path: root/lib/ManaTools/Rpmdragora/pkg.pm
diff options
authorAngelo Naselli <anaselli@linux.it>2015-03-16 19:20:40 +0100
committerAngelo Naselli <anaselli@linux.it>2015-03-16 19:20:40 +0100
commitb4e446c21e299af0441ec44db7a86334980b77c2 (patch)
treeea17c359431cb9e10aeed60346cb7b5a2c7af19d /lib/ManaTools/Rpmdragora/pkg.pm
parentfc9772f1f03684e8dab50ff77d2c46c5e0309c7b (diff)
Moved the tree accordingly
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ManaTools/Rpmdragora/pkg.pm')
1 files changed, 1085 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ManaTools/Rpmdragora/pkg.pm b/lib/ManaTools/Rpmdragora/pkg.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba0b18b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ManaTools/Rpmdragora/pkg.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,1085 @@
+# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4:
+package ManaTools::Rpmdragora::pkg;
+# Copyright (c) 2002 Guillaume Cottenceau
+# Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandriva.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 MandrakeSoft SA
+# Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Mandriva SA
+# Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Matteo Pasotti <matteo.pasotti@gmail.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Angelo Naselli <anaselli@linux.it>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# $Id: pkg.pm 270160 2010-06-22 19:55:40Z jvictor $
+use strict;
+use Sys::Syslog;
+use MDK::Common::Func; #qw(before_leaving any);
+use MDK::Common::DataStructure; # qw (uniq difference2 member add2hash put_in_hash);
+use MDK::Common::System qw(arch);
+use MDK::Common::File; # qw(cat_);
+use MDK::Common::Various qw(chomp_);
+use POSIX qw(_exit ceil);
+use URPM;
+use utf8;
+use ManaTools::rpmdragora;
+use ManaTools::Rpmdragora::open_db;
+use ManaTools::Rpmdragora::gurpm;
+use ManaTools::Rpmdragora::formatting;
+use ManaTools::Rpmdragora::rpmnew;
+use ManaTools::Shared::RunProgram qw(run get_stdout);
+use ManaTools::rpmdragora;
+use urpm;
+use urpm::lock;
+use urpm::install;
+use urpm::signature;
+use urpm::get_pkgs;
+use urpm::select;
+use urpm::main_loop;
+use urpm::args qw();
+use urpm::util;
+use Carp;
+my $loc = ManaTools::rpmdragora::locale();
+use Exporter;
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT = qw(
+ $priority_up_alread_warned
+ download_callback
+ extract_header
+ find_installed_version
+ get_pkgs
+ perform_installation
+ perform_removal
+ run_rpm
+ sort_packages
+ );
+our $priority_up_alread_warned;
+sub sort_packages_biarch {
+ sort {
+ my ($na, $aa) = $a =~ /^(.*-[^-]+-[^-]+)\.([^.-]+)$/;
+ my ($nb, $ab) = $b =~ /^(.*-[^-]+-[^-]+)\.([^.-]+)$/;
+ !defined($na) ?
+ (!defined($nb) ? 0 : 1) :
+ (!defined($nb) ? -1 : $na cmp $nb || ($ab =~ /64$/) <=> ($aa =~ /64$/));
+ } @_;
+sub sort_packages_monoarch {
+ sort { uc($a) cmp uc($b) } @_;
+*sort_packages = MDK::Common::System::arch() =~ /x86_64/ ? \&sort_packages_biarch : \&sort_packages_monoarch;
+sub run_rpm {
+ local $ENV{$_} = $ENV{$_} . '.UTF-8' if $ENV{$_} && $ENV{$_} !~ /UTF-8/;
+ }
+ my @l = map { ensure_utf8($_); $_ } ManaTools::Shared::RunProgram::get_stdout(@_);
+ wantarray() ? @l : join('', @l);
+sub extract_header {
+ my ($pkg, $urpm, $xml_info, $o_installed_version) = @_;
+ my %fields = (
+ info => 'description',
+ files => 'files',
+ changelog => 'changelog',
+ );
+ # already extracted:
+ return if $pkg->{$fields{$xml_info}};
+ my $p = $pkg->{pkg};
+ if (!$p) {
+ warn ">> ghost package '$pkg' has no URPM object!!!\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ my $name = $p->fullname;
+ # fix extracting info for SRPMS and RPM GPG keys:
+ $name =~ s!\.src!!;
+ if ($p->flag_installed && !$p->flag_upgrade) {
+ my @files = map { MDK::Common::Various::chomp_($_) } run_rpm("rpm -ql $name");
+ MDK::Common::DataStructure::add2hash($pkg, { files => [ @files ? @files : $loc->N("(none)") ],
+ description => rpm_description(scalar(run_rpm("rpm -q --qf '%{description}' $name"))),
+ changelog => format_changelog_string($o_installed_version, scalar(run_rpm("rpm -q --changelog $name"))) });
+ } else {
+ my $medium = pkg2medium($p, $urpm);
+ my ($local_source, %xml_info_pkgs, $bar_id);
+ my $_statusbar_clean_guard = MDK::Common::Func::before_leaving { $bar_id and statusbar_msg_remove($bar_id) };
+ my $dir = urpm::file_from_local_url($medium->{url});
+ print "p->filename: ". $p->filename."\n";
+ $local_source = "$dir/" . $p->filename if $dir;
+ print "local_source: " . ($local_source ? $local_source : "") . "\n";
+ if ($local_source && -e $local_source) {
+ $bar_id = statusbar_msg($loc->N("Getting information from %s...", $dir), 0);
+ $urpm->{log}("getting information from rpms from $dir");
+ } else {
+ my $gurpm;
+ $bar_id = statusbar_msg($loc->N("Getting '%s' from XML meta-data...", $xml_info), 0);
