
  • Amount collected: EUR 8 801.66
  • Donators number: 149
  • Average donation: EUR 59.07
  • Amount spent: EUR 1 274.40
  • Amount remaining: EUR 7 527.02

Financial Report

Wording of the financial transactionIncomeOutgoing
Donations by Paypal/transfer/check/cashEUR 8 801.42 
Paypal test to validate bank accountEUR 0.24 

Bank accounts situation

  • Paypal (non-for-profit organisation account): EUR 63.51
  • Main account (with checkbook and no credit card): EUR 1 310.24
  • Savings account (between 2% and 4% of interet): EUR 4 000.00
  • AUFML account (part to be transfered to Mageia.Org): EUR 2 153.28



Financial report published by Damien Lallement (Mageia Treasurer on the 2010 Fiscal Year).
You can contact him by sending an email to treasurer[at]mageia[dot]org.
Last updated: Wed Mar 16 16:43:17 CET 2011.