
define('HLANG', true);
require '../../../langs.php';
$dictionary = read_translation_file($locale, '3');

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="<?php echo $locale; ?>">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title><?php _g('Mageia 3, for your server')?></title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/g/style/all.css">
    .para { text-align: left; float: left; width: 250px; display: block; border-right: 1px solid #eef; border-bottom: 1px solid #eef; }
    hr { margin-top: 2em; }
    <?php include '../../../analytics.php'; ?>
    <?php echo common_header(); ?>
<body class="downloads">
    <?php echo $hsnav; ?>
    <h1 id="mgnavtitle"><a href="../3/">Mageia 3</a> &raquo; <?php _g('for your server')?></h1>
    <?php include '../nav.php'; ?>
    <div class="container row" id="doc">
    <div class="col">
            _g('Mageia 3 has all the main services and server packages you will need to run your server.', null, 'p');
            _g('Aside from the cross-section included here, you will find many others in the repositories: you can use rpmdrake to search for packages, or check the <a href="%s">Mageia App DB</a>.', array('//madb.mageia.org'), 'p');

            _g('Administration', null, 'h3');
            _g('For centralised administration, we include puppet 2.7.21; we use it widely in <a href="%s">our own infrastructure</a>.', array('//svnweb.mageia.org/adm/puppet/'), 'p');

            _g('The entire High Availability stack has been updated, and now includes drbd 8.4.2, Corosync 2.3.0 and Pacemaker 1.1.8.', null, 'p');

            _g('Databases', null, 'h3');
            _g('Databases included are PostgreSQL 8.4.17; MariaDB 5.5.28, which replaces MySQL; BDB.', null, 'p');
            _g('And there are NoSQL servers too: CouchDB 1.2.1, Redis 2.6.5, MongoDB 2.2.2.', null, 'p');

            _g('Servers', null, 'h3');
            _g('Web servers include Apache 2.4.4, Cherokee 1.2.101 and lighttpd 1.4.32.', null, 'p');
            _g('For file and directory sharing and network printing on heterogeneous networks, we have Samba 3.6.15, OpenLDAP 2.4.33 and Cups 1.5.4.', null, 'p');
            _g('Mail servers included with Mageia 3 are Postfix 2.9.6, Cyrus-imapd 2.4.17 and Dovecot 2.1.15.', null, 'p');
    <div class="col">
        _g('For more information about these and other packages, check the <a href="https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_3_Release_Notes">Mageia 3 Release notes</a>.', null, 'p');
        _g('You can take a look at the <a href="%s">Mageia Application Database</a> to get a more complete list of Mageia packages.', array('//madb.mageia.org'), 'p');
    </div><!-- container-->
<?php echo common_footer($locale); ?>