path: root/lib/AdminPanel/Module/Hosts.pm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/AdminPanel/Module/Hosts.pm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 530 deletions
diff --git a/lib/AdminPanel/Module/Hosts.pm b/lib/AdminPanel/Module/Hosts.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index faae3f0..0000000
--- a/lib/AdminPanel/Module/Hosts.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,530 +0,0 @@
-# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4:
-# Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Matteo Pasotti <matteo.pasotti@gmail.com>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-package ManaTools::Module::Hosts;
-use Modern::Perl '2011';
-use autodie;
-use Moose;
-use POSIX qw(ceil);
-use utf8;
-use Glib;
-use yui;
-use ManaTools::Shared qw(trim);
-use ManaTools::Shared::GUI;
-use ManaTools::Shared::Hosts;
-extends qw( ManaTools::Module );
-has '+icon' => (
- default => "/usr/lib/libDrakX/icons/IC-Dhost-48.png"
-has '+name' => (
- default => "Hostmanager",
-=head1 VERSION
-Version 1.0.0
-our $VERSION = '1.0.0';
-has 'dialog' => (
- is => 'rw',
- init_arg => undef
-has 'table' => (
- is => 'rw',
- init_arg => undef
-has 'cfgHosts' => (
- is => 'rw',
- init_arg => undef
-has 'sh_gui' => (
- is => 'rw',
- init_arg => undef,
- builder => '_SharedUGUIInitialize'
-has 'loc' => (
- is => 'rw',
- init_arg => undef,
- builder => '_localeInitialize'
-sub _localeInitialize {
- my $self = shift();
- # TODO fix domain binding for translation
- $self->loc(ManaTools::Shared::Locales->new(domain_name => 'drakx-net') );
- # TODO if we want to give the opportunity to test locally add dir_name => 'path'
-sub _SharedUGUIInitialize {
- my $self = shift();
- $self->sh_gui(ManaTools::Shared::GUI->new() );
-=head2 start
-=head3 INPUT
- $self: this object
- This method extends Module::start and is invoked to
- start host manager
-sub start {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->_manageHostsDialog();
-=head2 _changeHostNameDialog
-=head3 INPUT
- $self: this object
- $headerString: a title for the dialog
- This method display a dialog allowing the user
- to change the hostname
-sub _changeHostNameDialog {
- my $self = shift;
- my $headerString = shift();
- my $factory = yui::YUI::widgetFactory;
- my $dlg = $factory->createPopupDialog();
- my $layout = $factory->createVBox($dlg);
- my $hbox_header = $factory->createHBox($layout);
- my $vbox_content = $factory->createVBox($layout);
- my $hbox_footer = $factory->createHBox($layout);
- # header
- my $labelDescription = $factory->createLabel($hbox_header,$headerString);
- # content
- my $firstHbox = $factory->createHBox($vbox_content);
- my $secondHbox = $factory->createHBox($vbox_content);
- my $thirdHbox = $factory->createHBox($vbox_content);
- my $fourthHbox = $factory->createHBox($vbox_content);
- my $fifthHbox = $factory->createHBox($vbox_content);
- my $sixthHbox = $factory->createHBox($vbox_content);
- my $labelHostName = $factory->createLabel($secondHbox,$self->loc->N("Hostname"));
- $labelHostName->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ, 10);
- my $textHostName = $factory->createInputField($secondHbox,"");
- $textHostName->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ, 30);
- my $labelPrettyHostName = $factory->createLabel($thirdHbox,$self->loc->N("Pretty Hostname"));
- $labelPrettyHostName->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ, 10);
- my $textPrettyHostName = $factory->createInputField($thirdHbox,"");
- $textPrettyHostName->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ, 30);
- my $labelStaticHostName = $factory->createLabel($fourthHbox,$self->loc->N("Static Hostname"));
- $labelStaticHostName->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ, 10);
- my $textStaticHostName = $factory->createInputField($fourthHbox,"");
