path: root/lib/Youri
diff options
authorFlorent Villard <warly@mandriva.com>2006-10-16 11:30:28 +0000
committerFlorent Villard <warly@mandriva.com>2006-10-16 11:30:28 +0000
commitd166be551245de6b8ec1dcdce4e521bb05186213 (patch)
tree59bc70d183bdfc6d26721257d1cc8f0fbb7c7be6 /lib/Youri
parent87d00fb9cd409c97b79740a487a9af683e7a9be1 (diff)
add new youri subsections (from upstream)
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Youri')
35 files changed, 0 insertions, 2545 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Action.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Action.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index e7908c4..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Action.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: Base.pm 631 2006-01-26 22:22:23Z guillomovitch $
-package Youri::Upload::Action;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Action - Abstract action plugin
-This abstract class defines action plugin interface.
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-=head2 new(%args)
-Creates and returns a new Youri::Upload::Action object.
-No generic parameters (subclasses may define additional ones).
-Warning: do not call directly, call subclass constructor instead.
-sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- croak "Abstract class" if $class eq __PACKAGE__;
- my %options = (
- id => '', # object id
- test => 0, # test mode
- verbose => 0, # verbose mode
- @_
- );
- my $self = bless {
- _id => $options{id},
- _test => $options{test},
- _verbose => $options{verbose},
- }, $class;
- $self->_init(%options);
- return $self;
-sub _init {
- # do nothing
-=head2 get_id()
-Returns plugin identity.
-sub get_id {
- my ($self) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- return $self->{_id};
-=head2 run($package, $repository, $target, $define)
-Execute action on given L<Youri::Package> object.
-The following methods have to be implemented:
-=item run
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Archive.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Archive.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index d16deeb..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Archive.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-package Youri::Upload::Action::Archive;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Action::Archive - Old revisions archiving
-This action plugin ensures archiving of old package revisions.
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use base qw/Youri::Upload::Action/;
-sub _init {
- my $self = shift;
- my %options = (
- perms => 644,
- @_
- );
- $self->{_perms} = $options{perms};
-sub run {
- my ($self, $package, $repository, $target, $define) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- my $section = $repository->_get_section($package, $target, $define);
- my $main_section = $repository->_get_main_section($package, $target, $define);
- print "section $section main_section $main_section\n" if $self->{_verbose};
- my $arch = $package->get_arch();
- $arch = $self->{_noarch} if $arch eq 'noarch';
- my $path = $arch eq 'src' ? "$target/SRPMS/" : "$target/$arch/media";
- $path = "$repository->{_install_root}/$path";
- $path =~ s,/+,/,g;
- $self->{_verbose} = 1;
- foreach my $replaced_package (
- $repository->get_replaced_packages($package, $target, $define)
- ) {
- my $file = $replaced_package->get_file();
- my ($rep_section, $rep_main_section) = $file =~ m,$path/(([^/]+)/.*)/[^/]+.rpm,;
- # We do accept duplicate version for other submedia of the same main media section
- print "(path $path) file $file section $rep_section main_section $rep_main_section ($path)\n" if $self->{_verbose};
- next if $rep_main_section eq $main_section && $rep_section ne $section;
- my $dest = $repository->get_archive_dir($package, $target, $define);
- print "archiving file $file to $dest\n" if $self->{_verbose};
- unless ($self->{_test}) {
- # create destination dir if needed
- system("install -d -m " . ($self->{_perms} + 111) . " $dest")
- unless -d $dest;
- # install file to new location
- system("install -m $self->{_perms} $file $dest");
- }
- }
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Bugzilla.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Bugzilla.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 17d6b1c..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Bugzilla.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-package Youri::Upload::Action::Bugzilla;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Action::Bugzilla - Bugzilla synchronisation
-This action plugin ensures synchronisation with Bugzilla.
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use Youri::Bugzilla;
-use base qw/Youri::Upload::Action/;
-sub _init {
- my $self = shift;
- my %options = (
- host => '',
- base => '',
- user => '',
- pass => '',
- contact => '',
- @_
- );
- $self->{_bugzilla} = Youri::Bugzilla->new(
- $options{host},
- $options{base},
- $options{user},
- $options{pass}
- );
- $self->{_contact} = $options{contact};
-sub run {
- my ($self, $package, $repository, $target, $define) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- return unless $package->is_source();
- my $name = $package->get_name();
- my $version = $package->get_version();
- my $summary = $package->get_summary();
- my $packager = $package->get_packager();
- $packager =~ s/.*<(.*)>/$1/;
- if ($self->{_bugzilla}->has_package($name)) {
- my %versions =
- map { $_ => 1 }
- $self->{_bugzilla}->get_versions($name);
- unless ($versions{$version}) {
- print "adding version $version to bugzilla\n" if $self->{_verbose};
- $self->{_bugzilla}->add_version($name, $version)
- unless $self->{_test};
- }
- } else {
- print "adding package $name to bugzilla\n" if $self->{_verbose};
- $self->{_bugzilla}->add_package(
- $name,
- $summary,
- $version,
- $packager,
- $self->{_contact}
- ) unless $self->{_test};
- }
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/CVS.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/CVS.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index c0488ea..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/CVS.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-package Youri::Upload::Action::CVS;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Action::CVS - CVS versionning
-This action plugin ensures CVS versionning of package sources.
