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'align="right"' : ''?>> <?php echo $hsnav?> <div id="master"> <h1><a href="about/"><?php _g('Mageia, a free, community-based Linux distribution for desktop & server.'); ?></a></h1> </div> <div <?php echo $rtl ? 'align="right"' : ''?> id="up"> <div class="container"> <div> <?php include '../lib/news.php'; $loc_planet_url = _r('https://planet.mageia.org/en/'); $loc_blog_url = _r('https://blog.mageia.org/en/'); $eng_planet_url = 'https://planet.mageia.org/en/'; $eng_blog_url = 'https://blog.mageia.org/en/'; $fresh_blog_post_titles = prepare_fresh_blog_post_titles($eng_planet_url, $eng_blog_url, $loc_planet_url, $loc_blog_url, 1, 1); $fresh_loc_posts = $fresh_blog_post_titles[1]; $num_fresh_loc_posts = $fresh_blog_post_titles[2]; $fresh_eng_posts = $fresh_blog_post_titles[4]; $first_source = $fresh_blog_post_titles[5]; $num_fresh_eng_posts = count($fresh_eng_posts); if (0 < $num_fresh_loc_posts || 0 < $num_fresh_eng_posts) { $prefix = '<span style="font-weight: bold;">'; if ($first_source == 1) { $prefix .= sprintf(_r('Latest news from our <a href="%s">localized planet</a>:'), $loc_planet_url); } else if ($first_source == 2) { $prefix .= sprintf(_r('Latest news from our <a href="%s">localized blog</a>:'), $loc_blog_url); } else if ($first_source == 3) { $prefix .= sprintf(_r('Latest news from our <a href="%s">English planet</a>:'), $eng_planet_url); } else if ($first_source == 4) { $prefix .= sprintf(_r('Latest news from our <a href="%s">English blog</a>:'), $eng_blog_url); } $prefix .= '</span> '; if (0 < $num_fresh_loc_posts) { show_feed($locale, null, '', '', 0, null, true, $prefix, $fresh_loc_posts); } else if (0 < $num_fresh_eng_posts) { show_feed($locale, null, '', '', 0, null, true, $prefix, $fresh_eng_posts); } } ?> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col"> <div id="b1"> <h2 <?php echo $rtl ? 'align="right"' : ''?>><?php _g('Change your perspective'); ?></h2> <ul id="p"><?php _g('Stable, secure operating system for desktop & server', null, 'li'); _g('Free Software, coproduced by hundreds of people', null, 'li'); _g('Elected governance, nonprofit organization', null, 'li'); _g('You can be part of it', null, 'li'); ?></ul> </div> <div id="b2"> <ul id="dl"> <li><a href="/<?php echo $locale ?>/9/" id="dl-btn"> <span id="dl-btn-mageia"> <svg version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 774 236.92" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"><metadata><rdf:RDF><cc:Work rdf:about=""><dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format><dc:type rdf:resource="http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/StillImage"/><dc:title/></cc:Work></rdf:RDF></metadata><g transform="translate(-125 -521.36)"><g transform="translate(-.20804 7.0001)" fill="#2397d4"><path class="bubble" d="m177.89 597.13h-0.01c-6.6729 0-12.107-5.4267-12.114-12.095-0.01-6.6905 5.4251-12.125 12.104-12.132 6.683 0 12.116 5.4267 12.124 12.095 0 6.6905-5.4251 12.126-12.104 12.133z"/><path class="bubble" d="m210.61 588.24c-6.2309 0-11.302-5.0662-11.307-11.292-0.01-6.242 5.0612-11.316 11.296-11.321 6.2392 0 11.311 5.0651 11.317 11.291 0 6.242-5.0622 11.316-11.296 11.323h-0.01z"/><path class="bubble" d="m201.3 555.96c0 5.5755-4.5198 10.095-10.095 10.095s-10.095-4.5199-10.095-10.095c0-5.5756 