+ my $_gurpm_clean_guard = MDK::Common::Func::before_leaving { undef $gurpm };
+ if (my $xml_info_file = eval { urpm::media::any_xml_info($urpm, $medium, $xml_info, undef, sub {
+ $gurpm ||= ManaTools::Rpmdragora::gurpm->new(
+ text => $loc->N("Please wait"),
+ );
+ download_callback($gurpm, @_)
+ or goto header_non_available;
+ }) }) {
+ require urpm::xml_info;
+ require urpm::xml_info_pkg;
+ $urpm->{log}("getting information from $xml_info_file");
+ my %nodes = eval { urpm::xml_info::get_nodes($xml_info, $xml_info_file, [ $name ]) };
+ goto header_non_available if $@;
+ MDK::Common::DataStructure::put_in_hash($xml_info_pkgs{$name} ||= {}, $nodes{$name});
+ } else {
+ if ($xml_info eq 'info') {
+ $urpm->{info}($loc->N("No xml info for medium \"%s\", only partial result for package %s", $medium->{name}, $name));
+ } else {
+ $urpm->{error}($loc->N("No xml info for medium \"%s\", unable to return any result for package %s", $medium->{name}, $name));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #- even if non-root, search for a header in the global cachedir
+ if ($local_source && -s $local_source) {
+ $p->update_header($local_source) or do {
+ warn "Warning, could not extract header for $name from $medium!";
+ goto header_non_available;
+ };
+ my @files = $p->files;
+ @files = $loc->N("(none)") if !@files;
+ MDK::Common::DataStructure::add2hash($pkg, { description => rpm_description($p->description),
+ files => \@files,
+ url => $p->url,
+ changelog => format_changelog_changelogs($o_installed_version, $p->changelogs) });
+ $p->pack_header; # needed in order to call methods on objects outside ->traverse
+ } elsif ($xml_info_pkgs{$name}) {
+ if ($xml_info eq 'info') {
+ MDK::Common::DataStructure::add2hash($pkg, { description => rpm_description($xml_info_pkgs{$name}{description}),
+ url => $xml_info_pkgs{$name}{url}
+ });
+ } elsif ($xml_info eq 'files') {
+ my @files = map { MDK::Common::Various::chomp_($loc->to_utf8($_)) } split("\n", $xml_info_pkgs{$name}{files});
+ MDK::Common::DataStructure::add2hash($pkg, { files => scalar(@files) ? \@files : [ $loc->N("(none)") ] });
+ } elsif ($xml_info eq 'changelog') {
+ MDK::Common::DataStructure::add2hash($pkg, {
+ changelog => format_changelog_changelogs($o_installed_version,
+ @{$xml_info_pkgs{$name}{changelogs}})
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ goto header_non_available;
+ }
+ return;
+ header_non_available:
+ MDK::Common::DataStructure::add2hash($pkg, { summary => $p->summary || $loc->N("(Not available)"), description => undef });
+ }
+sub find_installed_version {
+ my ($p) = @_;
+ my $version = $loc->N("(none)");
+ open_rpm_db()->traverse_tag_find('name', $p->name, sub { $version = $_[0]->EVR; return ($version ? 1 : 0) }) if $p;
+ return $version;
+my $canceled;
+sub download_callback {
+ my ($gurpm, $mode, $file, $percent, $total, $eta, $speed) = @_;
+ $canceled = 0;
+ if ($mode eq 'start') {
+ $gurpm->label($loc->N("Downloading package `%s'...", urpm::util::basename($file)));
+# $gurpm->validate_cancel(but($loc->N("Cancel")), sub { $canceled = 1 });
+ } elsif ($mode eq 'progress') {
+ $gurpm->label(
+ join("\n",
+ $loc->N("Downloading package `%s'...", urpm::util::basename($file)),
+ (defined $total && defined $eta ?
+ $loc->N(" %s%% of %s completed, ETA = %s, speed = %s", $percent, $total, $eta, $speed)
+ : $loc->N(" %s%% completed, speed = %s", $percent, $speed)
+ ) =~ /^\s*(.*)/
+ ),
+ );
+ #$gurpm->progress($percenti/100);
+ $gurpm->progress(ceil($percent));
+ } elsif ($mode eq 'end') {
+ $gurpm->progress(100);
+# $gurpm->invalidate_cancel;
+ }
+ !$canceled;
+# -=-=-=---=-=-=---=-=-=-- install packages -=-=-=---=-=-=---=-=-=-
+my (@update_medias, $is_update_media_already_asked);
+sub warn_about_media {
+ my ($w, %options) = @_;
+ return 0 if $::MODE ne 'update';
+ return 0 if $::rpmdragora_options{'no-media-update'};
+ # we use our own instance of the urpmi db in order not to mess up with skip-list managment (#31092):
+ # and no need to fully configure urpmi since we may have to do it again anyway because of new media:
+ my $urpm = fast_open_urpmi_db();
+ my $_lock = urpm::lock::urpmi_db($urpm, undef, wait => $urpm->{options}{wait_lock});
+ # build media list:
+ @update_medias = get_update_medias($urpm);
+ # do not update again media after installing/removing some packages:
+ $::rpmdragora_options{'no-media-update'} ||= 1;
+ if (@update_medias > 0) {
+ if (!$options{skip_updating_mu} && !$is_update_media_already_asked) {
+ $is_update_media_already_asked = 1;
+ if (!$::rpmdragora_options{'no-confirmation'}) {
+ my $choice = interactive_msg($loc->N("Confirmation"),
+ $loc->N("I need to contact the mirror to get latest update packages.
+Please check that your network is currently running.
+Is it ok to continue?"
