path: root/eu/setupBootloader.html
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1 files changed, 296 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/eu/setupBootloader.html b/eu/setupBootloader.html
index 5420b88..decf724 100644
--- a/eu/setupBootloader.html
+++ b/eu/setupBootloader.html
@@ -29,6 +29,13 @@
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+ <div class="section" title="Bootloader interface">
+ <div class="titlepage">
+ <div>
+ <div>
+ <h3 class="title"><a name="d5e901"></a>Bootloader interface
<div class="section" title="Bios sistemarekin">
@@ -36,6 +43,7 @@
<h3 class="title"><a name="d5e909"></a>Bios sistemarekin
+>>>>>>> 7d93c82d3a5f5446f0d7370f43a99cb09ddabc63
@@ -43,15 +51,23 @@
- <p><a name="setupBootloader-pa1"></a>Instalatzaileak automatikoki aukeratutako abio kargatzaile ezarpen
- ezberdinak nahiago badituzu, hemen alda ditzakezu.
- </p>
+ <p>By default, Mageia uses exclusively:</p>
- <p><a name="setupBootloader-pa2"></a>Dagoeneko beste sistema eragile bat baduzu zure makinan, eta kasu horretan
- Mageia zure abio kargatzailera gehitu, edo Mageiari baimendu berri bat
- sortzea erabaki behar duzu.
- </p>
+ <div class="itemizedlist">
+ <ul class="itemizedlist">
+ <li class="listitem">
+ <p>Grub2 (with or without graphical menu) for a Legacy/MBR or Legacy/GPT system</p>
+ </li>
+ <li class="listitem">
+ <p>Grub2-efi for a UEFI system.</p>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
<div class="tip" title="Iradokizuna" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
@@ -71,11 +87,11 @@
- <div class="section" title="Mageia abio kargatzailea erabiliz">
+ <div class="section" title="Grub2 on Legacy/MBR and Legacy/GPT systems">
<div class="titlepage">
- <h4 class="title"><a name="usingMageiaBootloader"></a>Mageia abio kargatzailea erabiliz
+ <h4 class="title"><a name="d5e911"></a>Grub2 on Legacy/MBR and Legacy/GPT systems
@@ -83,6 +99,11 @@
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+ <p>Ez aldatu "Abio Gailua" zer egiten duzun benetan jakin gabe.</p>
<p><a name="setupBootloader-pa4"></a>Berez, Mageia GRUB (Ondare) kargatzaile berria zure disko gogorreko MBR
(Master Boot Record)-an idazten du lehenengoz. Sistema eragile bat baino
gehiago baduzu, Mageia saiatuko da abio menu berrira gehitzen.
@@ -117,15 +138,16 @@
+>>>>>>> 7d93c82d3a5f5446f0d7370f43a99cb09ddabc63
- <div class="section" title="Existitzen den abio kargatzaile bat erabiliz">
+ <div class="section" title="Grub2-efi on UEFI systems">
<div class="titlepage">
- <h4 class="title"><a name="usingExistingBootloader"></a>Existitzen den abio kargatzaile bat erabiliz
+ <h4 class="title"><a name="d5e919"></a>Grub2-efi on UEFI systems
@@ -133,80 +155,114 @@
- <p><a name="setupBootloader-pa46"></a>Existitzen den abio kargatzaile bat erabili nahi baduzu, instalazioan zehar
- gogoratu beharko duzu laburpen orrian GELDITZEA eta Abio Kargatzailearen
- <span class="guibutton">Ezarpen</span> botoia sakatzea, abio kargatzailearen
- instalazio tokia aldatzen utziko dizu.
+ <p>With an UEFI system, the user interface is slightly different as you cannot
+ choose between with or without graphical menu
+<<<<<<< HEAD
<p><a name="setupBootloader-pa47"></a>Ez ezazu aukeratu "sda" bezalako gailu bat, edo MBR existentea gainidatziko
du. Partizio fasean zehar aukeratutako root partizioa aukeratu behar duzu,
adibidez sda7 bezala.
+>>>>>>> 7d93c82d3a5f5446f0d7370f43a99cb09ddabc63
- <p><a name="setupBootloader-pa48"></a>Argi izan, sda gailu bat da, sda7 gailuaren partizio bat da.
