# gettext catalog for 7 web page(s)
# Copyright (C) 2014 - 2019 Mageia
# This file is distributed under the same license as
# the content of the corresponding web page(s).
# Generated by extract2gettext.php
# Domain: 7
# include translation strings from:
# en/7/download_index.php
# en/7/nav.php
# Translators:
# Yuri Chornoivan <yurchor@ukr.net>, 2019
# Filip Komar <filip.komar@guest.arnes.si>, 2019
# Dennis Holierhoek <dennis.hh@hotmail.com>, 2019
# Volluta <volluta@tutanota.com>, 2019
# dragnadh, 2020
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mageia-i18n@mageia.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-16 19:18:32+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-06-30 12:07+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: dragnadh, 2020\n"
"Language-Team: Dutch (https://www.transifex.com/MageiaLinux/teams/9361/nl/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: nl\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +36"
msgid "32 bit"
msgstr "32 bit"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +39"
msgid "64 bit"
msgstr "64 bit"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +46"
msgid "forthcoming"
msgstr "op komst zijnd"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +64"
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Download"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +65"
msgid "Download %s DVD, LiveDVD, network install ISO images."
msgstr "Download %s dvd- , live-dvd- en netwerk-installatie-ISO-images."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +66"
msgid ""
"mageia, %s, linux, free, download, iso, torrent, vm, http, ftp, rsync, "
msgstr ""
"mageia, %s, linux, vrij, gratis, download, iso, torrent, vm, http, ftp, "
"rsync, bittorrent"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +100"
msgid ""
"It looks like you have JavaScript disable. Please <a href=\"%s\">enable</a> "
"it to have better render. At the <a href=\"%s\">end</a> of this page there "
"will be download link for you. But what is written between is important."
msgstr ""
"Het lijkt erop dat u JavaScript uitgeschakeld heeft. Gelieve het <a "
"href=\"%s\">in the schakelen</a> om een betere weergave te krijgen. <a "
"href=\"%s\">Onderaan</a> deze pagina vindt u een downloadlink, maar wat "
"ervoor komt is belangrijk."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +105"
msgid "But please remember that it will soon <a href=\"%s\">reach EOL</a>."
msgstr ""
"Maar denk er a.u.b. aan dat het snel <a href=\"%s\">zijn EOL</a> zal "

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +106"
msgid "But please remember that it already <a href=\"%s\">reached EOL</a>."
msgstr ""
"Maar denk er a.u.b. aan dat het <a href=\"%s\">zijn EOL</a> reeds bereikt "