+ ), yesno => 1, dont_ask_again => 1,
+# TODO widget => gtknew('CheckButton', text => $loc->N("Do not ask me next time"),
+# active_ref => \$::rpmdragora_options{'no-confirmation'}
+# )
+ );
+ $::rpmdragora_options{'no-confirmation'} = $choice->{dont_ask_again};
+ return(-1) if !$choice->{value};
+ }
+ writeconf();
+ urpm::media::select_media($urpm, map { $_->{name} } @update_medias);
+ update_sources($urpm, noclean => 1, medialist => [ map { $_->{name} } @update_medias ]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (MDK::Common::Func::any { $_->{update} } @{$urpm->{media}}) {
+ interactive_msg($loc->N("Already existing update media"),
+$loc->N("You already have at least one update medium configured, but
+all of them are currently disabled. You should run the Software
+Media Manager to enable at least one (check it in the \"%s\"
+Then, restart \"%s\".", $loc->N("Enabled"), $ManaTools::rpmdragora::myname_update));
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ my ($mirror) = choose_mirror($urpm, transient => $w->{real_window} || $::main_window,
+ message => join("\n\n",
+ $loc->N("You have no configured update media. MageiaUpdate cannot operate without any update media."),
+ $loc->N("I need to contact the Mageia website to get the mirror list.
+Please check that your network is currently running.
+Is it ok to continue?"),
+ ),
+ );
+ my $m = ref($mirror) ? $mirror->{url} : '';
+ $m or interactive_msg($loc->N("How to choose manually your mirror"),
+$loc->N("You may also choose your desired mirror manually: to do so,
+launch the Software Media Manager, and then add a `Security
+updates' medium.
+Then, restart %s.", $ManaTools::rpmdragora::myname_update)), return (-1);
+ add_distrib_update_media($urpm, $mirror, only_updates => 0);
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub get_parallel_group() {
+ $::rpmdragora_options{parallel} ? $::rpmdragora_options{parallel}[0] : undef;
+my ($count, $level, $limit, $new_stage, $prev_stage, $total);
+sub init_progress_bar {
+ my ($urpm) = @_;
+ undef $_ foreach $count, $prev_stage, $new_stage, $limit;
+ $level = 5;
+ $total = @{$urpm->{depslist}};
+sub reset_pbar_count {
+ undef $prev_stage;
+ $count = 0;
+ $limit = $_[0];
+sub update_pbar {
+ my ($gurpm) = @_;
+ return if !$total; # don't die if there's no source
+ $count++;
+ $new_stage = $level+($limit-$level)*$count/$total;
+ $prev_stage = 0 if(!defined($prev_stage));
+ if ($prev_stage + 1 < $new_stage) {
+ $prev_stage = $new_stage;
+ $gurpm->progress(ceil($new_stage));
+ }
+sub get_installed_packages {
+ my ($urpm, $db, $all_pkgs, $gurpm) = @_;
+ $urpm->{global_config}{'prohibit-remove'} = '' if(!defined($urpm->{global_config}{'prohibit-remove'}));
+ my @base = ("basesystem", split /,\s*/, $urpm->{global_config}{'prohibit-remove'});
+ my (%base, %basepackages, @installed_pkgs, @processed_base);
+ reset_pbar_count(33);
+ while (defined(local $_ = shift @base)) {
+ exists $basepackages{$_} and next;
+ $db->traverse_tag(m|^/| ? 'path' : 'whatprovides', [ $_ ], sub {
+ update_pbar($gurpm);
+ my $name = $_[0]->fullname;
+ # workaround looping in URPM:
+ return if MDK::Common::DataStructure::member($name, @processed_base);
+ push @processed_base, $name;
+ push @{$basepackages{$_}}, $name;
+ push @base, $_[0]->requires_nosense;
+ });
+ }
+ foreach (values %basepackages) {
+ my $n = @$_; #- count number of times it's provided
+ foreach (@$_) {
+ $base{$_} = \$n;
+ }
+ }
+ # costly:
+ $db->traverse(sub {
+ my ($pkg) = @_;
+ update_pbar($gurpm);
+ my $fullname = urpm_name($pkg);
+ return if $fullname =~ /@/;
+ $all_pkgs->{$fullname} = {
+ pkg => $pkg, urpm_name => $fullname,
+ } if !($all_pkgs->{$fullname} && $all_pkgs->{$fullname}{description});
+ if (my $name = $base{$fullname}) {
+ $all_pkgs->{$fullname}{base} = \$name;
+ $pkg->set_flag_base(1) if $$name == 1;
+ }
+ push @installed_pkgs, $fullname;
+ $pkg->set_flag_installed;
+ $pkg->pack_header; # needed in order to call methods on objects outside ->traverse
+ });
+ @installed_pkgs;
+urpm::select::add_packages_to_priority_upgrade_list('rpmdragora', 'perl-Glib', 'perl-Gtk2');
+my ($priority_state, $priority_requested);
+our $need_restart;
+our $probe_only_for_updates;
+sub get_updates_list {
+ my ($urpm, $db, $state, $requested, $requested_list, $requested_strict, $all_pkgs, %limit_preselect) = @_;
+ $urpm->request_packages_to_upgrade(
+ $db,
+ $state,
+ $requested,
+ %limit_preselect
+ );
+ my %common_opts = (
+ callback_choices => \&ManaTools::Rpmdragora::gui::callback_choices,
