f='#n283'>283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382
package diskdrake::hd_gtk; # $Id$

use diagnostics;
use strict;

use common;
use resize_fat::main;
use my_gtk qw(:helpers :wrappers :ask);
use partition_table qw(:types);
use partition_table::raw;
use detect_devices;
use diskdrake::interactive;
use run_program;
use loopback;
use devices;
use raid;
use any;
use log;
use fsedit;
use fs;

my ($width, $height, $minwidth) = (400, 50, 5);
my ($all_hds, $in, $current_kind, $current_entry, $update_all);
my ($w, @notebook, $done_button);


struct {
  string name      # which is displayed in tab of the notebook
  bool no_auto     # wether the kind can disappear after creation
  string type      # one of { 'hd', 'raid', 'lvm', 'loopback', 'removable', 'nfs', 'smb' }
  hd | hd_lvm | part_raid[] | part_loopback[] | raw_hd[]  val

  widget main_box
  widget display_box
  widget action_box
  widget info_box
} current_kind

part current_entry

notebook current_kind[]


sub main {
    ($in, $all_hds, my $nowizard) = @_;

    @notebook = ();

    local $in->{grab} = 1;

    $w = my_gtk->new('DiskDrake');
    my $rc = "/usr/share/libDrakX/diskdrake.rc";
    -r $rc or $rc = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../diskdrake.rc";
    -r $rc or $rc = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../share/diskdrake.rc";

    # TODO
#    is_empty_array_ref($all_hds->{raids}) or raid::stopAll;
#    updateLoopback();

	   gtkpack_(new Gtk::VBox(0,7),
		    0, (my $filesystems_button_box = filesystems_button_box()),
		    1, (my $notebook_widget = new Gtk::Notebook),
		    0, (my $per_kind_action_box = new Gtk::HBox(0,0)),
		    0, (my $general_action_box  = new Gtk::HBox(0,0)),
    my $lock;
    $update_all = sub {
	$lock and return;
	$lock = 1;
	partition_table::assign_device_numbers($_) foreach fsedit::all_hds($all_hds);
	general_action_box($general_action_box, $nowizard);
	per_kind_action_box($per_kind_action_box, $current_kind);
	current_kind_changed($in, $current_kind);
	current_entry_changed($current_kind, $current_entry);
	$lock = 0;

    $notebook_widget->signal_connect('switch_page' => sub {
	$current_kind = $notebook[$_[2]];
	$current_entry = '';
    $my_gtk::pop_it = 1;
    $in->ask_okcancel(_("Read carefully!"), _("Please make a backup of your data first"), 1) or return
      if $::isStandalone;
_("If you plan to use aboot, be carefull to leave a free space (2048 sectors is enough)
at the beginning of the disk")) if (arch() eq 'alpha') and !$::isEmbedded;


sub try {
    my ($name, @args) = @_;
    my $f = $diskdrake::interactive::{$name} or die "unknown function $name";
    try_($name, \&{$f}, @args);
sub try_ {
    my ($name, $f, @args) = @_;

    fsedit::undo_prepare($all_hds) if $name ne 'Undo';

    my $v = eval { $f->($in, @args, $all_hds) };
    if (my $err = $@) {
	$err =~ /setstep/ and die '';
    	$in->ask_warn(_("Error"), formatError($err));

    $current_entry = '' if !diskdrake::interactive::is_part_existing($current_entry, $all_hds);

    if ($v && member($name, 'Done', 'Wizard')) {
	$::isEmbedded ? kill('USR1', $::CCPID) : Gtk->main_quit; 

# generic: helpers
sub add_kind2notebook {
    my ($notebook_widget, $kind) = @_;
    die if $kind->{main_box};

    $kind->{display_box} = gtkset_usize(new Gtk::HBox(0,0), $width, $height);
    $kind->{action_box} = gtkset_usize(new Gtk::VBox(0,0), 150, 180);
    $kind->{info_box} = new Gtk::VBox(0,0);
    $kind->{main_box} =
      gtkpack_(new Gtk::VBox(0,7),
	       0, $kind->{display_box},
	       1, gtkpack_(new Gtk::HBox(0,7),
			   0, $kind->{action_box},
			   1, $kind->{info_box}));
    my_gtk::add2notebook($notebook_widget, $kind->{name}, $kind->{main_box});
    push @notebook, $kind;

sub general_action_box {
    my ($box, $nowizard) = @_;
    $_->widget->destroy foreach $box->children;
    my @actions = (if_($::isInstall && !$nowizard, __("Wizard")), 
		   diskdrake::interactive::general_possible_actions($in, $all_hds), 
    foreach my $s (@actions) {
	my $button = new Gtk::Button(translate($s));
	$done_button = $button if $s eq 'Done';
	gtkadd($box, gtksignal_connect($button, clicked => sub { try($s) }));
sub per_kind_action_box {
    my ($box, $kind) = @_;
    $_->widget->destroy foreach $box->children;

