# gettext catalog for support web page(s)
# Copyright (C) 2014 - 2023 Mageia
# This file is distributed under the same license as
# the content of the corresponding web page(s).
# Generated by extract2gettext.php
# Domain: support
# include translation strings from:
# en/support/index.php
# Translators:
# Dmitry <dmitrydmitry761@gmail.com>, 2021
# xiao wenming <xwm-citcc5@hotmail.com>, 2015
# zwpwjwtz <zwpwjwtz@126.com>, 2016-2018
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Mageia\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mageia-i18n@mageia.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-02-26 20:27:13+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-21 18:07+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: xiao wenming <xwm-citcc5@hotmail.com>, 2015\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (http://app.transifex.com/MageiaLinux/mageia/language/zh_CN/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: zh_CN\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +12"
msgid "Support for Mageia distribution"
msgstr "Mageia 发行版支持"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +13"
msgid "List of support resources for Mageia distribution."
msgstr "列出 Mageia 发行版的支持资源。"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +14"
msgid "mageia, linux, support, help, hardware, qa, test"
msgstr "mageia, linux, 支持, 帮助, 硬件, qa, 测试"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +22"
msgid "Support"
msgstr "支持"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +24"
msgid "Community Support"
msgstr "社区支持"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +25"
msgid "Professional Support"
msgstr "专业支持"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +26"
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "文档"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +27"
msgid "Updates"
msgstr "更新"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +28"
msgid "Lifecycle"
msgstr "生命周期"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +29"
msgid "Hardware Requirements"
msgstr "硬件需求"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +30"
msgid "Bugs Reports"
msgstr "故障报告"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +39"
msgid ""
"You can look up existing %sdocumentation here%s. You may too look into our "
msgstr "您可以%s在此查看文档%s,或者看看我们的 %sWiki%s。"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +41"
msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org"
msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +44"
msgid ""
"Updates are available for %s and %s (security and bug fixes) and published "
"on an ongoing basis."
msgstr "%s 和 %s (安全和缺陷修复) 的更新可用,在持续改进的基础上发布。."

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +45"
msgid ""
"Updates are available for %s (security and bug fixes) and published on an "
"ongoing basis."
msgstr "%s (安全和缺陷修复) 的更新可用,在持续改进的基础上发布。."

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +46"
msgid "You can install these from the Mageia Control Center."
msgstr "您可以从 Mageia 控制中心安装这些功能。"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +47"
msgid "You may subscribe to our %s announce list to be notified of these."
msgstr "您可以订阅我们的 %s 公告邮件列表,以便获知有关信息。"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +52"
msgid "Mageia releases are supported at least for 18 months."
msgstr "Mageia 版本至少支持十八个月。"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +53"
msgid "Or a minimum of 3 months after the next release, whichever is longer"
msgstr ""

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +54"
msgid "And at least three months after the new release is out."
msgstr "并且至少在新版本发布三个月后。"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +57"
msgid ""
"Mageia 8 will be supported until August 31st, 2022, or for at least 3 months"
" after Mageia 9 release."
msgstr ""

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +57"
msgid "Mageia 8 was supported for at least 3 months after Mageia 9 release."
msgstr ""