- $textStaticHostName->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ, 30);
- my $labelChassis = $factory->createLabel($fifthHbox,$self->loc->N("Chassis"));
- $labelChassis->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ, 10);
- my $textChassis = $factory->createInputField($fifthHbox,"");
- $textChassis->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ, 30);
- my $labelIconName = $factory->createLabel($sixthHbox,$self->loc->N("Icon Name"));
- $labelIconName->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ, 10);
- my $textIconName = $factory->createInputField($sixthHbox,"");
- $textIconName->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ, 30);
- $textHostName->setValue($self->cfgHosts->_getLocalHostName());
- $textPrettyHostName->setValue($self->cfgHosts->_getLocalPrettyHostName());
- $textStaticHostName->setValue($self->cfgHosts->_getLocalStaticHostName());
- $textChassis->setValue($self->cfgHosts->_getLocalChassis());
- $textIconName->setValue($self->cfgHosts->_getLocalIconName());
- # footer
- my $cancelButton = $factory->createPushButton($factory->createLeft($hbox_footer),$self->loc->N("&Cancel"));
- my $okButton = $factory->createPushButton($factory->createRight($hbox_footer),$self->loc->N("&OK"));
- while(1){
- my $event = $dlg->waitForEvent();
- my $eventType = $event->eventType();
- #event type checking
- if ($eventType == $yui::YEvent::CancelEvent) {
- last;
- }
- elsif ($eventType == $yui::YEvent::WidgetEvent) {
- # widget selected
- my $widget = $event->widget();
- if ($widget == $cancelButton) {
- last;
- }
- elsif($widget == $okButton) {
- $self->cfgHosts->_setLocalHostName($textHostName->value());
- $self->cfgHosts->_setLocalPrettyHostName($textPrettyHostName->value());
- $self->cfgHosts->_setLocalStaticHostName($textStaticHostName->value());
- $self->cfgHosts->_setLocalChassis($textChassis->value());
- $self->cfgHosts->_setLocalIconName($textIconName->value());
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- destroy $dlg;
-sub _manipulateHostDialog {
- my $self = shift;
- my $headerString = shift();
- my $boolEdit = shift();
- my $hostIpString = "";
- my $hostNameString = "";
- my $hostAliasesString = "";
- if($boolEdit == 1){
- $hostIpString = shift();
- $hostNameString = shift();
- $hostAliasesString = shift();
- }
- my $factory = yui::YUI::widgetFactory;
- my $dlg = $factory->createPopupDialog();
- my $layout = $factory->createVBox($dlg);
- my $hbox_header = $factory->createHBox($layout);
- my $vbox_content = $factory->createVBox($layout);
- my $hbox_footer = $factory->createHBox($layout);
- # header
- my $labelDescription = $factory->createLabel($hbox_header,$headerString);
- # content
- my $firstHbox = $factory->createHBox($vbox_content);
- my $secondHbox = $factory->createHBox($vbox_content);
- my $thirdHbox = $factory->createHBox($vbox_content);
- my $labelIPAddress = $factory->createLabel($firstHbox,$self->loc->N("IP Address"));
- my $labelHostName = $factory->createLabel($secondHbox,$self->loc->N("Hostname"));
- my $labelHostAlias = $factory->createLabel($thirdHbox,$self->loc->N("Host aliases"));
- $labelIPAddress->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ, 10);
- $labelHostName->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ, 10);
- $labelHostAlias->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ, 10);
- my $textIPAddress = $factory->createInputField($firstHbox,"");
- my $textHostName = $factory->createInputField($secondHbox,"");
- my $textHostAlias = $factory->createInputField($thirdHbox,"");
- $textIPAddress->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ, 30);
- $textHostName->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ, 30);
- $textHostAlias->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ, 30);
- if($boolEdit == 1){
- $textIPAddress->setValue($hostIpString);
