-format
msgid "here if no."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakfont:727
#, c-format
msgid "Unselected All"
msgstr "Ноинтихоби Ҳама"

#: standalone/drakfont:730
#, c-format
msgid "Selected All"
msgstr "Интихоби Ҳама"

#: standalone/drakfont:733
#, c-format
msgid "Remove List"
msgstr "Хориҷи Рӯйхат"

#: standalone/drakfont:744 standalone/drakfont:763
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Importing fonts"
msgstr "Ҳуруфҳои муҳим"

#: standalone/drakfont:748 standalone/drakfont:768
#, c-format
msgid "Initial tests"
msgstr "Санҷишҳои шиносоӣ"

#: standalone/drakfont:749
#, c-format
msgid "Copy fonts on your system"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakfont:750
#, c-format
msgid "Install & convert Fonts"
msgstr "Коргузорӣ ва тағироти ҳуруфот"

#: standalone/drakfont:751
#, c-format
msgid "Post Install"
msgstr "Коргузорӣ ба итмом расид"

#: standalone/drakfont:769
#, c-format
msgid "Remove fonts on your system"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakfont:770
#, c-format
msgid "Post Uninstall"
msgstr "Почтаро кор нагузоштан"

#: standalone/drakgw:59 standalone/drakgw:190
#, c-format
msgid "Internet Connection Sharing"
msgstr "Истифодаи якҷояи пайвастшавӣ ба интернет"

#: standalone/drakgw:117 standalone/drakvpn:49
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Sorry, we support only 2.4 and above kernels."
msgstr "Мебахшед, мо танҳо асосҳои 2.4-ро дастгирӣ менамоем."

#: standalone/drakgw:128
#, c-format
msgid "Internet Connection Sharing currently enabled"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakgw:129
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The setup of Internet Connection Sharing has already been done.\n"
"It's currently enabled.\n"
"What would you like to do?"
msgstr ""
"Барпо намудани истифодаи якҷояи васлшавӣ ба интернет аллакай иҷро "
"Ҳоло он дар гиронида шудааст.\n"
"Шумо чӣ кардан мехоҳед?"

#: standalone/drakgw:133 standalone/drakvpn:99
#, c-format
msgid "disable"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakgw:133 standalone/drakgw:162 standalone/drakvpn:99
#: standalone/drakvpn:125
#, c-format
msgid "reconfigure"
msgstr "бозтанзимдарорӣ"

#: standalone/drakgw:133 standalone/drakgw:162 standalone/drakvpn:99
#: standalone/drakvpn:125 standalone/drakvpn:372 standalone/drakvpn:731
#, c-format
msgid "dismiss"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakgw:136
#, c-format
msgid "Disabling servers..."
msgstr "Хидматрасонҳо хомӯш мегарданд..."

#: standalone/drakgw:150
#, c-format
msgid "Internet Connection Sharing is now disabled."
msgstr "Истифодаи якҷоягии пайвастшавӣ ба интернет ҳоло хомӯш гардидаст."

#: standalone/drakgw:157
#, c-format
msgid "Internet Connection Sharing currently disabled"
msgstr "Истифодаи муштараки пайвастшавӣ ба интернет ҳоло хомӯш гардидааст"

#: standalone/drakgw:158
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The setup of Internet connection sharing has already been done.\n"
"It's currently disabled.\n"
"What would you like to do?"
msgstr ""
"Барпо сохтани истифодаи муштараки пайвастшавӣ ба интернет аллакай иҷро "
"Ҳоло он хомӯш шудааст.\n"
"Шумо чӣ кор кардан мехоҳед?"

#: standalone/drakgw:162 standalone/drakvpn:125
#, c-format
msgid "enable"
msgstr "дохил намудан"

#: standalone/drakgw:169
#, c-format
msgid "Enabling servers..."
msgstr "Хидматрасонҳо ба кор андохта мешавад..."

#: standalone/drakgw:175
#, c-format
msgid "Internet Connection Sharing is now enabled."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakgw:191
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You are about to configure your computer to share its Internet connection.\n"
"With that feature, other computers on your local network will be able to use "
"this computer's Internet connection.\n"
"Make sure you have configured your Network/Internet access using drakconnect "
"before going any further.\n"
"Note: you need a dedicated Network Adapter to set up a Local Area Network "
msgstr ""
"Шумо хоҳиши ба танзим даровардани компютери худро барои истифодаи\n"
"муштараки пайвастшавиро ба интернет доред. Бо ин хусусият дигар компютерҳо "
"дар шабакаи маҳалли шумо метавонад пайвастшавии ин компютерро ба интернет "
"мавриди истифода қарор диҳад.\n"
"Пеш аз давом додан боварӣ ҳосил намоед, ки роҳро ба Шабака/Интернет ба "
"воситаи drakconnect ба танзим даровардед.\n"
"Эзоҳ: ба шумо созгори алоҳидаи шабакавӣ барои барпо сохтани Шабакаи Маҳаллии "
"Ноҳиявӣ (LAN) лозим аст."

#: standalone/drakgw:211 standalone/drakvpn:210
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Please enter the name of the interface connected to the internet.\n"
"\t\tppp+ for modem or DSL connections, \n"
"\t\teth0, or eth1 for cable connection, \n"
"\t\tippp+ for a isdn connection.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakgw:230
#, c-format
msgid "Interface %s (using module %s)"
msgstr "Интерфейси %s (модули %s-ро истифода намуда)"

#: standalone/drakgw:231
#, c-format
msgid "Interface %s"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakgw:241 standalone/drakpxe:138
#, c-format
msgid ""
"No ethernet network adapter has been detected on your system. Please run the "
"hardware configuration tool."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakgw:247
#, c-format
msgid "Network interface"
msgstr "Интерфейси шабакавӣ"

#: standalone/drakgw:248
#, c-format
msgid ""
"There is only one configured network adapter on your system:\n"
"I am about to setup your Local Area Network with that adapter."
msgstr ""
"Дар системи шумо танҳо як созгори шабакавии ба танзимдароварда шуда ҳаст:\n"
"Ман Шабакаи Маҳалии шуморо бо он созгор барпо сохтанӣ ҳастам."

#: standalone/drakgw:255
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Please choose what network adapter will be connected to your Local Area "
msgstr ""
"Лутфан, созгори шабакавиро ки ба шабакаи маҳаллаи шумо васл мегардад, "
"интихоб намоед."

#: standalone/drakgw:283
#, c-format
msgid "Network interface already configured"
msgstr "Интерфейси шабака аллакай танзим шудааст"

#: standalone/drakgw:284
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Warning, the network adapter (%s) is already configured.\n"
"Do you want an automatic re-configuration?\n"
"You can do it manually but you need to know what you're doing."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakgw:289
#, c-format
msgid "Automatic reconfiguration"
msgstr "Бозтанзимдарории автоматикӣ"

#: standalone/drakgw:289
#, c-format
msgid "No (experts only)"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakgw:290
#, c-format
msgid "Show current interface configuration"
msgstr "Танзимдарории интерфейси равонаро нишон диҳед"

#: standalone/drakgw:291
#, c-format
msgid "Current interface configuration"
msgstr "Танзимдарории интерфейси равона"

#: standalone/drakgw:292
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Current configuration of `%s':\n"
"Network: %s\n"
"IP address: %s\n"
"IP attribution: %s\n"
"Driver: %s"
msgstr ""
"Ба танзимдарории ҷорӣ '%s':\n"
"Шабака: %s\n"
"IP-суроға: %s\n"
"IP-хусусият: %s\n"
"Ронанда: %s"

#: standalone/drakgw:305
#, c-format
msgid ""
"I can keep your current configuration and assume you already set up a DHCP "
"server; in that case please verify I correctly read the Network that you use "
"for your local network; I will not reconfigure it and I will not touch your "
"DHCP server configuration.\n"
"The default DNS entry is the Caching Nameserver configured on the firewall. "
"You can replace that with your ISP DNS IP, for example.\n"
"\t\t      \n"
"Otherwise, I can reconfigure your interface and (re)configure a DHCP server "
"for you.\n"
msgstr ""
"Ман метавонам танзимдарории ҳозираи шуморо нигоҳ дорам ва тахмин намоям, ки "
"шумо аллакай хидматрасони DHCP-ро барпо намудед; дар ин ҳолат лутфан, "
"санҷед, ки оё ман намуди шабакаро дуруст хонда баромадам, ки шумо онро барои "
"шабакаи маҳаллии худ мавриди истифода қарор додед; ман аз сари нав онро ба "
"танзим намедарорам ва ба танзимдарории хидматрасони DHCP-и шумо кордор "
"Мувофиқи пешфарз Хидматрасони DNS похидматрасони паҳнкунандаи номҳое "
"мебошад, ки ба воситаи firewall ба танзим дароварда шудааст. Шумо метавонед "
"ин хидматрасонро бо IP-и суроғаи DNS-и провайдери хизмати интернети худ иваз "
"намоед, масалан.\n"
"\t\t      \n"
"Ё ин ки ман метавонам интерфейси шуморо аз сари нав ба танзим дарорам ва "
"барои шумо хидматрасони DHCP-ро (аз сари нав) мавриди танзимдарорӣ қарор "

#: standalone/drakgw:312
#, c-format
msgid "Local Network adress"
msgstr "Суроғаи Шабакаи Маҳаллӣ"

#: standalone/drakgw:316
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"DHCP Server Configuration.\n"
"Here you can select different options for the DHCP server configuration.\n"
"If you don't know the meaning of an option, simply leave it as it is."
msgstr ""
"Ба танзимдарории Хидматрасони DHCP.\n"
"Дар ин ҷо шумо метавонед интихобҳои гуногунро барои ба танзимдарории "
"хидматрасони DHCP интихоб намоед.\n"
"Агар шумо маънои интихобро надонед, танҳо онро чӣ хеле ки ҳаст, монед.\n"

#: standalone/drakgw:320
#, c-format
msgid "(This) DHCP Server IP"
msgstr "(Ин) DHCP Хидматрасони IP"

#: standalone/drakgw:321
#, c-format
msgid "The DNS Server IP"
msgstr "Суроғаи IP-и хидматрасони DNS"

#: standalone/drakgw:322
#, c-format
msgid "The internal domain name"
msgstr "Номи соҳиби дохилӣ"

#: standalone/drakgw:323
#, c-format
msgid "The DHCP start range"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakgw:324
#, c-format
msgid "The DHCP end range"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakgw:325
#, c-format
msgid "The default lease (in seconds)"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakgw:326
#, c-format
msgid "The maximum lease (in seconds)"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakgw:327
#, c-format
msgid "Re-configure interface and DHCP server"
msgstr "Интерфейс ва хидматрасони DHCP-ро аз нав ба танзим даровардан"

#: standalone/drakgw:334
#, c-format
msgid "The Local Network did not finish with `.0', bailing out."
msgstr "Шабакаи маҳаллӣ бо `.0' ба итмом намерасад, ёрӣ талаб карда мешавад."

#: standalone/drakgw:344
#, c-format
msgid "Potential LAN address conflict found in current config of %s!\n"
msgstr ""
"Дар танзимгари ҳозира низои муайяни суроғаи шабакаи маҳаллӣ пайдо шудааст %"

#: standalone/drakgw:354
#, c-format
msgid "Configuring..."
msgstr "Ба танзимдарорӣ..."

