From 0098bda37039aff4a1ffa77f4d19a6ecd6b2b5be Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Filip Komar Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2012 23:59:27 +0000 Subject: master string correction for translation on contribute page --- langs/cs/contribute.cs.lang | 2 +- langs/de/ | 2 +- langs/el/contribute.el.lang | 2 +- langs/en/contribute.en.lang | 2 +- langs/es/ | 2 +- langs/et/ | 2 +- langs/fr/ | 2 +- langs/it/ | 2 +- langs/nb/contribute.nb.lang | 2 +- langs/nl/ | 2 +- langs/pt-br/ | 2 +- langs/pt/ | 2 +- langs/ro/ | 2 +- langs/sl/ | 2 +- langs/uk/ | 2 +- langs/zh-tw/contribute.zh-tw.lang | 2 +- 16 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-) (limited to 'langs') diff --git a/langs/cs/contribute.cs.lang b/langs/cs/contribute.cs.lang index 163fffa8f..a092c6f21 100644 --- a/langs/cs/contribute.cs.lang +++ b/langs/cs/contribute.cs.lang @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Nacházíte zalíbení v praktickém, jasně srozumitelném, přesném a dobře Překládání -;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! +;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! Clarifying, completing, improving translations of software, guides, tutorials, Web sites, marketing material, etc. happens thanks to the effort of so many contributors. Join them! Mageia je přeložena do více než 180 jazyků! Zlepšování a zdokonalování překladů programů, příruček, návodů, internetových stránek, reklamních materiálů atd., se děje díky úsilí mnoha dobrovolných přispěvatelů. Připojte se k nim! diff --git a/langs/de/ b/langs/de/ index 443bb8515..d59f31f5f 100644 --- a/langs/de/ +++ b/langs/de/ @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Sie finden Geschmack an praktischen, klar verständlichen, präzisen und gut ges Übersetzen -;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! +;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! Clarifying, completing, improving translations of software, guides, tutorials, Web sites, marketing material, etc. happens thanks to the effort of so many contributors. Join them! Mageia ist in mehr als 180 Sprachen übersetzt. Verbesserungen und Vervollständigungen der Übersetzungen der Software, Handbücher, Erklärungen, Webseiten, des Werbematerials usw. geschehen dank der Anstrengungen vieler freiwilliger Mitarbeiter. Werden Sie Teil dieser Gruppe! diff --git a/langs/el/contribute.el.lang b/langs/el/contribute.el.lang index 2bbaefa47..fe454328e 100644 --- a/langs/el/contribute.el.lang +++ b/langs/el/contribute.el.lang @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ mageia, συνεισφορά, howto, λειτουργικό σύστημα Μετάφραση -;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! +;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! Clarifying, completing, improving translations of software, guides, tutorials, Web sites, marketing material, etc. happens thanks to the effort of so many contributors. Join them! H Mageia είναι μεταφρασμένη σε περισσότερες από 180 γλώσσες! Η αποσαφήνιση, η συμπλήρωση, η βελτίωση των μεταφράσεων του λογισμικού, των οδηγιών χρήσης, των εκπαιδευτικών παρουσιάσεων, των ιστοσελίδων, των υλικών μάρκετινγκ, κλπ. είναι δυνατή χάρη στις προσπάθειες τόσων πολλών εθελοντών που συνεισφέρουν. Συμμετέχετε κι εσείς μαζί τους! diff --git a/langs/en/contribute.en.lang b/langs/en/contribute.en.lang index 4e092ed8d..fa9b11e70 100644 --- a/langs/en/contribute.en.lang +++ b/langs/en/contribute.en.lang @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ You have a taste for practical, clear, concise, proofread, nice writing? You lik Translating -;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! +;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! Clarifying, completing, improving translations of software, guides, tutorials, Web sites, marketing material, etc. happens thanks to the effort of so many contributors. Join them! Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! Clarifying, completing, improving translations of software, guides, tutorials, Web sites, marketing material, etc. happens thanks to the effort of so many contributors. Join them! diff --git a/langs/es/ b/langs/es/ index 0c79c44e3..37fb930a4 100644 --- a/langs/es/ +++ b/langs/es/ @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Escribiendo, documentando, y redactando Traducción -;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! +;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! Clarifying, completing, improving translations of software, guides, tutorials, Web sites, marketing material, etc. happens thanks to the effort of so many contributors. Join them! ¡Mageia está disponible en más de 180 idiomas! Aclarando, complementando, mejorando traducciones de software, guías, tutoriales, sitios web, material de mercadotecnia, etc. agradeciendo el esfuerzo de muchos contribuidores. ¡Únete a ellos! diff --git a/langs/et/ b/langs/et/ index cc7a9c6ed..45ce0e513 100644 --- a/langs/et/ +++ b/langs/et/ @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Tunnete huvi praktilise, klaari ja puhta ning kenasti sõnastatud kirjutamise va Tõlkimine -;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! +;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! Clarifying, completing, improving translations of software, guides, tutorials, Web sites, marketing material, etc. happens thanks to the effort of so many contributors. Join them! Mageia on tõlgitud enam kui 180 keelde! Tarkvara, juhendite, õppematerjalide, veebilehekülgede, turundusmaterjalide jms täpsustamine, täiendamine ja parandamine saab teoks ainult paljude kaastööliste abiga. Ühinege nendega! diff --git a/langs/fr/ b/langs/fr/ index c0e53eba0..e7fad7ca9 100644 --- a/langs/fr/ +++ b/langs/fr/ @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Vous avez le goût de l'écriture agréable, correcte, claire et concise ? Vous Traduction -;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! +;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! Clarifying, completing, improving translations of software, guides, tutorials, Web sites, marketing material, etc. happens thanks to the effort of so many contributors. Join them! Mageia est traduite en plus de 180 langues ! La clarification, l'apport de compléments et l'amélioration des traductions de logiciels, de guides, de tutoriels, de sites Web, documents de promotion, etc. sont possibles grâce à l'effort de nombreux contributeurs. Rejoignez les ! diff --git a/langs/it/ b/langs/it/ index 2cd9fbd51..c98249ef0 100644 --- a/langs/it/ +++ b/langs/it/ @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Hai gusto per la scrittura pratica, pulita, concisa, per la correzione delle boz Tradurre -;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! +;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! Clarifying, completing, improving translations of software, guides, tutorials, Web sites, marketing material, etc. happens thanks to the effort of so many contributors. Join them! Mageia è tradotta in più di 180 lingue! Chiarimenti, aggiustamenti, migliorie traduzioni del software, guide, tutorial, siti web, materiale commerciale, ecc. sono resi possibili grazie allo sforzo di tanti collaboratori. Unisciti a loro! diff --git a/langs/nb/contribute.nb.lang b/langs/nb/contribute.nb.lang index 850cf8678..0fd231bb8 100644 --- a/langs/nb/contribute.nb.lang +++ b/langs/nb/contribute.nb.lang @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Har du evnen til å skrive praktisk, klart, konsist og å finlese? Liker du å f Oversetting -;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! +;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! Clarifying, completing, improving translations of software, guides, tutorials, Web sites, marketing material, etc. happens thanks to the effort of so many contributors. Join them! Mageia er oversatt til mer enn 180 språk! Takket være de mange oversetterne som klargjør, fullfører og forbedrer oversettelsene av programvare, programvareveiledninger, nettsteder og markedsføringsmateriell, finnes Mageia i en rekke språkdrakter. Bli medlem i dag. diff --git a/langs/nl/ b/langs/nl/ index f8e78793d..7d1bee94d 100644 --- a/langs/nl/ +++ b/langs/nl/ @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Bent u in staat om praktische, duidelijke, beknopte en makkelijk te lezen tekste Vertalen -;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! +;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! Clarifying, completing, improving translations of software, guides, tutorials, Web sites, marketing material, etc. happens thanks to the effort of so many contributors. Join them! Mageia is (ten dele) beschikbaar in meer dan 180 talen! Het verduidelijken, completeren, en verbeteren van vertalingen voor software, gidsen, handleidingen, web-sites, promotiematerialen, enz. gebeurt door de inspanningen van vele vrijwilligers. Doe met hen mee! diff --git a/langs/pt-br/ b/langs/pt-br/ index a4f97a3cf..b51cd2a8e 100644 --- a/langs/pt-br/ +++ b/langs/pt-br/ @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Tem