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use Cwd;
-use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
-use base qw/Youri::Upload::Action/;
-sub _init {
- my $self = shift;
- my %options = (
- exclude => '\.(tar(\.(gz|bz2))?|zip)$',
- perms => 644,
- @_
- );
- $self->{_exclude} = $options{exclude};
- $self->{_perms} = $options{perms};
-sub run {
- my ($self, $package, $repository, $target, $define) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- return unless $package->is_source();
- my $name = $package->get_name();
- my $version = $package->get_version();
- my $release = $package->get_release();
- my $root = $repository->get_version_root();
- my $path = $repository->get_version_path($package, $target, $define);
- # remember original directory
- my $original_dir = cwd();
- # get a safe temporary directory
- my $dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
- chdir $dir;
- # first checkout base directory only
- system("cvs -Q -d $root co -l $path");
- # try to checkout package directory
- my $dest = $path . '/' . $name;
- system("cvs -Q -d $root co $dest");
- # create directory if previous import failed
- unless (-d $dest) {
- print "adding directory $dest\n" if $self->{_verbose};
- system("install -d -m " . ($self->{_perms} + 111) . " $dest");
- system("cvs -Q -d $root add $dest");
- }
- chdir $dest;
- # remove all files
- unlink grep { -f } glob '*';
- # extract all rpm files locally
- $package->extract();
- # remove excluded files
- if ($self->{_exclude}) {
- unlink grep { -f && /$self->{_exclude}/ } glob '*';
- }
- # uncompress all compressed files
- system("bunzip2 *.bz2 2>/dev/null");
- system("gunzip *.gz 2>/dev/null");
- my (@to_remove, @to_add, @to_add_binary);
- foreach my $line (`cvs -nq update`) {
- if ($line =~ /^\? (\S+)/) {
- if (-B $1) {
- push(@to_add_binary, $1);
- } else {
- push(@to_add, $1);
- }
- }
- if ($line =~ /^U (\S+)/) {
- push(@to_remove, $1);
- }
- }
- if (@to_remove) {
- my $to_remove = join(' ', @to_remove);
- print "removing file(s) $to_remove\n" if $self->{_verbose};
- system("cvs -Q remove $to_remove");
- }
- if (@to_add) {
- my $to_add = join(' ', @to_add);
- print "adding text file(s) $to_add\n" if $self->{_verbose};
- system("cvs -Q add $to_add");
- }
- if (@to_add_binary) {
- my $to_add_binary = join(' ', @to_add_binary);
- print "adding binary file(s) $to_add_binary\n" if $self->{_verbose};
- system("cvs -Q add -kb $to_add_binary");
- }
- print "committing current directory\n" if $self->{_verbose};
- system("cvs -Q commit -m $version-$release") unless $self->{_test};
- # tag new release
- my $tag = "r$version-$release";
- $tag =~ s/\./_/g;
- print "tagging current directory as $tag\n" if $self->{_verbose};
- system("cvs -Q tag $tag") unless $self->{_test};
- # get back to original directory
- chdir $original_dir;
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Clean.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Clean.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 8564756..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Clean.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: /local/youri/soft/trunk/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Backup.pm 867 2006-01-29T20:47:27.830648Z guillaume $
-package Youri::Upload::Action::Clean;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Action::Clean - Old revisions cleanup
-This action plugin ensures cleanup of old package revisions.
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use base qw/Youri::Upload::Action/;
-sub run {
- my ($self, $package, $repository, $target, $define) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- foreach my $replaced_package (
- $repository->get_replaced_packages($package, $target, $define)
- ) {
- my $file = $replaced_package->get_file();
- print "deleting file $file\n" if $self->{_verbose};
- unlink $file unless $self->{_test};
- }
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Install.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Install.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index df65991..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Install.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-package Youri::Upload::Action::Install;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Action::Install - Package installation
-This action plugin ensures installation of new package revisions.
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use base qw/Youri::Upload::Action/;
-sub _init {
- my $self = shift;
- my %options = (
- perms => 644,
- @_
- );
- $self->{_perms} = $options{perms};
- return $self;
-sub run {
- my ($self, $package, $repository, $target, $define) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- my $file = $package->get_file();
- my $rpm = $package->get_file_name();
- my $dest = $repository->get_install_dir($package, $target, $define);
- # FIXME remove prefix this should be done by a function
- $rpm =~ s/^\d{14}\.\w*\.\w+\.\d+_//;
- $rpm =~ s/^\@\d+://;
- print "installing file $file to $dest/$rpm\n" if $self->{_verbose};
- unless ($self->{_test}) {
- # create destination dir if needed
- system("install -d -m " . ($self->{_perms} + 111) . " $dest/")
- unless -d $dest;
- # install file to new location
- system("install -m $self->{_perms} $file $dest/$rpm");
- }
- $package->{_file} = "$dest/$rpm";
- print "deleting file $file\n" if $self->{_verbose};
- unlink $file unless $self->{_test};
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Link.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Link.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index eaadec1..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Link.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: /local/youri/soft/trunk/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Sign.pm 1543 2006-03-21T20:22:54.334939Z guillaume $
-package Youri::Upload::Action::Link;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Action::Link - Noarch packages linking
-This action plugin ensures linking of noarch packages between arch-specific
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use File::Spec;
-use base qw/Youri::Upload::Action/;
-sub _init {
- my $self = shift;
- my %options = (
- symbolic => 0, # use symbolic linking
- @_
- );
- $self->{_symbolic} = $options{symbolic};
-sub run {
- my ($self, $package, $repository, $target, $define) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- # only needed for noarch packages
- return unless $package->get_arch() eq 'noarch';
- my $dest_dir = $repository->get_install_dir($package, $target, $define);
- my (undef, $parent_dir, $relative_dir) = File::Spec->splitpath($dest_dir);
- my $file = $package->get_file_name();
- foreach my $other_dir (grep { -d } <$parent_dir/*>) {
- next if $other_dir eq $dest_dir;
- chdir $other_dir;
- my $source_file = "../$relative_dir/$file";
- if ($self->{_symbolic}) {
- symlink $source_file, $file unless $self->{_test};
- } else {
- link $source_file, $file unless $self->{_test};
- }
- chdir '..';
- }
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Mail.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Mail.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ef8380..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Mail.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-package Youri::Upload::Action::Mail;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Action::Mail - Mail notification
-This action plugin ensures mail notification of new package revisions.
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use MIME::Entity;
-use Encode qw/from_to/;
-use Carp;
-use Youri::Package;
-use base qw/Youri::Upload::Action/;
-sub _init {
- my $self = shift;
- my %options = (
- mta => '/usr/sbin/sendmail',
- to => '',
- from => '',
- cc => '',
- prefix => '',
- encoding => 'quoted-printable',
- charset => 'iso-8859-1',
- @_
- );
- croak "undefined mail MTA" unless $options{mta};
- croak "invalid mail MTA $options{mta}" unless -x $options{mta};
- croak "undefined to" unless $options{to};
- if ($options{cc}) {
- croak "cc should be an hashref" unless ref $options{cc} eq 'HASH';
- }
- croak "invalid charset $options{charset}"
- unless Encode::resolve_alias($options{charset});
- $self->{_mta} = $options{mta};
- $self->{_to} = $options{to};
- $self->{_from} = $options{from};
- $self->{_cc} = $options{cc};
- $self->{_prefix} = $options{prefix};
- $self->{_encoding} = $options{encoding};
- $self->{_charset} = $options{charset};
-sub run {
- my ($self, $package, $repository, $target, $define) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- return unless $package->is_source();
- my $from = $package->get_packager();
- my $section = $repository->_get_section($package, $target, $define);
- # force from adress if defined
- $from =~ s/<.*>/<$self->{_from}>/ if $self->{_from};
- my $subject =
- ($self->{_prefix} ? '[' . $self->{_prefix} . '] ' : '' ) . "$target " . ($section ? "$section " : '') .
