path: root/rescue/tree/ka/
diff options
authorAntoine Ginies <>2004-04-02 14:03:41 +0000
committerAntoine Ginies <>2004-04-02 14:03:41 +0000
commit54ddee710c26cb9c11f20cf6ae066c017139615b (patch)
tree3a2237158024ee35cf5b80fecc0eb9720452f331 /rescue/tree/ka/
parentb48a5f4ad711f389f0613a754454b683a1220708 (diff)
first relsease
Diffstat (limited to 'rescue/tree/ka/')
1 files changed, 595 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rescue/tree/ka/ b/rescue/tree/ka/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..efc8169b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rescue/tree/ka/
@@ -0,0 +1,595 @@
+# this script is run by at startup on the nfs_root system, and runs the ka-deploy client
+# it also updates the 'step file' on the tftp server
+# $Revision$
+# $Author$
+# $Date$
+# $Header$
+# $Id$
+# $Log$
+# Revision 1.2 2004/04/02 14:03:41 aginies
+# first relsease
+# Revision 1.6 2001/12/03 16:28:02 sderr
+# Completely new install script
+# Revision 1.5 2001/10/10 13:55:04 sderr
+# Updates in documentation
+# Revision 1.4 2001/06/29 09:31:45 sderr
+# *** empty log message ***
+# Revision 1.3 2001/05/31 08:51:43 sderr
+# scripts/doc update to match new command-line syntax
+# Revision 1.2 2001/05/03 12:34:41 sderr
+# Added CVS Keywords to most files. Mostly useless.
+# $State$
+# This script is provided as an exmaple and should probably not be run as is
+unset LANG
+# needed for some for i in foo* loops
+shopt -s nullglob
+bash < /dev/tty2 >/dev/tty2 2>&1 &
+# IDEA : maybe this option could be overriden by a kaopt= in the kernel command line ?
+KA_SESSION_BASE="-s kainstall"
+ (( ka_call_num++ ))
+ cur_ka_session=$KA_SESSION_BASE$ka_call_num
+# testing ? -- NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+# Let's find out what our IP is
+ip=`/sbin/ifconfig | grep -v | grep "inet addr" | sed 's/^.*inet addr:\([^ ]*\) .*$/\1/g' | head -n 1`
+# the file tftpserver should contain the name of the .. tftpserver
+server=`cat tftpserver`
+# reverse a file
+ awk '{ x[NR] = $0 } END { for (i = NR; i >= 1; i--) print x[i] }'
+# run a command, hide its output and print OK if it suceeds, print FAILED and show the output otherwise.
+ echo -n "$1..." 1>&2
+ shift;
+ out=`"$@" 2>&1`
+ ret=$?
+ if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo $C_S"OK"$C_N 1>&2
+ else
+ echo $C_F"Failed"$C_N 1>&2
+ echo $C_W"$out"$C_N 1>&2
+ fi
+ return $ret
+# 5 4 3 2 1 zero ignition
+ t=$1
+ while [ "$t" -ne 0 ]; do
+ echo -n "$t "
+ sleep 1
+ # move the cursor back
+ # I use now tr instead of sed because busybox's sed adds a non-wanted carriage return
+ # busybox's tr does not seem to know about the [: :] stuff (?)
+ echo -n "$t " | tr " 0-9" $'\x08'
+ (( t-- ))
+ done
+ # backspace only moves the cursor back, so at this point there's still a "1" to erase
+ if [ "$1" -ne 0 ] ;then
+ echo -n " "$'\x08\x08'
+ fi
+ echo $C_H"starting an interactive shell"$C_N
+ exec /bin/bash
+ echo $*
+ echo $C_F"--- The installation program FAILED ---"$C_N
+ echo "Check your configuration -- try to read previous error messages"
+ echo "This machine is going to reboot (Ctrl-S to block it) (Ctrl-C for an interactive shell)"
+ trap int_shell SIGINT
+ countdown 30
+ do_reboot
+ reboot
+ sleep 1234567 # do not continue the install script (/sbin/reboot does not block)
+# ahem this LILO function should be fixed someday
+# right now this function assumes there is a properly configured lilo on the duplicated linux system
+chroot /disk << EOF
+ chroot /disk $*
+ echo $* 1>&2
+ echo $* >> /tmp/ginstlog
+# version for the standard tftp client
+ remotef=$2
+ localf=$1
+ err=`echo put $localf $remotef | tftp $server 2>&1`
+ err=`echo $err | grep Sent`
+ if [ -z "$err" ]; then
+ log tftp error: could not get/put file
+ return 1
+ fi
+ return 0
+# version for the tftp client built in busybox
+ remotef=$2
+ localf=$1
+ err=`tftp -p -l $localf -r $remotef $server 2>&1`
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ log tftp error: could not get/put file $err
+ return 1
+ fi
+ return 0
+ remotef=$1
+ localf=$2