um gosto por uma boa escrita, prática, clara, concisa e revisionada? gosta Traduzir -;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! +;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! Clarifying, completing, improving translations of software, guides, tutorials, Web sites, marketing material, etc. happens thanks to the effort of so many contributors. Join them! A Mageia está traduzida mais de 180 línguas! A clarificação, completação, melhoramento as traduções de programas, guias, tutoriais, sítios Web, material de mercadologia (marketing), etc. acontece graças aos esforços de muitos contribuidores. Junte-se à equipa de tradução! diff --git a/langs/pt/ b/langs/pt/ index d0f5942f0..b7c33d7fd 100644 --- a/langs/pt/ +++ b/langs/pt/ @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Tem um gosto por uma boa escrita, prática, clara, concisa e revisionada? Gosta Traduzir -;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! +;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! Clarifying, completing, improving translations of software, guides, tutorials, Web sites, marketing material, etc. happens thanks to the effort of so many contributors. Join them! A Mageia está traduzida em mais de 180 línguas! A clarificação, completação, melhoramento das traduções de programas, guias, tutoriais, sítios Web, material de mercado (marketing), etc. Acontece tudo graças aos esforços de muitos contribuidores. Junte-se à Equipa de Tradução! diff --git a/langs/ro/ b/langs/ro/ index 87a946202..4fa0d8420 100644 --- a/langs/ro/ +++ b/langs/ro/ @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Aveți o înclinație pentru o redactare practică, clară, concisă, corectă Traducere -;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! +;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! Clarifying, completing, improving translations of software, guides, tutorials, Web sites, marketing material, etc. happens thanks to the effort of so many contributors. Join them! Mageia este localizată în mai bine de 180 de limbi! Clarificarea, completarea, ameliorarea traducerilor aplicațiilor, ghidurilor, tutorialelor, siturilor Internet, materialului promoțional, etc. se întîmplă mulțumită efortului atîtor contribuitori. Alăturați-vă lor! diff --git a/langs/sl/ b/langs/sl/ index 2ae4ad522..d5b5a5815 100644 --- a/langs/sl/ +++ b/langs/sl/ @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Imate smisel za praktično, jasno, jedrnato, slovnično in berljivo pisanje? Ima Prevajanje -;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! +;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! Clarifying, completing, improving translations of software, guides, tutorials, Web sites, marketing material, etc. happens thanks to the effort of so many contributors. Join them! Mageia je lokalizirana v več kot 180 jezikov! Pojasnjevanje, dopolnitve, izboljšanje prevodov programske opreme, navodil, vodičev, spletnih strani, oglasnega materiala, in tako naprej, se vse dogaja zahvaljujoč prizadevanjem veliko sodelavcev. Pridružite se jim! diff --git a/langs/uk/ b/langs/uk/ index b6d9b3799..156ee3eaf 100644 --- a/langs/uk/ +++ b/langs/uk/ @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ mageia, участь, настанови, операційна система Переклад -;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! +;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! Clarifying, completing, improving translations of software, guides, tutorials, Web sites, marketing material, etc. happens thanks to the effort of so many contributors. Join them! Існують переклади частин Mageia понад 180 мовами! Покращення, доповнення та удосконалення перекладів програмного забезпечення, довідників, настанов, вебсайтів, маркетинговго матеріалу тощо відбувається завдяки зусиллям багатьох людей. Долучайтеся до команд перекладачів! diff --git a/langs/zh-tw/contribute.zh-tw.lang b/langs/zh-tw/contribute.zh-tw.lang index de3169b7e..ffdf77886 100644 --- a/langs/zh-tw/contribute.zh-tw.lang +++ b/langs/zh-tw/contribute.zh-tw.lang @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ mageia, contribute, howto, operating system 翻譯 -;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! +;Mageia is localized in more than 180 languages! Clarifying, completing, improving translations of software, guides, tutorials, Web sites, marketing material, etc. happens thanks to the effort of so many contributors. Join them! Mageia 已經被翻譯超過 180 種語言了! 整理、完成、改進軟體、指引、教學、網站、行銷文案的翻譯都已經有成果。感謝許多人的付出。 現在就加入他們的行列吧! -- cgit v1.2.1