path: root/lib/Youri/Bugzilla.pm
diff options
authorNicolas Vigier <boklm@mageia.org>2011-01-06 01:07:55 +0000
committerNicolas Vigier <boklm@mageia.org>2011-01-06 01:07:55 +0000
commita4f149873af1e9cff9ab0829adfcd3eca1a3780d (patch)
treec1345b951f4c67e3e9c5bf57f984c3e9f901f17f /lib/Youri/Bugzilla.pm
search in core, nonfree, tainted instead of main, contrib
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Youri/Bugzilla.pm')
1 files changed, 482 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Youri/Bugzilla.pm b/lib/Youri/Bugzilla.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..098de0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Youri/Bugzilla.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+# $Id: Bugzilla.pm 1179 2006-08-05 08:30:57Z warly $
+package Youri::Bugzilla;
+=head1 NAME
+Youri::Bugzilla - Youri Bugzilla interface
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Youri::Bugzilla;
+ my $bugzilla = Youri::Bugzilla->new($host, $base, $user, $pass);
+ print $bugzilla->get_maintainer('foobar');
+This module implement a database-level Bugzilla interface for managing packages.
+The legacy Bugzilla database model is mapped this way:
+=item *
+a maintainer is a user
+=item *
+a package is a product
+=item *
+each package has two pseudo components "program" and "package", owned by the package maintainer
+use DBI;
+use Carp;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+my %queries = (
+ get_package_id => 'SELECT id FROM products WHERE name = ?',
+ get_maintainer_id => 'SELECT userid FROM profiles WHERE login_name = ?',
+ get_versions => 'SELECT value FROM versions WHERE product_id = ?',
+ get_components => 'SELECT name FROM components WHERE product_id = ?',
+ add_package => 'INSERT INTO products (name, description) VALUES (?, ?)',
+ add_maintainer => 'INSERT INTO profiles (login_name, cryptpassword, realname, emailflags, refreshed_when) VALUES (?, ENCRYPT(?), ?, ?, SYSDATE())',
+ add_component => 'INSERT INTO components (product_id, name, description,initialowner, initialqacontact) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
+ add_version => 'INSERT INTO versions (product_id, value) VALUES (?, ?)',
+ del_package => 'DELETE FROM products WHERE product = ?',
+ del_maintainer => 'DELETE FROM profiles WHERE login_name = ?',
+ del_components => 'DELETE FROM components WHERE program = ?',
+ del_versions => 'DELETE FROM versions WHERE program = ?',
+ reset_password => 'UPDATE profiles SET cryptpassword = ENCRYPT(?) WHERE login_name = ?',
+ browse_packages => <<EOF,
+SELECT products.name, max(versions.value), login_name
+FROM products, versions, profiles, components
+WHERE versions.product_id = products.id
+ AND components.product_id = products.id
+ AND profiles.userid = components.initialowner
+ AND components.name = 'package'
+GROUP BY name
+ get_maintainer => <<EOF
+SELECT login_name
+FROM profiles, components, products
+WHERE profiles.userid = components.initialowner
+ AND components.name = 'package'
+ AND components.product_id = products.id
+ AND products.name = ?
+my @default_flags = qw/
+ ExcludeSelf
+ FlagRequestee
+ FlagRequester
+ emailOwnerRemoveme
+ emailOwnerComments
+ emailOwnerAttachments
+ emailOwnerStatus
+ emailOwnerResolved
+ emailOwnerKeywords
+ emailOwnerCC
+ emailOwnerOther
+ emailOwnerUnconfirmed
+ emailReporterRemoveme
+ emailReporterComments
+ emailReporterAttachments
+ emailReporterStatus
+ emailReporterResolved
+ emailReporterKeywords
+ emailReporterCC
+ emailReporterOther
+ emailReporterUnconfirmed
+ emailQAcontactRemoveme
+ emailQAcontactComments
+ emailQAcontactAttachments
+ emailQAcontactStatus
+ emailQAcontactResolved
+ emailQAcontactKeywords
+ emailQAcontactCC
+ emailQAcontactOther
+ emailQAcontactUnconfirmed
+ emailCClistRemoveme
+ emailCClistComments
+ emailCClistAttachments
+ emailCClistStatus
+ emailCClistResolved
+ emailCClistKeywords
+ emailCClistCC
+ emailCClistOther
+ emailCClistUnconfirmed
+ emailVoterRemoveme
+ emailVoterComments
+ emailVoterAttachments
+ emailVoterStatus
+ emailVoterResolved
+ emailVoterKeywords
+ emailVoterCC
+ emailVoterOther
+ emailVoterUnconfirmed
+my $default_flags = join('~', map { "$_~on" } @default_flags);
+Except stated otherwise, maintainers are specified by their login, and packages
+are specified by their name.
