<?php /** * Lookup for _e(), _t() and _h() in source code and build a * * PHP 5.3 * * @license MIT * @author Romain d'Alverny, rdalverny, rda * @copyright 2012/05 * @author Filip (small fixes and some added features) */ if (php_sapi_name() !== 'cli') { echo "CLI only.\n"; exit(1); } if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0') < 0) { echo "PHP 5.3 needed.\n"; exit(1); } define('APP_ROOT', realpath(__DIR__ . '/..')); $php_source = isset($argv[1]) ? $argv[1] : null; $domain = isset($argv[2]) ? $argv[2] : null; if (is_null($php_source) || is_null($domain)) { echo <<<U Usage: php tools/extract2lang.php path/to/source.php domain_name Example: php tools/extract2lang.php en/index.php index You can join multiple sources with apostrophe - single quote (') like this: 'en/3/download_index.php en/for-pc/index.php en/for-server/index.php en/3/index.php en/3/nav.php' U; exit(1); } echo "ohai!\n"; $cmd = sprintf('grep -HrnEi "_(e|t|h|d)\((.*)" %s', $php_source); echo $cmd, "\n"; exec($cmd, $out); $strings = array(); $f = array(); $error = 0; foreach ($out as $str) { $arr = explode(':', $str); $file = array_shift($arr); $file = str_replace(APP_ROOT, '', $file); $files[] = $file; $line = array_shift($arr); $arr = implode(':', $arr); $arr = str_replace('\\\'', '_apostrophe_', $arr); if (preg_match_all('/\_(e|t|h|d)\(\'(.+)\'/imU', $arr, $reg)) { foreach ($reg[2] as $found) { $found = str_replace('_apostrophe_', '\'', $found); $strings[$domain][$found][] = $file . ' +' . $line; } } else { echo "\n\n!!!! Could not find string in $file, line $line: $str\n"; echo "!!!! Please fix $file before using $domain.en.lang file!!!\n\n"; $error = 2; } } foreach ($strings as $domain => $strs) { $f[] = sprintf('# Generated by extract2lang.php on %s', date('c')); $f[] = sprintf('# Domain %s', $domain); $f[] = '# include translation strings from:'; $files = array_unique($files); foreach ($files as $source) { $f[] = sprintf('# %s', $source); } foreach ($strs as $str => $info) { $str = str_replace(array("\'", "\""), array("'", '"'), $str); $f[] = ''; $f[] = sprintf('# %s', $info[0]); $f[] = ';' . $str; $f[] = $str; $f[] = ''; } $f = implode("\n", $f); $dest = sprintf('%s/langs/%s/%s.%s.lang', APP_ROOT, 'en', $domain, 'en'); $dir = dirname($dest); if (!is_dir($dir)) { echo "making $dir\n"; mkdir($dir, 0755, true); } echo sprintf("saved %d strings in %s\n", count($strs), $dest); if (FALSE === file_put_contents($dest, $f)) echo "Failed to write.\n"; } echo "Done. kthxbye.\n"; exit($error);