#: standalone/drakgw:355
#, c-format
msgid "Configuring scripts, installing software, starting servers..."
msgstr ""
"Ба танзимдарории дастнависҳо, коргузории нармафзор ва оғоз "

#: standalone/drakgw:391 standalone/drakpxe:231 standalone/drakvpn:274
#, c-format
msgid "Problems installing package %s"
msgstr "Муаммоҳо ҳангоми коргузориии қуттии %s"

#: standalone/drakgw:584
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Everything has been configured.\n"
"You may now share Internet connection with other computers on your Local "
"Area Network, using automatic network configuration (DHCP) and\n"
" a Transparent Proxy Cache server (SQUID)."
msgstr ""
"Ҳама чиз аллакай ба танзим дароварда шудааст.\n"
"Ҳоло шумо метавонед пайвастшавиро бо интернет бо ёрии дигар компютерҳо дар "
"Шабакаи Маҳаллии худ тақсим намоед. Дар ин ҳолат ба танзимдарории автоматии "
"шабакавиро (DHCP) мавриди истифода қарор диҳед."

#: standalone/drakhelp:17
#, c-format
msgid ""
" drakhelp 0.1\n"
"Copyright (C) 2003-2004 MandrakeSoft.\n"
"This is free software and may be redistributed under the terms of the GNU "
"Usage: \n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakhelp:22
#, c-format
msgid " --help                - display this help     \n"
msgstr " --help                - ин маълумотро баровардан     \n"

#: standalone/drakhelp:23
#, c-format
msgid ""
" --id <id_label>       - load the html help page which refers to id_label\n"
msgstr ""
" --id <id_label>       - html-саҳифаи маълумотро ба кор андохтан,\n"
"                         ки ба id_label тааллуқ дорад\n"

#: standalone/drakhelp:24
#, c-format
msgid ""
" --doc <link>          - link to another web page ( for WM welcome "
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakhelp:35
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s cannot be displayed \n"
". No Help entry of this type\n"
msgstr ""
"%s инъикос карда намешавад \n"
". Элементи кӯмак барои ин навъ мавҷуд нест\n"

#: standalone/drakhelp:41
#, c-format
msgid ""
"No browser is installed on your system, Please install one if you want to "
"browse the help system"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakperm:21
#, c-format
msgid "System settings"
msgstr "Гузоришҳои систем"

#: standalone/drakperm:22
#, c-format
msgid "Custom settings"
msgstr "Гузоришҳои интихобӣ"

#: standalone/drakperm:23
#, c-format
msgid "Custom & system settings"
msgstr "Гузориши интихобӣ ва системӣ"

#: standalone/drakperm:43
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Editable"
msgstr "Ҷадвал"

#: standalone/drakperm:48 standalone/drakperm:315
#, c-format
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Роҳ"

#: standalone/drakperm:48 standalone/drakperm:250
#, c-format
msgid "User"
msgstr "Корванд"

#: standalone/drakperm:48 standalone/drakperm:250
#, c-format
msgid "Group"
msgstr "Гурӯҳ"

#: standalone/drakperm:48 standalone/drakperm:327
#, c-format
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "Иҷозатҳо"

#: standalone/drakperm:107
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Here you can see files to use in order to fix permissions, owners, and "
"groups via msec.\n"
"You can also edit your own rules which will owerwrite the default rules."
msgstr ""
"Drakperm барои дида баромадани файлҳое ки ба муқаррар намудани иҷозат, "
"соҳибон ва гурӯҳҳо ба воситаи msec истифода шавандаро истифода мебарад.\n"
"Ҳамчунин шумо метавонед қоидаҳои худро ба таҳрир дароред, ки мувофиқи "
"пешфарз ин қоидаҳоро аз сари нав хоҳад навишт."

#: standalone/drakperm:110
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The current security level is %s.\n"
"Select permissions to see/edit"
msgstr ""
"Сатҳи ҳозираи бехатарӣ: %s\n"
"Ҳуқуқро барои дида баромадан/таҳрир намудан интихоб намоед"

#: standalone/drakperm:121
#, c-format
msgid "Up"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakperm:121
#, c-format
msgid "Move selected rule up one level"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakperm:122
#, c-format
msgid "Down"
msgstr "Шудагӣ"

#: standalone/drakperm:122
#, c-format
msgid "Move selected rule down one level"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakperm:123
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Add a rule"
msgstr "Иловаи модул"

#: standalone/drakperm:123
#, c-format
msgid "Add a new rule at the end"
msgstr "Дар охир қоидаи навро илова намудан"

#: standalone/drakperm:124
#, c-format
msgid "Delete selected rule"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakperm:125 standalone/drakvpn:329 standalone/drakvpn:690
#: standalone/printerdrake:229
#, c-format
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Таҳрир кардан"

#: standalone/drakperm:125
#, c-format
msgid "Edit current rule"
msgstr "Таҳрири қоидаи равона"

#: standalone/drakperm:242
#, c-format
msgid "browse"
msgstr "Аз назар гузаронидан"

#: standalone/drakperm:252
#, c-format
msgid "Read"
msgstr "Хониш"

#: standalone/drakperm:253
#, c-format
msgid "Enable \"%s\" to read the file"
msgstr "Барои хондани файл \"%s\"-ро дар гиронидан"

#: standalone/drakperm:256
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Write"
msgstr "Навиштан %s"

#: standalone/drakperm:257
#, c-format
msgid "Enable \"%s\" to write the file"
msgstr "Барои навиштани \"%s\" файл иҷозат додан"

#: standalone/drakperm:260
#, c-format
msgid "Execute"
msgstr "Иҷро кардан"

#: standalone/drakperm:261
#, c-format
msgid "Enable \"%s\" to execute the file"
msgstr "Барои иҷро намудани файл \"%s\"-ро дохил намоед"

#: standalone/drakperm:263
#, c-format
msgid "Sticky-bit"
msgstr "Бити мустаҳкамкунанда"

#: standalone/drakperm:263
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Used for directory:\n"
" only owner of directory or file in this directory can delete it"
msgstr ""
"Барои феҳрист истифода мегардад:\n"
" танҳо соҳиби феҳрист ё ин ки файл дар ин феҳрист метавонад онро хориҷ намояд"

#: standalone/drakperm:264
#, c-format
msgid "Set-UID"
msgstr "Set-UID"

#: standalone/drakperm:264
#, c-format
msgid "Use owner id for execution"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakperm:265
#, c-format
msgid "Set-GID"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakperm:265
#, c-format
msgid "Use group id for execution"
msgstr "Барои иҷроиш гурӯҳи id-ро истифода намудан"

#: standalone/drakperm:283
#, c-format
msgid "User :"
msgstr "Корванд :"

#: standalone/drakperm:285
#, c-format
msgid "Group :"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakperm:289
#, c-format
msgid "Current user"
msgstr "Корванди равона"

#: standalone/drakperm:290
#, c-format
msgid "When checked, owner and group won't be changed"
msgstr "Ҳангоми тафтиш соҳиб ва гурӯҳ тағир нахоҳад ёфт"

#: standalone/drakperm:301
#, c-format
msgid "Path selection"
msgstr "Интихоби роҳ"

#: standalone/drakperm:321
#, c-format
msgid "Property"
msgstr "Моликият"

#: standalone/drakpxe:55
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "PXE Server Configuration"
msgstr "Танзимдарории Навъи Худборшавӣ"

#: standalone/drakpxe:111
#, c-format
msgid "Installation Server Configuration"
msgstr "Танзимдарории Хидматрасони Коргузориш"

#: standalone/drakpxe:112
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You are about to configure your computer to install a PXE server as a DHCP "
"and a TFTP server to build an installation server.\n"
"With that feature, other computers on your local network will be installable "
"using this computer as source.\n"
"Make sure you have configured your Network/Internet access using drakconnect "
"before going any further.\n"
"Note: you need a dedicated Network Adapter to set up a Local Area Network "
msgstr ""
"Шумо хоҳиши ба танзим даровардани компютери худро бо мақсади коргузорӣ "
"намудани хидматрасони PXE ва хидматрасони TFTP-ро барои офаридани "
"хидматрасони коргузорӣ доред. Ба туфайли ин имконият дигар компютерҳо дар "
"шабакаи маҳаллии шумо метавонад коргузориро аз ин компютер ба амал орад.\n"
"Мӯътақид бошед, ки шумо роҳро ба Шабака/Интернет ба воситаи drakconnect пеш "
"аз давомдиҳӣ ба танзим даровардед.\n"
"Эзоҳ: ба шумо созгори шабакавии алоҳида барои барпо сохтани Шабакаи Маҳаллӣ "
"(LAN) лозим аст."

#: standalone/drakpxe:143
#, c-format
msgid "Please choose which network interface will be used for the dhcp server."
msgstr ""
"Лутфан созгори шабакавиро интихоб намоед, ки барои хидматрасони dhcp "
"истифода хоҳад шуд."

#: standalone/drakpxe:144
#, c-format
msgid "Interface %s (on network %s)"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakpxe:169
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The DHCP server will allow other computer to boot using PXE in the given "
"range of address.\n"
"The network address is %s using a netmask of %s.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakpxe:173
#, c-format
msgid "The DHCP start ip"
msgstr "Оғози ip-и DHCP"

#: standalone/drakpxe:174
#, c-format
msgid "The DHCP end ip"
msgstr "IP-суроғаи охирини DHCP"

#: standalone/drakpxe:187
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Please indicate where the installation image will be available.\n"
"If you do not have an existing directory, please copy the CD or DVD "
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakpxe:192
#, c-format
msgid "Installation image directory"
msgstr "Феҳристи тасвирии коргузорӣ"

#: standalone/drakpxe:196
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "No image found"
msgstr "Маълумоти сахтгардон"

#: standalone/drakpxe:197
#, c-format
msgid ""
"No CD or DVD image found, please copy the installation program and rpm files."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakpxe:210
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Please indicate where the auto_install.cfg file is located.\n"
"Leave it blank if you do not want to set up automatic installation mode.\n"
msgstr ""
"Лутфан, ҷое ки дар он файли auto_install.cfg мавҷуд аст, нишон диҳед.\n"
"Онро холӣ нигоҳ доред, агар шумо хоҳиши барпо сохтани усули кор "
"гузорииавтоматиро дошта бошед.\n"

#: standalone/drakpxe:215
#, c-format
msgid "Location of auto_install.cfg file"
msgstr "Ҷойгиршавии файли auto_install.cfg"

#: standalone/draksec:44
#, c-format
msgid "ALL"
msgstr "ҲАМА"

#: standalone/draksec:44
#, c-format
msgid "LOCAL"
msgstr "МАҲАЛЛӢ"

#: standalone/draksec:44
#, c-format
msgid "default"
msgstr "пешфарз"

#: standalone/draksec:44
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "ignore"
msgstr "Зиёдтар"

#: standalone/draksec:44
#, c-format
msgid "no"
msgstr "не"

#: standalone/draksec:44
#, c-format
msgid "yes"
msgstr "ҳа"

#: standalone/draksec:70
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Here, you can setup the security level and administrator of your machine.\n"
"The Security Administrator is the one who will receive security alerts if "
"'Security Alerts' option is set. It can be a username or an email.\n"
"The Security Level menu allows you to select one of the six preconfigured "
"security levels\n"
"provided with msec. These levels range from poor security and ease of use, "
"paranoid config, suitable for very sensitive server applications:\n"
"<span foreground=\"royalblue3\">Poor</span>: This is a totally unsafe but "
"easy to use security level. It should only be used for machines not "
"connected to\n"
"any network and that are not accessible to everybody.\n"
"<span foreground=\"royalblue3\">Standard</span>: This is the standard "
"recommended for a computer that will be used to connect to the Internet as "
"<span foreground=\"royalblue3\">High</span>: There are already some\n"
"restrictions, and more automatic checks are run every night.\n"
"<span foreground=\"royalblue3\">Higher</span>: The security is now high "
"to use the system as a server which can accept connections from many "
"clients. If\n"
"your machine is only a client on the Internet, you should choose a lower "
"<span foreground=\"royalblue3\">Paranoid</span>: This is similar to the "
"level, but the system is entirely closed and security features are at their\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/draksec:118
#, c-format
msgid "(default value: %s)"
msgstr "(арзиши пешфарз: %s)"

#: standalone/draksec:159
#, c-format
msgid "Security Level:"
msgstr "Сатҳи Бехатарӣ:"

#: standalone/draksec:162
#, c-format
msgid "Security Alerts:"
msgstr "Огоҳӣ оиди Бехатарӣ:"

#: standalone/draksec:166
#, c-format
msgid "Security Administrator:"
msgstr "Идоракунандаи Бехатарӣ:"

#: standalone/draksec:168
#, c-format
msgid "Basic options"
msgstr "Хосиятҳои асосӣ"

#: standalone/draksec:181
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The following options can be set to customize your\n"
"system security. If you need an explanation, look at the help tooltip.\n"
msgstr ""
"Интихобҳои навбатиро барои амалӣ намудани ислоҳоти интихобии бехатарии "
"шумо барпо кардан мумкин аст. Агар ба шумо эзоҳ лозим бошад, онгоҳ "
"бамаълумотнома назар намоед.\n"

#: standalone/draksec:183
#, c-format
msgid "Network Options"
msgstr "Хосиятҳои Шабака"

#: standalone/draksec:183
#, c-format
msgid "System Options"
msgstr "Хосиятҳои Систем"

#: standalone/draksec:229
#, c-format
msgid "Periodic Checks"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/draksec:247
#, c-format
msgid "Please wait, setting security level..."
msgstr "Лутфан мунтазир шавед, дараҷаи бехатарӣ барпо мешавад..."