+=head2 new($host, $base, $user, $password)
+Creates a new L<Youri::Bugzilla> object, wrapping bugzilla database I<$base>
+hosted on I<$host>, and accessed by user I<$user> with password I<$password>.
+sub new {
+ my ($class, $host, $base, $user, $pass) = @_;
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$base;host=$host", $user, $pass) or croak "Unable to connect: $DBI::errstr";
+ my $self = bless {
+ _dbh => $dbh
+ }, $class;
+ return $self;
+=head2 has_package($package)
+Return true if bugzilla contains given package.
+sub has_package {
+ my ($self, $package) = @_;
+ return $self->_get_package_id($package);
+=head2 has_maintainer($maintainer)
+Return true if bugzilla contains given maintainer.
+sub has_maintainer {
+ my ($self, $maintainer) = @_;
+ return $self->_get_maintainer_id($maintainer);
+=head2 get_maintainer($package)
+Return maintainer of given package.
+sub get_maintainer {
+ my ($self, $package) = @_;
+ return $self->_get_single('get_maintainer', $package);
+=head2 get_versions($package)
+Return versions from given package.
+sub get_versions {
+ my ($self, $package) = @_;
+ return $self->_get_multiple(
+ 'get_versions',
+ $self->_get_package_id($package)
+ );
+=head2 get_components($package)
+Return components from given package.
+sub get_components {
+ my ($self, $package) = @_;
+ return $self->_get_multiple(
+ 'get_components',
+ $self->_get_package_id($package)
+ );
+=head2 get_packages()
+Return all packages from the database.
+sub get_packages {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return $self->_get_multiple('get_packages');
+sub _get_package_id {
+ my ($self, $package) = @_;
+ return $self->_get_single('get_package_id', $package);
+sub _get_maintainer_id {
+ my ($self, $maintainer) = @_;
+ return $self->_get_single('get_maintainer_id', $maintainer);
+sub _get_single {
+ my ($self, $type, $value) = @_;
+ return unless ref $self;
+ my $query = $self->{_queries}->{$type};
+ unless ($query) {
+ $query = $self->{_dbh}->prepare($queries{$type});
+ $self->{_queries}->{$type} = $query;
+ }
+ $query->execute($value);
+ my @row = $query->fetchrow_array();
+ return @row ? $row[0]: undef;
+sub _get_multiple {
+ my ($self, $type, $value) = @_;
+ return unless ref $self;
+ my $query = $self->{_queries}->{$type};
+ unless ($query) {
+ $query = $self->{_dbh}->prepare($queries{$type});
+ $self->{_queries}->{$type} = $query;
+ }
+ $query->execute($value);
+ my @results;
+ while (my @row = $query->fetchrow_array()) {
+ push @results, $row[0];
+ }
+ return @results;
+=head2 add_package($name, $summary, $version, $maintainer, $contact)
+Adds a new package in the database, with given name, summary, version,
+maintainer and initial QA contact.
+sub add_package {
+ my ($self, $name, $summary, $version, $maintainer, $contact) = @_;
+ return unless ref $self;
+ my $maintainer_id = $self->_get_maintainer_id($maintainer);
+ unless ($maintainer_id) {
+ carp "Unknown maintainer $maintainer, aborting";
+ return;
+ }
+ my $contact_id = $self->_get_maintainer_id($contact);
+ unless ($contact_id) {
+ carp "Unknown QA contact $contact, aborting";
+ return;
+ }
+ my $query = $self->{_queries}->{add_package};
+ unless ($query) {
+ $query = $self->{_dbh}->prepare($queries{add_package});
+ $self->{_queries}->{add_package} = $query;
+ }
+ $query->execute($name, $summary);
+ my $package_id = $self->_get_package_id($name);
+ $self->_add_version($package_id, $version);
+ $self->_add_component(
+ $package_id,
+ 'package',
+ 'problem related to the package',
+ $maintainer_id,
+ $contact_id
+ );
+ $self->_add_component(
+ $package_id,
+ 'program',
+ 'problem related to the program',
+ $maintainer_id,
+ $contact_id
+ );
+=head2 add_version($package, $version)
+Adds a new version to given package.
+sub add_version {
+ my ($self, $package, $version) = @_;
+ return unless ref $self;
+ my $package_id = $self->_get_package_id($package);
+ $self->_add_version($package_id, $version);
+sub _add_version {
+ my ($self, $package_id, $version) = @_;
+ return unless ref $self;
+ my $query = $self->{_queries}->{add_version};
+ unless ($query) {
+ $query = $self->{_dbh}->prepare($queries{add_version});
+ $self->{_queries}->{add_version} = $query;
+ }
+ $query->execute($package_id, $version);
+=head2 add_maintainer($name, $login, $password)
+Adds a new maintainer in the database, with given name, login and password.
+sub add_maintainer {
+ my ($self, $name, $login, $pass) = @_;
+ return unless ref $self;
+ my $query = $self->{_queries}->{add_maintainer};
+ unless ($query) {
+ $query = $self->{_dbh}->prepare($queries{add_maintainer});
+ $self->{_queries}->{add_maintainer} = $query;
+ }
+ $query->execute($login, $pass, $name, $default_flags);
+sub _add_component {
+ my ($self, $package_id, $name, $description, $maintainer_id, $contact_id) = @_;
+ my $query = $self->{_queries}->{add_component};
+ unless ($query) {
+ $query = $self->{_dbh}->prepare($queries{add_component});
+ $self->{_queries}->{add_component} = $query;
+ }
+ $query->execute($package_id, $name, $description, $maintainer_id, $contact_id);
+=head2 del_package($package)
+Delete given package from database.
+sub del_package {
+ my ($self, $package) = @_;
+ $self->_delete('del_package', $package);
+ $self->_delete('del_versions', $package);
+ $self->_delete('del_components', $package);
+=head2 del_maintainer($maintainer)
+Delete given maintainer from database.
+sub del_maintainer {
+ my ($self, $maintainer) = @_;
+ $self->_delete('del_maintainer', $maintainer);
+sub _delete {
+ my ($self, $type, $value) = @_;
+ return unless ref $self;
+ my $query = $self->{_queries}->{$type};
+ unless ($query) {
+ $query = $self->{_dbh}->prepare($queries{$type});
+ $self->{_queries}->{$type} = $query;
+ }
+ $query->execute($value);
+=head2 reset_password(I<$maintainer>, I<$password>)
+Reset password of a maintainer to given password.
+sub reset_password {
+ my ($self, $login, $pass) = @_;
+ return unless ref $self;
+ my $query = $self->{_queries}->{reset_password};
+ unless ($query) {
+ $query = $self->{_dbh}->prepare($queries{reset_password});
+ $self->{_queries}->{reset_password} = $query;
+ }
+ $query->execute($pass, $login);
+=head2 browse_packages($callback)
+Browse all packages from bugzilla, and execute given callback with name and
+maintainer as argument for each of them.
+sub browse_packages {
+ my ($self, $callback) = @_;
+ return unless ref $self;
+ my $query = $self->{_queries}->{browse_packages};
+ unless ($query) {
+ $query = $self->{_dbh}->prepare($queries{browse_packages});
+ $self->{_queries}->{browse_packages} = $query;
+ }
+ $query->execute();
+ while (my @row = $query->fetchrow_array()) {
+ $callback->(@row);
+ }
+# close database connection
+sub DESTROY {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ foreach my $query (values %{$self->{_queries}}) {
+ $query->finish();
+ }
+ $self->{_dbh}->disconnect();
+Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.