+ priority_upgrade => $urpm->{options}{'priority-upgrade'},
+ );
+ if ($urpm->{options}{'priority-upgrade'}) {
+ $need_restart =
+ urpm::select::resolve_priority_upgrades_after_auto_select($urpm, $db, $state,
+ $requested, %common_opts);
+ }
+ # list of updates (including those matching /etc/urpmi/skip.list):
+ @$requested_list = sort map {
+ my $name = urpm_name($_);
+ $all_pkgs->{$name} = { pkg => $_ };
+ $name;
+ } @{$urpm->{depslist}}[keys %$requested];
+ # list of pure updates (w/o those matching /etc/urpmi/skip.list but with their deps):
+ if ($probe_only_for_updates && !$need_restart) {
+ @$requested_strict = sort map {
+ urpm_name($_);
+ } $urpm->resolve_requested($db, $state, $requested, callback_choices => \&ManaTools::Rpmdragora::gui::callback_choices);
+ if (my @l = grep { $state->{selected}{$_->id} }
+ urpm::select::_priority_upgrade_pkgs($urpm, $urpm->{options}{'priority-upgrade'})) {
+ if (!$need_restart) {
+ $need_restart =
+ urpm::select::_resolve_priority_upgrades($urpm, $db, $state, $state->{selected},
+ \@l, %common_opts);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($need_restart) {
+ $requested_strict = [ map { scalar $_->fullname } @{$urpm->{depslist}}[keys %{$state->{selected}}] ];
+ # drop non priority updates:
+ @$requested_list = ();
+ }
+ # list updates including skiped ones + their deps in MageiaUpdate:
+ @$requested_list = MDK::Common::DataStructure::uniq(@$requested_list, @$requested_strict);
+ # do not pre select updates in rpmdragora:
+ @$requested_strict = () if !$probe_only_for_updates;
+sub get_pkgs {
+ my (%options) = @_;
+ my $w = $::main_window;
+ myexit (-1) if (warn_about_media($w, %options) == -1);
+ my $gurpm = ManaTools::Rpmdragora::gurpm->new(
+ text => $loc->N("Please wait"),
+ );
+ my $_gurpm_clean_guard = MDK::Common::Func::before_leaving { undef $gurpm };
+ my $urpm = open_urpmi_db(update => $probe_only_for_updates && !is_it_a_devel_distro());
+ my $_drop_lock = MDK::Common::Func::before_leaving { undef $urpm->{lock} };
+ $priority_up_alread_warned = 0;
+ # update media list in case warn_about_media() added some:
+ @update_medias = get_update_medias($urpm);
+ $gurpm->label($loc->N("Reading updates description"));
+ #- parse the description file
+ my $update_descr = urpm::get_updates_description($urpm, @update_medias);
+ $gurpm->progress(100);
+ my $_unused = $loc->N("Please wait, finding available packages...");
+# # find out installed packages:
+ init_progress_bar($urpm);
+ $gurpm->label($loc->N("Please wait, listing base packages..."));
+ $gurpm->progress(ceil($level));
+ my $db = eval { open_rpm_db() };
+ if (my $err = $@) {
+ interactive_msg($loc->N("Error"), $loc->N("A fatal error occurred: %s.", $err));
+ return;
+ }
+ my $sig_handler = sub { undef $db; exit 3 };
+ local $SIG{INT} = $sig_handler;
+ local $SIG{QUIT} = $sig_handler;
+ $gurpm->label($loc->N("Please wait, finding installed packages..."));
+ $level = 33;
+ $gurpm->progress(ceil($level));
+ reset_pbar_count(66);
+ my (@installed_pkgs, %all_pkgs);
+ if (!$probe_only_for_updates) {
+ @installed_pkgs = get_installed_packages($urpm, $db, \%all_pkgs, $gurpm);
+ }
+ if (my $group = get_parallel_group()) {
+ urpm::media::configure($urpm, parallel => $group);
+ }
+ # find out availlable packages:
+ $urpm->{state} = {};
+ $gurpm->label($loc->N("Please wait, finding available packages..."));
+ $level = 66;
+ $gurpm->progress(ceil($level));
+ check_update_media_version($urpm, @update_medias);
+ my $requested = {};
+ my $state = {};
+ my (@requested, @requested_strict);
+ if ($compute_updates->[0] || $::MODE eq 'update') {
+ my %filter;
+ if ($options{pure_updates}) {
+ # limit to packages from update-media (dependencies can still come from other media)
+ %filter = (idlist => [ map { $_->{start} .. $_->{end} } @update_medias ]);
+ }
+ get_updates_list($urpm, $db, $state, $requested, \@requested, \@requested_strict, \%all_pkgs, %filter);
+ }
+ if ($need_restart) {
+ $priority_state = $state;
+ $priority_requested = $requested;
+ } else {
+ ($priority_state, $priority_requested) = ();
+ }
+ if (!$probe_only_for_updates) {
+ $urpm->compute_installed_flags($db); # TODO/FIXME: not for updates
+ $urpm->{depslist}[$_]->set_flag_installed foreach keys %$requested; #- pretend it's installed
+ }
+ $urpm->{rpmdragora_state} = $state; #- Don't forget it
+ $level = 70;
+ $gurpm->progress(ceil($level));
+ my %l;
+ reset_pbar_count(100);
+ foreach my $pkg (@{$urpm->{depslist}}) {