+ err=`tftp -g -l $localf -r $remotef $server 2>&1`
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ log tftp error: could not get/put file $err
+ return 1
+ fi
+ return 0
+ remotef=$1
+ localf=$2
+ err=`echo get $remotef $localf | tftp $server 2>&1`
+ err=`echo $err | grep Received`
+ if [ -z "$err" ]; then
+ echo tftp error: could not get/put file
+ return 1
+ fi
+ return 0
+ busybox_tftp_get_file "$@"
+ busybox_tftp_put_file "$@"
+# write a string ($2) in a remote file ($1)
+ echo "$2" > $temp
+ err=`echo put $temp "$1" | tftp $server 2>&1`
+ rm -f $temp
+ err=`echo $err | grep Sent`
+ if [ -z "$err" ]; then
+ log tftp error: could not get/put file
+ return 1
+ fi
+ return 0
+ while read a; do
+ echo "$a" | grep -s -q "^ *#.*"
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ val=`echo "$a" | sed 's/[^"]*"\(.*[^\\]\)".*/\1/'`
+ var=`echo "$a" | sed 's/[^"]*".*[^\\]" *\$\([^ ]*\)/\1/'`
+ if [ "$var" = "$1" ]; then
+ echo $val
+ return 0
+ fi
+ done
+ return 1
+# fetch variable $2 from file $1
+ (cat $1; echo) | get_var_bis $2
+# find the current step in the kernel command line
+ step=install
+# step=`cat /proc/cmdline | sed 's/.*kastep=\([^ ]*\).*/\1/'`
+ if [ "$step" ]; then
+ echo $step > /tmp/step
+ return 0
+ fi
+ return 1
+# write a new file on the tftp server
+# this file is a pxelinux config file
+# do this by getting the 'template file' and adding a DEFAULT at the beginning
+ step=$1
+ runcom "Getting template file" tftp_get_file "ka/pxelinux.cfg/template" /tmp/template || return 1
+ echo DEFAULT $step > /tmp/newcfg
+ cat /tmp/template >> /tmp/newcfg
+ runcom "Sending back new pxelinux config file" tftp_put_file /tmp/newcfg "ka/pxelinux.cfg/IP/$ip" || return 1
+ return 0
+# the mount_partition calls must be done in the same shell (NOT a subshell) because the global variable below has to be updated
+# idea : maybe use a file instead of this variable (and since the tac function now exists, why not ?)
+# mount a partition UNDER /disk !!! (/disk is prepended to $2)
+ dev=$1
+ point=$2
+ echo -n "Mounting $C_H$1$C_N as /disk$C_H$point$C_N"
+ mkdir -p /disk$point
+ test -d /disk$point || return 1
+ runcom "..." mount $dev /disk/$point || return 1
+ mounted_fs="$dev $mounted_fs"
+ return 0
+# umount all mounted partitions under /disk, in the reverse order
+ for dev in $mounted_fs; do
+ retries=0
+ while ! runcom "Umounting $dev" umount $dev ; do
+ sleep 3
+ (( retries++ ))
+ if [ $retries -gt 3 ]; then
+ echo Failed too many times. giving up.
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+# recreate excluded directories
+# read stdin like this : u=rwx g=rwx o=rwx uid gid filename
+ while read line; do
+ declare -a fields
+ fields=( $line )
+ file=/disk/${fields[5]}
+# echo $file
+# note : it is possible that the directory exists already, if it was a mount point
+# we need to set the permissions/users anyway
+ mkdir -p $file
+# echo chmod ${fields[0]},${fields[1]},${fields[2]} $file
+ chmod ${fields[0]},${fields[1]},${fields[2]} $file
+ # argl !! chmod o+t does not work with busybox's chmod !
+ # we have to handle it alone
+ if echo ${fields[2]} | grep -q t; then
+ chmod +t $file
+ fi
+ chown ${fields[3]}.${fields[4]} $file
+ done
+ # we must be in the partfiles directory
+ for file in partition_tab*; do
+ drive=`echo $file | sed 's/partition_tab//'`
+ cat $file | runcom "Writing partition table for $drive using sfdisk" /sbin/sfdisk /dev/$drive -uS --force || fail "error with sfdisk"
+ done
+ for file in fdisk_commands*; do
+ drive=`echo $file | sed 's/fdisk_commands//'`
+ cat $file | runcom "Writing partition table for $drive using fdisk" fdisk /dev/$drive || fail "error with fdisk"
+ done
+ if ! test -r /disk/dev/hda ; then
+ (cd /dev && tar c *) | (cd /disk/dev && tar x)
+ fi
+# we must be in the partfiles directory also
+ for file in MBR*; do
+ drive=`echo $file | sed 's/MBR//'`
+ runcom "Writing new MBR for $drive" dd if=$file of=/dev/$drive bs=1 count=446
+ done
+# Colors
+# Success
+# Failure
+# Warning
+# Normal
+# Hilight
+# Clear screen, fancy startup message.
