Be Careful! Alpha == Unstable Software!
This is NOT FOR: use, public review, personal or production evaluation.
This is FOR: developers and packagers testing.
Whatever you may do with the provided ISO disc image will be done at your own risk, with your own responsibility. If you are looking for a stable Linux system, you may prefer to wait for later releases of Mageia.
Again, please DO NOT download it and/or install it if you are not certain that you understand what this ISO is and what it is not.
You still want to download Mageia Alpha 2?
Ok. So first, presentations: we have three (3) ISO images: a 32bit DVD, a 64bit DVD (about 4 GB) and a dual arch CD (about 700 MB).
Below you will find the list of servers that currently mirror Mageia software:
- pick the server that suits you best (preferably in your own country);
- pick the ISO image that is best for you (their names should be self-evident, we hope).
About this Alpha 2 release
Most notable changes since Alpha 1:
- About 1800 more packages!
- LibreOffice
- KDE 4.6.1
- Mozilla Firefox 4 RC1
- Lots of cleaning
- UI cleanups
See also:
Beta 1 will be released on April, 5th.
You can check our roadmap for Mageia 1.
You can help!
Yes! This release is still rough, and so will be the next one, but even better!
There is a lot of things one can contribute to in Mageia: developing, packaging, testing, translating, reporting and fixing bugs, and so much more!
Yes! You can donate too!
Mageia only relies on its own community involvement, be it time, skills, money!
Yes, this is a rather rough download page, for now. But it is good in that it could make this alpha download less attractive to non-developers. Did we say that we welcome people to contribute in our Web and Sysadmin teams? There are other very friendly teams in the project as well.