+ update_pbar($gurpm);
+ $pkg->flag_upgrade or next;
+ my $key = $pkg->name . $pkg->arch;
+ $l{$key} = $pkg if !$l{$key} || $l{$key}->compare_pkg($pkg);
+ }
+ my @installable_pkgs = map { my $n = $_->fullname; $all_pkgs{$n} = { pkg => $_ }; $n } values %l;
+ undef %l;
+ my @inactive_backports;
+ my @active_backports;
+ my @backport_medias = get_backport_media($urpm);
+ foreach my $medium (@backport_medias) {
+ update_pbar($gurpm);
+ # The 'searchmedia' flag differentiates inactive backport medias
+ # (because that option was passed to urpm::media::configure to
+ # temporarily enable them)
+ my $backports =
+ $medium->{searchmedia} ? \@inactive_backports : \@active_backports;
+ if (defined($medium->{start}) || defined($medium->{end})) {
+ foreach my $pkg_id ($medium->{start} .. $medium->{end}) {
+ next if !$pkg_id;
+ my $pkg = $urpm->{depslist}[$pkg_id];
+ $pkg->flag_upgrade or next;
+ my $name = $pkg->fullname;
+ push @$backports, $name;
+ $all_pkgs{$name} = { pkg => $pkg, is_backport => 1 };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my @updates = @requested;
+ # selecting updates by default but skipped ones (MageiaUpdate only):
+ foreach (@requested_strict) {
+ $all_pkgs{$_}{selected} = 1;
+ }
+ # urpmi only care about the first medium where it found the package,
+ # so there's no need to list the same package several time:
+ @installable_pkgs = MDK::Common::DataStructure::uniq(MDK::Common::DataStructure::difference2(\@installable_pkgs, \@updates));
+ my @meta_pkgs = grep { /^task-|^basesystem/ } keys %all_pkgs;
+ my @gui_pkgs = map { chomp; $_ } MDK::Common::File::cat_('/usr/share/rpmdrake/gui.lst');
+ # add meta packages to GUI packages list (which expect basic names not fullnames):
+ push @gui_pkgs, map { (split_fullname($_))[0] } @meta_pkgs;
+ +{ urpm => $urpm,
+ all_pkgs => \%all_pkgs,
+ installed => \@installed_pkgs,
+ installable => \@installable_pkgs,
+ updates => \@updates,
+ meta_pkgs => \@meta_pkgs,
+ gui_pkgs => [ grep { my $p = $all_pkgs{$_}{pkg}; $p && MDK::Common::DataStructure::member(($p->fullname)[0], @gui_pkgs) } keys %all_pkgs ],
+ update_descr => $update_descr,
+ backports => [ @inactive_backports, @active_backports ],
+ inactive_backports => \@inactive_backports
+ };
+sub _display_READMEs_if_needed {
+ my $urpm = shift;
+ return if !$urpm->{readmes};
+ my %Readmes = %{$urpm->{readmes}};
+ return if ! scalar keys %Readmes;
+ my $appTitle = yui::YUI::app()->applicationTitle();
+ ## set new title to get it in dialog
+ yui::YUI::app()->setApplicationTitle($loc->N("Upgrade information"));
+ my $factory = yui::YUI::widgetFactory;
+ ## | [msg-label] |
+ ## | |
+ ## | pkg-list |
+ ## | |
+ ## | info on selected pkg |(1)
+ ## | |
+ ## | [ok] |
+ ####
+ # (1) info on pkg list:
+ # selected package readmi.urpmi
+ my $dialog = $factory->createPopupDialog;
+ my $vbox = $factory->createVBox( $dialog );
+ my $msgBox = $factory->createLabel($vbox, $loc->N("These packages come with upgrade information"), 1);
+ my $tree = $factory->createTree($vbox, $loc->N("Select a package"));
+ $factory->createVSpacing($vbox, 1);
+ my $infoBox = $factory->createRichText($vbox, "", 0);
+ $tree->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ, 2);
+ $infoBox->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ, 4);
+ $tree->setWeight($yui::YD_VERT, 10);
+ $infoBox->setWeight($yui::YD_VERT, 10);
+ $factory->createVSpacing($vbox, 1);
+ my $hbox = $factory->createHBox( $vbox );
+ my $align = $factory->createHCenter($hbox);
+ my $okButton = $factory->createPushButton($align, $loc->N("&Ok"));
+ $okButton->setDefaultButton(1);
+ # adding packages to the list
+ my $itemColl = new yui::YItemCollection;
+ foreach my $f (sort keys %Readmes) {
+ my $item = new yui::YTreeItem ("$Readmes{$f}");
+ my $child = new yui::YTreeItem ($item, "$f");
+ $child->DISOWN();
+ $itemColl->push($item);
+ $item->DISOWN();
+ }
+ $tree->addItems($itemColl);
+ $tree->setImmediateMode(1);
+ while(1) {
+ my $event = $dialog->waitForEvent();
+ my $eventType = $event->eventType();
+ #event type checking
+ if ($eventType == $yui::YEvent::CancelEvent) {
+ last;
+ }
+ elsif ($eventType == $yui::YEvent::WidgetEvent) {
+ ### widget
+ my $widget = $event->widget();
+ if ($widget == $tree) {
+ my $content = "";
+ my $item = $tree->selectedItem();
+ if ($item && !$item->hasChildren()) {
+ my $filename = $tree->currentItem()->label();
+ $content = scalar MDK::Common::File::cat_($filename);
+ $content = $loc->N("(none)") if !$content; # should not happen