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +108"
msgid ""
"Mageia is provided as ISO image files that have to be written to blank <a "
"href=\"%s\">CD or DVD discs</a>."
msgstr ""
"Mageia wordt geleverd als ISO-beeldbestanden die op lege <a href=\"%s\">CD's"
" of DVD's</a> gebrand moeten worden."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +108"
msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Writing_CD_and_DVD_images"
msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Writing_CD_and_DVD_images"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +110"
msgid "All ISOs can also be launched from a <a %s>USB drive</a>."
msgstr "Alle ISO's kunnen ook van een <a %s>USB-station</a> gestart worden."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +110"
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +112"
msgid ""
"To <a %s>dump</a> a Mageia installation ISO on a USB stick, you may try one "
"of several tools:"
msgstr ""
"Om een Mageia-installatie-ISO op een USB-stick <a %s>te zetten</a>, kunt u "
"een van deze hulpmiddelen gebruiken:"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +114"
msgid ""
"For Linux, IsoDumper, available inside repo. Or any tools based on %sdd%s."
msgstr ""
"Voor Linux: Isodumper, beschikbaar in de repo. Of een andere op %sdd%s "
"gebaseerde tool."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +115"
msgid "Unetbootin is not supported."
msgstr "Unetbootin wordt niet ondersteund."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +117"
msgid ""
"For Windows please have a look on our <a href=\"%s\">wiki</a> for your "
msgstr "Voor Windows: Zie a.u.b. onze <a href=\"%s\">wiki</a> voor uw opties."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +117"
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +120"
msgid ""
"\"Dumping\" an image onto a flash device destroys any prior file-system in "
"the partition; access to any data not destroyed will be lost, and partition "
"capacity will be reduced to the image size. In other words, all prior data "
"on the device is at risk."
msgstr ""
"Door een beelbestand op een flashapparaat te zetten, vernietigt u het daar "
"aanwezige bestandssysteem; u zult niet meer bij eerdere gegevens kunnen en "
"de enige partitie zal verkleind worden tot de grootte van het beeldbestand. "
"M.a.w.: alle gegevens op het apparaat gaan verloren."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +123"
msgid ""
"If you have <a href=\"%s\">UEFI</a>, a procedure is available in the <a "
msgstr ""
"Indien u <a href=\"%s\">UEFI</a> heeft, kunt u een procedure vinden in de <a"
" href=\"%s\">wiki</a>."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +123"
msgid "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_Extensible_Firmware_Interface"
msgstr "https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extensible_Firmware_Interface"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +123"
msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Installing_on_systems_with_UEFI_firmware"
msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Installing_on_systems_with_UEFI_firmware"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +127"
msgid "ISO image files have been updated to support new hardware."
msgstr ""
"ISO-beeldbestanden zijn bijgewerkt om nieuwe hardware te ondersteunen."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +128"
msgid ""
"They are called Mageia 7.1 release to distinguish them from the original "
"Mageia 7 release."
msgstr ""
"Ze worden Mageia 7.1 uitgave genoemd om ze te onderscheiden van de originele"
" Mageia 7 uitgave."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +129"
msgid ""
"Use these if the original Mageia 7 iso images are unable to boot on your "
"hardware, or if you would like more up-to-date software while running in "
"live mode."
msgstr ""
"Gebruik deze als de originele Mageia 7 iso-beeldbestanden niet kunnen "
"opstarten op uw hardware, of als u meer up-to-date software wilt terwijl u "
"in de live-modus draait."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +130"
msgid ""
"Please take a look in the <a href=\"%s\">documentation</a> for the "
"appropriate media."
msgstr "Kijk in de <a href=\"%s\">documentatie</a> voor de juiste media."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +131"
msgid ""
"There's no need to reinstall if you have Mageia 7 installed and already have"
" the latest updates installed."
msgstr ""
"Het is niet nodig om opnieuw te installeren als je Mageia 7 hebt "
"geïnstalleerd en ook de laatste updates al hebt geïnstalleerd."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +140"
msgid "Classical Installation Flavours"
msgstr "Klassieke Installatie-varianten"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +142"
msgid ""
"The Classical ISO is the traditional way to install Mageia directly. Take a "
"look at the complete <a href=\"%s\">documentation</a> for this installer."
msgstr ""
"The Klassieke Installatie is de traditionele manier om Mageia rechtstreeks "
"te installeren. Zie de complete <a href=\"%s\">documentatie</a> voor deze "

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +144"
msgid "Up to 167 locales are supported:"
msgstr "Tot 167 locales worden ondersteund:"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +146"
msgid "and so much more!"
msgstr "en nog veel meer!"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +147"
msgid "See the comprehensive list"
msgstr "Zie de volledige lijst"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +150"
msgid "These ISOs contains Free Software and some proprietary drivers."
msgstr ""
"Deze DVD- en CD-ISO´s bevatten Vrije Software and sommige fabrikantseigen "

