# gettext catalog for 4 web page(s) # Copyright (C) 2014 - 2021 Mageia # This file is distributed under the same license as # the content of the corresponding web page(s). # # Generated by extract2gettext.php # Domain: 4 # # include translation strings from: # en/4/download_index.php # en/4/nav.php # en/4/index.php # # Translators: # Filip Komar <filip.komar@guest.arnes.si>, 2014 # Filip Komar <filip.komar@guest.arnes.si>, 2014-2015 # Filip Komar <filip.komar@guest.arnes.si>, 2021 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Mageia\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mageia-i18n@mageia.org\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-08 19:26:11+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-02-09 15:52+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Filip Komar <filip.komar@guest.arnes.si>\n" "Language-Team: Slovenian (http://www.transifex.com/MageiaLinux/mageia/language/sl/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: sl\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\n" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +22" msgid "32bit" msgstr "32bitna arh." #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +25" msgid "64bit" msgstr "64bitna arh." #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +28" msgid "dualarch" msgstr "dvojna arhitektura" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +35" msgid "forthcoming" msgstr "prihaja" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +49" msgid "Download" msgstr "Prenos:" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +50" msgid "Download Mageia 4 DVD, CD, LiveCD, network install ISO images." msgstr "Prenesite odtis nosilcev (ISO) DVD, CD, LiveCD ali omrežne namestitve Mageje 4." #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +51" msgid "" "mageia, mageia 4, linux, free, download, iso, torrent, vm, http, ftp, rsync," " bittorrent" msgstr "mageia, mageia 4, linux, odprtokodna programska oprema, prenos, odtis nosilcev, odtis diskov, iso, torrent, vm, http, ftp, rsync, bittorrent" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +68" msgid "But please remember that it already <a href=\"%s\">reached EOL</a>." msgstr "A ne pozabite, da je že <a hreflang=\"en\" href=\"%s\">dosegla konec podpore</a>." #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +68" msgid "" "http://blog.mageia.org/en/2015/09/10/mageia-4-about-to-reach-its-end-of-" "life/" msgstr "http://blog.mageia.org/en/2015/09/10/mageia-4-about-to-reach-its-end-of-life/" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +69" msgid "" "If you want to put the ISO on USB key, <span class=\"warn\">please DO NOT " "use UNetbootin</span>. Have a look <a href=\"%s\">here</a> for the " "alternative." msgstr "Za »peko« odtisa nosilca za namestitev s ključka USB si oglejte <a href=\"%s\">navodila</a> v angleščini. <span class=\"warn\">NE UPORABLJAJTE programa UNetbootin</span>." #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +69" msgid "" "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Installation_Media#Dump_Mageia_ISO_on_a_USB_flash_drive" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Installation_Media#Dump_Mageia_ISO_on_a_USB_flash_drive" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +70" msgid "" "Mageia 4.1 is a <a href=\"%s\">maintenance</a> release for Mageia 4 with the" " current packages from update medias. It also has a fix for a syslinux bug " "which prevented some people installing from a burned cd/dvd." msgstr "Mageia 4.1 je <a href=\"%s\">vzdrževalna</a> izdaja Mageje 4 s posodobljenimi paketi. Vključuje tudi popravek za syslinux, ki je na nekaterih računalnikih preprečil namestitev s CD-ja oziroma DVD-ja." #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +70" msgid "" "http://blog.mageia.org/en/2014/06/20/pulling-mageia-4-1-out-of-the-hat/" msgstr "http://blog.mageia.org/en/2014/06/20/pulling-mageia-4-1-out-of-the-hat/" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +73" msgid "Classical Installation Flavours" msgstr "Mediji za klasično namestitev" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +77" msgid "Format" msgstr "Oblika" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +78" msgid "size" msgstr "velikost" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +79" msgid "link" msgstr "povezava" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +80" msgid "BitTorrent" msgstr "BitTorrent" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +86" msgid "Desktop" msgstr "Namizno okolje" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +111" msgid "Notes:" msgstr "Opombe:" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +114" msgid "Up to 167 locales are supported:" msgstr "Podprtih je do 167 jezikovnih prevodov. Zelo skrajšan seznam v angleščini:" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +117" msgid "and so much more!" msgstr "in še veliko več!" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +118" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Available_locales" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Available_locales" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +118" msgid "See the comprehensive list" msgstr "Poglej celoten seznam" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +120" msgid "" "These DVD and CD ISOs contains Free Software and some proprietary drivers." msgstr "Ti odtisi nosilcev DVD in CD vsebujejo odprtokodno programsko opremo in nekaj lastniških gonilnikov." #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +121" msgid "You will be asked of which kind of Software you want to install." msgstr "Med namestitvijo je na voljo izbira odprtokodne in lastniške programske opreme." #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +123" msgid "The dualarch DVD contains only a minimal list of packages." msgstr "Odtis nosilca DVD z dvojno arhitekturo vsebuje samo minimalen nabor paketov." #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +128" msgid "LiveCDs and LiveDVDs" msgstr "LiveCD in LiveDVD" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +129" msgid "Use LiveCDs and LiveDVDs for fresh new installs ONLY." msgstr "Uporabite LiveCD in LiveDVD samo za testiranje in NOVE namestitve." #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +130" msgid "DO NOT use these LiveCDs or LiveDVDs to upgrade from Mageia 3!" msgstr "NE UPORABLJAJTE LiveCD in LiveDVD za nadgradnjo Mageje 3!" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +131" msgid "Use above DVD or CD and see <a href=\"%s\" hreflang=\"en\">upgrade guide</a>." msgstr "Uporabite zgornji DVD ali CD in si oglejte <a href=\"%s\" hreflang=\"en\">vodič za nadgradnjo (v angleščini)</a>." #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +144" msgid "All languages" msgstr "vsi podprti jeziki" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +171" msgid "English only" msgstr "samo angleščina" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +195" msgid "Wired Network-based Installation CD" msgstr "Odtis nosilca CD za namestitev prek žičnega omrežja" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +196" msgid "" "Download quickly and immediately boot into install mode from <em>wired</em> " "network or a local disk." msgstr "Hiter prenos in takojšen zagon namestitve prek <em>žičnega</em> omrežja ali krajevnega diska." #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +208" msgid "Network installer, Free Software CD" msgstr "Odtis nosilca CD z izključno odprtokodno programsko opremo in omrežno namestitvijo" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +216" msgid "Network installer + nonfree firmware CD" msgstr "Odtis nosilca CD z odprtokodno programsko opremo ter lastniško strojno programsko opremo in omrežno namestitvijo" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +217" msgid "needed for some disc controllers, some network cards, etc." msgstr "potrebujejo jo nekateri krmilniki diskov, omrežne kartice ..." #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +231" msgid "February 1<sup>st</sup> 2014" msgstr "1.februar 2014" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +233" msgid "<a href=\"%s\">Release notes</a>" msgstr "<a hreflang=\"en\" href=\"%s\">opombe ob izdaji</a> (v angleščini)" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +234" msgid "<a href=\"%s\">Errata</a>" msgstr "<a hreflang=\"en\" href=\"%s\">znane napake</a> (v angleščini)" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +235" msgid "<a href=\"%s\">Which to choose</a>" msgstr "<a hreflang=\"en\" href=\"%s\">kateri medij izbrati</a> (v angleščini)" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +235" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Installation_Media" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Installation_Media" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +236" msgid "<a href=\"%s\">Get ISO on USB flash stick</a>" msgstr "<a hreflang=\"en\" href=\"%s\">»peka« odtisa nosilca za namestitev s ključka USB</a> (v angleščini)" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +237" msgid "Newcomer? <a href=\"%s\">Here's a wiki page for you.</a>" msgstr "Novinka ali novinec? <a hreflang=\"en\" href=\"%s\">Tukaj je stran wiki prav za to.</a> (v angleščini)" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +237" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Newcomers_start_here" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Newcomers_start_here" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +241" msgid "Upgrading<br>from Mageia 3?" msgstr "Nadgrajujete<br>Magejo 3?" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +243" msgid "<strong>do not</strong> use LiveCDs;" msgstr "<strong>ne uporabljajte</strong> LiveCD-ja;" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +244" msgid "see the <a href=\"%s\" hreflang=\"en\">upgrade guide</a>" msgstr "oglejte si <a href=\"%s\" hreflang=\"en\">vodič za nadgradnjo (v angleščini)</a>" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +249" msgid "Looking for Mageia 3?" msgstr "Iščete Magejo 3?" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +251" msgid "It is <a href=\"%s\">here now</a>." msgstr "Sedaj je <a href=\"%s\">tukaj</a>." #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +252" msgid "https://blog.mageia.org/en/2014/11/26/lets-say-goodbye-to-mageia-3/" msgstr "https://blog.mageia.org/en/2014/11/26/lets-say-goodbye-to-mageia-3/" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +257" msgid "Need more challenge?" msgstr "Potrebujete izziv?" #: "/web/en/4/download_index.php +258" msgid "You can <a href=\"%s\">help</a> us <a href=\"%s\">on Mageia 5</a>." msgstr "Lahko nam <a href=\"%s\">pomagate</a> pri <a href=\"%s\">Mageji 5</a>." #: "/web/en/4/nav.php +2" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_4_Release_Notes" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_4_Release_Notes" #: "/web/en/4/nav.php +3" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_4_Errata" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_4_Errata" #: "/web/en/4/nav.php +4" msgid "" "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_4_Release_Notes#Upgrading_from_Mageia_3" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_4_Release_Notes#Upgrading_from_Mageia_3" #: "/web/en/4/nav.php +7" msgid "Mageia 4" msgstr "Mageia 4" #: "/web/en/4/nav.php +9" msgid "Release notes" msgstr "Opombe ob izdaji" #: "/web/en/4/nav.php +10" msgid "Errata" msgstr "Znane napake" #: "/web/en/4/index.php +13" msgid "Mageia 4" msgstr "Mageia 4" #: "/web/en/4/index.php +16" msgid "" "Mageia 4 is the new, solid, stable Linux distribution from the Mageia " "project." msgstr "Mageia 3 je nova, zmogljiva in stabilna Linux distribucija, ki izhaja iz projekta Mageia." #: "/web/en/4/index.php +36" msgid "About Mageia 4" msgstr "O Mageji 4" #: "/web/en/4/index.php +38" msgid "" "Mageia 4 is a GNU/Linux distribution for your computer, released by the <a " "href=\"%s\">Mageia community</a>. It can be installed in several ways, with " "the Live or Classical ISOs being the most popular methods." msgstr "Mageia 4 je GNU/Linux distribucija za vaš računalnik, ki jo je izdala <a href=\"%s\">skupnost Mageia</a>. Nameščena je lahko na različne načine. Najbolj razširjen način je s pomočjo klasične ali Live namestitve." #: "/web/en/4/index.php +40" msgid "Download it right away!" msgstr "Prenesite si jo kar takoj!" #: "/web/en/4/index.php +42" msgid "" "Live ISO's let you try Mageia without installation. Use <a href=\"%s\">these" " instructions</a> to put the Live ISO on a CD, DVD or USB device. Then you " "can run Mageia 4 directly from there, and try Mageia using one of the " "graphical user interfaces such as GNOME or KDE." msgstr "Medij Live vam omogoča preizkus Mageje brez namestitve. Uporabite <a hreflang=\"en\" href=\"%s\">ta navodila</a> za pripravo odtisa medija Live na CD, DVD ali ključek USB. Od tam lahko Magejo 4 poženete neposredno. Tako jo boste lahko preizkusili z uporabo enega od grafičnih uporabniških vmesnikov kot je na primer GNOME ali KDE." #: "/web/en/4/index.php +43" msgid "" "If you are happy with the Mageia experience, you can then install it onto " "your hard drive from the Live media." msgstr "Če ste zadovoljni z izkušnjo, ki vam jo nudi Mageia, jo lahko namestite na trdi disk neposredno z medija Live." #: "/web/en/4/index.php +45" msgid "" "The Classical ISO is the more traditional way to install Mageia directly. " "Take a look at the complete <a href=\"%s\">documentation</a> for this " "installer." msgstr "Za neposredno namestitev Mageje je najbolj običajno uporaba medija za klasično namestitev. Oglejte si celotno <a href=\"%s\">dokumentacijo </a> za to namestitev." #: "/web/en/4/index.php +47" msgid "" "Mageia 4 includes several desktop managers including KDE, Gnome, XFCE, Mate," " and Cinnamon." msgstr "Mageia 4 vključuje več različnih upravljalcev namizja. Med drugim KDE, Gnome, XFCE, Mate in Cinnamon." #: "/web/en/4/index.php +49" msgid "" "There are lots of applications in the official repositories. You can have a " "look at the <a href=\"%s\">Mageia Application Database</a> to get a complete" " list of packages inside Mageia." msgstr "V uradnih virih paketov je mnogo programov. V <a hreflang=\"en\" href=\"%s\">podatkovni zbirki programov Mageje</a> si lahko ogledate bolj