- $package->get_revision_name();
- my $information = $package->get_information();
- my $last_change = $package->get_last_change();
- my $content =
- $information . "\n" .
- $last_change->[Youri::Package::CHANGE_AUTHOR] . ":\n" .
- join(
- '', map { "- $_\n" } @{$last_change->[Youri::Package::CHANGE_TEXT]}
- );
- # ensure proper codeset conversion
- # for informations coming from package
- my $charset = $repository->get_package_charset();
- from_to($content, $charset, $self->{_charset});
- from_to($subject, $charset, $self->{_charset});
- my $mail = MIME::Entity->build(
- Type => 'text/plain',
- Charset => $self->{_charset},
- Encoding => $self->{_encoding},
- From => $from,
- To => $self->{_to},
- Subject => $subject,
- Data => $content,
- );
- if ($self->{_cc}) {
- my $cc = $self->{_cc}->{$package->get_name()};
- $mail->head()->add('cc', $cc) if $cc;
- }
- if ($self->{_test}) {
- $mail->print(\*STDOUT);
- } else {
- open(MAIL, "| $self->{_mta} -t -oi -oem") or die "Can't open MTA program: $!";
- $mail->print(\*MAIL);
- close MAIL;
- }
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Markrelease.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Markrelease.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index c8049db..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Markrelease.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: Install.pm 867 2006-04-11 20:34:56Z guillomovitch $
-package Youri::Upload::Action::Markrelease;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Action::Install - Package installation
-This action plugin ensures installation of new package revisions.
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use base qw/Youri::Upload::Action/;
-sub _init {
- my $self = shift;
- my %options = (
- perms => 644,
- @_
- );
- return $self;
-sub run {
- my ($self, $package, $repository, $target, $define) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- $package->is_source or return 1;
- my $file = $package->get_file();
- my $srpm_name = $package->get_canonical_name;
- if ($repository->package_in_svn($srpm_name)) {
- my $svn = $repository->get_svn_url();
- my ($rev) = $file =~ /.*\/.*?\@(\d+):/;
- print "Run repsys markrelease -f $file -r $rev $svn/$srpm_name\n";
- # FIXME repsys ask for a username and password
- # FIXME we should use the key in /var/home/mandrake so that /home/mandrake does not
- # need to be mounted
- system('repsys', 'markrelease', '-f', $file, '-r', $rev, "$svn/$srpm_name");
- }
- 1
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/RSS.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/RSS.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index b1f484f..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/RSS.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-package Youri::Upload::Action::RSS;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Action::RSS - RSS notification
-This action plugin ensures RSS notification of new package revisions.
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use XML::RSS;
-use Encode qw/from_to/;
-use Carp;
-use base qw/Youri::Upload::Action/;
-sub _init {
- my $self = shift;
- my %options = (
- file => '',
- title => '',
- link => '',
- description => '',
- charset => 'iso-8859-1',
- max_items => 10,
- @_
- );
- croak "undefined rss file" unless $options{file};
- croak "invalid charset $options{charset}"
- unless Encode::resolve_alias($options{charset});
- $self->{_file} = $options{file};
- $self->{_title} = $options{title};
- $self->{_link} = $options{link};
- $self->{_description} = $options{description};
- $self->{_charset} = $options{charset};
- $self->{_max_items} = $options{max_items};
-sub run {
- my ($self, $package, $repository, $target, $define) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- return unless $package->is_source();
- my $subject = $package->get_revision_name();
- my $content = $package->get_information();
- $content =~ s/$/<br\/>/mg;
- # ensure proper codeset conversion
- # for informations coming from package
- my $charset = $repository->get_package_charset();
- from_to($content, $charset, $self->{_charset});
- from_to($subject, $charset, $self->{_charset});
- my $rss = XML::RSS->new(
- encoding => $self->{_charset},
- encode_output => 1
- );
- my $file = $self->{_file};
- if (-e $file) {
- $rss->parsefile($file);
- splice(@{$rss->{items}}, $self->{_max_items})
- if @{$rss->{items}} >= $self->{_max_items};
- } else {
- $rss->channel(
- title => $self->{_title},
- link => $self->{_link},
- description => $self->{_description},
- language => 'en'
- );
- }
- $rss->add_item(
- title => $subject,
- description => $content,
- mode => 'insert'
- );
- if ($self->{_test}) {
- print $rss->as_string();
- } else {
- $rss->save($file);
- }
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Scp.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Scp.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index d78fd5f..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Scp.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: Install.pm 867 2006-04-11 20:34:56Z guillomovitch $
-package Youri::Upload::Action::Scp;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Action::Install - Package installation
-This action plugin ensures installation of new package revisions.
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use base qw/Youri::Upload::Action/;
-sub _init {
- my $self = shift;
- my %options = (
- perms => 644,
- uphost => '',
- user => '',
- ssh_key => '',
- verbose => '',
- @_
- );
- croak "undefined upload host" unless $options{uphost};
- croak "undefined ssh key" unless $options{ssh_key};
- $self->{_perms} = $options{perms};
- $self->{_user} = $options{user};
- $self->{_uphost} = $options{uphost};
- $self->{_ssh_key} = $options{ssh_key};
- $self->{_verbose} = $options{verbose};
- return $self;
-sub run {
- my ($self, $package, $repository, $target, $define) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- my $file = $package->get_file();
- my $dest = $repository->get_upload_dir($package, $target, $define);
- print "Scping file $file to $dest\n" if $self->{_verbose};
- my $base = basename($file);
- my $cmd = "scp -i $self->{_ssh_key} $file $self->{_user}\@$self->{_uphost}:/$dest$base.new";
- my $cmd2 = "ssh -i $self->{_ssh_key} $self->{_user}\@$self->{_uphost} \"mv /$dest$base.new /$dest$base\"";
- print "Upload::Action::Scp: doing $cmd\n$cmd2\n" if 1 || $self->{_verbose};
- if (!$self->{_test}) {
- if (!system($cmd)) {
- if (!system($cmd2)) {
- print "Upload::Action::Scp: upload succeeded!\n";
- return 1
- }
- }
- print "Upload::Action::Scp: upload failed!\n";
- }
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Send.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Send.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f18766..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Send.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: Install.pm 867 2006-04-11 20:34:56Z guillomovitch $
-package Youri::Upload::Action::Send;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Action::Install - Package installation
-This action plugin ensures installation of new package revisions.