+ ensure_utf8($content);
+ $content =~ s/\n/<br>/g;
+ }
+ $infoBox->setValue($content);
+ }
+ elsif ($widget == $okButton) {
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ destroy $dialog;
+ # restore original title
+ yui::YUI::app()->setApplicationTitle($appTitle) if $appTitle;
+ return;
+sub perform_parallel_install {
+ my ($urpm, $group, $w, $statusbar_msg_id) = @_;
+ my @pkgs = map { MDK::Common::Func::if_($_->flag_requested, urpm_name($_)) } @{$urpm->{depslist}};
+ my @error_msgs;
+ my $res = !ManaTools::Shared::RunProgram::run('urpmi', '2>', \@error_msgs, '-v', '--X', '--parallel', $group, @pkgs);
+ if ($res) {
+ $$statusbar_msg_id = statusbar_msg(
+ #$loc->N("Everything installed successfully"),
+ $loc->N("All requested packages were installed successfully."),
+ );
+ } else {
+ interactive_msg(
+ $loc->N("Problem during installation"),
+ $loc->N("There was a problem during the installation:\n\n%s", join("\n", @error_msgs)),
+ scroll => 1,
+ );
+ }
+ open_rpm_db('force_sync');
+ $w->set_sensitive(1);
+ return 0;
+sub perform_installation { #- (partially) duplicated from /usr/sbin/urpmi :-(
+ my ($urpm, $pkgs) = @_;
+ my @error_msgs;
+ my $statusbar_msg_id;
+ my $gurpm;
+ local $urpm->{fatal} = sub {
+ my $fatal_msg = $_[1];
+ printf STDERR "Fatal: %s\n", $fatal_msg;
+ undef $gurpm;
+ interactive_msg($loc->N("Installation failed"),
+ $loc->N("There was a problem during the installation:\n\n%s", $fatal_msg));
+ goto return_with_exit_code;
+ };
+ local $urpm->{error} = sub { printf STDERR "Error: %s\n", $_[0]; push @error_msgs, $_[0] };
+ my $w = $::main_window;
+ #$w->set_sensitive(0);
+ #my $_restore_sensitive = MDK::Common::Func::before_leaving { $w->set_sensitive(1) };
+ # my $_flush_guard = Gtk2::GUI_Update_Guard->new;
+ if (my $group = get_parallel_group()) {
+ return perform_parallel_install($urpm, $group, $w, \$statusbar_msg_id);
+ }
+ my ($lock, $rpm_lock);
+ if (!$::env) {
+ $lock = urpm::lock::urpmi_db($urpm, undef, wait => $urpm->{options}{wait_lock});
+ $rpm_lock = urpm::lock::rpm_db($urpm, 'exclusive');
+ }
+ my $state = $priority_state || $probe_only_for_updates ? { } : $urpm->{rpmdragora_state};
+ my $bar_id = statusbar_msg($loc->N("Checking validity of requested packages..."), 0);
+ # FIXME: THIS SET flag_requested on all packages!!!!
+ # select packages to install / enssure selected pkg set is consistant:
+ my %saved_flags;
+ my $requested = { map {
+ $saved_flags{$_->id} = $_->flag_requested;
+ $_->id => undef;
+ } grep { $_->flag_selected } @{$urpm->{depslist}} };
+ urpm::select::resolve_dependencies(
+ $urpm, $state, $requested,
+ rpmdb => $::env && "$::env/rpmdb.cz",
+ callback_choices => \&ManaTools::Rpmdragora::gui::callback_choices,
+ );
+ statusbar_msg_remove($bar_id);
+ my ($local_sources, $blist) = urpm::get_pkgs::selected2local_and_blists($urpm, $state->{selected});
+ if (!$local_sources && (!$blist || !@$blist)) {
+ interactive_msg(
+ $loc->N("Unable to get source packages."),
+ $loc->N("Unable to get source packages, sorry. %s",
+ @error_msgs ? $loc->N("\n\nError(s) reported:\n%s", join("\n", @error_msgs)) : ''),
+ scroll => 1,
+ );
+ goto return_with_exit_code;
+ }
+ my @to_install = @{$urpm->{depslist}}[keys %{$state->{selected}}];
+ my @pkgs = map { scalar($_->fullname) } sort(grep { $_->flag_selected } @to_install);
+ @{$urpm->{ask_remove}} = sort(urpm::select::removed_packages($urpm->{state}));
+ my @to_remove = map { MDK::Common::Func::if_($pkgs->{$_}{selected} && !$pkgs->{$_}{pkg}->flag_upgrade, $pkgs->{$_}{urpm_name}) } keys %$pkgs;
+ my $r = format_list(map { scalar(urpm::select::translate_why_removed_one($urpm, $urpm->{state}, $_)) } @to_remove);
+ my ($size, $filesize) = $urpm->selected_size_filesize($state);
+ my $install_count = int(@pkgs);
+ my $to_install = $install_count == 0 ? '' :
+ ($priority_state ? '<b>' . $loc->N("Rpmdragora or one of its priority dependencies needs to be updated first. Rpmdragora will then restart.") . '</b>' . "\n\n" : '') .
+ ($loc->P("The following package is going to be installed:", "The following %d packages are going to be installed:", $install_count, $install_count)
+ . "\n\n" . format_list(map { s!.*/!!; $_ } @pkgs));
+ my $remove_count = scalar(@to_remove);
+ interactive_msg(($to_install ? $loc->N("Confirmation") : $loc->N("Some packages need to be removed")),
+ join("\n\n",
+ ($r ?
+ (!$to_install ? ($loc->P("Remove one package?", "Remove %d packages?", $remove_count, $remove_count), $r) :
+ (($remove_count == 1 ?
