# gettext catalog for about/code-of-conduct web page(s) # Copyright (C) 2014 - 2014 Mageia # This file is distributed under the same license as # the content of the corresponding web page(s). # # Generated by extract2gettext.php # Domain: about/code-of-conduct # # include translation strings from: # en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php # # Translators: # Davidmp <medipas@gmail.com>, 2015 # Robert Antoni Buj i Gelonch <rbuj@fedoraproject.org>, 2015 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Mageia\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: mageia-i18n@mageia.org\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-16 20:51:23+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-06 11:08+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Robert Antoni Buj i Gelonch <rbuj@fedoraproject.org>\n" "Language-Team: Catalan (http://www.transifex.com/MageiaLinux/mageia/language/ca/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: ca\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +11" msgid "Code of Conduct - Mageia" msgstr "Codi de conducta - Mageia" #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +12" msgid "Mageia project Code of Conduct for contributors and users." msgstr "Codi de conducta del projecte Mageia per als contribuïdors i usuaris." #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +13" msgid "mageia, values, conduct, rules" msgstr "mageia, valors, conducta, regles" #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +20" msgid "Code of Conduct" msgstr "Codi de conducta" #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +27" msgid "" "The Mageia project is a lively community, open to everyone. We want this " "community to be a nice place for both newcomers and current members, where " "everyone feels comfortable and accepted whatever the amount and type of " "his/her contributions are." msgstr "El projecte Mageia és una comunitat viva, oberta a tothom. Volem que aquesta comunitat sigui un bon lloc tant per als nouvinguts com per als membres actuals, on tothom s'hi senti bé i acceptat independentment del tipus i la quantitat de les seves contribucions." #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +29" msgid "" "In the Mageia Community, participants from all over the world come together " "to create a Free Software operating system. This is made possible by the " "support, hard work, and enthusiasm of thousands of people, including those " "who create and use Mageia, as well as other Free Software project members." msgstr "A la comunitat de Mageia, participants de tot el món s'ajunten per crear un sistema operatiu de programari lliure. Això és possible gràcies al suport, la feina dura i l'entusiasme de milers de persones, incloses les persones que creen i usen Mageia, així com altres membres del projecte de programari lliure." #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +31" msgid "" "This document offers some guidance to ensure that the Mageia participants " "can cooperate effectively in a positive and inspiring atmosphere, and to " "explain how we can support each other." msgstr "Aquest document ofereix una petita guia per assegurar que els participants de Mageia puguin cooperar de manera efectiva en una atmosfera inspiradora i positiva, i per explicar com ens donem suport els uns als altres." #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +33" msgid "" "This Code of Conduct is shared by all contributors and users who engage with" " the Mageia project and its community services." msgstr "Aquest codi de conducta és compartit per tots els contribuïdors i usuaris que es comprometen amb el projecte Mageia i els seus serveis comunitaris." #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +37" msgid "Overview" msgstr "Resum" #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +39" msgid "" "This Code of Conduct presents a summary of the shared values and “common " "sense” thinking in our community. The basic social imperatives that hold our" " project together include:" msgstr "Aquest codi de conducta presenta un resum dels valors compartits i el pensament de sentit comú dins la nostra comunitat. Els imperatius bàsics que sostenen el nostre projecte inclouen el següent:" #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +41" msgid "Be considerate" msgstr "Sigueu considerats" #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +42" msgid "Be respectful" msgstr "Sigueu respectuosos" #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +43" msgid "Be collaborative" msgstr "Sigueu col·laboratius" #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +44" msgid "Be pragmatic" msgstr "Sigueu pragmàtics" #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +45" msgid "Support others in the community" msgstr "Doneu suport a altres de la comunitat." #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +46" msgid "Get support from others in the community" msgstr "Obtingueu suport d'altres de la comunitat." #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +49" msgid "" "This Code of Conduct reflects the agreed standards of behaviour for members " "of the Mageia Community, in any forum, mailing list, wiki, web site, IRC " "channel, public meeting or private correspondence within the context of the " "Mageia project and its services. The community acts according to the " "standards written in this Code of Conduct