
  • Amount collected: EUR 8 801.66
  • Donators number: 149
  • Average donation: EUR 59.07
  • Amount spent: EUR 1 277.77
  • Amount remaining: EUR 7 523.96

Financial Report

Wording of the financial transactionIncomeOutgoing
Donations by Paypal/transfer/check/cashEUR 8 801.42 
Paypal test to validate bank accountEUR 0.24 
HDD for servers EUR 921.20
Car rent for going to Marseille (datacenter) EUR 135.00
Gasoline for the car EUR 63.00
Cables and other stuff for servers EUR 17.50
Croissants for the ielo team EUR 12.12
TGV for going back to Paris (3 people) EUR 128.88
Total EUR 128.88

Bank accounts situation

  • Paypal (non-for-profit organisation account): EUR 63.51
  • Main account (with checkbook and no credit card): EUR 1 310.24
  • Savings account (between 2% and 4% of interest): EUR 4 000.00
  • AUFML account (part to be transfered to Mageia.Org): EUR 2 150.21



Financial report published by Damien Lallement (Mageia Treasurer on the 2010 Fiscal Year).
You can contact him by sending an email to treasurer[at]mageia[dot]org.
Last updated: Mar 18 12:18:53 CET 2011.