HTTPAcceptLang = $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']; $this -> supportedLocales = array_unique($list); $this -> setDefaultLocale('en-US'); $this -> setCompatibleLocale(); $this -> mapLonglocales = true; } public function getAcceptLangArray() { if (empty($this->HTTPAcceptLang)) return null; return explode(',', $this->HTTPAcceptLang); } public function getCompatibleLocale() { $l = $this -> defaultLocale; $acclang = $this -> getAcceptLangArray(); if(!is_array($acclang)) { return $this -> defaultLocale; } foreach ($acclang as $var) { $locale = $this -> _cleanHTTPlocaleCode($var); $shortLocale = array_shift(explode('-', $locale)); if (in_array($locale, $this -> supportedLocales)) { $l = $locale; break; } if (in_array($shortLocale, $this -> supportedLocales)) { $l = $shortLocale; break; } // check if we map visitors short locales to site long locales // like en -> en-GB if ($this -> mapLonglocales == true) { foreach ($this -> supportedLocales as $var) { $shortSupportedLocale = array_shift(explode('-', $var)); if ($shortLocale == $shortSupportedLocale) { $l = $var; break; } } } } return $l; } public function getDefaultLocale() { return $this -> defaultLocale; } public function setCompatibleLocale() { $this -> detectedLocale = $this -> getCompatibleLocale(); } public function setDefaultLocale($locale) { // the default locale should always be among the site locales // if not, the first locale in the supportedLocales array is default if (!in_array($locale, $this -> supportedLocales)) { $this -> defaultLocale = $this -> supportedLocales[0]; } else { $this -> defaultLocale = $locale; } return; } private function _cleanHTTPlocaleCode($str) { $locale = explode(';', $str); $locale = trim($locale[0]); return $locale; } }'n5' href='#n5'>5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81
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<title>Download Mageia alpha (unstable) releases</title>
<meta name="description" content="Download page for Mageia first technical alpha" />
<meta name="keywords" content="mageia, alpha, unstable, iso, download, test, not for production" />
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<div id="hd" role="banner"><h1>Mageia <span>| 下載 Alpha 版</span></h1></div>
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<div class="para" style="color: #f22; text-align: center;">
<h2 style="font-weight: bold;">小心! 所謂的 Alpha 版就是不穩定版本!</h2>
<div class="yui-g"><div class="para">
<p>您將要用這個光碟映像檔來做的事情必須由您自己負責承擔風險。 如果您想要尋找一個穩定的 Linux 系統,您可以等待 Mageia 之後發布的版本。</p>
<p style="font-weight: bold; color: #f22">再次重申,如果您不確定您了解這個光碟的用途,請不要下載或安裝它。</p>
<h2>您仍然想要下載 Mageia Alpha 2 測試版本?</h2>
<p>好吧。首先,我們有三個 ISO 映像檔: 一個 32 位元 DVD,一個 64 位元 DVD(兩者都約 4GB),還有一個兩種架構都支援的 CD(約 700MB)。</p>
<p>以下您將看到目前提供 Mageia 軟體鏡像服務的伺服器列表:</p>
<li>選擇最適合您的伺服器 (最好是在您的國家);</li>
<li>選擇最適合您的 ISO 映像檔 (我們希望它們的名稱足夠一目了然)。</li>
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