popoln seznam paketov zanjo." #: "/web/en/4/index.php +51" msgid "What's new?" msgstr "Kaj je novega?" #: "/web/en/4/index.php +53" msgid "" "There's plenty of new goodness in Mageia 4, too much to include here - see " "the <a hreflang=\"en\" href=\"%s\">release notes</a> for an extensive " "exposé." msgstr "Veliko je novih bonbončkov v Mageji 4. Čisto preveč, da bi jih naštevali tule. Raje si oglejte <a hreflang=\"en\" href=\"%s\">opombe ob izdaji (v angleščini)</a> za več informacij." #: "/web/en/4/index.php +55" msgid "" "To help users configure and use Mageia, and to provide some information " "about the community and the project, we've added the new <a " "href=\"%s\">MageiaWelcome</a>.It starts automatically when a session opens " "for the first time in any of the graphical environments." msgstr "V pomoč uporabnikom pri nastavitvi in uporabi Mageje ter kot informacijo o skupnosti in samem projektu, smo dodali nov program <a hreflang=\"en\" href=\"%s\">MageiaWelcome</a>. Zažene se ob prvem zagonu seje v vseh grafičnih okoljih." #: "/web/en/4/index.php +55" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Feature:MageiaWelcome" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Feature:MageiaWelcome" #: "/web/en/4/index.php +58" msgid "" "We've added two new desktop environments: Mate and Cinnamon, both available " "from the classic installer DVD/ISO. To make it more friendly we re-factored " "the <a href=\"%s\">custom desktop choice</a>." msgstr "Dodali smo dva nova namizna okolja: Mate in Cinnamon. Oba sta na voljo na klasičnem namestitvenem mediju. Za večjo prijaznost uporabniku smo zato na novo napisali <a hreflang=\"en\" href=\"%s\">izbiro namiznega okolja po meri</a>." #: "/web/en/4/index.php +60" msgid "" "There's been a lot of work done on Mageia software. Many packages were " "ported from Gtk2 to Gtk3, to use more modern components. We've also ported " "all the tools from the deprecated usermode to polkit when privileges are " "needed." msgstr "Na programski opremi Mageje smo opravili veliko dela. Zaradi uporabe sodobnejših gradnikov je bilo veliko paketov nadgrajenih s knjižnic Gtk2 na novejše Gtk3. Prav tako smo namesto programa usermode za preverjanje uporabniških pravic prešli na program polkit." #: "/web/en/4/index.php +62" msgid "" "TexLive used to need around 1GB of data for installation - now it's " "separated into 3 packages which will usually mean a much smaller footprint." msgstr "Prej je program TexLive potreboval okoli 1 GB prostora za namestitev. Sedaj je ločen na 3 pakete, kar zmanjša prostorske zahteve, saj v večini primerov niso potrebni vsi trije." #: "/web/en/4/index.php +102" msgid "Mageia Control Center" msgstr "Nadzorni center Mageia" #: "/web/en/4/index.php +106" msgid "previous" msgstr "Nazaj" #: "/web/en/4/index.php +110" msgid "next" msgstr "Naprej" #: "/web/en/4/index.php +119" msgid "Mageia in context" msgstr "Mageia v kontekstu" #: "/web/en/4/index.php +121" msgid "" "Mageia is both a Community and a Linux Distribution, with Mageia 4 being our" " fourth release." msgstr "Mageia 4 je naša četrta izdaja in je tako distribucija skupnosti kot tudi Linux distribucija." #: "/web/en/4/index.php +123" msgid "" "Mageia 4 is supported by the <a href=\"%s\">Mageia.org nonprofit " "organisation</a>, which is governed by a body of recognized and elected " "contributors." msgstr "Magejo 4 podpira <a href=\"%s\">neprofitna organizacija Mageia.org</a>, ki jo upravlja skupina priznanih in voljenih aktivnih članov." #: "/web/en/4/index.php +125" msgid "" "Mageia 4 has been made by more than <a href=\"%s\">100 people from all " "around the world</a>." msgstr "Mageia 4 je skupni dosežek več kot <a href=\"%s\">100 ljudi iz celega sveta</a>." #: "/web/en/4/index.php +127" msgid "" "Our work adds to the excellent work of the wider Linux and Free Software " "community. We aim to blend all the excellent work done by the community, " "adding the special Mageia ingredients, to bring you the best, most stable, " "reliable and enjoyable experience we can make for regular users, developers " "and businesses." msgstr "Naše delo prispeva k odličnemu delu širše Linux in odprtokodne skupnosti. Naš cilj je združiti vsa odlična orodja ustvarjena v skupnosti in vam skupaj s posebnimi dodatki Mageje pripraviti eno od najboljših, stabilnih, zanesljivih ter prijetnih izkušenj, kar jih lahko naredimo za običajne uporabnike, razvijalce in podjetja." #: "/web/en/4/index.php +129" msgid "" "We welcome new contributors to any of the many different teams that go to " "make up Mageia the Community, and we encourage you to <a href=\"%s\">join " "us</a>." msgstr "Toplo dobrodošli vsi, ki bi radi <a href=\"%s\">sodelovali v katerikoli od mnogih različnih ekip</a>, ki sestavljajo aktivno skupnost Mageia."