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +151"
msgid "You will be asked of which kind of Software you want to install."
msgstr "Er wordt u gevraagd wat voor soort Software u wil installeren."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +152"
msgid ""
"The installer includes the capability of adding the online Mageia "
"repositories during the installation, which means you can install even more "
"packages than those available on the ISO."
msgstr ""
"Het installatieprogramma biedt de mogelijk de online Mageia repo's tijdens "
"de installatie toe te voegen, wat betekent dat u nog meer pakketten kunt "
"installeren dan zich op de ISO bevinden."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +155"
msgid "For 32 and 64bit, size of the ISOs is about %sGB."
msgstr "De grootte van de ISO's is ongeveer %s gigabyte voor 32- en 64-bit."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +163"
msgid "LiveDVDs"
msgstr "LiveDVD's"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +165"
msgid ""
"Live ISO's let you try %s without installation. You can run Mageia directly "
"from a DVD or USB device, and try it using one of the graphical user "
"interfaces such as GNOME, Plasma or Xfce."
msgstr ""
"Met live-ISO's kunt u %s proberen zonder het te installeren. U kunt Mageia "
"direct vanaf een dvd of USB-apparaat draaien en het uitproberen met één van "
"de grafische gebruiksersinterfaces zoals GNOME, PLASMA of Xfce."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +166"
msgid ""
"If you are happy with the Mageia experience, you can then install it onto "
"your hard drive from the Live media."
msgstr ""
"Als u tevreden bent met de Mageia-ervaring kunt u het installeren op uw "
"harde schijf vanaf het livemedium."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +168"
msgid "Use LiveDVDs for fresh new installs ONLY."
msgstr "Gebruik live-dvd's ALLEEN voor nieuwe installatie's."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +169"
msgid "DO NOT use these LiveDVDs to upgrade from the prior Mageia release!"
msgstr ""
"Gebruik deze live-dvd's NIET om te upgraden vanaf de oude Mageia-uitgave!"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +170"
msgid ""
"Use a classical installation and see <a href=\"%s\" hreflang=\"en\">upgrade "
msgstr ""
"Gebruik een DVD of CD van hierboven en zie de <a href=\"%s\" "
"hreflang=\"en\">upgrade handleiding</a>."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +173"
msgid "For LiveDVDs, size of the ISOs is about %sGB."
msgstr "De grootte van de ISO's zijn ongeveer %s gigabyte voor de live-dvd's"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +178"
msgid "Wired Network-based Installation CD"
msgstr "CD voor installatie via een bedraad netwerk."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +179"
msgid ""
"Download quickly and immediately boot into install mode from <em>wired</em> "
"network or a local disk."
msgstr ""
"Snel downloaden en meteen booten voor installatie via een <em>bedraad</em> "
"netwerk of van een lokale schijf."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +180"
msgid "Have a look in the <a href=\"%s\">wiki</a> to get a list of possibilities."
msgstr "Kijk in de <a href=\"%s\">wiki</a> voor een lijst met mogelijkheden."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +180"
msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Boot.iso_install"
msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Boot.iso_install"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +182"
msgid "Size of the ISOs is about 50MB."
msgstr "De grootte van de ISO's is ongeveer 50MB"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +187"
msgid "Classic Installation"
msgstr "Klassieke Installatie-varianten"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +187"
msgid "(initial release 7)"
msgstr "(eerste uitgave 7)"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +190"
msgid "Live Media"
msgstr "Live Media"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +193"
msgid "Network Installation"
msgstr "CD voor installatie via een bedraad netwerk."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +198"
msgid "LiveDVDs are not yet available."
msgstr "Live-dvd's zijn nog niet beschikbaar."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +199"
msgid "Classical Installation flavours is not yet available."
msgstr "Klassieke Installatie-varianten"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +207"
msgid "Desktop"
msgstr "Desktop"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +210"
msgid "GNOME Desktop"
msgstr "Desktop"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +214"
msgid "Plasma Desktop"
msgstr "Plasma-werkomgeving"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +218"
msgid "Xfce Desktop"
msgstr "Xfce-werkomgeving"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +236"
msgid "Network installer"
msgstr "Network installatie, CD met vrije Software"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +239"
msgid "Network installer, Free Software CD"
msgstr "Network installatie, CD met vrije Software"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +240"
msgid "Contain only free software"
msgstr "Bevatten uitsluitend vrije software"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +243"
msgid "Network installer + nonfree firmware CD"
msgstr "Network installatie, CD met niet vrije firmware"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +244"
msgid ""
"Contain nonfree drivers needed for some disc controllers, some network "
"cards, etc."
msgstr "benodigd voor sommige schijfcontrollers, sommige netwerkkaarten etc."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +248"
msgid "Free Software CD"
msgstr "Network installatie, CD met vrije Software"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +251"
msgid "Nonfree Firmware CD"
msgstr "Network installatie, CD met niet vrije firmware"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +257"
msgid "Supported Architecture"
msgstr "Ondersteunde architectuur"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +260"
msgid ""
"Most new computers support x86-64 (also known as AMD64 and Intel64), but "
"some laptop processors and netbook processors do not support it."
msgstr ""
"De meeste nieuwe computers ondersteunen x86_64 (ook bekend als AMD64 en "
"Intel64), maar sommige laptop- en netbookprocessors ondersteunen het niet."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +264"
msgid ""
"This version runs on all PCs including those that support 64 Bit. If you "
"have more than 3 GB of RAM you should prefer the 64 Bit version though."
msgstr ""
"Deze versie draait op alle pc's, inclusief de 64bit pc's. Als u meer dan 3GB"
" RAM heeft, neem dan liever de 64bit versie."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +278"
msgid "Download Method"
msgstr "Download"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +280"
msgid "Direct Link"
msgstr "Directe Link"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +281"
msgid "You will be redirected to a HTTP or FTP mirror."
msgstr "U wordt herleid naar een HTTP of FTP mirror."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +287"
msgid "BitTorrent"
msgstr "BitTorrent"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +288"
msgid ""
"We recommend you to use <a href=%s>BitTorrent</a> for downloading as it "
"usually give a higher speeds and more reliable download of large files."
msgstr ""
"We bevelen <a href=%s>BitTorrent</a> aan wanneer u grote bestanden wilt "
"downloaden door zijn hogere downloadsnelheden en betrouwbaarhid."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +288"
msgid "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitTorrent"
msgstr "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitTorrent"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +289"
msgid "BitTorrent link are not yet available."
msgstr "BitTorrent link zijn nog niet beschikbaar."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +302"
msgid "Alternative downloads"
msgstr "Alternatieve downloads"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +309"
msgid "Release notes"
msgstr "Opmerkingen bij deze uitgave"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +310"
msgid "More about known issues or limitation in installation and usage"
msgstr ""
"Meer over bekende problemen of beperkingen voor installatie en gebruik"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +311"
msgid "<a href=\"%s\">Which to choose</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"%s\">Welke te kiezen</a>"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +311"
msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Installation_Media"
msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Installation_Media"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +312"
msgid "<a href=\"%s\">Get ISO on USB flash drive</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"%s\">Zet ISO op een USB-stick</a>"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +313"
msgid "Newcomer? <a href=\"%s\">Here's a wiki page for you.</a>"
msgstr "Nieuweling? <a href=\"%s\">Hier is een wiki pagina voor u.</a>"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +313"
msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Newcomers_start_here"
msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Newcomers_start_here"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +314"
msgid "Help us on %s"
msgstr "Help ons met %s"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +319"
msgid "Looking for a stable release?"
msgstr "Zoekt u naar een stabiele uitgave?"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +321"
msgid "It is <a href=\"%s\">here</a>."
msgstr "Het is <a href=\"%s\">hier</a>."

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +323"
msgid "Upgrading<br>from %s ?"
msgstr "Opwaarderen<br>van %s?"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +325"
msgid "<strong>do not</strong> use LiveDVDs;"
msgstr "gebruik <strong>geen</strong> live-dvd's;"

#: "/web/en/7/download_index.php +326"
msgid "see the <a href=\"%s\" hreflang=\"en\">upgrade guide</a>"
msgstr "zie de <a href=\"%s\" hreflang=\"en\">upgrade gids</a>"

#: "/web/en/7/nav.php +7"
msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_7_Release_Notes"
msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_7_Release_Notes"

#: "/web/en/7/nav.php +8"
msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_7_Errata"
msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_7_Errata"

#: "/web/en/7/nav.php +9"
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: "/web/en/7/nav.php +12"
msgid "Development roadmap"
msgstr "Ontwikkelingsplan"

#: "/web/en/7/nav.php +12"
msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_8_Development"
msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_8_Development"

#: "/web/en/7/nav.php +13"
msgid "Features review"
msgstr "Feature-overzicht"

#: "/web/en/7/nav.php +13"
msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/FeatureMageia8_Review"
msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/FeatureMageia8_Review"

#: "/web/en/7/nav.php +15"
msgid "Errata"
msgstr "Errata"

#: "/web/en/7/nav.php +16"
msgid "Bugs Reports"
msgstr "Foutrapporten"