#: standalone/draksec:253
#, c-format
msgid "Please wait, setting security options..."
msgstr "Лутфан, мунтазир шавед, ки интихобҳои бехатарӣ ба роҳ монда мешавад..."

#: standalone/draksound:47
#, c-format
msgid "No Sound Card detected!"
msgstr "Корти овоздор муаяйн нашудааст!"

#: standalone/draksound:48
#, c-format
msgid ""
"No Sound Card has been detected on your machine. Please verify that a Linux-"
"supported Sound Card is correctly plugged in.\n"
"You can visit our hardware database at:\n"
msgstr ""
"Дар мошини шумо корти овоздор муаяйн нашудааст. Лутфан санҷед, то ки корти "
"овоздори аз тарафи Linux дастгирӣ ёбанда дуруст ҷойгир шудааст.\n"
"Шумо метавонед бо манбаи додаҳои сахтафзори мо шинос шавед:\n"

#: standalone/draksound:55
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Note: if you've an ISA PnP sound card, you'll have to use the alsaconf or "
"the sndconfig program.  Just type \"alsaconf\" or \"sndconfig\" in a console."
msgstr ""
"Эзоҳ: агар шумо харитаи овозноки ISA PnP-ро дошта бошед, онгоҳ шумо бояд "
"барномаиsndconfig-ро истифода баред. Танҳо дар нозиргоҳ \"sndconfig\"-ро "
"нишон диҳед."

#: standalone/draksplash:21
#, c-format
msgid ""
"package 'ImageMagick' is required to be able to complete configuration.\n"
"Click \"Ok\" to install 'ImageMagick' or \"Cancel\" to quit"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/draksplash:67
#, c-format
msgid "first step creation"
msgstr "офаридани қадами нахустин"

#: standalone/draksplash:70
#, c-format
msgid "final resolution"
msgstr "ҳалнокии хотимавӣ"

#: standalone/draksplash:71 standalone/draksplash:165
#, c-format
msgid "choose image file"
msgstr "файли симоро интихоб намоед"

#: standalone/draksplash:72
#, c-format
msgid "Theme name"
msgstr "Номи мавзӯъ"

#: standalone/draksplash:77
#, c-format
msgid "Browse"
msgstr "Баррасӣ кардан"

#: standalone/draksplash:87 standalone/draksplash:153
#, c-format
msgid "Configure bootsplash picture"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/draksplash:90
#, c-format
msgid ""
"x coordinate of text box\n"
"in number of characters"
msgstr ""
"ҳамоҳангсози х-и қуттии матнӣ\n"
"дар миқдори аломатҳо"

#: standalone/draksplash:91
#, c-format
msgid ""
"y coordinate of text box\n"
"in number of characters"
msgstr ""
"ҳамоҳангии у-и оинаи матнӣ\n"
"ба миқдори нишонаҳо"

#: standalone/draksplash:92
#, c-format
msgid "text width"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/draksplash:93
#, c-format
msgid "text box height"
msgstr "баландии оинаи матнӣ"

#: standalone/draksplash:94
#, c-format
msgid ""
"the progress bar x coordinate\n"
"of its upper left corner"
msgstr ""
"координати х нишондоди иҷроиш\n"
"аз кунҷи чапи болоӣ"

#: standalone/draksplash:95
#, c-format
msgid ""
"the progress bar y coordinate\n"
"of its upper left corner"
msgstr ""
"ҳамоҳангсози у-и нишондоди иҷроиш\n"
"аз кунҷи болии чап"

#: standalone/draksplash:96
#, c-format
msgid "the width of the progress bar"
msgstr "бари панели иҷроиш"

#: standalone/draksplash:97
#, c-format
msgid "the height of the progress bar"
msgstr "Баландии панели иҷроиш"

#: standalone/draksplash:98
#, c-format
msgid "the color of the progress bar"
msgstr "ранги панели пешравӣ"

#: standalone/draksplash:113
#, c-format
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Дидан"

#: standalone/draksplash:115
#, c-format
msgid "Save theme"
msgstr "Мавзӯъро нигоҳ доред"

#: standalone/draksplash:116
#, c-format
msgid "Choose color"
msgstr "Ранг интихоб кунед"

#: standalone/draksplash:119
#, c-format
msgid "Display logo on Console"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/draksplash:120
#, c-format
msgid "Make kernel message quiet by default"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/draksplash:156 standalone/draksplash:320
#: standalone/draksplash:448
#, c-format
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Хулоса"

#: standalone/draksplash:156 standalone/draksplash:320
#, c-format
msgid "This theme does not yet have a bootsplash in %s !"
msgstr "Дар ин мавзӯъ ҳоло ягон bootsplash дар %s мавҷуд нест!"

#: standalone/draksplash:162
#, c-format
msgid "choose image"
msgstr "тасвир интихоб кунед"

#: standalone/draksplash:204
#, c-format
msgid "saving Bootsplash theme..."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/draksplash:428
#, c-format
msgid "ProgressBar color selection"
msgstr "Интихоби ранги панели иҷроиш"

#: standalone/draksplash:448
#, c-format
msgid "You must choose an image file first!"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/draksplash:453
#, c-format
msgid "Generating preview ..."
msgstr "Баррасии пешакӣ ҷамъбаст мегардад..."

#: standalone/draksplash:499
#, c-format
msgid "%s BootSplash (%s) preview"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:71
#, c-format
msgid "DrakVPN"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:93
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "The VPN connection is enabled."
msgstr "Суръати алоқа"

#: standalone/drakvpn:94
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The setup of a VPN connection has already been done.\n"
"It's currently enabled.\n"
"What would you like to do ?"
msgstr ""
"Барпо намудани истифодаи якҷояи васлшавӣ ба интернет аллакай иҷро "
"Ҳоло он дар гиронида шудааст.\n"
"Шумо чӣ кардан мехоҳед?"

#: standalone/drakvpn:103
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Disabling VPN..."
msgstr "Хидматрасонҳо хомӯш мегарданд..."

#: standalone/drakvpn:112
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "The VPN connection is now disabled."
msgstr "Истифодаи якҷоягии пайвастшавӣ ба интернет ҳоло хомӯш гардидаст."

#: standalone/drakvpn:119
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "VPN connection currently disabled"
msgstr "Истифодаи муштараки пайвастшавӣ ба интернет ҳоло хомӯш гардидааст"

#: standalone/drakvpn:120
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The setup of a VPN connection has already been done.\n"
"It's currently disabled.\n"
"What would you like to do ?"
msgstr ""
"Барпо сохтани истифодаи муштараки пайвастшавӣ ба интернет аллакай иҷро "
"Ҳоло он хомӯш шудааст.\n"
"Шумо чӣ кор кардан мехоҳед?"

#: standalone/drakvpn:133
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Enabling VPN..."
msgstr "Хидматрасонҳо ба кор андохта мешавад..."

#: standalone/drakvpn:139
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "The VPN connection is now enabled."
msgstr "Истифодаи якҷоягии пайвастшавӣ ба интернет ҳоло хомӯш гардидаст."

#: standalone/drakvpn:153 standalone/drakvpn:179
#, c-format
msgid "Simple VPN setup."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:154
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You are about to configure your computer to use a VPN connection.\n"
"With this feature, computers on your local private network and computers\n"
"on some other remote private networks, can share resources, through\n"
"their respective firewalls, over the Internet, in a secure manner. \n"
"The communication over the Internet is encrypted. The local and remote\n"
"computers look as if they were on the same network.\n"
"Make sure you have configured your Network/Internet access using\n"
"drakconnect before going any further."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:180
#, c-format
msgid ""
"VPN connection.\n"
"This program is based on the following projects:\n"
" - FreeSwan: \t\t\t\n"
" - Super-FreeSwan: \t\t\n"
" - ipsec-tools: \t\t\t\n"
" - ipsec-howto: \t\t\n"
" - the docs and man pages coming with the %s package\n"
"Please read AT LEAST the ipsec-howto docs\n"
"before going any further."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:192
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Kernel module."
msgstr "Хориҷи модул"

#: standalone/drakvpn:193
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The kernel need to have ipsec support.\n"
"You're running a %s kernel version.\n"
"This kernel has '%s' support."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:288
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Security Policies"
msgstr "Огоҳӣ оиди Бехатарӣ:"

#: standalone/drakvpn:288
#, c-format
msgid "IKE daemon racoon"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:291 standalone/drakvpn:302
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Configuration file"
msgstr "Устоди Танзимдарорӣ"

#: standalone/drakvpn:292
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Configuration step !\n"
"You need to define the Security Policies and then to \n"
"configure the automatic key exchange (IKE) daemon. \n"
"The KAME IKE daemon we're using is called 'racoon'.\n"
"What would you like to configure ?\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:303
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Next, we will configure the %s file.\n"
"Simply click on Next.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:321 standalone/drakvpn:681
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s entries"
msgstr ", %s сектор"

#: standalone/drakvpn:322
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The %s file contents\n"
"is divided into sections.\n"
"You can now :\n"
"  - display, add, edit, or remove sections, then\n"
"  - commit the changes\n"
"What would you like to do ?\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:329 standalone/drakvpn:690
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Display"
msgstr "ҳаррӯза"

#: standalone/drakvpn:329 standalone/drakvpn:690
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Commit"
msgstr "фишурда"

#: standalone/drakvpn:343 standalone/drakvpn:347 standalone/drakvpn:705
#: standalone/drakvpn:709
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Display configuration"
msgstr "Танзимдарории интихобӣ"

#: standalone/drakvpn:348
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The %s file does not exist.\n"
"This must be a new configuration.\n"
"You'll have to go back and choose 'add'.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:364
#, c-format
msgid "ipsec.conf entries"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:365
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The %s file contains different sections.\n"
"Here is its skeleton :\t'config setup' \n"
"\t\t\t\t\t'conn default' \n"
"\t\t\t\t\t'normal2' \n"
"You can now add one of these sections.\n"
"Choose the section you would like to add.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:372
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "config setup"
msgstr "бозтанзимдарорӣ"

#: standalone/drakvpn:372
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "conn %default"
msgstr "пешфарз"

#: standalone/drakvpn:372
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "normal conn"
msgstr "Маълумот"

#: standalone/drakvpn:378 standalone/drakvpn:419 standalone/drakvpn:506
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Exists !"
msgstr "Хуруҷ"

