# gettext catalog for 5 web page(s) # Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 Mageia # This file is distributed under the same license as # the content of the corresponding web page(s). # # Generated by extract2gettext.php # Domain: 5 # # include translation strings from: # en/5/download_index.php # en/5/nav.php # en/5/index.php # # Translators: # Egoitz Rodriguez Obieta , 2014-2015 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Mageia\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mageia-i18n@mageia.org\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-28 13:55:06+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2015-06-20 12:30+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Egoitz Rodriguez Obieta \n" "Language-Team: Basque (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/mageia/language/eu/)\n" "Language: eu\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 1.6.9\n" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +36" msgid "32 bit" msgstr "32 bit" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +39" msgid "64 bit" msgstr "64 bit" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +42" msgid "Dualarch" msgstr "arkitektura bikoitza" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +49" msgid "forthcoming" msgstr "datorren" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +67" msgid "Download" msgstr "Jaitsi" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +68" msgid "Download %s DVD, CD, LiveCD, network install ISO images." msgstr "Deskargatu Mageia %s DVD, CD, LiveCDa, sarez instalatzeko ISO irudiak." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +69" msgid "mageia, %s, linux, free, download, iso, torrent, vm, http, ftp, rsync, bittorrent" msgstr "mageia, %s, linux, libre, deskarga, iso, torrent, vm, http, ftp, rsync, bittorrent" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +149" msgid "It looks like you have JavaScript disable. Please enable it to have better render. At the end of this page there will be download link for you. But what is written between is important." msgstr "Zuk JavaScript desgaitu duzula dirudi. Mesedez gaitu hobeto errendatzeko. Orrialde honen bukaeran badira deskarga estekak zuretzat. Baina zer idazten den garrantzitsua da." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +155" msgid "Mageia is provided as ISO image files that have to be written to blank CD or DVD discs." msgstr "Mageia CD edo DVD disko zurietan idatzi behar den ISO irudi gisa ematen da." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +155" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Writing_CD_and_DVD_images" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Writing_CD_and_DVD_images" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +157" msgid "All ISOs can also be launched from a USB drive." msgstr "ISO guztiak USB unitatetik abiatu daitezke." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +157" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Installation_Media#Dump_Mageia_ISO_on_a_USB_flash_drive" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Installation_Media#Dump_Mageia_ISO_on_a_USB_flash_drive" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +159" #, fuzzy msgid "To dump a Mageia installation ISO on a USB stick, you may try one of several tools:" msgstr "Mageia instalazio ISOa USB batean iraulitzeko, hainbat tresnatako bat proba dezakezu:" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +161" msgid "For Linux, IsoDumper, available inside repo. Or any tools based on dd." msgstr "Linux-entzako, IsoDumper, eskuragarri repo barruan. Edo dd-n oinarritutako edozein tresna." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +162" msgid "Unetbootin is not supported." msgstr "Unetbootin ez da onartzen." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +164" #, fuzzy msgid "For Windows please have a look on our wiki for your options." msgstr "Begirada bat izan ezazu aukeren zerrenda bat lortzeko wiki-an." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +164" #, fuzzy msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Dump_Mageia_ISO_on_a_USB_flash_drive_-_Alternative_tools" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Installation_Media#Dump_Mageia_ISO_on_a_USB_flash_drive" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +167" msgid "\"Dumping\" an image onto a flash device destroys any prior file-system in the partition; access to any data not destroyed will be lost, and partition capacity will be reduced to the image size. In other words, all prior data on the device is at risk." msgstr "Irudi \"Isurketa\" bat flash gailu baten gainean aldez aurretiko partizio sistema suntsitzen du; suntsitu gabeko datuentzako sarbideak galduko dira, eta partizio ahalmena murriztua izango da irudiaren tamainara. Bestela esanda, gailuko aldez aurreko datu guztiak arriskuan daude." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +170" msgid "If you have UEFI, a procedure is available in the wiki." msgstr "UEFI badaukazu, prozedura wikian eskuragarri daukazu." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +170" msgid "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_Extensible_Firmware_Interface" msgstr "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_Extensible_Firmware_Interface" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +170" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Installing_on_systems_with_UEFI_firmware" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Installing_on_systems_with_UEFI_firmware" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +178" msgid "Classical Installation Flavours" msgstr "Instalazio klasiko Formak" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +180" msgid "The Classical ISO is the traditional way to install Mageia directly. Take a look at the complete documentation for this installer." msgstr "ISO Klasikoa Mageia zuzenean instalatzeko modu tradizionala da. Hartu begirada bat Instalatzaile honen dokumentazio osoari." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +182" msgid "Up to 167 locales are supported:" msgstr "167 eskualde konfigurazio onartzen dira:" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +184" msgid "and so much more!" msgstr "eta, beraz, askoz gehiago!" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +185" msgid "See the comprehensive list" msgstr "Ikus zerrenda osoa" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +188" msgid "These ISOs contains Free Software and some proprietary drivers." msgstr "ISO honek Software Librea eta jabedun kontrolatzaileak ditu." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +189" msgid "You will be asked of which kind of Software you want to install." msgstr "Ze software mota desiratzen duzun instalatzeko galdetuko dizu." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +190" msgid "The installer includes the capability of adding the online Mageia repositories during the installation, which means you can install even more packages than those available on the ISO." msgstr "Instalatzaileak instalatzen den bitartean biltegiak gehitzeko aukera dauka, horrek esan nahi du ISO horietan dagoena baino are pakete gehiago instalatu dezakezula." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +193" msgid "For 32 and 64bit, size of the ISOs is about %sGB. For the dualarch it's about %sGB." msgstr "32 eta 64 biterako, ISO tamaina %sGB ingurukoa da. Dualarch egiteko %sGB ingurukoa." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +201" msgid "LiveCDs and LiveDVDs" msgstr "LiveCDak eta LiveDVDak" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +203" msgid "Live ISO's let you try %s without installation. You can run Mageia directly from a CD, DVD or USB device, and try it using one of the graphical user interfaces such as GNOME or KDE." msgstr "Live ISOa %s instalazioa hasi gabe erabiltzen probatzen usten dizu. Mageia CD, DVD edo USB gailu batetatik exekutatu dezakezu zuzenean, eta probatu dezakezu GNOME edo KDE erabiltzaile-interfaze grafikoetako bat." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +204" msgid "If you are happy with the Mageia experience, you can then install it onto your hard drive from the Live media." msgstr "Mageiarekin esperientzia zoriontsua baduzu, orduan zure Live baliabidea instalatu dezakezu zure disko gogorrean." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +206" msgid "Use LiveCDs and LiveDVDs for fresh new installs ONLY." msgstr "Erabili LiveCDa eta LiveDVDa instalazio fresko berrietan soilik." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +207" msgid "DO NOT use these LiveCDs or LiveDVDs to upgrade from the prior Mageia release!" msgstr "EZ erbaili LiveCDak edo LiveDVDak aurreko Mageia askapenetik eguneratzeko!" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +208" msgid "Use a classical installation and see upgrade guide." msgstr "DVD edo CD bat erabili eta ikusi berritze gida." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +211" msgid "For LiveDVDs, size of the ISOs is about %sGB. For the LiveCDs it's about %sMB." msgstr "LiveDVD-rako, ISO tamaina %sGB ingurukoa da. LiveCD-rako %sMB ingurukoa." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +216" msgid "Wired Network-based Installation CD" msgstr "Kabledun sarean oinarritutako Instalakuntza CDa" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +217" msgid "Download quickly and immediately boot into install mode from wired network or a local disk." msgstr "Deskargatu azkar eta berehala baiatu instalazio modua kable saretik edo tokiko disko batean sartuta." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +218" msgid "Have a look in the wiki to get a list of possibilities." msgstr "Begirada bat izan ezazu aukeren zerrenda bat lortzeko wiki-an." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +218" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Boot.iso_install" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Boot.iso_install" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +220" msgid "Size of the ISOs is about 50MB." msgstr "ISOaren tamaina 50MB-koa da gutxigora behera" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +225" msgid "Classic Installation" msgstr "Instalazio klasikoa" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +227" msgid "Live Media" msgstr "Live baliabidea" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +229" msgid "Network Installation" msgstr "Sare Instalazioa" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +233" msgid "The dualarch is not yet available." msgstr "Arkitektura bikoitza ez dago eskuragarri." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +234" msgid "LiveCDs and LiveDVDs are not yet available." msgstr "LiveCD eta LiveDVDak ez daude ezkuragarri oraindik" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +235" msgid "Classical Installation flavours is not yet available." msgstr "Instalazio klasiko formak ez daude eskuragarri." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +245" msgid "LiveDVDs" msgstr "LiveDVDa" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +246" msgid "LiveDVDs contain all languages and is available in both 32 and 64bit." msgstr "LiveDVDak hizkuntza guztiak eta 32 zein 64 bit dauzkate ." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +250" msgid "LiveCDs" msgstr "LiveCDa" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +251" msgid "LiveCDs contain only English and is available only in 32bit." msgstr "LiveCDa soilik ingelesez eta 32 bitetan dago eskuragarri" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +252" msgid "Do not use unless you really DON'T NEED any other language than English." msgstr "Ez erabili benetan EZ BADUZU BEHAR ingelesa ez den beste edozein hizkuntzarik behintzat." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +259" msgid "English only (CD)" msgstr "Ingelesez soilik (CDa)" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +264" msgid "Desktop" msgstr "Mahaigain" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +267" msgid "GNOME Desktop" msgstr "GNOME Idaztegia" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +271" msgid "KDE Desktop" msgstr "KDE Idaztegia" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +284" msgid "Network installer" msgstr "SAre Instalatzailea" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +287" msgid "Network installer, Free Software CD" msgstr "Sare instalatzailea, Software Libre CDa" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +288" msgid "Contain only free software" msgstr "Soilik software librea dauka" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +291" msgid "Network installer + nonfree firmware CD" msgstr "Sare instalatzailea + ez-libre firmware CDa" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +292" msgid "Contain nonfree drivers needed for some disc controllers, some network cards, etc." msgstr "Disko kontrolatzaile, sare txartel batzuk, eta abar behar dituzten gidari ez-libre batzuk dauzka." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +296" msgid "Free Software CD" msgstr "Software Libre CDa" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +298" msgid "Nonfree Firmware CD" msgstr "Ez-libre firmware CDa" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +303" msgid "Supported Architecture" msgstr "Onartutako Arkitektura" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +306" msgid "Most new computers support x86-64 (also known as AMD64 and Intel64), but some laptop processors and netbook processors do not support it." msgstr "Ordenagailu berri gehienak x86-64 sostengatzen dute (AMD64 eta Intel64 bezala), baina prozesadore eramangarri batzuk eta netbook prozesadoreak gehienak ez dute onartzen." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +310" msgid "This version runs on all PCs including those that support 64 Bit. If you have more than 3 GB of RAM you should prefer the 64 Bit version though." msgstr "Bertsio honek 64 Bit zeharkatzen duten PC guztiak onartzen ditu. Zuk 3GB RAM baino gehiago baduzu 64 Biteko bertsioa arren behar duzu." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +316" msgid "The dualarch DVD contains only a minimal list of packages and a lite desktop, %s, to fit on %sGB." msgstr "Dualarch DVDa soilik pakete zerrenda minimo eta lite mahaigaina bat dauka, %s, %sGB-n sartzen da." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +318" msgid "Dual iso size is intended to be small for advanced users, only network proprietary drivers are included." msgstr "Dual iso tamaina xedea erabiltzaile aurreratuentzako txikia izan daiteke, soilik jabedun sare gidariak sartuta daude." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +319" msgid "You will have to add remote nonfree media if you need some more." msgstr "Urruneko hedabide ez-libreak gehitu bherko duzu pixka bat gehiago behar baduzu." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +320" msgid "Furthermore UEFI is not supported." msgstr "Gainera UEFI ez da onartzen." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +322" msgid "It can be used to install either a 32bit system or a 64bit system, the installer defaults to x86_64 when it detects a 64bit capable CPU." msgstr "Bai 32biteko sistema edo 64biteko sistema bat instalatzeko erabil daiteke, lehenetsitako instalatzaileak 64biteko CPU bat detektatzen du x86_64 izateko." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +323" msgid "This ISO is generally for advanced users and system administrator for fast deployment of Mageia." msgstr "ISO hau, oro har, Mageiaren erabiltzaile aurreratu eta sistema kudeatzaileen hedapena azkarra da." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +337" msgid "Download Method" msgstr "Deskarga modua" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +339" msgid "Direct Link" msgstr "Zuzeneko Esteka" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +340" msgid "You will be redirected to a HTTP or FTP mirror." msgstr "HTTP edo FTP ispilu batera birbideratua izango zara." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +346" msgid "BitTorrent" msgstr "BitTorrent" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +347" msgid "We recommend you to use BitTorrent for downloading as it usually give a higher speeds and more reliable download of large files." msgstr "Guk zuri gomendatzen dizugu BitTorrent erabiltzea deskargatzeko, normalean baino abiadura handiagoa ematen du eta fitxategi handien deskargak fidagarriagoak dira." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +347" msgid "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitTorrent" msgstr "http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitTorrent" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +348" msgid "BitTorrent link are not yet available." msgstr "BitTorrent esteka ez dago eskuragarri oraindik." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +365" msgid "Format" msgstr "Formatuak" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +366" msgid "link" msgstr "esteka" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +487" msgid "Release notes" msgstr "Bertsio oharrak" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +488" msgid "More about known issues or limitation in installation and usage" msgstr "Gai ezagunei edo instalazioari eta erabilerari buruz gehiago" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +489" msgid "Which to choose" msgstr "Zein aukeratu" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +489" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Installation_Media" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Installation_Media" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +490" msgid "Get ISO on USB flash drive" msgstr "Lortu ISOa USB flash makilean" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +491" msgid "Newcomer? Here's a wiki page for you." msgstr "Heldu berria? Hona hemen wiki orri bat zuretzat." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +491" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Newcomers_start_here" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Newcomers_start_here" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +492" msgid "Help us on %s" msgstr "%s-n lagundu gaitzazu" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +495" msgid "Upgrading
from %s ?" msgstr "Mageia %s-tik