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +58"
msgid "Mageia 7 was supported until June 30th, 2021."
msgstr "Mageia 7 支持至 2021 年 6 月 30 日。"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +59"
msgid "Mageia 6 was supported until September 30th, 2019."
msgstr "Mageia 6 支持至 2019 年 9 月 30 日。"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +61"
msgid "Mageia 5 was supported until December 31st, 2017."
msgstr "Mageia 5 的支持于 2017 年 12 月 31 日结束。"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +62"
msgid ""
"More details and advice are available on our %swiki page%s and from %sour "
msgstr "您可以在我们的 %s wiki 页面 %s 及 %s博客%s 上找到更多的细节和建议。"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +63"
msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/From_Mageia_5_to_6"
msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/From_Mageia_5_to_6"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +64"
msgid "https://blog.mageia.org/en/2017/11/07/mageia-5-eol-postponed/"
msgstr "https://blog.mageia.org/en/2017/11/07/mageia-5-eol-postponed/"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +67"
msgid "Mageia 4 was supported until September 19th, 2015."
msgstr "Mageia 4 的支持于 2015 年 9 月 19 日结束。"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +68"
msgid "Mageia 3 was supported until November 26th, 2014."
msgstr "Mageia 3 支持到2014年11月26日。"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +69"
msgid "Mageia 2 was supported until November 22nd, 2013."
msgstr "Mageia 2 支持到2013年11月22日。"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +70"
msgid "Mageia 1 was supported until December 1st, 2012."
msgstr "Mageia 1 支持到2012年12月1日。"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +75"
msgid ""
"If you need help, information or directions about the Mageia distribution "
"you installed or about the project, you can try to reach us through:"
msgstr "如果您需要关于您所安装的Mageia发行版或本项目的帮助、信息或指导,您可以通过以下方式联系我们:"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +78"
msgid ""
"<a href=\"https://forums.mageia.org/en/\">Community support forums</a> in "
"English &ndash; see <a "
"href=\"https://forums.mageia.org/en/viewforum.php?f=20\">other Mageia "
"community forums</a> for support in your language;"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://forums.mageia.org/en/\">社区支持论坛</a> (英语) &ndash; 到您使用的语言的<a href=\"https://forums.mageia.org/en/viewforum.php?f=20\">其他 Mageia 社区论坛</a> 寻求支持;"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +79"
msgid ""
"IRC channels where you can discuss live with other Mageia users and "
"contributors: <a href=\"ircs://irc.libera.chat:6697/#mageia\" "
"hreflang=\"en\">#mageia</a> or other localized <a "
msgstr "您可以与其他 Mageia 用户和贡献者实时讨论的 IRC 频道: <a href=\"ircs://irc.libera.chat:6697/#mageia\" hreflang=\"en\">#mageia</a>或其他本地化 <a href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/IRC#channels_in_other_languages\">频道</a>;"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +80"
msgid ""
"our <a href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/\">Wiki</a> (still rough at the "
"time, we are working on it!);"
msgstr "我们的 <a href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/\">Wiki</a> (目前很粗糙, 我们正在努力改进!);"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +81"
msgid ""
"our <a href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mailing_lists\" "
msgstr "我们的<a href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mailing_lists\" hreflang=\"en\">邮件列表</a>;"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +82"
msgid ""
"local events: follow our <a href=\"https://blog.mageia.org/en/\">blog</a> "
"and <a href=\"https://www.mageia.org/en/calendar/\">calendar</a>."
msgstr "当前进展:关注我们的 <a href=\"https://blog.mageia.org/en/\">博客</a> 和 <a href=\"https://www.mageia.org/en/calendar/\">日程表</a>."

