path: root/mga-bg-res
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mga-bg-res')
2 files changed, 39 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/mga-bg-res/NEWS b/mga-bg-res/NEWS
index bf66006..427bf45 100644
--- a/mga-bg-res/NEWS
+++ b/mga-bg-res/NEWS
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+Version 0.4 (2015-03-05):
+- xinit script: Handle resolutions that are not directly provided
+ in mageia-theme but have the same aspect ratio as provided images
+ o Nothing is done is the symlink is already correct
+ o Calculate aspect ratio for input resolution and link to the provided
+ picture with the nearest aspect ratio (±0.025).
Version 0.3 (2015-02-13):
- Add support for any screen resolution that fits an aspect ratio
provided in mageia-theme (Akien)
diff --git a/mga-bg-res/mga-bg-res.xinit b/mga-bg-res/mga-bg-res.xinit
index 3366c8d..558b1cd 100755
--- a/mga-bg-res/mga-bg-res.xinit
+++ b/mga-bg-res/mga-bg-res.xinit
@@ -1,26 +1,41 @@
# Find currently used resolution
res=$( xrandr | awk '/\sconnected/{i=split(substr($0,0,index($0,"+")-1),a);if($0~/\sprimary\s/){if(p==""){p=a[i]}}else{if(d==""){d=a[i]}}}END{if(p==""){print d}else{print p}}' )
-# Check if this is a supported resolution, if not, find the background with the same aspect ratio
-if [ ! -e "$bgpath/Mageia-Default-$res.jpg" ]; then
- width=$(echo $res | cut -f1 -d"x")
- height=$(echo $res | cut -f2 -d"x")
- # Bash only does integer arithmetic, we multiply everything by 1000 to workaround this
- ratio=$((1000*$width/$height))
+if [ $(readlink "$bgpath/default.jpg") != "$bgpath/Mageia-Default-$res.jpg" ]; then
+ # Check if this is a supported resolution, if not, find the background with the same aspect ratio
+ if [ ! -e "$bgpath/Mageia-Default-$res.jpg" ]; then
+ width=$(echo $res | cut -f1 -d"x")
+ height=$(echo $res | cut -f2 -d"x")
+ # Bash only does integer arithmetic, we multiply everything by 1000 to workaround this
+ ratio=$((1000*$width/$height))
- declare -A refRatios=( ["1250"]="1280x1024" ["1333"]="2560x1920" ["1600"]="1920x1200"
- ["1667"]="800x480" ["1707"]="1024x600" ["1778"]="1920x1080" )
- if test "${refRatios[$ratio]+defined}" ; then
- res=${refRatios[$ratio]}
- else
- echo "Your aspect ratio does not seem to be supported, keeping default background resolution."
- exit 1
+ found=false
+ declare -A refRatios=( ["1250"]="1280x1024" ["1333"]="2560x1920" ["1600"]="1920x1200"
+ ["1667"]="800x480" ["1707"]="1024x600" ["1778"]="1920x1080" )
+ for key in "${!refRatios[@]}"; do
+ if [ $(($ratio % $key)) -lt 25 -o $(($key % $ratio)) -lt 25 ]; then
+ res=${refRatios[$key]}
+ ratio=$key
+ found=true
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if ! $found; then
+ echo "mga-bg-res: Your aspect ratio does not seem to be supported, keeping default background resolution."
+ exit 1
+ fi
-if [ $(readlink "$bgpath/default.jpg") != "$bgpath/Mageia-Default-$res.jpg" ]; then
- /usr/bin/mga-bg-res $res
+ if [ $(readlink "$bgpath/default.jpg") != "$bgpath/Mageia-Default-$res.jpg" ]; then
+ echo "mga-bg-res: Changing the background symlink to point to Mageia-Default-$res.jpg (aspect ratio ${ratio:0:1}.${ratio:1:3})"
+ /usr/bin/mga-bg-res $res
+ else
+ echo "mga-bg-res: Nothing to do, the background symlink is already correct."
+ fi
+ echo "mga-bg-res: Nothing to do, the background symlink is already correct."