# gettext catalog for 3 web page(s) # Copyright (C) 2014 - 2014 Mageia # This file is distributed under the same license as # the content of the corresponding web page(s). # # Generated by extract2gettext.php # Domain: 3 # # include translation strings from: # en/3/download_index.php # en/3/for-pc/index.php # en/3/for-server/index.php # en/3/index.php # en/3/nav.php # # Translators: # Jajo Pajo, 2016 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Mageia\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mageia-i18n@mageia.org\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-11-27 19:38:42+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2016-01-23 21:40+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Jajo Pajo\n" "Language-Team: Slovak (http://www.transifex.com/MageiaLinux/mageia/language/sk/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: sk\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +14" msgid "Download Mageia 3" msgstr "Stiahnuť Mageiu 3" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +15" msgid "Download Mageia 3 DVD, CD, LiveCD, network install ISO images." msgstr "Stiahnuť Mageiu 3 na ISO obrazoch DVD, CD, LiveCD, či pre sieťovú inštaláciu." #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +16" msgid "" "mageia, mageia 3, linux, free, download, iso, torrent, vm, http, ftp, rsync," " bittorrent" msgstr "mageia, mageia 3, linux, zdarma, stiahnuť, iso, torrent, vm, http, ftp, rsync, bittorrent" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +25" msgid "Download <strong>Mageia 3</strong>" msgstr "Stiahnuť <strong>Mageiu 3</strong>" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +32" msgid "" "But please remember that it already <a " "href=\"https://blog.mageia.org/en/2013/11/21/farewell-mageia-2/\">reached " "EOL</a>." msgstr "Ale prosím pamätajte, že už bol <a href=\"https://blog.mageia.org/en/2013/11/21/farewell-mageia-2/\">dosiahnutý koniec životnosti</a>." #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +33" msgid "Classical Installation Flavours" msgstr "Druhy inštalácie" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +37" msgid "Format" msgstr "Formát" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +38" msgid "size" msgstr "veľkosť" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +39" msgid "link" msgstr "odkaz" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +47" msgid "32bit" msgstr "32bit" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +53" msgid "64bit" msgstr "64bit" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +59" msgid "dualarch" msgstr "dualarch" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +65" msgid "Notes:" msgstr "Poznámky:" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +67" msgid "Up to 167 locales are supported:" msgstr "Podporovaných je až 167 jazykov:" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +70" msgid "and so much more!" msgstr "e ešte omnoho viac!" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +71" msgid "See the comprehensive list" msgstr "Pozrieť si úplný zoznam" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +73" msgid "" "These DVD and CD ISOs contains Free Software and some proprietary drivers." msgstr "Tieto obrazy CD a DVD obsahujú Slobodný Softvér a niektoré ovládače vlastnené súkromníkmi." #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +74" msgid "You will be asked of which kind of Software you want to install." msgstr "Bude vám položená otázka, aký druh Softvéru chcete nainštalovať." #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +76" msgid "The CD contains only a minimal list of packages." msgstr "Toto CD obsahuje len malý zoznam balíčkov." #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +81" msgid "LiveCDs and LiveDVDs" msgstr "LiveCD a LiveDVD" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +82" msgid "Use LiveCDs and LiveDVDs for fresh new installs ONLY." msgstr "LiveCD a LiveDVD používajte LEN pre čisté nové inštalácie." #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +83" msgid "DO NOT use these LiveCDs or LiveDVDs to upgrade from Mageia 2!" msgstr "NEPOUŽÍVAJTE tieto LiveCDčka alebo LiveDVDčka pre aktualizáciu z Mageie 2!" