path: root/perl-install/standalone
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Diffstat (limited to 'perl-install/standalone')
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/perl-install/standalone/net_applet b/perl-install/standalone/net_applet
index da696e64b..cd52b8f81 100644
--- a/perl-install/standalone/net_applet
+++ b/perl-install/standalone/net_applet
@@ -34,41 +34,21 @@ my $watched_interface;
my $dbus = dbus_object::system_bus();
my $monitor = network::monitor->new($dbus);
-my $keyring_pixbuf = Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf->new_from_file("/usr/share/pixmaps/keyring-small.png"); #- provided by usermode, required by drakxtools
-my %link_level_pixbufs = map { $_ => Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf->new_from_file("wifi-$_.png") } qw(20 40 60 80 100);
+my %pixbufs =
+ (
+ state => { map { $_ => gtkcreate_pixbuf($_) } qw(connected disconnected) },
+ link_level => { map { $_ => gtkcreate_pixbuf("wifi-$_.png") } qw(20 40 60 80 100) },
+ keyring => gtkcreate_pixbuf("/usr/share/pixmaps/keyring-small.png"), #- provided by usermode, required by drakxtools
+ );
my %wireless_networks;
-$SIG{HUP} = sub {
- print "received SIGHUP, reloading network configuration\n";
- checkNetworkForce();
-my %appletstate = (
- connected => {
- colour => [ 'connected' ],
- changes => [ 'disconnected', 'error', 'busy' ],
- menu => [ 'downNetwork', 'chooseInterface', 'chooseProfile', 'confNetwork', 'wireless', 'monitorNetwork', 'refresh', 'help' ],
- tt => [ N_("Network is up on interface %s") ]
- },
- disconnected => {
- colour => [ 'disconnected' ],
- changes => [ 'connected', 'error', 'busy' ],
- menu => [ 'upNetwork', 'chooseInterface', 'chooseProfile', 'confNetwork', 'refresh', 'help' ],
- tt => [
- #-PO: keep the "Configure Network" substring synced with the "Configure Network" message below
- N_("Network is down on interface %s. Click on \"Configure Network\"")
- ]
- },
- notconfigured => {
- colour => [ 'disconnected' ],
- changes => [ 'connected' ],
- menu => [ 'confNetwork', 'refresh', 'help' ],
- tt => [
- N_("You do not have any configured Internet connection.
-Run the \"%s\" assistant from the Mandriva Linux Control Center", N("Set up a new network interface (LAN, ISDN, ADSL, ...)"))
- ]
- }
- );
+my %tooltips =
+ (
+ connected => N_("Network is up on interface %s"),
+ #-PO: keep the "Configure Network" substring synced with the "Configure Network" message below
+ disconnected => N_("Network is down on interface %s. Click on \"Configure Network\""),
+ notconfigured => N_("You do not have any configured Internet connection.
+Run the \"%s\" assistant from the Mandriva Linux Control Center", N("Set up a new network interface (LAN, ISDN, ADSL, ...)")),
+ );
my %actions = (
'upNetwork' => { name => sub { N("Connect %s", $_[0]) }, launch => sub { network::tools::start_interface($_[0], 1) } },
@@ -95,8 +75,8 @@ my %actions = (
run_program::raw({ detach => 1 }, network::tools::wrap_command_for_root('/sbin/set-netprofile', $net->{PROFILE}));
- 'refresh' => { name => N("Refresh"), launch => sub { checkNetworkForce() } },
- 'help' => { name => N("Get Online Help"), launch => sub { system("drakhelp --id internet-connection &") } }
+ 'help' => { name => N("Get Online Help"), launch => sub { system("drakhelp --id internet-connection &") } },
+ 'quit' => { name => N("Quit"), launch => \&mainQuit },
gtkadd(my $icon = Gtk2::TrayIcon->new("Net_Applet"),
@@ -129,6 +109,12 @@ cronNetwork();
get_unprocessed_attacks() if $enable_activefw;
+$SIG{HUP} = sub {
+ print "received SIGHUP, reloading network configuration\n";
+ checkNetworkForce();
@@ -172,7 +158,7 @@ sub checkWireless() {
$net->{menuitem} = Gtk2::MenuItem->new;
1, gtkset_alignment($net->{ssid_label} = Gtk2::Label->new, 0, 0),
- 0, $net->{keyring_image} = Gtk2::Image->new_from_pixbuf($keyring_pixbuf),
