<?php /** * * PHP version 5.4 * * @category Mageia * @package Mageia\Web\www\Pinq * @author rda <rda@mageia.org> * @link http://www.mageia.org/ * * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU GPL v2+ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License aspublished by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. */ /** */ class Pinq_Controller { /** * @param string $dir root application directory * @param array $server $_SERVER array * */ public function __construct($dir, $server) { $this->_app_root = $dir; $this->_server = $server; } /** */ public static function run($app_root, $routes, $_server, $cache) { $pc = new self($app_root, $_server); $pc->init(); if (isset($cache) && $res = $cache->get($pc->get_cache_key())) { } else { $res = $pc->_run($routes); if (isset($cache) && isset($res['cache']) && $res['cache'] > 0) { $cache->set($res, $pc->cache_key()); } } $pc->publish($res); unset($pc); } /** */ public function init() { $this->method = $this->_server['REQUEST_METHOD']; $this->uri = $this->_server['REQUEST_URI']; if (strpos('?', $this->uri) !== false) { $uri = explode('?', $this->uri); $this->query = $uri[1]; $this->uri = $uri[0]; } } /** */ public function get_cache_key() { return sha1(implode('#', array($this->method, $this->uri))); } /** * Prints document headers and contents. * It _expects_ $res to be correctly formatted. * * @param array $res as returned by self::_run() * * @return void */ public function publish($res) { //$res['statuts'] // Content-Length must match buffer + body foreach ($res['headers'] as $h => $v) { header($h); } echo $res['buffer']; echo $res['body']; } /** * @param array $routes * * @return boolean */ private function _run($routes = null) { // static, image files are expected to be served directly by the server. $ret = array( 'body' => '', 'buffer' => '', 'cache' => 0, 'headers' => array() ); // detect path language; if not set, redirect to best fallback language (English for now), end $this->lang = $this->get_request_language($this->uri); if (!$this->lang_is_managed($this->lang)) { // TODO - ignore, with a special code or redirect? $this->lang = 'en'; } // TODO ob_start, etc.? if ($app = $this->matches_route($this->uri, $routes)) { // 1. $ret = $this->delegate_to($app); } elseif (false) { // TODO // 2. // delegate to local script // TODO look at local code at $uri, and decide if we can/should load it and decorate it. How? } elseif ($this->fallback_to_previous_mode($this->uri, $this->lang)) { // 3. // finally, act as we used to before } else { // 4. // if nothing matched, well... $ret = $this->delegate_to('error', array('code' => '404')); } return $ret; } /** * @param string $uri * @param array $routes * * @return string */ private function matches_route($uri, $routes) { $re = ' / \/(([a-zA-Z\-\_]{2,5})\/)? (.*) /x'; if (preg_match_all($re, $uri, $matches)) { $this->_lang = $matches[2][0]; $this->_path = $matches[3][0]; } if (is_array($routes) && count($routes) > 0) { foreach ($routes as $r => $app) { $re = '/' . $r . '/'; if (preg_match_all($re, $uri, $m)) { return $app; } } } return null; } /** * @param string $uri * * @return string */ function get_request_language($uri) { $tu = explode('/', $uri); $lang = $tu[1]; $sl = strlen($lang); if ($this->lang_exists($lang)) { return $lang; } return null; } /** */ function lang_exists($lang) { // is it a valid language code? ll[-cc] or ll[_CC]? return true; } /** */ function lang_is_managed($lang) { // in managed languages array? return true; } /** * @param string $app_name * * @return boolean */ private function delegate_to($app_name, $options = null) { $app_cont = realpath(sprintf('%s/apps/%s/%s_app.php', $this->_app_root, $app_name, $app_name)); if (!file_exists($app_cont)) { throw new Exception(sprintf('Expected "%s" app, found no definition file.', $app_name)); } include $app_cont; $a = new $app_name($this, $options); return $a->run(); } /** * @return boolean true if fallback happened */ function fallback_to_previous_mode($uri, $lang) { $uri = explode('?', $uri); $qs = count($uri) > 1 ? $uri[1] : null; $uri = $uri[0]; $alt_uri = sprintf( '/%s/%s', 'en', substr($uri, strlen($lang) + 2) ); $test_uris = array( $uri, $uri . 'index.php', $uri . 'index.html', $alt_uri, $alt_uri . 'index.php', $alt_uri . 'index.html' ); $found = false; foreach ($test_uris as $inc_uri) { $real_file = realpath($this->_app_root . $inc_uri); if (file_exists($real_file) && !is_dir($real_file)) { $found = true; break; } } if ($found) { chdir(dirname($real_file)); require $real_file; return true; } return false; } }