# Generated by extract2lang.php on 2012-08-23T17:31:22+02:00
# Domain calendar
# /en/calendar/index.php +11
;Mageia calendar
Koledar Mageje
# /en/calendar/index.php +12
;Mageia calendar for organization, events, development schedule and more.
Koledar Mageje za organizacijo, dogodke, razvojni urnik in še kaj.
# /en/calendar/index.php +13
;mageia, linux, calendar, events
mageia, linux, koledar, dogodki
# /en/calendar/index.php +22
# /en/calendar/index.php +33
# /en/calendar/index.php +38
;meetings & organization
sestanke in organizacijo
# /en/calendar/index.php +43
;development & release plan
načrt razvoja in izdaj
# /en/calendar/index.php +48
# /en/calendar/index.php +75
;This calendar shows all Mageia events, team meetings, development planning milestones and possibly more.
Ta koledar prikazuje vse dogodke Mageje, sestanke ekip, razvojne mejnike in mogoče še več.
# /en/calendar/index.php +76
;It is public and available to all. Only Mageia Board and Council members and team leaders have a write access to it.
Je javen in na voljo vsem. Dostop za pisanje imajo le člani odbora in Sveta Mageje ter vodje ekip.
# /en/calendar/index.php +77
;For any comment, addition, change to this calendar, feel free to contact us through:
Za kakršenkoli komentar, dodatek ali spremembo tega koledarja nam lahko kadarkoli javite na enega izmed teh načinov:
# /en/calendar/index.php +79
;your team leader or representative,
prek vašega vodje ali predstavnika ekipe,
# /en/calendar/index.php +80
;#mageia-dev on Freenode,
na kanalu IRC #mageia-dev na strežniku Freenode ali
# /en/calendar/index.php +81
;mageia-contact@mageia.org in last resort.
kot zadnjo možnost na epošto mageia-contact@mageia.org.
# /en/calendar/index.php +85
;ICS files
Datoteke ICS
# /en/calendar/index.php +86
;You may get read-only access directly to these .ics files:
Tule je na voljo bralni dostop do datotek .ics: