# gettext catalog for support web page(s) # Copyright (C) 2014 - 2014 Mageia # This file is distributed under the same license as # the content of the corresponding web page(s). # # Generated by extract2gettext.php # Domain: support # # include translation strings from: # en/support/index.php # # Translators: # Kiki , 2014 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Mageia\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mageia-i18n@mageia.org\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-17 21:08:00+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-12-04 08:21+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Kiki \n" "Language-Team: Indonesian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/mageia/language/id/)\n" "Language: id\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +11" msgid "Support for Mageia distribution" msgstr "Dukungan untuk distribusi Mageia" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +12" msgid "List of support resources for Mageia distribution." msgstr "Daftar sumber daya dukungan distribusi Mageia." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +13" msgid "mageia, linux, support, help, hardware, qa, test" msgstr "mageia, linux, dukungan, bantuan, hardware, jaminan kualitas, tes" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +21" msgid "Support" msgstr "Dukungan" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +23" msgid "Community Support" msgstr "Dukungan Komunitas" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +24" msgid "Professional Support" msgstr "Dukungan Profesional" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +25" msgid "Documentation" msgstr "Dokumentasi" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +26" msgid "Updates" msgstr "Update" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +27" msgid "Lifecycle" msgstr "Masa dukungan" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +28" msgid "Hardware Requirements" msgstr "Persyaratan Hardware" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +29" msgid "Bugs Reports" msgstr "Pelaporan Bug" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +38" msgid "You can look up existing %sdocumentation here%s. You may too look into our %sWiki%s." msgstr "Kamu bisa melihat %sdokumentasi yang ada di sini%s. Atau bisa juga melihat %sWiki%s kami." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +43" msgid "Updates are available for %s and %s (security and bug fixes) and published on an ongoing basis." msgstr "Update tersedia untuk %s dan %s (keamanan dan perbaikan bug) dan diterbitkan secara berkelanjutan." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +44" msgid "Updates are available for %s (security and bug fixes) and published on an ongoing basis." msgstr "Update tersedia untuk %s (keamanan dan perbaikan bug) dan diterbitkan secara berkelanjutan." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +45" msgid "You can install these from the Mageia Control Center." msgstr "Kamu bisa menginstall ini dari Pusat Kendali Mageia." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +46" msgid "You may subscribe to our %s announce list to be notified of these." msgstr "Kamu bisa berlangganan ke daftar pengumuman %s kami untuk pembertahuan tentang ini." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +50" msgid "Mageia releases are supported at least for 18 months." msgstr "Rilis Mageia didukung setidaknya selama 18 bulan." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +52" msgid "Mageia 4 will be supported until August 1st, 2015." msgstr "Mageia 4 akan didukung hingga 1 Agustus 2015." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +52" msgid "Mageia 4 was supported until August 1st, 2015." msgstr "Mageia 4 didukung hingga 1 Agustus 2015." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +53" msgid "Mageia 3 was supported until November 26th, 2014." msgstr "Mageia 3 telah didukung hingga 26 November 2014." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +54" msgid "Mageia 2 was supported until November 22nd, 2013." msgstr "Mageia 2 didukung hingga 22 November 2013." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +55" msgid "Mageia 1 was supported until December 1st, 2012." msgstr "Mageia 1 didukung hingga 1 Desember 2012." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +60" msgid "If you need help, information or directions about the Mageia distribution you installed or about the project, you can try to reach us through:" msgstr "Jika kamu perlu bantuan, informasi atau petunjuk tentang distribusi Mageia yang kamu install atau tentang proyek, kamu bisa menghubungi kami melalui:" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +63" msgid "Community support forums in English – see other Mageia community forums for support in your language;" msgstr "Forum dukungan Komunitas dalam bahasa Inggris – lihat forum komunitas Mageia lainnya untuk dukungan dalam bahasamu;" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +64" msgid "IRC channels where you can discuss live with other Mageia users and contributors: #mageia or other localized channels;" msgstr "Canel IRC di mana kamu bisa berdiskusi secara langsung dengan pengguna Mageia lain dan para kontributor: #mageia atau canel lokal lainnya;" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +65" msgid "our Wiki (still rough at the time, we are working on it!);" msgstr "Wiki kami (saat ini masih belum rapi, kami sedang mengerjakannya!);" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +66" msgid "our mailing-lists;" msgstr "milis kami;" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +67" msgid "local events: follow our blog and calendar." msgstr "kegiatan lokal: ikuti blog dan kalender kami." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +72" msgid "Mageia.Org does not provide or endorse commercial/professional support or other services around the distribution. But there are organizations providing such services and more." msgstr "Mageia.Org tidak menyediakan atau menyarankan dukungan komersial/profesional atau layanan lain seputar distribusi. Tapi ada banyak organisasi yang menyediakan layanan serupa." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +73" msgid "Please check the commercial vendors list" msgstr "Silakan lihat daftar vendor komersial" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +73" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Commercial_vendors" msgstr "" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +78" msgid "Mageia software runs on most x86 computer systems available as of today, April 2011." msgstr "Software Mageia berjalan di hampir semua sistem komputer x86 yang ada saat ini, April 2011." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +79" msgid "You can follow this hardware requirements list:" msgstr "Kamu bisa mengikuti daftar persyaratan hardware ini:" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +82" msgid "Processor: any AMD, Intel or VIA processor;" msgstr "Processor: AMD, Intel atau VIA tipe apapun;" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +83" msgid "Memory (RAM): 512MB minimum, 2GB recommended;" msgstr "Memory (RAM): 512MB minimal, 2GB disarankan;" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +84" msgid "Storage (HDD): 1GB for a minimal installation, 6GB for a full setup;" msgstr "Ruang penyimpanan (HDD): 1GB untuk instalasi minimal, 6GB untuk pengaturan penuh;" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +85" msgid "Optical drive: CD or DVD depending on the ISO you use (network, USB key installation available);" msgstr "Drive optik: CD atau DVD tergantung pada ISO yang digunakan (tersedia instalasi jaringan dan USB);" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +86" msgid "Graphic card: any ATI, Intel, Matrox, nVidia, SiS or VIA graphic card;" msgstr "Perangkat grafis: ATI, Intel, Matrox, nVidia, SiS atau VIA tipe apapun;" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +87" msgid "Sound card: any AC97, HDA or Sound Blaster sound card." msgstr "Perangkat suara: AC97, HDA atau Sound Blaster tipe apapun." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +90" msgid "For some kinds of hardware (Wi-Fi chipsets, 3D graphic cards) to work properly, specific firmware or software may be needed, this is available in a specific online repository called \"nonfree\" (learn more)." msgstr "Untuk beberapa jenis hardware (chipset Wi-Fi, perangkat grafis 3D) untuk bisa berjalan dengan baik, firmware atau software spesifik mungkin diperlukan, ini tersedia dalam repositori online spesifik bernama \"nonfree\" (pelajari lebih lanjut)." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +91" msgid "We may set up a hardware compatibility list/directory as well as a hardware certification process; but that's still at the planning stage. Feel free to join/contact our Web and QA teams if you would like to help in this regard." msgstr "Kami mungkin mengatur daftar/direktori kompatibilitas hardware serta proses sertifikasi hardware; tapi masih dalam tahap perencanaan. Jangan ragu untuk bergabung/menghubungi tim Web dan QA kami jika kamu ingin membantu." #: "/web/en/support/index.php +91" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Web_team" msgstr "" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +91" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/QA_Team" msgstr "" #: "/web/en/support/index.php +95" msgid "You may check and report bugs on our Bugzilla (bugs.mageia.org)." msgstr "Kamu bisa mencari dan melaporkan bug ke Bugzilla kami (bugs.mageia.org)."