# gettext catalog for contribute web page(s) # Copyright (C) 2014 - 2014 Mageia # This file is distributed under the same license as # the content of the corresponding web page(s). # # Generated by extract2gettext.php # Domain: contribute # # include translation strings from: # en/contribute/index.php # # Translators: # Egoitz Rodriguez Obieta , 2014 # Egoitz Rodriguez Obieta , 2014 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Mageia\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mageia-i18n@mageia.org\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-20 18:32:10+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-11 18:07+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Egoitz Rodriguez Obieta \n" "Language-Team: Basque (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/mageia/language/eu/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: eu\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +12" msgid "Contribute to Mageia" msgstr "Mageian lagundu ezazu" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +13" msgid "Here you can find out, how to contribute to the Mageia project" msgstr "Hemen aurkitu ahal izango duzu, nola egin Mageia proiektuan parte hartzeko" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +14" msgid "mageia, contribute, howto, operating system" msgstr "mageia, lagundu, nola egin, sistema eragilea" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +27" msgid "" "Many people from all over the world gather to build Mageia – a Linux-" "based operating system and a lively, fun community for building Free Software projects." msgstr "Mundu osoko jende asko biltzen da mageia – Linux-en oinarritutako sistema eragile bat eraikitzeko eta bizia Software Librea proiektuak eraikitzeko." #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +28" msgid "" "Contributing is open to anyone, this is Free Software! If you are curious " "and willing to join, there are things you can do, depending on your time and" " skills; you will always find someone to welcome and help/mentor you if " "needed so that your contribution to the project can be as good as it can be!" msgstr "Laguntzea edozein pertsonarentzako irekirik dago, hau da Software Librea! Jakingura eta lagunkoi elkartzen bazara, zure denboraren eta abilezien arabera, egin ditzakezun gauzak; ongietorria egiteko eta norbaitek zuri laguntza/aholkularitzaa emateko beti aurkituko duzu, beharrezkoa bada proiekturako zure kontribuzioa izan daitekeen bezain ona izan ahal izateko!" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +29" msgid "Check what you could do below!" msgstr "Begiratu zer egin dezakezun!" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +33" msgid "Time" msgstr "Denbora" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +34" msgid "" "How much free time do you have? and how much of it do you want to commit to " "Mageia? See what you can do:" msgstr "Zenbat denbora libre daukazu? eta bertatik zenbat konprometitu dezakezu mageia-ri? Ikusi zer egin dezakezu:" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +37" msgid "A few minutes" msgstr " Zenbait minutu" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +39" msgid "" "Stop by the forums support " "section and check if you can answer a question." msgstr "Mageia foroen laguntza atalean gelditu eta egiaztatu zuk galdera erantzun dezakezula." #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +40" msgid "" "Talk about the project to people around you, on your blog, your Twitter " "account, at your work place." msgstr "Zure inguruan jendeari proiektuari buruz hitz egin, zure blogean, zure Twitter kontuan, zure lan leku berean." #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +41" msgid "" "If you encounter a bug you can reproduce consistently, submit a bug report." msgstr "Akatsen bat koherentziaz erreproduzitu egiten baduzu, akats txosten bat aurkeztu." #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +42" msgid "Make a donation!" msgstr "Dohaintza bat egin!" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +46" msgid "A few hours" msgstr "Zenbait ordu" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +48" msgid "" "Stop by a Mageia event, like a test day to find, reproduce and help resolve " "bugs." msgstr "Mageia ekitaldi batetatik pasa, proba egun bat bezala eta akatsak aurkitu, errepoduzitu eta ebazten lagundu." #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +49" msgid "" "Subscribe to a team discussion list and follow what happens there, try to " "see how you can bring something useful to it." msgstr "Talde eztabaida zerrenda bat eman eta zer gertatzen den han jarraitu, saiatu zerbait erabilgarria nola ekarri ahal izango duzun ikusten." #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +53" msgid "A few weeks or more" msgstr "Zenbait aste edo gehiago" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +55" msgid "" "Learn about free software, open source collaboration in general, and Mageia " "in particular." msgstr "Software librea, kode irekia lankidetzari