+ 0, $net->{keyring_image} = Gtk2::Image->new_from_pixbuf($pixbufs{keyring}),
0, $net->{level_image} = Gtk2::Image->new)));
undef $current_state; #- force menu redraw
@@ -180,7 +166,7 @@ sub checkWireless() {
my $approx_level = 20+int($net->{level}/20)*20;
$net->{ssid_label}->set_text($net->{ssid} || "[$_]");
$net->{keyring_image}->visible(defined $net->{flags});
- $net->{level_image}->set_from_pixbuf($link_level_pixbufs{$approx_level});
+ $net->{level_image}->set_from_pixbuf($pixbufs{link_level}{$approx_level});
$wireless_networks{$_}{menuitem}->visible(exists $networks->{$_}) foreach keys %wireless_networks;
@@ -216,31 +202,42 @@ sub go2State {
sub setState {
my ($state_type, $interface) = @_;
- my $arr = $appletstate{$state_type}{menu};
- my $tmp = gtkcreate_pixbuf($appletstate{$state_type}{colour}[0]);
- $img->set_from_pixbuf($tmp);
- gtkset_tip(Gtk2::Tooltips->new, $eventbox, formatAlaTeX(common::sprintf_fixutf8(translate($appletstate{$state_type}{tt}[0]), $interface)));
+ $img->set_from_pixbuf($pixbufs{state}{$state_type eq 'connected' ? 'connected' : 'disconnected'});
+ gtkset_tip(Gtk2::Tooltips->new, $eventbox, formatAlaTeX(common::sprintf_fixutf8(translate($tooltips{$state_type}), $interface)));
my $menu = Gtk2::Menu->new;
- foreach (@$arr) {
- my $name = ref($actions{$_}{name}) eq 'CODE' ? $actions{$_}{name}->($interface) : $actions{$_}{name};
- my $launch = $actions{$_}{launch};
- if ($actions{$_}{choices}) {
- my $selected = $actions{$_}{choice_selected};
- $menu->append(gtkshow(create_menu($name, map {
- my $choice = $_;
- my $w = gtkshow(gtkset_active(Gtk2::CheckMenuItem->new_with_label($choice), $selected->($choice)));
- gtksignal_connect($w, activate => sub { $launch->($choice) });
- $w->set_draw_as_radio(1);
- $w;
- } $actions{$_}{choices}->())));
- } else {
- $menu->append(gtksignal_connect(gtkshow(Gtk2::MenuItem->new_with_label($name)), activate => sub { $launch->($interface) }));
- }
- }
- $menu->append(gtkshow(Gtk2::SeparatorMenuItem->new));
- $menu->append($_->{menuitem}) foreach values %wireless_networks;
+ my $add_action = sub {
+ my ($action) = @_;
+ my $name = ref($actions{$action}{name}) eq 'CODE' ? $actions{$action}{name}->($interface) : $actions{$action}{name};
+ my $launch = $actions{$action}{launch};
+ if ($actions{$action}{choices}) {
+ my $selected = $actions{$action}{choice_selected};
+ $menu->append(gtkshow(create_menu($name, map {
+ my $choice = $_;
+ my $w = gtkshow(gtkset_active(Gtk2::CheckMenuItem->new_with_label($choice), $selected->($choice)));
+ gtksignal_connect($w, activate => sub { $launch->($choice) });
+ $w->set_draw_as_radio(1);
+ $w;
+ } $actions{$action}{choices}->())));
+ } else {
+ $menu->append(gtksignal_connect(gtkshow(Gtk2::MenuItem->new_with_label($name)), activate => sub { $launch->($interface) }));
+ }
+ };
+ $state_type eq 'connected' and $add_action->($_) foreach qw(downNetwork monitorNetwork);
+ $state_type eq 'disconnected' and $add_action->('upNetwork') ;
+ $add_action->('confNetwork');
+ if ($state_type ne 'notconfigured') {
+ $add_action->('wireless');
+ $menu->append($_->{menuitem}) foreach values %wireless_networks;
+ $menu->append(gtkshow(Gtk2::SeparatorMenuItem->new));
+ $add_action->('chooseInterface') ;
+ }
+ $add_action->('chooseProfile');
if ($enable_activefw) {
$menu->append($interactive_cb = gtkshow(gtksignal_connect(gtkset_active(Gtk2::CheckMenuItem->new_with_label(N("Interactive intrusion detection")),
@@ -248,7 +245,9 @@ sub setState {
$menu->append(gtkshow(gtksignal_connect(gtkset_active(Gtk2::CheckMenuItem->new_with_label(N("Always launch on startup")), getAutoStart()),
toggled => sub { setAutoStart(uc(bool2text($_[0]->get_active))) })));
- $menu->append(gtksignal_connect(gtkshow(Gtk2::MenuItem->new_with_label(N("Quit"))), activate => sub { mainQuit() }));
+ $menu->append(gtkshow(Gtk2::SeparatorMenuItem->new));
+ $add_action->('help');
+ $add_action->('quit');
sub mainQuit() {