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +84" msgid "Use above DVD or CD and see <a href=\"%s\" hreflang=\"en\">upgrade guide</a>." msgstr "Použite horeuvedené DVD alebo CD a pozrite si <a href=\"%s\" hreflang=\"en\">príručku ku aktualizácií</a>." #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +88" msgid "Desktop" msgstr "Pracovná plocha" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +91" msgid "BitTorrent" msgstr "BitTorrent" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +96" msgid "LiveDVD KDE" msgstr "LiveDVD KDE" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +97" msgid "All languages" msgstr "Všetky jazyky" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +105" msgid "LiveDVD GNOME" msgstr "LiveDVD GNOME" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +113" msgid "LiveCD KDE" msgstr "LiveCD KDE" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +114" msgid "English only" msgstr "Len anglicky" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +120" msgid "LiveCD GNOME" msgstr "LiveCD GNOME" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +133" msgid "Wired Network-based Installation CD" msgstr "Inštalačné CD založené na prístupe k internetu" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +134" msgid "" "Download quickly and immediately boot into install mode from <em>wired</em> " "network or a local disk." msgstr "Stiahnuť rýchlo a okamžite zaviesť systém do inštalačného režimu zo siete <em>pripojenej k internetu</em> alebo z miestneho disku." #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +146" msgid "Network installer, Free Software CD" msgstr "Sieťový inštalátor, CD so slobodným softvérom" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +152" msgid "Network installer + nonfree firmware CD" msgstr "Sieťový inštalátor + CD s neslobodným firmvérom" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +153" msgid "needed for some disc controllers, some network cards, etc." msgstr "potrebné pre niektoré diskové ovládače, niektoré sieťové karty, atď." #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +167" msgid "May 19<sup>th</sup> 2013" msgstr "19. mája 2013" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +169" msgid "<a href=\"%s\">Release notes</a>" msgstr "<a href=\"%s\">Poznámky k vydaniu</a>" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +170" msgid "<a href=\"%s\">Errata</a>" msgstr "<a href=\"%s\">Zoznam chýb</a>" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +171" msgid "<a href=\"%s\">Which to choose</a>" msgstr "<a href=\"%s\">Ktorý si vybrať</a>" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +172" msgid "<a href=\"%s\">Get ISO on USB flash stick</a>" msgstr "<a href=\"%s\">Ako dostať ISO na USB kľúčenku</a>" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +173" msgid "Newcomer? <a href=\"%s\">Here's a wiki page for you.</a>" msgstr "Nový návštevník? <a href=\"%s\">Tu je wiki stránka pre vás.</a>" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +177" msgid "Upgrading<br>from Mageia 2?" msgstr "Prechádzate <br>z Mageie 2?" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +179" msgid "<strong>do not</strong> use LiveCDs;" msgstr "<strong>nepoužívajte</strong> LiveCD;" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +180" msgid "see the <a href=\"%s\" hreflang=\"en\">upgrade guide</a>" msgstr "viď <a href=\"%s\" hreflang=\"en\">aktualizačnú príručku</a>" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +185" msgid "Looking for Mageia 2?" msgstr "Hľadáte Mageiu 2?" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +187" msgid "It is <a href=\"%s\">here now</a>." msgstr "Teraz je <a href=\"%s\">tu</a>." #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +193" msgid "Looking for Mageia 1?" msgstr "Hľadáte Mageiu 1?" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +196" msgid "" "But please remember that it already <a " "href=\"https://blog.mageia.org/en/2012/12/02/mageia-1-eol/\">reached " "EOL</a>." msgstr "Ale prosím pamätajte, že už bol <a href=\"https://blog.mageia.org/en/2012/12/02/mageia-1-eol/\">dosiahnutý koniec životnosti</a>." #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +202" msgid "Need more challenge?" msgstr "Potrebujete ďalšiu výzvu?" #: "/web/en/3/download_index.php +203" msgid "You can <a href=\"%s\">help</a> us <a href=\"%s\">on Mageia 4</a>." msgstr "Môžete nám <a href=\"%s\">pomôcť</a> s <a href=\"%s\">Mageiou 4</a>." #: "/web/en/3/for-pc/index.php +12" msgid "Mageia 3, for your PC" msgstr "Mageia 3, pre vaše PC" #: "/web/en/3/for-pc/index.php +22" msgid "for your PC" msgstr "pre vaše PC" #: "/web/en/3/for-pc/index.php +27" msgid "Plenty" msgstr "Dostatok" #: "/web/en/3/for-pc/index.php +28" msgid "" "There are more than 21 700 packages in our repositories. And " "that's just for the 64-bit branch." msgstr "V našich úložiskách je 21 700 balíčkov. A to je len pre 64 bitovú architektúru." #: "/web/en/3/for-pc/index.php +29" msgid "" "The total number is double that – and then if you consider the " "backports, and the packages in the Cauldron still testing... you'll see that" " Mageia users are spoiled for choice." msgstr "Celkový počet je dvojnásobný. A keď k tomu pridáte \"backports\" a balíčky, ktoré sa ešte skúšajú v kotli (Cauldron), uvidíte, že používatelia Mageie chcú mať na výber." #: "/web/en/3/for-pc/index.php +30" msgid "" "Here's a cross-section, first of the working graphical environments, and " "then of the core applications you could be using on your desktop:" msgstr "Tu je prierez. Najprv pracovné prostredie a potom hlavná aplikácia, ktorú môžete používať vo svojom počítači." #: "/web/en/3/for-pc/index.php +31" msgid "Environments" msgstr "Prostredia" #: "/web/en/3/for-pc/index.php +32" msgid "Mageia 3 has all the major desktop environments:" msgstr "Mageia 3 obsahuje všetky hlavné prostredia pracovnej plochy:" #: "/web/en/3/for-pc/index.php +43" msgid "" "And then there are the window managers, including Openbox, WindowMaker, " "IceWM, Fluxbox, Fvwm2 and Awesome." msgstr "A potom sú tu aj správcovia okien, napríklad Openbox, WindowMaker, IceWM, Fluxbox, Fvwm2 a Awesome." #: "/web/en/3/for-pc/index.php +44" msgid "Applications →" msgstr "Aplikácie →" #: "/web/en/3/for-pc/index.php +45" msgid "" "There are many, many to choose from – including all the most popular." msgstr "Je možné vybrať si z veľmi mnohých programov – vrátane tých najobľúbenejších." #: "/web/en/3/for-pc/index.php +51" msgid "Web" msgstr "Internet" #: "/web/en/3/for-pc/index.php +52" msgid "" "Choose your web browser from Firefox ESR 17.0.6, Chromium-browser " "26.0.1410.65, Epiphany 3.6.1 or Opera 12.15 – or one of the many " "others such as Lynx or Konqueror; then pick an email client from KMail " "4.10.2, Thunderbird ESR 17.0.6, Evolution 3.6.3 or maybe Claws-Mail or Mutt." msgstr "Vyberte si z prehliadačov Firefox ESR 17.0.6, Chromium 26.0.1410.65, Epifany 3.6.1 alebo Opera 12.15 – alebo niektorý z mnohých ďalších, ako je Lynx alebo Konqueror; potom si zvoľte poštového klienta