+echo $'\033'[2J$'\033'[H
+echo "------| $C_H"Ka"$C_N |---- Install starting..."
+# activate dma ? -- obsolete stuff I think
+# runcom "Setting HD optimizations" hdparm -c1 -d1 -K1 $HD
+if ! runcom "Getting step name" get_step; then
+ echo "Error: Could not get current step "
+ fail
+ step=`cat /tmp/step`
+echo Next Server is `cat /ka/tftpserver`
+echo Current step for $ip is : \"$C_H$step$C_N\"
+echo -n "Finding install type : "
+case $step in
+ shell)
+ echo No install, but interactive shell
+ ## drop the user to an interactive shell
+ exec /bin/bash
+ ;;
+ install)
+ install_type=install
+ nextstep=ready
+ echo Install Linux
+ ;;
+ test_install)
+ install_type=test_install
+ nextstep=ready
+ countdown 10
+ echo Install Linux TEST
+ ;;
+if [ -z "$install_type" ]; then
+ echo FATAL : Could not recognize this step name
+ echo "Aborting... "
+ fail
+# receive the partition table, fstab, etc from the source node
+mkdir /tmp/partfiles
+echo Current session is $cur_ka_session
+runcom "Receiving partitions information" /ka/ka-d-client -w $cur_ka_session -e "( cd /tmp/partfiles && tar xvf - )" || fail
+cd /tmp/partfiles
+test -f /tmp/partfiles/streams || fail "Missing streams file"
+first_stream=`cat /tmp/partfiles/streams | head -n 1`
+if [ "$first_stream" = linux ]; then
+ rcv_linux=yes
+ rcv_linux=no
+#if we must receive a linux system, we need to format and mount the partitions
+if [ $rcv_linux = yes ]; then
+ # format partitions
+ format_partitions()
+ {
+ while read line; do
+ declare -a fields
+ fields=( $line )
+ case ${fields[2]} in
+ ext3 )
+ runcom "Formatting ${fields[0]} as ext3" mke2fs -j ${fields[0]} || fail
+ ;;
+ ext2 )
+ runcom "Formatting ${fields[0]} as ext2" mke2fs ${fields[0]} || fail
+ ;;
+ swap )
+ runcom "Formatting ${fields[0]} as swap" mkswap ${fields[0]} || fail
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ }
+ format_partitions < /tmp/partfiles/pfstab
+ # mount the partitions
+ mount_partitions()
+ {
+ while read line; do
+ declare -a fields
+ fields=( $line )
+ case ${fields[2]} in
+ ext3 )
+ insmod /modules/jbd.o
+ insmod /modules/ext3.o
+ mount_partition ${fields[0]} ${fields[1]} || fail
+ ;;
+ ext2 )
+ mount_partition ${fields[0]} ${fields[1]} || fail
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ }
+ # NOTE
+ # I replaced cat truc | mount_partitions by mount_partitions < truc
+ # because in the former case mount_partitions runs in a subshell and the $mounted_fs value is lost
+ mount_partitions < /tmp/partfiles/pfstab
+ echo ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ mount
+ echo ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ delay=0
+ delay=10
+if [ $DONTWRITE != yes ]; then
+ for stream in `cat /tmp/partfiles/streams`; do
+ if [ "$stream" = "linux" ]; then
+ # partitions already formatted/mounted, just copy now
+ # untar data from the master 'on the fly'
+ echo -n "Linux copy is about to start "
+ countdown $delay
+ echo
+ inc_ka_session
+ /ka/ka-d-client -w $cur_ka_session -e "(cd /disk; tar --extract --read-full-records --same-permissions --numeric-owner --sparse --file - )" || fail
+ echo Linux copy done.
+ echo Creating excluded directories
+ cat /tmp/partfiles/excluded | recreate_dirs
+ echo Setting up networking
+ /ka/
+ delay=10
+ else
+ # maybe receive some raw partition dumps
+ echo Raw copy of $stream is about to start
+ countdown $delay
+ inc_ka_session
+ /ka/ka-d-client -w $cur_ka_session -e "dd of=$stream bs=65536" || fail
+ delay=10
+ fi
+ done
+ cd /tmp/partfiles
+ write_MBRs
+ if test -f /tmp/partfiles/command; then
+ checkDevEntries
+ command_to_run=`cat /tmp/partfiles/command`
+ runcom "Running $command_to_run" run_chroot_command "$command_to_run"
+ fi
+ echo " I would run ka-deploy(s) and then lilo/mbr "
+ sleep 1
+runcom "Syncing disks" sync
+# maybe there is a last dummy ka-deploy for synchronization
+if test -f /tmp/partfiles/delay; then
+ sleep 1
+ inc_ka_session
+ runcom "Waiting source node signal to end installation" /ka/ka-d-client -w $cur_ka_session -e "cat" || fail
+# Update the step file on the tftp server
+#runcom 'Sending back new $step' set_step $nextstep || fail
+echo -n Rebooting...
+countdown 3