+ <p>If Mageia is the only system installed on your computer, the installer
+ created an ESP (EFI System Partition) to receive the bootloader
+ (Grub2-efi). If there are already UEFI operating systems installed on your
+ computer (Windows 8 for example), the Mageia installer detects the existing
+ ESP created by Windows and adds grub2-efi. Although it is possible to have
+ several ESPs, only one is advised and enough whatever the number of
+ operating systems you have.
- <div class="tip" title="Iradokizuna" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
- <table border="0" summary="Tip">
- <tr>
- <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Iradokizuna]" src="tip.png"></td>
- <th align="left"></th>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td align="left" valign="top">
- <p><a name="setupBootloader-pa48a"></a>tty2-ra joan Ctrl+Alt+F2 sakatus eta idatzi <code class="literal">df</code> zure
- <code class="literal">/</code> (root) partizioa non dagoen egiaztatzeko. Ctrl+Alt+F7
- instalatzailera itzuliarazten dizu.
- </p>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </div>
- <p><a name="setupBootloader-pa49"></a>Zure Mageia sistema erabilea existitzen den abiarazlera gehitzeko prozedura
- zehatza eskuliburu honen esparrutik kanpo dago, baina normalean abio
- kargatzaile instalazioak antzeman eta gehitu beharko luke. Ikusi kasuko
- sistema eragilearen dokumentazioa.
- </p>
+ <p>Ez aldatu "Abio Gailua" zer egiten duzun benetan jakin gabe.</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="section" title="Mageia abio kargatzailea erabiliz">
+ <div class="titlepage">
+ <div>
+ <div>
+ <h3 class="title"><a name="d5e929"></a>Mageia abio kargatzailea erabiliz
+ </h3>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
- <div class="section" title="Abioko kargatzailearen aukera aurreratuak">
- <div class="titlepage">
+ <p>By default, according to your system, Mageia writes a new:</p>
+ <div class="itemizedlist">
+ <ul class="itemizedlist">
+ <li class="listitem">
+ <p>GRUB2 bootloader either into the MBR (Master Boot Record) of your first hard
+ drive or in the BIOS boot partition.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li class="listitem">
+ <p>Grub2-efi bootloader into the ESP</p>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <p>If you already have other operating systems installed, Mageia attempts to
+ add them to your new Mageia boot menu. If you don't want this behaviour,
+ click on <span class="guibutton">Next</span> and then uncheck the box
+ <span class="guilabel">Probe Foreign OS</span></p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="section" title="Existitzen den abio kargatzaile bat erabiliz">
+ <div class="titlepage">
+ <div>
- <div>
- <h4 class="title"><a name="advancedOptionBootloader"></a>Abioko kargatzailearen aukera aurreratuak
- </h4>
- </div>
+ <h3 class="title"><a name="d5e945"></a>Existitzen den abio kargatzaile bat erabiliz
+ </h3>
- <p><a name="setupBootloader-pa52"></a><code class="literal">/tmp</code> duen <code class="literal">/</code> partizioarentzat toki
- gutxi baldin baduzu, klikatu <span class="guibutton">Aurreratua</span> eta
- <span class="guilabel">/tmp abio bakoitzean garbitu</span> laukia marka ezazu. Honek
- toki libre apur bat mantentzen laguntzen du.
- </p>
+ <p>Zure Mageia sistema erabilea existitzen den abiarazlera gehitzeko prozedura
+ zehatza eskuliburu honen esparrutik kanpo dago, baina normalean abio
+ kargatzaile instalazioak antzeman eta gehitu beharko luke. Ikusi kasuko
+ sistema eragilearen dokumentazioa.
+ </p>
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+ <div class="section" title="Using chain loading">
+ <div class="titlepage">
+ <div>
+ <div>
+ <h3 class="title"><a name="d5e948"></a>Using chain loading
<div class="section" title="UEFI sistemarekin">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title"><a name="d5e946"></a>UEFI sistemarekin
+>>>>>>> 7d93c82d3a5f5446f0d7370f43a99cb09ddabc63
@@ -214,13 +270,196 @@
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+ <p>If you don't want a bootable Mageia, but to chain load it from another OS,
+ click on <span class="guibutton">Next</span>, then on
+ <span class="guibutton">Advanced</span> and Check the box <span class="guilabel">Do not touch ESP
+ or MBR</span>.