#: standalone/drakvpn:379 standalone/drakvpn:420
#, c-format
msgid ""
"A section with this name already exists.\n"
"The section names have to be unique.\n"
"You'll have to go back and add another section\n"
"or change its name.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:396
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This section has to be on top of your\n"
"%s file.\n"
"Make sure all other sections follow this config\n"
"setup section.\n"
"Choose continue or previous when you are done.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:401
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "interfaces"
msgstr "интерфейс"

#: standalone/drakvpn:402
#, c-format
msgid "klipsdebug"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:403
#, c-format
msgid "plutodebug"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:404
#, c-format
msgid "plutoload"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:405
#, c-format
msgid "plutostart"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:406
#, c-format
msgid "uniqueids"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:440
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This is the first section after the config\n"
"setup one.\n"
"Here you define the default settings. \n"
"All the other sections will follow this one.\n"
"The left settings are optional. If don't define\n"
"them here, globally, you can define them in each\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:447
#, c-format
msgid "pfs"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:448
#, c-format
msgid "keyingtries"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:449
#, c-format
msgid "compress"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:450
#, c-format
msgid "disablearrivalcheck"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:451 standalone/drakvpn:490
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "left"
msgstr "Нобуд кардан"

#: standalone/drakvpn:452 standalone/drakvpn:491
#, c-format
msgid "leftcert"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:453 standalone/drakvpn:492
#, c-format
msgid "leftrsasigkey"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:454 standalone/drakvpn:493
#, c-format
msgid "leftsubnet"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:455 standalone/drakvpn:494
#, c-format
msgid "leftnexthop"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:484
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your %s file has several sections, or connections.\n"
"You can now add a new section.\n"
"Choose continue when you are done to write the data.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:487
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "section name"
msgstr "Номи алоқа"

#: standalone/drakvpn:488
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "authby"
msgstr "Роҳ"

#: standalone/drakvpn:489
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "auto"
msgstr "Муаллиф:"

#: standalone/drakvpn:495
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "right"
msgstr "Баланд"

#: standalone/drakvpn:496
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "rightcert"
msgstr "Чопгар"

#: standalone/drakvpn:497
#, c-format
msgid "rightrsasigkey"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:498
#, c-format
msgid "rightsubnet"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:499
#, c-format
msgid "rightnexthop"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:507
#, c-format
msgid ""
"A section with this name already exists.\n"
"The section names have to be unique.\n"
"You'll have to go back and add another section\n"
"or change the name of the section.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:539
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Add a Security Policy.\n"
"You can now add a Security Policy.\n"
"Choose continue when you are done to write the data.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:572 standalone/drakvpn:822
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Edit section"
msgstr "Интихоби роҳ"

#: standalone/drakvpn:573
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your %s file has several sections or connections.\n"
"You can choose here below the one you want to edit \n"
"and then click on next.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:576 standalone/drakvpn:656 standalone/drakvpn:827
#: standalone/drakvpn:873
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Section names"
msgstr "Номи алоқа"

#: standalone/drakvpn:586
#, c-format
msgid "Can't edit !"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:587
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You cannot edit this section.\n"
"This section is mandatory for Freswan 2.X.\n"
"One has to specify version 2.0 on the top\n"
"of the %s file, and eventually, disable or\n"
"enable the oportunistic encryption.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:596
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your %s file has several sections.\n"
"You can now edit the config setup section entries.\n"
"Choose continue when you are done to write the data.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:607
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your %s file has several sections or connections.\n"
"You can now edit the default section entries.\n"
"Choose continue when you are done to write the data.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:620
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your %s file has several sections or connections.\n"
"You can now edit the normal section entries.\n"
"Choose continue when you are done to write the data.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:641
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Edit a Security Policy.\n"
"You can now add a Security Policy.\n"
"Choose continue when you are done to write the data.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:652 standalone/drakvpn:869
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Remove section"
msgstr "Хориҷи Рӯйхат"

#: standalone/drakvpn:653 standalone/drakvpn:870
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your %s file has several sections or connections.\n"
"You can choose here below the one you want to remove\n"
"and then click on next.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:682
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The racoon.conf file configuration.\n"
"The contents of this file is divided into sections.\n"
"You can now :\n"
"  - display \t\t (display the file contents)\n"
"  - add\t\t\t (add one section)\n"
"  - edit \t\t\t (modify parameters of an existing section)\n"
"  - remove \t\t (remove an existing section)\n"
"  - commit \t\t (writes the changes to the real file)"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:710
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The %s file does not exist\n"
"This must be a new configuration.\n"
"You'll have to go back and choose configure.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:724
#, c-format
msgid "racoonf.conf entries"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:725
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The 'add' sections step.\n"
"Here below is the racoon.conf file skeleton :\n"
"\t'sainfo' \n"
"Choose the section you would like to add.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:731
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "path"
msgstr "Роҳ"

#: standalone/drakvpn:731
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "remote"
msgstr "Хориҷ"

#: standalone/drakvpn:731
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "sainfo"
msgstr "Маълумот"

#: standalone/drakvpn:739
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The 'add path' section step.\n"
"The path sections have to be on top of your racoon.conf file.\n"
"Put your mouse over the certificate entry to obtain online help."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:742
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "path type"
msgstr "Ивази навъ"

#: standalone/drakvpn:746
#, c-format
msgid ""
"path include path : specifies a path to include\n"
"a file. See File Inclusion.\n"
"\tExample: path include '/etc/racoon'\n"
"path pre_shared_key file : specifies a file containing\n"
"pre-shared key(s) for various ID(s). See Pre-shared key File.\n"
"\tExample: path pre_shared_key '/etc/racoon/psk.txt' ;\n"
"path certificate path : racoon(8) will search this directory\n"
"if a certificate or certificate request is received.\n"
"\tExample: path certificate '/etc/cert' ;\n"
"File Inclusion : include file \n"
"other configuration files can be included.\n"
"\tExample: include \"remote.conf\" ;\n"
"Pre-shared key File : Pre-shared key file defines a pair\n"
"of the identifier and the shared secret key which are used at\n"
"Pre-shared key authentication method in phase 1."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:766
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "real file"
msgstr "Интихоби файл"

#: standalone/drakvpn:789
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Make sure you already have the path sections\n"
"on the top of your racoon.conf file.\n"
"You can now choose the remote settings.\n"
"Choose continue or previous when you are done.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:806
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Make sure you already have the path sections\n"
"on the top of your %s file.\n"
"You can now choose the sainfo settings.\n"
"Choose continue or previous when you are done.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:823
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your %s file has several sections or connections.\n"
"You can choose here in the list below the one you want\n"
"to edit and then click on next.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:834
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your %s file has several sections.\n"
"You can now edit the remote section entries.\n"
"Choose continue when you are done to write the data.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:843
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your %s file has several sections.\n"
"You can now edit the sainfo section entries.\n"
"Choose continue when you are done to write the data."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:851
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This section has to be on top of your\n"
"%s file.\n"
"Make sure all other sections follow these path\n"
"You can now edit the path entries.\n"
"Choose continue or previous when you are done.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:858
#, c-format
msgid "path_type"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:859
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "real_file"
msgstr "Интихоби файл"

#: standalone/drakvpn:899
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Everything has been configured.\n"
"You may now share resources through the Internet,\n"
"in a secure way, using a VPN connection.\n"
"You should make sure that that the tunnels shorewall\n"
"section is configured."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:919
#, c-format
msgid "Sainfo source address"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:920
#, c-format
msgid ""
"sainfo (source_id destination_id | anonymous) { statements }\n"
"defines the parameters of the IKE phase 2\n"
"(IPsec-SA establishment).\n"
"source_id and destination_id are constructed like:\n"
"\taddress address [/ prefix] [[port]] ul_proto\n"
"Examples : \n"
"sainfo anonymous (accepts connections from anywhere)\n"
"\tleave blank this entry if you want anonymous\n"
"sainfo address any address any\n"
"\t203.178.141.209 is the source address\n"
"sainfo address any address any\n"
"\t172.16.1.0/24 is the source address"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:937
#, c-format
msgid "Sainfo source protocol"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:938
#, c-format
msgid ""
"sainfo (source_id destination_id | anonymous) { statements }\n"
"defines the parameters of the IKE phase 2\n"
"(IPsec-SA establishment).\n"
"source_id and destination_id are constructed like:\n"
"\taddress address [/ prefix] [[port]] ul_proto\n"
"Examples : \n"
"sainfo anonymous (accepts connections from anywhere)\n"
"\tleave blank this entry if you want anonymous\n"
"sainfo address any address any\n"
"\tthe first 'any' allows any protocol for the source"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:952
#, c-format
msgid "Sainfo destination address"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:953
#, c-format
msgid ""
"sainfo (source_id destination_id | anonymous) { statements }\n"
"defines the parameters of the IKE phase 2\n"
"(IPsec-SA establishment).\n"
"source_id and destination_id are constructed like:\n"
"\taddress address [/ prefix] [[port]] ul_proto\n"
"Examples : \n"
"sainfo anonymous (accepts connections from anywhere)\n"
"\tleave blank this entry if you want anonymous\n"
"sainfo address any address any\n"
"\t203.178.141.218 is the destination address\n"
"sainfo address any address any\n"
"\t172.16.2.0/24 is the destination address"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:970
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Sainfo destination protocol"
msgstr "Асбоби Миграсияи Windows"

#: standalone/drakvpn:971
#, c-format
msgid ""
"sainfo (source_id destination_id | anonymous) { statements }\n"
"defines the parameters of the IKE phase 2\n"
"(IPsec-SA establishment).\n"
"source_id and destination_id are constructed like:\n"
"\taddress address [/ prefix] [[port]] ul_proto\n"
"Examples : \n"
"sainfo anonymous (accepts connections from anywhere)\n"
"\tleave blank this entry if you want anonymous\n"
"sainfo address any address any\n"
"\tthe last 'any' allows any protocol for the destination"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:985
#, c-format
msgid "PFS group"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:987
#, c-format
msgid ""
"define the group of Diffie-Hellman exponentiations.\n"
"If you do not require PFS then you can omit this directive.\n"
"Any proposal will be accepted if you do not specify one.\n"
"group is one of following: modp768, modp1024, modp1536.\n"
"Or you can define 1, 2, or 5 as the DH group number."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:992
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Lifetime number"
msgstr "рақам"

#: standalone/drakvpn:993
#, c-format
msgid ""
"define a lifetime of a certain time which will be pro-\n"
"posed in the phase 1 negotiations.  Any proposal will be\n"
"accepted, and the attribute(s) will be not proposed to\n"
"the peer if you do not specify it(them).  They can be\n"
"individually specified in each proposal.\n"
"Examples : \n"
"        lifetime time 1 min;    # sec,min,hour\n"
"        lifetime time 1 min;    # sec,min,hour\n"
"        lifetime time 30 sec;\n"
"        lifetime time 30 sec;\n"
"        lifetime time 60 sec;\n"
"\tlifetime time 12 hour;\n"
"So, here, the lifetime numbers are 1, 1, 30, 30, 60 and 12.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:1009
#, c-format
msgid "Lifetime unit"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:1011
#, c-format
msgid ""
"define a lifetime of a certain time which will be pro-\n"
"posed in the phase 1 negotiations.  Any proposal will be\n"
"accepted, and the attribute(s) will be not proposed to\n"
"the peer if you do not specify it(them).  They can be\n"
"individually specified in each proposal.\n"
"Examples : \n"
"        lifetime time 1 min;    # sec,min,hour\n"
"        lifetime time 1 min;    # sec,min,hour\n"
"        lifetime time 30 sec;\n"
"        lifetime time 30 sec;\n"
"        lifetime time 60 sec;\n"
"\tlifetime time 12 hour ;\n"
"So, here, the lifetime units are 'min', 'min', 'sec', 'sec', 'sec' and "
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:1027 standalone/drakvpn:1112
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Encryption algorithm"
msgstr "Шиносномаи гузаргоҳ"