- $textHostName->setValue($hostNameString);
- $textHostAlias->setValue($hostAliasesString);
- }
- # footer
- my $cancelButton = $factory->createPushButton($factory->createLeft($hbox_footer),$self->loc->N("&Cancel"));
- my $okButton = $factory->createPushButton($factory->createRight($hbox_footer),$self->loc->N("&OK"));
- while(1){
- my $event = $dlg->waitForEvent();
- my $eventType = $event->eventType();
- #event type checking
- if ($eventType == $yui::YEvent::CancelEvent) {
- last;
- }
- elsif ($eventType == $yui::YEvent::WidgetEvent) {
- # widget selected
- my $widget = $event->widget();
- if ($widget == $cancelButton) {
- last;
- }
- elsif($widget == $okButton) {
- my $res = undef;
- my @hosts_toadd;
- push @hosts_toadd, $textHostName->value();
- if(ManaTools::Shared::trim($textHostAlias->value()) ne ""){
- push @hosts_toadd, $textHostAlias->value();
- }
- if($boolEdit == 0){
- $res = $self->cfgHosts->_insertHost($textIPAddress->value(),[@hosts_toadd]);
- }else{
- $res = $self->cfgHosts->_modifyHost($textIPAddress->value(),[@hosts_toadd]);
- }
- $res = $self->cfgHosts->_writeHosts();
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- destroy $dlg;
-=head2 _addHostDialog
-=head3 INPUT
- $self: this object
-This subroutine creates the Host dialog to add host definitions
-sub _addHostDialog {
- my $self = shift();
- return $self->_manipulateHostDialog($self->loc->N("Add the information"),0);
-=head2 _edtHostDialog
-=head3 INPUT
-=over 4
-=item $self: this object
-=item B<$hostIp> : the ip of the host entry that we want to modify
-=item B<$hostName> : the name of the host entry we want to modify
-=item B<$hostAliases> : aliases of the host entry we want to modify
-This subroutine creates the Host dialog to modify host definitions
-sub _edtHostDialog {
- my $self = shift();
- my $hostIp = shift();
- my $hostName = shift();
- my $hostAliases = shift();
- return $self->_manipulateHostDialog($self->loc->N("Modify the information"),1,$hostIp,$hostName,$hostAliases);
-=head2 setupTable
-=head3 INPUT
- $self: this object
- $data: reference to the array containaing the host data to show into the table
-This subroutine populates a previously created YTable with the hosts data
-retrieved by the Config::Hosts module
-sub setupTable {
- my $self = shift();
- my @hosts = $self->cfgHosts->_getHosts();
- # clear table
- $self->table->deleteAllItems();
- foreach my $host (@hosts){
- my $tblItem;
- my $aliases = join(',',@{$host->{'hosts'}});
- if(scalar(@{$host->{'hosts'}}) > 1){
- $aliases =~s/^$host->{'hosts'}[0]\,*//g;
- }elsif(scalar(@{$host->{'hosts'}}) == 1){
- $aliases = "";
- }
- $tblItem = new yui::YTableItem($host->{'ip'},$host->{'hosts'}[0],$aliases);
- $self->table->addItem($tblItem);
- }
-sub _manageHostsDialog {
- my $self = shift;
- ## TODO fix for manatools
- my $appTitle = yui::YUI::app()->applicationTitle();
- my $appIcon = yui::YUI::app()->applicationIcon();
- ## set new title to get it in dialog
- my $newTitle = $self->loc->N("Manage hosts definitions");
- yui::YUI::app()->setApplicationTitle($newTitle);
- my $factory = yui::YUI::widgetFactory;
- my $optional = yui::YUI::optionalWidgetFactory;
- $self->dialog($factory->createMainDialog());
- my $layout = $factory->createVBox($self->dialog);
- my $hbox_header = $factory->createHBox($layout);
- my $headLeft = $factory->createHBox($factory->createLeft($hbox_header));
- my $headRight = $factory->createHBox($factory->createRight($hbox_header));
- my $logoImage = $factory->createImage($headLeft, $appIcon);
- my $labelAppDescription = $factory->createLabel($headRight,$newTitle);
- $logoImage->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ,0);
- $labelAppDescription->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ,3);
- my $hbox_content = $factory->createHBox($layout);
- my $tableHeader = new yui::YTableHeader();