and will defend these standards " "for the benefit of the community. Leaders of any Mageia team maintain the " "right to suspend the access of any person who persists in breaking our " "shared Code of Conduct or, if necessary, the issue can be escalated and " "brought to the attention of the Mageia Council for a final decision." msgstr "Aquest codi de conducta reflecteix els estàndards acordats de comportament per tots els membres de la comunitat de Mageia, en qualsevol fòrum, llista de correu, wiki, lloc web, canal IRC, trobada pública o correspondència privada dins del context del projecte Mageia i els seus serveis. La comunitat actua d'acord amb els estàndards escrits en aquest codi de conducta i els defensarà per al benefici de la comunitat. Els caps de qualsevol equip de Mageia tenen el dret de suspendre l'accés de qualsevol persona que persisteixi a trencar el nostre codi de conducta o, si cal, el cas pot complicar-se i traslladar-se a l'atenció del Consell de Mageia per a una decisió final. " #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +52" msgid "Be considerate." msgstr "Sigueu considerats." #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +54" msgid "" "Your actions and work will affect and be used by other people, and you in " "turn will depend on the work and actions of others. Any decision you make " "will affect other community members, and we expect you to take those " "consequences into account when making decisions." msgstr "Les vostres accions i la vostra feina afectarà i serà usada per altra gent, i vosaltres també dependreu de la feina i les accions d'altres. Qualsevol decisió que prengueu afectarà altres membres de la comunitat, i esperem que tingueu en compte aquestes conseqüències quan prengueu decisions." #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +56" msgid "" "As a contributor, ensure that you give full credit for the work of others " "and bear in mind how your changes affect others. It is also expected that " "you try to follow the project schedule and guidelines." msgstr "Com a contribuïdor, assegureu-vos que conferiu tot el crèdit a la feina d'altres i tingueu present com els vostres canvis afecten altres. També s'espera que mireu de seguir el calendari i les directrius del projecte." #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +58" msgid "" "As a user, remember that contributors work hard on their contributions to " "Mageia and take great pride in it. If you get frustrated with a particular " "issue, your problems are more likely to be resolved if you can give accurate" " and well-mannered information to all concerned." msgstr "Com a usuari, recordeu que els contribuïdors treballen fort en les seves contribucions a Mageia i que se'n senten orgullosos. Si hi ha algun aspecte que us causa frustració, és molt probable que els vostres problemes se solucionin si en podeu oferir informació precisa i educada a tots els qui concerneixen." #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +60" msgid "Be respectful." msgstr "Sigueu respectuosos." #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +62" msgid "" "In order for the Mageia community to stay healthy, its members must feel " "comfortable and accepted. Treating one another with respect is absolutely " "necessary for this to be achieved. If any disagreement occurs, you should " "first assume that people mean well." msgstr "Per tal que la comunitat de Mageia es mantingui sana, els membres han de sentir-s'hi còmodes i acceptats. Tractar els altres amb respecte és absolutament necessari per aconseguir-ho. Si hi ha desacords, heu d'assumir d'entrada que la gent té bones intencions." #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +64" msgid "" "We do not tolerate personal attacks, racism, sexism or any other form of " "discrimination. Disagreement is inevitable from time to time, but respect " "for the views of others will go a long way to winning respect for your own " "view. Respecting other people, their work, their contributions and assuming " "well-meaning motivation will make community members feel comfortable and " "safe, and will result in more motivation and productivity." msgstr "No tolerem atacs personals, racisme, sexisme o cap altra forma de discriminació. El desacord és inevitable de tant en tant, però el respecte dels punts de vista d'altres us valdrà el respecte dels vostres punts de vista. Respectar els altres, la seva feina, les seves contribucions i l'assumpció d'una motivació de bones intencions farà que els membres de la comunitat s'hi sentin còmodes i segurs, i això tindrà com a resultat més motivació i productivitat." #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +66" msgid "" "We expect members of our community to be respectful when dealing with other " "contributors, users and communities. Remember that Mageia is an " "international project and that you may be unaware of important aspects of " "other cultures." msgstr "Esperem que els membres de la comunitat siguin respectuosos quan tractin amb altres contribuïdors, usuaris i comunitats. Recordeu que Mageia és un projecte internacional i que podeu no estar al cas d'aspectes importants d'altres cultures." #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +68" msgid "Be collaborative." msgstr "Sigueu col·laboratius." #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +70" msgid "" "The Free Software Movement