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use File::Basename;
-use base qw/Youri::Upload::Action/;
-sub _init {
- my $self = shift;
- my %options = (
- perms => 644,
- uphost => '',
- user => '',
- ssh_key => '',
- verbose => '',
- keep_svn_release => '',
- @_
- );
- croak "undefined upload host" unless $options{uphost};
- croak "undefined ssh key" unless $options{ssh_key};
- foreach my $var ('perms', 'user', 'uphost', 'ssh_key', 'verbose', 'keep_svn_release') {
- $self->{"_$var"} = $options{$var};
- }
- return $self;
-sub run {
- my ($self, $package, $repository, $target, $define) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- my $file = $package->get_file();
- my $dest = $repository->get_upload_dir($package, $target, $define);
- print "Sending file $file to $dest\n" if $self->{_verbose};
- my $base;
- if ($self->{_keep_svn_release}) {
- $base = basename($file)
- } else {
- ($base) = $file =~ /.*\/(?:@\d+:)?([^\/]*)/
- }
- my $cmd = "scp -i $self->{_ssh_key} $file $self->{_user}\@$self->{_uphost}:/$dest$base.new";
- my $cmd2 = "ssh -i $self->{_ssh_key} $self->{_user}\@$self->{_uphost} \"mv /$dest$base.new /$dest$base\"";
- print "Upload::Action::Send: doing $cmd\n$cmd2\n" if 1 || $self->{_verbose};
- if (!$self->{_test}) {
- if (!system($cmd)) {
- if (!system($cmd2)) {
- print "Upload::Action::Send: upload succeeded!\n";
- return 1
- }
- }
- print "Upload::Action::Send: upload failed!\n";
- }
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Sign.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Sign.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a92fa5..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Sign.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-package Youri::Upload::Action::Sign;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Action::Sign - GPG signature
-This action plugin ensures GPG signature of packages.
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use base qw/Youri::Upload::Action/;
-sub _init {
- my $self = shift;
- my %options = (
- name => '',
- path => $ENV{HOME} . '/.gnupg',
- passphrase => '',
- @_
- );
- croak "undefined name" unless $options{name};
- croak "undefined path" unless $options{path};
- croak "invalid path $options{path}" unless -d $options{path};
- $self->{_name} = $options{name};
- $self->{_path} = $options{path};
- $self->{_passphrase} = $options{passphrase};
-sub run {
- my ($self, $package, $repository, $target, $define) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- $package->sign(
- $self->{_name},
- $self->{_path},
- $self->{_passphrase}
- ) unless $self->{_test};
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Check.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Check.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 312c4a6..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Check.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: Base.pm 631 2006-01-26 22:22:23Z guillomovitch $
-package Youri::Upload::Check;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Check - Abstract check plugin
-This abstract class defines check plugin interface.
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-=head2 new(%args)
-Creates and returns a new Youri::Upload::Check object.
-No generic parameters (subclasses may define additional ones).
-Warning: do not call directly, call subclass constructor instead.
-sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- croak "Abstract class" if $class eq __PACKAGE__;
- my %options = (
- id => '', # object id
- test => 0, # test mode
- verbose => 0, # verbose mode
- @_
- );
- my $self = bless {
- _id => $options{id},
- _test => $options{test},
- _verbose => $options{verbose},
- }, $class;
- $self->_init(%options);
- return $self;
-sub _init {
- # do nothing
-=head2 get_id()
-Returns plugin identity.
-sub get_id {
- my ($self) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- return $self->{_id};
-=head2 run($package, $repository, $target, $define)
-Check given L<Youri::Package> object, and returns success as a boolean.
-=head2 get_error()
-Returns exact error message if check failed.
-sub get_error {
- my ($self) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- return $self->{_error};
-The following methods have to be implemented:
-=item run
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/ACL.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/ACL.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e19e35..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/ACL.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: Tag.pm 867 2006-04-11 20:34:56Z guillomovitch $
-package Youri::Upload::Check::ACL;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Check::Tag - Incorrect tag values check
-This check plugin rejects packages with incorrect tag values, based on regular
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use base qw/Youri::Upload::Check/;
-my $acl;
-sub _init {
- my $self = shift;
- my %options = (
- acl_file => '',
- @_
- );
- $acl = get_acl($options{acl_file});
-sub run {
- my ($self, $package, $repository, $target, $define) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- my $file = $package->get_full_name();
- my $arch = $package->get_arch();
- my $srpm = $package->get_canonical_name;
- my $section = $repository->_get_section($package, $target, $define);
- my $user = $define->{user};
- foreach my $t (keys %$acl) {
- next if $target !~ /$t/;
- foreach my $acl (@{$acl->{$t}}) {
- my ($arch, $media, $r, $users) = @$acl;
- next if $arch !~ $a || $srpm !~ $r || $media !~ $media;
- if ($user =~ /$users/) {
- return 1
- } else {
- $self->{_error} = "$user is not authorized to upload packages belonging to $srpm (authorized persons: " . join(', ', split '\|', $users) . ")";
- return 0
- }
- }
- }
- 1
-sub get_acl {
- my ($file) = @_;
- my %acl;
- open my $f, $file;
- while (<$f>) {
- my ($dis, $arch, $media, $regexp, $users) = split ' ';
- push @{$acl{$dis}}, [ $arch , $media, $regexp, $users ]
- }
- \%acl
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/History.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/History.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 82a1b05..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/History.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-package Youri::Upload::Check::History;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Check::History - Non-linear history check
-This check plugin rejects packages whose history does not include last
-available revision one.