#: standalone/drakvpn:1029
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Authentication algorithm"
msgstr "Шиносномаи гузаргоҳ"

#: standalone/drakvpn:1031
#, c-format
msgid "Compression algorithm"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:1039
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Remote"
msgstr "Хориҷ"

#: standalone/drakvpn:1040
#, c-format
msgid ""
"remote (address | anonymous) [[port]] { statements }\n"
"specifies the parameters for IKE phase 1 for each remote node.\n"
"The default port is 500.  If anonymous is specified, the state-\n"
"ments apply to all peers which do not match any other remote\n"
"Examples : \n"
"remote anonymous\n"
"remote ::1 [8000]"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:1048
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Exchange mode"
msgstr "Усули ҷавоб додани телефонӣ"

#: standalone/drakvpn:1050
#, c-format
msgid ""
"defines the exchange mode for phase 1 when racoon is the\n"
"initiator. Also it means the acceptable exchange mode\n"
"when racoon is responder. More than one mode can be\n"
"specified by separating them with a comma. All of the\n"
"modes are acceptable. The first exchange mode is what\n"
"racoon uses when it is the initiator.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:1056
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Generate policy"
msgstr "Амният"

#: standalone/drakvpn:1058
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This directive is for the responder.  Therefore you\n"
"should set passive on in order that racoon(8) only\n"
"becomes a responder.  If the responder does not have any\n"
"policy in SPD during phase 2 negotiation, and the direc-\n"
"tive is set on, then racoon(8) will choice the first pro-\n"
"posal in the SA payload from the initiator, and generate\n"
"policy entries from the proposal.  It is useful to nego-\n"
"tiate with the client which is allocated IP address\n"
"dynamically.  Note that inappropriate policy might be\n"
"installed into the responder's SPD by the initiator.  So\n"
"that other communication might fail if such policies\n"
"installed due to some policy mismatches between the ini-\n"
"tiator and the responder.  This directive is ignored in\n"
"the initiator case.  The default value is off."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:1072
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Passive"
msgstr "Фаластин"

#: standalone/drakvpn:1074
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If you do not want to initiate the negotiation, set this\n"
"to on.  The default value is off.  It is useful for a\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:1077
#, c-format
msgid "Certificate type"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:1079
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "My certfile"
msgstr "Интихоби файл"

#: standalone/drakvpn:1080
#, c-format
msgid "Name of the certificate"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:1081
#, c-format
msgid "My private key"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:1082
#, c-format
msgid "Name of the private key"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:1083
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Peers certfile"
msgstr "Интихоби файл"

#: standalone/drakvpn:1084
#, c-format
msgid "Name of the peers certificate"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:1085
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Verify cert"
msgstr "Чопгар"

#: standalone/drakvpn:1087
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If you do not want to verify the peer's certificate for\n"
"some reason, set this to off.  The default is on."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:1089
#, c-format
msgid "My identifier"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:1090
#, c-format
msgid ""
"specifies the identifier sent to the remote host and the\n"
"type to use in the phase 1 negotiation.  address, fqdn,\n"
"user_fqdn, keyid and asn1dn can be used as an idtype.\n"
"they are used like:\n"
"\tmy_identifier address [address];\n"
"\t\tthe type is the IP address.  This is the default\n"
"\t\ttype if you do not specify an identifier to use.\n"
"\tmy_identifier user_fqdn string;\n"
"\t\tthe type is a USER_FQDN (user fully-qualified\n"
"\t\tdomain name).\n"
"\tmy_identifier fqdn string;\n"
"\t\tthe type is a FQDN (fully-qualified domain name).\n"
"\tmy_identifier keyid file;\n"
"\t\tthe type is a KEY_ID.\n"
"\tmy_identifier asn1dn [string];\n"
"\t\tthe type is an ASN.1 distinguished name.  If\n"
"\t\tstring is omitted, racoon(8) will get DN from\n"
"\t\tSubject field in the certificate.\n"
"Examples : \n"
"my_identifier user_fqdn \"\""
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:1110
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Peers identifier"
msgstr "Чопгар"

#: standalone/drakvpn:1111
#, c-format
msgid "Proposal"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:1113
#, c-format
msgid ""
"specify the encryption algorithm used for the\n"
"phase 1 negotiation. This directive must be defined. \n"
"algorithm is one of following: \n"
"des, 3des, blowfish, cast128 for oakley.\n"
"For other transforms, this statement should not be used."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:1120
#, c-format
msgid "Hash algorithm"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:1121
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "Шиносномаи гузаргоҳ"

#: standalone/drakvpn:1122
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "DH group"
msgstr "Гурӯҳ"

#: standalone/drakvpn:1129
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Command"
msgstr "Хати фармонӣ"

#: standalone/drakvpn:1130
#, c-format
msgid "Source IP range"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:1131
#, c-format
msgid "Destination IP range"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:1132
#, c-format
msgid "Upper-layer protocol"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:1133
#, c-format
msgid "Flag"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:1134
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Direction"
msgstr "Тавсиф"

#: standalone/drakvpn:1135
#, c-format
msgid "IPsec policy"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakvpn:1137
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Модел"

#: standalone/drakvpn:1138
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Source/destination"
msgstr "Истгоҳи корӣ"

#: standalone/drakvpn:1139 standalone/harddrake2:57
#, c-format
msgid "Level"
msgstr "Савия"

#: standalone/drakxtv:46
#, c-format
msgid "USA (broadcast)"
msgstr "ИМА (радиошунавонӣ)"

#: standalone/drakxtv:46
#, c-format
msgid "USA (cable)"
msgstr "ИМА (кабел)"

#: standalone/drakxtv:46
#, c-format
msgid "USA (cable-hrc)"
msgstr "ИМА (кабел-hrc)"

#: standalone/drakxtv:46
#, c-format
msgid "Canada (cable)"
msgstr "Канада (кабел)"

#: standalone/drakxtv:47
#, c-format
msgid "Japan (broadcast)"
msgstr "Ҷопон (радиошунавоӣ)"

#: standalone/drakxtv:47
#, c-format
msgid "Japan (cable)"
msgstr "Ҷопонӣ (кабел)"

#: standalone/drakxtv:47
#, c-format
msgid "China (broadcast)"
msgstr "Хитой (мунташиркунӣ)"

#: standalone/drakxtv:48
#, c-format
msgid "West Europe"
msgstr "Аврупои Ғарбӣ"

#: standalone/drakxtv:48
#, c-format
msgid "East Europe"
msgstr "Аврупои Шарқӣ"

#: standalone/drakxtv:48
#, c-format
msgid "France [SECAM]"
msgstr "Фаронса [SECAM]"

#: standalone/drakxtv:49
#, c-format
msgid "Newzealand"
msgstr "Зеландияи Нав"

#: standalone/drakxtv:52
#, c-format
msgid "Australian Optus cable TV"
msgstr "Кабели телевизиони австралиягии Optus"

#: standalone/drakxtv:84
#, c-format
msgid ""
"type in your tv norm and country"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakxtv:86
#, c-format
msgid "TV norm:"
msgstr "Меъёри ТВ:"

#: standalone/drakxtv:87
#, c-format
msgid "Area:"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakxtv:91
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning for TV channels in progress ..."
msgstr "Нуқтасанҷии ТВ-каналҳо иҷро мегардад..."

#: standalone/drakxtv:101
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning for TV channels"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/drakxtv:105
#, c-format
msgid "There was an error while scanning for TV channels"
msgstr "Ҳангоми барраси намудани каналҳои телевизионӣ хатогие рӯй дод"

#: standalone/drakxtv:106
#, c-format
msgid "XawTV isn't installed!"
msgstr "XawTV кор гузошта нашудааст!"

#: standalone/drakxtv:109
#, c-format
msgid "Have a nice day!"
msgstr "Ба шумо рӯзи хуб таманно карда мешавад!"

#: standalone/drakxtv:110
#, c-format
msgid "Now, you can run xawtv (under X Window!) !\n"
msgstr "Акнун шумо метавонед xawtv-ро ба кор андозед (дар зери X Window!)!\n"

#: standalone/drakxtv:131
#, c-format
msgid "No TV Card detected!"
msgstr "Корти телевизионӣ муаяйн нашудааст!"

#: standalone/drakxtv:132
#, c-format
msgid ""
"No TV Card has been detected on your machine. Please verify that a Linux-"
"supported Video/TV Card is correctly plugged in.\n"
"You can visit our hardware database at:\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/harddrake2:18
#, c-format
msgid "Alternative drivers"
msgstr "Гардонандаҳои интихобӣ"

#: standalone/harddrake2:19
#, c-format
msgid "the list of alternative drivers for this sound card"
msgstr "рӯйхати ронандаҳои интихобӣ барои ин корти овоздор"

#: standalone/harddrake2:22
#, c-format
msgid ""
"this is the physical bus on which the device is plugged (eg: PCI, USB, ...)"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/harddrake2:23
#, c-format
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Канал"

#: standalone/harddrake2:23
#, c-format
msgid "EIDE/SCSI channel"
msgstr "Канали EIDE/SCSI"

#: standalone/harddrake2:24
#, c-format
msgid "Bogomips"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/harddrake2:24
#, c-format
msgid ""
"the GNU/Linux kernel needs to run a calculation loop at boot time to "
"initialize a timer counter.  Its result is stored as bogomips as a way to "
"\"benchmark\" the cpu."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/harddrake2:26
#, c-format
msgid "Bus identification"
msgstr "Шиносномаи гузаргоҳ"

#: standalone/harddrake2:27
#, c-format
msgid ""
"- PCI and USB devices: this lists the vendor, device, subvendor and "
"subdevice PCI/USB ids"
msgstr ""
"- дастгоҳҳои PCI ва USB : дар ин ҷо истеҳсолкунандагон, дастгоҳҳо, "
"истеҳсолкунандагони дуюм дараҷа ва зердастгоҳи PCI/USB оварда шудааст"

#: standalone/harddrake2:30
#, c-format
msgid ""
"- pci devices: this gives the PCI slot, device and function of this card\n"
"- eide devices: the device is either a slave or a master device\n"
"- scsi devices: the scsi bus and the scsi device ids"
msgstr ""
"- pci дастгоҳҳо: ин PCI slot, дастгоҳ ва вазифаи ин кортро медиҳад\n"
"- eide дастгоҳҳо: ин дастгоҳ ё тобеъбуда ё пешсаф мебошад\n"
"- scsi дастгоҳҳо: гузаргоҳи scsi ва дастгоҳи scsi ids"

#: standalone/harddrake2:33
#, c-format
msgid "Cache size"
msgstr "Ҳаҷми пинҳонӣ"

#: standalone/harddrake2:33
#, c-format
msgid "size of the (second level) cpu cache"
msgstr "андозаи пинҳонии (дараҷаи дуюм) cpu"

#: standalone/harddrake2:34
#, c-format
msgid "Drive capacity"
msgstr "Ғунҷоиши ронанда"

#: standalone/harddrake2:34
#, c-format
msgid "special capacities of the driver (burning ability and or DVD support)"
msgstr ""
"имконияти махсуси ронанда (қобилияти даргиронидан ё ин ки дастгирии DVD)"

#: standalone/harddrake2:36
#, c-format
msgid "Coma bug"
msgstr "Coma хатогӣ"

#: standalone/harddrake2:36
#, c-format
msgid "whether this cpu has the Cyrix 6x86 Coma bug"
msgstr "оё ин cpu хатогиро бо вергули Cyrix 6x86 дорад"

#: standalone/harddrake2:37
#, c-format
msgid "Cpuid family"
msgstr "Оилаи Cpuid"

#: standalone/harddrake2:37
#, c-format
msgid "family of the cpu (eg: 6 for i686 class)"
msgstr "оилаи cpu (яъне: 6 барои синфи i686)"

#: standalone/harddrake2:38
#, c-format
msgid "Cpuid level"
msgstr "Савияи cpuid"

#: standalone/harddrake2:38
#, c-format
msgid "information level that can be obtained through the cpuid instruction"
msgstr "сатҳи ахбороте ки ба воситаи дастурамали cpuid гирифтан мумкин аст"

#: standalone/harddrake2:39
#, c-format
msgid "Frequency (MHz)"
msgstr "Суръат (MHz)"

#: standalone/harddrake2:39
#, c-format
msgid ""
"the CPU frequency in MHz (Megahertz which in first approximation may be "
"coarsely assimilated to number of instructions the cpu is able to execute "
"per second)"
msgstr ""
"Суръати CPU дар MHz (мегагертс, ки ҳангоми наздикшавии аввала метавон "
"тахминан ба адади аз тарафи пардозишгар дастурамалҳи иҷрошавандаро дар як "
"сония баробар намуд)"

#: standalone/harddrake2:40
#, c-format
msgid "this field describes the device"
msgstr "ин майдон дастгоҳро тасвир менамояд"

#: standalone/harddrake2:41
#, c-format
msgid "Old device file"
msgstr "Файли дастгоҳи кӯҳна"

#: standalone/harddrake2:42
#, c-format
msgid "old static device name used in dev package"
msgstr "дар қутии dev номи дастгоҳи кӯҳнаи сокин истифода мешавад"

#: standalone/harddrake2:43
#, c-format
msgid "New devfs device"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/harddrake2:44
#, c-format
msgid "new dynamic device name generated by core kernel devfs"
msgstr "номи дастгоҳи динамикии нав, ки бо devfs-и асосӣ ҷамъбаст шудааст"

#: standalone/harddrake2:46
#, c-format
msgid "Module"
msgstr "Модул"

#: standalone/harddrake2:46
#, c-format
msgid "the module of the GNU/Linux kernel that handles the device"
msgstr "модули асоси GNU/Linux, ки ин дастгоҳро идора менамояд"

#: standalone/harddrake2:47
#, c-format
msgid "Flags"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/harddrake2:47
#, c-format
msgid "CPU flags reported by the kernel"
msgstr "Парчамҳои CPU, ки аз ҷониби асос хабар дода шудааст"

#: standalone/harddrake2:48
#, c-format
msgid "Fdiv bug"
msgstr "Хатогии Fdiv"

#: standalone/harddrake2:49
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Early Intel Pentium chips manufactured have a bug in their floating point "
"processor which did not achieve the required precision when performing a "
"Floating point DIVision (FDIV)"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/harddrake2:50
#, c-format
msgid "Is FPU present"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/harddrake2:50
#, c-format
msgid "yes means the processor has an arithmetic coprocessor"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/harddrake2:51
#, c-format
msgid "Whether the FPU has an irq vector"
msgstr "Оё FPU вектори irq-ро дорост"

#: standalone/harddrake2:51
#, c-format
msgid "yes means the arithmetic coprocessor has an exception vector attached"
msgstr ""
"ҳа маънои онро дорад, ки ҳампардоз вектори овардашудаи фавқуллодаро дорост"

#: standalone/harddrake2:52
#, c-format
msgid "F00f bug"
msgstr "F00f bug"

#: standalone/harddrake2:52
#, c-format
msgid "early pentiums were buggy and freezed when decoding the F00F bytecode"
msgstr ""
"пештар дар Pentium-ҳо хатогиҳо мавҷуд буд ва ҳангоми рамзкушоии байт-рамзи "
"F00Fба муаммо дучор мегардид"

#: standalone/harddrake2:53
#, c-format
msgid "Halt bug"
msgstr "Хатогии Halt"

#: standalone/harddrake2:54
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Some of the early i486DX-100 chips cannot reliably return to operating mode "
"after the \"halt\" instruction is used"
msgstr ""
"Баъд аз истифодаи дастурамали \"halt\" якчанд аз чипҳои пештараи i486DX-100-"
"ро боэътимод ба усули корӣ баргардонида намешавад"

#: standalone/harddrake2:56
#, c-format
msgid "Floppy format"
msgstr "Дискет андозакунӣ"

#: standalone/harddrake2:56
#, c-format
msgid "format of floppies supported by the drive"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/harddrake2:57
#, c-format
msgid "sub generation of the cpu"
msgstr "насли пардозанда"

#: standalone/harddrake2:58
#, c-format
msgid "class of hardware device"
msgstr "синфи дастгоҳи сахтафзор"

#: standalone/harddrake2:59 standalone/harddrake2:60
#: standalone/printerdrake:212
#, c-format
msgid "Model"
msgstr "Модел"

#: standalone/harddrake2:59
#, c-format
msgid "hard disk model"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/harddrake2:60
#, c-format
msgid "generation of the cpu (eg: 8 for PentiumIII, ...)"
msgstr "насли пардозишгар (масалан.: 8 барои PentuimIII, ...)"

#: standalone/harddrake2:61
#, c-format
msgid "Model name"
msgstr "Номи модел"

#: standalone/harddrake2:61
#, c-format
msgid "official vendor name of the cpu"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/harddrake2:62
#, c-format
msgid "Number of buttons"
msgstr "Шумораи дагмаҳо"

#: standalone/harddrake2:62
#, c-format
msgid "the number of buttons the mouse has"
msgstr "миқдори дагмаҳое ки муш дорад"

#: standalone/harddrake2:63
#, c-format
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ном"

#: standalone/harddrake2:63
#, c-format
msgid "the name of the CPU"
msgstr "номи CPU"

#: standalone/harddrake2:64
#, c-format
msgid "network printer port"
msgstr "даргоҳи чопгари шабакавӣ"

#: standalone/harddrake2:65
#, c-format
msgid "Processor ID"
msgstr "Пардозандаи ID"

#: standalone/harddrake2:65
#, c-format
msgid "the number of the processor"
msgstr "рақами пардозишгар"

#: standalone/harddrake2:66
#, c-format
msgid "Model stepping"
msgstr "Моделҳои Stepping"

#: standalone/harddrake2:66
#, c-format
msgid "stepping of the cpu (sub model (generation) number)"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/harddrake2:67
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "the type of bus on which the mouse is connected"
msgstr ""
"Лутфан дар кадом бандари беруна муши шумо пайваст буданашро интихоб кунед."

#: standalone/harddrake2:68
#, c-format
msgid "the vendor name of the device"
msgstr "номи истеҳсолкунандаи дастгоҳ"

#: standalone/harddrake2:69
#, c-format
msgid "the vendor name of the processor"
msgstr "Номи истеҳсолкунандаи пардозанда"

#: standalone/harddrake2:70
#, c-format
msgid "Write protection"
msgstr "Бо ҳимоя"

#: standalone/harddrake2:70
#, c-format
msgid ""
"the WP flag in the CR0 register of the cpu enforce write proctection at the "
"memory page level, thus enabling the processor to prevent unchecked kernel "
"accesses to user memory (aka this is a bug guard)"
msgstr ""
"Парчами WP дар қайди cpu-и CR0 ба ҳимояи навиштан дар дараҷаи саҳифаи "
"хотиравӣ меоварад, ки ба пардозишгар имконияти пешгирӣ намудани роҳҳои "
"тафтишнашудаи асосро ба хотираи корвандӣ меоварад (ҳимояи aka аз ғалатҳо)"

#: standalone/harddrake2:84 standalone/logdrake:77 standalone/printerdrake:146
#: standalone/printerdrake:159
#, c-format
msgid "/_Options"
msgstr "/_Хосиятҳо"

#: standalone/harddrake2:85 standalone/harddrake2:106 standalone/logdrake:79
#: standalone/printerdrake:171 standalone/printerdrake:172
#: standalone/printerdrake:173 standalone/printerdrake:174
#, c-format
msgid "/_Help"
msgstr "/_Ёрӣ"

#: standalone/harddrake2:89
#, c-format
msgid "/Autodetect _printers"
msgstr "/Ба таври автоматӣ муаяйн кардани _чопгарҳоро"

#: standalone/harddrake2:90
#, c-format
msgid "/Autodetect _modems"
msgstr "/Худмуаяйнкунии _модемҳо"

#: standalone/harddrake2:91
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "/Autodetect _jaz drives"
msgstr "/Автомуайяннамои ронданҳои _jazz"

#: standalone/harddrake2:98 standalone/printerdrake:152
#, c-format
msgid "/_Quit"
msgstr "/_Баромадан"

#: standalone/harddrake2:107
#, c-format
msgid "/_Fields description"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/harddrake2:109
#, c-format
msgid "Harddrake help"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/harddrake2:110
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Description of the fields:\n"
msgstr ""
"Тавсифи майдонҳо:\n"

#: standalone/harddrake2:115
#, c-format
msgid "Select a device !"
msgstr "Интихоби дастгоҳ !"

#: standalone/harddrake2:115
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Once you've selected a device, you'll be able to see the device information "
"in fields displayed on the right frame (\"Information\")"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/harddrake2:120 standalone/printerdrake:173
#, c-format
msgid "/_Report Bug"
msgstr "/_Ҳисобот оиди хатогӣ"

#: standalone/harddrake2:121 standalone/printerdrake:174
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "/_About..."
msgstr "Дар бораи"

#: standalone/harddrake2:122
#, c-format
msgid "About Harddrake"
msgstr "Дар бораи Harddrake"

#: standalone/harddrake2:124
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This is HardDrake, a Mandrake hardware configuration tool.\n"
"<span foreground=\"royalblue3\">Version:</span> %s\n"
"<span foreground=\"royalblue3\">Author:</span> Thierry Vignaud &lt;"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/harddrake2:133
#, c-format
msgid "Detection in progress"
msgstr "Муаяйнкунӣ дар раванди иҷроиш қарор дорад"

#: standalone/harddrake2:140
#, c-format
msgid "Harddrake2 version %s"
msgstr "Нусхаи Harddrake2 %s"

#: standalone/harddrake2:156
#, c-format
msgid "Detected hardware"
msgstr "Сахтафзори муайяншуда"

#: standalone/harddrake2:161
#, c-format
msgid "Configure module"
msgstr "Танзим додани модул"

#: standalone/harddrake2:168
#, c-format
msgid "Run config tool"
msgstr "Воситаи танзимдарориро оғоз намоед"

#: standalone/harddrake2:215
#, c-format
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "номаълум"

#: standalone/harddrake2:216
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Номаълум"

#: standalone/harddrake2:234
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Click on a device in the left tree in order to display its information here."
msgstr ""
"Дар дарахти чап ба дастгоҳ ангушт занед, барои дар ин ҷо маълумотро нишон "

#: standalone/harddrake2:282
#, c-format
msgid "secondary"
msgstr "дуюмдараҷа"

#: standalone/harddrake2:282
#, c-format
msgid "primary"
msgstr "асосӣ"

#: standalone/harddrake2:290
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "burner"
msgstr "корванд"

#: standalone/harddrake2:290
#, c-format
msgid "DVD"
msgstr "DVD"

#: standalone/keyboarddrake:24
#, c-format
msgid "Please, choose your keyboard layout."
msgstr "Лутфан, ороиши забонаки худро интихоб намоед."

