# gettext catalog for cauldron web page(s) # Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 Mageia # This file is distributed under the same license as # the content of the corresponding web page(s). # # Generated by extract2gettext.php # Domain: cauldron # # include translation strings from: # en/5/download_index.php # en/5/nav.php # # Translators: # Marek Laane <bald@smail.ee>, 2014-2015. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Mageia\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mageia-i18n@mageia.org\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2015-04-27 14:58:52+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2015-05-04 12:17+0300\n" "Last-Translator: Marek Laane <bald@smail.ee>\n" "Language-Team: Estonian <i18n-et@ml.mageia.org>\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: et\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +36" msgid "32 bit" msgstr "32-bitine" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +39" msgid "64 bit" msgstr "64-bitine" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +42" msgid "Dualarch" msgstr "Nii 32- kui 64-bitine" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +49" msgid "forthcoming" msgstr "tulekul" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +67" msgid "Download" msgstr "Allalaadimine -" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +68" msgid "Download %s DVD, CD, LiveCD, network install ISO images." msgstr "" "Mageia 4 DVD, CD, LiveCD ja võrgupaigalduse ISO-tõmmiste allalaadimine." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +69" msgid "" "mageia, %s, linux, free, download, iso, torrent, vm, http, ftp, rsync, " "bittorrent" msgstr "" "mageia, mageia 4, linux, vaba, tasuta, allalaadimine, iso, torrent, http, " "ftp, rsync, bittorrent" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +144" msgid "Be careful! This is an alpha, unstable release." msgstr "Olge ettevaatlik! Tegu on beeta ehk veel ebastabiilse väljalaskega." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +145" msgid "Be careful! This is a beta, unstable release." msgstr "Olge ettevaatlik! Tegu on beeta ehk veel ebastabiilse väljalaskega." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +146" msgid "" "It is only intended for developer use. <strong>DO NOT USE THIS IN PRODUCTION" " OR FOR OFFICIAL REVIEW.</strong>" msgstr "" "See on mõeldud ainult arendajatele. <strong>ÄRGE KASUTAGE SEDA PÕHISÜSTEEMINA " "VÕI AMETLIKU ÜLEVAATE ANDMISEKS.</strong>" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +147" msgid "" "This is a Release Candidate. Release Candidate software is software that has" " graduated Beta testing, and should be a release-ready product suitable for " "advanced users and reviewers. However, beginning users and critical-" "applications users may wish to wait for the final release planned for %s." msgstr "" "See on väljalaskekandidaat. Väljalaskekandidaadi tarkvara on uuendatud ja " "beetaväljalasete ajal testitud, mistõttu see peaks olema piisavalt töökindel " "kogenud kasutajatele ja ülevaadete kirjutajatele. Vähese kogemusega ja " "kriitilise tähtsusega rakenduste kasutajad peaksid siiski ootama lõpliku " "väljalaskeni, mille plaanikohane ilmumisaeg on %s." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +147" msgid "May 2015" msgstr "mai 2015" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +147" msgid "" "Release Candidate is intended to identify any remaining bugs or missing " "packages." msgstr "" "Väljalaskekandidaat on mõeldud veel leiduvate vigade ning puuduva tarkvara " "väljaselgitamiseks." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +154" msgid "" "It looks like you have JavaScript disable. Please <a href=\"%s\">enable</a> " "it to have better render. At the <a href=\"%s\">end</a> of this page there " "will be download link for you. But what is written between is important." msgstr "" "Tundub, et JavaScript ei ole lubatud. Palun <a href=\"%s\">lubage</a> see " "parema renderdamise huvides. Lehekülje <a href=\"%s\">lõpus</a> on teile " "mõeldud allalaadimislink. Kuid oluline on ka see, mis on enne seda kirjutatud." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +160" msgid "" "Mageia is provided as ISO image files that have to be written to blank <a " "href=\"%s\">CD or DVD discs</a>." msgstr "" "Mageiat pakutakse ISO-tõmmistena, mis tuleb kirjutada tühjale <a href=\"%s\">" "CD- või DVD-plaadile</a>." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +160" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Writing_CD_and_DVD_images" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Writing_CD_and_DVD_images" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +162" msgid "All ISOs can also be launched from a <a %s>USB drive</a>." msgstr "Kõiki ISO-sid saab käivitada ka <a %s>USB-pulgalt</a>." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +163" msgid "Unetbootin is not supported." msgstr "Unetbootin ei ole toetatud." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +165" msgid "" "If you have <a href=\"%s\">UEFI</a>, a procedure is available in the <a " "href=\"%s\">wiki</a>." msgstr "" "Kui teil on <a href=\"%s\">UEFI</a>, siis kirjeldatakse protseduuri lähemalt " "<a href=\"%s\">meie wikis</a>." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +165" msgid "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_Extensible_Firmware_Interface" msgstr "http://et.wikipedia.org/wiki/EFI" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +165" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Installing_on_systems_with_UEFI_firmware" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Installing_on_systems_with_UEFI_firmware" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +168" msgid "Dump Mageia ISO on a USB flash drive" msgstr "Mageia ISO kirjutamine USB-pulgale" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +170" msgid "" "\"Dumping\" an image onto a flash device destroys any prior file-system in " "the partition; access to any data not destroyed will be lost, and partition " "capacity will be reduced to the image size. In other words, all prior data " "on the device is at risk." msgstr "" "Tõmmise kirjutamine USB-pulgale hävitab kõik varasemad failisüsteemid " "partitsioonis, kaob võimalus kasutada kõiki hävitamata jäänud andmeid ning " "partitsiooni suurus väheneb tõmmise suurusele. Teisisõnu, kõik pulgal varem " "olnud andmed on ohus." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +171" msgid "" "Unetbootin should not be used to copy the iso image to a USB drive (see " "below)." msgstr "" "ISO-tõmmise kirjutamiseks USB-pulgale ei tohiks kasutada Unetbootini (vt " "allpool)." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +172" msgid "" "To dump a Mageia installation ISO on a USB stick, you may try one of several" " tools:" msgstr "" "Mageia paigaldus-ISO kirjutamiseks USB-pulgale võib kasutada mitut tööriista:" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +174" msgid "For Linux, IsoDumper, available inside repo. Or any tools based on dd." msgstr "" "Linuxi korral IsoDumper, mille leiab hoidlast, või mõni muu tööriist, mille " "aluseks on dd." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +176" msgid "For windows use <a href=\"%s\">usbdumper.</a>" msgstr "Windowsi kasutajatele sobib <a href=\"%s\">usbdumper</a>. " #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +177" msgid "" "If it show \"writing error or access denied\" try the fallowing method: run " "the console (cmd), then type \"diskpart\", then \"list disk\", then select " "your disk with \"select disk\", and type \"clean\" (it will erase the key)." msgstr "" "Kui näete teadet \"writing error or access denied\", proovige järgmist viisi: " "käivitage konsool (cmd), kirjutage \"diskpart\", seejärel \"list disk\", siis " "valite soovitud ketas käsuga \"select disk\" ja kirjutage \"clean\" (see " "tühjendab pulga)." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +187" msgid "Classical Installation Flavours" msgstr "Klassikalised paigaldusandmekandjad" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +189" msgid "" "The Classical ISO is the traditional way to install Mageia directly. Take a " "look at the complete <a href=\"%s\">documentation</a> for this installer." msgstr "" "Klassikaline paigaldus-ISO on traditsioonilisem viis paigaldada Mageia " "otsekohe. Eelnevalt võite tutvuda ka paigaldusprogrammi põhjaliku <a href=\"%" "s\">käsiraamatuga</a>." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +191" msgid "Up to 167 locales are supported:" msgstr "Toetatud on kuni 167 keelt:" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +193" msgid "and so much more!" msgstr "ja veel paljud teised!" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +194" msgid "See the comprehensive list" msgstr "Siin näeb täielikku nimekirja" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +197" msgid "These ISOs contains Free Software and some proprietary drivers." msgstr "" "Need DVD ja CD ISO-d sisaldavad vaba tarkvara ja mõningaid omanduslikke " "draivereid." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +198" msgid "You will be asked of which kind of Software you want to install." msgstr "Teie käest päritakse, millist laadi tarkvara soovite paigaldada." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +199" msgid "" "The installer includes the capability of adding the online Mageia " "repositories during the installation, which means you can install even more " "packages than those available on the ISO." msgstr "" "Paigaldusprogramm suudab paigaldamise ajal lisada Mageia võrguhoidlad, mis " "tähendab, et saate paigaldada veel rohkem tarkvara, kui seda saab pakkuda ISO." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +202" msgid "" "For 32 and 64bit, size of the ISOs is about %sGB. For the dualarch it's " "about %sGB." msgstr "" "32- ja 64-bitise puhul on ISO suurus umbes %s GB. Mõlema arhitektuuriga ISO " "korral on see umbes %s GB." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +210" msgid "LiveCDs and LiveDVDs" msgstr "LiveCD-d ja LiveDVD-d" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +212" msgid "" "Live ISO's let you try %s without installation. You can run Mageia directly " "from a CD, DVD or USB device, and try it using one of the graphical user " "interfaces such as GNOME or KDE." msgstr "" "LiveISO-d võimaldavad proovida %s ilma paigaldamata. Mageia saab käivitada " "otse CD, DVD või USB-pulga pealt ning järele proovida meeldiva graafilise " "töökeskkonna, näiteks GNOME või KDE." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +213" msgid "" "If you are happy with the Mageia experience, you can then install it onto " "your hard drive from the Live media." msgstr "" "Kui Mageia jätab teile hea mulje, võite selle otse Live-andmekandjalt " "kõvakettale paigaldada." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +215" msgid "Use LiveCDs and LiveDVDs for fresh new installs ONLY." msgstr "" "LiveCD-sid ja LiveDVD-sid tuleks kasutada AINULT värske paigalduse jaoks." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +216" msgid "" "DO NOT use these LiveCDs or LiveDVDs to upgrade from the prior Mageia " "release!" msgstr "" "ÄRGE kasutage LiveCD-sid või LiveDVD-sid uuendamiseks varasema Mageia pealt!" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +217" msgid "" "Use a classical installation and see <a href=\"%s\" hreflang=\"en\">upgrade " "guide</a>." msgstr "" "Ülaltoodud DVD või CD kasutamisel uurige <a href=\"%s\" hreflang=\"en\">" "uuendamisjuhiseid</a>." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +220" msgid "" "For LiveDVDs, size of the ISOs is about %sGB. For the LiveCDs it's about " "%sMB." msgstr "LiveDVD-de ISO suurus on umbes %s GB. LiveCD-de suurus on umbes %s MB." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +225" msgid "Wired Network-based Installation CD" msgstr "Juhtmega võrgu põhise paigalduse CD" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +226" msgid "" "Download quickly and immediately boot into install mode from <em>wired</em> " "network or a local disk." msgstr "" "Kiire allalaadimine ja kohene paigaldamisrežiimi laadimine kas <em>juhtmega<" "/em> võrgust või kohalikult kettalt." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +227" msgid "" "Have a look in the <a href=\"%s\">wiki</a> to get a list of possibilities." msgstr "Kõiki võimalusi tutvustab <a href=\"%s\">wiki</a>." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +227" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Boot.iso_install" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Boot.iso_install" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +228" msgid "" "These ISOs change frequently, and as it give real state of Cauldron, they " "may not work. If it is the case, use above one." msgstr "" "Need ISO-d muutuvad sageli ja et need kajastavad arendusversiooni (Cauldron) " "hetkeseisu, ei pruugi nad isegi tööle hakata. Kui see peaks nii juhtuma, " "kasutage mõnda eespool toodud ISO-t." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +229" msgid "Size of the ISOs is about 50MB." msgstr "ISO-de suurus on umbes 50 MB." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +234" msgid "Classic Installation" msgstr "Klassikalised paigaldusandmekandjad" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +236" msgid "Live Media" msgstr "Live-andmekandjad" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +238" msgid "Network Installation" msgstr "Juhtmega võrgu põhise paigalduse CD" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +242" msgid "The dualarch is not yet available." msgstr "Mõlema arhitektuuriga versioon pole veel saadaval." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +243" msgid "LiveCDs and LiveDVDs are not yet available." msgstr "" "LiveCD-sid ja LiveDVD-sid tuleks kasutada AINULT värske paigalduse jaoks." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +244" msgid "Classical Installation flavours is not yet available." msgstr "Klassikalised paigaldusandmekandjad" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +254" msgid "LiveCDs" msgstr "LiveCD-d" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +255" msgid "LiveCDs contain only English and is available only in 32bit." msgstr "LiveCD-d sisaldavad ainult inglise keelt ja on ainult 32-bitised." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +259" msgid "LiveDVDs" msgstr "LiveDVD-d" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +260" msgid "LiveDVDs contain all languages and is available in both 32 and 64bit." msgstr "LiveDVD-d sisaldavad kõiki keeli ja on nii 32- kui ka 64-bitised." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +265" msgid "English only (CD)" msgstr "Ainult inglise keeles" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +273" msgid "Desktop" msgstr "Töölaud" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +276" msgid "GNOME Desktop" msgstr "Töölaud" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +280" msgid "KDE Desktop" msgstr "Töölaud" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +293" msgid "Network installer" msgstr "Võrgupaigaldus, vaba tarkvara CD" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +296" msgid "Network installer, Free Software CD" msgstr "Võrgupaigaldus, vaba tarkvara CD" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +297" msgid "Contain only free software" msgstr "Sisaldab ainult vaba tarkvara." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +300" msgid "Network installer + nonfree firmware CD" msgstr "Võrgupaigaldus + mittevaba püsivara CD" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +301" msgid "" "Contain nonfree drivers needed for some disc controllers, some network " "cards, etc." msgstr "vajalik mõningate kettakontrollerite, võrgukaartide jms puhul" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +305" msgid "Free Software CD" msgstr "Võrgupaigaldus, vaba tarkvara CD" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +307" msgid "Nonfree Firmware CD" msgstr "Võrgupaigaldus + mittevaba püsivara CD" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +312" msgid "Supported Architecture" msgstr "Toetatud arhitektuur" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +315" msgid "" "Most new computers support x86-64 (also known as AMD64 and Intel64), but " "some laptop processors and netbook processors do not support it." msgstr "" "Enamik uuemaid arvuteid toetab x86-64 (tuntud ka kui AMD64 või Intel64), kuid " "mõned sülearvutite ja väikearvutite protsessorid ei pruugi seda toetada." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +319" msgid "" "This version runs on all PCs including those that support 64 Bit. If you " "have more than 3 GB of RAM you should prefer the 64 Bit version though." msgstr "" "See versioon töötab kõigis arvutites, sealhulgas neis, mis toetavad 64-bitist " "tarkvara. Kui teil on üle 3 GB RAM-i, tasuks siiski eelistada 64-bitist " "versiooni." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +325" msgid "" "The dualarch DVD contains only a minimal list of packages and a lite " "desktop, %s, to fit on %sGB." msgstr "" "Nii 32- kui 64-bitisele arhitektuurile mõeldud (dualarch) DVD sisaldab ainult " "minimaalsel hulgal vajalikku tarkvara ja lihtsa töökeskkonna %s, et mitte " "ületada %s GB piiri." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +327" msgid "" "Dual iso size is intended to be small for advanced users, only network " "proprietary drivers are included." msgstr "" "Kahe arhitektuuriga ISO on väike ja mõeldud kogenud kasutajatele, " "kaasas on ainult omanduslikud võrgudraiverid." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +328" msgid "You will have to add remote nonfree media if you need some more." msgstr "" "Kui vajate midagi rohkem, tuleb kasutusele võtta mittevabad " "võrguandmekandjad." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +329" msgid "Furthermore UEFI is not supported." msgstr "Lisaks ei ole UEFI toetatud." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +331" msgid "" "It can be used to install either a 32bit system or a 64bit system, the " "installer defaults to x86_64 when it detects a 64bit capable CPU." msgstr "" "Seda saab paigaldada nii 32- kui ka 64-bitisesse süsteemi: paigaldusprogramm " "valib automaatselt x86-64, kui tuvastab 64-bitise protsessori." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +332" msgid "" "This ISO is generally for advanced users and system administrator for fast " "deployment of Mageia." msgstr "" "See ISO on üldiselt mõeldud kogenud kasutajatele ning " "süsteemiadministraatoritele Mageia kiireks paigaldamiseks." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +346" msgid "Download Method" msgstr "Allalaadimine -" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +348" msgid "Direct Link" msgstr "Otselink" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +349" msgid "You will be redirected to a HTTP or FTP mirror." msgstr "Teid suunatakse ümber HTTP- vƵi FTP-peegelsaidile." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +355" msgid "BitTorrent" msgstr "BitTorrent" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +356" msgid "" "We recommend you to use <a href=%s>BitTorrent</a> for downloading as it " "usually give a higher speeds and more reliable download of large files." msgstr "" "Me soovitame kasutada allalaadimiseks <a href=%s>BitTorrentit</a>, sest see " "tagab tavaliselt parema kiiruse ja eriti suurte failide puhul usaldusväärsema " "allalaadimise." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +356" msgid "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitTorrent" msgstr "http://et.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitTorrent" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +357" msgid "BitTorrent link are not yet available." msgstr "BitTorrenti link pole veel saadaval." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +374" msgid "Format" msgstr "Andmekandja" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +375" msgid "link" msgstr "Link" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +496" msgid "Release notes" msgstr "Väljalaskemärkmed" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +497" msgid "More about known issues or limitation in installation and usage" msgstr "" "Täpsemalt teadaolevatest paigaldamise ja kasutamisega " "seotud probleemidest või piirangutest" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +498" msgid "<a href=\"%s\">Which to choose</a>" msgstr "<a href=\"%s\">Milline valida?</a>" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +498" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Installation_Media" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Installation_Media" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +499" msgid "<a href=\"%s\">Get ISO on USB flash drive</a>" msgstr "<a href=\"%s\">ISO-tõmmis otse USB-pulgale</a>" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +499" msgid "" "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Installation_Media#Dump_Mageia_ISO_on_a_USB_flash_d" "rive.3F" msgstr "" "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Installation_Media#Dump_Mageia_ISO_on_a_USB_flash_d" "rive.3F" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +500" msgid "Newcomer? <a href=\"%s\">Here's a wiki page for you.</a>" msgstr "Tahaks rohkem teada? <a href=\"%s\">Wiki räägib lähemalt.</a>" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +500" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Newcomers_start_here" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Newcomers_start_here" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +501" msgid "Help us on %s" msgstr "Aidake meid %s juures" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +505" msgid "Looking for a stable release?" msgstr "Huvitab hoopis stabiilne väljalase?" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +507" msgid "It is <a href=\"%s\">here</a>." msgstr "Selle leiab <a href=\"%s\">siit</a>." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +510" msgid "Upgrading<br>from %s ?" msgstr "Soovite uuendada<br>%s pealt?" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +512" msgid "<strong>do not</strong> use LiveCDs;" msgstr "<strong>ärge</strong> kasutage<br>LiveCD-d" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +513" msgid "see the <a href=\"%s\" hreflang=\"en\">upgrade guide</a>" msgstr "uurige <a href=\"%s\" hreflang=\"en\">uuendamisjuhiseid</a>" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +516" msgid "Looking for %s ?" msgstr "Huvitab hoopis %s?" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +519" msgid "But please remember that it already <a href=\"%s\">reached EOL</a>." msgstr "Kuid palun arvestage, et selle <a href=\"%s\">eluiga on juba läbi</a>." #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +522" msgid "Need more challenge?" msgstr "Vajate veel suuremat väljakutset?" #: "/web/en/5/download_index.php +523" msgid "You can <a href=\"%s\">help</a> us <a href=\"%s\">on %s</a>." msgstr "" "Siis võite <a href=\"%s\">aidata</a> meil <a href=\"%s\">arendada %s</a>." #: "/web/en/5/nav.php +3" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_5_Release_Notes" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_5_Release_Notes" #: "/web/en/5/nav.php +4" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_5_Errata" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_5_Errata" #: "/web/en/5/nav.php +5" msgid "" "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_5_Release_Notes#Upgrading_from_Mageia_4" msgstr "" "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_5_Release_Notes#Upgrading_from_Mageia_4" #: "/web/en/5/nav.php +8" msgid "Development roadmap" msgstr "Arenduse ajakava" #: "/web/en/5/nav.php +8" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_5_Development#Development_Planning" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_5_Development#Development_Planning" #: "/web/en/5/nav.php +9" msgid "Features review" msgstr "Omaduste ülevaade" #: "/web/en/5/nav.php +9" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/FeatureMageia5_Review" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/FeatureMageia5_Review" #: "/web/en/5/nav.php +13" msgid "Errata" msgstr "Teadaolevad vead" #: "/web/en/5/nav.php +14" msgid "Bugs Reports" msgstr "Veateated"