# Generated by extract2lang.php on 2013-05-25T18:57:29+02:00 # Domain community # include translation strings from: # en/community/index.php # en/community/index.php +13 ;Mageia Community Skupnost Mageia # en/community/index.php +14 ;Mageia Community Central is the place where all contributors and users can find the latest news about Mageia and learn more about what to do in the project. Središče skupnosti Mageia je kraj, kjer lahko vsi soustvarjalci in uporabniki najdejo najnovejše novice o Mageji in izvedejo več o tem, kako lahko pomagajo v projektu. # en/community/index.php +15 ;mageia, community, news, tools, tasks mageia, skupnost, novice, orodja, naloge # en/community/index.php +31 ;Mageia Community Central Središče skupnosti Mageia # en/community/index.php +33 ;http://blog.mageia.org/en/ http://blog.mageia.org/en/ {ok} # en/community/index.php +33 ;Blog Blog {ok} # en/community/index.php +34 ;http://planet.mageia.org/en/ http://planet.mageia.org/en/ {ok} # en/community/index.php +34 ;Planet Planet novic # en/community/index.php +35 ;Calendar Koledar # en/community/index.php +37 ;https://forum.mageia.org/en/ https://forum.mageia.org/en/ {ok} # en/community/index.php +37 ;Forums Forumi # en/community/index.php +38 ;Mailing-lists Dopisni seznami # en/community/index.php +39 ;http://wiki.mageia.org/ http://wiki.mageia.org/ {ok} # en/community/index.php +45 ;News Novice # en/community/index.php +65 ;How to contribute? Kako sodelovati? # en/community/index.php +67 ;Start here Pričnite tule # en/community/index.php +68 ;and meet us on IRC. in se pogovorite z nami na IRC-u. # en/community/index.php +69 ;You can also support financially the project! Projekt lahko podprete tudi finančno! # en/community/index.php +72 ;Toolbox Orodja skupnosti # en/community/index.php +74 ;Wiki ← collaborative documentation Wiki ← soustvarjena dokumentacija # en/community/index.php +75 ;Bugzilla ← to report bugs Bugzilla ← za poročanje hroščev # en/community/index.php +78 ;Mageia Applications Database Podatkovna zbirka programov Mageia # en/community/index.php +81 ;For developers & packagers Za razvijalce in pripravljalce paketov # en/community/index.php +83 ;Subversion Subversion {ok} # en/community/index.php +84 ;Git code repositories Git kot skladišči izvorne kode # en/community/index.php +85 ;Packages submission queue Seznam poslanih paketov za prevajanje # en/community/index.php +86 ;unmaintained packages paketi brez vzdrževanja # en/community/index.php +87 ;Global QA report globalno poročilo nadzora kakovosti # en/community/index.php +91 ;Conversations Komunikacije # en/community/index.php +92 ;... or, how to get in touch with us? Easy: ... ali kako z nami priti v stik? Preprosto: # en/community/index.php +94 ;IRC on Freenode IRC na strežniku Freenode # en/community/index.php +98 ;in real life! v resnici! # en/community/index.php +99 ;during events! na prireditvah! # en/community/index.php +102 ;Teams you can join! Ekipe, ki se jim lahko pridružite! # en/community/index.php +104 ;Atelier Atelje # en/community/index.php +105 ;Documentation Dokumentiranje # en/community/index.php +106 ;Packaging Priprava paketov # en/community/index.php +107 ;Testing & QA Testiranje in nadzor kakovosti (QA) # en/community/index.php +108 ;Translation Prevajanje # en/community/index.php +109 ;Systems & infrastructure administration Administracija sistemov in informacijske infrastrukture # en/community/index.php +110 ;Bugs triaging Razvrščanje hroščev (trijaža) # en/community/index.php +122 ;Mageia Mageia {ok} # en/community/index.php +124 ;More about Mageia Več o Mageji # en/community/index.php +125 ;Our code of conduct and values Naš kodeks ravnanja in vrednote # en/community/index.php +126 ;Our governance model and structure: Naš model upravljanja in struktura: # en/community/index.php +128 ;Teams Ekipe # en/community/index.php +129 ;the Council Svet # en/community/index.php +130 ;the Board Odbor # en/community/index.php +132 ;Donations & reports. Donacije in poročila. # en/community/index.php +136 ;This page needs you! Join the Web team! Ta spletna stran vas potrebuje! Pridružite se ekipi za splet (Atelje)!