spomedzi KMail 4.10.2, Thunderbird ESR 10.0.4, Evolution 3.6.3 alebo trebárs Claws-Mail alebo Mutt." #: "/web/en/3/for-pc/index.php +57" msgid "Messaging" msgstr "Posielanie správ" #: "/web/en/3/for-pc/index.php +58" msgid "" "Choose from Kopete, Pidgin, Empathy or Kadu for instant messaging; use " "Quassel, Konversation, XChat-Gnome or KVIrc for IRC chat; try QuteCom or " "Ekiga (or even Skype) for VOIP." msgstr "Vyberte si z Kopete, Pidgin, Empathy alebo Kadu pre okamžitú výmenu správ; použite Quassel, Konversation, XChat-Gnome alebo KVIrc na IRC rozhovor; vyskúšajte QuteCom alebo Ekiga (alebo dokonca Skype) na VOIP." #: "/web/en/3/for-pc/index.php +63" msgid "Office" msgstr "Kancelária" #: "/web/en/3/for-pc/index.php +64" msgid "" "The two full-featured office suites LibreOffice and Calligra are there, as " "well as AbiWord, and a host of text editors including Kate; for finance " "there's KMyMoney, Skrooge or the professional-level GnuCash." msgstr "Sú tu dva plne vybavené kancelárske balíky LibreOffice a Calligra, rovnako tak AbiWord, a mnoho textových editorov vrátane Kate; na financie sú tu KMyMoney, Skrooge alebo profesionálny GnuCash." #: "/web/en/3/for-pc/index.php +69" msgid "Image" msgstr "Obrázky" #: "/web/en/3/for-pc/index.php +70" msgid "" "Use GIMP for powerful image manipulation, or Inkscape for vector drawing; " "Blender is there for serious animation. DigiKam or Showfoto will take care " "of your photos, talk to your camera and give you more basic image editing." msgstr "Na prácu s obrázkami použite GIMP, alebo Inkscape na vektorové kreslenie; na animácie je tu Blender. DigiKam alebo Showfoto sa postarajú o vaše fotky, používanie kamery a ďalšie základné úpravy obrázkov." #: "/web/en/3/for-pc/index.php +75" msgid "Sound" msgstr "Zvuk" #: "/web/en/3/for-pc/index.php +76" msgid "" "For playing audio files, choose from Amarok 2.7.0 and Rhythmbox, among " "others; use VLC, Totem or MPlayer for video and for audio, or use the XBMC " "Media Center as your home entertainment system. Some packages can be found " "in both the Core and Tainted repositories: the packages in the Core " "repository support only non-patent-encumbered codecs and the packages in the" " Tainted repository support all codecs, for users who live in countries " "where those codecs don't infringe local laws." msgstr "Na prehrávanie zvukových súborov si vyberte medzi ostatnými napríklad z prehrávačov Amarok 2.7.0 a Rhythmbox; VLC, Totem alebo MPlayer použite na video a audio, alebo využite XBMC Media Center ako váš domáci multimediálny systém. Niektoré balíčky možno nájsť ako v repozitári Core, tak v repozitári Tainted: balíčky v Core podporujú len nepatentované kodeky a balíčky v Tainted podporujú všetky kodeky; sú určené používateľom žijúcim v zemiach, v ktorých tieto kodeky neporušujú miestne zákony." #: "/web/en/3/for-pc/index.php +81" msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" #: "/web/en/3/for-pc/index.php +82" msgid "" "For editing video files, try Avidemux or OpenShot; for subtitles, there's " "Gaupol or Subtitles Composer; use MythTV, Miro, tvtime, FreetuxTV or Me TV " "for watching or recording TV programmes." msgstr "Na úpravy videosúborov vyskúšajte Avidemux alebo OpenShot; na titulky tu je Gaupol alebo Subtitles Composer; pre sledovanie alebo nahrávanie televíznych programov použite MythTV, Miro, tvtime, FreetuxTV alebo Me TV." #: "/web/en/3/for-pc/index.php +87" msgid "Plus" msgstr "Naviac" #: "/web/en/3/for-pc/index.php +88" msgid "" "Then there's ZoneMinder, for CCTV Security; VirtualBox or WINE for " "virtualisation; and a range of development environments such as Anjuta, " "Eclipse, Netbeans or KDevelop." msgstr "Potom je tu ZoneMinder pre bezpečnosť CCTV; VirtualBox