#: standalone/keyboarddrake:33
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want the BackSpace to return Delete in console?"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/localedrake:60
#, c-format
msgid "The change is done, but to be effective you must logout"
msgstr ""
"Тағирот иҷро шудааст, лекин барои самаранок гардидани он шумо бояд аз систем "

#: standalone/logdrake:50
#, c-format
msgid "Mandrake Tools Explanation"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/logdrake:51
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Logdrake"
msgstr "logdrake"

#: standalone/logdrake:64
#, c-format
msgid "Show only for the selected day"
msgstr "Танҳо барои рӯзи интихобшуда нишон диҳед"

#: standalone/logdrake:71
#, c-format
msgid "/File/_New"
msgstr "/Файл/_Нав"

#: standalone/logdrake:71
#, c-format
msgid "<control>N"
msgstr "<идора>N"

#: standalone/logdrake:72
#, c-format
msgid "/File/_Open"
msgstr "/Файл/_Кушодан"

#: standalone/logdrake:72
#, c-format
msgid "<control>O"
msgstr "<идора>O"

#: standalone/logdrake:73
#, c-format
msgid "/File/_Save"
msgstr "/Файл/_Нигоҳ доштан"

#: standalone/logdrake:73
#, c-format
msgid "<control>S"
msgstr "<идора>S"

#: standalone/logdrake:74
#, c-format
msgid "/File/Save _As"
msgstr "/Файл/нигоҳ доред _ҳамчун"

#: standalone/logdrake:75
#, c-format
msgid "/File/-"
msgstr "/Файл/-"

#: standalone/logdrake:78
#, c-format
msgid "/Options/Test"
msgstr "/Хосиятҳо/Санҷиш"

#: standalone/logdrake:80
#, c-format
msgid "/Help/_About..."
msgstr "/Ёрӣ/_Дар бораи..."

#: standalone/logdrake:111
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_:this is the auth.log log file\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/logdrake:112
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_:this is the user.log log file\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/logdrake:113
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_:this is the /var/log/messages log file\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/logdrake:114
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_:this is the /var/log/syslog log file\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/logdrake:118
#, c-format
msgid "search"
msgstr "ҷустуҷӯ"

#: standalone/logdrake:130
#, c-format
msgid "A tool to monitor your logs"
msgstr "Асбоб барои назорати номнависии шумо"

#: standalone/logdrake:131 standalone/net_monitor:85
#, c-format
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Танзимдарориҳо"

#: standalone/logdrake:136
#, c-format
msgid "Matching"
msgstr "Мувофиқкунӣ"

#: standalone/logdrake:137
#, c-format
msgid "but not matching"
msgstr "лекин мувофиқат намекунад"

#: standalone/logdrake:141
#, c-format
msgid "Choose file"
msgstr "Файл интихоб кунед"

#: standalone/logdrake:150
#, c-format
msgid "Calendar"
msgstr "Тақвим"

#: standalone/logdrake:160
#, c-format
msgid "Content of the file"
msgstr "Мундариҷаи файл"

#: standalone/logdrake:164 standalone/logdrake:377
#, c-format
msgid "Mail alert"
msgstr "Огоҳиномаи почтавӣ"

#: standalone/logdrake:171
#, c-format
msgid "The alert wizard had unexpectly failled:"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/logdrake:219
#, c-format
msgid "please wait, parsing file: %s"
msgstr "Лутфан мунтазир шавед, файл таҷзия мегардад: %s"

#: standalone/logdrake:355
#, c-format
msgid "Apache World Wide Web Server"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/logdrake:356
#, c-format
msgid "Domain Name Resolver"
msgstr "Ҳалкунандаи Номи Соҳибӣ"

#: standalone/logdrake:357
#, c-format
msgid "Ftp Server"
msgstr "Хидматгори Ftp"

#: standalone/logdrake:358
#, c-format
msgid "Postfix Mail Server"
msgstr "Хизматрасони Почтавии Postfix"

#: standalone/logdrake:359
#, c-format
msgid "Samba Server"
msgstr "Хидматгори Samba"

#: standalone/logdrake:360
#, c-format
msgid "SSH Server"
msgstr "Хидматгори SSH"

#: standalone/logdrake:361
#, c-format
msgid "Webmin Service"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/logdrake:362
#, c-format
msgid "Xinetd Service"
msgstr "Хадамоти Xinetd"

#: standalone/logdrake:372
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Configure the mail alert system"
msgstr "Системи чопкунро иваз кунед"

#: standalone/logdrake:373
#, c-format
msgid "Stop the mail alert system"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/logdrake:380
#, c-format
msgid "Mail alert configuration"
msgstr "Танзимдарории огоҳиномаи пост"

#: standalone/logdrake:381
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Welcome to the mail configuration utility.\n"
"Here, you'll be able to set up the alert system.\n"
msgstr ""
"Марҳамат ба судмандии почтаи танзимдарорӣ.\n"
"Дар ин ҷо шумо метавонед системи огоҳиро барпо созед.\n"

#: standalone/logdrake:384
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "What do you want to do?"
msgstr "Шумо чӣ кор кардан мехоҳед?"

#: standalone/logdrake:391
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Services settings"
msgstr "гузориши хадамот"

#: standalone/logdrake:392
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You will receive an alert if one of the selected services is no longer "
msgstr ""
"Агар яке аз хидматрасонҳои интихобшуда корандозӣ карда шуда набошад, онгоҳ "
"шумо огоҳномаеро хоҳед гирифт"

#: standalone/logdrake:399
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Load setting"
msgstr "кор андохтани гузориш"

#: standalone/logdrake:400
#, c-format
msgid "You will receive an alert if the load is higher than this value"
msgstr ""
"Агар корандозӣ аз ин қимат баландтар бошад, онгоҳ шумо огоҳномаеро мегиред"

#: standalone/logdrake:401
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: load here is a noun, the load of the system\n"
msgstr "Кор андохтан"

#: standalone/logdrake:406
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Alert configuration"
msgstr "танзимдарории огоҳинома"

#: standalone/logdrake:407
#, c-format
msgid "Please enter your email address below "
msgstr "Лутфан. дар поён суроғаи электронии худро дохил намоед "

#: standalone/logdrake:408
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "and enter the name (or the IP) of the SMTP server you whish to use"
msgstr ""
"Суроғаи IP ва даргоҳи соҳибро дохил намоед, ки чопгарҳои онҳоро шумо "
"истифода бурдан мехоҳед."

#: standalone/logdrake:427 standalone/logdrake:433
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Congratulations"
msgstr "Ба танзимдарории шабакаи маҳаллӣ"

#: standalone/logdrake:427
#, c-format
msgid "The wizard successfully configured the mail alert."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/logdrake:433
#, c-format
msgid "The wizard successfully disabled the mail alert."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/logdrake:492
#, c-format
msgid "Save as.."
msgstr "Нигоҳ доред ҳамчун..."

#: standalone/mousedrake:31
#, c-format
msgid "Please choose your mouse type."
msgstr "Лутфан навъи мушро интихоб кунед."

#: standalone/mousedrake:44
#, c-format
msgid "Emulate third button?"
msgstr "Дагмаи сеюмро намунасозӣ кардан?"

#: standalone/mousedrake:61
#, c-format
msgid "Mouse test"
msgstr "Тафтиши муш"

#: standalone/mousedrake:64
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Please test your mouse:"
msgstr "Лутфан навъи мушро интихоб кунед."

#: standalone/net_monitor:51 standalone/net_monitor:56
#, c-format
msgid "Network Monitoring"
msgstr "Назорати Шабака"

#: standalone/net_monitor:91
#, c-format
msgid "Global statistics"
msgstr "Омори умумиҷаҳонӣ"

#: standalone/net_monitor:94
#, c-format
msgid "Instantaneous"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/net_monitor:94
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Average"
msgstr "миёна"

#: standalone/net_monitor:95
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr "Суръати Фиристониш:"

#: standalone/net_monitor:96
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr "Суръати қабулкунанда:"

#: standalone/net_monitor:99
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"time: "
msgstr "Вақти алоқа: "

#: standalone/net_monitor:121
#, c-format
msgid "Wait please, testing your connection..."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/net_monitor:149 standalone/net_monitor:162
#, c-format
msgid "Disconnecting from Internet "
msgstr "Аз интернет алоқа канда шудааст"

#: standalone/net_monitor:149 standalone/net_monitor:162
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to Internet "
msgstr "Ба интернет пайваст мешавад "

#: standalone/net_monitor:193
#, c-format
msgid "Disconnection from Internet failed."
msgstr "Қатъшавии алоқа бо интернет амалӣ нагардид."

#: standalone/net_monitor:194
#, c-format
msgid "Disconnection from Internet complete."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/net_monitor:196
#, c-format
msgid "Connection complete."
msgstr "Пайвастшавӣ ба итмом расид."

#: standalone/net_monitor:197
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Connection failed.\n"
"Verify your configuration in the Mandrake Control Center."
msgstr ""
"Пайвастшавӣ ба итмом расид.\n"
"Ба танзимдарориро дар Маркази Назорати Mandrake санҷед."

#: standalone/net_monitor:295
#, c-format
msgid "Color configuration"
msgstr "Танзимдарории ранг"

#: standalone/net_monitor:343 standalone/net_monitor:363
#, c-format
msgid "sent: "
msgstr "фиристода шуд: "

#: standalone/net_monitor:350 standalone/net_monitor:367
#, c-format
msgid "received: "
msgstr "гирифта шуд: "

#: standalone/net_monitor:357
#, c-format
msgid "average"
msgstr "миёна"

#: standalone/net_monitor:360
#, c-format
msgid "Local measure"
msgstr "Ченаки маҳаллӣ"

#: standalone/net_monitor:392
#, c-format
msgid "transmitted"
msgstr "дода шудааст"

#: standalone/net_monitor:393
#, c-format
msgid "received"
msgstr "гирифта шуд"

#: standalone/net_monitor:411
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Warning, another internet connection has been detected, maybe using your "
msgstr ""
"Огоҳӣ, пайвастшавии дигар ба интернет муаяйн карда шуд, шояд он шабака "
"шумороистифода мебарад"

#: standalone/net_monitor:417
#, c-format
msgid "Disconnect %s"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/net_monitor:417
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Connect %s"
msgstr "Нусхабардории %s"

#: standalone/net_monitor:422
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "No internet connection configured"
msgstr "Танзимдарории Тақсимкунии Пайвасти Интернет"

#: standalone/printerdrake:70
#, c-format
msgid "Loading printer configuration... Please wait"
msgstr "Корандозии танзимдарории чопгар... Интизор шавед"

#: standalone/printerdrake:86
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Reading data of installed printers..."
msgstr "Хориҷкунии чопгар \"%s\"..."

#: standalone/printerdrake:129
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s Printer Management Tool"
msgstr "Идора намудани раванди чопкунӣ \n"

#: standalone/printerdrake:143 standalone/printerdrake:144
#: standalone/printerdrake:145 standalone/printerdrake:153
#: standalone/printerdrake:154 standalone/printerdrake:158
#, c-format
msgid "/_Actions"
msgstr "/_Амалиётҳо"

#: standalone/printerdrake:143
#, c-format
msgid "/Set as _Default"
msgstr "/Ҳамчун _Пешфарз гузоред"

#: standalone/printerdrake:144
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "/_Edit"
msgstr "Таҳрир"

#: standalone/printerdrake:145
#, c-format
msgid "/_Delete"
msgstr "/_Нобуд кардан"

#: standalone/printerdrake:146
#, c-format
msgid "/_Expert mode"
msgstr "/_Усули мутахассисӣ"

#: standalone/printerdrake:151
#, c-format
msgid "/_Refresh"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/printerdrake:154
#, c-format
msgid "/_Add Printer"
msgstr "/_Иловаи Чопгар"

#: standalone/printerdrake:158
#, c-format
msgid "/_Configure CUPS"
msgstr "/_Танзим даровардани CUPS"

#: standalone/printerdrake:191
#, c-format
msgid "Search:"
msgstr "Ҷустуҷӯ:"

#: standalone/printerdrake:194
#, c-format
msgid "Apply filter"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/printerdrake:212 standalone/printerdrake:219
#, c-format
msgid "Def."
msgstr "Def."