- $tableHeader->addColumn($self->loc->N("IP Address"));
- $tableHeader->addColumn($self->loc->N("Hostname"));
- $tableHeader->addColumn($self->loc->N("Host Aliases"));
- my $leftContent = $factory->createLeft($hbox_content);
- $leftContent->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ,45);
- $self->table($factory->createTable($leftContent,$tableHeader));
- # initialize Config::Hosts
- $self->cfgHosts(ManaTools::Shared::Hosts->new());
- $self->setupTable();
- my $rightContent = $factory->createRight($hbox_content);
- $rightContent->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ,10);
- my $topContent = $factory->createTop($rightContent);
- my $vbox_commands = $factory->createVBox($topContent);
- my $addButton = $factory->createPushButton($factory->createHBox($vbox_commands),$self->loc->N("A&dd"));
- my $edtButton = $factory->createPushButton($factory->createHBox($vbox_commands),$self->loc->N("&Edit"));
- my $remButton = $factory->createPushButton($factory->createHBox($vbox_commands),$self->loc->N("&Remove"));
- my $hnButton = $factory->createPushButton($factory->createHBox($vbox_commands),$self->loc->N("&Hostname"));
- $addButton->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ,1);
- $edtButton->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ,1);
- $remButton->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ,1);
- $hnButton->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ,1);
- my $hbox_foot = $factory->createHBox($layout);
- my $vbox_foot_left = $factory->createVBox($factory->createLeft($hbox_foot));
- my $vbox_foot_right = $factory->createVBox($factory->createRight($hbox_foot));
- my $aboutButton = $factory->createPushButton($vbox_foot_left,$self->loc->N("&About"));
- my $cancelButton = $factory->createPushButton($vbox_foot_right,$self->loc->N("&Cancel"));
- my $okButton = $factory->createPushButton($vbox_foot_right,$self->loc->N("&OK"));
- # main loop
- while(1) {
- my $event = $self->dialog->waitForEvent();
- my $eventType = $event->eventType();
- #event type checking
- if ($eventType == $yui::YEvent::CancelEvent) {
- last;
- }
- elsif ($eventType == $yui::YEvent::WidgetEvent) {
-### Buttons and widgets ###
- my $widget = $event->widget();
- if ($widget == $cancelButton) {
- last;
- }
- elsif ($widget == $addButton) {
- $self->_addHostDialog();
- $self->setupTable();
- }
- elsif ($widget == $edtButton) {
- my $tblItem = yui::toYTableItem($self->table->selectedItem());
- if($tblItem->cellCount() >= 3){
- $self->_edtHostDialog($tblItem->cell(0)->label(),$tblItem->cell(1)->label(),$tblItem->cell(2)->label());
- }else{
- $self->_edtHostDialog($tblItem->cell(0)->label(),$tblItem->cell(1)->label(),"");
- }
- $self->setupTable();
- }
- elsif ($widget == $remButton) {
- # implement deletion dialog
- if($self->sh_gui->ask_YesOrNo({title => $self->loc->N("Confirmation"), text => $self->loc->N("Are you sure to drop this host?")}) == 1){
- my $tblItem = yui::toYTableItem($self->table->selectedItem());
- # drop the host using the ip
- $self->cfgHosts->_dropHost($tblItem->cell(0)->label());
- # write changes
- $self->cfgHosts->_writeHosts();
- $self->setupTable();
- }
- }elsif ($widget == $hnButton) {
- $self->_changeHostNameDialog("Change the HostName FQDN");
- $self->setupTable();
- }elsif ($widget == $aboutButton) {
- $self->sh_gui->AboutDialog({
- name => $appTitle,
- version => $VERSION,
- credits => "Copyright (c) 2013-2015 by Matteo Pasotti",
- license => "GPLv2",
- description => $self->loc->N("Graphical manager for hosts definitions"),
- authors => "Matteo Pasotti &lt;matteo.pasotti\@gmail.com&gt;"
- }
- );
- }elsif ($widget == $okButton) {
- # write changes
- $self->cfgHosts->_writeHosts();
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- $self->dialog->destroy() ;
- #restore old application title
- yui::YUI::app()->setApplicationTitle($appTitle);