# gettext catalog for community web page(s) # Copyright (C) 2014 - 2014 Mageia # This file is distributed under the same license as # the content of the corresponding web page(s). # # Generated by extract2gettext.php # Domain: community # # include translation strings from: # en/community/index.php # # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Mageia\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mageia-i18n@mageia.org\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-04-19 18:11:49+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-11-25 14:53+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Yuri Chornoivan \n" "Language-Team: Esperanto (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/mageia/language/eo/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: eo\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +13" msgid "Mageia Community" msgstr "Mageja komunumo" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +14" msgid "" "Mageia Community Central is the place where all contributors and users can " "find the latest news about Mageia and learn more about what to do in the " "project." msgstr "Mageja Komunuma Centralo estas ejo kie kontribuantoj kaj uzuloj povas trovi la lastajn novaĵojn pri Magejo kaj lerni pli pri tio kion ni faras en la projekto." #: "/web/en/community/index.php +15" msgid "mageia, community, news, tools, tasks" msgstr "magejo, komunumo, novaĵoj, iloj, taskoj" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +31" msgid "Mageia Community Central" msgstr "Mageja Komunuma Centralo" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +33" msgid "https://blog.mageia.org/en/" msgstr "https://blog.mageia.org/en/" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +33" msgid "Blog" msgstr "Blogo" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +34" msgid "https://planet.mageia.org/en/" msgstr "https://planet.mageia.org/en/" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +34" msgid "Planet" msgstr "Planet" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +36" msgid "https://forum.mageia.org/en/" msgstr "https://forum.mageia.org/en/" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +36" msgid "Forums" msgstr "Forumoj" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +37" msgid "Mailing-lists" msgstr "Ret-listoj" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +38" msgid "https://wiki.mageia.org/" msgstr "https://wiki.mageia.org/" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +40" msgid "Mageia Applications Database" msgstr "Mageja Aplikaĵ-datumbazo" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +41" msgid "Calendar" msgstr "Kalendaro" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +42" msgid "People" msgstr "People" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +49" msgid "News" msgstr "Novaĵoj" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +69" msgid "How to contribute?" msgstr "Kiel kontribui?" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +71" msgid "Start here" msgstr "Komencu ĉi tie" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +72" msgid "and meet us on IRC." msgstr "kaj renkontu nin retbabileje." #: "/web/en/community/index.php +73" msgid "You can also support financially the project!" msgstr "Vi povas ankaŭ subteni finance la projekton!" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +76" msgid "Toolbox" msgstr "Ilaro" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +78" msgid "Wiki ← collaborative documentation" msgstr "Vikio ← kunlabora dokumentaro" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +79" msgid "Bugzilla ← to report bugs" msgstr "Bugzilla ← por raporti cimojn" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +85" msgid "For developers & packagers" msgstr "Por programistoj kaj pakantoj" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +87" msgid "Subversion" msgstr "Subversio" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +88" msgid "Git code repositories" msgstr "Git kodo-deponejoj" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +89" msgid "Packages submission queue" msgstr "Pakaĵa senda atendovico" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +90" msgid "unmaintained packages" msgstr "nezorgataj pakaĵoj" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +91" msgid "Global QA report" msgstr "Globala kvalitokontrola raporto" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +95" msgid "Conversations" msgstr "Konversacioj" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +96" msgid "... or, how to get in touch with us? Easy:" msgstr "... aŭ, kiel kontakti nin? Facile:" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +98" msgid "IRC on Freenode" msgstr "Retbabileje per Freenode" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +102" msgid "in real life!" msgstr "En la reala vivo!" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +103" msgid "during events!" msgstr "Dum la eventoj!" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +106" msgid "Teams you can join!" msgstr "Teamoj al kiuj vi povas aliĝi!" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +108" msgid "Atelier" msgstr "Ateliero" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +109" msgid "Documentation" msgstr "Dokumentaro" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +110" msgid "Packaging" msgstr "Pakaĵaro" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +111" msgid "Testing & QA" msgstr "Testado kaj kvalito-kontrolo" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +112" msgid "Translation" msgstr "Tradukado" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +113" msgid "Systems & infrastructure administration" msgstr "Sistema kaj substruktura administrado" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +114" msgid "Bugs triaging" msgstr "Cimo-klasifikado" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +126" msgid "Mageia" msgstr "Magejo" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +128" msgid "More about Mageia" msgstr "Pli pri Magejo" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +129" msgid "" "Our code of conduct and values" msgstr "Niaj konduto-kodo kaj valoroj" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +130" msgid "Our governance model and structure:" msgstr "Nia regad-sistemo kaj strukturo:" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +132" msgid "Teams" msgstr "Teamoj" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +133" msgid "the Council" msgstr "La konsilantaro" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +134" msgid "the Board" msgstr "La personaro" #: "/web/en/community/index.php +136" msgid "" "Donations & reports." msgstr "Donacioj kaj raportoj." #: "/web/en/community/index.php +141" msgid "" "This page needs you! Join " "the Web team!" msgstr "Ĉi tiu paĝaro bezonas vin! Aliĝu al la paĝar-teamo!"