depends on collaboration: it helps limit " "duplication of effort while improving the quality of the produced software. " "In order to avoid misunderstanding, try to be clear and concise when " "requesting or giving help. Remember that it is easy to misunderstand emails " "(especially when they are not written in your mother tongue). Ask for " "clarifications if something seems unclear; remember the first rule - first, " "assume that people mean well." msgstr "El moviment de programari lliure depèn de la col·laboració: ajuda a limitar la duplicació d'esforç mentre que es millora la qualitat del programari produït. Per tal d'evitar malentesos, intenteu ser clars i concisos a l'hora de demanar o donar ajuda. Recordeu que és fàcil no entendre correctament correus electrònics (sobretot quan no estan escrits en la llengua mare). Demaneu aclariments si alguna cosa no us sembla clara; recordeu la primera regla: primer assumiu que la gent té bones intencions." #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +72" msgid "" "As a contributor, you should aim to collaborate with other community members" " as well as with other communities (upstream projects for instance) that are" " interested in, or depend on the work you do. Your work should be " "transparent and be fed back into the community as quickly as possible (even " "when not fully completed). If you wish to work on something new in existing " "projects, keep those projects team informed of your ideas and progress." msgstr "Com a contribuïdor, hauríeu de tenir com a objectiu col·laborar amb altres membres de la comunitat, així com amb altres comunitats (projectes \"upstream\", per exemple) que s'interessen per la feina que feu o en depenen. La vostra feina hauria de ser transparent i ser retornada a la comunitat tan aviat com sigui possible (fins i tot quan no estigui acabada). Si voleu treballar en alguna cosa nova en projectes existents, mantingueu l'equip d'aquests projectes informat de les vostres idees i del vostre progrés." #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +74" msgid "" "It may not always be possible to reach consensus on the implementation of an" " idea, so don't feel obliged to achieve this before you begin. However, " "always ensure that you keep the outside world informed of your work and " "publish it in a way that allows outsiders to test, discuss, and contribute " "to your efforts." msgstr "No sempre és possible arribar a un consens sobre la implementació d'una idea; per tant, no us sentiu obligats a aconseguir-ho abans de començar. Tanmateix, assegureu-vos sempre que manteniu el món extern informat de la vostra feina i que la publiqueu d'una manera que permeti als altres provar-la, debatre-la i contribuir als vostres esforços." #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +76" msgid "" "Contributors to every project come and go. When you leave or disengage from " "the project, in whole or in part, you should do so with pride about what you" " have achieved and by acting responsibly towards others who come after you " "to continue working on the project." msgstr "A cada projecte els contribuïdors vénen i van. Quan marxeu o ja no us comprometeu amb el projecte, totalment o en part, ho hauríeu de fer amb l'orgull de què heu aconseguit i actuant de manera responsable vers els altres que vénen després per continuar treballant al projecte." #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +78" msgid "" "As a user, your feedback is important, as is its form. Poorly considered " "comments can cause pain and demotivate other community members, but " "considerate discussion of problems can bring positive results. An " "encouraging word works wonders." msgstr "Com a usuari, la vostra retroacció és important, així com la seva forma. Comentaris amb poca consideració poden ferir i desmotivar altres membres de la comunitat, però el debat considerat de problemes pot comportar resultats positius. Una paraula encoratjadora fa meravelles." #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +81" msgid "Be pragmatic." msgstr "Sigueu pragmàtics." #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +83" msgid "Mageia is a pragmatic community." msgstr "Mageia és una comunitat pragmàtica." #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +84" msgid "" "We value tangible results over having the last word in a discussion. We " "defend our core values like freedom and respectful collaboration, but we " "don't let arguments about minor issues get in the way of achieving more " "important results. We are open to suggestions and welcome solutions " "regardless of their origin. When in doubt, support a solution which helps " "getting things done over one which has theoretical merits, but isn't being " "implemented. Use the tools and methods which help get the job done. Let " "decisions be made by those who do the work. If some issues arise that seem " "irreconcilable, consult the relevant team leader. If necessary, the Mageia " "Council may be consulted." msgstr "Valorem els resultats tangibles per sobre de tenir l'última paraula en un debat. Defensem el nostre nucli de valors com la llibertat i la col·laboració respectuosa, però no permetem que els debats sobre aspectes menors interfereixin en la consecució de resultats més importants. Estem oberts a suggeriments i donem la benvinguda a solucions independentment d'on provinguin. En cas