buruz ikasi orokorrean, eta mageia-ri buruz bereziki." #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +56" msgid "" "If you are a student, consider talking to your tutor about participating " "into the project as part of your studies; you don't specifically need to be " "studying Computer Science to do so." msgstr "Ikaslea bazara, proiektuan parte hartzeari buruz zure tutorearekin hitz egitea kontuan eduki ezazu zure ikasketen zati gisa; ez zara espezifikoki Informatika ikasten ari behar." #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +64" msgid "Roles" msgstr "Rolak" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +67" msgid "Helping users & advocating the project" msgstr "Erabiltzaileak laguntzen & projektua defendatzen" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +68" msgid "" "Want to welcome and help new users or share tips with experienced ones? In " "IRC channels, forums, mailing-lists, local " "events? Just get in touch with us via one of these channels and share the " "fun!" msgstr "Ongietorria emateko eta erabiltzaile berriei laguntzeko edo partekatu experientziadunen aholkuak? IRC kanaletan, foroetan, posta zerrendetan, ekintza lokaletan? Besterik gabe gurekin harremanetan jartzeko bide horietako baten bidez eta dibertsioa partekatu!" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +71" msgid "Writing, copywriting and documenting" msgstr "Idazketa, idazkera eta dokumentazioa" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +72" msgid "" "You have a taste for practical, clear, concise, proofread, nice writing? You" " like to take the challenge of explaining clearly complex ideas or systems " "and teaching others? You know how to mix form & content to push the " "right message? Get in touch with our Documentation " "team!" msgstr "Baduzu praktiko, argi, labur, zuzenduta, on idaztearen gustu bat? Gogoko duzu ideia argi konplexuak edo sistemak azaltzearen eta beste batzuei irakastearen erronka hartzea? Formularioak nahasten & mezu egokia bultzatzeko asebete badakizu? Gure Dokumentazio-taldearekin harremanetan jarri zaitez!" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +75" msgid "Translating" msgstr "Itzultzen" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +76" msgid "" "Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! Clarifying, completing, " "improving translations of software, guides, tutorials, Web sites, marketing " "material, etc. happens thanks to the effort of so many contributors. Join them!" msgstr "Mageia 180 hizkuntza baino gehiagotan lokalizatuta dago! Argitzeko, osatzeko, software, gidak, tutorialak, web guneak, marketing material eta abarren itzulpenak hobetzeko, hainbeste laguntzaileen esker. Parte hartu haiekin!" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +79" msgid "Triaging" msgstr "Zahartzen" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +80" msgid "" "Bugs happen! And some get reported. So, logically they need to be triaged to" " make the task of the packagers/developers fixing them easier: validation " "(is the bug reproducible?), collecting the needed debugging info from the " "reporter, assigning the report properly. Grow the Triage team and " "be the link between users who report bugs in the forums or mailing-lists, " "and the Mageia Bugzilla used by " "developers." msgstr "Akatsak gertatzen dira! Eta batzuk jakinarazten dira. Haiek finkatuz paketatze/gararzileen zeregina errazago egiteko sailkapen logikoki, hala, behar dute: balidazioa (akatsa erreproduzigarria da?), txostena zentzu hertsian esleituz, behar izandako arazketa-informazioa berriemailearengandik bildu. Sailkapen-taldea hazi ezazu eta akatsak foroetan edo bidalketa-zerrendetan jakinarazten dituzten erabiltzaileren, eta Mageia Bugzilla erbiltzen duten garatazileen arteko lotura." #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +83" msgid "Testing & QA" msgstr "Frogatzen & QA" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +84" msgid "" "We can't ship software if we are not confident it works well! Testers and QA people make " "sure what we do (software, packages, ISO's, Web sites) match our " "expectations for quality before they reach users." msgstr "Ezin dugu softwarerik bidali ongi funtzionatzen duen seguru ez bagara! Probatzaileak eta QA jendeak ziurtatzen du zer egiten dugun (softwarea, paketeak, ISOa, Webguneak) gure kalitate itxaropenak bat etortzeko erabiltzaileak irisi aurretik." #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +87" msgid "Marketing, Communication & Evangelism" msgstr "Marketing Komunikabideak & Ebangelizazioa" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +88" msgid "" "Better understanding of who uses and contributes to the project to help them" " even more, making sure the Mageia voice is consistent and heard, that's a " "job for the marcomm " "team (Marketing and Communication), on both global and local scales." msgstr "Nork erabiltzen duen, eta proiektuan laguntzen duen are hobeto ulertu dezaten,Mageia-ahotsa koherentea eta entzuten dela, hori ziurtatzeko lan bat dela marcomm taldea (Marketing eta Komunikazioa), bai eskalak global eta lokalean." #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +91" msgid "Graphic & UI design" msgstr "Grafikoa & UI diseinua" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +92" msgid "" "Software isn't only about code neither is Mageia only about technology. So " "make it human, practical and beautiful! If you have a talent and experience " "in graphic design, ergonomics join the artwork team!" msgstr "Software ez da kodearen gainean soilik ez da Mageia-ren teknologiari buruz soilik. Bihozbera, praktiko eta ederra izan bezain laster! Zuk badituzu talentua eta diseinu grafikoan esperientzia, ergonomian elkartu artwork taldearekin!" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +95" msgid "Coding & packaging" msgstr "Kodeketa & paketatze" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +96" msgid "" "Contribute to the core of the distribution with your technical skills! " "Adding, fixing, patching and maintaining software to be included in the " "distribution, from upstream projects or from Mageia-specific sources. Join " "the Packagers " "team!" msgstr "Distribuzioaren oinarriari zuree trebetasun teknikoekin lagundu! Gehituz, zuzenduz, adabakia jarriz, eta distribuzioan sartzeko softwarea mantenduz, goian uretako edo Mageia iturrietako proiektu espezifikoetako. Elkar zaitez\nPaketatze taldera!" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +99" msgid "Web, tools, systems design & administration" msgstr "Web-a, tresnak, sistema dineinua & adminiztrazioa" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +100" msgid "" "Mageia depends on infrastructure and tools that enable everyone to " "collaborate. These need experts to build, maintain, develop, provide and " "manage servers, connections, security, applications, data flow, etc. It " "takes from system " "administrators to Web " "designers/developers/integrators to manage this huge task." msgstr "Mageia azpiegitura eta kolaboratu dute denek ahalbidetzen duten tresnak araberakoa da. Hauek adituak behar dituzte eraiki eta mantentzeko, garatzeko, zerbitzariak hornitzeko eta kudeatzeko, konexioetarako, segurtasunerako, aplikazioentzako, datu-fluxuaentzako, eta abar. Sistemen administratzaileetatik hartzen da zeregin erraldoi hau kudeatzeko." #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +103" msgid "Mirroring" msgstr "Mirroring" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +104" msgid "" "Making all the software provided by Mageia available requires several mirrors around the world, " "to distribute ISO's and software packages. If you have some disk space and " "bandwidth to share, please see" " how you can provide an official Mageia mirror." msgstr "Mageiak hornitutako software guztia egiteak munduaren inguruko hainbat ispilu behar ditu, ISOak eta software peketeak banatzeko. Disko lekua eta banda partekatzerik badaukazu, ikus Mageia ispilu ofiziala nola hornitu dezakezun." #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +107" msgid "Donating" msgstr "Dahaintza" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +108" msgid "" "Financial donations help us allocate specific tasks, secure our " "infrastructure, fund events, goodies & transportation. 200+ persons already expressed their trust in us with" " their money, hardware or other resources. We keep a public record of what we get and how we use " "it." msgstr "Finantza dohaintzak zeregin zehatzak esleitu dizkigu, gure azpiegitura, fondo gertaerak, goodies & amp; garraioa ziurtatzeko. 200 + pertsona dagoeneko euren konfiantza adierazi dute gugan euren diru, hardware edo beste baliabide batzuekin. Zer lortu eta nola erabiltzen dugun erregistro publiko bat mantentzen dugu." #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +111" msgid "Data mining" msgstr "Datu meatzaritza" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +112" msgid "" "There are tons of data out there, most of which we don't use, or even know " "about. If you like to grab and analyze data to reveal & visualize it to " "spot what we can do even better, get in touch!" msgstr "Datu tonak daude, baina horietatik gehienak ez ditugu erabiltzen, edo, edo are ezagutzen. Gustatzen bazaizu hartzea & ezagutaraztea, ukitzen egotea, oraindik hobe egin dezakegu, hura antzematera, ikusaraztea, datuak analizatzea!" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +115" msgid "Designing, experimenting, revealing the unknown" msgstr "Diseinatzen, esperimentatzen, ezezagun agerian utziz" #: "/web/en/contribute/index.php +116" msgid "" "Ideas are great, actionable prototypes are even better. The Mageia project " "is not only about making a different Linux distribution but also about " "building new products and experiences with it and with the data around it." msgstr "Ideiak handiak dira, prototipoak are hobeak dira. Mageia-proiektua da Linux-distribuzio desberdin bat egiteari buruz ez ezik produktu berriak eta harekin eta haren inguruko datuekin esperientziak eraikitzeari buruz."