<p>UEFI sistema batekin, erabiltzaile interfazearen zertxobait ezberdinak dira,
ezin duzu abiarazlea aukeratu Grub2-efi soilik dagoelako eskuragarri
+>>>>>>> 7d93c82d3a5f5446f0d7370f43a99cb09ddabc63
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+ <p>You will get a warning that the bootloader is missing, ignore it by clicking
+ <span class="guibutton">OK</span>.
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="section" title="Aukerak">
+ <div class="titlepage">
+ <div>
+ <div>
+ <h3 class="title"><a name="d5e964"></a>Aukerak
+ </h3>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="section" title="First page">
+ <div class="titlepage">
+ <div>
+ <div>
+ <h4 class="title"><a name="d5e966"></a>First page
+ </h4>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="itemizedlist">
+ <ul class="itemizedlist">
+ <li class="listitem">
+ <p><span class="guilabel">Delay before booting the default image</span>: This text box
+ lets you set a delay in seconds before the default operating system is
+ started up.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li class="listitem">
+ <p><span class="guilabel">Security</span>: This allows you to set a password for the
+ bootloader. This means other people can not enter single user mode or change
+ settings at the boot time.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li class="listitem">
+ <p><span class="guilabel">Password</span>: This text box is where you actually put the
+ password
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li class="listitem">
+ <p><span class="guilabel">Password (again)</span>: Retype the password and Drakx will
+ check that it matches with the one set above.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li class="listitem">
+ <p><span class="guilabel">Advanced</span></p>
+ <div class="itemizedlist">
+ <ul class="itemizedlist">
+ <li class="listitem">
+ <p><span class="guilabel">Enable ACPI:</span> ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power
+ Interface) is a standard for the power management. It can save energy by
+ stopping unused devices, this was the method used before APM. Unchecking it
+ could be useful if, for example, your computer does not support ACPI or if
+ you think the ACPI implementation might cause some problems (for instance
+ random reboots or system lockups).
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li class="listitem">
+ <p><span class="guilabel">Enable SMP</span>: This option enables / disables symmetric
+ multiprocessing for multi core processors.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li class="listitem">
+ <p><span class="guilabel">Enable APIC</span>: Enabling or disabling this gives the
+ operating system access to the Advanced Programmable Interrupt
+ Controller. APIC devices permit more complex priority models, and Advanced
+ IRQ (Interrupt Request) management.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li class="listitem">
+ <p><span class="guilabel">Enable Local APIC</span>: Here you can set local APIC, which
+ manages all external interrupts for a specific processor in an SMP system.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="section" title="Hurrengo orria">
+ <div class="titlepage">
+ <div>
+ <div>
+ <h4 class="title"><a name="d5e998"></a>Hurrengo orria
+ </h4>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="itemizedlist">
+ <ul class="itemizedlist">
+ <li class="listitem">
+ <p><span class="guilabel">Default:</span> Operating system started up by default
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li class="listitem">
+ <p><span class="guilabel">Append:</span> This option lets you pass the kernel
+ information or tell the kernel to give you more information as it boots.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li class="listitem">
+ <p><span class="guilabel">Probe foreign OS</span>: see above <a class="link" href="setupBootloader.html#setupMageiaBootloader">Using a Mageia bootloader</a></p>
+ </li>
+ <li class="listitem">
+ <p><span class="guilabel">Advanced</span></p>
+ <div class="itemizedlist">
+ <ul class="itemizedlist">
+ <li class="listitem">
+ <p><span class="guilabel">Video mode:</span> This sets the screen size and colour depth
+ the boot menu will use. If you click the down triangle you will be offered
+ other size and colour depth options.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li class="listitem">
+ <p><span class="bold"><strong>Do not touch ESP or MBR</strong></span>: see above <a class="link" href="setupBootloader.html#setupChainLoading">Using the chain loading</a></p>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </div>
<p>Mageia zure ordenagailuan instalatutako lehen sistema bada, instalatzaileai
ESP (EFI sistema partizioa) sortuko du (Grub2-EFI) kargatzaileak
jasotzeko. Zure ordenagailuan UEFI sistema eragile bat bazegoen aldez
@@ -232,6 +471,7 @@
<p>Ez aldatu "Abio Gailua" zer egiten duzun benetan jakin gabe.</p>
+>>>>>>> 7d93c82d3a5f5446f0d7370f43a99cb09ddabc63