4.5198-10.095 10.095-10.095s10.095 4.5198 10.095 10.095z" stroke-width="1.4422"/><path class="bubble" d="m216.65 539c0 5.1294-4.1581 9.2875-9.2875 9.2875s-9.2875-4.1581-9.2875-9.2875 4.1581-9.2875 9.2875-9.2875 9.2875 4.1581 9.2875 9.2875z" stroke-width=".80761"/><path class="bubble" d="m195.65 522.44c0 4.4603-3.6158 8.0761-8.0761 8.0761s-8.0761-3.6158-8.0761-8.0761 3.6158-8.0761 8.0761-8.0761 8.0761 3.6158 8.0761 8.0761z" stroke-width=".76915"/></g><path class="cauldron" d="m143.93 615.04c-10.45 13.545-18.926 28.781-18.926 47.238 0 40.006 30.358 73 68 73 37.64 0 68-32.993 68-73 0-18.461-8.4889-33.212-19.53-47.238-4.1402-4.3446-10.118-3.6986-14.469-0.91856-12.733 6.5886-19.606 9.2209-34.001 9.1565-13.922-0.0624-21.237-2.336-33.97-9.2774-4.3514-2.6592-10.964-3.3052-15.104 1.0394zm9.0742 11.238c13.198 7.2975 24.969 11 40 11 15.044 0 26.795-3.7025 40-11 7.2055 10.16 14 22.758 14 36 0 32.801-24.175 59-54 59-29.826 0-55-26.199-55-59 0-13.225 7.7788-25.832 15-36z" color="#000000" fill="#262f45" style="text-indent:0;text-transform:none"/><path class="text" d="m346 632.28c-24 0-42 18-42 42v40h12v-40c0-18 12-30 30-30s30 12 30 30v40h12v-40c0-18 12-30 30-30s30 12 30 30v40h12v-40c0-24-18-42-42-42-15.665 0-28.784 7.6868-36 19.687-7.2157-12.001-20.335-19.687-36-19.687z" fill="#262f45"/><path class="text" d="m521 632.28c-24 0-42 18-42 42s18 42 42 42c12 0 22.5-4.5 30-12v10h12v-40c0-24-18-42-42-42zm0 12c18 0 30 12 30 30s-12 30-30 30-30-12-30-30 12-30 30-30z" fill="#262f45"/><path class="text" d="m623 632.28c-24 0-42 18-42 42s18 42 42 42c12 0 22.5-4.5 30-12v12c0 18-12 30-30 30v12c24 0 42-18 42-42v-42c0-24-18-42-42-42zm0 12c18 0 30 12 30 30s-12 30-30 30-30-12-30-30 12-30 30-30z" fill="#262f45"/><path class="text" d="m725 632.28c-24 0-42 18-42 42s18 42 42 42v-12c-15.908 0-27.106-9.3968-29.5-24h71.125c0.25558-1.9564 0.375-3.9482 0.375-6 0-24-18-42-42-42zm0 12c15.908 0 27.106 9.397 29.5 24h-59c2.3939-14.603 13.592-24 29.5-24z" fill="#262f45"/><path class="text" d="m785 634.28h12v80h-12z" fill="#262f45"/><path class="text" d="m791 745.28c-4.9706 0-9-4.0294-9-9 0-4.9705 4.0294-8.9999 9-8.9999 4.9705 0 9 4.0294 9 8.9999 0 4.9706-4.0295 9-9 9z" fill="#2397d4"/><path class="text" d="m857 632.28c-24 0-42 18-42 42s18 42 42 42c12 0 22.5-4.5 30-12v10h12v-40c0-24-18-42-42-42zm0 12c18 0 30 12 30 30s-12 30-30 30-30-12-30-30 12-30 30-30z" fill="#262f45"/></g></svg> </span> <span style="font-size: 32px; color: green; float: right;" class="icon-download-alt"></span> <span class="dl-btn free-dl"><?php _g('Mageia %s', array(_r('9'))); /* _r('9')*/?></span> <span class="dl-btn"><?php _g('released in August 2023'); ?></span> </a> <p class="dl-info"> <?php _g('<a href="%s" hreflang="en">Release notes</a>', array( _r('https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_9_Release_Notes')) ); ?>, <?php _g('<a href="%s" hreflang="en">errata</a>', array( _r('https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_9_Errata')) ); ?>, </p> </li> <li><a href="contribute/" class="dl-btn-other"><?php _g('<strong>Get involved</strong> in the next version'); ?></a> </li> <!-- <li><a href="/downloads/prerelease/" class="dl-btn-other"><?php _g('Test'); ?> Mageia 10</a></li> --> </ul> </div> </div><!--col--> </div><!--row--> </div> </div> <?php echo common_footer($locale); ?> </body> </html>