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +87"
msgid ""
"Mageia.Org does not provide or endorse commercial/professional support or "
"other services around the distribution. But there are organizations "
"providing such services and more."
msgstr "Mageia.Org并不提供和授权此发行版相关的商业/专业支持或其他服务。但是有机构此类服务及其他服务。"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +88"
msgid "Please check the <a href=\"%s\">commercial vendors</a> list"
msgstr "请检索 <a href=\"%s\">商业经销商</a>清单"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +88"
msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Commercial_vendors"
msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Commercial_vendors"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +93"
msgid ""
"Each release of Mageia software runs on most i586 and x86_64 computer "
"systems available at the release time."
msgstr "Mageia 可以在如今大多数的 x86 和 x86_64 计算机上运行。"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +94"
msgid "You can follow this hardware requirements list:"
msgstr "您可以按照以下硬件要求清单:"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +97"
msgid "Processor: any AMD, Intel or VIA processor;"
msgstr "处理器:任何 AMD、Intel 或 VIA 处理器;"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +98"
msgid "Memory (RAM): 512MB minimum, 2GB recommended;"
msgstr "内存:至少 512MB,建议 2GB;"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +99"
msgid "For headless systems that minimum can be usable."
msgstr "对于无头系统,最低限度可以使用。"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +100"
msgid ""
"For low memory intensive programs and light graphical Desktop Environments "
"like Xfce the minimum is 1GB."
msgstr "对于低内存密集型程序和像 Xfce 这样的轻量级图形桌面环境,最小值为 1GB。"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +101"
msgid "For more feature rich like Gnome and Plasma the minimum is 2GB."
msgstr "对于 Gnome 和 Plasma 等功能更多的应用程序,最少需要 2 GB。"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +102"
msgid ""
"Storage (HDD or SSD): 5GB for a minimal installation, 20GB for a casual "
msgstr "存储设备(磁盘或固态硬盘):至少 5GB,推荐 20GB。"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +103"
msgid ""
"This includes a few GB for user files. If you need more than you should take"
" that in account too."
msgstr "其中包含用于存储用户文件的数 GB 空间。如果您有额外需要,也应当在分配空间时予以考虑。"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +104"
msgid ""
"Custom installations on less space are possible but this requires "
"intermediate linux knowledge."
msgstr "在自定义安装中您可以指定更少的磁盘空间,但这需要相关的 Linux 知识。"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +105"
msgid ""
"Bootable USB port or optical drive capable of using media with a storage "
"capacity of at least 4GB used for installation."
msgstr "您需要一个支持 4GB 以上存储媒介的可引导 USB 设备(或光驱)来安装系统。"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +106"
msgid ""
"Smaller media capacity is used for network installation, but a reliable "
"Internet connection is needed."
msgstr "也可以选择用较小的存储媒介来进行网络安装,但您需要确保网络连接正常。"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +107"
msgid "More information at %sdownloads page%s."
msgstr "更多信息请访问%s下载页%s。"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +108"
msgid ""
"Graphic card: any AMD/ATI, Intel, Matrox, Nvidia, SiS or VIA graphic card;"
msgstr "显示卡:任何 AMD/ATI、Intel、Matrox、Nvidia、SiS 或 VIA 显示卡;"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +109"
msgid "Sound card: any AC97, HDA or Sound Blaster sound card."
msgstr "声卡:任何 AC97、HDA 或 Sound Blaster 声卡。"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +112"
msgid ""
"For some kinds of hardware (Wi-Fi chipsets, 3D graphic cards) to work "
"properly, specific firmware or software may be needed, this is available in "
"a specific online repository called \"nonfree\" (<a "
" more</a>)."
msgstr "为了某些硬件 (Wi-Fi芯片, 3D显卡) 能正常工作, 可能需要特定的固件和软件, 这在一个叫做 \"nonfree\"的特定在线软件仓库中可以找到 (<a href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Install_media_in_Mageia_2_for_beginner#Types_of_Mageia_media\">了解更多</a>)."

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +113"
msgid ""
"We may set up a hardware compatibility list/directory as well as a hardware "
"certification process; but that's still at the planning stage. Feel free to "
"join/contact our <a href=\"%s\">Web</a> and <a href=\"%s\">QA</a> teams if "
"you would like to help in this regard."
msgstr "我们可能会做一个硬件兼容性列表或目录和硬件认证计划; 但是这仍然还在计划中。如果您乐于提供帮助,可自由加入或联系我们的 <a href=\"%s\">Web</a> 和 <a href=\"%s\">QA</a>小组。"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +113"
msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Web_team"
msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Web_team"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +113"
msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/QA_Team"
msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/QA_Team"

#: "/web/en/support/index.php +117"
msgid ""
"You may check and report bugs on <a href=\"%s\">our Bugzilla "
msgstr "您可以在 <a href=\"%s\">我们的 Bugzilla (bugs.mageia.org)</a>查看和报告缺陷。"