# gettext catalog for downloads/get web page(s) # Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 Mageia # This file is distributed under the same license as # the content of the corresponding web page(s). # # Generated by extract2gettext.php # Domain: downloads/get # # include translation strings from: # en/downloads/get/index.php # # Translators: # Jajo Pajo, 2016 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Mageia\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mageia-i18n@mageia.org\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2016-05-18 21:13:52+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2016-01-12 23:39+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Jajo Pajo\n" "Language-Team: Slovak (http://www.transifex.com/MageiaLinux/mageia/language/sk/)\n" "Language: sk\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n" #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +142" msgid "This %s download mirror is located in %s (%s)." msgstr "Tento %s sťahovací server je umiestnený na %s (%s)." #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +148" msgid "If it does not work well for you, check out these other mirrors." msgstr "Ak tento vo vašom prípade nepracuje uspokojivo, môžete vyskúšať iný server." #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +163" msgid "Your IP address is %s and you seem to be in %s, %s." msgstr "Vaša IP adresa je %s a zdá sa, že ste v %s, %s." #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +207" msgid "Mageia Downloads" msgstr "Stiahnutia Mageie" #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +219" msgid "Download %s" msgstr "Stiahnuť %s" #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +226" msgid "Your download of %s should start within a few seconds" msgstr "Vaše sťahovanie %s by sa malo začať za pár sekúnd" #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +227" msgid "(download size is about %s)." msgstr "(veľkosť sťahovania je %s)." #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +228" msgid "If the download does not start, click here." msgstr "Ak sa sťahovanie nezačalo, kliknite sem." #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +252" msgid "As soon as your download is complete, you should check that the checksums match:" msgstr "Akonáhle sa sťahovanie skončí, mali by ste skontrolovať zhodu kontrolných súčtov:" #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +257" msgid "If checksums do not match, DO NOT use this ISO. Double-check and try to download again." msgstr "Ak sa kontrolné súčty nezhodujú, nepoužívajte toto ISO. Ešte raz vykonajte kontrolu a pokúste sa stiahnuť ho znova." #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +258" msgid "and" msgstr "" #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +258" msgid "," msgstr "" #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +260" msgid "Checksums are available for download as files:" msgstr "" #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +264" msgid "You can also verify the signature of an ISO." msgstr "" #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +265" msgid "They are also available for download as files:" msgstr "" #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +267" msgid "First you need to import the \"Mageia Release\" key from a MIT PGP Public Key Server:" msgstr "" #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +271" msgid "In response there should be one of the following lines:" msgstr "" #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +275" msgid "or if you already imported the key before:" msgstr "" #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +279" msgid "Then you need to verify the signature for the ISO." msgstr "" #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +283" msgid "In response there should be a lines like:" msgstr "" #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +290" msgid "The warning about uncertified signature is expected." msgstr "" #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +298" msgid "Country" msgstr "Krajina" #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +299" msgid "City" msgstr "Mesto" #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +300" msgid "Download mirrors" msgstr "Sťahovacie zrkadlové servery" #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +311" msgid "The making and the distribution of Mageia worldwide is made possible by all the people and organizations that mirror our software and that donate money, hardware, hosting and more." msgstr "Celosvetová výroba a distribúcia Mageie je umožnená všetkými ľuďmi a organizáciami, ktoré zrkadlia náš softvér a ktoré prispievajú finančne, hardvérom, hosťovaním a tak ďalej.." #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +312" msgid "Want to help? %sJoin Us!%s" msgstr "Chcete pomôcť? %sPridajte sa k nám!%s" #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +317" msgid "Sorry!" msgstr "Ľutujeme!" #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +318" msgid "Your download could not complete, as we could not find this file. Please try again from the main downloads page." msgstr "Vaše sťahovanie nemohlo byť dokončené, keďže sme nemohli nájsť tento súbor. Vyskúšajte to prosím znova z hlavnej sťahovacej stránky." #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +320" msgid "If you still encounter this error and think IT SHOULD NOT HAPPEN – please tell us:" msgstr "Ak vám ešte stále vyhadzuje túto chybu a myslíte si, že TO BY TAK NEMALO BYŤ – oznámte nám to prosím:" #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +322" msgid "directly on #mageia-atelier on Freenode IRC," msgstr "priamo na #mageia-atelier na Freenode IRC," #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +323" msgid "or via our Twitter account," msgstr "alebo cez náš účet na Twitteri," #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +324" msgid "or with a notice on the Atelier team mailing-list," msgstr "alebo s upozornenia v poštovom zozname ateliérového tímu," #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +325" msgid "or a bug report." msgstr "alebo nahlásením chyby." #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +328" msgid "Please copy and report us the above address that returned you to this page." msgstr "Skopírujte prosím a zašlite nám horeuvedenú adresu, ktorá vás vrátila na túto stránku." #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +328" msgid "Thanks!" msgstr "Vďaka!" #: "/web/en/downloads/get/index.php +329" msgid "back to that awesome Mageia home page" msgstr "naspäť na tú úžasnú domovskú stránku Mageia"