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use Youri::Package;
-use base qw/Youri::Upload::Check/;
-sub run {
- my ($self, $package, $repository, $target, $define) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- my $last_revision =
- $repository->get_last_older_revision($package, $target, $define);
- if ($last_revision) {
- # skip the test if last revision has been produced from another source package, as it occurs during package split/merges
- return 1
- if $last_revision->get_canonical_name() ne $package->get_canonical_name();
- my ($last_revision_number) = $last_revision->get_last_change()->[Youri::Package::CHANGE_AUTHOR] =~ /(\S+)\s*$/;
- my %entries =
- map { $_ => 1 }
- map { /(\S+)\s*$/ }
- map { $_->[Youri::Package::CHANGE_AUTHOR] }
- $package->get_changes();
- unless ($entries{$last_revision_number}) {
- $self->{_error} = "Last changelog entry $last_revision_number from last revision " . $last_revision->get_full_name() . " missing from current changelog";
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return 1;
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/Host.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/Host.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index d6cae8d..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/Host.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: Tag.pm 867 2006-04-11 20:34:56Z guillomovitch $
-package Youri::Upload::Check::Host;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Check::Tag - Incorrect tag values check
-This check plugin rejects packages with incorrect tag values, based on regular
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use base qw/Youri::Upload::Check/;
-my $host;
-sub _init {
- my $self = shift;
- my %options = (
- host_file => '',
- @_
- );
- $host = get_host($options{host_file})
-sub run {
- my ($self, $package, $repository, $target, $define) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- my $file = $package->get_file;
- my $arch = $package->get_arch;
- my $buildhost = $package->get_buildhost;
- foreach my $h (keys %$host) {
- next if $buildhost !~ $h;
- if ($arch =~ $host->{$h}) {
- return 1
- }
- }
- $self->{_error} = "Packages build on host $buildhost are not authorized";
- 0
-sub get_host {
- my ($file) = @_;
- my %host;
- open my $f, $file;
- while (<$f>) {
- my ($host, $arch) = split ' ';
- $host{$host} = $arch
- }
- \%host
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/Precedence.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/Precedence.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 296c154..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/Precedence.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-package Youri::Upload::Check::Precedence;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Check::Precedence - Release check against another check
-This check plugin rejects packages whose an older revision already exists for
-another upload target.
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use base qw/Youri::Upload::Check/;
-sub _init {
- my $self = shift;
- my %options = (
- _target => undef, # mandatory targets
- @_
- );
- die "undefined target" unless $options{target};
- $self->{_target} = $options{target};
-sub run {
- my ($self, $package, $repository, $target, $define) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- my @older_revisions =
- $repository->get_older_revisions($package, $self->{_target}, $define);
- if (@older_revisions) {
- $self->{_error} = "Older revisions still exists for $self->{_target}: " . join(', ', @older_revisions);
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/Queue_recency.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/Queue_recency.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index f7f5940..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/Queue_recency.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: Recency.pm 873 2006-04-15 17:04:27Z guillomovitch $
-package Youri::Upload::Check::Queue_recency;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Check::Recency - Release check against current target
-This check plugin rejects packages whose a current or newer revision already
-exists for current upload target.
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use base qw/Youri::Upload::Check/;
-sub run {
- my ($self, $package, $repository, $target, $define) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- my @newer_revisions =
- $repository->get_upload_newer_revisions($package, $target, $define);
- if (@newer_revisions) {
- $self->{_error} = "Newer revisions already exists for $target in upload queue: " . join(', ', @newer_revisions);
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/Recency.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/Recency.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 58452a6..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/Recency.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-package Youri::Upload::Check::Recency;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Check::Recency - Release check against current target
-This check plugin rejects packages whose a current or newer revision already
-exists for current upload target.
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use base qw/Youri::Upload::Check/;
-sub run {
- my ($self, $package, $repository, $target, $define) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- my $file = $repository->get_install_file($package, $target, $define);
- if (-f $file) {
- $self->{_error} = "Current revision of package $file already exists for $target";
- return 0;
- }
- my @newer_revisions =
- $repository->get_newer_revisions($package, $target, $define);
- if (@newer_revisions) {
- $self->{_error} = "Newer revisions of package $package already exists for $target: " . join(', ', @newer_revisions);
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/Rpmlint.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/Rpmlint.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 20e478b..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/Rpmlint.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: Tag.pm 867 2006-04-11 20:34:56Z guillomovitch $
-package Youri::Upload::Check::Rpmlint;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Check::Tag - Incorrect tag values check
-This check plugin rejects packages with incorrect tag values, based on regular
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use base qw/Youri::Upload::Check/;
-sub _init {
- my $self = shift;
- my %options = (
- fatal_error => '',
- @_
- );
- $self->{_fatal_error} = $options{fatal_error};
-sub run {
- my ($self, $package, $repository, $target, $define) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- my $file = $package->get_file;
- open my $rpmlint, "/usr/bin/rpmlint $file |";
- my $fatal;
- my $error = "fatal errors detected, upload rejected:\n";
- while (<$rpmlint>) {
- if (/$self->{_fatal_error}/) {
- $fatal = 1;
- $error .= "- $_"
- }
- }
- if ($fatal) {
- $self->{_error} = $error;
- return 0
- }
- 1
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/SVN.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/SVN.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index f824f4a..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/SVN.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: Tag.pm 867 2006-04-11 20:34:56Z guillomovitch $
-package Youri::Upload::Check::SVN;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Check::Tag - Incorrect tag values check
-This check plugin rejects packages with incorrect tag values, based on regular
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use base qw/Youri::Upload::Check/;
-sub _init {
- my $self = shift;
- my %options = (
- svn => '',
- @_
- );
- $self->{_svn} = $options{svn};
-sub run {
- my ($self, $package, $repository, $target, $define) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- my $section = $repository->_get_section($package, $target, $define);
- if ($section =~ /\/(testing|backport)$/) {