+ $loc->N("The following package has to be removed for others to be upgraded:")
+ : $loc->N("The following packages have to be removed for others to be upgraded:")), $r), MDK::Common::Func::if_($to_install, $to_install))
+ : $to_install),
+ format_size($size),
+ format_filesize($filesize),
+ $loc->N("Is it ok to continue?")),
+ scroll => 1,
+ yesno => 1, min_size => {lines => 18},) or return 1;
+ my $_umount_guard = MDK::Common::Func::before_leaving { urpm::removable::try_umounting_removables($urpm) };
+ # select packages to uninstall for !update mode:
+ perform_removal($urpm, { map { $_ => $pkgs->{$_} } @to_remove }) if !$probe_only_for_updates;
+ $gurpm = ManaTools::Rpmdragora::gurpm->new(
+ text => $loc->N("Please wait"),
+ title => $loc->N("Initializing..."),
+ );
+ # my $_gurpm_clean_guard = MDK::Common::Func::before_leaving { undef $gurpm };
+ my $something_installed;
+ if (@to_install && $::rpmdragora_options{auto_orphans}) {
+ urpm::orphans::compute_future_unrequested_orphans($urpm, $state);
+ if (my @orphans = map { scalar $_->fullname } @{$state->{orphans_to_remove}}) {
+ interactive_msg($loc->N("Orphan packages"), $loc->P("The following orphan package will be removed.",
+ "The following orphan packages will be removed.", scalar(@orphans))
+ . "\n" . urpm::orphans::add_leading_spaces(join("\n", @orphans) . "\n"), scroll => 1);
+ }
+ }
+ urpm::orphans::mark_as_requested($urpm, $state, 0);
+ my ($progress, $total, @rpms_upgrade);
+ my $transaction;
+ my ($progress_nb, $transaction_progress_nb, $remaining, $done);
+ my $callback_inst = sub {
+ my ($urpm, $type, $id, $subtype, $amount, $total) = @_;
+ my $pkg = defined $id ? $urpm->{depslist}[$id] : undef;
+ if ($subtype eq 'start') {
+ if ($type eq 'trans') {
+ print(1 ? $loc->N("Preparing package installation...") : $loc->N("Preparing package installation transaction..."));
+ $gurpm->label($loc->N("Preparing package installation..."));
+ } elsif (defined $pkg) {
+ $something_installed = 1;
+ print($loc->N("Installing package `%s' (%s/%s)...", $pkg->name, $transaction_progress_nb, scalar(@{$transaction->{upgrade}}))."\n" . $loc->N("Total: %s/%s", $progress_nb, $install_count));
+ $gurpm->label($loc->N("Installing package `%s' (%s/%s)...", $pkg->name, ++$transaction_progress_nb, scalar(@{$transaction->{upgrade}}))
+ . "\n" . $loc->N("Total: %s/%s", ++$progress_nb, $install_count));
+ }
+ } elsif ($subtype eq 'progress') {
+ $gurpm->progress($total ? ceil(($amount/$total)*100) : 100);
+ # print("Progress: ".($total ? ($amount/$total)*100 : 100)."\n");
+ }
+ };
+ # FIXME: sometimes state is lost:
+ my @ask_unselect = urpm::select::unselected_packages($state);
+ # fix flags for orphan computing:
+ foreach (keys %{$state->{selected}}) {
+ my $pkg = $urpm->{depslist}[$_];
+ $pkg->set_flag_requested($saved_flags{$pkg->id});
+ }
+ my $exit_code =
+ urpm::main_loop::run($urpm, $state, 1, \@ask_unselect,
+ {
+ completed => sub {
+ # explicitly destroy the progress window when it's over; we may
+ # have sg to display before returning (errors, rpmnew/rpmsave, ...):
+ undef $gurpm;
+ undef $lock;
+ undef $rpm_lock;
+ },
+ inst => $callback_inst,
+ trans => $callback_inst,
+ ask_yes_or_no => sub {
+ # handle 'allow-force' and 'allow-nodeps' options:
+ my ($title, $msg) = @_;
+ local $::main_window = $gurpm->{real_window};
+ interactive_msg($title, $msg, yesno => 1, scroll => 1,
+ );
+ },
+ message => sub {
+ my ($title, $message) = @_;
+ interactive_msg($title, $message, scroll => 1);
+ },
+ # cancel installation when 'cancel' button is pressed:
+ trans_log => sub { download_callback($gurpm, @_) or goto return_with_exit_code },
+ post_extract => sub {
+ my ($set, $transaction_sources, $transaction_sources_install) = @_;
+ $transaction = $set;
+ $transaction_progress_nb = 0;
+ $done += grep { !/\.src\.rpm$/ } values %$transaction_sources; #updates
+ $total = keys(%$transaction_sources_install) + keys %$transaction_sources;
+ push @rpms_upgrade, keys %$transaction_sources;
+ $done += grep { !/\.src\.rpm$/ } values %$transaction_sources_install; # installs
+ },
+ pre_removable => sub {
+ # Gtk2::GUI_Update_Guard->new use of alarm() kill us when
+ # running system(), thus making DVD being ejected and printing
+ # wrong error messages (#30463)
+ local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "ALARM" };
+ $remaining = alarm(0);
+ },
+ post_removable => sub { alarm $remaining },
+ copy_removable => sub {
+ my ($medium) = @_;
+ interactive_msg(
+ $loc->N("Change medium"),
+ $loc->N("Please insert the medium named \"%s\"", $medium),
+ yesno => 1, text => { no => $loc->N("Cancel"), yes => $loc->N("Ok") },
+ );
+ },
+ pre_check_sig => sub { $gurpm->label($loc->N("Verifying package signatures...")) },
+ check_sig => sub { $gurpm->progress(ceil(++$progress/$total)*100) },
+ bad_signature => sub {
+ my ($msg, $msg2) = @_;
+ local $::main_window = $gurpm->{real_window};
+ $msg =~ s/:$/\n\n/m; # FIXME: to be fixed in urpmi after 2008.0
+ interactive_msg(
+ $loc->N("Warning"), "$msg\n\n$msg2", yesno => 1, MDK::Common::Func::if_(10 < ($msg =~ tr/\n/\n/), scroll => 1),
+ );
+ },
+ post_download => sub {
+ $canceled and goto return_with_exit_code;
+# $gurpm->invalidate_cancel_forever;
+ },
+ need_restart => sub {
+ my ($need_restart_formatted) = @_;
+ # FIXME: offer to restart the system
+ interactive_msg($loc->N("Warning"), join("\n", values %$need_restart_formatted), scroll => 1);
+ },
+ trans_error_summary => sub {
+ my ($nok, $errors) = @_;
+ interactive_msg(
+ $loc->N("Problem during installation"),
+ MDK::Common::Func::if_($nok, $loc->N("%d installation transactions failed", $nok) . "\n\n") .