berritzen?" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +498" msgid "do not use LiveCDs;" msgstr "ez erabili LiveCDak;" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +499" msgid "see the upgrade guide" msgstr "ikusi berritze gidan" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +502" msgid "Looking for %s ?" msgstr "Looking for Mageia %s?" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +504" msgid "It is here." msgstr "Orain hemen da." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +506" msgid "But please remember that it will soon reach EOL." msgstr "Baina mesedez, gogoratu laster EOL izango dela." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +507" msgid "But please remember that it already reached EOL." msgstr "Baina mesedez, gogoratu dagoeneko EOL iritsi dela." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +511" msgid "Need more challenge?" msgstr "Erronka gehiago behar duzu?" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +512" msgid "You can help us on %s." msgstr "Zuk lagundu gaitzakezu Mageia %s-an." #: "/web/en/5/nav.php +3" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_5_Release_Notes" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_5_Release_Notes" #: "/web/en/5/nav.php +4" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_5_Errata" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_5_Errata" #: "/web/en/5/nav.php +5" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_5_Release_Notes#Upgrading_from_Mageia_4" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_5_Release_Notes#Upgrading_from_Mageia_4" #: "/web/en/5/nav.php +12" msgid "Errata" msgstr "Huts zerrenda" #: "/web/en/5/nav.php +13" msgid "Bugs Reports" msgstr "Akats Txostenak" #: "/web/en/5/index.php +12" msgid "Mageia 5" msgstr "Mageia 5" #: "/web/en/5/index.php +14" msgid "Mageia 5 is the new, solid, stable Linux distribution from the Mageia project." msgstr "Mageia 5 berria, sendoa, Mageia proiektuaren Linux distribuzio egonkorra da." #: "/web/en/5/index.php +34" msgid "About Mageia 5" msgstr "Mageia 5-ri buruz" #: "/web/en/5/index.php +36" msgid "Mageia 5 is a GNU/Linux distribution for your computer, released by the Mageia community. It can be installed in several ways, with the Live or Classical ISOs being the most popular methods." msgstr "Mageia 5 ordenagailuentzako Mageia erkidegoak askatutako GNU/Linux distribuzio bat da. Modu ezberdinak erabiliz instalatu daiteke, Live ISOa edo metodo Klasikoa ezagunenak izanik." #: "/web/en/5/index.php +38" msgid "Download it right away!" msgstr "Deskargatu berehala!" #: "/web/en/5/index.php +40" msgid "Live ISO's let you try Mageia without installation. Use these instructions to put the Live ISO on a CD, DVD or USB device. Then you can run Mageia 5 directly from there, and try Mageia using one of the graphical user interfaces such as GNOME or KDE." msgstr "Mageia Live ISOa instalazioa hasi gabe erabiltzen saiatu. Argibide hauek erabili Live ISOa CD, DVD edo USB gailu batean jartzeko. Gero hortik Mageia 5 exekutatu dezakezu zuzenean, eta Mageia probatu dezakezu GNOME edo KDE erabiltzaile-interfaze grafikoetako bat erabiliz adibidez." #: "/web/en/5/index.php +43" msgid "The Classical ISO is the more traditional way to install Mageia directly. Take a look at the complete documentation for this installer." msgstr "ISO Klasikoa Mageia zuzenean instalatzeko modu tradizionala da. Hartu begirada bat Instalatzaile honen dokumentazio osoari." #: "/web/en/5/index.php +45" msgid "Mageia 5 includes several desktop managers including KDE, Gnome, XFCE, Mate, and Cinnamon." msgstr "Mageia 5 hainbat idazmahai kudeatzaile KDE, Gnome, Xfce, Mate, eta Cinnamon barne hartzen ditu." #: "/web/en/5/index.php +47" msgid "There are lots of applications in the official repositories. You can have a look at the Mageia Application Database to get a complete list of packages inside Mageia." msgstr "Biltegi ofizialetan aplikazio asko daude. Mageia Aplikazio Datubasean begirada bat bota Mageia barruko pakete zerrenda osoa lortzeko." #: "/web/en/5/index.php +49" msgid "What's