- # FIXME, right now ignore packages in SVN for testing and backports
- # we need to find a clean way to handle them
- return 1
- }
- $package->is_source or return 1;
- my $file = $package->get_file_name;
- my $srpm_name = $package->get_canonical_name;
- if ($repository->package_in_svn($srpm_name)) {
- if ($file !~ /(^|\/|$define->{prefix}_)@\d+:\Q$srpm_name/) {
- $self->{_error} = "package $srpm_name is in the SVN, the uploaded SRPM must look like @<svn rev>:$srpm_name-<version>-<release>.src.rpm (created with getsrpm-mdk $srpm_name)";
- return 0
- } else {
- print "Package $file is correct\n";
- return 1
- }
- }
- 1
-sub simple_prompt {
- my $cred = shift;
- my $realm = shift;
- my $default_username = shift;
- my $may_save = shift;
- my $pool = shift;
- print "Enter authentication info for realm: $realm\n";
- print "Username: ";
- my $username = <>;
- chomp($username);
- $cred->username($username);
- print "Password: ";
- my $password = <>;
- chomp($password);
- $cred->password($password);
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/Source.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/Source.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d8ea03..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/Source.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: Tag.pm 867 2006-04-11 20:34:56Z guillomovitch $
-package Youri::Upload::Check::Source;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Check::Tag - Incorrect tag values check
-This check plugin rejects packages with incorrect tag values, based on regular
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use base qw/Youri::Upload::Check/;
-sub _init {
- my $self = shift;
- my %options = (
- @_
- );
-sub run {
- my ($self, $package, $repository, $target, $define) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- my $file = $package->get_file();
- if (!$package->is_source()) {
- print
- $self->{_error} = "Package $file is not a source rpm";
- return 0
- }
- return 1;
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/Tag.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/Tag.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 453534c..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/Tag.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-package Youri::Upload::Check::Tag;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Check::Tag - Incorrect tag values check
-This check plugin rejects packages with incorrect tag values, based on regular
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use base qw/Youri::Upload::Check/;
-sub _init {
- my $self = shift;
- my %options = (
- tags => undef, # expected tag values
- @_
- );
- croak "no tags to check" unless $options{tags};
- croak "tag should be an hashref" unless ref $options{tags} eq 'HASH';
- $self->{_tags} = $options{tags};
-sub run {
- my ($self, $package, $repository, $target, $define) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- foreach my $tag (keys %{$self->{_tags}}) {
- my $value = $package->get_tag($tag);
- if ($value !~ /$self->{_tags}->{$tag}/) {
- $self->{_error} = "invalid value $value for tag $tag";
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return 1;
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/Type.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/Type.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index e03fa80..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/Type.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: /local/youri/soft/trunk/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/Tag.pm 1642 2006-03-29T06:49:43.840267Z guillaume $
-package Youri::Upload::Check::Type;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Check::Type - Type check
-This check plugin rejects packages with incorrect type.
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use base qw/Youri::Upload::Check/;
-sub _init {
- my $self = shift;
- my %options = (
- type => undef, # expected type
- @_
- );
- croak "no type to check" unless $options{type};
- croak "invalid type value" unless $options{type} =~ /^(?:source|binary)$/;
- $self->{_type} = $options{type};
-sub run {
- my ($self, $package, $repository, $target, $define) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- my $type = $package->get_type();
- if ($type ne $self->{_type}) {
- $self->{_error} = "invalid type $type";
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/Version.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/Version.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index fe9f42b..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/Version.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: /youri.mdv/trunk/lib/Youri/Upload/Check/Recency.pm 975 2006-08-05T08:30:57.188281Z warly $
-package Youri::Upload::Check::Version;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Check::Version - Check if older version already exist in cooker (used in freeze period)
-This check plugin rejects new version of packages if they are not mentioned as authorized
-in the configuration file or in a non frozen section.
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use URPM;
-use base qw/Youri::Upload::Check/;
-sub _init {
- my $self = shift;
- my %options = (
- @_
- );
- foreach my $target (keys %options) {
- $self->{$target} = $options{$target}
- }
-sub run {
- my ($self, $package, $repository, $target, $define) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- my $opt = $self->{$target};
- return 1 if $opt->{mode} eq 'normal';
- my $section = $repository->_get_section($package, $target, $define);
- my $name = $package->get_canonical_name;
- return 1 if $name =~ /$opt->{authorized_packages}/;
- my $arch = $repository->get_arch($package, $target, $define);
- return 1 if $arch =~ /$opt->{authorized_arches}/;
- if ($opt->{mode} eq 'version_freeze') {
- return 1 if $section =~ /$opt->{authorized_sections}/
- } elsif ($opt->{mode} eq 'freeze') {
- if ($section !~ /$opt->{authorized_sections}/) {
- $self->{_error} = "FREEZE: repository $target section $section is frozen, you can still submit your packages in testing\nTo do so use your.devel --define section=<section> $target <package 1> <package 2> ... <package n>";
- return 0
- }
- }
- my $source = $package->get_source_package;
- my ($package_version) = $source =~ /-([^-]+)-[^-]+\.src\.rpm$/;
- $define->{arch} = 'src';
- my @revisions = $repository->get_revisions($package, $target, $define, sub { my $source_package = $_[0]->get_source_package; my ($version) = $source_package =~ /-([^-]+)-[^-]+\.src\.rpm$/; print STDERR "Found version $version\n"; URPM::ranges_overlap("== $version", "< $package_version") });
- $define->{arch} = '';
- if (@revisions) {
- $self->{_error} = "VERSION FREEZE, package @revisions of different versions exist in cooker\n";
- return 0
- }
- return 1
-Copyright (C) 2006, YOURI project
-Copyright (C) 2006, Mandriva
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Post.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Post.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index b6e1fc7..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Post.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: Base.pm 631 2006-01-26 22:22:23Z guillomovitch $
-package Youri::Upload::Post;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Pre - Abstract post plugin
-This abstract class defines post plugin interface.
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-=head2 new(%args)
-Creates and returns a new Youri::Upload::Pre object.
-No generic parameters (subclasses may define additional ones).
-Warning: do not call directly, call subclass constructor instead.
-sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- croak "Abstract class" if $class eq __PACKAGE__;
- my %options = (
- id => '', # object id
- test => 0, # test mode
- verbose => 0, # verbose mode
- @_
- );
- my $self = bless {
- _id => $options{id},
- _test => $options{test},
- _verbose => $options{verbose},
- }, $class;
- $self->_init(%options);
- return $self;
-sub _init {
- # do nothing
-=head2 get_id()
-Returns plugin identity.
