<?php /*******************************************************************\ * PROJECT INFORMATION * * * * Project: Apache-Test * * URL: http://perl.apache.org/Apache-Test/ * * Notice: Copyright (c) 2006 The Apache Software Foundation * * * ********************************************************************* * LICENSE INFORMATION * * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * * you may not use this file except in compliance with the * * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * * software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * * IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * * express or implied. See the License for the specific language * * governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * * ********************************************************************* * MODULE INFORMATION * * * * This is a PHP implementation of Test::More: * * * * http://search.cpan.org/dist/Test-Simple/lib/Test/More.pm * * * ********************************************************************* * CREDITS * * * * Originally inspired by work from Andy Lester. Written and * * maintained by Chris Shiflett. For contact information, see: * * * * http://shiflett.org/contact * * * \*******************************************************************/ header('Content-Type: text/plain'); register_shutdown_function('_test_end'); $_no_plan = FALSE; $_num_failures = 0; $_num_skips = 0; $_test_num = 0; function plan($plan) { /* plan('no_plan'); plan('skip_all'); plan(array('skip_all' => 'My reason is...')); plan(23); */ global $_no_plan; global $_skip_all; switch ($plan) { case 'no_plan': $_no_plan = TRUE; break; case 'skip_all': echo "1..0\n"; break; default: if (is_array($plan)) { echo "1..0 # Skip {$plan['skip_all']}\n"; exit; } echo "1..$plan\n"; break; } } function ok($pass, $test_name = '') { global $_test_num; global $_num_failures; global $_num_skips; $_test_num++; if ($_num_skips) { $_num_skips--; return TRUE; } if (!empty($test_name) && $test_name[0] != '#') { $test_name = "- $test_name"; } if ($pass) { echo "ok $_test_num $test_name\n"; } else { echo "not ok $_test_num $test_name\n"; $_num_failures++; $caller = debug_backtrace(); if (strstr($caller['0']['file'], $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) { $file = $caller['0']['file']; $line = $caller['0']['line']; } else { $file = $caller['1']['file']; $line = $caller['1']['line']; } if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ROOT'])){ $file = str_replace($_SERVER['SERVER_ROOT'], 't', $file); } diag(" Failed test ($file at line $line)"); } return $pass; } function is($this, $that, $test_name = '') { $pass = ($this == $that); ok($pass, $test_name); if (!$pass) { diag(" got: '$this'"); diag(" expected: '$that'"); } return $pass; } function isnt($this, $that, $test_name = '') { $pass = ($this != $that); ok($pass, $test_name); if (!$pass) { diag(" '$this'"); diag(' !='); diag(" '$that'"); } return $pass; } function like($string, $pattern, $test_name = '') { $pass = preg_match($pattern, $string); ok($pass, $test_name); if (!$pass) { diag(" '$string'"); diag(" doesn't match '$pattern'"); } return $pass; } function unlike($string, $pattern, $test_name = '') { $pass = !preg_match($pattern, $string); ok($pass, $test_name); if (!$pass) { diag(" '$string'"); diag(" matches '$pattern'"); } return $pass; } function cmp_ok($this, $operator, $that, $test_name = '') { eval("\$pass = (\$this $operator \$that);"); ob_start(); var_dump($this); $_this = trim(ob_get_clean()); ob_start(); var_dump($that); $_that = trim(ob_get_clean()); ok($pass, $test_name); if (!$pass) { diag(" got: $_this"); diag(" expected: $_that"); } return $pass; } function can_ok($object, $methods) { $pass = TRUE; $errors = array(); foreach ($methods as $method) { if (!method_exists($object, $method)) { $pass = FALSE; $errors[] = " method_exists(\$object, $method) failed"; } } if ($pass) { ok(TRUE, "method_exists(\$object, ...)"); } else { ok(FALSE, "method_exists(\$object, ...)"); diag($errors); } return $pass; } function isa_ok($object, $expected_class, $object_name = 'The object') { $got_class = get_class($object); if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5', '>=')) { $pass = ($got_class == $expected_class); } else { $pass = ($got_class == strtolower($expected_class)); } if ($pass) { ok(TRUE, "$object_name isa $expected_class"); } else { ok(FALSE, "$object_name isn't a '$expected_class' it's a '$got_class'"); } return $pass; } function pass($test_name = '') { return ok(TRUE, $test_name); } function fail($test_name = '') { return ok(FALSE, $test_name); } function diag($message) { if (is_array($message)) { foreach($message as $current) { echo "# $current\n"; } } else { echo "# $message\n"; } } function include_ok($module) { $pass = ((include $module) == 1); return ok($pass); } function require_ok($module) { $pass = ((require $module) == 1); return ok($pass); } function skip($message, $num) { global $_num_skips; if ($num < 0) { $num = 0; } for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { pass("# SKIP $message"); } $_num_skips = $num; } function is_deeply($got_struct, $expected_struct, $test_name = '') { $got_flat = var_export($got_struct, true); $expected_flat = var_export($expected_struct, true); is($got_flat, $expected_flat, $test_name); } /* TODO: function todo() { } function todo_skip() { } function eq_array() { } function eq_hash() { } function eq_set() { } */ function _test_end() { global $_no_plan; global $_num_failures; global $_test_num; if ($_no_plan) { echo "1..$_test_num\n"; } if ($_num_failures) { diag("Looks like you failed $_num_failures tests of $_test_num."); } } ?>