    $kind->{type} =~ /hd|lvm/ or return;

    foreach my $s (diskdrake::interactive::hd_possible_actions($in, kind2hd($kind), $all_hds)) {
	       gtksignal_connect(new Gtk::Button(translate($s)),
				 clicked => sub { try($s, kind2hd($kind)) }));
sub per_entry_action_box {
    my ($box, $kind, $entry) = @_;
    $_->widget->destroy foreach $box->children;

    if ($entry) {
	my @buttons = map { 
	    my $s = $_;
	    my $w = new Gtk::Button(translate($s));
	    $w->signal_connect(clicked => sub { try($s, kind2hd($kind), $entry) });
	} diskdrake::interactive::part_possible_actions($in, kind2hd($kind), $entry, $all_hds);

	gtkadd($box, gtkadd(new Gtk::Frame(_("Choose action")),
			    createScrolledWindow(gtkpack__(new Gtk::VBox(0,0), @buttons)))) if @buttons;
    } else {
	my $txt = !$::isStandalone && fsedit::is_one_big_fat($all_hds->{hds}) ?
_("You have one big FAT partition
(generally used by MicroSoft Dos/Windows).
I suggest you first resize that partition
(click on it, then click on \"Resize\")") : _("Please click on a partition");
	gtkpack($box, gtktext_insert(new Gtk::Text, $txt));

sub per_entry_info_box {
    my ($box, $kind, $entry) = @_;
    $_->widget->destroy foreach $box->children;
    my $info;
    if ($entry) {
	$info = diskdrake::interactive::format_part_info(kind2hd($kind), $entry);
    } elsif ($kind->{type} =~ /hd|lvm/) {
	$info = diskdrake::interactive::format_hd_info($kind->{val});
    gtkpack($box, gtkadd(new Gtk::Frame(_("Details")), gtkset_justify(new Gtk::Label($info), 'left')));

sub current_kind_changed {
    my ($in, $kind) = @_;

    $_->widget->destroy foreach $kind->{display_box}->children;

    my $v = $kind->{val};
    my @parts = 
      $kind->{type} eq 'raid' ? grep { $_ } @$v :
      $kind->{type} eq 'loopback' ? @$v : fsedit::get_fstab_and_holes($v);
    my $totalsectors = 
      $kind->{type} =~ /raid|loopback/ ? sum(map { $_->{size} } @parts) : $v->{totalsectors};
    create_buttons4partitions($kind, $totalsectors, @parts);

sub current_entry_changed {
    my ($kind, $entry) = @_;
    $current_entry = $entry;
    if ($kind) {
	per_entry_action_box($kind->{action_box}, $kind, $entry);
	per_entry_info_box($kind->{info_box}, $kind, $entry);

sub create_automatic_notebooks {
    my ($notebook_widget) = @_;
    my @l = fsedit::all_hds($all_hds);

    $_->{marked} = 0 foreach @notebook;
    my $may_add = sub {
	my ($kind) = @_;
	my @l = grep { $kind->{val} == $_->{val} } @notebook;
	@l > 1 and log::l("weird: create_automatic_notebooks");
	$kind = $l[0] || add_kind2notebook($notebook_widget, $kind);
	$kind->{marked} = 1;
    $may_add->(hd2kind($_)) foreach @{$all_hds->{hds}};
    $may_add->(lvm2kind($_)) foreach @{$all_hds->{lvms}};
    $may_add->(raid2kind()) if grep { $_ } @{$all_hds->{raids}};
    $may_add->(loopback2kind()) if @{$all_hds->{loopbacks}};

    @notebook = grep_index {
	my $b = $_->{marked} or $notebook_widget->remove_page($::i);
    } @notebook;
    @notebook or die '';

