path: root/perl-install
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Diffstat (limited to 'perl-install')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/perl-install/ b/perl-install/
index 0ce17fced..fe0b0f89e 100644
--- a/perl-install/
+++ b/perl-install/
@@ -1429,62 +1429,55 @@ use MDK::Common;
use mygtk3 qw(gtknew);
use ugtk3 qw(:helpers :wrappers);
-sub set_pixmap {
- my ($darea) = @_;
- return if !$darea->get_realized;
- ugtk3::set_back_pixbuf($darea, $darea->{back_pixbuf});
- update_text($darea);
+sub set_style {
+ my ($w) = @_;
+ my $pl = Gtk3::CssProvider->new;
+ $pl->load_from_data("Layout, GtkLabel {font: 15px; background-color: #ffffff }");
+ $w->{label}->get_style_context->add_provider($pl, Gtk3::STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION);
+ my $p = Gtk3::CssProvider->new;
+ $w->get_style_context->add_provider($p, Gtk3::STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION);
sub update_text {
my ($darea) = @_;
- $darea->{layout} = $darea->create_pango_layout($darea->{text});
- $darea->{txt_width} = first($darea->{layout}->get_pixel_size);
sub new {
my ($_class, $icon, $text, $o_options) = @_;
- my $w = gtknew('DrawingArea', widget_name => 'Banner');
- $w->{back_pixbuf} = gtknew('Pixbuf', file => 'banner-background');
- my $d_height = $w->{back_pixbuf}->get_allocated_height;
- $w->set_size_request(-1, $d_height);
- $w->modify_font(Pango::FontDescription->from_string("13"));
- eval { $w->{icon} = ugtk3::gtkcreate_pixbuf($icon) };
- $w->{icon} ||= ugtk3::gtkcreate_pixbuf(ugtk3::wm_icon());
+ my $icon = eval { ugtk3::gtkcreate_pixbuf($icon) };
+ $icon ||= ugtk3::gtkcreate_pixbuf(ugtk3::wm_icon());
my $is_rtl = mygtk3::text_direction_rtl();
my $blue_part = eval { gtknew('Pixbuf', file => 'banner-blue-part', flip => $is_rtl) };
- my $blue_width = $blue_part->get_width;
- $w->{text} = $text;
- $w->signal_connect(realize => \&set_pixmap);
- $w->signal_connect("style-set" => \&set_pixmap);
- $w->signal_connect(expose_event => sub {
- my $style = $w->get_style;
- my $height = $w->{icon}->get_height;
- my $width = $w->{icon}->get_width;
- # fix icon position when not using the default height:
- (undef, undef, undef, $d_height) = $w->get_window->get_geometry;
- my $padding = int(($d_height - $height)/2);
- my $d_width = $w->get_allocation->width;
- my $x_blue = $is_rtl ? $d_width - $blue_width : 0;
- my $x_icon = $is_rtl ? $d_width - 12 - $width : 12;
- # here: 48 is the amount of white background in the blue background we wish to ignore:
- my $x_text = $is_rtl ? $d_width - $blue_width + 48 - $w->{txt_width} : $blue_width - 48;
- $w->{layout_height} ||= second($w->{layout}->get_pixel_size);
- $blue_part->render_to_drawable($w->get_window, $style->bg_gc('normal'),
- 0, 0, $x_blue, 0, -1, -1, 'none', 0, 0);
- $w->{icon}->render_to_drawable($w->get_window, $style->bg_gc('normal'),
- 0, 0, $x_icon, $padding, -1, -1, 'none', 0, 0);
- $w->get_window->draw_layout($style->fg_gc('normal'), $x_text,
- $o_options->{txt_ypos} || ($d_height - $w->{layout_height})/2,
- $w->{layout});
- 1;
- });
+ my $d_height = $blue_part->get_height;
+ my $img = gtknew('Image', pixbuf => $blue_part, alignment => [ 0, 0 ]);
+ my $label = gtknew('Label', text => $text); # for update_text()
+ my $w = gtknew('Overlay', height => $d_height, main_child => $label, children => [
+ gtknew('Overlay', main_child => $img, children => [
+ my $icon_img = gtknew('Image', pixbuf => $icon, alignment => [ 0, 0 ]),
+ ])
+ ]);
+ # fix Icon position:
+ if ($is_rtl) {
+ $icon_img->set_margin_right(12);
+ } else {
+ $icon_img->set_margin_left(12);
+ }
+ $icon_img->set_margin_top(($blue_part->get_height-$icon->get_height)/2-4);
+ $w->{label} = $label;
+ $w->set_size_request(-1, $d_height);
+ $w->signal_connect(realize => \&set_style);
+ $w->signal_connect("style-updated" => \&set_style);
+ $w->show_all;
return $w;