path: root/tools/update_images
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/update_images')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/tools/update_images b/tools/update_images
deleted file mode 100755
index 1cc5ea533..000000000
--- a/tools/update_images
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-@ARGV == 3 or die "Usage: $0 filename.img imagetype path_to_mar_bin\n ex. $0 cdrom-changedisk.img cdrom\n\nPut the old images (*.img), new vmlinuz, new modules.dep and new *.mar files in a fresh directory, and update each image file one by one.";
-$file = $ARGV[0];
-$img = $ARGV[1];
-$marbin = $ARGV[2];
-sub __ { print @_, "\n"; system(@_); }
-sub _ { __ @_; $? and die; }
-$topdir = '/tmp/updimg';
-print "Updating boot image file $file of type $img\n";
-_ "rm -rf $topdir";
-_ "mkdir $topdir";
-_ "mkdir $topdir/img";
-_ "mount -o loop $file $topdir/img";
-$rdz = glob("$topdir/img/*.rdz");
-$rdz or die "Could not glob rdz file in $topdir/img/*.rdz\n";
-_ "zcat $rdz > /tmp/meuh";
-_ "mkdir $topdir/initrd";
-_ "mount -o loop /tmp/meuh $topdir/initrd";
-print "\n\tOld sizes:\n";
-print `ls -l $topdir/img/vmlinuz`;
-print `ls -l $topdir/initrd/modules/modules.mar`;
-system("df $topdir/img");
-print "\n";
-_ "cp -f vmlinuz $topdir/img/vmlinuz";
-system("$marbin -l $topdir/initrd/modules/modules.mar | sort > $topdir/oldmar");
-system("$marbin -l ${img}_modules.mar | sort > $topdir/newmar");
-_ "cp -f ${img}_modules.mar $topdir/initrd/modules/modules.mar";
-_ "cp -f modules.dep $topdir/initrd/modules/modules.dep";
-_ "umount $topdir/initrd";
-_ "gzip -c /tmp/meuh > $rdz";
-print "\n\tNew sizes:\n";
-print `ls -l vmlinuz`;
-print `ls -l ${img}_modules.mar`;
-system("df $topdir/img");
-print "\nDiff from old to new marfiles:\n";
-print `diff -u $topdir/oldmar $topdir/newmar`;
-print "\n";
-_ "umount $topdir/img";