# gettext catalog for support web page(s) # Copyright (C) 2014 - 2016 Mageia # This file is distributed under the same license as # the content of the corresponding web page(s). # # Generated by extract2gettext.php # Domain: support # # include translation strings from: # en/support/index.php # # Translators: # Jajo Pajo, 2016 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Mageia\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mageia-i18n@mageia.org\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2023-02-26 20:27:13+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2016-08-06 11:52+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Yuri Chornoivan <yurchor@ukr.net>\n" "Language-Team: Slovak (http://www.transifex.com/MageiaLinux/mageia/language/sk/)\n" "Language: sk\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +12" msgid "Support for Mageia distribution" msgstr "Podpora pre distribúciu Mageia" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +13" msgid "List of support resources for Mageia distribution." msgstr "Zoznam podporných zdrojov pre distribúciu Mageia." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +14" msgid "mageia, linux, support, help, hardware, qa, test" msgstr "mageia, linux, podpora, pomoc, hardvér, qa, test" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +22" msgid "Support" msgstr "Podpora" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +24" msgid "Community Support" msgstr "Komunitná podpora" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +25" msgid "Professional Support" msgstr "Profesionálna podpora" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +26" msgid "Documentation" msgstr "Dokumentácia" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +27" msgid "Updates" msgstr "Aktualizácie" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +28" msgid "Lifecycle" msgstr "Životný cyklus" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +29" msgid "Hardware Requirements" msgstr "Hardvérové požiadavky" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +30" msgid "Bugs Reports" msgstr "Hlásenia chýb" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +39" msgid "You can look up existing %sdocumentation here%s. You may too look into our %sWiki%s." msgstr "Na aktuálnu dokumentáciu sa môžete pozrieť %stu%s. Tiež môžete preskúmať našu %sWiki%s." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +41" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org" msgstr "" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +44" msgid "Updates are available for %s and %s (security and bug fixes) and published on an ongoing basis." msgstr "Aktualizácie sú dostupné pre %s a %s (bezpečnostné opravy a opravy chýb) a sú zverejňované neustále." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +45" msgid "Updates are available for %s (security and bug fixes) and published on an ongoing basis." msgstr "Aktualizácie sú dostupné pre %s (bezpečnostné opravy a opravy chýb) a sú zverejňované priebežne." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +46" msgid "You can install these from the Mageia Control Center." msgstr "Nainštalovať si ich môžete z Ovládacieho Centra Mageie." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +47" msgid "You may subscribe to our %s announce list to be notified of these." msgstr "Môžete sa pripísať k nášmu oznamovaciemu systému %s, aby ste boli na ne upozorňovaní." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +52" msgid "Mageia releases are supported at least for 18 months." msgstr "Vydania Mageie sú podporované najmenej na dobu 18 mesiacov." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +53" msgid "Or a minimum of 3 months after the next release, whichever is longer" msgstr "" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +54" msgid "And at least three months after the new release is out." msgstr "" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +57" #, fuzzy msgid "Mageia 8 will be supported until August 31st, 2022, or for at least 3 months after Mageia 9 release." msgstr "Mageia 5 bude podporovaná až do 16. decembra 2016." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +57" #, fuzzy msgid "Mageia 8 was supported for at least 3 months after Mageia 9 release." msgstr "Mageia 5 bude podporovaná až do 16. decembra 2016." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +58" #, fuzzy msgid "Mageia 7 was supported until June 30th, 2021." msgstr "Mageia 5 bola podporovaná do 16. decembra 2016." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +59" #, fuzzy msgid "Mageia 6 was supported until September 30th, 2019." msgstr "Mageia 4 bola podporovaná do 19. septembra 2015." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +61" #, fuzzy msgid "Mageia 5 was supported until December 31st, 2017." msgstr "Mageia 1 bola podporovaná do 1. decembra 2012." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +62" msgid "More details and advice are available on our %swiki page%s and from %sour blog%s." msgstr "" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +63" #, fuzzy msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/From_Mageia_5_to_6" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/QA_Team" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +64" msgid "https://blog.mageia.org/en/2017/11/07/mageia-5-eol-postponed/" msgstr "" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +67" msgid "Mageia 4 was supported until September 19th, 2015." msgstr "Mageia 4 bola podporovaná do 19. septembra 2015." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +68" msgid "Mageia 3 was supported until November 26th, 2014." msgstr "Mageia 3 bola podporovaná do 26. novembra 2014." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +69" msgid "Mageia 2 was supported until November 22nd, 2013." msgstr "Mageia 2 bola podporovaná do 22. novembra 2013." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +70" msgid "Mageia 1 was supported until December 1st, 2012." msgstr "Mageia 1 bola podporovaná do 1. decembra 2012." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +75" msgid "If you need help, information or directions about the Mageia distribution you installed or about the project, you can try to reach us through:" msgstr "Ak potrebujete pomoc, informácie alebo pokyny o distribúcii Mageia, ktorú ste nainštalovali alebo o tomto projekte, môžete sa skúsiť s nami spojiť cez:" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +78" msgid "<a href=\"https://forums.mageia.org/en/\">Community support forums</a> in English – see <a href=\"https://forums.mageia.org/en/viewforum.php?f=20\">other Mageia community forums</a> for support in your language;" msgstr "<a href=\"https://forums.mageia.org/en/\">Fórum komunitnej podpory</a> v angličtine – pozrite i <a href=\"https://forums.mageia.org/en/viewforum.php?f=20\">ďalšie komunitné fóra Mageie</a> pre podporu vo vašom jazyku;" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +79" #, fuzzy msgid "IRC channels where you can discuss live with other Mageia users and contributors: <a href=\"ircs://irc.libera.chat:6697/#mageia\" hreflang=\"en\">#mageia</a> or other localized <a href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/IRC#channels_in_other_languages\">channels</a>;" msgstr "IRC kanály, kde môžete naživo diskutovať s ostatnými používateľmi Mageie a prispievateľmi: <a href=\"irc://irc.freenode.net/#mageia\" hreflang=\"en\">#mageia</a> alebo cez ďalšie <a href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/IRC#channels_in_other_languages\">kanály v inom jazyku</a>;" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +80" msgid "our <a href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/\">Wiki</a> (still rough at the time, we are working on it!);" msgstr "našu <a href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/\">Wiki</a> (zatiaľ je rozrobená, pracujeme na tom!);" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +81" msgid "our <a href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mailing_lists\" hreflang=\"en\">mailing-lists</a>;" msgstr "naše <a href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mailing_lists\" hreflang=\"en\">poštové zoznamy</a> v konferenciách;" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +82" msgid "local events: follow our <a href=\"https://blog.mageia.org/en/\">blog</a> and <a href=\"https://www.mageia.org/en/calendar/\">calendar</a>." msgstr "miestnych udalostí: sledujte náš <a href=\"https://blog.mageia.org/en/\">blog</a> a <a href=\"https://www.mageia.org/en/calendar/\">kalendár</a>." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +87" msgid "Mageia.Org does not provide or endorse commercial/professional support or other services around the distribution. But there are organizations providing such services and more." msgstr "Mageia.Org neposkytuje ani nezaručuje komerčnú/profesionálnu podporu alebo iné služby ohľadom distribúcie. Ale sú i organizácie, ktoré také služby poskytujú." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +88" msgid "Please check the <a href=\"%s\">commercial vendors</a> list" msgstr "Pozrite sa prosím na <a href=\"%s\">zoznam predajcov</a>." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +88" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Commercial_vendors" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Commercial_vendors" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +93" #, fuzzy msgid "Each release of Mageia software runs on most i586 and x86_64 computer systems available at the release time." msgstr "Programy tvoriace distribúciu Mageia bežia na väčšine počítačov architektúry x86, ktoré sú dnes dostupné (apríl 2011)." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +94" msgid "You can follow this hardware requirements list:" msgstr "Môžete sa riadiť týmto zoznamom hardvérových požiadaviek:" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +97" msgid "Processor: any AMD, Intel or VIA processor;" msgstr "Procesor: akýkoľvek procesor od AMD, Intel alebo VIA;" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +98" msgid "Memory (RAM): 512MB minimum, 2GB recommended;" msgstr "Pamäť (RAM): 512MB minimum, 2GB odporúčané;" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +99" msgid "For headless systems that minimum can be usable." msgstr "" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +100" msgid "For low memory intensive programs and light graphical Desktop Environments like Xfce the minimum is 1GB." msgstr "" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +101" msgid "For more feature rich like Gnome and Plasma the minimum is 2GB." msgstr "" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +102" msgid "Storage (HDD or SSD): 5GB for a minimal installation, 20GB for a casual setup;" msgstr "Úložisko (HDD alebo SSD): 5 GB pre minimálnu inštaláciu, 20 GB pre obvyklé nastavenie;" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +103" msgid "This includes a few GB for user files. If you need more than you should take that in account too." msgstr "Toto zahŕňa pár GB pre užívateľské súbory. Ak nepotrebujete viac, potom by ste s tým tiež mali počítať." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +104" msgid "Custom installations on less space are possible but this requires intermediate linux knowledge." msgstr "Voliteľná inštalácia na menšom priestore je možná, vyžaduje však určitú znalosť Linuxu." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +105" msgid "Bootable USB port or optical drive capable of using media with a storage capacity of at least 4GB used for installation." msgstr "" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +106" msgid "Smaller media capacity is used for network installation, but a reliable Internet connection is needed." msgstr "" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +107" msgid "More information at %sdownloads page%s." msgstr "" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +108" msgid "Graphic card: any AMD/ATI, Intel, Matrox, Nvidia, SiS or VIA graphic card;" msgstr "Grafická karta: akákoľvek grafická karta od AMD/ATI, Intel, Matrox, Nvidia, SiS alebo VIA;" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +109" msgid "Sound card: any AC97, HDA or Sound Blaster sound card." msgstr "Zvuková karta: akákoľvek zvuková karta od AC97, HDA alebo Sound Blaster." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +112" msgid "For some kinds of hardware (Wi-Fi chipsets, 3D graphic cards) to work properly, specific firmware or software may be needed, this is available in a specific online repository called \"nonfree\" (<a href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Install_media_in_Mageia_2_for_beginner#Types_of_Mageia_media\">learn more</a>)." msgstr "Aby niektoré druhy hardvéru (Wi-Fi karty, 3D grafické karty) pracovali správne, môže byť potrebný špecifický firmvér alebo softvér, ktorý je na internete dostupný v určitých repozitároch nazvaných \"nonfree\" (tu sa môžte <a href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Install_media_in_Mageia_2_for_beginner#Types_of_Mageia_media\">dozvedieť viac</a>)." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +113" msgid "We may set up a hardware compatibility list/directory as well as a hardware certification process; but that's still at the planning stage. Feel free to join/contact our <a href=\"%s\">Web</a> and <a href=\"%s\">QA</a> teams if you would like to help in this regard." msgstr "Môžeme prichystať zvláštny zoznam vhodného vybavenia pre počítač, rovnako tak ako pripraviť postup, ktorým by sa dokladala vhodnosť vybavenia; ale toto sa ešte len pripravuje. Môžete sa pripojiť k našim tímom pre <a href=\"%s\">Web</a> a <a href=\"%s\">Zaistenie kvality</a>, ak by ste nám v tejto veci chceli pomôcť." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +113" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Web_team" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Web_team" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +113" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/QA_Team" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/QA_Team" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +117" msgid "You may check and report bugs on <a href=\"%s\">our Bugzilla (bugs.mageia.org)</a>." msgstr "Chyby si môžete preklepnúť a nahlásiť na <a href=\"%s\">našej Bugzille (bugs.mageia.org)</a>." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Mageia 8 was supported until August 31st, 2022." #~ msgstr "Mageia 5 bola podporovaná do 16. decembra 2016." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Mageia 8 will be supported until August 31st, 2022." #~ msgstr "Mageia 5 bola podporovaná do 16. decembra 2016." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Mageia 7 will be supported until May 31st, 2021." #~ msgstr "Mageia 5 bola podporovaná do 16. decembra 2016." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Mageia 6 will be supported until September 30th, 2019." #~ msgstr "Mageia 5 bola podporovaná do 16. decembra 2016." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Mageia 7 will be supported until December 30th, 2020." #~ msgstr "Mageia 5 bola podporovaná do 16. decembra 2016." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Mageia 7 was supported until December 30th, 2020." #~ msgstr "Mageia 5 bola podporovaná do 16. decembra 2016." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Mageia 5 EOL is postponed until December 31st, 2017." #~ msgstr "Mageia 1 bola podporovaná do 1. decembra 2012." #~ msgid "Optical drive: CD or DVD depending on the ISO you use (network, USB key installation available);" #~ msgstr "Optická mechanika: CD alebo DVD v závislosti na vami použitom ISO obraze (je možné inštalovať aj po sieti alebo s USB kľúčom);" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Mageia 5 was supported until October 31th, 2017." #~ msgstr "Mageia 5 bola podporovaná do 16. decembra 2016."