path: root/RepSys/commands/submit.py
diff options
authorNicolas Vigier <boklm@mageia.org>2011-01-04 16:15:53 +0000
committerNicolas Vigier <boklm@mageia.org>2011-01-04 16:15:53 +0000
commit88a840788e82289d417983acf4b49f2c2778296d (patch)
tree2a73dbdb181d05fc5417dbc75baf6fa0a4c73ccb /RepSys/commands/submit.py
fix problem with python threads on 2010.1
Diffstat (limited to 'RepSys/commands/submit.py')
1 files changed, 211 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/RepSys/commands/submit.py b/RepSys/commands/submit.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2924329
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RepSys/commands/submit.py
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+from RepSys import Error, config, layout, mirror
+from RepSys.svn import SVN
+from RepSys.command import *
+from RepSys.rpmutil import get_spec, get_submit_info
+from RepSys.util import get_auth, execcmd, get_helper
+import urllib
+import getopt
+import sys
+import re
+import subprocess
+import uuid
+import xmlrpclib
+HELP = """\
+Usage: repsys submit [OPTIONS] [URL[@REVISION] ...]
+Submits the package from URL to the submit host.
+The submit host will try to build the package, and upon successful
+completion will 'tag' the package and upload it to the official
+The package name can refer to an alias to a group of packages defined in
+the section submit-groups of the configuration file.
+The status of the submit can visualized at:
+If no URL and revision are specified, the latest changed revision in the
+package working copy of the current directory will be used.
+ -t TARGET Submit given package URL to given target
+ -l Just list available targets
+ -r REV Provides a revision number (when not providing as an
+ argument)
+ -s The host in which the package URL will be submitted
+ (defaults to the host in the URL)
+ -a Submit all URLs at once (depends on server-side support)
+ -i SID Use the submit identifier SID
+ -h Show this message
+ --distro The distribution branch where the packages come from
+ --define Defines one variable to be used by the submit scripts
+ in the submit host
+ repsys submit
+ repsys submit foo
+ repsys submit 2009.1/foo
+ repsys submit foo@14800 bar baz@11001
+ repsys submit https://repos/svn/mdv/cooker/foo
+ repsys submit -l https://repos
+ repsys submit 2008.1/my-packages@11011
+ repsys submit --define section=main/testing -t 2008.1
+def parse_options():
+ parser = OptionParser(help=HELP)
+ parser.defaults["revision"] = None
+ parser.add_option("-t", dest="target", default=None)
+ parser.add_option("-l", action="callback", callback=list_targets)
+ parser.add_option("-r", dest="revision", type="string", nargs=1)
+ parser.add_option("-s", dest="submithost", type="string", nargs=1,
+ default=None)
+ parser.add_option("-i", dest="sid", type="string", nargs=1,
+ default=None)
+ parser.add_option("-a", dest="atonce", action="store_true", default=False)
+ parser.add_option("--distro", dest="distro", type="string",
+ default=None)
+ parser.add_option("--define", action="append", default=[])
+ opts, args = parser.parse_args()
+ if not args:
+ name, url, rev = get_submit_info(".")
+ args = ["%s@%s" % (url, str(rev))]
+ print "Submitting %s at revision %s" % (name, rev)
+ print "URL: %s" % url
+ if opts.revision is not None:
+ # backwards compatibility with the old -r usage
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ args[0] = args[0] + "@" + opts.revision
+ else:
+ raise Error, "can't use -r REV with more than one package name"
+ del opts.revision
+ if len(args) == 2:
+ # prevent from using the old <name> <rev> syntax
+ try:
+ rev = int(args[1])
+ except ValueError:
+ # ok, it is a package name, let it pass
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise Error, "the format <name> <revision> is deprecated, "\
+ "use <name>@<revision> instead"
+ # expand group aliases
+ expanded = []
+ for nameurl in args:
+ expanded.extend(expand_group(nameurl))
+ if expanded != args:
+ print "Submitting: %s" % " ".join(expanded)
+ args = expanded
+ # generate URLs for package names:
+ opts.urls = [mirror.strip_username(
+ layout.package_url(nameurl, distro=opts.distro, mirrored=False))
+ for nameurl in args]
+ # find the revision if not specified:
+ newurls = []
+ for url in opts.urls:
+ if not "@" in url:
+ print "Fetching revision..."
+ courl = layout.checkout_url(url)
+ log = SVN().log(courl, limit=1)
+ if not log:
+ raise Error, "can't find a revision for %s" % courl
+ ci = log[0]
+ print "URL:", url
+ print "Commit:",
+ print "%d | %s" % (ci.revision, ci.author),
+ if ci.lines:
+ line = " ".join(ci.lines).strip()
+ if len(line) > 57:
+ line = line[:57] + "..."
+ print "| %s" % line,
+ print
+ url = url + "@" + str(ci.revision)
+ newurls.append(url)
+ opts.urls[:] = newurls
+ # choose a target if not specified:
+ if opts.target is None and opts.distro is None:
+ target = layout.distro_branch(opts.urls[0]) or DEFAULT_TARGET
+ print "Implicit target: %s" % target
+ opts.target = target
+ del opts.distro
+ return opts
+def expand_group(group):
+ name, rev = layout.split_url_revision(group)
+ distro = None
+ if "/" in name:
+ distro, name = name.rsplit("/", 1)
+ found = config.get("submit-groups", name)
+ packages = [group]
+ if found:
+ packages = found.split()
+ if rev:
+ packages = [("%s@%s" % (package, rev))
+ for package in packages]
+ if distro:
+ packages = ["%s/%s" % (distro, package)
+ for package in packages]
+ return packages
+def list_targets(option, opt, val, parser):
+ host = config.get("submit", "host")
+ if host is None:
+ raise Error, "no submit host defined in repsys.conf"
+ createsrpm = get_helper("create-srpm")
+ #TODO make it configurable
+ command = "ssh %s %s --list" % (host, createsrpm)
+ execcmd(command, show=True)
+ sys.exit(0)
+def submit(urls, target, define=[], submithost=None, atonce=False, sid=None):
+ if submithost is None:
+ submithost = config.get("submit", "host")
+ if submithost is None:
+ # extract the submit host from the svn host
+ type, rest = urllib.splittype(pkgdirurl)
+ host, path = urllib.splithost(rest)
+ user, host = urllib.splituser(host)
+ submithost, port = urllib.splitport(host)
+ del type, user, port, path, rest
+ # runs a create-srpm in the server through ssh, which will make a
+ # copy of the rpm in the export directory
+ createsrpm = get_helper("create-srpm")
+ baseargs = ["ssh", submithost, createsrpm, "-t", target]
+ if not sid:
+ sid = uuid.uuid4()
+ define.append("sid=%s" % sid)
+ for entry in reversed(define):
+ baseargs.append("--define")
+ baseargs.append(entry)
+ cmdsargs = []
+ if len(urls) == 1:
+ # be compatible with server-side repsys versions older than 1.6.90
+ url, rev = layout.split_url_revision(urls[0])
+ baseargs.append("-r")
+ baseargs.append(str(rev))
+ baseargs.append(url)
+ cmdsargs.append(baseargs)
+ elif atonce:
+ cmdsargs.append(baseargs + urls)
+ else:
+ cmdsargs.extend((baseargs + [url]) for url in urls)
+ for cmdargs in cmdsargs:
+ command = subprocess.list2cmdline(cmdargs)
+ status, output = execcmd(command)
+ if status == 0:
+ print "Package submitted!"
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write(output)
+ sys.exit(status)
+def main():
+ do_command(parse_options, submit)
+# vim:et:ts=4:sw=4