 * Place this at the public root of your system and adapt $app_root
 * so it relates to the app branch root.
 * Used for a continuous integration prototype, on various hosts.
 * PHP version 5
 * @license BSD-2-Clause
 * @author  Romain d'Alverny <rda at mageia.org>

$app_root = __DIR__;

$vars = array(
    'app'     => $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'],
    'git'     => get_git_info($app_root),
    'status'  => get_status($app_root),

header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
echo json_encode($vars);


 * TODO Return app status (tests, config, other?)
 * @param string $app_root
 * @return string
function get_status($app_root)
    return 'OK';

 * Return basic Subversion status info. See $keys array.
 * @param string $app_root
 * @return array
function get_git_info($app_root)
    exec(escapeshellcmd(sprintf('LC_ALL=C %s show %s %s', exec('which git'), '-s --pretty="Revision: %H%nLast Author: %an%nDate Revision: %ar%nTitle: %s"', escapeshellarg($app_root))),
        $out, $ret);

	return $out;