# gettext catalog for community web page(s)
# Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 Mageia
# This file is distributed under the same license as
# the content of the corresponding web page(s).
# Generated by extract2gettext.php
# Domain: community
# include translation strings from:
# en/community/index.php
# lib/news.php
# Translators:
# Kiki <kiki.syahadat@yahoo.co.id>, 2015
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Mageia\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mageia-i18n@mageia.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-04-28 19:25:17+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-25 05:04+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Kiki <kiki.syahadat@yahoo.co.id>\n"
"Language-Team: Indonesian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/mageia/language/id/)\n"
"Language: id\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +15"
msgid "Mageia Community"
msgstr "Komunitas Mageia"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +16"
msgid "Mageia Community Central is the place where all contributors and users can find the latest news about Mageia and learn more about what to do in the project."
msgstr "Pusat Komunitas Mageia adalah tempat di mana kontributor dan pengguna bisa menemukan berita aktual tentang Mageia dan mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang apa yang dilakukan di dalam proyek."

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +17"
msgid "mageia, community, news, tools, tasks"
msgstr "mageia, komunitas, berita, peralatan, tugas"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +33"
msgid "Mageia Community Central"
msgstr "Pusat Komunitas Mageia"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +35"
msgid "https://blog.mageia.org/en/"
msgstr "https://blog.mageia.org"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +35"
msgid "Blog"
msgstr "Blog"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +36"
msgid "https://planet.mageia.org/en/"
msgstr "https://planet.mageia.org"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +36"
msgid "Planet"
msgstr "Planet"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +37"
msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/IRC"
msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/IRC"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +38"
msgid "https://forum.mageia.org/en/"
msgstr "https://forum.mageia.org"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +38"
msgid "Forums"
msgstr "Forum"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +39"
msgid "Mailing-lists"
msgstr "Milis"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +40"
msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/"
msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +42"
msgid "Mageia Applications Database"
msgstr "Basis Data Aplikasi Mageia"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +43"
msgid "Calendar"
msgstr "Kalender"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +44"
msgid "People"
msgstr "Orang-orang"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +51"
msgid "News"
msgstr "Berita"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +71"
msgid "How to contribute?"
msgstr "Bagaimana cara berkontribusi?"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +73"
msgid "Start here"
msgstr "Mulai dari sini"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +74"
msgid "and meet us on <a href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/IRC\">IRC</a>."
msgstr "dan temui kami di <a href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/IRC\">IRC</a>."

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +75"
msgid "You can also <a href=\"../donate/\">support financially</a> the project!"
msgstr "Kamu juga bisa <a href=\"../donate/\">mendukung keuangan</a> proyek!"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +78"
msgid "Toolbox"
msgstr "Toolbox"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +80"
msgid "Wiki</a> &larr; collaborative documentation"
msgstr "Wiki</a> &larr; dokumentasi kolaboratif"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +81"
msgid "Bugzilla</a> &larr; to report bugs"
msgstr "Bugzilla</a> &larr; untuk melapor bug"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +87"
msgid "For developers &amp; packagers"
msgstr "Untuk pengembang &amp; pemaket"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +89"
msgid "Subversion"
msgstr "Subversion"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +90"
msgid "Git</a> code repositories"
msgstr "kode repositori Git</a>"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +91"
msgid "Packages submission queue"
msgstr "Antrian pengajuan paket"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +92"
msgid "unmaintained packages"
msgstr "paket yang tidak diproduksi"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +93"
msgid "Global QA report"
msgstr "Laporan global QA"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +97"
msgid "Conversations"
msgstr "Percakapan"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +98"
msgid "... or, how to get in touch with us? Easy:"
msgstr "... atau, bagaimana cara berhubungan dengan kami? Mudah:"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +100"
msgid "IRC</a> on Freenode"
msgstr "IRC</a> pada Freenode"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +101"
msgid "\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mailing_lists\" hreflang=\"en\""
msgstr "\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mailing_lists\" hreflang=\"en\""

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +104"
msgid "in real life!"
msgstr "di dunia nyata!"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +105"
msgid "\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Events\" hreflang=\"en\""
msgstr "\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Events\" hreflang=\"en\""