de dubte, doneu suport a una solució que ajudi a fer les coses per sobre d'una altra que tingui uns mèrits teòrics, però que no s'estigui implementant. Useu les eines i els mètodes que ajudin a fer la feina. Deixeu que les decisions les prenguin els que fan la feina. Si sorgeixen aspectes irreconciliables, consulteu el cap de l'equip corresponent. Si és necessari, es pot consultar el Consell de Mageia." #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +87" msgid "Support others in the community." msgstr "Doneu suport a altres de la comunitat." #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +89" msgid "" "Our community is made strong by mutual respect, collaboration and " "responsible, pragmatic behaviour. Sometimes these values have to be defended" " and other community members may need help." msgstr "La nostra comunitat s'enforteix amb el respecte mutu, la col·laboració i el comportament responsable i pragmàtic. Algunes vegades aquests valors s'han de defensar i altres membres de la comunitat poden necessitar ajuda." #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +91" msgid "" "If you witness others being attacked, think first about how you can offer " "them personal support. If you feel that the situation is beyond your ability" " to help individually, go privately to the victim and ask if some form of " "official intervention is needed. Similarly you should support anyone who " "appears to be in danger of burning out, either through work-related stress " "or personal problems." msgstr "Si sou testimonis d'altres que siguin atacats, penseu primer com els podeu oferir suport personal. Si sentiu que la situació és més enllà de la vostra habilitat per ajudar individualment, pregunteu a la víctima de manera privada si cal algun tipus d'intervenció oficial. D'una manera semblant, hauríeu de donar suport a qualsevol que sembli que estigui en perill d'esgotar-se, o bé per l'estrès de la feina o per problemes personals." #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +93" msgid "" "When problems arise, consider respectfully reminding those involved of our " "shared Code of Conduct as a first action. Leaders are defined by their " "actions, and can help set a good example by working to resolve issues in the" " spirit of this Code of Conduct before those issues escalate." msgstr "Quan sorgeixin problemes, considereu com a primera acció recordar als implicats, amb respecte, el nostre codi de conducta compartit. Els líders es defineixen per les accions i poden ajudar a establir un bon exemple treballant per resoldre conflictes d'acord amb l'esperit d'aquest codi de conducta abans que les coses es compliquin." #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +96" msgid "Get support from others in the community." msgstr "Obtingueu suport d'altres de la comunitat." #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +98" msgid "" "Disagreements, both political and technical, happen all the time. Our " "community is not an exception. The goal is not to avoid disagreements or " "differing views but to resolve them constructively. You should turn to the " "community to seek advice and to resolve disagreements, and where possible, " "consult the team(s) most directly involved." msgstr "Els desacords, tant polítics com tècnics, succeeixen constantment. La nostra comunitat no n'és una excepció. L'objectiu no és evitar els desacords o els punts de vista diferents, sinó resoldre'ls constructivament. Hauríeu d'adreçar-vos a la comunitat per demanar consell i resoldre els desacords i, quan sigui possible, consultar l'equip o els equips més directament involucrats." #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +100" msgid "" "Think deeply before turning a disagreement into a public dispute. If " "necessary request mediation and attempt to resolve differences in a less " "highly-emotional medium. If you do feel that you or your work is being " "attacked, take your time to breathe before writing heated replies. Consider " "a 24 hour moratorium if emotional language is being used - a cooling off " "period is sometimes all that is needed. If you really want to go a different" " way, then we encourage you to publish your ideas and your work, so that it " "can be tried and tested." msgstr "Penseu-ho profundament abans de convertir un desacord en una diputa pública. Si cal, demaneu mediació i proveu de resoldre les diferències en un mitjà menys emocional. Si sentiu que se us ataca a vosaltres o la vostra feina, feu una pausa per respirar abans d'escriure una resposta airada. Considereu una moratòria de 24 hores si s'usa un llenguatge emocional. A vegades només cal una mica de temps de refredament. Si voleu anar per un altre camí, us encoratgem a publicar les idees i la feina per tal que puguin provar-se i examinar-se." #: "/web/en/about/code-of-conduct/index.php +102" msgid "" "This document is licensed under the <a " "href=\"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us/\">Creative Commons " "Attribution - Share Alike 3.0 License</a> (<a " "href=\"http://wiki.mandriva.com/en/Code_of_Conduct\" rel=\"nofollow\">parent" " version</a>)." msgstr "Aquest document té la llicència de <a href=\"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us/\">Creative Commons Attribution - Share Alike 3.0 License</a> (<a href=\"http://wiki.mandriva.com/en/Code_of_Conduct\" rel=\"nofollow\">parent version</a>)."