-sub get_id {
- my ($self) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- return $self->{_id};
-=head2 run($repository, $target, $define)
-Execute post on given L<Youri::Package> object.
-The following methods have to be implemented:
-=item run
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Post/Gendistrib.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Post/Gendistrib.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a26474..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Post/Gendistrib.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: /youri.mdv/trunk/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Archive.pm 975 2006-08-05T08:30:57.188281Z warly $
-package Youri::Upload::Post::Gendistrib;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Pre::Rsync - Old revisions archiving
-This action plugin ensures archiving of old package revisions.
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use base qw/Youri::Upload::Post/;
-sub _init {
- my $self = shift;
- my %options = (
- user => '',
- host => '',
- source => '',
- destination => '',
- @_
- );
- foreach my $var ('user', 'host', 'source', 'destination') {
- $self->{"_$var"} = $options{$var};
- }
-sub run {
- my ($self, $pre_package, $repository, $target, $define) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- 1
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, Mandriva <warly@mandriva.com>
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Pre.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Pre.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e603db..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Pre.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: Base.pm 631 2006-01-26 22:22:23Z guillomovitch $
-package Youri::Upload::Pre;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Pre - Abstract pre plugin
-This abstract class defines pre plugin interface.
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-=head2 new(%args)
-Creates and returns a new Youri::Upload::Pre object.
-No generic parameters (subclasses may define additional ones).
-Warning: do not call directly, call subclass constructor instead.
-sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- croak "Abstract class" if $class eq __PACKAGE__;
- my %options = (
- id => '', # object id
- test => 0, # test mode
- verbose => 0, # verbose mode
- @_
- );
- my $self = bless {
- _id => $options{id},
- _test => $options{test},
- _verbose => $options{verbose},
- }, $class;
- $self->_init(%options);
- return $self;
-sub _init {
- # do nothing
-=head2 get_error()
-Returns exact error message if check failed.
-sub get_error {
- my ($self) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- return $self->{_error};
-=head2 get_id()
-Returns plugin identity.
-sub get_id {
- my ($self) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- return $self->{_id};
-=head2 run($pre_package, $repository, $target, $define)
-Execute pre on given L<Youri::Package> object.
-The following methods have to be implemented:
-=item run
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Pre/Rsync.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Pre/Rsync.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 991e657..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Pre/Rsync.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: /youri.mdv/trunk/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Archive.pm 975 2006-08-05T08:30:57.188281Z warly $
-package Youri::Upload::Pre::Rsync;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Pre::Rsync - Old revisions archiving
-This action plugin ensures archiving of old package revisions.
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use base qw/Youri::Upload::Pre/;
-sub _init {
- my $self = shift;
- my %options = (
- user => '',
- host => '',
- source => '',
- destination => '',
- @_
- );
- foreach my $var ('user', 'host', 'source', 'destination') {
- $self->{"_$var"} = $options{$var};
- }
-sub run {
- my ($self, $pre_packages, $repository, $target, $define) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- if (system("rsync --remove-sent-files -avlPHe 'ssh -xc arcfour' $self->{_user}\@$self->{_host}:$self->{_source}/$target/ $self->{_destination}/$target/")) {
- $self->{_error} = "Rsync command failed ($!)";
- return
- }
- my $queue = "$self->{_destination}/$target";
- $self->{_error} = "Reading queue directory failed";
- # now get the packages downloaded
- my %packages;
- opendir my $queuedh, "$self->{_destination}/$target/" or return;
- opendir my $targetdh, $queue or return;
- my $idx;
- foreach my $media (readdir $targetdh) {
- $media =~ /^\.{1,2}$/ and next;
- print "$target - $media\n";
- if (-d "$queue/$media") {
- opendir my $submediadh, "$queue/$media" or return;
- foreach my $submedia (readdir $submediadh) {
- $submedia =~ /^\.{1,2}$/ and next;
- print "$target - $media - $submedia\n";
- opendir my $rpmdh, "$queue/$media/$submedia" or return;
- foreach my $rpm (readdir $rpmdh) {
- $rpm =~ /^\.{1,2}$/ and next;
- print "$target - $media - $submedia : $rpm\n";
- if ($rpm =~ /^(\d{14}\.\w+\.\w+\.\d+)_.*\.\.rpm$/) {
- push @{$packages{$1}{rpms}}, { section => "$media/$submedia", file => "$queue/$media/$submedia/$rpm" };
- } elsif ($rpm =~ /\.rpm$/) {
- $idx++;
- push @{$packages{"independant_$idx"}{rpms}}, { section => "$media/$submedia", file => "$queue/$media/$submedia/$rpm" }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- foreach my $key (keys %packages) {
- push @$pre_packages, $packages{$key}{rpms}
- }
- 1
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, Mandriva <warly@mandriva.com>
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Reject.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Reject.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index f3b9417..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Reject.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: Base.pm 631 2006-01-26 22:22:23Z guillomovitch $
-package Youri::Upload::Reject;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Pre - Abstract post plugin
-This abstract class defines post plugin interface.
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-=head2 new(%args)
-Creates and returns a new Youri::Upload::Pre object.
-No generic parameters (subclasses may define additional ones).
-Warning: do not call directly, call subclass constructor instead.
-sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- croak "Abstract class" if $class eq __PACKAGE__;
- my %options = (
- id => '', # object id
- test => 0, # test mode
- verbose => 0, # verbose mode
- @_
- );
- my $self = bless {
- _id => $options{id},
- _test => $options{test},
- _verbose => $options{verbose},
- }, $class;
- $self->_init(%options);
- return $self;
-sub _init {
- # do nothing
-=head2 get_id()
-Returns plugin identity.
-sub get_id {
- my ($self) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- return $self->{_id};
-=head2 run($repository, $target, $define)
-Execute post on given L<Youri::Package> object.
-The following methods have to be implemented:
-=item run
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Reject/Archive.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Reject/Archive.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 4621eee..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Reject/Archive.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: /youri.mdv/trunk/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Archive.pm 975 2006-08-05T08:30:57.188281Z warly $
-package Youri::Upload::Reject::Install;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Action::Archive - Old revisions archiving
-This action plugin ensures archiving of old package revisions.