new?" msgstr "Zer berri?" #: "/web/en/5/index.php +51" msgid "There's plenty of new goodness in Mageia 5, too much to include here - see the release notes for an extensive exposé." msgstr " Mageia 5 ontasun berri ugari dago, gehiegi hemen sartzeko, besteak beste - ikus bertsio oharrak azalpen xehe batentzat." #: "/web/en/5/index.php +53" msgid "There is one feature worth mentioning here. It took a lot of effort and time but it was worth it. Mageia 5 supports UEFI, which means it’s now even easier to install it on recent hardware." msgstr "Bada ezaugarri bat hemen aipatu behar dena. Ahalegin eta denbora asko hartu du, baina merezi izan du. Mageia 5 UEFI onartzen du, horrek esan nahi du, orain are errazagoa dela hardware berrietan instalatzea." #: "/web/en/5/index.php +54" msgid "https://blog.mageia.org/en/2015/05/30/waiting-for-mageia-5-spotlight-on-uefi-support/" msgstr "https://blog.mageia.org/en/2015/05/30/waiting-for-mageia-5-spotlight-on-uefi-support/" #: "/web/en/5/index.php +56" msgid "To help users configure and use Mageia, and to provide some information about the community and the project, there's a program called MageiaWelcome. It starts automatically when a session opens for the first time in any of the graphical environments." msgstr "Erabiltzaileei Mageia erabilitzen eta konfiguratzen laguntzeko, eta komunitateari eta proiektuari buruzko informazioa emateko, MageiaWelcome berria gehitu dugu. Automatikoki hasiko da saio bat edozein ingurune grafiko lehen aldiz irekitzen denean." #: "/web/en/5/index.php +56" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Feature:MageiaWelcome" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Feature:MageiaWelcome" #: "/web/en/5/index.php +73" msgid "Mageia Control Center" msgstr "Mageia Kontrol Gunea" #: "/web/en/5/index.php +85" msgid "Mageia in context" msgstr "Mageia testuinguruan" #: "/web/en/5/index.php +87" msgid "Mageia is both a Community and a Linux Distribution, with Mageia 5 being our fifth release." msgstr "Mageia bai Erkidego baita Linux Distribuzio bat da, Mageia 5 gure bostgarren askatzea da." #: "/web/en/5/index.php +89" msgid "Mageia 5 is supported by the Mageia.org nonprofit organisation, which is governed by a body of recognized and elected contributors." msgstr "Mageia 5 Mageia.org irabazi-asmorik gabeko erakundeak babesten du, onespen eta hautatuatako laguntzaileen gorputz batek gobernatua." #: "/web/en/5/index.php +91" msgid "Mageia 5 has been made by more than 100 people from all around the world." msgstr "Mageia 5 mundu osoko 100 pertsona baino gehiagok egin dute." #: "/web/en/5/index.php +93" msgid "Our work adds to the excellent work of the wider Linux and Free Software community. We aim to blend all the excellent work done by the community, adding the special Mageia ingredients, to bring you the best, most stable, reliable and enjoyable experience we can make for regular users, developers and businesses." msgstr "Gure lana gehitzen zaie Linux-ek oro har egindako lanari eta Software Libre-komunitateari. Gure helburua da erregular erabiltzaile, garatzaileentzat eta enpresetarako egin dezagun lan, Mageia-ren osagai bereziak gehituz, komunitateari esperientziarik onena ekartzeko eginda, egonkorrena, fidagarriena eta atsegin bikain guztiz konbinatzea." #: "/web/en/5/index.php +95" msgid "We welcome new contributors to any of the many different teams that go to make up Mageia the Community, and we encourage you to join us." msgstr "Ongietorria ematen diegu laguntzaile berriei, Mageia Erkidegoa osatuko duten talde desberdinetan izango direnak, eta gurekin elkartzera animatzen ditugu." #~ msgid "Dump Mageia ISO on a USB flash drive" #~ msgstr "Irauli Mageiaren ISOa USB flash drive batean" #~ msgid "Unetbootin should not be used to copy the iso image to a USB drive (see below)." #~ msgstr "Unetbootin ez da erabili behar iso irudia USB disko batetn kopiatzeko (ikus beherago)." #~ msgid "For windows use usbdumper." #~ msgstr "Windows-entzat erabili usbdumper." #~ msgid "If it show \"writing error or access denied\" try the fallowing method: run the console (cmd), then type \"diskpart\", then \"list disk\", then select your disk with \"select disk\", and type \"clean\" (it will erase the key)." #~ msgstr "\"akatsa idazterakoan edo sarbidea ukatuta\" agertzen bada saiatu hustuketa metodoa: exekutatu kontsola (cmd), ondoren idatzi \"diskpart\", gero \"list\", gero zure diskoa hautatu \"select disk\"-rekin, eta idatzi \"clean\" (gakoa ezabatu egingo da)."