# Generated by extract2lang.php on 2012-10-17T20:41:07+02:00
# Domain 3
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +12
;Mageia 3
Mageia 3 {ok}
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +34
;Development roadmap
Grqficul de dezvoltare
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +35
;Features review
Prezentarea funcționalităților
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +37
;Release notes
Notele ediției
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +38
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +39
;Bugs Reports
Raportări de erori
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +43
;This is a Release Candidate. Release Candidate software is software that has graduated Beta testing, and should be a release-ready product suitable for advanced users and reviewers. However, beginning users and critical-applications users may wish to wait for the final release planned for May 2013.
This is a Release Candidate. Release Candidate software is software that has graduated Beta testing, and should be a release-ready product suitable for advanced users and reviewers. However, beginning users and critical-applications users may wish to wait for the final release planned for May 2013.
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +44
;Release Candidate is intended to identify any remaining bugs or missing packages.
Release Candidate is intended to identify any remaining bugs or missing packages.
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +46
;Download %s
Descarcă %s
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +48
;Up to 167 locales are supported:
Sînt suportate pînă la 167 localizări:
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +51
;and so much more!
și mult mai multe!
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +52
;See the comprehensive list
Vezi lista completă
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +54
;Installer DVD and CD ISOs now contains Free Software and some proprietary drivers.
Fișierele ISO pentru DVD și CD conțin aplicații libere și cîțiva piloți propirietari.
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +55
;You will be asked of which kind of Software you want to install.
Veți fi întrebat ce fel de aplicații doriți să instalați.
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +57
;The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
The installation CD contains only a minimal list of packages.
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +59
;Use LiveCDs or LiveDVDs for fresh new installs ONLY, NOT FOR UPGRADE.
Folosiți CD-urile sau DVD-urile Live DOAR pentru instalări noi, NU PENTRU ACTUALIZARE MAJORĂ.
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +60
;If you are looking for a stable version of Mageia, go here.
Dacă doriți o versiune Mageia stabilă, mergeți aici.
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +61
;Enjoy! And please report bugs if you find some.
Profitați! Și raportați erori dacă le gasiți.
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +68
Mediul de instalare
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +69
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +70
legătură {ok}
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +71
BitTorrent {ok}
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +76
;Installer DVD
DVD de instalare
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +77
;Free Software and some proprietary drivers
Aplicații libere și cîțiva piloți proprietari
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +79
32 de biți
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +80
64 de biți
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +85
;Installer CD
CD de instalare
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +88
arhitectură duală
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +95
LiveDVD KDE {ok}
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +96
;not suitable for upgrade
nerecomandat pentru actualizare majoră
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +104
LiveDVD GNOME {ok}
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +114
;LiveCD KDE, English-only
LiveCD KDE, doar limba engleză
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +121
;LiveCD GNOME, English-only
LiveCD GNOME, doar limba engleză
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +129
;Network installer, Free Software CD
CD de instalare prin rețea, aplicații libere
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +135
;Network installer + nonfree firmware CD
CD de instalare prin rețea + microcod proprietar
# ../../svn/web/en/3/index.php +136
;needed for some disc controllers, some network cards, etc.
necesare pentru anumite controlere de discuri, plăci de rețea, etc.