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use base qw/Youri::Upload::Reject/;
-sub _init {
- my $self = shift;
- my %options = (
- perms => 644,
- @_
- );
- $self->{_perms} = $options{perms};
- return $self;
-sub run {
- my ($self, $package, $repository, $target, $define) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- my $file = $package->get_file();
- my $rpm = $package->get_file_name();
- my $dest = $repository->get_reject_dir($package, $target, $define);
- # FIXME remove prefix this should be done by a function
- $rpm =~ s/^\d{14}\.\w+\.\w+\.\d+_//;
- print "installing file $file to $dest/$rpm\n" ;#if $self->{_verbose};
- unless ($self->{_test}) {
- # create destination dir if needed
- system("install -d -m " . ($self->{_perms} + 111) . " $dest/")
- unless -d $dest;
- # install file to new location
- system("install -m $self->{_perms} $file $dest/$rpm");
- }
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Reject/Clean.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Reject/Clean.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index ed2b99d..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Reject/Clean.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: /local/youri/soft/trunk/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Backup.pm 867 2006-01-29T20:47:27.830648Z guillaume $
-package Youri::Upload::Reject::Clean;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Action::Clean - Old revisions cleanup
-This action plugin ensures cleanup of old package revisions.
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use base qw/Youri::Upload::Reject/;
-sub run {
- my ($self, $package, $errors, $repository, $target, $define) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- my $file = $package->get_file();
- print "deleting file $file\n" if $self->{_verbose};
- unlink $file unless $self->{_test};
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Reject/Install.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Reject/Install.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index d35fe9d..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Reject/Install.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: /youri.mdv/trunk/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Archive.pm 975 2006-08-05T08:30:57.188281Z warly $
-package Youri::Upload::Reject::Install;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Action::Archive - Old revisions archiving
-This action plugin ensures archiving of old package revisions.
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use base qw/Youri::Upload::Reject/;
-sub _init {
- my $self = shift;
- my %options = (
- perms => 644,
- @_
- );
- $self->{_perms} = $options{perms};
- $self->{_verbose} = $options{verbose};
-sub run {
- my ($self, $package, $errors, $repository, $target, $define) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- my $file = $package->get_file();
- my $rpm = $package->get_file_name();
- my $dest = $repository->get_reject_dir($package, $target, $define);
- # FIXME remove prefix this should be done by a function
- $rpm =~ s/^\d{14}\.\w+\.\w+\.\d+_//;
- print "installing file $file to $dest/$rpm\n" if $self->{_verbose};
- unless ($self->{_test}) {
- # create destination dir if needed
- system("install -d -m " . ($self->{_perms} + 111) . " $dest/")
- unless -d $dest;
- # install file to new location
- system("install -m $self->{_perms} $file $dest/$rpm");
- }
- $package->{_file} = "$dest/$rpm";
- print "deleting file $file\n" if $self->{_verbose};
- unlink $file unless $self->{_test};
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Upload/Reject/Mail.pm b/lib/Youri/Upload/Reject/Mail.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 32872fb..0000000
--- a/lib/Youri/Upload/Reject/Mail.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: /youri.mdv/trunk/lib/Youri/Upload/Action/Mail.pm 975 2006-08-05T08:30:57.188281Z warly $
-package Youri::Upload::Reject::Mail;
-=head1 NAME
-Youri::Upload::Action::Mail - Mail notification
-This action plugin ensures mail notification of new package revisions.
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use MIME::Entity;
-use Encode qw/from_to/;
-use Carp;
-use Youri::Package;
-use base qw/Youri::Upload::Reject/;
-sub _init {
- my $self = shift;
- my %options = (
- mta => '/usr/sbin/sendmail',
- to => '',
- from => '',
- cc => '',
- prefix => '',
- encoding => 'quoted-printable',
- charset => 'iso-8859-1',
- @_
- );
- croak "undefined mail MTA" unless $options{mta};
- croak "invalid mail MTA $options{mta}" unless -x $options{mta};
- croak "undefined to" unless $options{to};
- if ($options{cc}) {
- croak "cc should be an hashref" unless ref $options{cc} eq 'HASH';
- }
- croak "invalid charset $options{charset}"
- unless Encode::resolve_alias($options{charset});
- $self->{_mta} = $options{mta};
- $self->{_to} = $options{to};
- $self->{_from} = $options{from};
- $self->{_cc} = $options{cc};
- $self->{_prefix} = $options{prefix};
- $self->{_encoding} = $options{encoding};
- $self->{_charset} = $options{charset};
-sub run {
- my ($self, $package, $errors, $repository, $target, $define) = @_;
- croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self;
- my $from = $package->get_packager();
- my $section = $repository->_get_section($package, $target, $define);
- # force from adress if defined
- $from =~ s/<.*>/<$self->{_from}>/ if $self->{_from};
- my $subject =
- ($self->{_prefix} ? '[' . $self->{_prefix} . '] ' : '' ) . ($section ? "$section " : '') .
- $package->get_revision_name();
- my $information = $package->get_information();
- my $last_change = $package->get_last_change();
- my $content =
- "Errors: \n\n" . join("\n- ", @$errors) . "\n\n" .
- $information . "\n" .
- $last_change->[Youri::Package::CHANGE_AUTHOR] . ":\n" .
- join(
- '', map { "- $_\n" } @{$last_change->[Youri::Package::CHANGE_TEXT]}
- );
- # ensure proper codeset conversion
- # for informations coming from package
- my $charset = $repository->get_package_charset();
- from_to($content, $charset, $self->{_charset});
- from_to($subject, $charset, $self->{_charset});
- my $mail = MIME::Entity->build(
- Type => 'text/plain',
- Charset => $self->{_charset},
- Encoding => $self->{_encoding},
- From => $from,
- To => $self->{_to},
- Subject => $subject,
- Data => $content,
- );
- if ($self->{_cc}) {
- my $cc = $self->{_cc}->{$package->get_name()};
- $mail->head()->add('cc', $cc) if $cc;
- }
- if ($self->{_test}) {
- $mail->print(\*STDOUT);
- } else {
- open(MAIL, "| $self->{_mta} -t -oi -oem") or die "Can't open MTA program: $!";
- $mail->print(\*MAIL);
- close MAIL;
- }
-Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.