# parts: helpers
sub create_buttons4partitions {
    my ($kind, $totalsectors, @parts) = @_;

    $width = max($width, 0.9 * second($w->{window}->window->get_size)) if $w->{window}->window;

    my $ratio = $totalsectors ? ($width - @parts * $minwidth) / $totalsectors : 1;
    while (1) {
	my $totalwidth = sum(map { $_->{size} * $ratio + $minwidth } @parts);
	$totalwidth <= $width and last;
	$ratio /= $totalwidth / $width * 1.1;

    foreach my $entry (@parts) {
	my $w = new Gtk::Button($entry->{mntpoint} || '') or die '';
	$w->signal_connect(focus_in_event     => sub { current_entry_changed($kind, $entry) });
	$w->signal_connect(button_press_event => sub { current_entry_changed($kind, $entry) });
	$w->signal_connect(key_press_event => sub {
	    my ($w, $e) = @_;
	    $e->{state} & 4 or return; 
	    my $c = chr $e->{keyval};

	    foreach my $s (diskdrake::interactive::part_possible_actions($in, kind2hd($kind), $entry, $all_hds)) {
		    Create => 'c', Delete => 'd', Format => 'f', 
		    Loopback => 'l', Resize => 'r', Type => 't', 
		    Mount => 'M', Unmount => 'u', 'Mount point' => 'm',
		    'Add to LVM' => 'L', 'Remove from LVM' => 'L', 
		    'Add to RAID' => 'R', 'Remove from RAID' => 'R',
		}}{$s} eq $c or next;

		try($s, kind2hd($kind), $entry);
	$w->set_name("PART_" . type2name($entry->{type}));
	$w->set_usize($entry->{size} * $ratio + $minwidth, 0);
	gtkpack__($kind->{display_box}, $w);
	$w->grab_focus if $current_entry && fsedit::is_same_part($current_entry, $entry);

# disks: helpers
sub current_hd { 
    $current_kind->{type} eq 'hd' or die 'current_hd called but $current_kind is not an hd';
sub current_part {

sub kind2hd {
    my ($kind) = @_;
    $kind->{type} =~ /hd|lvm/ ? $kind->{val} : {}

sub hd2kind {
    my ($hd) = @_;
    { type => 'hd', name => $hd->{device}, val => $hd };

sub filesystems_button_box() {
    my @types = (__("Ext2"), __("Journalised FS"), __("Swap"), arch() =~ /sparc/ ? __("SunOS") : arch() eq "ppc" ? __("HFS") : __("FAT"),
		 __("Other"), __("Empty"));
    my %name2type = (Ext2 => 0x83, 'Journalised FS' => 0x483, Swap => 0x82, Other => 1, FAT => 0xb, HFS => 0x402);

    gtkpack(new Gtk::HBox(0,0), 
	    _("Filesystem types:"),
	    map { my $w = new Gtk::Button(translate($_));
		  my $t = $name2type{$_};
		  $w->signal_connect(clicked => sub { try_('', \&createOrChangeType, $t, current_hd(), current_part()) });
	    } @types);

sub createOrChangeType {
    my ($in, $type, $hd, $part, $all_hds) = @_;

    $part ||= !fsedit::get_fstab($hd) && 
              { type => 0, start => 1, size => $hd->{totalsectors} - 1 };
    $part or return;
    if ($type == 1) {
	$in->ask_warn('', _("Use ``%s'' instead", $part->{type} ? _("Type") : _("Create")));
    } elsif (!$type) {
	$in->ask_warn('', _("Use ``%s'' instead", _("Delete"))) if $part->{type};
    } elsif ($part->{type}) {
	return unless $::expert;
	return if $type == $part->{type};
	isBusy($part) and $in->ask_warn('', _("Use ``Unmount'' first")), return;
	diskdrake::interactive::ask_alldatawillbelost($in, $part, __("After changing type of partition %s, all data on this partition will be lost")) or return;
	diskdrake::interactive::check_type($in, $type, $hd, $part) and fsedit::change_type($type, $hd, $part);
    } else {
	$part->{type} = $type;
	diskdrake::interactive::Create($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds);

# lvms: helpers
sub lvm2kind {
    my ($lvm) = @_;
    { type => 'lvm', name => $lvm->{VG_name}, val => $lvm };

# raids: helpers
sub raid2kind {
    { type => 'raid', name => 'raid', val => $all_hds->{raids} };

# loopbacks: helpers
sub loopback2kind {
    { type => 'loopback', name => 'loopback', val => $all_hds->{loopbacks} };