#: standalone/printerdrake:212 standalone/printerdrake:219
#, c-format
msgid "Printer Name"
msgstr "Номи Чопгар"

#: standalone/printerdrake:212
#, c-format
msgid "Connection Type"
msgstr "Намуди Пайвастагӣ"

#: standalone/printerdrake:219
#, c-format
msgid "Server Name"
msgstr "Номи Хидматрасон"

#: standalone/printerdrake:225
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Add Printer"
msgstr "Чопгарҳо:"

#: standalone/printerdrake:225
#, c-format
msgid "Add a new printer to the system"
msgstr "Чопгари навро ба систем илова намоед"

#: standalone/printerdrake:227
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Set as default"
msgstr "пешфарз"

#: standalone/printerdrake:227
#, c-format
msgid "Set selected printer as the default printer"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/printerdrake:229
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Edit selected printer"
msgstr "Хориҷи интихоб шуда соҳиб/шабака"

#: standalone/printerdrake:231
#, c-format
msgid "Delete selected printer"
msgstr "Чопгари интихобшударо хориҷ кунед"

#: standalone/printerdrake:233
#, c-format
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Нав кардан"

#: standalone/printerdrake:233
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Refresh the list"
msgstr "Рӯйхати корвандҳо"

#: standalone/printerdrake:235
#, c-format
msgid "Configure CUPS"
msgstr "Танзими CUPS"

#: standalone/printerdrake:235
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Configure CUPS printing system"
msgstr "Системи чопкунро иваз кунед"

#: standalone/printerdrake:521
#, c-format
msgid "Authors: "
msgstr "Муаллифон: "

#: standalone/printerdrake:527
#, c-format
msgid "Printer Management \n"
msgstr "Идора намудани раванди чопкунӣ \n"

#: standalone/scannerdrake:53
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Could not install the packages needed to set up a scanner with Scannerdrake."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/scannerdrake:54
#, c-format
msgid "Scannerdrake will not be started now."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/scannerdrake:60 standalone/scannerdrake:452
#, c-format
msgid "Searching for configured scanners ..."
msgstr "Ҷустуҷӯи пуйишгарҳои ба танзим дароварда шуда ..."

#: standalone/scannerdrake:64 standalone/scannerdrake:456
#, c-format
msgid "Searching for new scanners ..."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/scannerdrake:72 standalone/scannerdrake:478
#, c-format
msgid "Re-generating list of configured scanners ..."
msgstr "Аз сари нав тартиб додани рӯйхати сканерҳои танзимшуда ..."

#: standalone/scannerdrake:94 standalone/scannerdrake:135
#: standalone/scannerdrake:149
#, c-format
msgid "The %s is not supported by this version of %s."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/scannerdrake:97
#, c-format
msgid "%s found on %s, configure it automatically?"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/scannerdrake:109
#, c-format
msgid "%s is not in the scanner database, configure it manually?"
msgstr ""
"%s дар манбаи маълумоти сканер мавҷуд нест, онро дастӣ ба танзим дароред?"

#: standalone/scannerdrake:124
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Select a scanner model"
msgstr "Карти графикиро интихоб кунед"

#: standalone/scannerdrake:125
#, c-format
msgid " ("
msgstr " ("

#: standalone/scannerdrake:126
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Detected model: %s"
msgstr "Сахтафзори муайяншуда"

#: standalone/scannerdrake:128
#, c-format
msgid ", "
msgstr ", "

#: standalone/scannerdrake:129
#, c-format
msgid "Port: %s"
msgstr "Даргоҳ: %s"

#: standalone/scannerdrake:155
#, c-format
msgid "The %s is not known by this version of Scannerdrake."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/scannerdrake:163 standalone/scannerdrake:177
#, c-format
msgid "Do not install firmware file"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/scannerdrake:167 standalone/scannerdrake:219
#, c-format
msgid ""
"It is possible that your %s needs its firmware to be uploaded everytime when "
"it is turned on."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/scannerdrake:168 standalone/scannerdrake:220
#, c-format
msgid "If this is the case, you can make this be done automatically."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/scannerdrake:169 standalone/scannerdrake:223
#, c-format
msgid ""
"To do so, you need to supply the firmware file for your scanner so that it "
"can be installed."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/scannerdrake:170 standalone/scannerdrake:224
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You find the file on the CD or floppy coming with the scanner, on the "
"manufacturer's home page, or on your Windows partition."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/scannerdrake:172 standalone/scannerdrake:231
#, c-format
msgid "Install firmware file from"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/scannerdrake:192
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Select firmware file"
msgstr "Интихоби файл"

#: standalone/scannerdrake:195 standalone/scannerdrake:254
#, c-format
msgid "The firmware file %s does not exist or is unreadable!"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/scannerdrake:218
#, c-format
msgid ""
"It is possible that your scanners need their firmware to be uploaded "
"everytime when they are turned on."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/scannerdrake:222
#, c-format
msgid ""
"To do so, you need to supply the firmware files for your scanners so that it "
"can be installed."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/scannerdrake:225
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If you have already installed your scanner's firmware you can update the "
"firmware here by supplying the new firmware file."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/scannerdrake:227
#, c-format
msgid "Install firmware for the"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/scannerdrake:250
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Select firmware file for the %s"
msgstr "Интихоби файл"

#: standalone/scannerdrake:276
#, c-format
msgid "The firmware file for your %s was successfully installed."
msgstr ""

#: standalone/scannerdrake:286
#, c-format
msgid "The %s is unsupported"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/scannerdrake:291
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The %s must be configured by printerdrake.\n"
"You can launch printerdrake from the %s Control Center in Hardware section."
msgstr ""
"%s бояд аз ҷониби printerdrake ба танзим дароварда шавад.\n"
"Шумо метавонед printerdrake-ро аз Маркази Назорати Mandrake дар қисми "
"Сахтафзор оғоз намоед."

#: standalone/scannerdrake:295 standalone/scannerdrake:302
#: standalone/scannerdrake:332
#, c-format
msgid "Auto-detect available ports"
msgstr "Худмуаяйкунии даргоҳҳои мавҷудбуда"

#: standalone/scannerdrake:297 standalone/scannerdrake:343
#, c-format
msgid "Please select the device where your %s is attached"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/scannerdrake:298
#, c-format
msgid "(Note: Parallel ports cannot be auto-detected)"
msgstr "(Қайд: Даргоҳҳои параллелӣ ба таври автоматӣ муайян намешавад)"

#: standalone/scannerdrake:300 standalone/scannerdrake:345
#, c-format
msgid "choose device"
msgstr "дастгоҳ инхоб кунед"

#: standalone/scannerdrake:334
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Searching for scanners ..."
msgstr "Хориҷкунии чопгар \"%s\"..."

#: standalone/scannerdrake:368
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your %s has been configured.\n"
"You may now scan documents using \"XSane\" from Multimedia/Graphics in the "
"applications menu."
msgstr ""
"%s-и шумо ба танзим дароварда шуд.\n"
"Акнун шумо метавонед бо ёрии \"XSane\"аз менюи иловаҳои бисёрмуҳита/График "
"ҳуҷҷатҳоро пуйиш намоед."

#: standalone/scannerdrake:392
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The following scanners\n"
"are available on your system.\n"
msgstr ""
"Сканерҳои зерин\n"
"дар системи шумо дастрас аст.\n"

#: standalone/scannerdrake:393
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The following scanner\n"
"is available on your system.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/scannerdrake:396 standalone/scannerdrake:399
#, c-format
msgid "There are no scanners found which are available on your system.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/scannerdrake:413
#, c-format
msgid "Search for new scanners"
msgstr "Пуйишгарҳои навро дарёфт намоед"

#: standalone/scannerdrake:419
#, c-format
msgid "Add a scanner manually"
msgstr "Дастӣ пуйишгарро илова намоед"

#: standalone/scannerdrake:426
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Install/Update firmware files"
msgstr "Интихоби файл"

#: standalone/scannerdrake:432
#, c-format
msgid "Scanner sharing"
msgstr "Тақсиқмоти пуйишгар"

#: standalone/scannerdrake:491 standalone/scannerdrake:656
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "All remote machines"
msgstr "Мошинаҳои дастрас нест"

#: standalone/scannerdrake:503 standalone/scannerdrake:806
#, c-format
msgid "This machine"
msgstr "Ин мошина"

#: standalone/scannerdrake:543
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Here you can choose whether the scanners connected to this machine should be "
"accessable by remote machines and by which remote machines."
msgstr ""
"Дар ин ҷо шумо метавонед интихоб намоед, ки кадом пуйишгарҳои ба ин мошин "
"пайваст буда бояд барои мошинҳои дурдаст ва барои кадом мошинҳои дурдаст "
"дастрас бошад."

#: standalone/scannerdrake:544
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You can also decide here whether scanners on remote machines should be made "
"available on this machine."
msgstr ""
"Ҳамчунин шумо метавонед ба қарор оед, ки кадом пуйишгарҳо дар мошинҳои "
"дурдаст бояд дар дар ин мошин дастрас бошад."

#: standalone/scannerdrake:547
#, c-format
msgid "The scanners on this machine are available to other computers"
msgstr "Сканерҳои ин мошин барои дигар компютерҳо дастрас аст"

#: standalone/scannerdrake:549
#, c-format
msgid "Scanner sharing to hosts: "
msgstr ""

#: standalone/scannerdrake:563
#, c-format
msgid "Use scanners on remote computers"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/scannerdrake:566
#, c-format
msgid "Use the scanners on hosts: "
msgstr "Пуйишгаронро аз рӯи соҳибон истифода намудан. "

#: standalone/scannerdrake:593 standalone/scannerdrake:665
#: standalone/scannerdrake:815
#, c-format
msgid "Sharing of local scanners"
msgstr "Истифодаи якҷояи пуйишгарҳои маҳаллӣ"

#: standalone/scannerdrake:594
#, c-format
msgid ""
"These are the machines on which the locally connected scanner(s) should be "
msgstr ""
"Ин мошинҳоест, ки дар онҳо пуйишгар(ҳо)и аз ҷиҳати маҳаллӣ пайваст буда бояд "
"дастрас бошад:"

#: standalone/scannerdrake:605 standalone/scannerdrake:755
#, c-format
msgid "Add host"
msgstr "Иловаи соҳиб"

#: standalone/scannerdrake:611 standalone/scannerdrake:761
#, c-format
msgid "Edit selected host"
msgstr "Соҳиби интихобшударо таҳрир кунед"

#: standalone/scannerdrake:620 standalone/scannerdrake:770
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Remove selected host"
msgstr "Хориҷи интихоб шуда соҳиб/шабака"

#: standalone/scannerdrake:644 standalone/scannerdrake:652
#: standalone/scannerdrake:657 standalone/scannerdrake:703
#: standalone/scannerdrake:794 standalone/scannerdrake:802
#: standalone/scannerdrake:807 standalone/scannerdrake:853
#, c-format
msgid "Name/IP address of host:"
msgstr "Ном/суроғаи IP-и соҳиб:"

#: standalone/scannerdrake:666 standalone/scannerdrake:816
#, c-format
msgid "Choose the host on which the local scanners should be made available:"
msgstr ""
"Соҳибро интихоб намоед, ки дар он пуйишгарҳои маҳаллӣ бояд дастрас бошад:"

#: standalone/scannerdrake:677 standalone/scannerdrake:827
#, c-format
msgid "You must enter a host name or an IP address.\n"
msgstr "Шумо бояд номи соҳибӣ ё суроғаи IP-ро дохил намоед.\n"

#: standalone/scannerdrake:688 standalone/scannerdrake:838
#, c-format
msgid "This host is already in the list, it cannot be added again.\n"
msgstr ""

#: standalone/scannerdrake:743
#, c-format
msgid "Usage of remote scanners"
msgstr "Истифодаи пуйишгарҳои дурдаст"

#: standalone/scannerdrake:744
#, c-format
msgid "These are the machines from which the scanners should be used:"
msgstr "Мошинҳое ки бо онҳо пуйишгарҳо бояд истифода гардад:"