# gettext catalog for about web page(s) # Copyright (C) 2014 - 2014 Mageia # This file is distributed under the same license as # the content of the corresponding web page(s). # # Generated by extract2gettext.php # Domain: about # # include translation strings from: # en/about/index.php # # Translators: # Marek Laane , 2014, 2015. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Mageia\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mageia-i18n@mageia.org\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-19 20:15:07+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2015-05-04 12:07+0300\n" "Last-Translator: Marek Laane \n" "Language-Team: Estonian \n" "Language: et\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n" #: "/web/en/about/index.php +12" msgid "About Mageia" msgstr "Teave Mageia kohta" #: "/web/en/about/index.php +13" msgid "Mageia is a Free Software, community-led project. Learn more about it." msgstr "Mageia on kogukonna juhitud vaba tarkvara projekt. Rohkem teavet Mageia kohta." #: "/web/en/about/index.php +14" msgid "mageia, mageia.org, about, mission, contacts, governance, values, timeline" msgstr "mageia, mageia.org, teave, missioon, kontaktid, juhtimine, väärtused, ajakava" #: "/web/en/about/index.php +34" msgid "Mageia is a GNU/Linux-based, Free Software operating system." msgstr "Mageia on GNU/Linuxi põhine vaba tarkvara operatsioonisüsteem." #: "/web/en/about/index.php +35" msgid "It is a community project, supported by a nonprofit organisation of elected contributors." msgstr "See on kogukonnaprojekt, mida toetab kaastöötajate seast valitud esindajatest koosnev mittetulundusorganisatsioon." #: "/web/en/about/index.php +38" msgid "Our mission: to build great tools for people." msgstr "Meie missioon: luua inimestele suurepärased tööriistad." #: "/web/en/about/index.php +39" msgid "Further than just delivering a secure, stable and sustainable operating system, the goal is to set up a stable and trustable governance to direct collaborative projects." msgstr "Lisaks turvalise, stabiilse ja kestliku operatsioonisüsteemi pakkumisele on meie siht panna paika stabiilne ja usaldusväärne juhtimiskorraldus, mis lubaks tõhusalt suunata koostööprojektide tegevust." #: "/web/en/about/index.php +40" msgid "To date, Mageia:" msgstr "Praeguseks on Mageia:" #: "/web/en/about/index.php +43" msgid "started in September 2010 as a fork of Mandriva Linux," msgstr "alustanud 2010. aasta septembris Mandriva Linuxi edasiarendusena," #: "/web/en/about/index.php +45" msgid "gathered hundreds of careful individuals and several companies worldwide," msgstr "koondanud kogu maailmas sadu usinaid üksikisikuid ja mitmeid ettevõtteid," #: "/web/en/about/index.php +46" msgid "who coproduce the infrastructure, the distribution itself, documentation, delivery and support, using Free Software tools;" msgstr "kes teeavd koostööd infrastruktuuri, distributsiooni enda, dokumentatsiooni, avaldamise ja toetuse huvides, kasutades selleks vaba tarkvara tööriistu;" #: "/web/en/about/index.php +48" #, fuzzy msgid "released five major stable releases in June 2011, in May 2012, in May 2013, in February 2014 and in June 2015." msgstr "välja andnud neli stabiilset väljalaset 2011. aasta juunis, 2012. aasta mais, 2013. aasta mais ja 2014. aasta veebruaris." #: "/web/en/about/index.php +69" msgid "is the French, Paris-based legal structure supporting the Mageia project." msgstr "on Prantsusmaal Pariisis tegutsev juriidiline isik, mis toetab Mageia projekti." #: "/web/en/about/index.php +72" msgid "Mageia.Org's legal constitution and governance rules;" msgstr "Mageia.Org-i ametlik põhikiri ja juhtimise alused;" #: "/web/en/about/index.php +73" msgid "\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Org\"" msgstr "\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Org\"" #: "/web/en/about/index.php +74" msgid "financial reports, donators." msgstr "finantsaruanded, annetajad." #: "/web/en/about/index.php +78" msgid "Mageia license" msgstr "Mageia litsents" #: "/web/en/about/index.php +79" msgid "Our contributions are based on our license." msgstr "Meie tööpanus kasutab meie litsentsi." #: "/web/en/about/index.php +82" msgid "Code of conduct" msgstr "Code of conduct" #: "/web/en/about/index.php +83" msgid "In our community we use Code of conduct." msgstr "Meie kogukonnas kehtivad meie käitumisjuhised." #: "/web/en/about/index.php +86" msgid "Media & artwork" msgstr "Meedia & kujundus" #: "/web/en/about/index.php +88" msgid "Logo, CD covers files, media files." msgstr "Logo, CD-kaane failid, meediafailid." #: "/web/en/about/index.php +89" msgid "Current graphics charter." msgstr "Praegused kujunduskonventsioonid."