alebo WINE pre virtualizáciu; a viacero vývojárskych prostredí, ako sú Anjuta, Eclipse, Netbeans alebo KDevelop." #: "/web/en/3/for-pc/index.php +93" msgid "" "For more information about these and other packages, check the <a " "href=\"%s\">Mageia 3 Release notes</a>." msgstr "Ďalšie informácie o týchto a iných balíčkoch nájdete v <a href=\"%s\">poznámkach o vydaní Mageie 3</a>." #: "/web/en/3/for-pc/index.php +94" msgid "" "You can take a look at the <a href=\"%s\">Mageia Application Database</a> to" " get a more complete list of Mageia packages." msgstr "Môžete sa kuknúť do <a href=\"%s\">databázy programov Mageia</a>, aby ste sa dostali k úplnejšiemu zoznamu balíčkov." #: "/web/en/3/for-server/index.php +12" msgid "Mageia 3, for your server" msgstr "Mageia 3, pre váš server" #: "/web/en/3/for-server/index.php +22" msgid "for your server" msgstr "pre váš server" #: "/web/en/3/for-server/index.php +27" msgid "" "Mageia 3 has all the main services and server packages you will need to run " "your server." msgstr "Mageia 3 má všetky hlavné služby a serverové balíčky, ktoré budete potrebovať pre beh vášho servera." #: "/web/en/3/for-server/index.php +28" msgid "" "Aside from the cross-section included here, you will find many others in the" " repositories: you can use rpmdrake to search for packages, or check the <a " "href=\"%s\">Mageia App DB</a>." msgstr "Okrem tu zahrnutého priereze nájdete mnoho ďalšieho v repozitároch: na hľadanie balíčkov použite rpmdrake, alebo sa pozrite na <a href=\"%s\">databázu programov Mageie</a>." #: "/web/en/3/for-server/index.php +30" msgid "Administration" msgstr "Administrácia" #: "/web/en/3/for-server/index.php +31" msgid "" "For centralised administration, we include puppet 2.7.21; we use it widely " "in <a href=\"%s\">our own infrastructure</a>." msgstr "Pre centralizovanú administráciu zahŕňame puppet 2.7.21; hojne ho používame v <a href=\"%s\">našej vlastnej infraštruktúre</a>." #: "/web/en/3/for-server/index.php +33" msgid "" "The entire High Availability stack has been updated, and now includes drbd " "8.4.2, Corosync 2.3.0 and Pacemaker 1.1.8." msgstr "Celý zásobník Vysokej Dostupnosti bol aktualizovaný a teraz zahŕňa drbd 8.4.2, Corosync 2.3.0 a Pacemaker 1.1.8." #: "/web/en/3/for-server/index.php +35" msgid "Databases" msgstr "Databázy" #: "/web/en/3/for-server/index.php +36" msgid "" "Databases included are PostgreSQL 8.4.17; MariaDB 5.5.28, which replaces " "MySQL; BDB." msgstr "Včlenené databázy sú PostgreSQL 8.4.17; MariaDB 5.5.28, ktorá nahrádza MySQL; BDB." #: "/web/en/3/for-server/index.php +37" msgid "" "And there are NoSQL servers too: CouchDB 1.2.1, Redis 2.6.5, MongoDB 2.2.2." msgstr "A sú tu i NoSQL servery: CouchDB 1.2.1, Redis 2.6.5, MongoDB 2.2.2." #: "/web/en/3/for-server/index.php +39" msgid "Servers" msgstr "Servery" #: "/web/en/3/for-server/index.php +40" msgid "" "Web servers include Apache 2.4.4, Cherokee 1.2.101 and lighttpd 1.4.32." msgstr "Webové servery zahŕňajú Apache 2.4.4, Cherokee 1.2.101 a lighttpd 1.4.32." #: "/web/en/3/for-server/index.php +41" msgid "" "For file and directory sharing and network printing on heterogeneous " "networks, we have Samba 3.6.15, OpenLDAP 2.4.33 and Cups 1.5.4." msgstr "Na zdieľanie súborov a adresárov a pre sieťovú tlač na nerovnorodých sieťach máme Sambu 3.6.15, OpenLDAP 2.4.33 a Cups 1.5.4." #: "/web/en/3/for-server/index.php +42" msgid "" "Mail servers included with Mageia 3 are Postfix 2.9.6, Cyrus-imapd 2.4.17 " "and Dovecot 2.1.15." msgstr "Poštové servery zahrnuté v Mageii 3 sú Postfix 2.9.6, Cyrus-imapd 2.4.17 a Dovecot 2.1.15." #: "/web/en/3/for-server/index.php +48" msgid "" "For more information about these and other packages, check the <a " "href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_3_Release_Notes\">Mageia 3 Release " "notes</a>." msgstr "Pre viac informácií o týchto a ďalších balíčkoch, nazrite na <a href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_3_Release_Notes\">poznámok k vydaniu Mageie 3</a>." #: "/web/en/3/index.php +12" msgid "Mageia 3" msgstr "Mageia 3" #: "/web/en/3/index.php +14" msgid "" "Mageia 3 is the new, solid, stable Linux distribution from the Mageia " "project." msgstr "Mageia 3 je nová, solídna, stabilná Linuxová distribúcia projektu Mageia." #: "/web/en/3/index.php +29" msgid "" "Mageia 3 is a GNU/Linux distribution for your computer, released by the <a " "href=\"%s\">Mageia community</a>." msgstr "Mageia 3 je GNU/Linuxová distribúcia pre váš počítač, vydaná <a href=\"%s\">komunitou Mageia</a>." #: "/web/en/3/index.php +31" msgid "What's new?" msgstr "Čo je nové?" #: "/web/en/3/index.php +32" msgid "" "Too much to include here! See the <a " "href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_3_Release_Notes\">release notes</a>" " for an extensive exposé." msgstr "Je toho toľko, čo sa tu malo menovať! Pozrite sa na rozsiahle vyhlásenie v <a href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_3_Release_Notes\">poznámkach k vydaniu</a>." #: "/web/en/3/index.php +34" msgid "Download it right away!" msgstr "Stiahnite si ju hneď!" #: "/web/en/3/index.php +36" msgid "Mageia in context" msgstr "Mageia v súvislostiach" #: "/web/en/3/index.php +37" msgid "" "Mageia is both a Community and a Linux Distribution, with Mageia 3 being our" " third release." msgstr "Mageia je zároveň komunitná ako i linuxová distribúcia, pričom Mageia 3 je naším tretím vydaním." #: "/web/en/3/index.php +38" msgid "" "Since the release of <a href=\"../1/\">Mageia 1</a>, our offering has been " "consistently in the <a href=\"%s\">top 10 of Distrowatch's most popular " "distributions</a>." msgstr "Od vydania <a href=\"../1/\">Mageie 1</a>, je naša ponuka trvale medzi <a href=\"%s\">10 najpopulárnejšími distribúciami na Distrowatchi</a>." #: "/web/en/3/index.php +40" msgid "" "Mageia 3 is supported by the <a href=\"../about/\">Mageia.org nonprofit " "organisation</a>, which is governed by a body of recognized and elected " "contributors." msgstr "Mageia 3 je podporovaná <a href=\"../about/\">neziskovou organizáciou Mageia.org</a>, ktorá je spravovaná skupinou uznávaných a volených prispievateľov." #: "/web/en/3/index.php +41" msgid "" "Mageia 3 has been made by more than 100 people from all around the world." msgstr "Mageiu 3 vyrobilo viac než <a href=\"%s\">100 ľudí z celého sveta</a>." #: "/web/en/3/index.php +43" msgid "" "Our work adds to the excellent work of the wider Linux and Free Software " "community. We aim to bring one of the best, most stable, reliable and " "enjoyable experience and platform we can make; for regular users, developers" " and businesses." msgstr "Naša práca prispieva k výbornej práci širšej komunity spojenej s Linuxom a slobodným sofvérom. Zameriavame sa, aby sme vám priniesli ten najlepší, najstabilnejší, najspoľahlivejší a najpríjemnejší zážitok, aký dokážeme urobiť pre bežných používateľov, vývojárov a podniky." #: "/web/en/3/index.php +44" msgid "" "We welcome new contributors to any of the many different teams that go to " "make up Mageia the Community, and we encourage you to join us." msgstr "Vítame nových prispievateľov do ktorejkoľvek z mnohých skupín, ktoré idú utvárať z Mageie spoločenstvo, a povzbudzujeme vás k tomu, aby ste sa k nám pridali." #: "/web/en/3/nav.php +4" msgid "Mageia 3" msgstr "Mageia 3" #: "/web/en/3/nav.php +5" msgid "Download" msgstr "Stiahnuť" #: "/web/en/3/nav.php +6" msgid "For PC" msgstr "Pre PC" #: "/web/en/3/nav.php +7" msgid "For server" msgstr "Pre server"