# gettext catalog for contact web page(s) # Copyright (C) 2014 - 2014 Mageia # This file is distributed under the same license as # the content of the corresponding web page(s). # # Generated by extract2gettext.php # Domain: contact # # include translation strings from: # en/contact/index.php # # Translators: # Egoitz Rodriguez Obieta , 2014 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Mageia\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mageia-i18n@mageia.org\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-05-04 21:24:55+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-11 18:07+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Egoitz Rodriguez Obieta \n" "Language-Team: Basque (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/mageia/language/eu/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: eu\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" #: "/web/en/contact/index.php +10" msgid "Contact Us" msgstr "Gurekin harremanetan jarri" #: "/web/en/contact/index.php +11" msgid "Here you can find out, how to contribute to the Mageia project" msgstr "Hemen aurkitu ahal izango duzu, nola egin Mageia proiektuan parte hartzeko" #: "/web/en/contact/index.php +12" msgid "mageia, contact, mail, press, people, board, council, mailing lists" msgstr "mageia, kontaktu, posta, prentsa, gendea, taula, kontseilua, posta zerrenda" #: "/web/en/contact/index.php +25" msgid "You are looking for support" msgstr "Zuk laguntza bilatzen ari zara" #: "/web/en/contact/index.php +26" msgid "Search on:" msgstr "Bilatu:" #: "/web/en/contact/index.php +27" msgid "Our wiki" msgstr "Gure wikia" #: "/web/en/contact/index.php +28" msgid "In the End user doc" msgstr "Amaiera erabiltzaileari doc en" #: "/web/en/contact/index.php +30" msgid "Discuss with other users via:" msgstr "Beste erabiltzaile batzuekin eztabaidatzeko bidea:" #: "/web/en/contact/index.php +31" msgid "The forum" msgstr "Foroa" #: "/web/en/contact/index.php +32" msgid "User mailing list" msgstr "User posta zerrenda" #: "/web/en/contact/index.php +33" msgid "IRC channel" msgstr "IRC kanala" #: "/web/en/contact/index.php +34" msgid "The Google Plus community" msgstr "Google Plus-eko erkidegoa" #: "/web/en/contact/index.php +37" msgid "You would like to report an issue" msgstr "Zuk arazo baten berri eman nahi duzu " #: "/web/en/contact/index.php +38" msgid "" "Please see how to report an issue in our bugs" " database." msgstr "Mesedez, ikusi gure akats datu-basea arazo baten berri nola emateko." #: "/web/en/contact/index.php +45" msgid "You have an idea of whom to contact" msgstr "Norekin harremanetan jarrtzeko ideia bat duzu" #: "/web/en/contact/index.php +47" msgid "" "Use the discuss mailing list or the " "forums for general Mageia discussions" msgstr "Erabili eztabaida posta zerrenda edo foroak Mageia eztabaida orokorretarako" #: "/web/en/contact/index.php +48" msgid "" "Use the dev mailing list for Mageia development " "discussions" msgstr "Erabili dev posta zerrenda Mageia garapena eztabaidentzat" #: "/web/en/contact/index.php +49" msgid "" "Use one of the other " "mailing lists for discussions on other topics" msgstr "Erabili beste posta-zerrenda bat beste gaiei buruzko eztabaidentzat" #: "/web/en/contact/index.php +50" msgid "Contact the treasurer for donation questions" msgstr "Diruzainarekin harremanetan dohaintzei buruz galderarik izanez gero" #: "/web/en/contact/index.php +51" msgid "" "Contact the sysadmin team for questions about mirrors, " "problems with your Mageia identity account, or other " "problems with Mageia infrastructure (there is also a public sysadmin-discuss mailing list if your question does not need to be " "private)" msgstr "Sysadmin taldearekin harremanetan jarri ispiluei buruzko galderentzat, zure Mageia identitatearen kontua-rekin arazoak izanez gero, edo Mageia azpiegiturak dituzten beste arazo batzuk (sysadmin eztabaida publiko posta zerrenda bat ere badago zure galdera pribatua ez baldin bada)" #: "/web/en/contact/index.php +52" msgid "" "If you want to contact Council or Board for a public discussion, you can " "start a thread on a mailing-list and add the Board or Council alias in CC." msgstr "Kontseiluarekin edo kideekin harremanetan jartzeko eztabaida publiko baten parte hartzeko, posta-zerrenda baten Hari bat hasi dezakezu edo Kontseilua CC ezizenean gehitu." #: "/web/en/contact/index.php +55" msgid "" "In most cases you should avoid sending private emails and use appropriate public mailing list when possible." msgstr "Kasu gehienetan mezu elektroniko pribatuak bidaltzen saihestu behar duzu eta erabili posta zerrenda publikoa ahal denean." #: "/web/en/contact/index.php +59" msgid "You want to join and contribute to Mageia" msgstr "MAgeiari elkartu eta lagundu nahi badiozu" #: "/web/en/contact/index.php +60" msgid "Please see our Contributions page." msgstr "Mesedez ikus gure ekarpen orria." #: "/web/en/contact/index.php +64" msgid "Something particular to ask" msgstr "Zerbait berezia eskatzeko" #: "/web/en/contact/index.php +65" msgid "In English and this is not for support" msgstr "Ingelesez eta hau ez da euskarrirako" #: "/web/en/contact/index.php +70" msgid "For generic contact information." msgstr "Kontaktua informazio orokorra jasotzeko." #: "/web/en/contact/index.php +74" msgid "For press inquiries." msgstr "Prentsa kontuetarako."