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +105"
msgid "during events!"
msgstr "selama kegiatan!"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +108"
msgid "Teams you can join!"
msgstr "Tim yang kamu bisa bergabung!"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +110"
msgid "\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Atelier_team\" hreflang=\"en\""
msgstr "\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Atelier_team\" hreflang=\"en\""

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +110"
msgid "Atelier"
msgstr "Artistik"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +111"
msgid "\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Documentation_team\" hreflang=\"en\""
msgstr "\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Documentation_team\" hreflang=\"en\""

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +111"
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Dokumentasi"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +112"
msgid "\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Packagers_Team\" hreflang=\"en\""
msgstr "\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Packagers_Team\" hreflang=\"en\""

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +112"
msgid "Packaging"
msgstr "Pemaketan"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +113"
msgid "\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/QA_Team\" hreflang=\"en\""
msgstr "\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/QA_Team\" hreflang=\"en\""

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +113"
msgid "Testing &amp; <abbr title=\"Quality Assurance\">QA</abbr>"
msgstr "Pengujian &amp; <abbr title=\"Jaminan Kualitas\">QA</abbr>"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +114"
msgid "\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Internationalisation_Team_(i18n)\" hreflang=\"en\""
msgstr "\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Internationalisation_Team_(i18n)\" hreflang=\"en\""

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +114"
msgid "Translation"
msgstr "Terjemahan"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +115"
msgid "\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Sysadmin_Team\" hreflang=\"en\""
msgstr "\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Sysadmin_Team\" hreflang=\"en\""

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +115"
msgid "Systems &amp; infrastructure administration"
msgstr "Administrasi sistem &amp; infrastruktur"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +116"
msgid "\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Bugsquad\" hreflang=\"en\""
msgstr "\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Bugsquad\" hreflang=\"en\""

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +116"
msgid "Bugs triaging"
msgstr "Penyortiran bug"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +128"
msgid "Mageia"
msgstr "Mageia"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +130"
msgid "More about Mageia"
msgstr "Lebih lanjut tentang Mageia"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +131"
msgid "Our <a href=\"../about/code-of-conduct/\">code of conduct</a> and <a href=\"../about/values/\">values</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"../about/code-of-conduct/\">Kode etik</a> dan <a href=\"../about/values/\">nilai</a> kami"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +132"
msgid "\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Org\" hreflang=\"en\""
msgstr "\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Org\" hreflang=\"en\""

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +132"
msgid "Our governance model</a> and structure:"
msgstr "Model tata kelola</a> dan struktur kami:"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +134"
msgid "\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Special:Search?search=teams\" hreflang=\"en\""
msgstr "\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Special:Search?search=teams\" hreflang=\"en\""

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +134"
msgid "Teams"
msgstr "Tim"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +135"
msgid "\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Org_Council\" hreflang=\"en\""
msgstr "\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Org_Council\" hreflang=\"en\""

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +135"
msgid "the Council"
msgstr "Majelis"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +136"
msgid "\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Org_Board\" hreflang=\"en\""
msgstr "\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Org_Board\" hreflang=\"en\""

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +136"
msgid "the Board"
msgstr "Dewan"

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +138"
msgid "<a href=\"../donate/\">Donations</a> &amp; <a href=\"../about/reports/\">reports</a>."
msgstr "<a href=\"../donate/\">Donasi</a> &amp; <a href=\"../about/reports/\">laporan</a>."

#: "/web/en/community/index.php +143"
msgid "This page needs you! <a href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Web_team\">Join the Web team</a>!"
msgstr "Halaman ini membutuhkanmu! <a href=\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Web_team\">Bergabunglah di tim Web</a>!"

#~ msgid "Jan"
#~ msgstr "Jan"

#~ msgid "Feb"
#~ msgstr "Feb"

#~ msgid "Mar"
#~ msgstr "Mar"

#~ msgid "Apr"
#~ msgstr "Apr"

#~ msgid "May"
#~ msgstr "Mei"

#~ msgid "Jun"
#~ msgstr "Jun"

#~ msgid "Jul"
#~ msgstr "Jul"

#~ msgid "Aug"
#~ msgstr "Agu"

#~ msgid "Sep"
#~ msgstr "Sep"

#~ msgid "Oct"
#~ msgstr "Okt"

#~ msgid "Nov"
#~ msgstr "Nov"

#~ msgid "Dec"
#~ msgstr "Des"

#~ msgid "M d Y"
#~ msgstr "d M Y"