+ $loc->N("There was a problem during the installation:\n\n%s",
+ join("\n\n", @$errors, @error_msgs)),
+ scroll => 1,
+ );
+ },
+ need_restart => sub {
+ my ($need_restart_formatted) = @_;
+ interactive_msg($loc->N("Warning"),
+ join("\n\n", values %$need_restart_formatted));
+ },
+ success_summary => sub {
+ if (!($done || @to_remove)) {
+ interactive_msg($loc->N("Error"),
+ $loc->N("Unrecoverable error: no package found for installation, sorry."));
+ return;
+ }
+ my $id = statusbar_msg($loc->N("Inspecting configuration files..."), 0);
+ my %pkg2rpmnew;
+ foreach my $id (@rpms_upgrade) {
+ my $pkg = $urpm->{depslist}[$id];
+ next if $pkg->arch eq 'src';
+ $pkg2rpmnew{$pkg->fullname} = [ grep { -r "$_.rpmnew" || -r "$_.rpmsave" } $pkg->conf_files ];
+ }
+ statusbar_msg_remove($id);
+ rpmnew_dialog($loc->N("The installation is finished; everything was installed correctly.
+Some configuration files were created as `.rpmnew' or `.rpmsave',
+you may now inspect some in order to take actions:"),
+ %pkg2rpmnew)
+ and statusbar_msg($loc->N("All requested packages were installed successfully."), 1);
+ statusbar_msg($loc->N("Looking for \"README\" files..."), 1);
+ _display_READMEs_if_needed($urpm);
+ },
+ already_installed_or_not_installable => sub {
+ my ($msg1, $msg2) = @_;
+ my $msg = join("\n", @$msg1, @$msg2);
+ return if !$msg; # workaround missing state
+ interactive_msg($loc->N("Error"), $msg);
+ },
+ },
+ );
+ #- restart rpmdragora if needed, keep command line for that.
+ if ($need_restart && !$exit_code && $something_installed) {
+ Sys::Syslog::syslog('info|local1', "restarting rpmdragora");
+ #- it seems to work correctly with exec instead of system, provided we stop timers
+ #- added --previous-priority-upgrade to allow checking if yet if
+ #- priority-upgrade list has changed. and make sure we don't uselessly restart
+ my @argv = ('--previous-priority-upgrade=' . $urpm->{options}{'priority-upgrade'},
+ grep { !/^--no-priority-upgrade$|--previous-priority-upgrade=/ } @ManaTools::Rpmdragora::init::ARGV_copy);
+ # remove "--emmbedded <id>" from argv:
+ my $i = 0;
+ foreach (@argv) {
+ splice @argv, $i, 2 if /^--embedded$/;
+ $i++;
+ }
+ alarm(0);
+ # reMDK::Common::DataStructure::member not to ask again questions and the like:
+ writeconf();
+ exec($0, @argv);
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ my $_s1 = $loc->N("RPM transaction %d/%d", 0, 0);
+ my $_s2 = $loc->N("Unselect all");
+ my $_s3 = $loc->N("Details");
+ statusbar_msg_remove($statusbar_msg_id); #- XXX maybe remove this
+ if ($exit_code == 0 && !$::rpmdragora_options{auto_orphans}) {
+ if (urpm::orphans::check_unrequested_orphans_after_auto_select($urpm)) {
+ if (my $msg = urpm::orphans::get_now_orphans_gui_msg($urpm)) {
+ interactive_msg($loc->N("Orphan packages"), $msg, scroll => 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return_with_exit_code:
+ return !($something_installed || scalar(@to_remove));
+# -=-=-=---=-=-=---=-=-=-- remove packages -=-=-=---=-=-=---=-=-=-
+sub perform_removal {
+ my ($urpm, $pkgs) = @_;
+ my @toremove = map { MDK::Common::Func::if_($pkgs->{$_}{selected}, $pkgs->{$_}{urpm_name}) } keys %$pkgs;
+ return if !@toremove;
+ my $gurpm = ManaTools::Rpmdragora::gurpm->new(
+ text => $loc->N("Please wait")
+ );
+ my $_gurpm_clean_guard = MDK::Common::Func::before_leaving { undef $gurpm };
+ my $may_be_orphans = 1;
+ urpm::orphans::unrequested_orphans_after_remove($urpm, \@toremove)
+ or $may_be_orphans = 0;
+ my $progress = -1;
+ local $urpm->{log} = sub {
+ my $str = $_[0];
+ print $str;
+ $progress++;
+ return if $progress <= 0; # skip first "creating transaction..." message
+ $gurpm->label($str); # display "removing package %s"
+ $gurpm->progress(ceil(min(99, scalar($progress/@toremove)*100)));
+ #gtkflush();
+ };
+ my @results;
+ slow_func_statusbar(
+ $loc->N("Please wait, removing packages..."),
+ $::main_window,
+ sub {
+ @results = $::rpmdragora_options{parallel}
+ ? urpm::parallel::remove($urpm, \@toremove)
+ : urpm::install::install($urpm, \@toremove, {}, {},
+ callback_report_uninst => sub { $gurpm->label($_[0]) },
+ );
+ open_rpm_db('force_sync');
+ },
+ );
+ if (@results) {
+ interactive_msg(
+ $loc->N("Problem during removal"),
+ $loc->N("There was a problem during the removal of packages:\n\n%s", join("\n", @results)),
+ MDK::Common::Func::if_(@results > 1, scroll => 1),
+ );
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ if ($may_be_orphans && !$::rpmdragora_options{auto_orphans}) {
+ if (my $msg = urpm::orphans::get_now_orphans_gui_msg($urpm)) {
+ interactive_msg($loc->N("Information"), $msg, scroll => 1);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }